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The formation of long-term pair bonds in marine fish has elicited much empirical study. However, the evolutionary mechanisms involved remain contested and previous theoretical frameworks developed to explain monogamy in birds and mammals are not applicable to many cases of monogamy in marine fish. In this review, we summarise all reported occurrences of social monogamy in marine fish, which has so far been observed in 18 fish families. We test quantitatively the role of ecological and behavioural traits previously suggested to be important for the evolution of monogamy and show that monogamous species occur primarily in the tropics and are associated with coral reef environments in which territory defence and site attachment is facilitated. However, there is little evidence that obligately monogamous species are smaller in body size than species that can adopt a polygynous mating system. We review the evidence pertaining to six hypotheses suggested for the evolution of monogamous pair bonds: (1) biparental care, (2) habitat limitation, (3) low population density/low mate availability/low mobility, (4) increased reproductive efficiency, (5) territory defence, and (6) net benefit of single mate sequestration. We outline predictions and associated empirical tests that can distinguish between these hypotheses, and assess how generally each hypothesis explains monogamy within and between breeding periods for species with different types of territories (i.e. feeding only or feeding and breeding). Hypotheses (1) and (2) have limited applicability to marine fishes, while hypotheses (3)-(5) have little empirical support beyond the species for which they were designed. However, the role of paternal care in promoting monogamous pair bonds is not explicit in these hypotheses, yet paternal care has been reported in more than 70 monogamous marine fish. We show that paternal care may act to increase the likelihood of monogamy in combination with each of the proposed hypotheses through decreased benefits to males from searching for additional mates or increased advantages to females from sequestering a single high-quality mate. Among species defending breeding and feeding territories, the benefits, both within and between reproductive periods, of sequestering a single high-quality mate (hypothesis 6) appear to be the best explanation for socially monogamous pairs. For species without parental care (i.e. holding only feeding territories), territory defence (hypothesis 5) in combination with the benefits of guarding a large mate (hypothesis 6) could potentially explain most instances of monogamy. Empirical studies of marine fishes over the past two decades are therefore slowly changing the view of monogamy from a mating system imposed upon species by environmental constraints to one with direct benefits to both sexes.  相似文献   

Schistosomes represent a unique animal model for comparative analyses of monogamy. Indeed, schistosomes are classified at the lowest taxonomical level of monogamous species and lack complex social interactions, which could alter our understanding of their unusual mating system. Elements discussed here include the fact that monogamy in schistosomes could be an ancestral state between hermaphroditism and polygyny or polygynandry and the occurrence of mate changes. In addition, hypotheses are proposed to explain monogamy in schistosomes (e.g. female dispersion, the need for paternal care, oviposition site limitation or aggressiveness, and mate guarding). We also propose future experimental and analytical approaches to improve our understanding of the schistosomes' mating system.  相似文献   

Mammalian mating systems   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Male mammals show a diverse array of mating bonds, including obligate monogamy, unimale and group polygyny and promiscuity. These are associated with a wide variety of different forms of mate guarding, including the defence of feeding and mating territories, the defence of female groups and the defence of individual receptive females. Female mating bonds include long-term monogamy, serial monogamy, polyandry and promiscuity. Both male and female mating behaviour varies widely within species. Variation in male mating behaviour is related to the effect of male assistance in rearing young and to the defensibility of females by males. The latter is, in turn, related to female ranging behaviour and to the size and stability of female groups. Much of the variation in mammalian mating bonds and systems of mate guarding can be attributed to differences in these three variables.  相似文献   

Paternity protection and the acquisition of multiple mates select for different traits. The consensus from theoretical work is that mate‐guarding intensifies with an increasing male bias in the adult sex ratio (ASR). A male bias can thus lead to male monogamy if guarding takes up the entire male time budget. Given that either female‐ or male‐biased ASRs are possible, why is promiscuity clearly much more common than male monogamy? We address this question with two models, differing in whether males can assess temporal cues of female fertility. Our results confirm the importance of the ASR: guarding durations increase with decreasing female availability and increasing number of male competitors. However, several factors prevent the mating system from switching to male monogamy as soon as the ASR becomes male biased. Inefficient guarding, incomplete last male sperm precedence, any mechanism that allows sperm to fertilize eggs after the male's departure, and (in some cases) the unfeasibility of precopulatory guarding all help explain cases where promiscuity exists on its own or alongside temporally limited mate‐guarding. Shortening the window of fertilization shifts guarding time budgets from the postcopulatory to the precopulatory stage.  相似文献   

