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Fivaz M  Meyer T 《Neuron》2003,40(2):319-330
A large number of signaling proteins translocate from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in response to receptor and electrical stimuli. The site of translocation to the plasma membrane and the "on" and "off" rates of the translocation process are critical for defining the specificity of the signaling response. In addition to targeting mechanisms based on protein-protein interactions, signaling proteins have evolved a large repertoire of covalent lipid modifications and lipid binding protein modules that regulate reversible membrane association. The time constants of these membrane interactions range from milliseconds to several hours. Here we discuss how diversity in lipid-based membrane anchoring and targeting motifs contributes to plasticity in neuronal signaling by providing local and regional control mechanisms as well as a means to transduce and integrate signals over a broad range of different time scales.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical procedure was used to detect cells which appear to bind insulin in the mouse brain. Strong fluorescence was observed in the cell bodies and processes of tanycytes lining the third ventricle and in the choroid plexi. These findings suggest that insulin enters the central nervous system, and indicate a route for its possible transport. This adds credence to earlier observations that the hypothalamic ependymal cells and processes form a highly organized and functional system, with different cells selectively absorbing (or sensing) particular substances from the systemic and ventricular circulations and transporting them (or information about them) to specific neuron receptors in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

We developed antibodies pG1 and pG2 which recognize glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in its phosphorylated state. Antibodies pG1 and pG2 were produced against two synthetic peptides, Arg-Arg-Arg-Val-Thr-phosphoSer-Ala-Ala-Arg-Arg-phosphoSer (residues 3-13) and Pro-Gly-Pro-Arg-Leu-phosphoSer-Leu-Ala-Arg-Met-Pro (residues 29-39), respectively. The phosphorylation of these serine residues on the intact GFAP induces disassembly of glial filaments in vitro (Inagaki, M., Gonda, Y., Nishizawa, K., Kitamura, S., Sato, C., Ando, S., Tanabe, K., Kikuchi, K., Tsuiki, S., and Nishi, Y. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 4722-4729). Immunofluorescence and immunoblotting studies demonstrate that both antibodies react specifically with mitotic astroglial cells, thereby supporting the notion that increased phosphorylation during mitosis may directly influence intracellular organization of the glial filaments. The specific distribution pattern of the phosphoGFAP in the mitotic cells reveals that site-specific phosphorylation events may make way for the locally controlled breakdown of glial filaments in the constricted area, before the final separation of daughter cells.  相似文献   

Polytene chromosomes of Chironomus thummi were treated with antisera elicited by purified calf thymus histone fractions, and the location of each histone type was visualized by the indirect immunofluorescence technique. Each of the antisera produced specific and distinct patterns of fluorescence, suggesting that it is possible to use the indirect immunofluorescence technique to study the in situ organization of each histone in the various regions of the chromosomes. H1 and H2A antisera produced diffuse fluorescence patterns in acetic acid-fixed chromosomes which become more defined in formaldehyde-fixed preparations. Antisera to H2B, H3 and H4, when reacted with either formaldehyde- or acetic acid-fixed chromosomes, produce distinct banding patterns closely resembling the banding of acetoorcein-stained or phase-contrast-differentiated chromosomal preparations. These antisera produce corresponding patterns of fluorescence for each chromosome, suggesting that the overall organization of the histones is similar in the various bands. Because the dense band regions stain more brightly with antihistone sera than the less compacted interband areas, we believe that the number of antigenic sites of chromosome-bound histones is related to the amount of DNA present, and that the accessibility of histone determinants does not differ between the bands and interbands.  相似文献   

Protein carboxyl methyltransferase activity has been detected in extracts prepared from bacterial cells (Salmonella typhimurium), amphibian (Xenopus laevis) oocytes, and transformed mammalian cell lines. This activity appears to specifically recognize altered aspartyl residues based on the observation that the synthetic peptide L-Val-L-Tyr-L-Pro-L-isoAsp-Gly-L-Ala is a good methyl-accepting substrate for the methyltransferase activity, but that the corresponding peptide containing a normal L-aspartyl residue is not. These activities are similar to those of the previously described human erythrocyte and bovine brain enzymes which catalyze the formation of polypeptide D-aspartyl beta-methyl esters and L-isoaspartyl alpha-methyl esters. The wide distribution of these enzymatic activites suggest that the methylation of atypical proteins is an essential function in cells.  相似文献   

