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《The New phytologist》1970,69(3):887-901
Books reviewed in this article:
Speciation in Tropical Environments . Ed. by R. H. L owe -M c C onnell .
Determination of Angiosperm Families by means of a Punched-Card System . By B. H ansen and K. R ahn.
Numerical Taxonomy . Ed. by A. J. C ole.
Flowers of Europe—a Field Guide . By O. P olunin.
Spring Flora of Minnesota, including Common Cultivated Plants . By T homas M orley.
The Early Development of Irish Society: the Evidence of Aerial Photography . By E. R. N orman and J. K. S. S t J oseph.
Plant Pathology . By G. N. A grios.
Mycological Studies honoring John N. Couch . Ed. by W. J. K ock.
Common Edible Mushrooms . By C lyde M. C hristensen .
Fungal Parasitism . By B rian J. D everall.
The Algae—A Review . By G. W. P rescott .
An Introduction to the Principles of Plant Physiology , By W. S tiles and E. C. C ocking .
Perspectives in Phytochemistry . Ed. by J. B. H arborne and T. S wain .
Introduction to Plant Physiology . By J acob L evitt .
Root Growth . Ed. by W. J. W hittington .
Statistics and Experimental Design . By G eoffrey M. C larke .
Ecological Aspects of the Mineral Nutrition of Plants . Ed. by I. H. R orison et al.
Evolution and Phylogeny of Flowering Plants . By J. H utchinson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(1):285-295
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Tropische Nutzpflanzen. By H einz B rücher .
The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells. Ed. by H. S mith .
Plant Metabolism. By H. D. K umar and H. N. S ing h.
The Ribonucleic Acids. Ed. by P. R. S tewart and D. S. L etham .
Transport Phenomena in Plants. By D. A. B aker .
Transport of Ions and Water in Animals. Ed. by B. L. G upta , R. B. M oreton , J. L. O scham and B. J. W all .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Advances in Botanical Research. Vol. 4. Ed. by R. D. P reston and H. W. W oolhouse .
Progress in Botany: Morphology: Physiology: Genetics: Taxonomy: Geobotany. Ed. by H einz E llenerg , K arl E sser , H ermann M erxmuller , E berhard S chnepf and H ubert Z eigler .
Progress in Botany – Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Plant Root Systems. By R. S cott R ussell .
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Edited by K enneth S. N orris .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1985,101(2):345-345
Atlas of Mapped Distributions of Dominance and Modern Pollen Percentages for Important Tree Taxa of Eastern North America . By P. A. D elcourt , H. R. D elcourt and T. W ebb III.
New Manual of Bryology. Volume 1. Edited by R. M. S chuster .
The Ecology and Physiology of the Fungal Mycelium. Edited by D. H. J ennings and A. D. M. R ayner .
Isotopes and Radiation in Agricultural Sciences. Edited by M. E. L'A nnunziata and J. O. L egg .
The Physiology of Flowering Plants : their growth and development . Third edition. By H. E. S treet and H. Ö pik .
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments. By J. J. L owe and M. J. C. W alker .
European Mires. Edited by P. M oore .
Compartments in Algal Cells and Their Interaction. (Proceedings in Life Sciences Series.) Edited by W. W iessner , D. G. R obinson and R. C. S tarr .
Chloroplast Metabolism. By B arry H alliwell .
Flooding and Plant Growth. Ed. by T. T. K ozlowski .
Mode of Action of Antifungal Agents. Ed. by A. P. J. T rinci and J. F. R yley .
Disease Resistance in Plants. By J. E. V anderplank .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(3):809-819
Book reviewed in this article:
Nitrogen Fixation by Free-living Micro-organisms. Ed. by W. D. P. S tewart .
International Biological Programme. Volume 7: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Plants. Ed. by P. S. N utman .
Gibberellins and Plant Growth. Ed. by H. M. K rishnamoorthy .
Cytodifferentiation in Plants. By L. W. R oberts .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series. Ed. by A. P irson and M. H. Z immerman .
Traité de Paléobotanique : Volume 4, fascicle 2: Pteridophylla (ist part). By E. B oureau and J. D oubinger .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Volume 5. Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by V. A. M atthews , F. K. K upicha & B. S. P arris .
Physiological Plant Ecology. By W. L archer . Translated from the German by M. A. B iederman -T horson .
The Biology of Eucalypts , By L. D. P ryor .
