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It is widely assumed that aggressive behavior affects space acquisition in territorial species, but to date most workers have focused on competition for indivisible space, that is, space that cannot be divided or shared. We present a learning-based model that investigates the effects of aggressive interactions on space acquisition when unequal competitors arrive and settle in patches of divisible space. This model assumes that aggressive interactions act as punishment, in the sense that previous aggressive interactions in a given area reduce an individual's likelihood of returning to that area. Individually based, spatially explicit simulations incorporating this and other assumptions were used to investigate the effects of different types of aggressive interactions on the space use of individuals and dyads settling in divisible space. At the individual level, final space use was related to the amount of punishment that individuals inflicted on their opponents during aggressive interactions; in general, highly aggressive individuals acquired larger, more exclusive home ranges than less aggressive individuals. At the dyadic level, the division or sharing of space between competitors depended on both the relative and absolute punishment that competitors inflicted on one another during aggressive interactions. Aggressive interactions in which both participants strongly punished one another (e.g., escalated fights) produced mutually exclusive home ranges, interactions with intermediate levels of punishment produced asymmetrical space use patterns proportional to asymmetries in punishment levels, and interactions involving little punishment for either participant generated large home ranges with extensive home range overlap. Overall, our model implies that territorial animals need not "win" aggressive interactions to win divisible space, that repeatedly "nagging" an opponent may also be a viable strategy for gaining space, and that a learning-based approach can account for puzzling patterns in the territorial literature, for example, observations of individuals who acquire space by initiating aggressive interactions that they never win.  相似文献   

Various measures of size have been associated with increased likelihood of winning such agonistic encounters between decapod crustaceans. Recent social experience, in the form of 'winner' or 'loser' effects, has also been shown to alter the outcome of encounters between size-matched individuals. This study further explores the importance of social experience in crustacean agonistic encounters. Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii , of different size classes were given a series of winning or losing experiences to determine whether this would affect their likelihood of success in subsequent fights. Recent wins or losses in a series of fights did alter the likelihood of an individual winning a subsequent encounter, despite an apparent disparity in size between opponents that would otherwise serve as an accurate predictor of the outcome.  相似文献   

The outcomes of agonistic interactions modulate access to resources and thereby affect fitness. Success in agonistic encounters may depend on intrinsic physical and physiological performance, and on social experience. Here we test the hypothesis that previous experience will override physical strength in determining the outcome of fights in the freshwater crayfish Cherax dispar. Between unfamiliar opponents, greater chelae closing force significantly increases the chances of winning. However, even when the chelae of the original winners were disabled, the winners kept on winning against the same opponents after 30min and 24h. This winner effect disappeared when previous winners encountered unfamiliar individuals. Similarly, a previous loss did not affect the outcomes of subsequent encounters with unknown crayfish. We suggest that this prolonged recognition of individuals and their relative fighting ability is a mechanism that can reduce the number of agonistic encounters experienced by individuals.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory experiment with the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps) involving staged agonistic encounters demonstrates that larger males have an advantage over smaller ones in agonistic bouts. Field data on head wounds produced by intraspecific fighting during the breeding season show a much higher frequency of new wounds among males over 100 mm in snout-vent-length than in smaller males. The significant difference in new-wound frequency strongly suggests avoidance of fights by the small males, which is corroborated by laboratory and field observations. Access by males to reproductively active females depends on the ability to defeat other males in aggressive contests virtually always involving head biting if the males are of nearly equal size. Because the probability of winning agonistic encounters increases with size, young males avoid fights with older males. Aggressive contests with larger males and reproductive attempts other than courtship in the absence of larger males are deferred.Aggressive behavior in E. laticeps may be employed in direct defense of females, but might also be expressed in defense of specific sites and/or territories. In the laboratory, males in their home cages were significantly more likely to win encounters with males of similar size than were males fighting in the home cages of opponents. This suggests that encounter site could be important in determining encounter outcome and that field study of possible site defense or territoriality is needed.  相似文献   

