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The recently solved three-dimensional structure of the thermophilic esterase 2 from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius allowed us to have a snapshot of an enzyme-sulfonate complex, which mimics the second stage of the catalytic reaction, namely the covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate. The aim of this work was to design, by structure-aided analysis and to generate by site-directed and saturation mutagenesis, EST2 variants with changed substrate specificity in the direction of preference for monoacylesters whose acyl-chain length is greater than eight carbon atoms. Positions 211 and 215 of the polypeptide chain were chosen to introduce mutations. Among five variants with single and double amino acid substitutions, three were obtained, M211S, R215L, and M211S/R215L, that changed the catalytic efficiency profile in the desired direction. Kinetic characterization of mutants and wild type showed that this change was achieved by an increase in k(cat) and a decrease in K(m) values with respect to the parental enzyme. The M211S/R215L specificity constant for p-nitrophenyl decanoate substrate was 6-fold higher than the wild type. However, variants M211T, M211S, and M211V showed strikingly increased activity as well as maximal activity with monoacylesters with four carbon atoms in the acyl chain, compared with the wild type. In the case of mutant M211T, the k(cat) for p-nitrophenyl butanoate was 2.4-fold higher. Overall, depending on the variant and on the substrate, we observed improved catalytic activity at 70 degrees C with respect to the wild type, which was a somewhat unexpected result for an enzyme with already high k(cat) values at high temperature. In addition, variants with altered specificity toward the acyl-chain length were obtained. The results were interpreted in the context of the EST2 three-dimensional structure and a proposed catalytic mechanism in which k(cat), e.g. the limiting step of the reaction, was dependent on the acyl chain length of the ester substrate.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of the N-iminylamide was investigated in this study. An enzyme possessing N-iminylamidase activity from pig liver was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. This enzyme was also active, however, with imides and appears to be identical to pig liver imidase. The identification was confirmed by copurification of enzyme activities and by specificities of typical substrates of mammalian imidase, such as phthalimide, dihydrouracil, and maleimide. The hydrolysis of 3-iminoisoindolinone was further analyzed by HPLC, (13)C NMR spectrometry, and LC-MS measurements to determine its chemicoselectivity. All data indicated that this enzyme chemicoselectively catalyzed the hydrolysis of the N-iminylamide to produce the compound bearing the diamine and carboxylate group. The pH profiles of this enzyme suggest that one of the protons of 3-iminoisoindolinone was important to promote the ring-opening process of this substrate. These results constituted a first study on the enzymatic hydrolysis of compounds bearing the N-iminylamide functional group.  相似文献   

In plants, UDP‐glucose is the direct precursor for cellulose biosynthesis, and can be converted into other NDP‐sugars required for the biosynthesis of wall matrix polysaccharides. UDP‐glucose is generated from sucrose by two distinct metabolic pathways. The first pathway is the direct conversion of sucrose to UDP‐glucose and fructose by sucrose synthase. The second pathway involves sucrose hydrolysis by cytosolic invertase (CINV), conversion of glucose to glucose‐6‐phosphate and glucose‐1‐phosphate, and UDP‐glucose generation by UDP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGP). Previously, Barratt et al. (Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 2009 and 13124) have found that an Arabidopsis double mutant lacking CINV1 and CINV2 displayed drastically reduced growth. Whether this reduced growth is due to deficient cell wall production caused by limited UDP‐glucose supply, pleiotropic effects, or both, remained unresolved. Here, we present results indicating that the CINV/UGP pathway contributes to anisotropic growth and cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and imaging data demonstrate that cinv1 cinv2 seedlings are deficient in UDP‐glucose production, exhibit abnormal cellulose biosynthesis and microtubule properties, and have altered cellulose organization without substantial changes to matrix polysaccharide composition, suggesting that the CINV/UGP pathway is a key metabolic route to UDP‐glucose synthesis in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, differential responses of cinv1 cinv2 seedlings to exogenous sugar supplementation support a function of CINVs in influencing carbon partitioning in Arabidopsis. From these data and those of previous studies, we conclude that CINVs serve central roles in cellulose biosynthesis and carbon allocation in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

