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Although the role of colour in mate choice is well known, few tests of colour vision have been based on mating behaviour. Females of the fiddler crab Uca mjoebergi have recently been shown to use claw coloration to recognize conspecific males. In this study I demonstrate that the females use colour vision for this task; preferentially approaching yellow claws over grey claws regardless of their intensity while failing to discriminate between yellow claws differing in intensity. This is one of only a handful of studies confirming the involvement of colour vision in mate choice and the first conclusive evidence in fiddler crabs.  相似文献   

Colour changes in animals may be triggered by a variety of social and environmental factors and may occur over a matter of seconds or months. Crustaceans, like fiddler crabs (genus Uca), are particularly adept at changing their colour and have been the focus of numerous studies. However, few of these studies have attempted to quantitatively describe the individual variation in colour and pattern or their adaptive significance. This paper quantitatively describes the colour patterns of the fiddler crab Uca capricornis and their ability to change on a socially significant timescale. The most dramatic changes in colour pattern are associated with moulting. These ontogenetic changes result in a general reduction of the colour pattern with increasing size, although females are more colourful and variable than similarly-sized males. Uca capricornis are also capable of rapid colour changes in response to stress, but show no endogenous rhythms associated with the semilunar and tidal cycles commonly reported in other fiddler crabs. The extreme colour polymorphism and the relative stability of the colour patterns in Uca capricornis are consistent with their use in visually mediated mate recognition.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs show two different mating modes: either females search and crabs mate underground in male burrows, or males search and crabs mate on the surface near female burrows. We explored the relationship between crab density, body size, the searching behavior of both sexes, and the occurrence of both mating modes in the fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis. We found that crabs change their mating mode depending on their size and crab density. Crabs mated mostly on the surface at low densities, and underground at high densities. The proportion of wandering receptive females but not courting males accounted for the variation in mating modes. This suggests that whether crabs mate underground (or on the surface) is determined by the presence (or absence) of searching females. We found that the change in the mating mode affected the level of assortative mating; males mating underground were bigger than those mating on the surface, suggesting active female choice. Given that fiddler crabs experience multiple reproductive cycles, they are prone to showing behavioral plasticity in their mating strategy whenever the payoffs of using different mating modes differ between reproductive events. Our results suggest that the incorporation of different levels of environmental variability may be important in theoretical models aimed at improving our understanding of the evolution of alternative mating tactics and strategies.  相似文献   

In mid-Atlantic salt marshes, reproductively active male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, use a single greatly enlarged major claw as both a weapon to defend specialized breeding burrows from other males and an ornament to attract females for mating. During the summer breeding season, females strongly prefer to mate with males controlling burrows in open areas high on the shore. Food availability decreases while temperature and desiccation stress increase with increasing shore height, suggesting that the timing and location of fiddler crab mating activity may result in a potential trade-off between reproductive success and physiological condition for male crabs. We compared thermal preferences in laboratory choice experiments to body temperatures of models and living crabs in the field and found that from the perspective of a fiddler crab, the thermal environment of the mating area is quite harsh relative to other marsh microhabitats. High temperatures significantly constrained fiddler crab activity on the marsh surface, a disadvantage heightened by strongly reduced food availability in the breeding area. Nevertheless, when the chance of successfully acquiring a mate was high, males accepted a higher body temperature (and concomitantly higher metabolic and water loss rates) than when the chances of mating were low. Likewise, experimentally lowering costs by adding food and reducing thermal stress in situ increased fiddler crab waving display levels significantly. Our data suggest that fiddler crabs can mitigate potential life history trade-offs by tuning their behavior in response to the magnitude of both energetic and non-energetic costs and benefits.  相似文献   

Mating signals are often directed at numerous senses and provide information about species identity, gender, receptiveness, individual identity and mate quality. Given the diversity of colourful body patterns in invertebrates, surprisingly few studies have examined the role of these visual signals in mate recognition. Here, we demonstrate the use of claw coloration as a species recognition signal in a fiddler crab (Uca mjoebergi). Furthermore, we show that distinct carapace colour patterns in Uca capricornis enable males to discriminate between their female neighbours and unfamiliar females. This is the first empirical evidence of the social importance of colour markings in fiddler crabs and the first example of visually mediated species and neighbour recognition in invertebrates other than insects.  相似文献   

