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In an effort to examine the effects of maternal exercise on the fetus we measured maternal and fetal temperatures and blood gases and calculated uterine O2 consumption in response to three different treadmill exercise regimens in 12 chronically catheterized near-term sheep. We also measured fetal catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, blood flow distribution, blood volume, and placental diffusing capacity. Maternal and fetal temperatures increased a mean maximum of 1.5 +/- 0.5 (SE) and 1.3 +/- 0.1 degrees C, respectively. We corrected maternal and fetal blood gas values for the temperatures in vivo. Maternal arterial partial pressure of O2 (PO2), near exhaustion during prolonged (40 min) exercise at 70% maximal O2 consumption, increased 13% to a maximum of 116.7 +/- 4.0 Torr, whereas partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) decreased by 28% to 27.6 +/- 2.2 Torr. Fetal arterial PO2 decreased 11% to a minimum of 23.2 +/- 1.6 Torr, O2 content by 26% to 4.3 +/- 0.6 ml X dl -1, PCO2 by 8% to 49.6 +/- 3.2 Torr, but pH did not change significantly. Recovery was virtually complete within 20 min. During exercise total uterine O2 consumption was maintained despite the reduction in uterine blood flow because of hemoconcentration and increased O2 extraction. The decrease of 3 Torr in fetal arterial PO2 and 1.5 ml X dl -1 in O2 content did not result in major cardiovascular changes or catecholamine release. These findings suggest that maternal exercise does not represent a major stressful or hypoxic event to the fetus.  相似文献   

Pregnant sheep were chronically instrumented with fetal and maternal catheters and an inflatable occluder and electromagnetic flow transducer were placed on the uterine artery. Uterine blood flow was reduced for approximately 15 minutes to 25 percent, 50 percent, or 75 percent of control uterine blood flow. Fetal blood gases, arterial blood pressure, heart rate and regional distribution of blood flow (by radioactive microspheres) were measured. With progressive reduction of uterine blood flow there was an increasing degree of fetal asphyxia, as measured by blood gases and acid base state. At moderate degrees of asphyxia the fetus responded by redistribution of blood flow to certain organs, namely heart, brain, and adrenal gland, thus preserving oxygenation of these organs. During the most severe degree of asphyxia induced by reduction of uterine blood flow to 25 percent of control there is a reduction of fetal blood flow due to generalized vasoconstriction of essentially all organs. We hypothesize that this is due to the inability of the vasodilator mechanisms to sufficiently oppose the vasoconstrictor mechanisms. Also, because the oxygen consumption of the "vital" organs would be decreased this can be described as the stage of decompensation.  相似文献   

In order to determine blood flow and oxygen consumption in the pelvic limb of fetal sheep, we applied the Fick principle of measurement of oxygen consumption in seven paired experiments in seven fetal sheep under normal conditions and after treatment with pancuronium bromide. Catheterization procedures, which minimized interference with the study limb circulation, avoided changes of catheter tip position during fetal movements,n and prevented collateral circulation to and from tissues not located in the pelvic limb, were utilized. Blood flow through the external iliac artery was measured by means of a transit time ultrasonic method. Six sample sets for oxygen content were drawn from the external iliac artery and vein during 45-min control period and repeated after neuromuscular blockade. Normal oxygen consumption under these experimental conditions was determined to be 20.7 +/- 1.9 (mean +/- SEM) mumole.min-1.100 g-1. Neuromuscular blockade caused oxygen consumption to decrease significantly (P less than 0.01) by 12% to 18.1 +/- 2.1 mumole.min-1.100 g-1 and decreased the average coefficient of variation from 15 to 8%. The data demonstrate that spontaneous skeletal muscle activity accounts for a significant amount of oxygen consumption, the level of which can vary widely over brief periods of time. These results suggest that such tissues with significant spontaneous changes in metabolic activity require repeated blood flow measurements with simultaneous determination of substrate arteriovenous differences to best describe metabolism under normal conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of both pharmacologically and mechanically induced increases in intestinal blood flow on intestinal oxygen consumption. Intraarterial infusions of prostacyclin (1-20 ng X kg-1 X min-1) significantly increased both blood flow and oxygen consumption under free flow conditions. However, the increase in oxygen consumption appears to be due to the corresponding increase in blood flow rather than a direct effect of prostacyclin on intestinal metabolism. This conclusion is supported by the finding that a mechanically induced increase in intestinal blood flow (60%) can also produce an increase in intestinal oxygen consumption (24%). These findings support the hypothesis that intestinal oxygen consumption is flow-dependent over a wide range of blood flows.  相似文献   