We have studied T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP) as a model phosphatase in an attempt to unravel amino acid residues that may influence the design of specific inhibitors. Residues 48--50, termed the YRD motif, a region that is found in protein-tyrosine phosphatases, but absent in dual-specificity phosphatases was targeted. YRD derivatives of TCPTP were characterized by steady-state kinetics and by inhibition studies with BzN-EJJ-amide, a potent inhibitor of TCPTP. Substitution of Asp(50) to alanine or Arg(49) to lysine, methionine, or alanine significantly affected substrate hydrolysis and led to a substantial decrease in affinity for BzN-EJJ-amide. The influence of residue 49 on substrate/inhibitor selectivity was further investigated by comparing subsite amino acid preferences of TCPTP and its R49K derivative by affinity selection coupled with mass spectrometry. The greatest effect on selectivity was observed on the residue that precedes the phosphorylated tyrosine. Unlike wild-type TCPTP, the R49K derivative preferred tyrosine to aspartic or glutamic acid. BzN-EJJ-amide which retains the preferred specificity requirements of TCPTP and PTP1B was equipotent on both enzymes but greater than 30-fold selective over other phosphatases. These results suggest that Arg(49) and Asp(50) may be targeted for the design of potent and selective inhibitors of TCPTP and PTP1B.  相似文献   

Protamine, a highly purified basic polypeptide of 4000 molecular weight containing 80–85% arginine, is a useful substrate for the assay of plasmin, activated plasminogen, and enzymes of similar specificity, e.g., urokinase, coagulation factor Xa, trypsin, and thrombin, and is also an excellent secondary substrate for activator assays of urokinase and streptokinase. The assays were performed manually, and also automated procedures for continuous multiple sample analyses were used. The relative sensitivities for various plasmin-like enzymes were: trypsin > plasmin > urokinase > factor Xa > thrombin. Using protamine with manual assay procedures, the amino-terminal groups of the enzyme-degraded protamine digestion products were detected and quantitated by the colorimetric ninhydrin or the fluorometric fluorescamine procedures, and using protamine with an automated system the ninhydrin method was used. Assigning the CTA casein assay for plasmin a nominal sensitivity of 0.1 (for 0.1 CTA unit of plasmin), the sensitivities of the various assay methods were casein, automated protamine, and manual protamine with ninhydrin, 0.1; manual protamine-trichloroacetic acid with fluorescamine, 0.005; and manual protamine direct fluorescamine, 0.0005. A unit of plasmin, based on the uptake of 1 μequiv base/min during hydrolysis of 0.4% protamine sulfate under standard conditions, is equal to approximately 1.7 × 103 RFI units or 2.9 CTA units; or, 1 CTA unit of plasmin resulted in an average uptake of 0.346 μmol of base or equivalent bonds split per minute.  相似文献   

