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Two species previously known from East Kazakhstan, Acantholycosa katunensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004, known from the holotype male, and Acantholycosa kurchumensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004, syn. n. known from females, are synonymized, and priority is given to Acantholycosa katunensis. Acantholycosa katunensis is reported for the first time in the Russian Altai. Both sexes of this species are illustrated, and a distribution map is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods are described for making chromosome preparations from developing embryos of Helophorus , for producing C- and G-banding, and for staining the nucleolus organizer with silver. These methods are used to compare the karyotypes of two species currently included in H.aquaticus (L.). It is shown that these species differ because of reciprocal translocations between some chromosomes, and that they would therefore be unable to produce fertile hybrids. Morphological differences in the male and female genitalia are described, and the range of aedeagal variation shown by each species is established by reference to chromosome preparations from testis. Reference to the relevant type specimens shows that the two species are H.aequalis Thomson and H.aquaticus (L.). The latter is not a British species. Differences in the egg cocoons and third instar larvae are described. The present distributions and Pleistocene histories of the two species are described.  相似文献   

鼻狂蝇属物种是有蹄类动物鼻咽腔内常见的专性寄生蝇,是畜牧兽医、农林生产、动物保护领域重点关注的寄生虫.本研究通过系统比较紫鼻狂蝇Rhinoestrus purpureus和亚非鼻狂蝇Rhinoestrus usbekistanicus这两种寄生于马科动物的近缘物种的成虫外部形态及雌雄尾器特征,明确了二者关键鉴别特征,并绘制了形态特征图;此外,还总结了两近缘种在中国的寄主、分布地信息,不仅为鼻狂蝇的快速识别和精准鉴定提供了科学数据,还为其流行病学调查及防控提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

  • 1 Das adulte L. triangularis-♂ bleibt bis zu 2 Tagen im Netz eines ♀, beträchtliche Zeit verbringt es von Netz zu Netz wandernd. Während der Zeit des gemeinsamen Netzaufenthaltes ist das ♂, ob das ♀ nun kopulationsbereit ist oder nicht, stets der dominante Teil des Paares.
  • 2 Wenn mehrere ♂♂ im ♀-Netz zusammentreffen, zeigen sie Droh- und Kampfverhalten, in dem die vergrößerten Chelizeren und Klauen benutzt werden. Mehrere Stufen des Kampfverhaltens werden beschrieben und als Aggressionsanzeiger betrachtet.
  • 3 Netzreduktion durch das ♂ wird als Methode zur Verhinderung von Störungen während der Kopulation betrachtet. Selektionsmechanismen, die die Evolution solchen Verhaltens begünstigen, werden diskutiert.
  • 4 Die Auslösung der Netzreduktion hängt anscheinend von dem Grad der weiblichen Kopulationsbereitschaft ab.
  • 5 Weibchen an der Netzperipherie können in die Netze anderer ♀♀ ein-dringen und dort Beute machen.

The occurrence of chemosensitive hairs in some lycosid species is examined. The distribution and shape of such hairs dorsally on the male subadult palpal tarsus and the cymbium are compared. In certain species (e.g. of the genera. Pardosa and Alopecosa) the cymbium has a dense covering of these hairs while there are rather few of these in the male subadult palpal tarsus. The cymbium of Aulonia atbimana has comparatively few chemosensitive hairs dorsally, a condition supposedly related to the web-building habit in this species. Indications are given that the cymbial chemosensitive hairs are involved in the detection of presumed contact sex pheromones produced by the female. Certain intergeneric differences in the shape of the apical part of the cymbial chemosensitive hairs are noted.  相似文献   

Organisms Diversity & Evolution - The present study evaluates the monophyly of Spintharinae with the inclusion of all ten genera listed under subfamily (Brunepisinus; Chrosiothes; Episinus;...  相似文献   

