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The interaction of selenium with methylmercury was investigated in brain of animals labeled with 75SeO32? and CH3203Hg+. Brains were fractionated into subcellular components and the cytosol was further fractionated by chromatography on Sephadex G-150 and G-200. The main result of these studies was evidence suggesting a shift of 75Se from the cytosol to the mitochondrial fraction in brain when CH3Hg+ was given. Concurrent equimolar (10 μmoles/kg) selenite injections increased the uptake of Hg but did not alter 203Hg distribution in brain. Changing the dose of CH3Hg+ from 1 to 38 μmoles/kg had little effect on Hg uptake (% of dose per g). Gel filtrations on Sephadex G-150 and G-200 revealed that 203Hg in cytosol followed a pattern more closely related to protein (A280) than to 75Se, although a considerable portion of both isotopes eluted with proteins in the void volume. Assays of whole brain homogenates revealed a slight reduction in glutathione peroxidase activity in CH3Hg+-treated rats which was not seen when equimolar selenite was injected with the CH3Hg+.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient in human health and Se deficiency has been incriminated in the etiology of cardiovascular diseases. However, the effect of long-term Se deficiency on the antioxidant capacities of vascular tissue has not been elucidated. This study was to determine whether long-term Se deficiency might affect the antioxidant capacity of rat vascular tissue and whether the diet Se might affect the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and thioredoxin reductase (TR) in rat vascular tissue. Weanling male Wister rats were fed Se-deficient and Se-adequate diets for 12 mo. Se was supplemented in drinking water (1 μg Se/mL) for 1 mo. The arterial walls isolated from various groups were used in the assay. In comparison with the control, Se-deficient rats exhibited significant decreases of GPx activity and total antioxidant capacity in the arterial wall. Similar decreases appeared in the heart, liver, and kidney. The superoxide dismutase activity was also decreased in the Se-deficient rat’s arterial wall. Followed by Se supplementation, they were restored to different extent. TR activity was decreased in the heart, liver, and kidney, but increased in the arterial wall. The content of malondialdehyde was increased markedly in Se-deficient rats. In conclusion, a positive correlation exists between dietary Se and antioxidant capacity of rat vascular tissue except TR. It seems that the activities of GPx and TR in the rat arterial wall were mediated in different pathways by the Se status.  相似文献   

There is controversy as to the recommended daily intake of selenium (Se), and whether current New Zealand diets are adequate in this nutrient. Various functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) polymorphisms may affect the efficacy of Se utilisation. These include the glutathione peroxidases GPx1 rs1050450, GPx4 rs713041, as well as selenoproteins SEPP1 rs3877899, SEL15 rs5845, SELS rs28665122 and SELS rs4965373. This cross-sectional study measured serum Se levels of 503 healthy Caucasian men in Auckland, New Zealand, between ages 20–81. The Se distribution was compared with activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase, and DNA damage as measured by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay, both without and with a peroxide-induced oxidative challenge. Serum Se was measured using inductively coupled plasma-dynamic reaction cell-mass spectrometry, while selenoprotein SNPs were estimated using TaqMan® SNP genotyping assays. While antioxidant enzyme activities and DNA damage recorded after a peroxide challenge increased with increasing serum selenium, the inherent DNA damage levels in leukocytes showed no statistically significant relationship with serum selenium. However, these relationships and dietary Se requirements at the individual level were modified by several different SNPs in genes for selenoproteins. The GPx1 rs1050450 C allele was significantly associated with GPx activity. Significant correlations between serum Se level and GPX activity were seen with all genotypes except for homozygous minor allele carriers, while the GPx1 rs1050450 CT genotype showed the highest correlation. Several genotypes showed significant correlations between serum Se and TR activity with SEPP1 rs3877899 GG genotype showing the highest correlation. A significant decreasing trend in DNA damage with increasing serum Se was seen among GPx1 rs1050450 CC and GPx4 rs713041 TT genotype carriers up to a serum Se level of 116 and 149 ng/ml, respectively. In the absence of this genetic information, we would recommend a serum Se concentration in the region of 100–150 ng/ml as providing a useful compromise.  相似文献   

