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目的:利用小鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16,研究静磁场对肿瘤细胞生长和氧化应激的影响,探讨氧化应激介导静磁场影响肿瘤细胞生长的机制,为磁场在肿瘤疾病的治疗中的应用提供理论依据。方法:采用MTT法测定磁场对B16细胞活力的影响;利用流式细胞仪测定静磁场暴露对B16细胞周期分布的影响;利用生物化学方法测定磁场暴露对细胞氧化防御系统相关蛋白酶活性的影响。结果:24 h内50 m T-200 m T静磁场暴露可以抑制B16生长,但超过24 h的磁场暴露可以促进B16生长;100 m T和200 m T静磁场暴露对B16的细胞周期分布没有影响;B16暴露于100 m T和200 m T静磁场48 h,GST活性和GSH/GSSG水平表现为先上升后下降,SOD活性和T-AOC水平先下降后上升,CAT活性没有受到影响。结论:50 m T-200 m T静磁场可以抑制小鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16的生长,诱导肿瘤细胞产生氧化应激。  相似文献   

To explore cellular responses to high magnetic fields (HMF), we present a model of the interactions of cells with a homogeneous HMF that accounts for the magnetic force exerted on paramagnetic/diamagnetic species. There are various chemical species inside a living cell, many of which may have large concentration gradients. Thus, when an HMF is applied to a cell, the concentration‐gradient magnetic forces act on paramagnetic or diamagnetic species and can either assist or oppose large particle movement through the cytoplasm. We demonstrate possibilities for changing the machinery in living cells with HMFs and predict two new mechanisms for modulating cellular functions with HMFs via (i) changes in the membrane potential and (ii) magnetically assisted intracellular diffusiophoresis of large proteins. By deriving a generalized form for the Nernst equation, we find that an HMF can change the membrane potential of the cell and thus have a significant impact on the properties and biological functionality of cells. The elaborated model provides a universal framework encompassing current studies on controlling cell functions by high static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2021;42:27–36. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

目的:探讨旋转恒定磁场治疗盆腔子宫内膜异位症的效果.方法:选择山东省立医院2008年1月-2009年1月妇科确诊及收治的72例患者.采用双旋磁治疗机对照治疗观察,在月经周期前10天,每天1小时,共3个周期,观察痛经的缓解情况.结果:研究发现治疗组36例患者中完全缓解率为94%,部分缓解率为2.6%,复发率为2.7%,完全缓解率明显高于对照组.结论:旋转磁场治疗盆腔子宫内膜异位症具有安全简便、无痛苦、患者易接受和效果显著的特点,有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