Most models on settlement of open marine invertebrate populations are based on space-limitation. These models, however, do not recognise that free space may not drive the demography of populations when larval numbers are small or when larval supply varies along a gradient in the habitat. They also do not incorporate the effects of larval choice when settling. It has been hypothesised that, in gregarious barnacles, the effects of adult conspecifics, rather than available free space, may play a primary role in settlement. That is, cues from adults along perimeters of patches, rather than space available, may enhance colonisation. This study therefore aimed to distinguish between these separate influences on populations of Chamaesipho tasmanica, a gregarious barnacle characterised by relatively few larvae arriving to settle each year. Patches of 6, 3 and 1.5 cm diameter were cleared within aggregations of barnacles at three heights (Low, Mid, Upper) of Chamaesipho's distribution at two sites and during 2 years of settlement. Total numbers of settlers in each year were manipulated to determine the separate influences on settlement due to availability of substratum or the effects of conspecific adults. To test for the effects of available free space, numbers of settlers per unit area were analysed. To test for gregarious effects due to the presence of adults, numbers of settlers per unit perimeter were analysed. While available substratum was found not to affect settlement of this barnacle, gregarious settlement in response to adults at perimeters of patches was thought to be confounded by differential larval supply and differential conspecific cues among heights on the shore. Results from this study therefore have important implications for survival of gregarious populations following disturbances, especially in species where larval supply is poor.  相似文献   

Animals use a variety of proximate cues to assess habitat quality when resources vary spatiotemporally. Two nonmutually exclusive strategies to assess habitat quality involve either direct assessment of landscape features or observation of social cues from conspecifics as a form of information transfer about forage resources. The conspecific attraction hypothesis proposes that individual space use is dependent on the distribution of conspecifics rather than the location of resource patches, whereas the resource dispersion hypothesis proposes that individual space use and social association are driven by the abundance and distribution of resources. We tested the conspecific attraction and the resource dispersion hypotheses as two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses explaining social association and of adult female caribou (Rangifer tarandus). We used location data from GPS collars to estimate interannual site fidelity and networks representing home range overlap and social associations among individual caribou. We found that home range overlap and social associations were correlated with resource distribution in summer and conspecific attraction in winter. In summer, when resources were distributed relatively homogeneously, interannual site fidelity was high and home range overlap and social associations were low. Conversely, in winter when resources were distributed relatively heterogeneously, interannual site fidelity was low and home range overlap and social associations were high. As access to resources changes across seasons, caribou appear to alter social behavior and space use. In summer, caribou may use cues associated with the distribution of forage, and in winter caribou may use cues from conspecifics to access forage. Our results have broad implications for our understanding of caribou socioecology, suggesting that caribou use season‐specific strategies to locate forage. Caribou populations continue to decline globally, and our finding that conspecific attraction is likely related to access to forage suggests that further fragmentation of caribou habitat could limit social association among caribou, particularly in winter when access to resources may be limited.  相似文献   

Prior fighting experience of opponents can influence the outcome of conflicts. After a victory, animals are more likely to win subsequent contests, whereas after a defeat animals are more likely to lose, regardless of the identity of opponents. The underlying mechanisms and the adaptive significance of these winner and loser effects are as yet unknown. Here, we tested experimentally whether agonistic behavior of male wild‐type Norway rats is influenced by social experience, and we investigated whether this might reduce fighting costs (duration of contest, risk of injury) in subsequent encounters. Rats were randomly assigned to receive either a losing or a winning experience and subsequently tested with unfamiliar, naïve opponents. We found that most rats with a winning experience won the subsequent encounter, and all rats with a losing experience lost the next contest. Previous winners attacked more rapidly in the subsequent encounter and reduced their aggressive behavior sooner; the contests were decided more quickly, which saved time and behavioral effort to the winner. Previous losers received less aggression in the next encounter, despite emitting fewer submissive ultrasonic calls than in the preceding contest, thereby reducing the risk of being injured by the opponent. Thus, anonymous social experience influenced rats’ subsequent behavior toward size‐matched, naïve, unknown social partners. Furthermore, apparently, they benefit from showing winner and loser effects in intraspecific contests by saving time, energy, and risk.  相似文献   

The role of social behavior on the population regulation of the Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus, was studied in the Ashu Experimental Forest of Kyoto University by monthly trapping and direct observation on the social behavior at the artificial feeding site. The census was carried out from May to October in 1974 and 1975, and the direct observation in June, August and October, 1975. In the study area, the Japanese wood mouse has two breeding seasons in a year: in spring and in autumn. Minimum survival rate was high in the non-breeding season and low in the breeding season. It was negatively correlated to the number of sexually active adults in both sexes. Home ranges of females tended to be mutually exclusive, and female residents prevented the settlement of female immigrants. On the other hand, home ranges of males overlapped largely and males had a straight social hierarchy. Subordinate males tended to disappear more often than dominant males did, but male residents did not hinder the settlement of male immigrants. Males may regulate their number by driving out the subordinate males, while females by spacing behavior.  相似文献   

