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Experiments were undertaken to examine gene transfer in Mycoplasma pulmonis. Parent strains containing transposon-based tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance markers were combined to allow transfer of markers. Two mating protocols were developed. The first consisted of coincubating the strains in broth culture for extended periods of time. The second protocol consisted of a brief incubation of the combined strains in a 50% solution of polyethylene glycol. Using either protocol, progeny that had acquired antibiotic resistance markers from both parents were obtained. Analysis of the progeny indicated that only the transposon and not flanking genomic DNA was transferred to the recipient cell. Gene transfer was DNase resistant and probably the result of conjugation or cell fusion.  相似文献   

Membrane nucleases of mycoplasmas are believed to play important roles in growth and pathogenesis, although no clear evidence for their importance has yet been obtained. As a first step in defining the function of this unusual membrane activity, studies were undertaken to clone and analyze one of the membrane nuclease genes from Mycoplasma pulmonis. A novel screening strategy was used to identify a recombinant lambda phage expressing nuclease activity, and its cloned fragment was analyzed. Transposon mutagenesis was used to identify an open reading frame of 1,410 bp, which coded for nuclease activity in Escherichia coli. This gene coded for a 470-amino-acid polypeptide of 53,739 Da and was designated mnuA (for "membrane nuclease"). The MnuA protein contained a prolipoprotein signal peptidase II recognition sequence along with an extensive hydrophobic region near the amino terminus, suggesting that the protein may be lipid modified or that it is anchored in the membrane by this membrane-spanning region. Antisera raised against two MnuA peptide sequences identified an M. pulmonis membrane protein of approximately 42 kDa by immunoblotting, which corresponded to a trypsin-sensitive nucleolytic band of the same size. Maxicell experiments with E. coli confirmed that mnuA coded for a nuclease of unknown specificity. Hybridization studies showed that mnuA sequences are found in few Mycoplasma species, suggesting that mycoplasma membrane nucleases display significant sequence variation within the genus Mycoplasma.  相似文献   

Serological heterogeneity of Mycoplasma pulmonis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The gliding movements of freshly isolated Mycoplasma pulmonis cells were observed and measured. The motile cells had a characteristic appearance, an average speed of 0.4 to 0.7 micron/s, and a maximum speed of 1 micron/s.  相似文献   

Transmission of Mycoplasma pulmonis between rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Hill 《Laboratory animals》1972,6(3):331-336

Localization of Mycoplasma pulmonis was examined in mice infected by direct contact with previously infected mice. After contact with infected animals, the organisms were shown to become detectable first in the nasal and oral cavities and trachea on the next day, and then they were recovered from the middle ear and brain after 3 and 4 days, respectively. After 7 days of contact, isolation rates retained to be 100% in the nasal, oral and tracheal cavities, while 95% in the middle ear and brain, 25% in the lung and 20% in the vagina and uterus. The number of colonies was the most numerous from the nasal, uterine and vaginal cavities, followed by the trachea, middle ear, oral cavity, brain and lung in this order, except for a few mice having pneumonic lesions giving a large number of the organisms. The isolation rates with these organs were not changed even after 6 weeks of contact and organisms were never detected from the liver, spleen, kidney and heart. Mice from a naturally infected breeding colony showed similar finding to those sacrificed after 6 weeks of experimental contact.  相似文献   

To obtain mutants for the study of the basic biology and pathogenic mechanisms of mycoplasmas, the insertion site of transposon Tn 4001T was determined for 1700 members of a library of Mycoplasma pulmonis mutants. After evaluating several criteria for gene disruption, we concluded that 321 of the 782 protein coding regions were inactivated. The dispensable and essential genes of M. pulmonis were compared with those reported for Mycoplasma genitalium and Bacillus subtilis . Perhaps the most surprising result of the current study was that unlike other bacteria, ribosomal proteins S18 and L28 were dispensable. Carbohydrate transport and the susceptibility of selected mutants to UV irradiation were examined to assess whether active transposition of Tn 4001T within the genome would confound phenotypic analysis. In contrast to earlier reports suggesting that mycoplasmas were limited in their DNA repair machinery, mutations in recA , uvrA , uvrB and uvrC resulted in a DNA-repair deficient phenotype. A mutant with a defect in transport of N -acetylglucosamine was identified.  相似文献   

