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The thermoalkalophilic Bacillus halodurans JB 99 cells known for production of novel thermostable alkaline keratinolytic protease were immobilized in calcium alginate matrix. Batch and repeated batch cultivation using calcium alginate immobilized cells were studied for alkaline protease production in submerged fermentation. Immobilized cells with 2.5% alginate and 350 beads/flask of initial cell loading showed enhanced production of alkaline protease by 23.2% (5,275 ± 39.4 U/ml) as compared to free cells (4,280 ± 35.4 U/ml) after 24 h. In the semicontinuous mode of cultivation, immobilized cells under optimized conditions produced an appreciable level of alkaline protease in up to nine cycles and reached a maximal value of 5,975 U/ml after the seventh cycle. The enzyme produced from immobilized cells efficiently degraded chicken feathers in the presence of a reducing agent which can help the poultry industry in the management of keratin-rich waste and obtaining value-added products.  相似文献   

产碱性蛋白酶芽孢杆菌的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测量比较在碱性蛋白平板上产生的蛋白水解圈直径,从土壤中筛选到一株高产蛋白酶菌株Bacillus sp.HFBL0079,根据生理生化特性、16S rDNA序列,鉴定为B.amyloliquefaciens。其最适培养温度为35°C-37°C,最适生长pH 8.0,在特定培养条件下16 h达到稳定期,菌体生长和蛋白酶合成同步进行。以大豆分离蛋白为氮源时发酵液具有最高酶活。发酵液在pH 10时具有最高酶活,表明为碱性蛋白酶。该菌株产生的碱性蛋白酶可水解多种天然蛋白质,对胶原蛋白水解度高于其他蛋白质,对羽毛角蛋白也有一定水解能力,提示该酶具有一定新颖性。  相似文献   

The present investigation describes microbial production of an alkaline protease and its use in dehairing of buffalo hide. Bacillus cereus produced extracellular protease when grown on a medium containing starch, wheat bran and soya flour (SWS). The ammonium sulphate precipitated (ASP) enzyme was applied for dehairing of buffalo hide. Microscopic observation of longitudinal section of buffalo hide revealed that the epidermis was completely removed and hair was uprooted leaving empty follicles in the hide. The ASP enzyme was stable for one month at ambient temperature between 25–35 °C. Enzymatic dehairing may be a promising shift towards an environment-friendly leather processing method.  相似文献   

An obligatory alkalophilic Bacillus sp. P-2, which produced a thermostable alkaline protease was isolated by selective screening from water samples. Protease production at 30 °C in static conditions was highest (66 U/ml) when glucose (1% w/v) was used with combination of yeast extract and peptone (0.25% w/v, each), in the basal medium. Protease production by Bacillus sp. P-2 was suppressed up to 90% when inorganic nitrogen sources were supplemented in the production medium. Among the various agro-byproducts used in different growth systems (solid state, submerged fermentation and biphasic system), wheat bran was found to be the best in terms of maximum enhancement of protease yield as compared to rice bran and sunflower seed cake. The protease was optimally active at pH 9.6, retaining more than 80% of its activity in the pH range of 7–10. The optimum temperature for maximum protease activity was 90 °C. The enzyme was stable at 90 °C for more than 1h and retained 95 and 37% of its activity at 99 °C and 121 °C, respectively, after 1 h. The half-life of protease at 121 °C was 47 min.  相似文献   

An alkaline, SDS-stable protease optimally active at pH 11 from a Bacillus sp. RGR-14 was produced in a complex medium containing soybean meal, starch and calcium carbonate. The protease was active over a wide temperature range of 20–80 °C with major activity between 45 and 70 °C. The protease was completely stable for 1 h in 0.1% SDS and retained 70% of its activity in the presence of 0.5% SDS after 1 h of incubation. The enzyme was active in presence of surfactants (ionic and non-ionic) with 29% enhancement in activity in Tween-85 and was also stable in various oxidizing agents with 100 and 60% activity in presence of 1% sodium perborate and 1% H2O2, respectively. The enzyme was also compatible with commercial detergents (1% w/v) such as Surf, Ariel, Wheel, Fena and Nirma, retaining more than 70% activity in all the detergents after 1 h. Wash performance analysis of grass and blood stains on cotton fabric showed an increase in reflectance (14 and 25% with grass and blood stains, respectively) after enzyme treatment. However, enzyme in conjunction with detergent proved best, with a maximum reflectance change of 46 and 34% for grass and blood stain removal, respectively, at 45 °C. Stain removal was also effective after protease treatment at 25 and 60 °C.  相似文献   