A systematic approach was taken to assess the vitrification properties of ethylene glycol-based solutions supplemented with carbohydrates. Solutions were prepared by weight (gravimetrically) using ethylene glycol as the cryoprotectant, 0.9% NaCl in water, and six different sugars: d-glucose, d(-)-fructose, d-sorbitol, sucrose, d(+)-trehalose, and raffinose. Sugars were added on a molal basis (0. 1, 0.5, and 1 m). Characteristics of the solutions were measured during warming by differential scanning calorimetry using a cooling rate of 100 degrees C/min and a warming rate of 10 degrees C/min. In the absence of carbohydrates a 59 wt% EG-saline solution formed a stable glass. When EG was replaced by an equimolal concentration of glucose, fructose, or sorbitol (monosaccharides) at 0.1, 0.5, or 1.0 m there was no change in the total solute concentration at which vitrification occurred, but the glass transition (Tg) occurred at a higher temperature than in EG-saline alone. When EG was replaced by an equimolal concentration of sucrose or trehalose (disaccharides) both the Tg and the lowest total solute concentration required for vitrification became progressively higher as the molecular weight, or the ratio of sugar to EG in the solutions, increased. At the highest tested disaccharide concentration (1 m) vitrification was achieved at a total solute concentration of 65 wt% (sucrose) and 67 wt% (trehalose). The polysaccharide raffinose significantly modified the vitrification properties of ethylene glycol solutions. When 0.5 or 0.1 m raffinose replaced EG on an equimolal basis the glass transition point was raised more than with either the monosaccharides or the disaccharides. Raffinose allowed vitrification at a total solute concentration of 67 wt% (0.5 m) and 63 wt% (0.1 m). The maturation of immature mouse oocytes, and the development of embryos in media containing 5-7 mM of any sugar was comparable to controls, indicating that they are not toxic. Exposure of freshly collected GV or MII oocytes to sugar concentrations between 0.5 and 1.0 M, for up to 10 min had no significant effect on the proportion which subsequently formed two cells. We conclude that added sugars do contribute to a solutions overall vitrification properties, and their properties should be taken into consideration when vitrification solutions are being designed or modified.  相似文献   

The double-stranded RNA-specific endoribonuclease III (RNase III) of bacteria consists of an N-terminal nuclease domain and a double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) at the C-terminus. Analysis of two hybrid proteins consisting of the N-terminal half of Escherichia coli RNase III fused to the dsRBD of the Rhodobacter capsulatus enzyme and vice versa reveals that both domains in combination with the particular substrate determine substrate specificity and cleavage site selection. Extension of the spacer between the two domains of the E. coli enzyme from nine to 20 amino acids did not affect cleavage site selection.  相似文献   

The E/K coil, a heterodimeric coiled-coil, has been designed as a universal peptide capture and delivery system for use in applications such as biosensors and affinity chromatography. In this design, heterodimer formation is specified through the placement of charged residues at the e and g positions of the heptad repeat. The affinity and stability of the E/K coil has been modified in order to allow a greater range of conditions for association and dissociation by varying the chain length to obtain three, four and five heptad coiled-coils (21, 28 and 35 residues per polypeptide chain). The effect of chain length on stability and folding was examined by circular dichroism spectroscopy, guanidine hydrochloride denaturation, and redox equilibrium experiments. It was found that increases in chain length produced increases in the stability of heterodimeric coiled-coils, but in a nonlinear fashion. The resulting disulfide-bridged heterostranded molecules and reduced heterodimers span a wide range of stabilities (deltaG=3.3-11.9 kcal/mol), greatly expanding their scope for use in protein engineering and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Choline oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of choline to glycine betaine via two sequential flavin-linked transfers of hydride equivalents to molecular oxygen and formation of a betaine aldehyde intermediate. In the present study, choline and glycine betaine analogs were used as substrates and inhibitors for the enzyme to investigate the structural determinants that are relevant for substrate recognition and specificity. Competitive inhibition patterns with respect to choline were determined for a number of substituted amines at pH 6.5 and 25 degrees C. The Kis values for the carboxylate-containing ligands glycine betaine, N,N-dimethylglycine, and N-methylglycine increased monotonically with decreasing number of methyl groups, consistent with the trimethylammonium portion of the ligand being important for binding. In contrast, the acetate portion of glycine betaine did not contribute to binding, as suggested by lack of changes in the Kis values upon substituting glycine betaine with inhibitors containing methyl, ethyl, allyl, and 2-amino-ethyl side chains. In agreement with the inhibition data, the specificity of the enzyme for the organic substrate (kcat/Km value) decreased when N,N-dimethylethanolamine, N-methylethanolamine, and the isosteric substrate 3,3-dimethyl-1-butanol were used as substrate instead of choline; a contribution of approximately 7 kcal mol(-1) toward substrate discrimination was estimated for the interaction of the trimethylammonium portion of the substrate with the active site of choline oxidase.  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of transport of assimilates to seeds was investigated with the aid of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants that were ABA-deficient and/or insensitive to ABA. Subsequent flowers of mutant mother plants were alternately pollinated with pollen from either wild-type or mutant plants, and the transport of radiolabelled photoassimilates to the genetically different seeds was studied. The experiments were performed under conditions of reduced availability of source material, achieved either by reduced light quantity or by combining the ABA-deficient mutant with a starchless mutant. No effect of the genotype on the import rate of assimilates was detected, indicating that endogenous ABA does not influence the sink strength of Arabidopsis seeds. Reports describing contrary results are discussed.  相似文献   