One of the possible costs of the male fiddler crabs enlarged claw can be conspicuousness to predators. This hypothesis was tested using human observers as a model of visual predators. In the European fiddler crab, Uca tangeri Eydoux, the males' major claw is white contrasting with the orange-brownish colour of the carapace and of the feeding claw, and the mudflat background. The following morphotypes were created from close-up photographs taken in nature using an image processing software: male, male without claw, female, female with enlarged claw, male with enlarged claw of the same colour of the feeding claw, male with 75% sized claw, male with 50% sized claw. These morphotypes were then presented in a randomised order to students, using a psychology test software, which allows the measurement of response time in msec. The subjects were allowed to look at the images for an unlimited amount of time, until they detected the individual or until they decided to pass on to another image. Backgrounds (i.e. mudflat picture) without individuals were also presented as a control. Male crabs were detected significantly sooner than females. When we compared males with the claw removed with females with an enlarged claw added, the pattern is reversed and the latter are detected significantly faster. Thus, the enlarged claw seems to be the key feature that makes the individuals more conspicuous. Size and colour seem to be the main aspects of the claw's conspicuousness. The data of these experiments support the initial prediction of males being more conspicuous than females because of their enlarged claw. The possible costs and benefits of this trait, related to predation, are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study documents for the first time shell use by juvenile fiddler crabs in the salt marsh. Twenty visits were made to six salt marsh sites at Tybee Island, Georgia between 2007 and 2009. One hundred empty Littorina irrorata shells were collected at each site on each field trip. Juvenile carapace width was measured, crabs sexed, and species identification completed using RFLP analysis. Shell use of up to 79% was observed. Two species of fiddler crabs were found in empty shells, Uca pugnax and U. pugilator. U. pugnax was the dominant species at all sites representing 62-84% of the juvenile fiddler crab population. Juvenile sex ratios were female-biased (1.7:1) at all six sites. Juvenile size did not vary significantly between species but males of both species were significantly larger than females. Size frequency distribution of carapace width revealed that shell use varied with size and sex. In the 3 to 4 mm size class, juvenile females outnumbered juvenile males in empty L. irrorata shells while in the 5 to 6 mm size class and greater, juvenile males outnumbered juvenile females in shells. Significantly more juvenile fiddler crabs were found in empty shells during flood than ebb tide at 3 of the sites. This discovery illuminates the resourcefulness of juvenile fiddler crabs and provides another mechanism that might enhance survival.  相似文献   

Although conspicuous courtship displays are an effective way of attracting the attention of receptive females, they could provide valuable information to rival males on the location of these females. In fiddler crabs, males that see a receptive female wave their single, greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous courtship display. We test whether other males use this courtship display to alert them to the presence of receptive females that they cannot directly see. We show that male fiddler crabs (Uca mjoebergi) eavesdrop on the courtship displays of nearby males to detect mate-searching females. This allows males to begin waving before a female becomes visible. Furthermore, males appear to adjust their waving according to the information available: eavesdropping males wave 12 times faster than non-courting males but only 1.7 times slower than males in full visual contact with the female.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs (Uca spp., Decapoda: Ocypodidae) are commonly found forming large aggregations in intertidal zones, where they perform rhythmic waving displays with their greatly enlarged claws. While performing these displays, fiddler crabs often synchronize their behavior with neighboring males, forming the only known synchronized visual courtship displays involving reflected light and moving body parts. Despite being one of the most conspicuous aspects of fiddler crab behavior, little is known about the mechanisms underlying synchronization of male displays. In this study we develop a spatially explicit model of fiddler crab waving displays using coupled logistic map equations. We explored two alternative models in which males either direct their attention at random angles or preferentially toward neighbors. Our results indicate that synchronization is possible over a fairly large region of parameter space. Moreover, our model was capable of generating local synchronization neighborhoods, as commonly observed in fiddler crabs under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Courtship displays are often energetically and temporally costly as well as highly conspicuous to predators. Selection should therefore favour signalling tactics that minimize courtship costs while maintaining or increasing signal attractiveness. In fiddler crabs, males court females by waving their one greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous and costly display. Here, we investigate whether courting males adjust their wave rate, and therefore the cost of courtship, to the current level of competition. We show that display rate increases as competition increases and that when competition is removed, males reduce their display rate by 30 per cent. These results suggest that male fiddler crabs actively reduce the cost of courtship by adjusting their wave rate in response to the immediate level of competition.  相似文献   

Interaction and habitat partition between the soldier crab Mictyris brevidactylus (prey) and the fiddler crab Uca perplexa (predator) were examined at a sandy tidal flat on Okinawa Island, Japan, where they co-occur. Both live in dense colonies. When the soldier crabs were released in the densely populated habitat of the fiddler crab, male fiddler crabs, which maintain permanent burrows in hard sediment, preyed on small soldier crabs and repelled large ones. Thus, the fiddler crabs prevented the soldier crabs from trespassing. It was also observed whether soldier crabs burrowed successfully when they were released 1) where soldier crab burrows just under the sand were abundant, 2) in a transition area between the two species, 3) an area without either species, and 4) where artificial tunnels simulated soldier crabs' feeding tunnels were made by piling up sand in the area lacking either species. In contrast to the non-habitat area, many soldier crabs burrowed in the sediment near the release point in the tunnel, transition and artificial tunnel areas. This indicates that the feeding tunnels on the surface attracted other crabs after emergence. When the large male fiddler crabs were transplanted into the artificial burrows made in soft sediment of the soldier crab habitat, all left their artificial burrows by 2 days. In the fiddler crab habitat, however, about one-third of the transplanted male fiddler crabs remained in the artificial burrows after 3 days. The soldier crabs regularly disturb the sediment by the up and down movement of their burrow (small air chamber) between tides. This disturbance probably prevents the fiddler crab from making and occupying permanent burrows. Thus, it appears that these crabs divide the sandy intertidal zone by sediment hardness and exclude each other by different means.  相似文献   