In 12 experiments on 9 chronically-cathetized pregnant sheep (116-143 days of gestation), fetal oxygen consumption, umbilical blood flow and blood gas values were measured before, during and after a 30-min period of hypercapnia, induced by having the ewes breathe 5% CO2 and 18% O2 in N2. During the large amplitude breathing stimulated by hypercapnia, O2 consumption increased by 21%, solely via a rise in O2 extraction. During apnoeic periods and low amplitude breathing in the hypercapnia period, oxygen consumption was not different from the control value, but fetal arterial and umbilical venous PO2 was significantly raised, by 3 and 6 mm Hg respectively. These changes were probably due to a Bohr shift in the maternal oxygen dissociation curve. During large amplitude breathing, PO2 fell to control levels, probably due in part to the increase in O2 extraction. It is concluded that vigorous breathing movements in the fetal sheep, such as those stimulated by hypercapnia, result to an increase in fetal O2 demands. Further, the work of such breathing is large, and probably equivalent to that performed in adults during vigorous hyperventilation against an inspiratory resistance.  相似文献   

Previous work with pregnant ewes has shown that acute bouts of exercise may cause changes in plasma hormone concentrations, blood flow distribution, and maternal and fetal temperatures. However, most of these studies do not quantify the chosen exercise intensity through measurement of oxygen consumption (VO2). Therefore the purpose of this study was to statistically model the VO2 response of pregnant sheep to treadmill (TM) exercise to determine the exercise intensities (% maximal VO2) of previous studies. Ewes with either single (n = 9) or twin (n = 5) fetuses were studied from 100 to 130 days of gestation. After 1-2 wk of TM habituation, maximal VO2 (VO2max) was determined by measurements of VO2 (open flow-through method) and blood lactate concentration. VO2 was measured as a function of TM incline (0, 3, 5, and 7 degree) and speed (0.8-3.4 m/s). VO2max averaged 57 +/- 7 (SD) ml.min-1.kg-1, and peak lactate concentration during exercise averaged 22 +/- 2 mmol/l. The relationship between VO2 (ml.min-1.kg-1) and incline (INC) and speed (SP) [VO2 = 0.70(INC) + 13.95(SP) + 1.07(INC x SP) - 1.18] was linear (r2 = 0.94). Our findings suggest that most previous research used exercise intensities less than 60% VO2max and indicate the need for further research that examines the effect of exercise during pregnancy at levels greater than 60% VO2max.  相似文献   

The effects of acute asphyxia on both the time course of blood flow changes in central and peripheral organs, including the skin, and the time course of changes in oxygen consumption were studied in 9 unanaesthetized fetal sheep in utero at 130 +/- 2 days of gestation during 4-min arrest of uterine blood flow. Blood flow distribution and total oxygen consumption were determined at 1-min intervals during asphyxia using isotope-labelled microspheres (15 micrograms diameter) and by calculating the decline of the arterial O2 content, respectively. During asphyxia peripheral blood flow including that to the skin, scalp, and choroid plexus decreased rapidly, whereas blood flow to the heart, brain stem and (in surviving fetuses only) adrenals increased slowly. Total oxygen consumption fell exponentially with time and was closely correlated with the fall in both arterial oxygen content and peripheral blood flow; the time courses of these changes were very similar to those of the decreasing blood flows to the skin and scalp. Blood flow within the brain was redistributed at the expense of the cerebrum and the choroid plexus; the total blood flow to the brain did not change. In the 5 fetuses that died during the recovery period adrenal blood flow failed to increase and, at the nadir of asphyxia, peripheral vessels dilated and central vessels constricted. We conclude that in fetal sheep near term during acute asphyxia the time course of changes in blood flow to central and peripheral organs is different; total oxygen consumption depends on arterial O2 content and peripheral blood flow; total blood flow to the brain does not change, but is redistributed towards the brain stem at the expense of the cerebrum and choroid plexus; fetal death is preceded by a failure of adrenal blood flow to increase, by peripheral vasodilatation, and by central vasoconstriction and skin blood flow validly indicates rapid changes in the distribution of blood flow and the changes in oxygen consumption that accompany it.  相似文献   