The Morphology of Pteridophytes. By K. R. S porne .
European Floristic and Taxonomic Studies, B.S.B.I. Conference Report No. 15. Ed. by S. M. W alters (with the assistance of C. J. K ing ).  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(2):415-422
Book Reviewed in this article:
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 22 Ed. by L. M achlis .
Microbes and Biological Productivity. (Society for General Microbiology Symposium 21). Ed. by D. E. H ughes and A. H. R ose .
Crop Production: Cereals and Legumes. By B. F. B land .
Potential Crop Production. Ed. by P. F. W areing and J. P. C ooper .
Pollen: Development and Physiology. Ed. by J. H eslop -H arrison .
Chromosomal Evolution in Higher Plants. By G. L. S tebbins .
Integrated Experimental Ecology: Methods and Results of Ecosystem Research in the German Soiling Project. Ed. by H. E llenberg .
Evolutionary Ecology. By H erbert P. R iley .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(2):567-577
Book reviewed in this article:
A Course in Biology . By J. J. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Papers on Plant Systematics . By R. O rnduff .
Die Entstehung der Arten und hoheren Kategorien . By H. L amprecht .
Flora of Iraq , Vol. 9. Gramineae . By N. L. B or . (Ed. by C. C. T ownsend and E van G uest , with the collaboration of A li A l -R awi ).
Wild Elowers of North Carolina . By W illiam S. J ustice and C. R itchie B ell .
The Lichen Genera Cetrelia and Platismatia ( Parmeliaceae ). By W. L. C ulberson and C. F. C ulberson .
Essays on Form in Plants . By C. W. W ardlaw .
Crop Responses to Water at Different Stages of Growth . By P. J. S alter and J. E. G oode .
Protons, Electrons, Phosphorylation and Active Transport . By R. N. R obertson .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, XVIII, Sexuality: Reproduction; Alternation of Generations . General editor, W. R uhland ; sub-editor for this volume, H. F. L inskens .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 19. 1968. By L. M achlis (Ed.).
Biophysical Technique as Applied to Cell Biology . By J. C hayen and E. E. D enby .
The Measurement of Environmental Factors in Terrestrial Ecology . British Ecological Society Symposium No. 8. Ed. by R. M. W adsworth et al .
Guide to the Check Sheet for IBP Areas . IBP Handbook No. 4. By G. E. P eterken .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,112(1):169-173
Advances in Botanical Research . Vol. 14. Ed. by J. A. C allow .
Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism . Ed. by W. R. U llrich , P. J. A paricio , P. J. S yrett and F. C astillo .
A Centry od Nitrogen Fixation Research . Ed. by F. J. B ergersen and J. R. P ostgate .
Horizons in Lichenology . Ed. by D. H. D alby , D. L. H awksworth and S. L. J ury .
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry , By J. B. H arborne .
Russell's Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Ed. by A lan W ild .
Disease and Plant Population Biology . By J. J. B urdon.
Molecular Determinants of Plant Diseases . Ed. by S. N ishimura , C. P. V ance and N. D oke.
British Fungus Flora, Agrics and Boleti 5. Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae P.P.: Hypholoma, Melanotus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, By R W atling and M. N. G regory .
Mechanisms of Woody Plant Defenses Against Insects . Ed. by W. J. M attson , J. L evieux and C. B ernard -D agan .
Air Pollution and Acid Rain. The Biological Impact . By A. W ellburn .
The Australian Paniceae (Paniceae) . By R. D. W erster .
Kew Index for 1986 . Compiled by R.A. D avies and K.M. L loyd .
Kew Index for 1987 . Compiled by R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVIII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd . Edited by R. A. D avies .
The Botany of Mangroves . By P. B. T omlinson .
Floweroing Plants in West Africa . By M argaret S teentoft .
Plants in Danger . By S. D. D avies  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(3):649-649
Plant Membranes: a Biophysical Approach to Structure, Development and Senescence. By Y. Y. L eshem , with additional contributions by R. L. S hewfelt , C. M. W illmer and O. P antoja .
Methods in Plant Biochemistry (Series Eds. P. M. D ey and J. B. H arborne ); Vol. 7: Terpenoids. Ed. by B. V. C harlwood and D. V. B anthorpe .
CHCD Dictionary of Natural Products on CD-ROM.
Plant Molecular Systematics. By D. J. C rawford .
