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Stability of nucleosome placement in newly repaired regions of DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rearrangements of chromatin structure during excision repair of UV-damaged DNA appear to involve unfolding of nucleosomal DNA while repair is taking place, followed by refolding of this DNA into a native nucleosome structure. Recently, we found that repair patches are not distributed uniformly along the DNA in nucleosome core particles immediately following their refolding into nucleosomes (Lan, S. Y., and Smerdon, M. J. (1985) Biochemistry, 24,7771). Therefore, the distribution of repair patches in nucleosome core DNA was used to monitor the stability of nucleosome placement in these regions. Our results indicate that in nondividing human cells undergoing excision repair there is a slow change in the positioning of nucleosomes in newly repaired regions of chromatin, resulting in the eventual randomization of repair patches in nucleosome core DNA. Furthermore, the nonrandom placement of nucleosomes observed just after the refolding event is not re-established during DNA replication. Possible mechanisms for this change in nucleosome placement along the DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Formation of nucleosomes on positively supercoiled DNA.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

J F Watkins  M J Smerdon 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7279-7287
We have investigated the salt- and temperature-induced rearrangement of nucleosomes in both intact and H1-depleted nuclei from human cells. In agreement with previous reports on the rearrangement of nucleosomes in isolated chromatin or chromatin fragments, we observed a decrease in the average nucleosome repeat length following incubation of nuclei at 37 degrees C in elevated salt concentrations. However, this decrease occurred in two distinct phases. First, incubation of H1-depleted nuclei at 37 degrees C for as little as 10 min in low-salt, isotonic buffer (containing 0.025 M KCl) resulted in a shift in the limiting repeat value from approximately 190 to 168 base pairs (bp). A similar shift was observed for intact nuclei incubated at 37 degrees C for 1 h in buffer containing near-physiological salt concentrations (i.e., 0.175 M KCl). This limiting repeat value was maintained in both intact and H1-depleted nuclei up to a salt concentration of 0.45 M KCl in the incubation buffer. Second, at salt concentrations of 0.625 M KCl, a limiting repeat of approximately 146 bp was obtained, and the nuclei had clearly lysed. During the first shift in repeat length, little additional exchange of nuclear proteins occurred compared to nuclei kept on ice in a low-salt buffer. This was the case even though the conditions used to monitor exchange were optimized by using a high DNA to chromatin ratio. On the other hand, a significant increase in the exchange of nuclear proteins, and formation of nucleosomes on the naked DNA, was observed during the shift in repeat length to 146 bp.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

K Sidik  M J Smerdon 《Biochemistry》1990,29(32):7501-7511
We have examined the structure of newly repaired regions of chromatin in intact and permeabilized human cells following exposure to bleomycin (BLM). The average repair patch size (in permeabilized cells) was six to nine bases, following doses of 1-25 micrograms/mL BLM, and greater than 80% of the total repair synthesis was resistant to aphidicolin. In both intact and permeabilized cells, nascent repair patches were initially very sensitive to staphylococcal nuclease, analogous to repair induced by "long patch" agents, and are nearly absent from isolated nucleosome core DNA. Unlike long patch repair, however, the loss of nuclease sensitivity during subsequent chase periods was very slow in intact cells, or in permeabilized cells treated with a low dose of BLM (1 microgram/mL), and was abolished by treatment with hydroxyurea (HU) or aphidicolin (APC). The rate of repair patch ligation did not correlate with this slow rate of chromatin rearrangement since greater than 95% of the patches were ligated within 6 h after incorporation (even in the presence of HU or APC). In permeabilized cells, repair patches induced by either 5 or 25 micrograms/mL BLM, where significant levels of strand breaks occur in compact regions of chromatin, lost the enhanced nuclease sensitivity at a rate similar to that observed following long patch repair. This rapid rate of rearrangement was not affected by APC. These results indicate that short patch repair in linker regions of nucleosomes, and/or "open" regions of chromatin, involves much less nucleosome rearrangement than long patch repair or short patch repair in condensed chromatin domains.  相似文献   


