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The Drosophila eggshell provides an in vivo model system for extracellular matrix assembly, in which programmed gene expression, cell migrations, extracellular protein trafficking, proteolytic processing, and cross-linking are all required to generate a multi-layered and regionally complex architecture. While abundant structural components of the eggshell are known and are being characterized, less is known about non-abundant structural, regulatory, and enzymatic components that are likely to play critical roles in eggshell assembly. We have used sensitive mass spectrometry-based analyses of fractionated eggshell matrices to validate six previously predicted eggshell proteins and to identify eleven novel components, and have characterized the expression patterns of many of their mRNAs. Among these are several putative structural or regulatory (non-enzymatic) proteins, most larger in mass than the major eggshell proteins and often showing preferential expression in follicle cells overlying specific structural features of the eggshell. Of particular note are the putative enzymes, some likely to be involved in matrix cross-linking (two yellow family members previously implicated in eggshell integrity, a heme peroxidase, and a small-molecule oxidoreductase) and others possibly involved in matrix proteolysis or adhesion (proteins related to cathepsins B and D). This work provides a framework for future molecular studies of eggshell assembly.  相似文献   

The silkmoth Bombyx mori is the main producer of silk worldwide and has furthermore become a model organism in biological research, especially concerning chemical communication. However, the impact domestication might have had on the silkmoth''s olfactory sense has not yet been investigated. Here, we show that the pheromone detection system in B. mori males when compared with their wild ancestors Bombyx mandarina seems to have been preserved, while the perception of environmental odorants in both sexes of domesticated silkmoths has been degraded. In females, this physiological impairment was mirrored by a clear reduction in olfactory sensillum numbers. Neurophysiological experiments with hybrids between wild and domesticated silkmoths suggest that the female W sex chromosome, so far known to have the sole function of determining femaleness, might be involved in the detection of environmental odorants. Moreover, the coding of odorants in the brain, which is usually similar among closely related moths, differs strikingly between B. mori and B. mandarina females. These results indicate that domestication has had a strong impact on odour detection and processing in the olfactory model species B. mori.  相似文献   

The Domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, an economically important insect has been used as a lepidopteran molecular model next only to Drosophila. Compared to the genomic information in silkworm, the protein-protein interaction data are limited. Therefore experimentally identified PPI maps from five model organisms such as E.coli, C.elegans, D.melanogaster, H. sapiens, S. cerevisiae were used to infer the PPI network of silkworm using the well-recognized Interlog based method. Among the 14623 silkworm proteins, 7736 protein-protein interaction pairs were predicted which include 2700 unique proteins of the silkworms. Using the iPfam interaction domains and the gene expression data, these predictions were validated. In that 625 PPI pairs of predicted network were associated with the iPfam domain-domain interactions and the random network has average of 9. In the gene expression method, the average PCC value of the predicted network and random network was 0.29 and 0.23100±0.00042 respectively. It reveals that the predicted PPI networks of silkworm are highly significant and reliable. This is the first PPI network for the silkworm which will provide a framework for deciphering the cellular processes governing key metabolic pathways in the silkworm, Bombyx mori and available at SilkPPI (  相似文献   

The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori serves as an ideal representative of lepidopteran species for a variety of scientific studies. As a result, databases have been created to organize information pertaining to the silkworm genome that is subject to constant updating. Of these, four main databases are important for store nucleotide information in the form of genomic data, ESTs and microsatelites. These databases also store data related to other lepidoptera and important insects, which help in insect biological research. Though a considerable amount of nucleotide data is currently available, there is a paucity of data related to silkworm and other lepidopteran proteins. Hence, the focus of this article is to present the current status of nucleotide databases of silkworm, avenues for improvement and possibilities for databases that could be created in the future.  相似文献   