Experimental Arthritis in Mice with Mycoplasma pulmonis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
A Mycoplasma pulmonis strain, recovered from the arthritic joints of mice employed in the serial passage of a chemically induced tumor, was found to be arthritogenic for mice under experimental conditions. Some joint involvement occurred in all mice challenged intravenously with this strain, and M. pulmonis was recovered frequently from the enlarged joints. The arthritis was migratory, appearing first in the radiocarpal joints and later in the tibiotarsal joints. There was little evidence of a generalized mycoplasmal infection as a consequence of the experimental challenge. Histopathologically, the early stages of the infection in the joints was characterized by an inflammatory response in the synovium and periarticular tissues. Exudate in the joint space contained about equal numbers of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. The polyarthritis resolved slowly, but some residual joint enlargement was noted for as long as 4 months. Two other M. pulmonis strains were also observed to be arthritogenic for mice. Rats were not susceptible to M. pulmonis challenge. Characteristics of the nonsuppurative M. pulmonis arthritis in mice were compared to M. arthritidis joint infections in rats.  相似文献   

Development of a cloning system in Mycoplasma pulmonis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G G Mahairas  C Jian  F C Minion 《Gene》1990,93(1):61-66
A system suitable for recombinant DNA manipulation in mycoplasmas was developed using the cloned antibiotic-resistance genes of Tn4001 and Tn916. An integrative plasmid containing one of the resistance markers was inserted into the genome of Mycoplasma pulmonis to form a recipient strain. This was accomplished by transformation and homologous recombination between chromosomal DNA sequences cloned onto the integrative plasmid. A second vector, the cloning vector, containing the same plasmid replicon and alternate resistance marker, carried cloned foreign DNA. When transformed into mycoplasmal recipients, homologous recombination between plasmid sequences resulted in integration of the cloning vector and foreign DNA. A Brucella abortus gene coding for a 31-kDa protein and the P1 structural gene and operon from Mycoplasma pneumoniae were introduced to examine the feasibility of developing mycoplasma as cloning hosts. Recombinant plasmids as large as 20 kb were inserted into M. pulmonis, and the integrated foreign DNA was stably maintained. The maximum size of clonable DNA was not determined, but plasmids larger than 22 kb have not been transformed into mycoplasmas using polyethylene glycol. Also the size of genome (800-1200 kb) may affect the stability of larger inserts of foreign DNA. This system is applicable to any mycoplasma capable of transformation, homologous recombination and expression of these resistance markers. Because of their lack of a cell wall, mycoplasmas may be useful cloning hosts for membrane or excreted protein genes from other sources.  相似文献   