The contribution of histone-DNA interactions to nucleosome positioning in vivo is currently a matter of debate. We argue here that certain nucleosome positions, often in promoter regions, in yeast may be, at least in part, specified by the DNA sequence. In contrast other positions may be poorly specified. Positioning thus has both statistical and DNA-determined components. We further argue that the relative affinity of the octamer for different DNA sequences can vary and therefore the interaction of histones with the DNA is a ‘tunable’ property.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a nonhistone chromosomal protein primarily associated with the pericentric heterochromatin and telomeres in Drosophila. The molecular mechanism by which HP1 specifically recognizes and binds to chromatin is unknown. The purpose of this study was to test whether HP1 can bind directly to nucleosomes. HP1 binds nucleosome core particles and naked DNA. HP1-DNA complex formation is length-dependent and cooperative but relatively sequence-independent. We show that histone H4 amino-terminal peptides bind to monomeric and dimeric HP1 in vitro. Acetylation of lysine residues had no significant effect on in vitro binding. The C-terminal chromo shadow domain of HP1 specifically binds H4 N-terminal peptide. Neither the chromo domain nor chromo shadow domain alone binds DNA; intact native HP1 is required for such interactions. Together, these observations suggest that HP1 may serve as a cross-linker in chromatin, linking nucleosomal DNA and nonhistone protein complexes to form higher order chromatin structures.  相似文献   


Recent studies of genome-wide nucleosomal organization suggest that the DNA sequence is one of the major determinants of nucleosome positioning. Although the search for underlying patterns encoded in nucleosomal DNA has been going on for about 30 years, our knowledge of these patterns still remains limited. Based on our evaluations of DNA deformation energy, we developed new scoring functions to predict nucleosome positioning. There are three principal differences between our approach and earlier studies: (i) we assume that the length of nucleosomal DNA varies from 146 to 147 bp; (ii) we consider the anisotropic flexibility of pyrimidine-purine (YR) dimeric steps in the context of their neighbors (e.g., YYRR versus RYRY); (iii) we postulate that alternating AT-rich and GC-rich motifs reflect sequence-dependent interactions between histone arginines and DNA in the minor groove. Using these functions, we analyzed 20 nucleosome positions mapped in vitro at single nucleotide resolution (including clones 601, 603, 605, the pGUB plasmid, chicken β-globin and three 5S rDNA genes). We predicted 15 of the 20 positions with 1-bp precision, and two positions with 2-bp precision. The predicted position of the ‘601’ nucleosome (i.e., the optimum of the computed score) deviates from the experimentally determined unique position by no more than 1 bp—an accuracy exceeding that of earlier predictions.

Our analysis reveals a clear heterogeneity of the nucleosomal sequences which can be divided into two groups based on the positioning ‘rules’ they follow. The sequences of one group are enriched by highly deformable YR/YYRR motifs at the minor-groove bending sites SHL ±3.5 and ±5.5, which is similar to the α-satellite sequence used in most crystallized nucleosomes. Apparently, the positioning of these nucleosomes is determined by the interactions between histones H2A/H2B and the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA. In the other group (that includes the ‘601’ clone) the same YR/YYRR motifs occur predominantly at the sites SHL ±1.5. The interaction between the H3/H4 tetramer and the central part of the nucleosomal DNA is likely to be responsible for the positioning of nucleosomes of this group, and the DNA trajectory in these nucleosomes may differ in detail from the published structures.

Thus, from the stereochemical perspective, the in vitro nucleosomes studied here follow either an X-ray-like pattern (with strong deformations in the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA), or an alternative pattern (with the deformations occurring predominantly in the central part of the nucleosomal DNA). The results presented here may be useful for genome-wide classification of nucleosomes, linking together structural and thermodynamic characteristics of nucleosomes with the underlying DNA sequence patterns guiding their positions.  相似文献   

DNA associated with nucleosomes in plants.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
50 to 55% of tobacco and barley nuclear DNA is accessible to micrococcal endonuclease digestion. The DNA fragments resulting from a mild endonuclease treatment are multiples of a basic unit of 194 +/- 6 base pairs in tobacco and 195 +/- 6 base pairs in barley. After extensive digestion, a DNA fragment of approximately 140 base pairs is predominant. Hence the "extra-core" or "linker"-DNA is 55 base pairs long. Other fragments having 158 and less than 140 base pairs are present as well. Treatment with DNase I results in multiples of 10 bases when analysed under denaturating conditions. These results show that the general organization of the DNA within the nucleosomes is about the same in higher plants as in other higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

DNA organization in nucleosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Yeast nucleosomes allow thermal untwisting of DNA.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Thermal untwisting of DNA is suppressed in vitro in nucleosomes formed with chicken or monkey histones. In contrast, results obtained for the 2 micron plasmid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are consistent with only 30% of the DNA being constrained from thermal untwisting in vivo. In this paper, we examine thermal untwisting of several plasmids in yeast cells, nuclei, and nuclear extracts. All show the same quantitative degree of thermal untwisting, indicating that this phenomenon is independent of DNA sequence. Highly purified yeast plasmid chromatin also shows a large degree of thermal untwisting, whereas circular chromatin reconstituted using chicken histones is restrained from thermal untwisting in yeast nuclear extracts. Thus, the difference in thermal untwisting between yeast chromatin and that assembled with chicken histones is most likely due to differences in the constituent histone proteins.  相似文献   