The order of substrate addition to arginyl-tRNA synthetase from baker's yeast has been investigated by bisubstrate kinetics, product inhibition and inhibition by three different inhibiting ATP analogs, the 6-N-benzyl, 8-bromo and 3'-deoxy derivatives of ATP, each acting competitively with respect to one of the substrates. The kinetic patterns are consistent with a random ter-ter mechanism, an addition of the three substrates and release of the products in random order. The different inhibitors are bound to different enzyme . substrate complexes of the reaction sequence. Addition of inorganic pyrophosphatase changes the inhibition patterns and addition of methylenediphosphonate as pyrophosphate analog abolishes the effect of pyrophosphatase, showing that the concentration of pyrophosphate is determinant for the mechanism of catalysis.  相似文献   

Adenylate and guanylate cyclases, having different but related substrates, are a paradigm for the study of substrate discrimination. A prokaryotic adenylate cyclase gene, phylogenetically related to eukaryotic counterparts, was screened for mutants remodelling the enzyme's specificity. In a first step, a mutant was selected displaying a significant level of guanylate cyclase activity. This was due to a point mutation destroying most of the adenylate cyclase activity. A second selection step restored most of the original activity. This resulted from an additional mutation in the same region, thus permitting the first identification of a functional domain in adenylate and guanylate cyclases.  相似文献   

Met53 in barley alpha-amylase 1 (AMY1) is situated at the high-affinity subsite -2. While Met53 is unique to plant alpha-amylases, the adjacent Tyr52 stacks onto substrate at subsite -1 and is essentially invariant in glycoside hydrolase family 13. These residues belong to a short sequence motif in beta-->alpha loop 2 of the catalytic (beta/alpha)8-barrel and site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a representative variety of structural changes, Met53Glu/Ala/Ser/Gly/Asp/Tyr/Trp, to investigate the role of Met53. Compared to wild-type, Met53Glu/Asp AMY1 displayed 117/90% activity towards insoluble Blue Starch, and Met53Ala/Ser/Gly 76/58/38%, but Met53Tyr/Trp only 0.9/0.1%, even though both Asp and Trp occur frequently at this position in family 13. Towards amylose DP17 (degree of polymerization = 17) and 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl beta-d-maltoheptaoside the activity (kcat/Km) of all mutants was reduced to 5.5-0.01 and 1.7-0.02% of wild-type, respectively. Km increased up to 20-fold for these soluble substrates and the attack on glucosidic linkages in 4-nitrophenyl alpha-d-maltohexaoside (PNPG6) and PNPG5 was determined by action pattern analysis to shift to be closer to the nonreducing end. This indicated that side chain replacement at subsite -2 weakened substrate glycon moiety contacts. Thus whereas all mutants produced mainly PNPG2 from PNPG6 and similar amounts of PNPG2 and PNPG3 accounting for 85% of the products from PNPG5, wild-type released 4-nitrophenol from PNPG6 and PNPG and PNPG2 in equal amounts from PNPG5. Met53Trp affected the action pattern on PNPG7, which was highly unusual for AMY1 subsite mutants. It was also the sole mutant to catalyze substantial transglycosylation - promoted probably by slow substrate hydrolysis - to produce up to maltoundecaose from PNPG6.  相似文献   