The interplay between a receiver's sensory system and a sender's courtship signals is fundamental to the operation of sexual selection. Male courtship signals that match a female receiver's preexisting perceptual biases can be favored yet the message they communicate is not always clear. Do they simply beacon the male's location or also indicate his quality? We explored this question in a species of fiddler crab Uca terpsichores that courts under elevated predation risk and that mates and breeds underground in the safety of males' burrows. Sexually receptive females leave their own burrows and are thereby exposed to avian predators as they sequentially approach several courting males before they choose one. Males court by waving their single greatly enlarge claw and sometimes by building a sand hood next to their burrow entrance. Hoods are attractive because they elicit a risk‐reducing orientation behavior in females, and it has been suggested that claw waving may also serve primarily to orient the female to the male. If the wave communicates male quality, then females should discriminate mates on the basis of variation in elements of the wave, as has been shown for other fiddler crabs. Alternatively, variation in elements of the claw waving display may have little effect on the display's utility as a beacon of the location of the male and his burrow. We filmed courting males and females under natural conditions as females responded to claw waving and chose mates. Analysis of the fine‐scale courtship elements between the males that females rejected and those they chose revealed no differences. When predation risk during courtship is high, males' courtship displays may serve primarily to guide females to safe mating and breeding sites and not as indicators of male quality apart from their roles as beacons.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the question of whether the presence of the burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus affects the habitat use of the fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis. Field samples showed that the species have a disjoint spatial distribution. Male fiddler crab density decreased in zones with C. granulatus, however, female density increased. Male fiddler crabs avoided feeding on sediment affected by C. granulatus and were more preyed. Predation was higher during the fiddler crab reproductive season and, probably due to predation risk, males showed lower reproductive display in shared zones. Field experiments shows that when C. granulatus were excluded, densities of U. uruguayensis increased mainly due to an increase in density of males. Habitat differentiation of these species may be because C. granulatus affects U. uruguayensis in several ways, including direct predation, disturbance and behavioural changes associated to predation risk. Males and females are affected differentially probably because of the extreme sexual dimorphism of this crab species. Coloration on enlarged claw and waving activities are all factors that increase predation risk for male and the presence of only one feeding claw may increase sediment-mediated effects.  相似文献   

Animal synchrony is found in phylogenetically distant animal groups, indicating behavioral adaptations to different selective pressures and in different signaling modalities. A notable example of synchronous display is found in fiddler crabs in that males wave their single enlarged claw during courtship. They present species-specific signals, which are composed of distinctive movement signatures. Given that synchronous waving has been reported for several fiddler crab species, the display pattern could influence the ability of a given species to sufficiently adjust wave timing to allow for synchrony. In this study, we quantified the wave displays of fiddler crabs to predict their synchronous behavior. We combined this information with the group's phylogenetic relationships to trace the evolution of display synchrony in an animal taxon. We found no phylogenetic signal in interspecific variation in predicted wave synchrony, which mirrors the general nonphylogenetic pattern of synchrony across animal taxa. Interestingly, our analyses show that the phenomenon of synchronization stems from the peculiarities of display pattern, mating systems, and the complexity of microhabitats. This is the first study to combine mathematical simulations and phylogenetic comparative methods to reveal how ecological factors and the mechanics of animal signals affect the evolution of the synchronous phenomena.  相似文献   

Uca pugilator, the sand fiddler crab, constructs two kinds of burrows in protected, sandy upper-intertidal and supratidal substrates on the west coast of Florida. Temporary burrows are built and used as a refuge by non-breeding crabs during high tide periods and at night when crabs cease feeding in the intertidal zone. Breeding burrows are constructed and defended by courting males and are the site of mating, oviposition and the incubation of eggs by females. Up to three ovigerous females may be accommodated in a single breeding burrow, each female sequestered in a separate terminal chamber. The construction and defence of burrows specialized for breeding may be an adaptive response by males to the preferences females exhibit when selecting a breeding site.  相似文献   

