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A study was undertaken around Mt Cameroon to examine the role of biological and cultural diversity in the livelihood strategies of indigenous villagers and migrants to the region. Surveys of resources consumed and sold by 118 households were undertaken in five villages over the course of 1 year, the perspectives and practices of cocoa farmers documented, and useful tree species retained or planted on six cocoa farms mapped. Cocoa farms in this region generate more significant benefits for biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods than commercial plantations, but also place pressure on forest reserves and require chemical inputs. Roughly 50 tree species are commonly retained or planted on cocoa farms, primarily for timber or food, with many of these having high conservation value. Average tree density of non-cocoa trees was 15 trees per hectare, with tree densities higher, and a larger percentage of species used, on indigenous Bomboko farms than migrant farms. Both migrant and indigenous households rely on forest as a complement to farm income, but indigenous households do this to a far greater extent, while also making extensive use of fallow and home gardens. Indigenous households also derive roughly four times the income from wild and native species compared to migrants. While diversified cocoa farms contribute to conservation and livelihoods in the region, indigenous livelihoods grow from and require the conservation of a broader range of species and habitats, including natural forest.  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的社区参与国家公园建设与管理的机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何思源  魏钰  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2021,41(8):3021-3032
大量研究表明自然保护地周边社区居民对保护地的态度是影响社区参与保护,实现保护地管理目标的主要因素,由此建立了"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑。中国国家公园体制建设希望进一步推进社区与保护地的关系,全面提升自然保护管理效率,也建立在对这一行为逻辑的认同之上。为验证社区认知与行为的关系,并为促进不同利益相关者参与国家公园建设与管理提供科学支持,研究试图分析武夷山国家公园体制试点区社区居民的国家公园的"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑以揭示社区参与国家公园建设与管理的深层机制。与一般研究不同在于,本研究是针对正在建设中的国家公园,使得本地利益相关方的态度有机会影响国家公园建设进程。为获得社区"认知-态度-参与"核心观念,探索社区参与的过程和方式,提出促进社区参与的方法,研究采用扎根理论这一质性研究方法,基于对本地利益相关者采用半结构化开放问题的深度访谈,归纳出概念与范畴,形成社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论。研究首先形成45个概念与13个范畴,通过范式模型研究发现,稳定资源使用权利、引导社区参与决策、保障社区发展权利、创新社区产业模式、提高个体适应能力、降低政策风险影响等六个主范畴能够解释社区居民对国家公园的认知-态度-参与这一行为逻辑。通过归纳主范畴,研究进一步提炼出社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论核心在于社区自然资源管理的自主性、创新性与适应性,其内在机制在于社区参与是一个自主性提高的动态过程,需要通过保障社区生计资源禀赋来实现长期的价值转化,最终使其成为社会-生态系统适应性治理的组成部分。在理论阐释基础上,研究提出从改善社区认知、提升社区参与角度推进国家公园建设的路径。研究也指出,所提出的社区参与机制理论能够提炼量化指标评价社区参与,追踪武夷山国家公园体制试点进程。  相似文献   

Although natural catastrophic disturbance of tropical forests in Asia can be caused by volcanism and earthquakes climate-induced catastrophes are most widespread. These are prevalent and most diverse at high tropical latitudes because of the single annual dry and wet monsoon. Comparative studies indicate that periodicity of catastrophes may influence forest physiognomy, structure and species richness but long-term research in sample plots suggests that a variety of other factors are locally influential. The importance of accounting for natural catastrophes in silvicultural protocols is stressed, and research priorities identified.  相似文献   

According to their traditional classification, the Jinuo's community forests consisted of watershed forest, auspicious forest, sacred forest, shellac forest, village/clan boundary forest, fire protection forest, burial forest and swidden fallow forest. Every type of forest was managed through traditional regulations. The village or clan headman and his assistant were the representatives to implement the traditional management system. Because it was popular with local villagers and there was strict punishment of offenders, the management system was effective. In recent years, the constantly changing forest management policies has not helped either to preserve biodiversity, or to develop forestry. Instead, forest ecosystems have been destroyed. After studying the community forests in the Jinuo community, the authors strongly recommend that the indigenous forest management system be strengthened. Modern forestry policy itself cannot implement sustainable, productive forestry and conserve biodiversity unless it is combined with the indigenous management system of the community.  相似文献   