Acute foetal asphyxia, caused by arrest of uterine blood flow, increases both sympathetic activity and peripheral vascular resistance and decreases blood flow to peripheral organs (Jensen et al., J. Dev. Physiol., 9, 543-559). The rapidity and uniformity of this peripheral vasoconstriction suggest that the sympatho-neuronal system may reflexly cause these initial blood flow changes during acute asphyxia. To test this hypothesis, we studied 5 intact and 6 chemically sympathectomized (6-hydroxy-dopamine, 46.1 +/- 6 mg/kg foetal weight) chronically prepared normoxaemic foetal sheep in utero at 0.9 of gestation. Organ blood flows (microsphere method), plasma concentrations of catecholamines, vasopressin, and angiotensin II, acid-base balance and blood gases were measured before, during and after arrest of uterine blood flow for 2 min, i.e., at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 30 min. In intact foetuses there was a progressive increase in arterial blood pressure and a rapid circulatory centralization in favour of the brain stem and heart and at the expense of most of the peripheral organs. The changes in peripheral blood flow during and after asphyxia were well reflected by those in the skin and scalp. In chemically sympathectomized foetuses, arterial blood pressure fell transiently at 1 min of asphyxia and cardiac output was redistributed towards the carcass and intestinal organs at the expense of the heart, spinal medulla, and placenta. We conclude that in foetal sheep at 0.9 of gestation, the short-term adaptation to arrest of uterine blood flow is a rapid and profound peripheral vasoconstriction to effect an increase in arterial blood pressure. This initial response during circulatory centralization, which is necessary to increase or maintain blood flow to the heart, brain stem, and placenta, is blunted by sympathectomy. Thus, the foetal sympatho-neuronal system is important for short-term adaptation to and intact survival of asphyxia.  相似文献   