Social information in breeding site selection has received extensive study; however, few attempts have been made to link this process to pre‐existing models. We examine the importance of social information to three pertinent models of habitat selection that describe breeding aggregations and spatial patterns: 1) the ideal despotic distribution (IDD) which considers conspecific competition and habitat availability, 2) the perceptual constraints model which accounts for patch selection when animals experience a threshold of undetectable difference in quality, and 3) the “neighbourhood model” which predicts concordance between resources and settlers can be disrupted by conspecific attraction when resources are patchy. These models all predict initial settlers will select a high quality patch first. However, their predictions of subsequent settlement behaviour in remaining patches differ: the IDD predicts subsequent settlers will be distributed regularly, the perceptual constraints model predicts a random distribution, and the neighbourhood model predicts clustering from conspecific attraction. We examined which model best described settlement patterns of bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus and savannah sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis, in the context of social information. We observed settlement timing, quantified available resources, and determined where they occurred in the highest (local population “core”) and lowest densities (local population “periphery”). We then assessed whether individuals in the periphery settled in greater concordance with resources or conspecific presence. Core territories were clustered strongly on relevant resources, and these territory holders were older than in the periphery. Peripheral territories were likewise clustered but did not always co‐occur with the best available resources, matching the neighbourhood model prediction that social information may not always direct them to the best sites available. This suggests older individuals used their own experience to locate ideal habitat, whereas younger individuals attempted to aggregate on seemingly ideal habitat by using conspecific location; such information asymmetry due to age can be viewed as an “ideal aggregative distribution”.  相似文献   

We studied the space use of the Siberian flying squirrel in fragmented forest landscapes in southern Finland in 1996- 1999. Twenty-four adult males and 23 adult females were radio trucked in three different study areas. The use of different landscape elements by flying squirrels was compared to their availability using compositional analysis. Effects of fragmentation on flying squirrels were studied by comparing the use of different habitat types, number of used patches, and size of home range to the principal components formed from the landscape variables patch size, patch isolation, area of spruce-dominated forests, and area of other habitats with trees.
Flying squirrels preferred spruce- and deciduous-dominated forests, but other habitats with trees were also used for moving and foraging. These less preferred habitats connected spruce and deciduous forest patches in a matrix of open areas. Males used several separate patches of preferred habitat, but females usually stayed in one patch. The spacing behaviour of males was affected by the structure of the landscape in a way that home ranges were larger and males used more spruce patches in the more highly fragmented landscape. Home-range size of females was not affected by the landscape structure. Basically, the space use of males seemed lo be reflected by the location and number of female home ranges. In the study area where female density was high, the home ranges of males were small. Our results give empirical evidence of the effects of habitat loss and landscape connectivity for the Siberian flying squirrel and the implications of these for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents analyses of habitat-use and home range size in the Blanford's fox. We predicted, from the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH), that home ranges would encompass similar areas of combined fruitful habitats, but widely different areas of useless habitats, and thus that home ranges would be larger where such fruitful patches are fragmented and widely dispersed. Home range estimates of 0.5–2.0 km2 were calculated for 16 adult Blanford's foxes, using three different methods. There were no significant differences in home range size between sexes or study sites. One habitat, dry creekbed, was the most frequently visited in all home ranges. Dry creekbed provided abundant prey for the foxes and only sparse cover for their predators. Both the available area of creekbed in each range, and the area of creekbed patches that was used by the foxes, were independent of home range size. However, the variance in home range size was explained by the mean distance between the main denning area and the most frequently used patches of creekbed. These results are in accord with some predictions of the resource dispersion hypothesis.  相似文献   