Summary In eight Pardosa species studied there is a correlation between the structure of the habitat in which the species live, the quantity of silk (drag-lines) produced, the plane in which the silk is spun and the degree of development of the silk glands (the gl. ampullaceae). In general, species living in field-type vegetation have large gl. ampullaceae, produce large quantities of silk and spin proportionally more silk in the vertical plane, while the converse is true for species from open-ground type vegetation.  相似文献   

Pardosa albomaculata Emerton is found to be a distinct species (previously treated as synonym to P. groenlandica (Thorell)); comments are given on synonyms, variation and distribution. P. lowriei sp.n. is described on material from Washington state, USA, and British Columbia, Canada; P. bucklei sp.n. on material from Saskatchewan, Canada. P. albomaculata and P. lowriei are closely related, differing in certain features of the male palps, notably the shape of the conductor, the terminal apophysis, and the embolus, as well as details of the epigynes. These two species and P. bucklei belong to the provisionally named glacialis/groenlandica complex, including several Nearctic and Palae-arctic species still not investigated in detail taxonomically. Comments are given on some taxonomic characters in the copulatory organs. In this respect emphasis is given to the importance of the shape of the mentioned palpal parts, which have hitherto been very little studied in Pardosa species. Viewpoints on some species group characters are also given.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size and leg length was investigated in a common orb-weaving spider of Ireland and northern Europe, Metellina segmentata (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Metidae). Univariate and multivariate analyses of sexual dimorphism revealed that a greater proportion of between sex variation (sexual dimorphism) was attributable to variation in shape than in size. Significant differences were found in the scores for males and females for the first two principal components. PCI (shape) accounted for 44.25% of the variation and PC2 (size) 13.01% of the variation. Although M. segmentata has been attributed with minimal sexual size dimorphism, females were markedly heavier, possibly a reflection of differential reproductive investment between the sexes, but males had markedly longer legs and broader prosoma. The results are discussed with regard to existing theories of natural and sexual selection, particularly those concerning sexual cannibalism and differential life history traits in males and females. Models that attempt to explain the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in spiders and of the web builders in particular, fail to account for the multivariate nature of dimorphism, especially with respect to shape.  相似文献   

The adult Pardosa fulvipes male has a stridulatory apparatus in which the file is the hairless striated surface of the book lung opercula, and the scraper part is formed by several stout denticulated hairs re-trolaterally on the fourth coxae and trochanters. The microscuipture of th; opsrcula and specialized hairs in the adult male are studied with the aid of scanning electron microscope and compared with homologous structures in the adult female and immatures. The microscuipture of the book lung opercula is also compared with that of related Pardosa species. A gradual transformation of the opercular microscuipture occurs in both male and female P. fulvipes leading to the species-specific sculpture in the adults. The behavioural prerequisites for stridulation in this species are discussed. P. fulvipes is hitherto the only lycosid known to have a stridulatory apparatus.  相似文献   

The production of silk in adult females of the wolf spider Pardosa amentata (CI.) has been studied. The role of female silk in courtship behavour is discussed on teh basis of experimental data.  相似文献   

Examination of genetic and ecological relationships within sibling species complexes can provide insights into species diversity and speciation processes. Alpheus angulatus and A. armillatus, two snapping shrimp species with overlapping ranges in the north-western Atlantic, are similar in morphology, exploit similar ecological niches and appear to represent recently diverged sibling species. We examined phylogenetic and ecological relationships between these two species with: (i) sequence data from two mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA and COI); (ii) data on potential differences in microhabitat distribution for A. armillatus and A. angulatus; and (iii) data from laboratory experiments on the level of reproductive isolation between the two species. DNA sequence data suggest A. armillatus and A. angulatus are sister species that diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama, and that haplotype diversity is lower in A. armillatus than in A. angulatus. Both species are distantly related to A. heterochaelis and A. estuariensis, two species with which A. angulatus shares some similarities in coloration. Ecological data on the distribution of A. angulatus and A. armillatus from two locations revealed differences in distribution of the two species between habitat patches, with each patch dominated by one or the other species. However, there was no apparent difference in distribution of the two species within habitat patches with respect to microhabitat location. Ecological data also revealed that heterospecific individuals often occur in close proximity (i.e. within metres or centimetres) where sympatric. Behavioural data indicated that these species are reproductively isolated, which is consistent with speciation in transient allopatry followed by post-divergence secondary contact. Our data further resolve taxonomic confusion between the sibling species, A. armillatus and A. angulatus, and suggest that sympatry in areas of range overlap and exploitation of similar ecological niches by these two recently diverged species have selected for high levels of behavioural incompatibility.  相似文献   