In early ovine fetal development, the placenta grows more rapidly than the fetus so that at mid-gestation the aggregate weight of placental cotyledons exceeds fetal weight. The purpose of this study was to compare two separate methods of measuring uterine blood flow and glucose and oxygen uptakes in seven mid-gestation ewes, each carrying a single fetus. Uterine blood flow to both uterine horns was measured by microsphere and by tritiated water steady-state diffusion methodology. Calculations of tritiated water blood flows and oxygen and glucose uptakes were based on measurements of arteriovenous concentration differences across each uterine horn. The distribution of blood flow and oxygen uptake between the two uterine horns was strongly correlated with placental mass distribution. The two methods gave comparable results for uterine blood flow (457 +/- 35 vs 476 +/- 35 ml/min), oxygen uptake (457 +/- 35 vs 476 +/- 35 mumol/min), and glucose uptake (63 +/- 8 vs 64 +/- 6 mumol/min). Uterine blood flow was approximately 38% of the late gestation value and 56.1 +/- 1 times higher than umbilical blood flow. Uteroplacental oxygen consumption was about 58% of late gestation measurements and 3.9 +/- 0.5 times higher than fetal oxygen uptake. We confirm that the large placental mass of mid-gestation is associated with high levels of maternal placental blood flow and placental oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of graded reduction in uterine blood flow on distribution of cardiac output and oxygen delivery to fetal organs and venous blood flow patterns in 9 fetal sheep using the radionuclide-labeled microsphere technique. We reduced uterine blood flow in two steps, decreasing fetal oxygen delivery to 70% and 50% of normal, and compared the results with those from a similar study from our laboratory on graded umbilical cord compression. With 50% reduction in fetal oxygen delivery, blood flow and the fraction of the cardiac output distributed to the brain, heart, and adrenal gland increased and that to the lungs, carcass, skin, and scalp decreased. Oxygen delivery to the brain and myocardium was maintained, while that to the adrenal doubled, and that to the brain stem increased transiently. The decrease in oxygen delivery to both carcass and lower body segment correlated linearly with oxygen consumption (P less than 0.001). The proportion of umbilical venous blood passing through the ductus venosus increased from 44.6% to 53% (P less than 0.05). The preferential distribution of ductus venosus blood flow through the foramen ovale to the heart and brain increased, but that to the upper carcass decreased so that ductus venosus-derived blood flow to the upper body did not change. Hence, the oxygen delivered to the brain from the ductus venosus was maintained, and that to the heart increased 54% even though ductus venosus-derived oxygen delivery to the upper body fell 34%. Abdominal inferior vena caval blood flow and its contribution to cardiac output decreased, but the proportion of the abdominal inferior vena caval blood distributed through the foramen ovale also increased from 23.0 to 30.9%. However, the actual amount of inferior vena caval blood passing through the foramen ovale did not change. There was a 70% fall in oxygen delivery to the upper body segment from the inferior vena cava. A greater portion of superior vena caval blood was also shunted through the foramen ovale to the upper body, but the actual amounts of blood and oxygen delivered to the upper body from this source were small. Thus, graded reduction of uterine blood flow causes a redistribution of fetal oxygen delivery and of venous flow patterns, which is clearly different from that observed previously during graded umbilical cord occlusion.  相似文献   

Matching coronary blood flow to myocardial oxygen consumption.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
At rest the myocardium extracts approximately 75% of the oxygen delivered by coronary blood flow. Thus there is little extraction reserve when myocardial oxygen consumption is augmented severalfold during exercise. There are local metabolic feedback and sympathetic feedforward control mechanisms that match coronary blood flow to myocardial oxygen consumption. Despite intensive research the local feedback control mechanism remains unknown. Physiological local metabolic control is not due to adenosine, ATP-dependent K(+) channels, nitric oxide, prostaglandins, or inhibition of endothelin. Adenosine and ATP-dependent K(+) channels are involved in pathophysiological ischemic or hypoxic coronary dilation and myocardial protection during ischemia. Sympathetic beta-adrenoceptor-mediated feedforward arteriolar vasodilation contributes approximately 25% of the increase in coronary blood flow during exercise. Sympathetic alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction in medium and large coronary arteries during exercise helps maintain blood flow to the vulnerable subendocardium when cardiac contractility, heart rate, and myocardial oxygen consumption are high. In conclusion, several potential mediators of local metabolic control of the coronary circulation have been evaluated without success. More research is needed.  相似文献   

Radioactive microspheres were used to measure cardiac output and blood flow to most major tissues, including those in the pregnant uterus, in late-pregnant ewes at rest and during treadmill exercise (approximately 3-fold increase in metabolic rate for 30 min) in thermoneutral (TN) (dry bulb temperature (Tdb) = 13 degrees C, wet bulb temperature (Twb) = 10 degrees C) and mildly hot (MH) (Tdb = 40 degrees C, Twb = 27 degrees C) environments. Exercise caused major increases in blood flow to respiratory muscles, nonrespiratory limb muscles, and adipose tissue, and flow was decreased to some gastrointestinal tissues, spleen, pancreas, and to placental and nonplacental tissues in the pregnant uterus. Heat exposure had relatively little effect on these exercise-induced changes, except that flow was further increased in the respiratory muscles. Results are compared with those of a similar study on nonpregnant sheep in which changes in muscle, skin, and visceral flows during exercise were attenuated by heat exposure. It is suggested that redistribution of blood flow from the pregnant uterus, which in resting ewes took 22% of cardiac output, is a significant buffer against the potentially deleterious effects of combined exercise and heat stress on blood flow to exercising muscles and thermoregulatory tissues.  相似文献   

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