Pulsed magnetic fields (PMFs) have well‐known beneficial effects on nerve regeneration. However, little research has examined the nerve conduction characteristics of regenerating peripheral nerves under PMF. The main goal of this study was to examine the conduction characteristics of regenerating peripheral nerves under PMFs. The sucrose‐gap recording technique was used to examine the conduction properties of injured sciatic nerves of rats exposed to PMF. Following the injury, peripheral nerves were very sensitive to repetitive stimulation. When the stimulation frequency was increased, the amplitude of the compound action potential (CAP) decreased more at 15 days post‐crush injury (dpc) than at 38 dpc. PMF treatment for 38 days after injury caused significant differences in the conduction of CAPs. Moreover, application of PMF ameliorated the abnormal electrophysiological activities of nerves such as hyperpolarizing afterpotentials and delayed depolarizations that were revealed by 4‐aminopyridine (4‐AP). Consequently, characteristic findings in impulse conduction of recovered nerves under PMF indicate that the observed abnormalities in signaling or aberrant ion channel functions following injury may be restored by PMF application. Bioelectromagnetics 32:200–208, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In three separate experiments a total of 85 male and female university students were exposed within a Ganzfeld setting to weak (1 mG, 100 nT), complex magnetic field patterns. They were applied across the temporal lobes and generated by computer software. When the patterns were rotated spatially over the temporal lobes the numbers of subjective experiences that simulate possible temporal lobe signs and symptoms were markedly increased and qualitatively more extreme than those evoked when the fields were not rotated. A 16 Hz pulsed square wave generated more experiences of thought intrusion than a 4 Hz wave. A positive-feedback ringing wave presented at 4 Hz evoked more visual memories and images than the mirror image of the same wave; the effect was only apparent when the subject's quantitative scores for possible temporal lobe signs was covaried. Only those subjects who displayed above average temporal lobe signs and were exposed to a burst-firing wave pattern for one second once every 4 seconds (a condition intended to release endogenous opiates), reported more emotional perturbations when the state was disrupted relative to subjects who were exposed continuously to the same pattern. The results indicate that a person's temporal lobe profile affects the types and intensities of experiences that are reported when very weak magnetic fields are applied through the human brain.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同强度恒定磁场对小鼠胚胎发育的影响。方法:将52只受孕母鼠分别暴露于不同强度的恒定磁场下(0.04T、0.08T、0.12T),17只怀孕雌鼠作为对照,孕18日时处死母鼠,解剖后记录仔鼠总数,活胎数、吸收胎数,并称重胎重,测量胎仔身长、尾长以及计算心脏、肝、脑、肾脏与体重的比值。结果:在0.08T及0.12T磁场暴露下,平均活胎数较对照组明显减少。平均吸收胎数明显增加,与对照组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。胎鼠尾长、心、肝、脑、肾与体重比值各组间无显著性差异,但体重与身长在0.12T磁场环境中要较另外三组显著增加(P<0.05)。0.12T磁场暴露下畸形胎仔增加,其中外表畸形较另外三组差异有显著性。结论:磁场对小鼠胚胎发育有一定的影响,并且其影响与磁场强度相关。  相似文献   

腹部恒磁场作用对大鼠药物性胃损伤的治疗机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:观察腹部恒磁场治疗急性药物性胃损伤模型的同时,大鼠胃粘膜组织内皮素1(endothelin—1,ET-1)、一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH—Px)及超氧化物岐化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)的水平,探讨磁场治疗胃损伤的作用机制。方法:10只健康SD大鼠,在Indomethacin胃灌注法复制急性胃损伤模型后,以钡铁氧体恒磁场(表面磁强度为1300—1600GS)作用大鼠腹部3小时,观察胃损伤指数及病理损伤积分,同时对胃粘膜组织中ET-1、NO、GSH—Px及SOD水平进行比较。结果:腹部磁场作用3小时后,大鼠胃损伤指数及病理损伤积分均显著减轻(P均〈0.05);胃粘膜组织内ET-1、NO及GSH—Px水平均无显著改变(p均〉0.05),SOD含量较对照组均明显升高(P〈0.05)。结论:恒磁场(1300—1600CS)腹部作用3小时,大鼠急性胃损伤程度可明显减轻,磁场对胃粘膜组织内自由基的影响可能参与其作用机制。  相似文献   

The expected imminent widespread use of electromobility in transport systems draws attention to the possible effects of human exposure to magnetic fields generated inside electric vehicles and during their recharge. The current trend is to increase the capacity of the battery inside the vehicles to extend the available driving range and to increase the power of recharging columns to reduce the time required for a full recharge. This leads to higher currents and potentially stronger magnetic fields. The Interoperability Center of the Joint Research Center started an experimental activity focused on the assessment of low-frequency magnetic fields emitted by five fast-charging devices available on the market in recharge and standby conditions. The aim of this study was to contribute to the development of a standard measurement procedure for the assessment of magnetic fields emitted by direct current charging columns. The spectrum and amplitudes of the magnetic field, as well as exposure indices according to guidelines for the general public and occupational exposure, were recorded by means of a magnetic field probe analyzer. The worst-case scenario for instantaneous physical direct and indirect effects was identified. Measurements within the frequency range of 25 Hz–2 kHz revealed localized magnetic flux density peaks above 100 μT at the 50 Hz frequency in three out of five chargers, registered in close proximity during the recharge. Beyond this distance, exposure indices were recorded showing values below 50% of reference levels. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:308–317 © 2020 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Myelinated axon nerve impulses travel 100 times more rapidly than impulses in non‐myelinated axons. Increased speed is currently believed to be due to ‘hopping’ or ‘saltatory propagation’ along the axon, but the mechanism by which impulses flow has never been adequately explained. We have used modeling approaches to simulate a role for proton hopping in the space between the plasma membrane and myelin sheath as the mechanism of nerve action‐potential flow.  相似文献   