In rats given a minimal damaging dose of 109CdCl2 (0.011 mmole/kg, s.c.), a visible hemorrhagic response was evident after 48 h when testicular Cd uptake exceeded a level of approx. 150 ng/g. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity was elevated in homogenates of these damaged testes. In rats whose testes were not damaged, the Cd levels were below 150 ng/g and the GSH-Px activity was similar to that of control animals injected with sodium acetate. Rat testis cytosol was found to contain two different GSH-Px activities when assayed with cumene hydroperoxide. These could be separated by gel filtration chromatography. The larger species (GSH-Px A) was eluted in the void volume on Sephadex G-150 and incorporated 75Se from Na275SeO3 given 4 weeks earlier. The smaller species, of approx. 42 000 molecular weight (MW) (GSH-Px B), did not incorporate 75Se and could be distinguished from GSH-Px A by its insensitivity to cyanide (10 mM). CdCl2 (1 mM) did not inhibit GSH-Px activity when added in vitro to GSH-Px A or B from testicular cytosol, or to purified GSH-Px isolated from ovine erythrocytes. When 109CdCl2 was given in vivo to rats injected 4 weeks previously with a tracer dose of Na275SeO3 or added in vitro to cytosol prepared from similarly labeled rats, Sephadex G-150 chromatography of cytosol showed that most of the 109Cd was eluted in a major peak of 34 000 MW. Little or no 109Cd was found in association with 75Se (major peak 140 000 MW) or GSH-Px activity. When 109CdCl2 was injected into rats given an equimolar dose of Na275SeO3 30 min previously, 109Cd uptake in cytosol was increased and both 109Cd and 75Se was shifted into a peak of 110 000 MW.The 109Cd-binding peak of approx. 30 000–34 000 MW was the major Cd-binding fraction in cytosol of 7-week-old rats but was not detectable in 4-week-old rats. Susceptibility of the testes to Cd did not correlate with the presence of this peak, however, since 4-week-old rats were occassionally damaged by CdCl2.  相似文献   

To investigate the selenium status during long-term dietary supply of selenium yeast, 30-day-old male rats were fed for 379 days a methionine-adequate low-selenium diet supplemented with 0.2 mg Se/kg (selenium-adequate diet) or 1.5 mg Se/kg (high-selenium diet) in the form of selenium yeast that contained 60% of the element as l-selenomethionine. Their selenium load was determined at several intervals by neutron activation analysis of the selenium concentrations in the main selenium body pools, skeletal muscle and liver. After 64 days the tissue selenium concentrations plateaued in both groups and then stayed at that level. Compared with the selenium-adequate group, elevated tissue selenium concentrations were found in the high-selenium group, but the increase by a factor of 3.5 in the muscle and by a factor of 2.3 in the liver was smaller than the 7.5-fold increase in the selenium intake. In the selenium-adequate group about 50% of the muscle selenium and 30% of the liver selenium and in the high-selenium group about 85% of the muscle selenium and 70% of the liver selenium were estimated to be present in non-selenoprotein forms. During selenium depletion the liver glutathione peroxidase activity in the high-selenium group remained unaffected for 4 weeks and then decreased more slowly than that in the selenium-adequate group. From these results it can be concluded that selenium incorporated from the selenium yeast diet into non-selenoprotein forms can serve as an endogenous selenium source to maintain selenoprotein levels in periods of insufficient selenium supply.  相似文献   