In this survey, we investigated the diversity and community structure of bats in the Centre Region of Cameroon with respect to their distribution in the different vegetation zones of the region. We mist-netted bats monthly from January 2016 to June 2017 for five nonconsecutive nights per month. Thirty-nine sites were surveyed: 24 in traditional farms, nine in the savannah and six in the forests. A total of 668 bats were captured during 81 nights of capture, covering seven families, 21 genera and 36 species. This included 26 species in traditional farms, 13 species in savannah and 11 species in the forest. Micropteropus pusillus was the most abundant species (30.7%) recorded, followed by Hipposideros ruber (24.9%). The sample efficiency was estimated at 72.1% with fitted species accumulation curves not reaching asymptotes for the three habitat types, suggesting that the survey did not record all the bats present. There was an indication of general increased in abundance of bats during the dry and rainy seasons but it is not significant (Mann–Whitney U: 783.5, p = .195). The rarity index was highest in traditional farms (0.44), followed by savannah (0.38) and then forest (0.33). This preliminary survey provides baseline data on the distribution of bats in the different vegetation types in the Centre Region of Cameroon.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys were carried out in different land use systems(primary and secondary forest, fallows of different ages, cocoa plantations,crop fields) within the forest zone of Cameroon, to assess the impact of landconversion on above-ground plant biodiversity. Beside various diversity studies,plant density was measured and diameter at breast height was estimated.The results showed that the forest areas, which represent thehistoric biodiversity of the region, preserve the greatest number of species(160 species in primary forest and 171 in secondary forest). Our resultsindicate the relatively great importance of secondary forests as refuge areasfor primary forest plant species that may function as a starting point forpossible regeneration of original biodiversity. Species richness is reducedprogressively from the original forest (160 spp.) and secondary forests (171spp.), to Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) fallow fields(149 spp.), to an old fallow field (139 spp.), to a cocoa plantation (116 spp.)and to the farmland (64 spp.), where only weeds and crops contribute essentiallyto plant biodiversity. Also the number of species that are used for non-timberproducts (construction, food and medicines) decreased with increased landconversion.  相似文献   


Old-growth forests in south eastern Australia are important for biodiversity conservation, recreation, carbon storage, social values and, to a declining extent, for timber production. Developing a comprehensive definition of old-growth forest that can apply across all Australian vegetation types has been challenging. Old growth can be viewed from ecological and social perspectives. For policy and management purposes old growth has been defined as a growth stage in forest development, incorporating ecological maturity and lack of evidence of past disturbance. Classification and assessment of old growth has largely been restricted to those areas covered by regional forest agreements (RFAs) between different states and the Federal Government. Old growth can be impacted by wildfire, timber harvesting, insect pests, diseases and other disturbances. Climate change will also present challenges for the future management of old-growth forests. There is increasing scientific understanding of the relationships between species, forest growth stage and old-growth forest attributes. To meet biodiversity conservation objectives, the management focus is shifting from assessing and protecting old-growth forests, to providing for forests across the landscape with old-growth attributes. This approach may be at odds with other conceptions of old growth based on notions of undisturbed systems free of human influence.  相似文献   

三种温带森林大型土壤动物群落结构的时空动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娜  张雪萍  张利敏 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6236-6245
对帽儿山3种典型森林群落大型土壤动物进行了连续6个月的野外调查研究。通过系统分析,共获得大型土壤动物3604只,隶属于3门6纲17目50科。其中正蚓科(Lumbricidae)、线蚓科(Enchytraeidae)和石蜈蚣目(Lithobiomorpha)为优势类群,常见类群11类。结果表明:(1)水平分布上,密度和生物量红松人工林最高,其次为硬阔叶林,蒙古栎林最少;类群数硬阔叶林最多,蒙古栎林最少;香农指数和丰富度指数均为蒙古栎林最高,红松人工林最低;优势度指数与两者相反;均匀度指数蒙古栎林最高,硬阔叶林最低;(2)垂直分布上,个体密度、类群数及生物量均差异显著(P < 0.001)。3个样地大型土壤动物个体密度表聚性明显;类群数红松人工林自凋落物层向下减少,硬阔叶林和蒙古栎林0-10 cm最多;生物量在0-10 cm土层最大;香农指数随深度增加而减小,优势度指数则相反;(3)在时间变化上,5月和10月个体密度和类群数较多,9月生物量最大;香农指数和优势度指数差异显著(P < 0.01),其他指数各月间无明显差异;(4)与土壤环境因子关系上,总有机碳含量与类群数、个体密度及生物量显著正相关,容重与香农指数显著负相关;典型对应分析结果表明,不同类群大型土壤动物与环境相关性不同。  相似文献   