Effect of a weak permanent magnetic field (PMF) with a strength of 403 A/m on Allium cepaL. bulb sprouting and leaf growth was investigated. Two onion varieties to produce green onions (cv. Arzamasskii) and bulb onions (cv. Ryazanskii) were examined. In addition, the content of chlorophyll, carbohydrates, and protein in the leaves of the control and PMF-treated plants were determined. The plants of the control group were grown under a natural geomagnetic field. The treatment of onions with PMF accelerated sprouting and extended the length of the fourth leaf in cv. Arzamasskii as much as 40%; the first leaf in cv. Ryazanskii was lengthened by 25% with respect to its length in untreated plants. Exposure to PMF increased the number of sprouts in cv. Ryazanskii and the number of sprout bunches in cv. Arzamasskii. In addition, PMF elevated the total content of chlorophyll and protein, expressed per fresh weight of green onions, but had no effect on the total content of carbohydrates. Conversely, PMF reliably reduced the total content of chlorophyll and protein in cv. Ryazanskii. The temperature increase diminished the effects of PMF.  相似文献   

本文描述神经干复合动作电位实验的软件设计及其主要特点,友好的人机界面和简便的波形处理,并给出了实际实验结果,由于软件设计在智能化仪器中的重要作用,所以应加以仔细考虑。  相似文献   

目的 :在不同生物层次上观测一定参数的磁场抑制恶性肿瘤生长。方法 :用脉冲梯度磁场 (峰值磁场 0 .6- 2 .0T ,磁场梯度 1 0 - 1 0 0T·M - 1 ,脉冲宽度 2 0 - 2 0 0ms,重复频率 0 .1 6- 1 .34Hz)治疗白鼠 ,在不同生物层次上 ,例如生物活体、器官、组织、细胞和大分子 ,能抑制鼠恶性肿瘤生长。结果 :上述磁场诱导癌细胞凋亡和阻塞供应肿瘤的新生血管。磁场对运动离子的洛仑兹力 ,使它们束缚在拉莫尔 (Larmor)半径以内 ,会影响正负带电离子对细胞膜和核膜的渗透能力 ,甚至在细胞膜和核膜上形成空洞。结论 :由于这一磁场抑制癌瘤生长 ,所以它能成为一种治疗癌瘤的新方法。  相似文献   

周围神经损伤在创伤中较为常见,易造成神经系统部分或全部损伤,从而导致功能丧失和其他神经性疾病.尽管周围神经损伤的治疗效果随着科技的发展有了明显提高,但距离真正的形态和功能重建还相差甚远,神经再生及功能恢复速度缓慢仍是临床治疗的难点.电刺激因使用方便、无创和副作用小等优点越来越受到研究者的青睐,与干细胞联合广泛用于周围神经损伤修复的体外研究.本文论述了电刺激联合干细胞在周围神经损伤修复方面的研究进展,并讨论了其可能的作用机理.特别分析了电刺激联合干细胞在周围神经损伤修复研究中的难点,展望了其发展前景.  相似文献   

Silver impregnation with silver-protein compounds is widely used for staining tissue sections and cell cultures. Some authors report that the results obtained with these methods have not always been reproducible because the reagent's composition varies according to the manufacturer. To avoid this problem in the method described in this paper, a silver proteinate, produced in our own laboratory is used. Although our method is based on Bodian's, the modifications we have made allows its use for both free-living cells (protozoa) and cells grown in culture (nerve cells). The significant modifications are 1) different fixation, 2) postfixation with Cajal's for-mol-bromide, 3) changes in the duration of the impregnation steps technique and 4) elimination of metallic copper. The method reported here enables us to use silver proteinate whenever we require it and to control the composition of the silver proteinate. This technique can be used for cells cultured in either plastic or glass.  相似文献   