We tested predictions from four hypotheses to explain the occurrence of long-term socially monogamous pairs in the Caribbean cleaning goby Elacatinus (=Gobiosoma) evelynae, namely (1) resource limitation, (2) low population and/or low mate density, (3) territorial defence and (4) net benefit of single-mate sequestration. We found no evidence that resources, in terms of available cleaning stations or clients to clean, were limited (1) or that after experimental goby removals, single individuals could not maintain cleaning stations alone (2). Population density was low but this did not prevent artificially widowed fish from remating quickly with individuals as large as their initial partners (3). Social monogamy in E. evelynae appears to result from the benefits associated with sequestering a large, high-quality mate (4). Both males and females showed intrasexual aggression towards experimental intruders consistent with mate guarding. Opportunities for polygynous matings by males, assessed by comparing the sizes, distances between and mating synchrony of neighbouring pairs, appeared both low and of limited value. Males therefore benefit most from guarding a larger, more fecund female. Females spent longer cleaning when paired with a large male, indicating that the benefits of guarding a high-quality mate may extend outside of the reproductive period for socially monogamous species. These results add to an increasing number of studies on coral reef fish showing mate-guarding behaviour and benefits to males and females from sequestering a single mate. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Long‐term monogamy is most prevalent in birds but is also found in lizards. We combined a 31‐year field study of the long‐lived, monogamous Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, with continuous behavioural observations through GPS data logging, in 1 yr, to investigate the duration of pair bonds, rates of partner change and whether either the reproductive performance hypothesis or the mate familiarity hypothesis could explain this remarkable long‐term monogamy. The reproductive performance hypothesis predicts higher reproductive success in more experienced parents, whereas the mate familiarity hypothesis suggests that effects of partner familiarity select for partner retention and long‐term monogamy. Rates of partner change were below 34% over a 5‐yr period and most sleepy lizards formed long‐term pair bonds: 31 partnerships lasted for more than 15 yr, 110 for more than 10 yr, and the recorded maximum was 27 yr (ongoing). In the year when we conducted detailed observations, familiar pairs mated significantly earlier than unfamiliar pairs. Previous pairing experience (total number of years paired with previous partners) had no significant effect. Early mating often equates to higher reproductive success, and we infer that is the case in sleepy lizards. Early mating of familiar pairs was not due to better body condition. We propose two suggestions about the proximate mechanisms that may allow familiar pair partners to mate earlier than unfamiliar partners. First, they may have improved coordination of their reproductive sexual cycles to reach receptivity earlier and thereby maximise fertilisation success. Second, they may forage more efficiently, benefiting from effective information transfer and/or cooperative predator detection. Those ideas need empirical testing in the future. Regardless of the mechanism, our observations of sleepy lizard pairing behaviour support the mate familiarity hypothesis, but not the reproductive performance hypothesis, as an explanation for its long‐term monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

This study examined the behavior and reproduction of a monogamous coral-reef fish, Valenciennea strigata, to determine mate fidelity and the proximate causes of monogamy. Most fish were found in monogamous pairs that remained together over several rounds of reproduction. Pairs stayed within close proximity to each other and their burrows. Females fed at a higher rate than their mates, while males spent more time maintaining burrows. Females spawned every 13 days; males guarded eggs in the burrow for 2–3 days. Although females limited the RS of males, males did not mate polygynously under natural conditions. Reproductive success (RS) was affected primarily by survival, and secondarily by size. Both sexes enforced monogamy by guarding their mates. Three factors facilitated mate guarding: (1) all males were able to hold a nest site, (2) both sexes showed strong site fidelity, and (3) residents had an advantage in contests over mates. Thus, mates were economically defensible. Additionally, females formed a crescent of dark pigments on their abdomen that resembled a gravid condition; these marks may enhance continuation of the pair bond. Both sexes preferred large mates, and pairs were positively assorted by size. Males benefited from guarding large females because fecundity increased with size. Females may benefit from the burrowing of males, and larger males should be better burrowers.  相似文献   

The Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, maintains monogamous associations for an average of 6 weeks before mating each spring. One hypothesis to explain this prolonged partnership is that males are guarding their female partners from rival males. This hypothesis has three predictions, that males are more aggressive than females to conspecific males, that male aggression will increase as the time of mating gets closer, and that males will be more aggressive towards conspecific males when they are with their partner than when they are alone. We tested those predictions with indirect evidence of aggression, using counts of scale damage on randomly encountered lizards, and with direct observations of their responses to approaches by conspecific and heterospecific models. As predicted by the mate guarding hypothesis, males showed more evidence of aggression towards conspecifics than did females. However, in contrast to the hypothesis, males did not become more aggressive as the time of mating came closer, and males in pairs were less aggressive than males on their own. Mate guarding cannot be the only process that has led to the prolonged monogamous associations in this species. Parental care is also unknown in these lizards, and we suggest that monogamy may be maintained through some form of female coercion, allowing females to gain additional fitness from the enhanced vigilance that results from male proximity.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of a monogamous coral-reef fish were examined to test hypotheses of recruitment limitation, predation, and postrecruitment processes, and to determine their affects on the mating system. Valenciennea strigata are monogamous gobies that live in sand and rubble zones throughout the Indo-Pacific. Seasonal abundance was recorded in the summer and winter over 2.5 years. A subset of this population was tagged (n = 256) and followed to determine mortality and mobility. Valenciennea strigata were more abundant in summer than in winter, suggesting that a pulse of recruitment in the spring set the maximum population density. Growth rates derived from tagged fish support the hypothesis that recruitment peaked in the spring. Tagged fish experienced 88% mortality within six months; the annual mortality rate approached 100%. Evidence of predation, antipredatory behavior and strong site fidelity implicate predation as the primary source of mortality. Competition for space was not observed between adults, but may affect settlement and recruitment. Despite the lack of adult competition for space, both sexes guarded their mates and courted individuals of the opposite sex. Thus, although population size appears to be determined by nonequilibrium processes, the mating system is affected by competition for mates. Successful mate guarding by both sexes enforced monogamy.  相似文献   

Mating system and timing of breeding in Holarctic waders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In passerine birds polygamous species lay eggs later than monogamous species. Yom-Tov has hypothesized that this is because polygamous males do not provision their mates with food, thereby delaying egg-laying. An indirect prediction of this hypothesis is that there should be no difference in laving dates between monogamous and polygamous birds in which mate provisioning does not occur. This prediction was tested by examining egg-laying dates in sympatric wader species that have contrasting mating systems but in which food provisioning of mates does not occur. Polygamous waders laid eggs later than monogamous waders, however, both in a comparison involving only calidridine sandpipers and in a comparison involving sandpipers and plovers. Accounting for phylogeny did not affect the direction of the results, which therefore cast doubt on the validity of the 'mate provisioning' hypothesis and indicated that features common to both passerines and waders were more likely to explain the differences in egg-laying dates between mating systems. Mating system and parental care system were strongly related, with all polygamous species being uniparental and monogamous species being biparental. It is suggested that seasonally early food supplies are of relatively low abundance, constraining species to biparental care and monogamy. By contrast, seasonally late food supplies are more abundant, making uniparental care more successful, thereby creating greater opportunities for mate desertion and polygamy.  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection increases or decreases female fitness is determined by the occurrence and relative importance of sexual-conflict processes and the ability of females to choose high-quality males. Experimentally enforced polyandry and monogamy have previously been shown to cause rapid evolution in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Flies from polyandrous lines invested more in reproductive tissue, and this investment influenced paternity in sperm competition, but came at a cost to immune function. While some fitness consequences of enforced polyandry or monogamy have been examined when flies mate multiply, the consequences for female fitness when singly copulated remain unexplored. Under a good-genes scenario females from polyandrous lines should be of higher general quality and should outperform females from monogamous lines even with a single copulation. Under sexual conflict, costly adaptations will afford no advantages when females are allowed to mate only once. We investigate the lifetime reproductive success and longevity of females evolving under enforced monogamy or polyandry when mating once with males from these selection regimes. Females from polyandrous lines were found to have lower fitness than their monogamous counterparts when mating once. They died earlier and produced significantly fewer eggs and offspring. These results suggest that sexual conflict probably drove evolution under enforced polyandry as female fitness did not increase overall as expected with purely good-genes effects.  相似文献   

