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The 'trade-off' hypothesis for virulence evolution assumes that between-host transmission rate is a positive and saturating function of pathogen exploitation and virulence, but there are as yet few tests of this assumption, in particular for vector-borne pathogens. Here, I show that the infectivity (probability of transmission) of the tick-borne bacterium Borrelia afzelii from two of its natural rodent hosts (bank vole and yellow-necked mouse) to its main tick vector increases asymptotically with increasing exploitation (measured as bacterial load in skin biopsies). Hence, this result provides support for one of the basic assumptions of the 'trade-off hypothesis'. Moreover, there was no difference in infectivity between bank voles and yellow-necked mice despite bacterial loads being on average an order of magnitude higher in bank voles, most likely because ticks took larger blood meals from mice. This shows that interspecific variation in host resistance does not necessarily translate into a difference in infectivity.  相似文献   



Borrelia burgdorferi has limited biosynthetic capabilities and must scavenge N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), an essential component of the microbial cell wall, from the surrounding environment. Spirochetes cultured in the absence of free GlcNAc exhibit biphasic growth; however, addition of chitobiose (a dimer of GlcNAc) substitutes for free GlcNAc resulting in a single exponential phase. We evaluated the effect of RpoS and RpoN, the only alternative sigma factors in B. burgdorferi, on biphasic growth and chitobiose utilization in the absence of free GlcNAc. In addition, we investigated the source of GlcNAc in the second exponential phase.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete that causes Lyme borreliosis, contains 21 linear and circular plasmids thought to be important for survival in mammals or ticks. Our results demonstrate that the gene BBE22 encoding a nicotinamidase is capable of replacing the requirement for the 25 kb linear plasmid lp25 during mammalian infection. Transformation of B. burgdorferi lacking lp25 with a shuttle vector containing the lp25 gene BBE22 (pBBE22) restored infectivity in mice to a level comparable to that of wild-type Borrelia. This complementation also restored the growth and host adaptation of lp25-B. burgdorferi in dialysis membrane chambers (DMCs) implanted in rats. A single Cys to Ala conversion at the putative active site of BBE22 abrogated the ability of pBBE22 to re-establish infectivity or growth in DMCs. Additional Salmonella typhimurium complementation studies and enzymatic analysis demonstrated that the BBE22 gene product has nicotinamidase activity and is most probably required for the biosynthesis of NAD. These results indicate that some plasmid-encoded products fulfil physiological functions required in the enzootic cycle of pathogenic Borrelia.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi infection causes an initial skin lesion called erythema migrans (EM) in human Lyme disease and in models of monkey and rabbit borreliosis. EM results from the inflammatory response triggered by spirochete replication and likely develops to contain the initial infection but allows bacterial dissemination to occur. The essential lack of neutrophil involvement in EM histopathology prompted us to examine the consequence of increasing their recruitment in the inflammatory response to the Lyme disease agent. B. burgdorferi was modified genetically to constitutively express and secrete the chemokine KC, a neutrophil chemoattractant. After inoculation into the dermis of the murine host, control spirochetes induced an infiltration of macrophages, neutrophils, and basophils within 6 h; however, the recruited neutrophils and basophils were quickly substituted by eosinophils, and the inflammatory response became macrophage dominant by 16 h. Such a response failed to contain the initial infection and allowed the spirochetes to disseminate. In contrast, B. burgdorferi with KC secretion induced an intensive neutrophil infiltration at the inoculation site, and as a result, the host's ability to control the initial infection was greatly enhanced. Taken together, this study suggests that the failure of sufficient neutrophil recruitment and activation during the initial inflammatory response may allow B. burgdorferi to effectively colonize the mammalian host.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, shows a great ability to adapt to different environments, including the arthropod vector, and the mammalian host. The success of these microorganisms to survive in nature and complete their enzootic cycle depends on the regulation of genes that are essential to their survival in the different environments. This review describes the current knowledge of gene expression by B. burgdorferi in the tick and the mammalian host. The functions of the differentially regulated gene products as well as the factors that influence their expression are discussed. A thorough understanding of the changes in gene expression and the function of the differentially expressed antigens during the life cycle of the spirochete will allow a better control of this prevalent infection and the design of new, second generation vaccines to prevent infection with the spirochete.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the pathogen of Lyme disease, cycles in nature through Ixodes ticks and mammalian hosts. At least five Complement Regulator-Acquiring Surface Proteins (BbCRASPs) are produced by B. burgdorferi, which are thought to assist spirochetes in host immune evasion. Recent studies established that BbCRASP-2 is preferentially expressed in mammals, and elicits robust antibody response in infected hosts, including humans. We show that BbCRASP-2 is ubiquitously expressed in diverse murine tissues, but not in ticks, reinforcing a role of BbCRASP-2 in conferring B. burgdorferi defense against persistent host immune threats, such as complement. BbCRASP-2 immunization, however, fails to protect mice from B. burgdorferi infection and does not modify disease, as reflected by the development of arthritis. An infectious BbCRASP-2 mutant was generated, therefore, to examine the precise role of the gene product in spirochete infectivity. Similar to wild type B. burgdorferi, BbCRASP-2 mutants remain insensitive to complement-mediated killing in vitro, retain full murine infectivity and induce arthritis. Quantitative RT-PCR assessment indicates that survivability of BbCRASP-2-deficient B. burgdorferi is not due to altered expression of other BbCRASPs. Together, these results suggest that the function of a selectively expressed B. burgdorferi gene, BbCRASP-2, is not essential for complement resistance or infectivity in the murine host.  相似文献   