This report describes the partial characterization of 5'-nucleotidase (5'-AMPase) in Schwann-cell plasmalemmae (PM) prepared from degenerated cat sciatic nerve. 5'-AMPase was enriched 3.7-fold in the PM fraction over that of the crude homogenate preparation. The plant lectin concanavalin-A (Con-A) reduced Schwann cell PM 5'-AMPase activity in a concentration-dependent manner (30-600 micrograms/ml). Plasma membrane 5'-AMPase activity was maximally inhibited to 20% of control values by Con-A (400-600 micrograms/ml), and activity returned to control levels by pretreatment with the hapten sugar alpha-methyl-D-mannoside (50 mM). Equimolar concentrations of UDP and ADP (100 microM) reduced the rate of hydrolysis of labeled AMP to labeled adenosine in PM to 45% and 35% of control, respectively. This is the first study to characterize a Schwann-cell PM enzyme and demonstrates that 5'-AMPase may be used as a Schwann-cell PM marker enzyme.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of moderate-intensity static magnetic field (SMF) on diabetic mice. We studied the effects of SMF on blood glucose of normal mice by starch tolerance and glucose tolerance tests. Then, we evaluated the effects of SMF on blood glucose of diabetic mice by establishing alloxan-induced type 1 diabetic mice and high-fat diet + streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 2 diabetic mice. The results showed that different magnetic field intensities and blank control did not affect the blood glucose of normal mice. After starch and glucose administration, different magnetic fields could improve the glucose tolerance of normal mice, and this was obvious in the 600 mT group. In the experiment of type 1 diabetic mice induced by alloxan, the results showed that different magnetic field intensities could improve the starch tolerance of mice, and that in the 400 mT group was obvious. In the experiment of type 2 diabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet + STZ, the 400 mT group could reduce food intake and water consumption in the later period. The 600 mT group could improve the starch tolerance of mice. The 400 and 600 mT groups could reduce fasting blood glucose. At the same time, total cholesterol and triglyceride decreased in different magnetic field intensities, and the 600 mT group could significantly increase the serum insulin content of mice. In summary, the results of this study suggest that SMF has a protective role in diabetic mice. Bioelectromagnetics. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a preliminary study on the effects of sinusoidal magnetic fields on percentage germination, growth, and yield of cotton (Gossypium species). The paper covers a brief account of the experimental setup, protocol, and the essential parameters employed. The study was carried out using var.spch‐1 cotton seeds having three different germination capacities (Type 1—31%, Type 2—49%, Type 3—64%). The seeds were subjected to magnetic fields with nine different frequencies and intensities as follows: A. 1 Hz, 100 nT; B. 1 Hz, 1500 nT; C. 1 Hz, 4000 nT; D. 10 Hz, 100 nT; E. 10 Hz, 1500 nT; F. 10 Hz, 4000 nT; G. 100 Hz, 100 nT; H. 100 Hz, 1500 nT; I. 100 Hz, 4000 nT. In Type 3 cotton seeds exposed to 10 Hz, 100 nT fields, the yield was 75.3% higher than that of control, and in Type 2 cotton seeds exposed to 100 Hz, 1500 nT fields, the yield was 85.2% higher than that of control.

The experiment leads to two major clear‐cut findings:
  1. Pre‐sowing exposure of seeds to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields catalyzes certain varieties of cotton to yield as much as double the crop output yielded by unexposed controls.

  2. The yield is strongly frequency dependent, i.e., the cotton varieties show outstanding responses only at specific frequencies.


周围神经损伤是一种由于压迫、牵引、切割、缺血等原因引起的外周神经细胞损伤或坏死的疾病。周围神经损伤病理学变化包括轴浆运输受损、轴突变性、施万细胞损伤、节段性脱髓鞘和完全瓦勒氏变性。神经损伤后修复成为了现代医学研究中的热点与难点。本文对干细胞移植、神经营养因子、新型材料和生物电刺激在周围神经损伤修复中的作用及机制做了综述,并且对其在临床中的应用进行展望。  相似文献   

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