Recombinant (r)HMfB (archaealhistone B fromMethanothermusfervidus) formed complexes with increasing stability with DNA molecules increasing in length from 52 to 100 bp, but not with a 39 bp molecule. By using125I-labeled rHMfB-YY (an rHMfB variant with I31Y and M35Y replacements) and32P-labeled 100 bp DNA, these complexes, designated archaeal nucleosomes, have been shown to contain an archaeal histone tetramer. Consistent with DNA bending and wrapping, addition of DNA ligase to archaeal nucleosomes assembled with 88 and 128 bp DNAs resulted in covalently-closed monomeric circular DNAs which, following histone removal, were positively supercoiled based on their electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of ethidium bromide before and after relaxation by calf thymus topoisomerase I. Ligase addition to mixtures of rHMfB with 53 or 30 bp DNA molecules also resulted in circular DNAs but these were circular dimers and trimers. These short DNA molecules apparently had to be ligated into longer linear multimers for assembly into archaeal nucleosomes and ligation into circles. rHMfB assembled into archaeal nucleosomes at lower histone to DNA ratios with the supercoiled, circular ligation product than with the original 88 bp linear version of this molecule. Archaeal histones are most similar to the globular histone fold region of eukaryal histone H4, and the results reported are consistent with archaeal nucleosomes resembling the structure formed by eukaryal histone (H3+H4)2tetramers.  相似文献   

Photochemical cross-linking of histones to DNA nucleosomes.   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Ultraviolet (UV)-induced cross-linking was utilized in order to identify histone-DNA interacting regions in the chromatin repeating unit. Fractionated mononucleosomes which contained 185 base pairs of DNA and a full complement of the histones, including histone H1, were irradiated with light of lambda greater than 290nm in the presence of a photosensitizer. Equimolar amounts of histones H2A and H2B were found, by two independent labeling experiments, to be cross-linked to the DNA. Based on previous finding that the UV irradiation specifically cross-links residues which are in close proximity, irrespective of the nature of the amino acid side chain or the nucleotide involved, our results indicate that the four core histones are not positioned equivalently with respect to the DNA. This arrangement allows histones H2A and H2B to preferentially cross-link to the DNA. A water soluble covalent complex of DNA and histones was isolated. This complex was partially resistant to mild nuclease digestion, it exhibited a CD spectrum similar to that of chromatin, and was found to contain histone H1. These results are compatible with a model which suggests that histone H1, though anchored to the linker, is bound to the DNA at additional sites. By doing so it spans the whole length of the nucleosome and clamps together the DNA fold around the histone core.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis fractionates nucleosomes which possess different protein compositions. We report here a procedure for transferring the DNA components of electrophoretically resolved nucleosomes to diazobenzyloxymethyl cellulose (DBM-paper). Histones are first removed from nucleosome components by electrophoresis in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), leaving DNA fragments fixed within the original gel as the CTAB salts. The DNA is then converted to the sodium salt, denatured, and electrophoretically transferred to DBM-paper. The overall pattern of DNA on the resulting blot is visualized either by fluorography or by immunoautoradiography. This DNA pattern is then compared with autoradiograms obtained after hybridizing the same blot with specific 32P-labeled probes. Using mouse satellite DNA as a hybridization probe, we illustrate the above techniques and demonstrate that nucleosomes carrying satellite sequences are compositionally heterogeneous. The procedures described here should also be useful in the analysis of the nucleic acid components associated with other nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

R Male  V M Fosse    K Kleppe 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(20):6305-6318
The ability of different polyamines to catalyze hydrolysis of phosphodiester linkages in apurinic and apyrimidinic (AP) sites has been investigated in supercoiled, relaxed and denatured DNA, and also in core and chromatosome particles. The rate constants for the hydrolysis in the DNAs have been determined. In general the order of effectiveness of the polyamines were: spermine greater than spermidine greater than putrescine greater than cadaverine. A 9 fold difference in rate constants was found between spermine and cadaverine. No difference in the rate of hydrolysis was seen between AP-sites in supercoiled and relaxed DNAs, whereas the rate for the single-stranded DNA and DNA in core and chromatosome particles was only half of that in the double-stranded DNA. All AP-sites in both free DNA and DNA-histone particles were hydrolyzed in the presence of polyamines. For all polyamines, with the exception of spermine, increasing concentration of both Mg++ and salts such as KCl both led to a large decrease in the rate of polyamine-induced hydrolysis of AP-sites. The rate of hydrolysis increased markedly with increasing pH in the pH range pH 6 - pH 11.  相似文献   