Although selenium is thought to be essential for various immune responses, the excess supplementation may have an adverse effect on certain immunological functions. The present study was designed to determine the effective chemical forms of selenium and their optimal levels on T-cell mitogenesis with splenic cells from mice given a selenium-deficient diet for 8 weeks to avoid effects of cellular selenium sources. Although selenium in tissues, except for spleen and thymus, was almost depleted by feeding selenium-deficient diet, the lymphoid organs still contained low levels of selenium. Both activities of cellular glutathione peroxidase (cGPx) and thioredoxin reductase (TR) in liver and splenic cells showed a tendency to decrease by selenium deficiency. However, splenic cells were tolerant against decrease of the selenoenzyme activities, and TR was also more tolerant than cGPx. T-cell proliferation of the selenium-insufficient splenic cells induced by concanavalin A was increased by addition of Na2SeO3, Na2SeO4, Na2Se, seleno-dl-cystine, seleno-l-methionine and selenocystamine. Their promoting action was observed at levels lower than 0.1 μmol/L and was completely suppressed at the highest concentration (1 μmol/L), except for selenocystamine. Na2SeO3 was one of the efficient selenocompounds for the mitogenesis, which was concomitant with the significant induction of cGPx and TR. However, recovery of cGPx activity in the selenium-insufficient cells by supplementary Na2SeO3 was only partial, while TR activity was readily recovered from selenium deficiency. These results therefore indicate that only low levels of selenium is essential for T-cell mitogenesis even in selenium-insufficient splenic cells, and TR, which is readily recovered by Na2SeO3, may be the critical enzyme.  相似文献   

Human leukemia promyelocytic HL-60 cells differentiate into granulocytes when cultured with 1.25% dimethyl sulfoxide for 3 d. The radioactive Na2 75SeO3 incorporation and the amount of total proteins were interrelated in both promyelocytic and granulocytic HL-60. Promyelocytic cells had four times higher75Se incorporation and 34% more protein synthesis than the granulocytic cells on the fifth culturing day. The enzyme activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, E.C. and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR, E.C. in both types of cells increased significantly and approached steady stage on the third day. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis and autoradiography of the proteins from the cells revealed three proteins with molecular weights of57, 28, and 21 kDa, respectively. These three75Se-labeled proteins were present in both types of cells. The proteins from HL-60 cells were separated by DEAE-Sepharose and 2′5′-ADP-Sepharose columns. The purified 57-kDa protein had TrxR activity of 0.744 Μmol 5′-thionitrobenzoic acid (TNB) formed/min/mg protein and two isoelectric points at pH 5.9 and 6.0. These results suggest that TrxR is one of the selenoproteins in both promyelocytic and granulocytic HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

The effect of mutations in the genes encoding glutathione, glutaredoxin, thioredoxin, and thioredoxin reductase on the response of growing Escherichia coli to oxidative stress was studied. The gshA mutants defective in glutathione synthesis had the lowest resistance to high doses of H2O2, whereas the trxB mutants defective in thioredoxin reductase synthesis had the highest resistance to this oxidant, exceeding that of the parent strain. Among the studied mutants, the trxB cells demonstrated the highest basic levels of catalase activity and intracellular glutathione; they were able to rapidly reach the normal GSH level after oxidative stress. At the same time, these bacteria showed high frequency of induced mutations. The expression of the katG and sulA genes suggests that, having different sensitivity to high oxidant concentrations, the studied mutants differ primarily in their ability to induce the antioxidant genes of the OxyR and SOS regulons.  相似文献   