To study the localization of polypeptides synthesized by isolated senescent chloroplasts we have fractionated the chloroplasts into stroma, envelope and thylakoid components. The validity of the fractionation procedure was tested by assaying both chlorophyll and enzyme markers, as well as the polypeptide composition of each fraction. Plastids in the transition of etioplast to chloroplast, senescent chloroplasts and kinetin-treated chloroplasts produced acceptable fractions, although their polypeptide compositions varied considerably during the ontogeny, particularly those of the envelope. Most of the polypeptides synthesized by isolated senescent chloroplasts were incorporated into the thylakoids except for a 58 kDa polypeptide localized in the stroma and some minor polypeptides present in both stroma and envelope. Although most of the polypeptides synthesized by isolated chloroplasts from kinetin-treated leaves were incorporated into the thylakoid membrane, several polypeptides were found in the stroma (90, 80, 65 and 54 kDa) and in the envelope (100, 75, 48 and 28–30 kDa). The results indicate that early in senescence, the polypeptides of the envelope change but, that probably, most of the new polypeptides are synthesized in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Brain 10 nm filaments were isolated from bovine, rabbit and rat brains by a modification of an existing procedure. The overall polypeptide composition of these preparations was similar to that previously reported for brain neurofilaments. In addition to the major polypeptide component, which has mol. wt. approx. 50 000, three other polypeptides with chain mol. wts. approx. 210 000, 155 000 and 70 000, which correspond to peripheral-nerve neurofilament polypeptides, were consistently found to be present. The mol. wt.-50 000 species was found to be heterogeneous and may contain a component derived from the mol. wt. 70 000 polypeptide. The three higher-molecular-weight polypeptides did not appear to be obviously homologous or to be homologous with myosin or Myxicola neurofilament polypeptides. These same three higher-molecular-weight components were shown to be identical with the polypeptides probably responsible for the 10 nm filaments formed during the early cycles of the tubulin-purification protocol.  相似文献   



A right-handed, calcium-dependent β-roll structure found in secreted proteases and repeat-in-toxin proteins was used as a template for the design of minimal, soluble, monomeric polypeptides that would fold in the presence of Ca2+. Two polypeptides were synthesised to contain two and four metal-binding sites, respectively, and exploit stacked tryptophan pairs to stabilise the fold and report on the conformational state of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Summary Angiotensin I-converting enzyme is responsible for the activation of angiotensin I and the inactivation of bradykinin. It has been localized by immunofluorescence on the endothelium of a variety of tissues and has been considered to be a specific marker for endothelial cells in culture. The present paper demonstrates, by immunofluorescence, the presence of angiotensin I-converting enzyme in monolayer cultures of fibroblasts derived from adult rat lung, bovine calf pulmonary artery, and human foreskin (CF-3 cells). Fluorescent localization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme was observed over the cytoplasm of adult rat lung and bovine calf pulmonary artery fibroblasts and as distinct areas overlying the nuclei of human foreskin fibroblasts. Determination of angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity by fluorimetric assay in parallel studies confirmed the presence of angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in cultured fibroblasts. Immunofluorescent studies with antibody to Factor VIII demonstrated the presence of Factor VIII on cultured endothelial cells but not on fibroblasts. These results indicate that angiotensin I-converting enzyme is not confined to endothelial cells, and thus may not serve as a specific marker for endothelial cells in culture. Factor VIII may be a more specific marker for these cells. Presented in part at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Histochemical Society, April 11–15, 1980, New Orleans, Louisiana. Wendy Baur and Ms. Jane Aghajanian for expert assistance in the preparation of the cell cultures. This work was supported by Research Grant HL 14456 and Training Grant HL 07053 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Angiotensin I-converting enzyme is responsible for the activation of angiotensin I and the inactivation of bradykinin. It has been localized by immunofluorescence on the endothelium of a variety of tissues and has been considered to be a specific marker for endothelial cells in culture. The present paper demonstrates, by immunofluorescence, the presence of angiotensin I-converting enzyme in monolayer cultures of fibroblasts derived from adult rat lung, bovine calf pulmonary artery, and human foreskin (CF-3 cells). Fluorescent localization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme was observed over the cytoplasm of adult rat lung and bovine calf pulmonary artery fibroblasts and as distinct areas overlying the nuclei of human foreskin fibroblasts. Determination of angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity by fluorimetric assay in parallel studies confirmed the presence of angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in cultured fibroblasts. Immunofluorescent studies with antibody to Factor VIII demonstrated the presence of Factor VIII on cultured endothelial cells but not on fibroblasts. These results indicate that angiotensin I-converting enzyme is not confined to endothelial cells, and thus may not serve as a specific marker for endothelial cells in culture. Factor VIII may be a more specific marker for these cells.  相似文献   