Before the beginning of its large scale exploitation by a European pharmaceutical company in 1972, the tree species Prunus africana was known in Cameroon only for traditional uses. The present exploitation may lead to its extinction on Mount Cameroon. This paper explains the destruction of P. africana within the current regulatory framework and recommends stricter compliance with the regulations, which would guarantee survival of this species in the wild. Field observations are also presented.  相似文献   

上海城市森林群落结构对固碳能力的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于上海市区航片数字化、代表性样地群落调查、优势树种生理参数测定和CITYgreen模型软件,对上海城市森林固碳能力进行评估,并探讨群落结构对固碳能力的影响。结果表明:上海城市森林总碳贮量为478472t,年碳固定量为6256t.a-1,平均碳密度为47.80t.hm-2,平均固碳率为0.625t.hm-2.a-1;城市森林的固碳率与郁闭度及群落密度均呈极显著正相关,而与平均胸径负相关;碳密度与郁闭度及平均胸径均呈极显著正相关,而与群落密度无显著相关;低密度高胸径群落比中、高密度群落具有更高的碳密度;混交林碳密度高于纯林,复层林碳密度和固碳率都高于单层林,且固碳能力的差异在一定程度上受平均胸径、群落密度等因子影响。  相似文献   

Tropical montane forests can store and sequester substantial amounts of carbon in above-ground biomass (AGB), but variations in this storage related to location or degradation have not been quantified in the Cameroon Highlands. We established 25 permanent plots (20 m × 40 m) and sampled all trees ≥10 cm diameter following standard RAINFOR protocols. We estimated AGB and investigated variations related to taxonomic and structural forest attributes, including the height–diameter allometry in five forest types (four old-growth dominated by different species and one secondary forest). Secondary forests had significantly lower AGB than old-growth forests (49.4 ± 2.5 vs. >476.3 ± 168.7 Mg/ha, respectively), mostly related to lower basal area and tree height. Significant differences in species composition but not in forest structure or AGB were found between the four types of old-growth forests studied, located at different altitudes and mountains. We discuss the importance of these montane forests for carbon storage and, considering their high diversity and current threats, their potential for carbon finance mechanisms related to both avoided deforestation and forest restoration.  相似文献   

利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)生物标记法分析了中亚热带地区罗浮栲天然林和相邻的杉木人工林土壤微生物群落结构特点.结果表明: 两种植被类型的磷脂脂肪酸总量、细菌特征脂肪酸、真菌特征脂肪酸、放线菌特征脂肪酸、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌特征脂肪酸含量均为0~10 cm高于10~20 cm土层,罗浮栲天然林高于杉木人工林.在两种植被类型的两个土层中,细菌PLFAs含量均显著高于真菌PLFAs含量.两种植被类型中,细菌PLFAs含量约占PLFAs总量的44%~52%,而真菌仅占6%~8%,表明细菌在该地区两种植被类型土壤中处于优势地位.主成分分析表明,土壤微生物群落结构差异主要由植被类型差异引起,土层深度的影响相对较小.相关分析显示,革兰氏阴性菌、革兰氏阳性菌以及细菌的PLFAs含量与pH呈显著负相关,与含水量呈显著正相关;土壤微生物主要类群PLFAs含量与总氮、有机碳、C/N和铵态氮均呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

开展川西亚高山相似土壤母质背景下天然次生林土壤微生物群落结构及其多样性探究,可加深次生林更新过程中土壤微生物群落结构变化的认知。选取川西米亚罗林区20世纪60年代采伐后经自然更新恢复形成的3种天然次生林(槭-桦阔叶林,ABB;桦-槭-冷杉针阔混交林,BAA;岷江冷杉林,AFF),分析林下表层(0-20 cm)土壤微生物群落结构变化及其影响因素,结果显示:(1)3种林型土壤细菌Chao1和Shannon指数均极显著高于真菌,但仅真菌群落的Shannon指数差异显著,表现为BAA > ABB > AFF;(2)细菌群落优势门主要为变形杆菌门、酸杆菌门、疣微菌门、拟杆菌门、绿弯菌门,相对丰度占比超过82%;真菌群落则为子囊菌门和担子菌门,占比超过85%,AFF担子菌门相对丰度最高而子囊菌门最低。(3) RDA分析显示,土壤pH和乔木物种多样性(Shannon指数)是影响微生物群落结构变化的主导因子;土壤养分元素对细菌群落影响不显著,真菌群落主要受TN、TP含量显著影响。总体上,林型间乔木层物种多样性、土壤酸碱度及其氮磷含量是导致微生物群落结构变化的关键因素。  相似文献   