A new species of apseudomorph tanaidacean, Apseudopsis adami sp. nov., is described, including intraspecific variation, from specimens collected in the seagrass meadows of O Grove inlet (NW Iberian Peninsula, NE Atlantic). The new species is characterized by the unique combination of the following characters: pointed rostrum with rounded shoulders, four ventral propodal spines on pereopod 1, and posterolateral pointed apophyses on pereonites 2–5, regardless of the developmental stage of the individual. Two juvenile stages were identified before reaching maturity; early juvenile limbs are scarcely ornamented in comparison to the adults. Advanced juveniles represent the vast majority of the studied population, and the limb ornamentation is similar to that of the adults. Males show two different cheliped morphologies. After a preparatory stage, females pass through a sequence of copulatory instars followed by intermediate stages in which the female loses the ovisac after manca release. The number of segments of the antennular and antennal flagella and uropod endopods, as well as the development and ornamentation of the mandibular palp, are meristic changes that occur during development and allow rapid identification of the developmental instar.  相似文献   

Males of many animal species are reproductively limited by the difficulty and time costs of finding mates. Males of such species should be selected to take advantage of any cues that might reveal the location of prospective mates. Cues to female location are not restricted to those produced by females, but might also include the highly apparent courtship displays of males that have already found a female. By “eavesdropping” on these courting rivals, initiating sexual displays when courting rivals are detected (i.e., social facilitation of displays); males might effectively exploit the mate-searching efforts of their rivals. We tested the possibility that male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders exhibit social facilitation of courtship behaviors using a combination of live behavioral trials and video playback with single stimulus presentations. When exposed to visual cues from another male, male S. ocreata can discern the presence of another individual whether that individual is courting or not. However, we found no evidence of social facilitation of courtship or chemoexploratory behaviors in response to seismic or visual cues presented in isolation or combined. While complex, multimodal, male courtship signals are important in mate choice by female S. ocreata, males do not appear to use these cues to socially facilitate their own courtship.  相似文献   

Morphological, molecular and ecological studies revealed that Kiefferia Mik, 1985 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is not a monotypic genus. Two new species, Kiefferia ezoensis sp. nov. and K. olla sp. nov. from Japan and Korea are added to the known European species, Kiefferia pericarpiicola. The new and known species are distinguishable from each other mainly by the shape of the larval sternal spatula. Molecular data support the results of morphological classification. Species of Kiefferia induce fruit galls on various plant species of Apiaceae. We found that K. ezoensis and K. olla utilized exclusively Angelica ursina and Oenanthe javanica, respectively. In contrast, we listed 37 apiaceous species belonging to 23 genera as hosts for K. pericarpiicola from previously published reports, suggesting the existence of additional undescribed species. Life history patterns of the three species are distinctly different from each other. Mature larvae of K. ezoensis and K. olla drop to the ground with the fruit gall in October and September, respectively, whereas mature larvae of K. pericarpiicola quit the galls and drop to the ground in August. A key to the Kiefferia species is provided based on morphological features and information on life history patterns and host ranges.  相似文献   

G. Mura  B. Brecciaroli 《Hydrobiologia》2004,520(1-3):179-183
Doubts have been raised about the use of morphological characters as criteria for species separation within the genus Artemia because of their relative validity. The characters considered to date, i.e. morphology of the frontal knobs of the male and the presence/absence of a spine-like projection on the basal part of the penis, are only partly efficacious, since they allow us to reliably distinguish only the Mediterranean species, Artemia salina, from the other bisexual species. While A. salina is characterized by subconical frontal knobs and the absence of the spine-like projection, the other species present subspherical frontal knobs and the spine-like projections. There is no information about the aspect of the frontal knobs in the Asian bisexual species. The aim of the present study is to clarify the situation by means of SEM observations of characters not considered in detail (ornamentation of the apical part of the spine-like projections) and by examination of the frontal knobs in the Asian species, which were not described at the time of the first studies.  相似文献   