Silkworm is one of the most attractive hosts for large-scale production of eukaryotic proteins as well as recombinant baculoviruses for gene transfer to mammalian cells. The bacmid system of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) has already been established and widely used. However, the AcNPV does not have a potential to infect silkworm. We developed the first practical Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus bacmid system directly applicable for the protein expression of silkworm. By using this system, the green fluorescence protein was successfully expressed in silkworm larvae and pupae not only by infection of its recombinant virus but also by direct injection of its bacmid DNA. This method provides the rapid protein production in silkworm as long as 10 days, is free from biohazard, thus will be a powerful tool for the future production factory of recombinant eukaryotic proteins and baculoviruses.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand whether heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) participates in the environmental 5 °C signal reception/transduction toward breaking embryonic diapause of the silkworm Bombyx mori, we isolated a cDNA for Hsp70a and examined the expression of Hsp70a mRNA in B. mori diapause and nondiapause eggs by quantitative real-time PCR. Hsp70a mRNA gradually increased in diapause eggs continuously kept at 25 °C after oviposition to maintain diapause. When diapause eggs were exposed to the diapause-terminating condition of 5 °C beginning at 2 days post-oviposition, Hsp70a mRNA increased beginning at 5 days post-cold treatment. Even in nondiapause eggs, Hsp70a mRNA increased slightly with exposure to 5 °C. These results suggest that Hsp70a is involved in reception/transduction of the diapause-terminating (5 °C) signal via gene activation. The expression patterns of Hsp70a mRNA are discussed in relation to those of the cold-response gene Samui.  相似文献   

Immune cell surface receptors are directly involved in human diseases, and thus represent major drug targets. However, it is generally difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of these receptors for biochemical and structural studies because they often require posttranslational modifications, especially sugar modification. Recently, we have established a bacmid expression system for the baculovirus BmNPV, which directly infects silkworms, an attractive host for the large-scale production of recombinant sugar-modified proteins. Here we produced the human immune cell surface receptor, killer cell Ig-like receptor 2DL1 (KIR2DL1), by using the BmNPV bacmid expression system, in silkworms. By the direct injection of the bacmid DNA, the recombinant KIR2DL1 protein was efficiently expressed, secreted into body fluids, and purified by Ni2+ affinity column chromatography. We further optimized the expression conditions, and the final yield was 0.2 mg/larva. The sugar profiling revealed that the N-linked sugars of the purified protein comprised very few components, two paucimannose-type oligosaccharides, Manα1-6Manβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc and Manα1-6Manβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4(Fucα1-6)GlcNAc. This revealed that the protein product was much more homogeneous than the complex-sugar type product obtained by mammalian cell expression. The surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated that the purified KIR2DL1 protein exhibited specific binding to the HLA-Cw4 ligand. Moreover, the CD spectrum showed the proper secondary structure. These results clearly suggested that the silkworm expression system is quite useful for the expression of cell surface receptors that require posttranslational modifications, as well as for their structural and binding studies, due to the relatively homogeneous N-linked sugar modifications.  相似文献   

A new cell line, designated as NIAS-Boma-529b, was established from the larval fat bodies of Bombyx mandarina (B. mandarina), which is believed to be an ancestor of Bombyx mori (B. mori). This cell line has been cultured for approximately 150 passages during 2 years in an IPL-41 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum at a constant temperature of 26 °C. The morphology of this line includes adhesive round and spindle-shaped cells. Random-amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD) using 7 primers and a statistical analysis based on Nei’s genetic distance revealed that this cell line was closely related to B. mori-derived cell lines. An infection study also revealed that this cell line was susceptible to B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV); however, it had no apparent susceptibility to Autographa californica NPV (AcNPV), which is closely related to BmNPV. Nevertheless, cells infected with AcNPV showed an extensive cytopathic effect (CPE), including a rough cell surface, rounding, nuclear expansion, and cell blebbing. These results suggest that this cell line can be useful to clarify the mechanism of host range determination of BmNPV and AcNPV.  相似文献   

In this study, we isolated two reeler cDNAs from bacteria-challenged larval fat bodies of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. A reeler domain spanned most of the coding regions of these two cDNAs, and their expression patterns were different in B. mori larval tissues. The reeler1 gene was strongly induced by Escherichia coli K12 and Bacillus subtilis in B. mori larval hemocytes, fat bodies and midguts, but reeler2 was expressed at extremely low levels in these tissues. We focused on the reeler1 gene for functional analysis. Interference by double-stranded reeler1 RNA in vivo led to reduced nodule formation in bacteria-injected larvae, while the injection of recombinant Reeler1 promoted nodule formation in reeler1 gene-silenced larvae, indicating that Reeler1 is involved in the nodulation response. Knockdown of the reeler1 gene significantly decreased phenoloxidase activity in bacteria-challenged larval hemolymph, while injection of recombinant Reeler1 enhanced phenoloxidase activity, suggesting that Reeler1 is involved in the prophenoloxidase activation cascade. Our results provide new mechanistic evidence about the melanization cascade in the insect immunity.  相似文献   