Nonhistone protein BA has been shown to decrease in amount in the chromatin of growth- stimulated normal rat liver (Yeoman et al. 1975. Cancer Res. 35:1249-1255) and in mitogen-stimulated normal human lymphocytes (Yeoman et al. 1976. Exp. Cell Res. 100:47- 55.). Subsequently, protein BA was purified and was shown to prefer to bind to double- stranded A-T-rich DNAs (Catino et al. 1978. Biochemistry. 17:983-987.). Immunization of rabbits with highly purified protein BA has resulted in the production of a specific antibody. A specific immunoreactivity for chromosomal protein BA has been demonstrated by immunoelectrophoresis and double antibody immunoprecipitation analysis with rabbit anti-BA immunoglobulin and IgG fractions. Light microscope examination of normal rat liver crysections by the indirect immunofluorescence procedure has demonstrated a cytoplasmic as well as a nuclear localization for protein BA with a pronounced perinucleolar fluorescence. Immunoelectron microscopy employing the peroxidase antiperoxidase method of antigen localization has confirmed the immunofluorescence data and has show a heterochromatin localization for protein BA. The relationship of the localization of protein BA to gene control in quiescent cells or to configurations of heterochromatin as well as the marked reduction in the amounts of protein BA which occur in stimulated growth states remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Summary Chalcone synthase (CHS), the key enzyme of flavonoid biosynthesis, is localized by indirect immunofluorescence in needles ofLarix decidua. In young stages of needle development CHS is present in epidermal cells and individual cells in the region of the vascular bundles which possibly contain tannins. A later developmental stage exhibits immunofluorescence predominantly in the mesophyll of the needle. The epidermis and the cells in the vicinity of the vascular bundles show a considerably weaker and only sporadically detectable fluorescence. CHS is no longer observable at the latest analyzed stages of needle development.  相似文献   

A radioactive, photoactive Vinca alkaloid, N-(p-azido-[3,5-3H]-benzoyl)-N'-beta-aminoethylvindesine [( 3H]NABV) with pharmacological and biological activities similar to vinblastine was synthesized and used to identify specific Vinca alkaloid macromolecular interactions in calf brain homogenate by photoaffinity labeling. The most prominent photolabeled species were 54.3- and 21.5-kDa polypeptides. The Vinca alkaloid-binding specificity of these polypeptides was confirmed by competitive blocking of specific photolabeling by vinblastine but not by colchicine or daunorubicin. The 54.3- and 21.5-kDa polypeptides exhibited specific half-maximum saturable photolabeling at 2.1 and 0.95 X 10(-7) M [3H]NABV, respectively. Relative vinblastine and NABV association constants (Ka vinblastine/Ka NABV) for the 54.3- and 21.5-kDa polypeptides were estimated to be 0.86 and 1.4, respectively. The 54.3-kDa component was found in both high speed (100,000 X g; 1 h) pellet and supernatant fractions, whereas the 21.5-kDa component was located primarily in the high speed pellet. Photolabeling of both components was maximal after 12-min UV light exposure, linear up to 120 micrograms of homogenate protein and only slightly affected by the nitrene scavenger p-aminobenzoic acid. The 54.3-kDa polypeptides of [3H]NABV-photolabeled calf brain high speed supernatant and detergent-solubilized high speed pellet fractions were identified as tubulin subunits by immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibodies to alpha- or beta-tubulin subunits. Although the identity and function of the 21.5-kDa polypeptide is not known, this polypeptide may have a role in membrane-related effects of the Vinca alkaloids. These results demonstrate that [3H]NABV is an attractive tool for identifying and characterizing specific high affinity vinblastine cellular polypeptide acceptors which may initiate or mediate known and unknown mechanisms of Vinca alkaloid action.  相似文献   