1. Individuals should benefit from settling in high-quality habitats, but dispersers born under favourable conditions have a better physical condition and should therefore be more successful at settling in high-quality habitats. 2. We tested these predictions with root voles (Microtus oeconomus) by a manipulation of individual condition through litter-size enlargement and reduction during lactation combined with a manipulation of habitat quality through degradation of the vegetation cover. We accurately monitored movements of 149 juveniles during a settlement and breeding period of 3 months. 3. The litter size treatment had long-lasting effects on body size, life-history traits and home range size, but did not influence dispersal behaviour. 4. Different stages of dispersal were influenced by habitat quality. In low-quality patches, females dispersed earlier, spent more time prospecting their environment before settling, and settlers had a smaller adult body size than in high-quality patches. Preference and competition for high-quality patches is likely adaptive as it increased fitness both in terms of survival and reproduction. 5. We found no interactive effect of individual condition and habitat quality on natal dispersal and habitat selection. 6. These findings suggest that immediate conditions are more important determinants of dispersal decisions than conditions experienced early in life.  相似文献   

Despite the recognised importance of colonisation (settlement in empty habitats) and immigration (settlement in an established population) to species persistence and evolution few have investigated these processes in territorial mammals and how they affect species’ traits. We translocated female bank voles (Myodes glareolus) onto an island (2.58 ha) in a two-stage experiment (stage 1: colonisation of empty population space and stage 2: immigration into an established population) to test (1) if colonisers and immigrants differ in probability of settlement and pregnancy, and (2) if settlement is affected by cues of conspecifics, i.e., simulated deserted home ranges (SDHR) and resident presence. Density was kept well below saturation in 8 temporally distinct population replicates over 3 years. SDHR and resident presence neither attracted nor repelled colonisers and immigrants, respectively, and settlement was not different from a random model. Probability of settlement tended to be higher in colonisers than immigrants and the probability of pregnancy was significantly higher in colonisers; immigrants settling within the home range of residents had nearly zero probability of pregnancy. Colonisation of empty habitat patches selected based on physical or resource based habitat features is apparently the optimal settlement strategy of dispersing voles, because cues from conspecifics may provide ambiguous information and social factors may inhibit settlement or delay reproduction in immigrants even at low population density.  相似文献   

Donahue MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):33-43
Conspecific attraction is the preferential settlement into habitat patches with conspecifics. To be a good proximate strategy, fitness gains from settling with conspecifics must outweigh the costs of higher conspecific densities, such as intraspecific competition. Two types of benefits have been proposed to explain conspecific attraction: Allee effects (i.e., positive density dependence) and conspecific cueing (using conspecifics as an indicator of habitat quality). I present empirical evidence for conspecific attraction in the settlement of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes Randall (Anomura: Porcellanidae). Previous work demonstrated that P. cinctipes experiences strong intraspecific competition and that both Allee effects and conspecific cueing are present in P. cinctipes life-history. I developed an empirically-based fitness model of the costs and benefits of settling with conspecifics. Based on this model, I simulated optimal settlement to habitat patches that varied in conspecific density and habitat quality, where the correlation between density and habitat quality determined the level of conspecific cueing. I tested whether Allee effects alone, conspecific cueing alone, or Allee effects and conspecific cueing together could provide an ultimate explanation for the proximate settlement behavior of P. cinctipes. The settlement simulation was consistent with empirical settlement only when Allee effects and conspecific cueing were both included. Three life-history features are critical to this conclusion: (1) fitness is maximized at intermediate density, (2) fitness depends on the decisions of previous settlers, and (3) conspecific density provides good information about habitat quality. The quality of information garnered from conspecifics determines whether conspecific attraction is a good proximate strategy for settlement. I present a graphical illustration demonstrating how Allee effects and conspecific cueing work together to influence fitness, providing a conceptual framework for other systems.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Coral-reef fishes experience a major challenge when facing settlement in a multi-threat environment, within which, using settlement cues, they need to select a suitable site. Studies in laboratories and artificial setups have shown that the presence of conspecific adults often serves as a positive settlement cue, whose value is explained by the increased survival of juveniles in an already proven fit environment. However, settlement in already inhabited corals may expose the recruits to adult aggression. Daily observations and manipulation experiments were used in the present study, which was conducted in the natural reef. We revealed differential strategies of settlers, which do not necessarily join conspecific adults. Dascyllus aruanus prefer to settle near (not with) their aggressive adults, and to join them only after gaining in size; whereas Dascyllus marginatus settlers in densely populated reefs settle independently of their adult distribution. Our results present different solutions to the challenges faced by fish recruits while selecting their microhabitat, and emphasize the complexity of habitat selection by the naïve settlers. Although laboratory experiments are important to the understanding of fish habitat selection, further studies in natural habitats are essential in order to elucidate the actual patterns of settlement and habitat selection, which are crucial for the survival of coral-reef fish populations.  相似文献   