Alkaline protease production by a newly isolated Bacillus species from laundry soil was studied for detergent biocompatibility. From its morphological and nucleotide sequence (about 1.5 kb) of its 16S rDNA it was identified as Bacillus species with similarity to Bacillus species Y (Gen Bank entry: ABO 55095), and close homology with Bacillus cohnii YN-2000 (Gen Bank entry: ABO23412). Partial purification of the enzyme by ammonium sulfate (50–70% saturation) yielded 8-fold purity. Casein zymography and Sodium dodecylsulphate-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the partially purified enzyme revealed two isozymes of molecular sizes approximately 66 kDa and 18 kDa, respectively. The enzyme was most active at pH 12 and 50°C. At pH 12 the enzyme was stable for 5 h and retained 60% activity. The enzyme retained 44% activity at 50°C up to 2 h. The protease showed good hydrolysis specificity with different substrates tested. The presence of Mn2+, Co2+ and ethylenediaminetetracetic acid (EDTA) showed profound increase in protease activity. The protease of Bacillus species Y showed excellent stability and compatibility with three locally available detergents (Kite, Tide and Aerial) up to 3 h retaining almost 70–80% activity and 10–20% activity at room temperature (30°C) and 50°C, respectively, indicating the potential role of this enzyme for detergent application.  相似文献   

Extracellular keratinase production by the feather-degrading Amazonian isolate Bacillus sp. P45 was evaluated with various growth substrates. Higher enzyme production occurred with feather meal (FM) in comparison to casein, gelatin, and cheese whey, suggesting the specificity of this strain for the utilization of keratinous substrates. Supplementation of FM medium with carbohydrates reduced enzyme production, probably due to catabolite repression. Increased keratinase yield was achieved when NH4Cl was added to FM medium. The effects of FM and NH4Cl concentrations on enzyme production were investigated using a 22 central composite design. Feather meal was the most significant parameter, while NH4Cl concentrations resulted in slight differences in enzyme yield. In the range studied, optimal concentrations of FM and NH4Cl were 43-50 g l−1 and 1.8-8.6 g l−1, respectively, resulting in an effective low-cost medium for the production of keratinolytic protease. Crude keratinase showed maximum activity at 50 °C and pH 7.0, and was strongly inhibited by EDTA, indicating the importance of metal ions for activity/stability. The crude keratinase from mesophilic Bacillus sp. P45 could potentially be used in the bioconversion of recalcitrant keratinous wastes through an environmentally friendly and energy-saving process, producing protein hydrolysates with commercial value for utilization as animal feed and fertilizers.  相似文献   

An extensive collection of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from around the world were phenotypically profiled using standard biochemical tests. Six phenotypic traits occurred in 20–86% of the isolates and were useful in distinguishing isolates: production of urease (U; 20.5% of isolates), hydrolysis of esculin (E; 32.3% of isolates), acid production from salicin (A; 37.4% of isolates), acid production from sucrose (S; 34.0% of isolates), production of phospholipase C or lecithinase (L; 79.7% of isolates), and hydrolysis of starch (T; 85.8% of isolates). With the exception of acid production from salicin and hydrolysis of esculin, which were associated, the traits assorted independently. Of the 64 possible combinations of these six phenotypic characteristics, 15 combinations accounted for ca. 80% of all isolates, with the most common phenotype being TL (23.6% of isolates). Surprisingly, while the biochemical traits generally assorted independently, certain phenotypic traits associated with the parasporal crystal were correlated with certain combinations of biochemical traits. Crystals that remained attached to spores (which tended to be non-toxic to insects) were highly correlated with the phenotypes that included both L and S. Among the 15 most abundant phenotypes characterizing B. thuringiensis strains, amorphous crystals were associated with TLE, TL, T, and Ø (the absence of positive tested biochemical traits). Amorphous crystal types displayed a distinct bias toward toxicity to dipteran insects. Although all common phenotypes included B. thuringiensis isolates producing bipyramidal crystals toxic to lepidopteran insects, those with the highest abundance of these toxic crystals displayed phenotypes TLU, TLUA, TLUAE, and TLAE.  相似文献   

A new approach to the solubilization of waste activated sludge (WAS) using an alkaline protease-producing bacterial isolate, Exiguobacterium sp. YS1, was investigated under controlled mild alkaline conditions at pH 10. Compared with the noninoculated experiment, the inoculated experiment in an anaerobic bioreactor increased soluble chemical oxygen demand concentration and alkaline protease activity by more than 40%, indicating a synergistic effect could be achieved when both bacterial inoculation and alkaline treatment were combined. Indeed, this combination led to 56.6% COD solubilization after 5 days of reaction time. However, the inoculant was not effective in the aerobic bioreactor. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA fragments revealed that the inoculated Exiguobacterium sp. YS1 became the predominant population in the bacterial community during the anaerobic solubilization processes. These results suggest that bioaugmentation of the organism might be useful for enhancing the solubilization of WAS at mild alkaline pH.  相似文献   