目的:获得密码子优化的肺炎支原体P1黏附蛋白优势表位抗原基因,并在大肠杆菌中表达,为临床诊断试剂和疫苗研制打下基础。方法:采用生物信息学分析肺炎支原体P1蛋白的抗原表位,筛选特异性P1蛋白优势表位区;采用大肠杆菌优势密码子,设计上述P1蛋白优势表位基因序列;采用退火PCR技术合成上述基因,并利用载体pGEX-4T-2实现P1优势表位抗原在大肠杆菌中的表达;采用ELISA法对纯化的P1抗原活性进行测定。结果:肺炎支原体P1蛋白特异性抗原表位主要位于1154~1521 aa,获得的P1优化密码子基因平行突变37个稀有密码子和2个终止密码子;在大肠杆菌中表达的GST-P1融合蛋白的相对分子质量为65.9×103,纯化后重组抗原能与肺炎支原体感染者血清发生特异性的免疫反应。结论:采用密码子优化基因合成技术实现了肺炎支原体P1优势表位抗原在大肠杆菌中的高效表达,为肺炎支原体感染的诊断试剂研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Sequential pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pulmonis in laboratory rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Electrophoretic patterns of strains of Mycoplasma pulmonis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The presence of capsular exopolysaccharide (EPS) in Mollicutes has been inferred from electron micrographs for over 50 years without conclusive data to support the production of complex carbohydrates by the organism. Mycoplasma pulmonis binds the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia I (GS-I), which is specific for terminal β-linked galactose residues. Mutants that failed to produce the EPS bound by GS-I were isolated from a transposon library. All of the mutants had the transposon located in open reading frame MYPU_7410 or MYPU_7420. These overlapping genes are predicted to code for a heterodimeric pair of ABC transporter permeases and may code for part of a new pathway for synthesis of EPS. Analysis by lectin-affinity chromatography in conjunction with gas chromatography demonstrated that the wild-type mycoplasma produced an EPS (EPS-I) composed of equimolar amounts of glucose and galactose that was lacking in the mutants. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the mutants had an increased propensity to form a biofilm on glass surfaces, colonized mouse lung and trachea efficiently, but had a decreased association with the A549 lung cell line. Confounding the interpretation of these results is the observation that the mutants missing EPS-I had an eightfold overproduction of an apparent second EPS (EPS-II) containing N -acetylglucosamine.  相似文献   

High-frequency variation in Mycoplasma pulmonis colony size.   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Heterogeneity in colony size of the murine pathogen Mycoplasma pulmonis was examined. Subcloning experiments showed that colony size variation resulted from high-frequency genetic changes. About 3% of the colonies from any given subclone were variants, with as much as a fourfold change in colony diameter. When the variants were propagated in liquid broth, their doubling times in logarithmic growth phase reflected the colony sizes obtained on agar. Colony size variation correlated with changes in the electrophoretic properties of the V-1 surface antigen.  相似文献   

The reactivity of antigens of 4 mouse and 3 rat derived Mycoplasma pulmonis strains to 20 naturally infected rat sera was studied. The optical density values of the same serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the 7 strains as the antigen revealed no marked difference among the strains. M. pulmonis antigens recognized by the antibodies were analyzed by the Western immunoblot method. The antigens with molecular weights of 92 K, 66 K, and 58 K were recognized in the 7 strains at a high frequency.  相似文献   

The vsa genes of Mycoplasma pulmonis encode the V-1 lipoproteins. Most V-1 proteins contain repetitive domains and are thought to be involved in mycoplasma-host cell interactions. Previously, we have reported the isolation and characterization of six vsa genes comprising a 10-kb region of the genome of M. pulmonis strain KD735-15. In the current study, vsa-specific probes were used to clone several fragments from a genomic library of KD735-15 DNA and assemble a single 20-kb contig containing 11 vsa genes. The middle region of the vsa locus contains a large open reading frame (ORF) that is not a vsa gene and has undergone an internal deletion in some strains. The ORF is predicted to encode a membrane protein that may have a role in disease pathogenesis. To examine vsa genes in a strain of M. pulmonis that is unrelated to KD735-15, strain CT was studied. Through Southern hybridization and genomic cloning analyses, CT was found to possess homologs of the KD735-15 vsaA, -C, -E, and -F genes and two unique genes (vsaG and vsaH) that were not found in KD735-15. High-frequency, site-specific DNA inversions serve to regulate the phase-variable production of individual V-1 proteins. As a result of the sequence analysis of vsa recombination products, a model in which DNA inversion arises from strand exchange involving at least six nucleotides of the vrs box is proposed.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction for Mycoplasma pulmonis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In vitro DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction was examined to detect Mycoplasma pulmonis. A pair of synthetic oligonucleotide primers was constructed, and used to amplify a unique sequence of M. pulmonis DNA. Amplified products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis and verified by blot hybridization with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. This system detected cellular DNA of M. pulmonis but not M. arthritidis or M. neurolyticum, and thus appears to be useful for M. pulmonis diagnosis.  相似文献   

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