The production and removal of gamma-radiation-induced DNA-protein crosslinks (DPC) in nuclear matrix-associated newly replicated DNA were examined, as well as the relationship of DPC to DNA replication. In unirradiated, exponentially growing Chinese hamster V79 cells, DNA pulse labeled with [3H]thymidine was observed to be bound preferentially to protein. The pulse-labeled DNA subsequently became dissociated from protein. After a 30- to 60-min chase period, the level of labeled DNA in DPC was reduced to the same level as for bulk DNA. The radiation dose response for the formation of DPC was similar in newly replicated DNA that had been chased for various times and in mature chromatin DNA. Labeled DNA, in the DPC formed after 60 Gy, was rapidly removed from protein during the postirradiation incubation period. However, no recovery of DNA synthesis was observed, even after the majority of DPC were released. Thus either DPC are not the sole cause of the inhibition of DNA synthesis or their removal is not sufficient for DNA synthesis to resume.  相似文献   

Chromatin was assembled in vitro from relaxed closed circular DNA (SV40) and core histones at histone to DNA ratios of 0.2 to 0.3 (g/g) and incubated with topoisomerase I to relax supercoils in DNA regions not constrained by protein. Addition of histones H1 + H5 to the chromatin at an ionic strength of 0.1 M, in the presence of the solubilizing agent, polyglutamic acid, and topoisomerase I, increased the magnitude of the DNA linking number change, relative to protein-free DNA. No change in the linking number distribution occurred for relaxed protein-free DNA under these conditions. Control experiments indicated that the increase in the absolute value of the DNA linking number change in the chromatin could not be attributed to an increase in the number of nucleosomes per DNA molecule. These data suggest a solution to the linking number problem associated with models of chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Formation of hybrid nucleosomes cantaining new and old histones.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
5 mM hydroxyurea (HU) inhibits DNA synthesis in mouse P815 cells by 94-97% in less than 1 hr. Nevertheless, histone synthesis continues and newly-synthesised histones are incorporated into non-replicating chromatin at a rate of about 20% of that in control exponentially-growing cells. To study the organization of these histones in chromatin P815 cells were treated with 5 mM HU in medium containing dense (15N, 13C, 2H) - substituted amino acids. After inhibition of DNA synthesis, newly-synthesised histones were labelled with (3H)-arginine. The cells were harvested 90 min later, and mono- and oligonucleosomes were prepared and analysed on metrizamide-triethanolamine (MA-TEA density gradients. Analysis of the distribution of 3H-labelled histones in these gradients shows that they are incorporated into hybrid mononucleosomes containing both new and old histones. It is also shown that these hybrid nucleosomes are not randomly distributed, but show a certain tendency to be clustered in certain chromatin regions.  相似文献   

核小体是构成真核生物染色质的基本结构单位,组蛋白变体H2A.Z及H3.3对染色质结构及基因转录过程发挥着重要的调控作用。体内研究核小体及染色质结构受到诸多因素限制,体外重构含有H2A.Z及H3.3的核小体结构是研究与组蛋白变体相关基因表达调控的重要方法之一。实验表达纯化了6种组蛋白,在复性的过程中装配了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的组蛋白八聚体。基于DNA序列10bp周期性及序列模体设计了3条易于形成核小体的DNA序列,通过PCR大量扩增的方法,回收了标记Cy3荧光分子的目的DNA序列。采用盐透析法体外组装了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的核小体结构,利用荧光标记、EB染色及考马斯亮蓝染色检测了含有组蛋白变体的核小体形成效率及形成过程的吉布斯自由能变化。结果发现,设计的3条DNA序列可以有效地组装形成含有组蛋白电梯的核小体结构,而且随着组蛋白八聚体与DNA比例的增加,核小体的形成效率显著提高;采用Cy3荧光标记可以灵敏且定量地计算组装过程的吉布斯自由能。该方法的建立对研究组蛋白变体相关的结构生物学及转录调控等具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Nucleosome positioning in vivo and in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nucleosome positioning refers to sequence-specific locations for histones interacting with the nucleic acid. Examples of occurrence of this phenomenon, its possible mechanisms and its significance are presented.  相似文献   

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