Most large‐bodied wildlife populations in sub‐Saharan Africa only survive in conservation areas, but are continuing to decline because external changes influence ecological processes within reserves, leading to a lack of functionality. However, failure to understand how landscape scale changes influence ecological processes limits our ability to manage protected areas. We used GPS movement data to calculate dry season home ranges for 14 zebra mares in the Okavango Delta and investigated the effects of a range of landscape characteristics (number of habitat patches, mean patch shape, mean index of juxtaposition, and interspersion) on home range size. Resource utilization functions (RUF) were calculated to investigate how specific landscape characteristics affected space use. Space use by all zebra was clustered. In the wetter (Central) parts of the Delta home range size was negatively correlated with the density of habitat patches, more complex patch shapes, low juxtaposition of habitats and an increased availability of floodplain and grassland habitats. In the drier (Peripheral) parts of the Delta, higher use by zebra was also associated with a greater availability of floodplain and grassland habitats, but a lower density of patches and simpler patch shapes. The most important landscape characteristic was not consistent between zebra within the same area of the Delta, suggesting that no single foraging strategy is substantially superior to others, and so animals using different foraging strategies may all thrive. The distribution and complexity of habitat patches are crucial in determining space use by zebra. The extent and duration of seasonal flooding is the principal process affecting habitat patch characteristics in the Okavango Delta, particularly the availability of floodplains, which are the habitat at greatest risk from climate change and anthropogenic disturbance to the Okavango's catchment basin. Understanding how the factors that determine habitat complexity may change in the future is critical to the conservation of large mammal populations. Our study shows the importance of maintaining flood levels in the Okavango Delta and how the loss of seasonal floodplains will be compounded by changes in habitat configuration, forcing zebra to change their relative space use and enlarge home ranges, leading to increased competition for key resources and population declines.  相似文献   

Young juveniles of many motile benthic species are concentrated in structurally complex habitats, but the proximate causes of this distribution are usually not clear. In the present study, I assessed three potentially important processes affecting distribution and abundance of early benthic stages in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas): (1) selection of habitat by megalopae (postlarvae); (2) habitat-specific predation; and (3) post-settlement movements by juveniles. These processes were assessed concurrently over 3-9 days at two spatial scales: at the scale of square meters using cage techniques within nursery areas, and at the scale of hectares using isolated populations of juvenile shore crabs in small nursery areas as mesocosms. The results were compared to habitat-specific distribution in the field.Shore crab megalopae and first instar juveniles (settlers) were distributed non-randomly among micro-habitats in the assessed nursery areas, with great densities in both mussel beds, eelgrass and filamentous algal patches (on average 114-232 settlers m−2), and significantly smaller densities on open sand habitats at all times (on average 4 settlers m−2). The same habitat-specific settlement pattern was found in cages where predators were excluded, suggesting that active habitat selection at settlement was responsible for the initial distribution. Older juveniles (second to ninth instar crabs) were also sparse on sand, but in contrast to settlers, were concentrated in mussel beds, which showed significantly greater densities than eelgrass and algal habitats. The cage experiment demonstrated a dynamic distribution of juvenile crabs. Young juveniles constantly migrated over open sand habitats (20 m or further) and colonized the experimental plots in a habitat-specific pattern that reflected the distribution in the field. This pattern was also found for very small crabs colonizing predator-exclusion cages, suggesting that selection of habitat by migrating juveniles caused the ontogenetic change in habitat use. Although post-settlement movements were great within nursery areas, juvenile dispersal at a regional scale appeared to be small, and the recruitment of juvenile shore crabs to the shallow bays occurred mainly through pelagic megalopae.Conservative estimates at the scale of whole nursery areas, based on migration trap data and field samples, indicated great mortality of settlers and early benthic stages of shore crabs. Results from the cage experiment suggest that predation by crabs and shrimp were responsible for the high settlement mortality. Both enclosed cannibalistic juvenile crabs and local predators on uncaged habitat plots caused significant losses of settlers in all habitats (on average 22% and 64% 3 day−1, respectively). The effect of predators was highly variable between trials, but differed little between habitat types, and predation had no detectable proximate effect on juvenile distribution, despite the great losses. Small settlement densities on sand habitats in combination with a refuge at low prey numbers, and an aggregation of cannibalistic juvenile crabs in nursery habitats appear to decrease the effect of habitat-specific predation rates on the distribution of juvenile shore crabs. This study demonstrates that active habitat selection at settlement followed by a dynamic redistribution of young juveniles can be the proximate processes responsible for habitat-specific distribution of epibenthic juveniles, and indicate that predation represents a major evolutionary process reinforcing this behavior.  相似文献   