Social monogamy has evolved independently in many taxa, and often involves biparental care of the young. Where it does not, mate guarding and shared territoriality have been invoked as causal factors. We evaluated mate guarding and shared resource defence (a common shelter) as factors that could have led to social monogamy in the snapping shrimp, Alpheus heterochelis. This species is found in male–female pairs that defend a common shelter together. Female receptivity lasts only for a few hours immediately after her periodic moult. Their monogamous pair bond may represent mate guarding or joint defence of a territory. Monogamy in A. heterochelis seems most importantly driven by the cryptic nature of the female's moult cycle. We found that males did not discriminate among females at different intermoult stages for pairing, nor did they modulate their defence of mate and shelter (vs. the risk in finding a new shelter and mate) according to female moult stage. This, together with the short period of female receptivity before her single copulation per cycle, make extended mate guarding the most efficient method for a male to secure a mating opportunity. Comparing eviction rates of paired and unpaired shelter residents by conspecific intruders provided no evidence of enhanced resource defence that would confer a selective advantage to a pair. Male presence during the moult is beneficial for the female, as searching for a male during her soft-bodied receptive phase would put her at mortal risk. Our results show empirically for the first time that guarding may be beneficial, even if males are not able to assess the female's reproductive stage. This extends the theoretical framework for understanding the evolution of social monogamy in taxa without biparental care of young.  相似文献   

Social and mating systems can be influenced by the distribution, abundance, and economic defendability of breeding partners and essential resources. Polygyny is predicted where males can economically defend multiple females or essential resources used by females. In contrast, monogamy is predicted where neither sex can monopolise multiple partners, either directly or through resource control, but where one mate is economically defendable. The mating system and reproductive behaviour of five species of coral reef goby were investigated and contrasted with population density and individual mobility. The two most abundant species (Asterropteryx semipunctatus and Istigobius goldmanni) were polygynous. In contrast, the less populous and more widely dispersed epibenthic species (Amblygobius bynoensis, Amblygobius phalaena and Valenciennea muralis) were pair forming and monogamous. All five species had low mobility, mostly remaining within metres (3 epibenthic species) or centimetres (2 cryptobenthic species) of a permanent shelter site. Interspecific differences in the mating system may have been shaped by differences in population density and the ability of reproductive individuals to economically defend breeding partners/sites. However, in a test of mating system plasticity, males of the three monogamous species did not mate polygynously when given the opportunity to do so in experimental manipulations of density and sex ratio. Mate guarding and complex spawning characteristics, which have likely co-evolved with the monogamous mating system, could contribute to mating system inflexibility by making polygynous mating unprofitable for individuals of the pair forming species, even when presented with current-day ecological conditions that usually favour polygyny.  相似文献   

Mate‐guarding behaviour is regarded as a means of increasing paternity share by reducing sperm competition. It is known to be a plastic response which varies with operational sex ratios and competitor presence in the vicinity. In a recent study, prolonged mating duration in Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) has been found to incorporate mate‐guarding behaviour. The present investigation was conducted to assess its plasticity in the presence of competitors. The physical and chemical presence of competitors of both sexes at varying densities was provided to a pair of ladybirds, and their time to commence mating, latent period and mate‐guarding duration was observed. These were compared to a control treatment where other partners were absent. All treatments were conducted with sibling as well as non‐sibling competitors. It was our hypothesis that mate guarding would be increased in the presence of male competitors and would be reduced by female presence. The results revealed that while mate‐guarding duration was increased by the chemical presence of males it was decreased by their physical presence. The latter result was attributed to interference by other males who dislodge the mating male in order to access the female. Female chemical presence had no effect on mate guarding, while physical presence increased the duration of mate guarding. The reasons for the latter behaviour require further investigation. Responses were not significantly affected by the relationship between the focal pair and the competitor. The authenticity of the mate guarding in this ladybird is strongly affirmed by our results.  相似文献   

Multi-male mating (MMM) by females is relatively common among mammals, occurring in at least 133 species and several evolutionary benefits of MMM have been proposed. The most convincing explanation is that MMM confuses paternity, thereby deterring infanticide by males. A second explanation for females that are unlikely to experience infanticide is that MMM is a consequence of sexual harassment. Mate guarding and, perhaps even in some cases, behavioral monogamy, might have evolved in response to the threat of infanticide and the subsequent tendency for females to mate multiply. Benefits relating to improved genetic fitness of offspring do occur in some species, but do not provide a widespread explanation for the evolutionary origin of MMM; if cryptic female choice through sperm competition is adaptive to females it probably evolved as a consequence of, rather than a precursor to, female promiscuity. Here, we provide support for the original hypothesis of paternity confusion for MMM, rather than for the more popular good genes or sperm competition hypotheses.  相似文献   

The weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus shows three kinds of same-sex mountings: males mount other unpaired males, males mount males already engaged in copulation and females mount other females. Four hypotheses were evaluated in order to explain same-sex matings by males: (i) female mimicry by inferior males, (ii) dominance of larger males which affects the behaviour of small males, (iii) sperm transfer in which smaller males gain some reproductive success by 'hitchhiking' their sperm with the sperm of larger males, and (iv) poor sex recognition. Data from mate choice and sperm competition experiments rejected the female mimicry, dominance and sperm transfer hypotheses and supported the poor sex recognition hypothesis. We tested three hypotheses in order to explain female mounting behaviour: (i) females mimic male behaviour in order to reduce sexual harassment by males, (ii) females mount other females in order to appear larger and thereby attract more and larger males for mating, and (iii) female mimicry of males. The results of our mate choice experiments suggested that the female mimicry of males hypothesis best explains the observed female mounting behaviour. This result is also consistent with the poor sex recognition hypothesis which is the most likely explanation for male and female intrasexual mating behaviour in many insect species.  相似文献   

We studied the mating system of the emerald damselflyLestes sponsa. All males showed intense contact mate guarding by holding the female in tendem during the entire oviposition period. Our findings support the predictions made by Alcock (1994) about the occurrence of intense mate guarding: (1) a high female receptivity after copulation, (2) a high male capacity to resist takeovers, (3) sperm precedence, (4) a high operational sex ratio, (5) a high male density, (6) high access by rivals to mated females, (7) low energy expenditure, (8) a low risk of guarding, and (9) a short interval between copula and oviposition. This indicates a positive cost-benefit balance for this behavior, at least in males. A comparison within the genusLestes suggests that the male-biased sex ratios and the ease with which mated females are detected have been strong selection pressures in the evolution of intense contact mate guarding.  相似文献   

Male mate guarding by close following has been reported in many socially monogamous bird species and is generally believed to function as a paternity guard. Many aspects of the dynamics and effectiveness of this behavior are still however poorly understood. Here, we describe the temporal variation in mate guarding behavior in male reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) with a particular focus on how males allocate their mating effort between mate guarding and extrapair mating in a context of intense sperm competition. In our highly synchronous study population most males have to balance the simultaneous and mutually exclusive demands of mate guarding and seeking extrapair copulations (EPCs). We found that males frequently switched between guarding their mates and performing intrusions to neighboring territories. Both activities seemed to have significant fitness payoffs, as male mate guarding effort had a positive effect on paternity, and a large fraction of extrapair fertilizations occurred during the days when the sire guarded its own female. The reed bunting is thus an example of how discontinuous or part‐time mate guarding can still be effective in securing paternity. Female reed buntings were not particularly active in initiating EPCs as they never were observed performing extraterritorial forays. We argue that the absence of female‐initiated EPCs is a prerequisite for males to trade mate guarding against seeking EPCs. Otherwise, if females circumvent male mate guarding by timing their EPCs to periods of male absence, males should guard their mates almost continuously or rely on alternative paternity guards.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Field and laboratory observations on the mating behaviour of Gerris lateralis Schumm. allowed three distinct phases to be distinguished: (i) a precopulatory phase (1.5min, SD=1.3), (ii) copulation (16.2min, SD=12.9), and (iii) a postcopulatory phase. The duration of the postcopulatory phase, during which the male rode passively on the back of the female without genital contact, varied considerably (11 min to > 48h). Females appeared reluctant in all matings, and matings were forced by males.
2. Laboratory experiments showed that the females were able to store sperm for more than 30 days without decrease in fertilization rate. In double mating experiments, where partially sterilized males were used, it was demonstrated that sperm displacement was extensive. The last male to mate fertilized approximately 80% of the eggs.
3. It is concluded that the postcopulatory behaviour is beneficial to males in terms of paternity assurance, and it is interpreted as a mate guarding behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Diacamma species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) differ from other ants by the extremely long duration of copulation. By using histological sections through mating pairs of Diacamma pallidum (F. Smith), it is demonstrated that the transfer of sperm to the female genital tract only takes 2 min and is completed quickly after the onset of copulation, although the male and female will remain connected for many hours. Next to the two traditional hypotheses of mate guarding and mate manipulation commonly invoked to explain prolonged copulations, a new hypothesis is proposed linked to the interference of the nestmate workers with the mating pair, and suggestions for further research are given.  相似文献   

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