通过组织分离法从白术病害样品的茎秆部位分离到一株产红色色素的细菌FS14,参照《伯杰氏细菌鉴定手册》,根据其形态学特征、生理生化特性,同时结合16S rDNA序列分析结果,发现该菌属于沙雷氏菌属。研究还发现,从白术茎秆中分离到的这株中温型沙雷氏菌FS14能分泌耐高温的DNA酶和蛋白水解酶,甚至在100 oC预处理30 min后仍有活性。沙雷氏菌能分泌耐高温的DNA酶和蛋白水解酶还未见报道。  相似文献   

We characterized a novel Bacillus thuringiensis isolate native to China (HS18-1) that shows a spherical crystal harboring two major proteins of about 70 and 130 kDa, and contains three novel cry genes (cry4Cb1, cry30Ga1, cry54-type). Furthermore, the cry4Cb1 and cry30Ga1 genes were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3): pLysS. Insecticidal activity tests showed that the cry4Cb1 protein exhibited larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti (Diptera) and the cry30Ga1 protein was toxic to both A. aegypti and P. xylostella (Lepidoptera).  相似文献   

Published data on insecticidal activity of crystal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis are incorporated into the Bt toxin specificity relational database. To date, 125 of the 174 holotype known toxins have been tested in ∼1700 bioassays against 163 test species; 49 toxins have not been tested at all; 59 were tested against 71 Lepidoptera species in 1182 bioassays; 53 toxins were tested against 23 Diptera species in 233 bioassays; and 47 were tested against 39 Coleoptera species in 190 bioassays. Activity spectra of the tested toxins were summarized for each order. Comparisons of LC50 values are confounded by high variability of the estimates, mostly due to within-species variation in susceptibility, and errors associated with estimation of toxin protein content. Limited analyses suggest that crystal protein toxicity is not affected by quarternary toxin rank or host used for gene expression, but that pre-ingestion treatment by solubilization or enzymatic processing has a large effect. There is an increasing number of toxin families with cross-order activity, as 15 of the 87 families (secondary rank) that are pesticidal are active against more than one order. Cross-order activity does not threaten environmental safety of B. thuringiensis-based pest control because toxins tend to be much less toxic to taxa outside the family’s primary specificity range.  相似文献   

A field population (SZ) of Plutella xylostella, collected from the cabbage field in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of China in 2002, showed 2.3-fold resistance to Cry1Aa, 110-fold to Cry1Ab, 30-fold to Cry1Ac, 2.1-fold to Cry1F, 5.3-fold to Cry2Aa and 6-fold resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) compared with a susceptible strain (ROTH). The SZBT strain was derived from the SZ population through 20 generations of selection with activated Cry1Ac in the laboratory. While the SZBT strain developed 1200-fold resistance to Cry1Ac after selection, resistance to Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1F, and Btk increased to 31-, 1900-,>33- and 17-fold compared with the ROTH strain. However, little or no cross-resistance was detected to Cry1B, Cry1C and Cry2Aa in the SZBT strain. Genetic cross analyses between the SZBT and ROTH strains revealed that Cry1Ac-resistance in the SZBT strain was controlled by a single, autosomal, incompletely recessive gene. Binding studies with 125I-labeled Cry1Ac showed that the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) of midguts from the resistant SZBT insects had lost binding to Cry1Ac. Allelic complementation tests demonstrated that the major Bt resistance locus in the SZBT strain was same as that in the Cry1Ac-R strain which has “mode 1” resistance to Bt. An F1 screen of 120 single-pair families between the SZBT strain and three field populations collected in 2008 was carried out. Based on this approach, the estimated frequencies of Cry1Ac-resistance alleles were 0.156 in the Yuxi population from Yunnan province, and 0.375 and 0.472 respectively in the Guangzhou and Huizhou populations from Guangdong province.  相似文献   

Two detergent stable alkaline serine-proteases (BM1 and BM2) from Bacillus mojavensis A21 were purified. The molecular weights of BM1 and BM2 enzymes determined by SDS–PAGE were approximately 29,000 Da and 15,500 Da, respectively. The optimum pH values of BM1 and BM2 proteases were shown to be 8.0–10.0 and 10.0, respectively. Both enzymes exhibited maximal activity at 60 °C, using casein as a substrate.  相似文献   