In many species males that tend to win fights against othermales are more attractive to females. There are three ways inwhich male fighting ability and attractiveness may be associated:(1) attractiveness and fighting ability are influenced by thesame underlying traits (e.g., body size), (2) females prefermales that have directly observed winning fights, or (3) winningprevious fights indirectly improves a male's chance of beingpreferred by females. The last possibility may arise as a consequenceof the "loser effect"; in many species when a male loses a fighthis probability of losing subsequent fights increases. Thereare, however, no studies testing whether such a "loser effect"also influences male attractiveness. Here we show that maleattractiveness and fighting ability are positively correlatedin the house cricket, Acheta domesticus. Our experiment wasdesigned so that females could not directly observe the outcomeof fights, thus eliminating possibility (2) above. We then testedbetween possibilities (1) and (3) by making use of the factthat in some cricket species the "loser effect" can be eliminatedexperimentally by ‘shaking’ a male and stimulatingthe motor program for flying. We showed that in A. domesticus‘shaking’ does affect the outcome of subsequentfights. Males that had won two previous fights were less likelyto win a fight after being ‘shaken’ than when subjectto a control treatment. In contrast, males that had lost twoprevious fights were more likely to win a fight after being‘shaken’ than when they were not shaken. There was,however, no effect of ‘shaking’ on male attractiveness.We conclude that the "loser effect" does not alter the tendencyfor large, dominant males to be attractive to females. Instead,it appears that there are traits correlated with both fightingability and attractiveness. One such trait is body size. Fightwinners were significantly larger than losers and attractivenesswas positively correlated with male body size.  相似文献   

Agonistic contests between lobsters housed together in a confined space progress through encounters of increasing intensity until a dominance relationship is established. Once this relationship is established, losing animals continually retreat from the advances of winners.These encounters are likely to consume much energy in both winning and losing animals. Therefore, one might expect involvement of many physiological systems before, during and after fights. Here, we report effects of agonistic encounters on cardiac frequency in winning and losing adult lobsters involved in dyadic interactions.The results show that: (i) small but significant increases in heart rate are observed upon chemical detection of a conspecific; (ii) during agonistic interactions, further increases in heart rate are seen; and (iii) ultimate winners exhibit greater increases in heart rate lasting longer periods of time compared to ultimate losers. Heart rate in winners remains elevated for at least 15 min after the contests have ended and animals have been returned to their home tanks. Reduced effects are seen in second and third pairings between familiar opponents.The sustained changes in heart rate that we observe in winning lobsters may result from hormonal modulation of cardiac function related to the change in social status brought about by contest outcome.  相似文献   

Using capture/recapture methods, we examined the spatial usage patterns of Microtus pennsylvanicus within and between experimentally created habitat patches of three sizes (1.0, 0.25 and 0.0625 ha) and between a 20-ha fragmented and a 20-ha continuous habitat landscape. We tested the prediction that home ranges near patch edges would be qualitatively different from those in patch interiors, and that the edge:interior habitat ratio could be used to make predictions concerning the dispersion and spatial use of individuals occupying different sized patches and between landscapes with different habitat structure. We found adult females on patch edges to have larger and more exclusive home ranges, larger body sizes, longer residence times, and to reproduce at a higher frequency than those in patch interiors. These edge effects also appeared to be largely responsible for the greater proportion of larger, reproductive females we found in small than larger patches and in the fragmented than in the continuous habitat (control) landscape. The selection of higher quality edge habitats by dominant females and the relegation of sub-dominants to patch interiors provides an explanation for the observed differences in the distribution and performance of females over patches and between landscapes.  相似文献   

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