Physiology – Breeding of Winter Cereals for Stressed Mediterranean Environments. (Physiologie – Sélection des céréales d'hiver en conditions méditerranéennes). Ed. by E. A cevedo , A. P. C onesa , P. M onneveux and J. P. S rivastava .
Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection. Ed. A. M. R. G atehouse , V. A. H ilder and D. B oulter .
In vitro Culture of Trees. By J. M. B onga and P. von A derkas .
Flechten als Bioindikatoren. Integriertes biologisches Meβsystem der Luftverschmutzung für das Schweizer Mittelland . By R olf H erzig and M artin U rech .
Evolution and Function of Heterostyly. Ed. by S. C. H. B arrett .
Wild Plants of Glasgow. By J. H. D ickson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(2):431-431
Inducible Plant Proteins. Their Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series, Vol. 49. Ed. by J. L. W ray .
The Action Plant. Movement and Nervous Behaviour in Plants . By P aul S imons .
Plants and Microclimate. A Quantitative Approach to Environmental Plant Physiology , 2nd edn. By H. G. J ones .
Acidic Deposition. Its Nature and Impacts . By F. T. L ast and R. W atling .
Biology of the Grapevine . By M ichael G. M ullins , A lain B ouquet and L arry E. W illiams .
Sweet Potato – An Untapped Food Resource . By J. A. W oolfe .
Algae and Symbioses: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Viruses, Interactions Explored . Ed. by W. R eisser .
Vegetation of New Zealand . By P. W ardle .
Microspores: Evolution and Ontogeny . Ed. by S. B lackmore and R. B. K nox .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(3):849-859
Book Reviewed in this article:
Organelle Heredity. B y N icolas W. G illham .
Microbodies/Peroxisomen pflanzicher Zellen. By B. G erhardt .
Plant Metabolism. By G erhard R ichter .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Progress in Botany. Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. Merxmüller, E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Organisation in Plants. By W. M. M. B aron .
Plant Breeding for Pest and Disease Resistance. By G. E. R ussell .
Incompatibility in Angiosperms. By D. D e N ettancourt .
Soybean Physiology, Agronomy and Utilization. Ed. by A. G. N orman .
Flora of Turkey , Volume 6 ( Lobehaceae to Scrophulariaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and B.S.P arris .
Tropical Trees and Forests. An Architectural Analysis. By F.H allé , R.A.A. O ldeman and P. B. T omlinson .
Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. By H einz E llenberg .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1977,78(1):245-254
Book Reviewed in this article:
Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry. By G. P. Berlyn and J. P. Miksche.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Ed. by W. R. Briggs.
Mechanical Design in Organisms. By S. A. Wainwright, W. D. Biggs, J. D. Currey & J. M. Gosline.
Uptake of Ions by Plant Roots. By D. J. F. Bowling.
Phytochrome and Photomorphogenesis. By Harry Smith.
Water and Plants. By Hans Meidner and D. W. Sheriff.
Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming. Edited by U. S. Gupta.
Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry, Management. By R. G. Stanley and H. F. Linskens.
The Evolutionary Significance of the Exine. Ed. by I. K. Ferguson and J. Muller.
Cell Division in Higher Plants. Ed. by M. M. Yeoman.
Intercellular Communication in Plants: Studies on Plasmodesmata Ed. by B. E. S. Gunning & A. W. Robards.
Methods in Plant Ecology. Ed. by S. B. Chapman
Ökologie DER Pflazen By Walter Larcher.
Progress in Botany. Vol. 37. Ed. by H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf & H. Ziegler.
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(3):545-559
Book Reviewed in this article:
Phloem Transport in Plants. By A. S. C rafts and C. H. C risp .
Introduction to the Fine Structure of Plant Cells. By M yron C. L edbetter and K eith R. P orter .
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology No. 25. Control Mechanisms of Growth and Differentiation. Ed. by D. D. D avies and M. B alls .
Plant Lipid Biochemistry. By C. H itchcock and B. W. N ichols .
Cell Respiration. By W. O. J ames .
Prediction and Measurement of Photosynthetic Productivity.
Fortschritte der Botanik , Vol. 32. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , P. S itte and H. Z iegler .
Stoffwechselphysiologie der Pflanzen. By G. R ichter .
Pflanzenphysiologie. By D. H ess .
Moleculare Grundlagen der Entwicklung. By H. M ohr and P. S itte .