RppA, a chalcone synthase-related polyketide synthase (type III polyketide synthase) in the bacterium Streptomyces griseus, catalyzes the formation of 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (THN) from five molecules of malonyl-CoA. The K(m) value for malonyl-CoA and the k(cat) value for THN synthesis were determined to be 0.93 +/- 0.1 microm and 0.77 +/- 0.04 min(-1), respectively. RppA accepted aliphatic acyl-CoAs with the carbon lengths from C(4) to C(8) as starter substrates and catalyzed sequential condensation of malonyl-CoA to yield alpha-pyrones and phloroglucinols. In addition, RppA yielded a hexaketide, 4-hydroxy-6-(2',4',6'-trioxotridecyl)-2-pyrone, from octanoyl-CoA and five molecules of malonyl-CoA, suggesting that the size of the active site cavity of RppA is larger than any other chalcone synthase-related enzymes found so far in plants and bacteria. RppA was also found to synthesize a C-methylated pyrone, 3,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2-pyrone, by using acetoacetyl-CoA as the starter and methylmalonyl-CoA as an extender. Thus, the broad substrate specificity of RppA yields a wide variety of products.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) metabolizes a wide range of therapeutic drugs. CYP2D6 substrates typically contain a basic nitrogen atom, and the active-site residue Asp-301 has been implicated in substrate recognition through electrostatic interactions. Our recent computational models point to a predominantly structural role for Asp-301 in loop positioning (Kirton, S. B., Kemp, C. A., Tomkinson, N. P., St.-Gallay, S., and Sutcliffe, M. J. (2002) Proteins 49, 216-231) and suggest a second acidic residue, Glu-216, as a key determinant in the binding of basic substrates. We have evaluated the role of Glu-216 in substrate recognition, along with Asp-301, by site-directed mutagenesis. Reversal of the Glu-216 charge to Lys or substitution with neutral residues (Gln, Phe, or Leu) greatly decreased the affinity (K(m) values increased 10-100-fold) for the classical basic nitrogen-containing substrates bufuralol and dextromethorphan. Altered binding was also manifested in significant differences in regiospecificity with respect to dextromethorphan, producing enzymes with no preference for N-demethylation versus O-demethylation (E216K and E216F). Neutralization of Asp-301 to Gln and Asn had similarly profound effects on substrate binding and regioselectivity. Intriguingly, removal of the negative charge from either 216 or 301 produced enzymes (E216A, E216K, and D301Q) with elevated levels (50-75-fold) of catalytic activity toward diclofenac, a carboxylate-containing CYP2C9 substrate that lacks a basic nitrogen atom. Activity was increased still further (>1000-fold) upon neutralization of both residues (E216Q/D301Q). The kinetic parameters for diclofenac (K(m) 108 microm, k(cat) 5 min(-1)) along with nifedipine (K(m) 28 microm, k(cat) 2 min(-1)) and tolbutamide (K(m) 315 microm, k(cat) 1 min(-1)), which are not normally substrates for CYP2D6, were within an order of magnitude of those observed with CYP3A4 or CYP2C9. Neutralizing both Glu-216 and Asp-301 thus effectively alters substrate recognition illustrating the central role of the negative charges provided by both residues in defining the specificity of CYP2D6 toward substrates containing a basic nitrogen.  相似文献   

The cold-adapted Pseudomonas fragi lipase (PFL) displays highest activity on short-chain triglyceride substrates and is rapidly inactivated at moderate temperature. Sequence and structure comparison with homologous lipases endowed with different substrate specificity and stability, pointed to three polar residues in the lid region, that were replaced with the amino acids conserved at equivalent positions in the reference lipases. Substitutions at residues T137 and T138 modified the lipase chain-length preference profile, increasing the relative activity towards C8 substrates. Moreover, mutations conferred to PFL higher temperature stability. On the other hand, replacement of the serine at position 141 by glycine destabilized the protein.  相似文献   

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