硒性白内障大鼠模型晶状体中GR和GSH-Px的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为探讨硒性白内障大鼠晶状体中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH Px)和谷胱甘肽还原酶 (GR)的活性调节在硒性白内障形成中的作用及调节方式 ,采用半定量RT PCR方法 ,比较正常晶状体、核中心混浊晶状体 (核白 )和完全混浊晶状体 (全白 )中GSH Px和GR的mRNA水平及酶活性的变化 .研究发现 ,核白晶状体中 2种酶的活性和mRNA水平均升高 ,其中酶活性的升高幅度小于mRNA水平 .随着白内障的发展 ,2种酶的活性和mRNA水平均逐渐下降 .至晶状体全白时 ,2种酶的活性均显著低于正常 ;全白时GR的mRNA水平降至正常 ,GSH Px的mRNA水平则仍高于正常 .结果表明 ,硒性白内障形成与细胞内GSH Px和GR的活性调节密切相关 ,GSH Px和GR的活性调节可能主要发生在转录水平  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and malondialdehyde (MDA) in erythrocytes in healthy male employees of zinc and lead steelworks who were occupationally exposed to lead over a long period of time (about 15 yr). Workers were divided into two subgroups: the first included employees with low exposure to lead (LL) (n=75) with blood lead level PbB=25–40 μg/dL and the second with high exposure to lead (HL) (n=62) with PbB over 40 μg/dL. Administration workers (n=35) with normal levels of PbB and zinc protoporphyrin in blood (ZPP) in blood were the control group. The activity of GPx significantly increased in LL when compared to the control group (p<0.001) and decreased when compared to the HL group (p=0.036). There were no significant changes in activity of GR in the study population. MDA erythrocyte concentration significantly increased in the HL group compared to the control (p=0.014) and to the LL group (p=0.024). For the people with low exposure to lead (PbB=25–40 μg/dL), the increase of activity of GPx by about 79% in erythrocytes prevented lipid peroxidation and it appears to be the adaptive mechanism against the toxic effect of lead. People with high exposure to lead (with PbB over 40 μg/dL) have shown an increase in MDA concentration in erythrocytes by about 91%, which seems to have resulted from reduced activity of GPx and the lack of increase in activity of GR in blood red cells.  相似文献   

螺旋藻对小鼠SOD和GSH—Px活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春坚 《蛇志》1997,9(3):66-67
采用微量测定法,观察螺旋藻对32只昆明种小白鼠全血中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷光甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性的影响。结果表明,灌胃螺旋藻试验组(SOD)活性(1577.16±169.88IU/gHb),与相应对照组(1336.27±158.23IU/gHb)比较,GSH-Px活性(28.33±2.37IU/ml)与相应对照组(24.87±3.26IU/ml)比较,差别均有非常显著意义(P<0.01);提示螺旋藻有提高动物SOD和GSH-Px活性的功效  相似文献   

Twenty-four weanling male Wistar rats were divided into four groups fed diets containing adequate or deficient levels of selenium (0.5 ppm [+ Se] or <0.02 ppm [−Se] and protein (15% [+Pro] or 5% [−Pro]), but adequate levels of all other nutrients for 4 wk to determine the effects of Se deficiency and protein deficiency on tissue Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in rats. Plasma, heart, liver, and kidney Se and GSHPx were significantly lower in Se-deficient groups in relation to Se-sufficient groups. In Se-deficient groups, Se and GSHPx were significantly higher in −Se−Pro rats in heart, liver, and kidney. Data analysis showed that there were significant interaction effects between dietary Se and protein on Se and GSHPx of rats. It is assumed that under the condition of Se deficiency. a low level of protein may decrease Se and GSHPx utilization, increase GSHPx synthesis, and result in Se redistribution. This could account for high levels of Se and GSHPx in the −Se−Pro rats compared to −Se+Pro rats.  相似文献   