The Diversity of Green Plants. By P eter B ell and C hristopher W oodcock .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. Ed. by C. R. M etcalfe . Vol. V. Cyperaceae. By C. R. M etcalfe .
Soil Micro-organisms. By T. R. G. G ray and S. T. W illiams .
Des Ovules aux Graines. By M. F avre -D uchartre .
Ecology of Leaf Surface Micro-organisms. Ed. by T. F. P reece and C. H. D ickinson .
Fungal Genetics. By J. R. S. F incham and P. R. D ay .
Étude du Mode de Reproduction: Apomixie Facultative du Point de Vue de la Génétique des Populations. (Study of Facultative Apomixis from the View-point of Population Genetics). By J. P erèns .
Drawings of British Plants ; Part XXVIII: Hydrocharitaceae, Orchidaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Plants of Hong Kong. By S. L. T hrower .
An Atlas of Plant Structure , Vol. 1. By B rian B racegirdle and P atricia H. M iles .
Bioiléctricité, Quelques Problèmes. By S. M eylan .
Studying the Past by Pollen Analysis. By R. G. W est .
The Mysterious Origin of Flowering Plants. By K enneth R. S porne .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1990,116(2):337-339
Books reviewed in this article:
Molecular Biology of Photosynthesis. Ed. By G ovindjee , H. J. B ohnert , W. B ottomley , D. A. B ryant , J. E. M ullet , W. L. O gren , H. P akrasi and C. R. S omerville .
Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants. Ed. by H. C lijsters , M. de P roft , R. M arcelle and M. V an P oucke .
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilisation by Fungi. By L. B oddy , R. M archant and D. J. R ead .
Fungi and Ecological Disturbance. Ed. by L. B oddy , R. W atling and A. J. E. L yon .
Phytoplankton , 2nd Edn. By A. D. B oney .
The Holocene: An Environmental History. By N eil R oberts .
Chambers Biology Dictionary. Ed. by P. M. B. W alker , C.B.E., F.R.S.E.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1977,79(3):731-740
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant Cell Structure and Metabolism. By J. L. Hall, T. J. Flowers and R. M. Roberts
The Developmental Biology of Plants and Animals. Ed. by C. F. Graham and P. F. Wareing.
The Physiology of Flowering Plants. (2nd Edition) H. E. Street & H. Öpik.
Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants. By L. Beevers.
Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology. Volume 2, Transport in Plants II. Part A Cells. Edited by U. Lüttge and M. G. Pitman with a foreword by R.N. Robertson.
The Biology of Plant Phenolics. By J. R. L. Walker.
The Chemotaxonomy of Plants by P. M. Smith.
Lichenology: Progress and Problems. Ed. by D. H. Brown, D. L. Hawksworth and R. H. Bailey.
Microbiology of Aerial Plant Surfaces. Ed. by C. H. Dickinson and T. F. Preece.
Flora Europaea , Vol. 4. Plantaginaceae to Compositae (and Rubiaceae). Edited by T. G. Tutin, V. H. Heywood, N. A. Burges, D. M. Moore, D. H. Valentine, S. M. Walters and D. A. Webb with the assistance of A. O. Chater, R. A. DeFilipps and I. B. K. Richardson.
Flore de France. Fasicule 2. By M. Guinochet & R. de Vilmorin.
Trees and Bushes of Europe. By Oleg Polunin with drawings by Barbara Everard.
Tropical Rain Forest of the Far East. By T. C. Whitmore, with a chapter on soils by C. P. Burnham.
The Forest Service. A Study in Public Land Management. By Glen O. Robinson.
Aquatic Weeds in S.E. Asia (Proceedings of a Regional Seminar on Noxious Aquatic Vegetation, New Delhi, 12–17 December, 1973). Edited by C. K. Varshney and J. Rzoska.
Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow (International Biological Programme 2). Ed. O. H. Frankel and J. G. Hawkes.
The Genetics of Algae (Botanical Monographs, Volume 12). Edited by Ralph A. Lewin.
Morphologische Studien im Bereiche der Pyrrhophyta. Das Problem Form und Selektion. By A. Böhm.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,113(3):423-430
The Flavonoids. Advances in Research since 1980. Ed. by J. B. H arborne .
Hungry crops : a guide to nutrient deficiencies in field crops By N. J. G rundon .
Microbial ecology: organisms, habitats, activities. By H einz S tolp .
Evolutionary Biology of the Fungi. Ed. by A. D. M. R ayner , C. M. B rasier and D. M oore .