辽东山区典型人工针叶林土壤细菌群落多样性特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为揭示不同人工林树种对土壤养分和土壤微生物群落的影响,采用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序和OTU分析法比较辽东山区白石砬子自然保护区落叶松人工林(LGe)和红松人工林(PKe),以及辽宁省森林经营研究所实验林场落叶松人工林(LGd)和红松人工林(PKd)土壤细菌群落结构的差异,同时测定土壤理化性质,探讨土壤细菌群落结构、树种和土壤环境因子的相关性。研究结果表明:(1) LGe和PKe土壤全碳、全氮和碱解氮的含量无显著差异,LGd显著高于PKd。(2)从群落组成来看,该地区落叶松和红松人工林中土壤主要由34个门类群的菌群组成,优势菌群包括变形菌门、放线菌门、酸杆菌门、绿弯菌门、疣微菌门和芽单胞菌门。(3)从群落结构来看,LGe和PKe土壤细菌的多样性和丰富度指数无显著差异,PKd的多样性指数显著极高于LGd,丰富度指数无显著差异,且Metastats分析结果表明,较LGd和PKd相比,LGe和PKe在门水平和属水平上显著差异的个数较少,表现为趋同性。(4)优势细菌类群相对丰度和土壤理化性质的RDA和相关性分析表明,土壤p H、全氮、碱解氮的含量以及C/N是本区针叶林细菌群落结构的主要影响因子。综合分析表明,在保护区选择单一树种落叶松或红松造林对改善土壤养分及优化微土壤细菌群落结构无显著差异,而在实验林场选择落叶松更有利于提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

土壤真菌是地下生物多样性的重要组成部分,在土壤碳和养分循环中发挥重要功能。本研究基于高通量测序技术对三峡库区22个马尾松林表层土壤(0~10 cm)真菌群落进行研究。结果表明: 子囊菌门与担子菌门为优势真菌类群,常见类群包括散囊菌目、红菇目和银耳目。真菌功能群以腐生真菌与外生菌根真菌为主,欧石南类菌根真菌也较常见。冗余分析表明,无论是对整个土壤真菌群落还是不同真菌功能群,环境变量对群落结构的影响均强于空间变量,说明在较小的空间尺度上生境过滤对土壤真菌群落结构的影响超过扩散限制。地上生物量、电导率、有效磷、容重、碳氮比、硝态氮、粉粒占比是影响真菌群落结构的主要环境因子,但影响不同真菌功能群的最关键环境因子存在差异。  相似文献   

应用中性理论分析局域群落中的物种多样性及稳定性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张立敏  陈斌  李正跃 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1556-1563
如何解释群落中物种的丰富与稀少,并对物种多样性和群落稳定性进行合理的量化评价是群落生态学研究中的一个热点问题。20世纪中期,MacArthur将影响自然群落稳定性的因素归结为物种数量多少以及物种间相互作用的大小,20世纪末Doak等学者提出群落的容纳能力和物种间的维持机制是决定群落稳定性的关键因素。同时对群落结构及物种间维持机制的研究也有了新的突破,Hubbell提出"生物多样性与生物地理学统一的中性理论(Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography)"为群落生态学研究提供了新的思路和方法。从群落中性理论的基本假设出发,对Hubbell中性理论中局域群落的物种多度动态模型进行分析,归纳得出群落中性理论中物种多样性与群落稳定性之间的量化关系。封闭的局域群落中,出现物种灭绝或单物种独占的时间与群落大小及物种相对多度成正比,物种多样性程度的增加可延长物种灭绝或独占的时间;开放的局域群落中,物种多度期望值与局域群落大小、物种在集合群落中的物种相对多度成正比,周围群落中物种的灭绝会引起局域群落中相应物种的灭绝,最终导致整个生态群落物种多样性的降低;群落中物种多度的方差与局域群落大小、迁移率、物种在集合群落中的物种相对多度相关,局域群落物种多度的波动幅度随着群落间生态隔离的减弱或物种多样性程度的增加而减小。由此,集合群落物种多样性是影响局域群落物种多样性的重要因素,生态隔离程度的减弱及物种多样性的增加都将增强群落的稳定性。  相似文献   

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