While the roles of rpoSBb and RpoS-dependent genes have been studied extensively within the mammal, the contribution of the RpoS regulon to the tick-phase of the Borrelia burgdorferi enzootic cycle has not been examined. Herein, we demonstrate that RpoS-dependent gene expression is prerequisite for the transmission of spirochetes by feeding nymphs. RpoS-deficient organisms are confined to the midgut lumen where they transform into an unusual morphotype (round bodies) during the later stages of the blood meal. We show that round body formation is rapidly reversible, and in vitro appears to be attributable, in part, to reduced levels of Coenzyme A disulfide reductase, which among other functions, provides NAD+ for glycolysis. Our data suggest that spirochetes default to an RpoS-independent program for round body formation upon sensing that the energetics for transmission are unfavorable.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiological agent of Lyme disease, utilizes multiple adhesins to interact with both the arthropod vector and mammalian hosts it colonizes. One such adhesive molecule is a surface-exposed fibronectin-binding lipoprotein, designated BBK32. Previous characterization of BBK32-mediated fibronectin binding has been limited to biochemical analyses due to the difficulty in mutagenizing infectious isolates of B. burgdorferi. Here we report an alternative method to inactivate bbk32 via allelic exchange through use of a low-passage variant of B. burgdorferi strain B31 that is more readily transformed. The resulting mutant does not synthesize BBK32, exhibits reduced fibronectin binding in solid phase assays and manifests decreased interactions with mouse fibroblast cells relative to both the infectious parent and genetic complement. Furthermore, the bbk32 knockout was significantly attenuated in the murine model of Lyme disease, whereas a genetically complemented control was not, indicating that BBK32 is necessary for maximal B. burgdorferi infection in the mouse. To our knowledge this is the first mutational analysis of a surface exposed, functional borrelial lipoprotein adhesin whose activity is associated with the mammalian host environment. By analogy with other pathogens that utilize fibronectin binding as an important virulence determinant, the borrelial fibronectin-BBK32 interaction is likely to be important in B. burgdorferi-specific pathogenic mechanisms, particularly in the context of dissemination, secondary colonization and/or persistence.  相似文献   

Antisera to BBK32 (a Borrelia burgdorferi fibronectin-binding protein) and BBK50, two Ags synthesized during infection, protect mice from experimental syringe-borne Lyme borreliosis. Therefore, B. burgdorferi bbk32 and bbk50 expression within Ixodes scapularis ticks and the murine host, and the effect of BBK32 and BBK50 antisera on spirochetes throughout the vector-host life cycle were investigated. bbk32 and bbk50 mRNA and protein were first detected within engorged ticks, demonstrating regulated expression within the vector. Then bbk32 expression increased in mice at the cutaneous site of inoculation. During disseminated murine infection, bbk32 and bbk50 were expressed in several murine tissues, and mRNA levels were greatest in the heart and spleen at 30 days. BBK32 antisera protected mice from tick-borne B. burgdorferi infection and spirochete numbers were reduced by 90% within nymphs that engorged on immunized mice. Moreover, 75% of these ticks did not retain spirochetes upon molting, and subsequent B. burgdorferi transmission by adult ticks was impaired. Larval acquisition of B. burgdorferi by I. scapularis was also inhibited by BBK32 antisera. These data demonstrate that bbk32 and bbk50 are expressed during tick engorgement and that BBK32 antisera can interfere with spirochete transmission at various stages of the vector-host life cycle. These studies provide insight into mechanisms of immunity to Lyme borreliosis and other vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

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