Micro-algal Biotechnology . Edited by M.A. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka .
Experimental Phycology: A laboratory manual Edited by C hristopher S. L obban , D avid J. C hapman , and B runo P. K remer .
100 Families of Flowering Plants. By M. H ickey and C. K ing .
Differentiation Patterns in Higher Plants. Edited by K. M. U rbanska .
The Living Tundra. By Yu. I. C hernov , Translated by D. L öve .
North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Edited by M. G. B arbour & W. D. B illings .
Biogeography and Quaternary History in Tropical Latin America. By T. C. W hitmore and G. T. P rance (Editors).
Biogeographical Evolution of the Malay Archipelago . By T. C. W hitmore (Editor).
Postglacial Vegetation of Canada. By J. C. R ichie .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1963,62(1):105-122
Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of the British Flora . Edited by F. H. P erring and S. M. W althrs .
Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology . Vol. XIV: Growth and Growth Substances. Edited by W. R uhland .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XVII: Compositae (3). By S tella R oss -C raig .
Apical Meristems . By F. A. L. C lowes . Botanical Monographs, vol. 2. Edited by W. O. J ames .
Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms . Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Proceedings of the Summer School of Botany held June 2–15, 1960, at Darjeeling . Edited by P. M aheshwari , B. M. J ohri and I. K. V asil .
Exotic Forest Trees in the British Commonwealth . By R. J. S treets . Edited by Sir H arry C hampion .
A Flora of the Alaskan Arctic Slope . By I. L. W iggins and J. H. T homas
Grundzüge der Pflanzenanatomie . By B. H uber .
Taschenbuch der Botanik . By H. M iehe . Revised by W. M evius .
A Conspectus of Aphids as Vectors of Plant Viruses . By J. S. K ennedy , M. F. D ay and V. F. E astop .
Crop Adaptation and Distribution . By C arroll P. W ilsie .
Flora of Cultivated Plants of the U.S.S.R. Vol. XIII: Perennial Leguminous Plants: Medicago, Melilotus and Trigonella. Edited by E. N. S inskaya . Translated by N. L andau .
Der Federsee . Edited by W. Z immermann .
Carbohydrate Resources within the Perennial Plant . By C. A. P riestley .
Flora of the British Isles . By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Mineral Salts Absorption in Plants . By J. F. S utcliffe .
The Development of British Heathlands and their Soils . By G. W. D imbleby .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , vol. 13. Edited by L. M achlis and W. R. B riggs .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(1):173-174
Books reviewed in this article:
Thonner's Analytical Key to the Families of Flowering Plants. By R. G eesink , A. J. M. L eeuwenberg , C. E. R idsdale and J. F. V eldkamp
The Plant Cuticle. Ed. by D. F. C utler , K. L. A lvin and C. E. P rice
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry . By J. B. H arborne
Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. By H einz E llenberg
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria. By M. T ribe and P. W hittaker
The Physiology and Biochemistry of Drought Resistance in Plants. Ed. by L. G. P aleg and D. A spinall  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(1):229-239
Book reviewed in this article:
A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns . By the late J. C. W illis . Seventh edition, revised by H. K. A iry S haw .
The Principles of Pollination Ecology . By K. F aegri and L. van D er P ijl .
Studies in Biology, No. 5, Plant Taxonomy . By V. H. H eywood .
Deadly Harvest . By J ohn M. K ingsbury .
Plant Physiology . By H enrik G. L undegardh . Translated by F. M. I rvine , Translation edited by W. O. J ames .
The Biology of Lichens . By M ason E. H ale J r . In: Contemporary Biology Series, General editors E. J. W. B arrington and A. J. W illis .
Plant Biology Today . Second edition. Ed. by W. A. J ensen and L. G. K avaljian .
Organisation in Plants . Second edition. By B. M. B aron .
Fortschritte der Botanik , Band 28. Ed. by E. B ünning , H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmuller and P. S itte .
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants . Second edition. By C. L. P orter .
The Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Experiments in the Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker , G. E. A llen , E. G age and S. K. W ebster .
Grundriss der Phytopathologie iind des Pflanzenschutzes . By H ans -A lfred K irchner .
Bibliography of Seeds . Compiled and edited by L. V. B arton .
Pollen Grains of Western Himalaxan Plants . By P. K. K. N air .
Families of Flowering Plants in Ethiopia . By W. C. B urger .  相似文献   

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