The present article reports a low molecular weight aspartic protease inhibitor, API, from a newly isolated thermo-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis. The inhibitor was purified to homogeneity as shown by rp-HPLC and SDS-PAGE. API is found to be stable over a broad pH range of 2–11 and at temperature 90 °C for 2 1/2 h. It has a Mr (relative molecular mass) of 1363 Da as shown by MALDI-TOF spectra and 1358 Da as analyzed by SDS-PAGE .The amino acid analysis of the peptide shows the presence of 12 amino acid residues having Mr of 1425 Da. The secondary structure of API as analyzed by the CD spectra showed 7% α-helix, 49% β-sheet and 44% aperiodic structure. The Kinetic studies of Pepsin–API interactions reveal that API is a slow-tight binding competitive inhibitor with the IC50 and Ki values 4.0 nM and (3.83 nM–5.31 nM) respectively. The overall inhibition constant Ki? value is 0.107 ± 0.015 nM. The progress curves are time-dependent and consistent with slow-tight binding inhibition: E + I ? (k4, k5) EI ? (k6, k7) EI?. Rate constant k6 = 2.73 ± 0.32 s− 1 reveals a fast isomerization of enzyme–inhibitor complex and very slow dissociation as proved by k7 = 0.068 ± 0.009 s− 1. The Rate constants from the intrinsic tryptophanyl fluorescence data is in agreement with those obtained from the kinetic analysis; therefore, the induced conformational changes were correlated to the isomerization of EI to EI?.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to isolate a microorganism producing alkaline protease that can be used as an ecofriendly alternative to chemicals in dehairing process of leather manufacture. Alkaline protease producing bacterium Vibrio metschnikovii NG155 was isolated from soil samples of leather industry. The protease was highly effective in dehairing of goat skin, completely eliminating the use of lime and sulfide. Histological studies of the skin after dehairing showed that the enzyme did not damage the collagen layer and brought good fiber opening. Absence of collagenase activity was confirmed by reacting pure collagen with the enzyme and analyzing it on SDS PAGE, which showed no degradation of collagen. The enzyme was stable in a wide range of pH (7–11) and temperature (10–50 °C), which makes it suitable for industrial application.  相似文献   

In this communication, we report the presence of a newly identified serine alkaline protease producing bacteria, Virgibacillus pantothenticus (MTCC 6729) in the fresh chicken meat samples and the factors affecting biosynthesis as well as characterization of protease. The strain produced only 14.3 U ml−1 protease in the standard medium after 72 h of incubation, while in optimized culture conditions the production of protease was increased up to 18.2 U ml−1. The strain was able to produce protease at 40°C at pH 9.0. The addition of dextrose and casein improved protease production. The protease was partially purified and characterized in terms of pH and temperature stability, effect of metal ions and inhibitors. The protease was found to be thermostable alkaline by retaining its 100% and 85% stability at pH 10.0 and at 50°C respectively. The protease was compatible with some of the commercial detergents tested, and was effective in removing protein stains from cotton fabrics. The V. pantothenticus, MTCC 6729 protease appears to be potentially useful as an additive in detergents as a stain remover and other bio-formulations.  相似文献   

Fusarium sp. BLB, which produces a strongly fibrinolytic enzyme, was isolated from plant leaf (Hibiscus). Fibrinolytic alkaline protease was purified from a culture filtrate of Fusarium sp. BLB by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4 and column chromatography with CM-Toyopearl 650M and Superdex 75. The purified enzyme was homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The molecular weight was 27,000 by SDS-PAGE. Maximum activity of protease was observed at pH 9.5 and 50°C. Purified protease was active between pH 2.5 and 11.5 and was found to be stable up to 50°C. The enzyme derived from Fusarium sp. BLB is useful for thrombolytic therapy because this enzyme showed pH resistance. The activity was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme showed a similarity to those of proteases from Fusarium sp., Streptomyces griseus, Bos taurus bovine, Katsuwo pelamis digestive tract, and Lumbricus rubellus.  相似文献   

Enzymatic decomposition of gelatin layers on X-ray films and repeated utilization of enzyme for potential industrialization were investigated using thermostable alkaline protease from the alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. B21-2. The decomposition of gelatin layers at 50 °C with the mutant enzyme (Ala187 was replaced by Pro) was higher than those of the wild-type and other mutant enzymes. In the repeated experiment for every 60 min (20 U ml–1, 50 °C), the mutant enzyme could be satisfactorily used five times while three times for the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

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