In this study we identified a potential pro-apoptotic caspase gene, Bombyx mori(B. mori)ICE-2 (BmICE-2) which encoded a polypeptide of 284 amino acid residues, including a 169QACRG173 sequence which surrounded the catalytic site and contained a p20 and a p10 domain. BmICE-2 expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) exhibited high proteolytic activity for the synthetic human initiator caspase-9 substrates Ac-LEHD-pNA, but little activity towards the effector caspase-3 substrates Ac-DEVD-pNA. When BmICE-2 was transiently expressed in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells, we found that the high proteolytic activity for Ac-LEHD-pNA triggered caspase-3-like protease activity resulting in spontaneous cleavage and apoptosis in these cells. This effect was not replicated in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells. In addition, spontaneous cleavage of endogenous BmICE-2 in BmN-SWU1 cells could be induced by actinomycin D. These results suggest that BmICE-2 may be a novel pro-apoptotic gene with caspase-9 activity which is involved apoptotic processes in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells.  相似文献   

14-3-3 proteins, which have been identified in a wide variety of eukaryotes, are highly conserved acidic proteins. In this study, we identified two genes in silkworm that encode 14-3-3 proteins (Bm14-3-3ζ and Bm14-3-3ε). Category of two 14-3-3 proteins was identified according to phylogenetic analysis. Bm14-3-3ζ shared 90% identity with that in Drosophila, while Bm14-3-3ε shared 86% identity with that in Drosophila. According to Western blot and real time PCR analysis, the Bm14-3-3ζ expression levels are higher than Bm14-3-3ε in seven tissues and in four silkworm developmental stages examined. Bm14-3-3ζ was expressed during every stage of silkworm and in every tissue of the fifth instar larvae that was examined, but Bm14-3-3ε expression was not detected in eggs or heads of the fifth instar larvae. Both 14-3-3 proteins were highly expressed in silk glands. These results suggest that Bm14-3-3ζ expression is universal and continuous, while Bm14-3-3ε expression is tissue and stage-specific. Based on tissue expression patterns and the known functions of 14-3-3 proteins, it may be that both 14-3-3 proteins are involved in the regulation of gene expression in silkworm silk glands.  相似文献   

Continuous observations of larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, revealed that feeding occurred at regular intervals throughout larval development. To investigate possible factors influencing meal-timing, the behaviours of diet-deprived Bombyx larvae were also analysed. Diet-deprivation resulted in longer durations of the first meals after diet replacement, but did not affect feeding patterns. Furthermore, long-term diet-deprivation promoted wandering behaviour and a consequent delay in feeding after diet replacement. Under diet-deprivation conditions, meal-starts appeared to be inducible by defecation and physical stimulation. However, stimulation-induced meal-starts were dependent on the time elapsed since the larvae's previous meals. Provided that more than 1h had elapsed since their previous meals, larvae could be induced to feed by defecation and tapping. At less than 1h post-meal, larvae were less likely to begin feeding after defecation or physical stimulation. Activated locomotions such as wandering and feeding were observed in the long-term diet-deprived larvae only after diet blocks were replaced, while long-term diet-deprived larvae did not show activated locomotion during the absence of diet blocks. Collectively, these data suggest that a combination of elevated locomotion activity and the presence of diet may be necessary for the initiation of feeding in diet-deprived larvae.  相似文献   

为了探讨氟化物对家蚕代谢机制的影响,以家蚕耐氟品种T6和氟化物敏感品种734为研究对象,从5龄起蚕开始分别添食50、100、200、400mg/kg NaF溶液浸泡后的新鲜桑叶,检测家蚕血液中羧酸酯酶(CarE),全酯酶活性的变化。结果表明,734、T6添氟组的CarE活性分别是对照组的73%—88%和72%—81%,734两个低浓度添氟组的CarE活性与对照组和两个高浓度添氟组的差异极显著(P<0.01),T6各处理组之间的差异不显著。734、T6添氟组的全酯酶活性分别是对照组的89%—97%和73%—92%,734各处理组之间的差异不显著,T6对照组的全酯酶活性仅与最高浓度添氟组差异极显著(P<0.01)。说明氟化物对家蚕血液CarE和全酯酶活性具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