Animal communication occurring in wide networks can involve signals sent to several receivers. The animals composing the audience may affect how individuals display during an interaction and may change the message that is sent. In this study, we investigated whether the presence of a conspecific affected the intensity of agonistic interaction between male fiddler crabs, Uca maracoani. Pairs of males of the same size were observed when in the presence of a male, a female or no crab as audience. We found that if there is a female audience, males became more aggressive and interacted the most. Also, the female audience leads to an increase in incidence of male foaming, possibly indicating predisposition for mating. If the audience was a male or if there was no audience, there was no significant difference in interaction. These results indicate that the presence of an audience affects the way male fiddler crabs interact and the type of displays they show. Therefore, the context seems to guide the fiddler crab behavior in terms of how they perform in order to send information about themselves to conspecifics.  相似文献   

The enlarged (major) claw of male fiddler crabs is used in contestsover breeding burrows and is waved to attract females. We recentlydiscovered that males of the red-jointed fiddler crab, Uca minax,also use the claw to kill smaller-sized fiddler crabs, U. pugnaxand U. pugilator, with which they co-occur in Atlantic coastsalt marshes. Large U. minax males use walking legs or the enlargedclaw to capture prey feeding on moist sand flats. On sand flats,small U. minax males and females are much less common than largemales, suggesting that large males move onto sand flats to seekprey. Males of prey species use the major claw against attackingpredators and, consequently, are more likely than females toescape. In laboratory experiments, large U. minax males weremore likely to attack and kill small-clawed males and femalesthan large-clawed males, consistent with a preference for morevulnerable, less threatening prey. The size of the major clawis a positive allometric function of body size. The allometricfunction varies little among species. Also, the mechanical advantageand indices of closing speed and closing force of the majorclaw, when corrected for body size, are not consistently greaterin U. minax relative to prey species. Thus, predation by U.minax males may reflect the opportunity afforded by larger bodysize and positive allometric growth, which result in a majorclaw that is more massive than the prey it is directed against.  相似文献   

Male and female animals are not always complicit during reproduction, giving rise to coercion. One example of a system that is assumed to involve sexual coercion is the mate herding behaviour of fiddler crabs: males push females towards the home burrow with the goal of forcing copulation at the burrow entrance. We recorded and analysed in detail the courtship behaviour of a North Australian species of fiddler crab Uca elegans. Courtship was composed of four main phases: broadcast waving, outward run, herding and at burrow display. During interactions males produced claw-waving displays which were directed posteriorly towards the female and which varied in timing and structure depending on the courtship phase. We suggest that courtship herding in U. elegans is driven primarily by mate choice for the following reasons, (1) females can evade herding, (2) no other reproductive strategies were observed, (3) males broadcast their presence and accompany courtship with conspicuous claw waves, and (4) the behaviour ends with the female leading the male into the home burrow. As an alternative function for herding in U. elegans we suggest that the behaviour represents a form of courtship guiding, in which males direct complicit females to the correct home burrow.  相似文献   

In the fiddler crabs Uca saltitanta and Uca perplexa, males attract mates by waving their enlarged claws. We show that in both species waving is closely synchronised between neighbouring males in clusters, both in the presence of mate-searching females and in their absence. Wandering females visit those males in the cluster that produce more waves at faster wave rates. In U. perplexa, they also selectively visit those males that produce the greatest number of leading waves. Synchronous waving may be the result of a precedence effect causing male competition to produce leading signals.  相似文献   

Bering Sea snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio) are a commerciallyimportant crab harvested in the Bering Sea. Optimal managementof this species requires an understanding of the biology ofthis crab that is currently incomplete. Fisheries managers applya continuous growth model in their management of snow crab,which assumes that male crabs increase in size throughout theirlifespan. Male snow crabs undergo a morphometric molt that leadsto a disproportionate increase in chelae size and it is stilldebated whether this molt is associated with a terminal molt.This study was conducted to determine whether adult male C.opilio are anecdysic. Using current knowledge of the hormonalregulation of crustacean growth, snow crab physiology was manipulatedto induce an increase in molting hormones (ecdysteroids). Sincefemale snow crabs are known to undergo a terminal molt afterattaining reproductive maturity, we compared ecdysteroid levelsin eyestalk-ablated terminally molted females, small-clawedmales and large-clawed males. Snow crabs were collected fromthe Bering Sea and maintained in circulating seawater at approximately6°C. Animals were either eyestalk-ablated or left intact.Ecdysteroid levels in hemolymph were quantified using an enzyme-linkedimmunosorbant assay (ELISA). Circulating ecdysteroids were significantlyhigher in small-clawed male crabs when compared to large-clawedmales or terminally molted females. Eyestalk-ablation increasedcirculating ecdysteroids in small-clawed males, but had no significanteffect on circulating ecdysteroids in large-clawed males orin terminally molted females.  相似文献   

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