The Australian wolf spider genus Hoggicosa Roewer, 1960 with the type species Hoggicosa errans (Hogg, 1905) is revised to include ten species: Hoggicosa alfi sp. nov. ; Hoggicosa castanea (Hogg, 1905) comb. nov. (= Lycosa errans Hogg, 1905 syn. nov. ; = Lycosa perinflata Pulleine, 1922 syn. nov. ; = Lycosa skeeti Pulleine, 1922 syn. nov. ); Hoggicosa bicolor (McKay, 1973) comb. nov. ; Hoggicosa brennani sp. nov. ; Hoggicosa duracki (McKay, 1975) comb. nov. ; Hoggicosa forresti (McKay, 1973) comb. nov. ; Hoggicosa natashae sp. nov. ; Hoggicosa snelli (McKay, 1975) comb. nov. ; Hoggicosa storri (McKay, 1973) comb. nov. ; and Hoggicosa wolodymyri sp. nov. The Namibian Hoggicosa exigua Roewer, 1960 is transferred to Hogna, Hogna exigua (Roewer, 1960) comb. nov. A phylogenetic analysis including nine Hoggicosa species, 11 lycosine species from Australia and four from overseas, with Arctosa cinerea Fabricius, 1777 as outgroup, supported the monophyly of Hoggicosa, with a larger distance between the epigynum anterior pockets compared to the width of the posterior transverse part. The analysis found that an unusual sexual dimorphism for wolf spiders (females more colourful than males), evident in four species of Hoggicosa, has evolved multiple times. Hoggicosa are burrowing lycosids, several constructing doors from sand or debris, and are predominantly found in semi‐arid to arid regions of Australia. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 83–123.  相似文献   

In the wolf spider, Hogna helluo , we tested the response to insect and spider prey chemical cues and whether they show a preference for cues associated with prey consumed most recently. Thirty adult female H. helluo were maintained on a diet of either females of a smaller co-occurring wolf spider ( Pardosa milvina ) or domestic crickets ( Acheta domesticus ). A single P. milvina or cricket nymph was maintained on filter paper for 24 h, after which the papers from both prey sources were simultaneously presented to individual H. helluo from each diet treatment group. H. helluo locomotor behavior on each treatment and initial substrate preference was recorded (n = 15/treatment). H. helluo fed crickets showed significantly longer residence time and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by a cricket; spiders fed P. milvina showed longer residence times and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by P. milvina . H. helluo fed P. milvina exhibited an initial preference for substrates previously occupied by P. milvina but H. helluo fed crickets did not show a corresponding initial preference for crickets. Results suggest that H. helluo can detect distant cues associated with P. milvina but not crickets before contacting the substrate and that H. helluo respond to chemical cues from prey and show a preference for those cues associated with their most recent prey.  相似文献   

The relationships between the three members of the Tegenaria atrica group ( T. atrica , T. saeva and T. gigantea ) were examined with DNA sequence data from mitochondrial CO1, 16S rRNA, tRNAleu(CUN) and ND1 genes. Members of this group of large house spiders have overlapping distributions in western Europe and hybridize with each other to a variable degree. The close relatedness of all three species was supported by all analyses. T. saeva and T. gigantea are more closely affiliated than either is to T. atrica . Haplotypes clearly assignable to T. gigantea were also present in many specimens of T. saeva , suggesting asymmetrical introgression of mtDNA from T. gigantea into T. saeva . Molecular clock calibrations (CO1) suggest that deeper divisions within the genus Tegenaria may be in excess of 10 million years old, and that the evolutionary history of the T. atrica group has been moulded by Quaternary glacial–interglacial cycles.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 79–89.  相似文献   

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