The pathogenicity, mode of transmission, tissue specificity of infection and the small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences of the three new microsporidian isolates from the silkworm Bombyx mori were studied. Out of the three, NIK-2r revealed life cycle features and SSU-rRNA gene sequence similar to Nosema bombycis, suggesting that it is N. bombycis. The other two, NIK-4m and NIK-3h, differed from each other as well as from N. bombycis. NIK-4m was highly pathogenic and did not show any vertical transmission, in accordance with the apparent lack of gonadal infection, whereas NIK-3h was less pathogenic and vertical transmission was not detected but could not be excluded. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU-rRNA gene sequence placed NIK-3h and NIK-4m in a distinct clade that included almost all the Vairimorpha species and Nosema species that infect lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, while NIK-2r was included in a clade containing almost all the Nosema isolates that infect only lepidopteran hosts. Thus, we have presented molecular evidence that one of the three isolates is in fact the type species N. bombycis, while the other two isolates are Vairimorpha spp. There was distinct separation of microsporidian isolates infecting only lepidopteran hosts and those infecting lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, reflecting possible co-evolution of hosts and microsporidian isolates.  相似文献   

The vitelline membrane is a specialized extracellular matrix that surrounds and protects the oocyte. Recent studies indicate that it also serves as a storage site for embryonic pattern determinants. sV23, a major vitelline membrane protein, is essential for the morphogenesis of the vitelline membrane as sV23 protein null mutants lay flaccid, infertile eggs. By analyzing a series of sV23 mutant transgenes in the sV23 protein null genetic background, we have shown that sV23 is secreted as a proprotein in functional excess and that C- and N-terminal prodomains are removed successively, following its deposition in the extracellular space. Although a target site for subtilisin-like convertases is essential for N-terminal processing, N-terminal processing is not necessary for the assembly of a functional vitelline membrane layer. While C-terminal truncations were tolerated, the removal of N-terminal sequences lead to the production of flaccid, infertile eggs with a soluble, rather than insoluble, vitelline membrane network. We propose that the hydrophobic N-terminal prodomain plays an early and essential role in aligning molecules within the vitelline membrane network, much like hydrophobic domains within elastin drive the assembly and alignment of molecules within elastin-based extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

The expression of metabolic enzyme genes and heat-shock protein genes (Hsp) during early embryogenesis in diapause and non-diapause eggs of the silkworm Bombyx mori was quantified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The trehalase gene (Tre) was expressed in non-diapause eggs up-to nine days, while in diapause eggs was not up regulated. The glycogen phosphorylase gene (GPase) was expressed in non-diapause eggs, whereas in diapause eggs a high level was observed in early stage, but down regulated in later stage. The phosphofructokinase gene (PFK) and sorbitol dehyrogenase-2 gene (SDH-2) expression was fluctuated in non-diapause eggs, whereas in diapause eggs these were expressed only at early stage and not observed in later stage. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (G6P-DH) in non-diapause eggs was highly expressed during the differentiation phase and decreased in the organogenesis phase. In contrast to this, expression in diapause eggs was of low level during differentiation phase and of high level observed in the organogenesis phase. In the tissues, PFK and SDH-2 were selectively expressed in cuticle and midgut, whereas Tre expression was high in midgut and ovary of larvae incubated at 15°C. The Hsp (20.4, 20.8, 40, 70, and 90) were expressed in both diapause and non-diapause eggs. Their expression was, however, selective in tissues with Hsp20.4 in midgut and ovary, Hsp40 in head, Hsp70 in cuticle and Hsp90 in ovary and head in high amounts at 15°C. These results suggest that the metabolic enzyme genes studied except Hsp play a major role during embryogenesis of diapause and non-diapause silkworm.  相似文献   

To express human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) gene in the silk glands of transformation silkworm (Bombyx mori) based on gene-targeting, two fragments from fibroin heavy chain gene (fib-H) of silkworm were cloned and sequenced. One fragment contains the 1st exon and its downstream 1st intron’s partial sequence; and the other fragment contains the 1st intron’s partial sequence and the 2nd exon’s partial sequence. Then the two fragments, as homologous arm, were inserted into pSK to generate a gene-targeted vector, pSK-HL-A3GFP-FLP-GM-CSF-FLPA-HR in which a gfp gene driven by A3 promoter and an hGM-CSF gene under the control of fibroin light chain (fib-L) promoter were included. The vector was transferred into the silkworm eggs using sperm-mediated gene transfer. After being screened for green fluorescent, the transformation silkworm was obtained, whose genome was verified by PCR and dot hybridization to confirm whether the target genes had been integrated into the silkworm genome. Furthermore, in the posterior silk glands of the G4 generation transformation silkworms, a specific band with the molecular weight of 22 kDa could be detected by Western blotting with an antibody against hGM-CSF, and the expression level of the hGM-CSF estimated by ELISA was approximately 1.26 ng per gram fresh posterior silk gland.  相似文献   

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