Plasma selenium and glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes were analyzed in a case-control study encompassing 441 cases with breast cancer and 191 controls with benign breast disease. No difference in mean serum selenium level between cases and controls on supplementary selenium intake was seen. If only individuals without supplementary intake, 278 cases and 135 controls, were considered a preventive effect was found increasing with selenium level. This finding was significant among women 50 years old or more with Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio=0.16 for individuals with serum selenium >1.21 μmol/L. Also for subjects with serum selenium in the range 1.00–1.21 μmol/L a significant preventive effect was seen with odds ratio=0.38. For women under 50 years of age a nonsignificant preventive effect was seen. Glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes did not correlate well with serum selenium and was not a marker for the risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In recent years the selenium (Se) intake of the human population of the UK has shown a marked decline from 60 μg/d in 1978 to around 30 μg/d in 1990 owing largely to a significant reduction in the importation of North American wheat for bread-making fluor. Other countries (Finland, for example) in similar situations have instituted fertilization programs in order to raise cereal Se concentrations and thus boost dietary intakes. An alternative approach would be to increase the Se concentration of carcass meat by supplementation of meat animals for a limited period prior to slaughter. A trial was set up with store lambs to evaluate this approach. Sixteen Scottish Blackface lambs were stratified according to live weight and then randomly allocated to one of four treatments: unsupplemented, or 3.5, 7, or 10.5 mg. Se/head/wk. After 14 wk, the lambs were sacrificed and samples of shoulder and thigh muscle, liver, and kidney were obtained for analysis. All three treatments effected an increase in whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and plasma Se concentrations over controls. Shoulder, thigh, and liver Se exhibited a dose-response relationship to treatment, but kidney Se concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Muscle and some organ meat Se concentrations can therefore be increased by supplementation and could contribute to increased human dietary intakes of the element.  相似文献   

The yeasts of patients with oral cancer has been studied before and during Xr-therapy. Gram and PAS smears revealed an increase of yeast-like structures, during treatment, from 56% to 66% of the cases. Before radiotherapy oral yeasts were isolated from 56% of the patients with cancer represented by Candida albicans (30%); C. tropicalis (12%); C. glabrata and C. krusei (4%), besides six other different species (2%). During radiotherapy yeasts were isolated in 72% of the cases, as follow: C. albicans (36%); C. tropicalis (16%); Rhodotorula rubra (6%); C. kefyr; C. krusei and Pichia farinosa (4%), besides other nine species (2%). C. albicans serotype A represented 93% of the isolated samples, before treatment and 88,8% during Xr-therapy.  相似文献   

Two age groups, 3 and 15 mo, were used to investigate whether age-associated changes in some parameters related to lipid peroxidation occur in the liver of male Wistar rats and to observe possible effects of dietary selenium supplementation (0.25 and 0.50 ppm) for 12 mo on the same parameters. At these experimental conditions, the most important observation was that peroxidation did not change by aging, at least until 15 mo of age. In addition, the activity of Sedependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, EC was higher in the liver of the older animals. It is suggested that the enzyme could have a role in the unchanged hepatic peroxidation observed in aged male rats. On the other hand, an effect of dietary selenium supplementation on those parameters was not observed, probably because the selenium levels were still at an adequate plateau.  相似文献   

Since selenium and vitamin E have been increasingly recognized as an essential element in biology and medicine, current research activities in the field of human medicine and nutrition are devoted to the possibilities of using these antioxidants for the prevention or treatment of many diseases. The present study was aimed at investigating and comparing the effects of dietary antioxidants on glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase activities as well as free and protein-bound sulfhydryl contents of rat liver and brain tissues. For 12–14 wk, both sex of weanling rats were fed a standardized selenium-deficient and vitamin E-deficient diet, a selenium-excess diet, or a control diet. It is observed that glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase activities of both tissues of the rats fed with a selenium-deficient or excess diet were significantly lower than the values of the control group. It is also shown that free and bound sulfhydryl concentrations of these tissues of both experimental groups were significantly lower than the control group. The percentage of glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase activities of the deficient group with respect to the control were 50% and 47% in liver and 66% and 61% in the brain, respectively; while these values in excess group were 51% and 69% in liver and 55% and 80% in brain, respectively. Free sulfhydryl contents of the tissues in both experimental groups showed a parallel decrease. Furthermore, the decrease in protein-bound sulfhydryl values of brain tissues were more pronounced than the values found for liver. It seems that not only liver but also the brain is an important target organ to the alteration in antioxidant system through either a deficiency of both selenium and vitamin E or an excess of selenium alone in the diet.  相似文献   

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