Specific steroid antibodies, by the immunofluorescence technique, regularly reveal fluorescent centrioles and cilia-bearing basal bodies in target and nontarget cells. Although the precise identity of the immunoreactive steroid substance has not yet been established, it seems noteworthy that exogenous steroids can be vitally concentrated by centrioles, perhaps by exchange with steroids already present at this level. This unexpected localization suggests that steroids may affect cell growth and differentiation in some way different from the two-step receptor mechanism.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence localization of ponticulin in motile cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ponticulin is the major actin-binding integral glycoprotein in plasma membranes isolated from log-phase Dictyostelium discoideum amebae. As such, this protein appears to be an important link between the plasma membrane and actin filaments (Wuestehube and Luna: Journal of Cell Biology 105:1741-1751, 1987). In this study, indirect immunofluorescence microscopy was used to examine the distribution of ponticulin in randomly moving D. discoideum amebae and in amebae engaged in cell migration and phagocytosis. Ponticulin is distributed throughout the plasma membrane and also is present in intracellular vesicles associated with the microtubule-organizing center-Golgi complex adjacent to the nucleus. In aggregating amebae, ponticulin is concentrated in regions of lateral cell-cell contact and in arched regions of the plasma membrane. Ponticulin also is present, but not obviously enriched, in filopodia, in the actin-rich anterior end of polarized cells, and in detergent-insoluble cytoskeletons. In amebae engaged in phagocytosis of yeast, ponticulin is present but not enriched in phagocytic cups and is associated with intracellular vesicles around engulfed yeast. These results suggest that ponticulin is stably associated with actin filaments in certain regions of the plasma membrane and that the actin-binding activity of ponticulin may be tightly controlled. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoblot analysis demonstrate that human polymorphonuclear leukocytes also contain a 17 kD protein that specifically cross-reacts with antibodies affinity-purified against D. discoideum ponticulin. As in D. discoideum, the mammalian 17 kD ponticulin-analog appears to be localized in plasma membrane and is evident in actin-rich cell extensions. These results indicate that ponticulin-mediated linkages between the plasma membrane and actin may be present in higher eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,98(4):1523-1536
Neurofilaments in the axons of mammalian spinal cord neurons are extensively cross-linked; consequently, the filaments and their cross- bridges compose a three-dimensional lattice. We have used antibody decoration in situ combined with tissue preparation by the quick- freeze, deep-etch technique to locate three neurofilament polypeptides (195, 145, and 73 Kd) within this lattice. When antibodies against each polypeptide were incubated with detergent-extracted, formaldehyde-fixed samples of rabbit spinal cord, each antibody assumed a characteristic distribution: anti-73-Kd decorated the neurofilament core uniformly, but not the cross-bridges; anti-145-Kd also decorated the core, but less uniformly; sometimes the anti-145-Kd antibodies were located over the bases of cross-bridges. In contrast, anti-195-Kd primarily decorated the cross-bridges between the neurofilaments. These observations show that the 73-Kd polypeptide is a component of the central core of neurofilaments, and that the 195-Kd polypeptide is a component of the inter-neurofilamentous cross-bridges. It is consistent with this conclusion that we found few cross-bridges between neurofilaments in the optic nerves of neonatal rabbits during a developmental period when the ratio of 195 to 73 or 145-Kd polypeptides is much lower than in adults. The ratio of 195-Kd polypeptide to the other two neurofilament polypeptides also appeared much lower in the cell bodies and dendrites than in axons of adult spinal cord neurons, when the dispositions of the three polypeptides were studied by immunofluorescence experiments. The cell bodies apparently contain neurofilaments composed primarily of 145- and 73-Kd polypeptides, because we observed antibody decoration of individual neurofilaments in the cell bodies with anti-73- and -145-Kd, but not with anti-195-Kd. We conclude that the 195-Kd polypeptide participates in a cross-linking function, and that this function is, at least in certain neurons, most prevalent in the mature axon.  相似文献   

Microtubule accessory proteins were isolated from porcine brain microtubules by phosphocellulose chromatography, and the high molecular weight protein (HMW protein), purified from this microtubule-associated fraction by electrophoretic elution from SDS gels, was used to raise antisera in rabbits. In agarose double diffusion tests, the antiserum obtained forms precipitin lines with purified HMW protein but not with tau protein or tubulin. When rat glial cells (strain C6) are examined by indirect immunofluorescence, this serum specifically stains a colchicine-sensitive filamentous cytoplasmic network in interphase cells, a network indistinguishable from that seen when cells are treated with antitubulin serum. In dividing cells, specific staining of the mitotic spindle and the stem body is observed with the antiserum to HMW protein. These studies indicate that HMW protein, like tau protein, is associated with microtubules in intact cells.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for specific enzymic cleavage of polypeptides at the N-terminal side of modified cysteine residues. Lysine residues are blocked by trifluoroacetylation and cysteine residues subsequently converted to the 2-aminoethyl derivatives. Digestion of the modified polypeptide with the lysine-specific protease from Armillaria mellea (patented by Walton et al., 1972) occurs only at 2-aminoethylcysteine residues. With the beta chain of human haemoglobin, which contains 2 cysteine and 11 lysine residues, cleavage was observed at both modified cysteines but at none of the lysines. In the case of a polypeptide from bee venom which contains 4 half-cystine and 5 lysine residues, cleavage occurred at only 2 of the modified cysteines and also at 2 lysine residues. The pattern of cleavage in the latter case can be interpreted in terms of the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Using double immuno-fluorescence techniques on frozen-thick sections, we have examined the fate of intermediate filaments during Con A receptor capping in lympnoid cells. Our results indicate that during capping intermediate filaments are preferrentially aggregated between the surface receptor cap structure and the cell nucleus. It is possible, therefore, that intermediate filaments are directly involved in lympnocyte capping.  相似文献   

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