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Lee SH  Bardunias P  Su NY 《Bio Systems》2007,90(3):802-807
Subterranean termites excavate branching tunnels for searching and transporting food in soil. Experimentally, the length distribution of the branch tunnels, P(L), was characterized by the exponentially decaying function, P(L)  exp(−L) with a branch length exponent of  = 0.15. To evaluate the significance of this value, we used a lattice model to simulate tunnels of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in featureless soil and computed the ratio of energy gain for obtained food to loss for transporting food for a given time, γ for various simulated tunnel patterns with the different values of . In simulation, the γ was maximized at 0.15 <  < 0.20 for the number of primary tunnels N = 6, 8, and 10. Our results indicate that tunnels with branch length distributions similar to those derived from empirical tunnel patterns result in tunnels made up of highly efficient paths to search and transport resources.  相似文献   

The territory size distribution of the termites Nasutitermes nigriceps and Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae) in a mangrove forest on the Atlantic coast of Panama showed a rapidly decline region in the rear part and was strongly affected by the degree of connection between the prop roots of mangrove trees [Adams, E.S., Levings, S., 1987. Territory size and population limits in mangrove termites. J. Anim. Ecol. 56, 1069–1081]. To account for these empirical facts, we introduced a lattice model to simulate territorial competition under seasonal cycle, dry and wet season. The simulated territory grew during the wet season while it shrunk during the dry season. The model simulation showed that the shrinkage and expansion process resulted in winner and loser territories in the territorial competition, which consequently led to generate the declining regions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The spatial and statistical distribution of genome sizes and the adaptivity of genome size to some types of habitat, vegetation or microclimatic conditions were investigated in a tetraploid population of Festuca pallens. The population was previously documented to vary highly in genome size and is assumed as a model for the study of the initial stages of genome size differentiation. METHODS: Using DAPI flow cytometry, samples were measured repeatedly with diploid Festuca pallens as the internal standard. Altogether 172 plants from 57 plots (2.25 m(2)), distributed in contrasting habitats over the whole locality in South Moravia, Czech Republic, were sampled. The differences in DNA content were confirmed by the double peaks of simultaneously measured samples. KEY RESULTS: At maximum, a 1.115-fold difference in genome size was observed. The statistical distribution of genome sizes was found to be continuous and best fits the extreme (Gumbel) distribution with rare occurrences of extremely large genomes (positive-skewed), as it is similar for the log-normal distribution of the whole Angiosperms. Even plants from the same plot frequently varied considerably in genome size and the spatial distribution of genome sizes was generally random and unautocorrelated (P > 0.05). The observed spatial pattern and the overall lack of correlations of genome size with recognized vegetation types or microclimatic conditions indicate the absence of ecological adaptivity of genome size in the studied population. CONCLUSIONS: These experimental data on intraspecific genome size variability in Festuca pallens argue for the absence of natural selection and the selective non-significance of genome size in the initial stages of genome size differentiation, and corroborate the current hypothetical model of genome size evolution in Angiosperms (Bennetzen et al., 2005, Annals of Botany 95: 127-132).  相似文献   

以武夷山风景名胜区为研究对象,运用景观分类生态原则和群落生态学原则,将武夷山风景名胜区划分为10类景观类型,并提取各类型斑块的面积、周长、数量等信息。在此基础上,运用正态分布、对数正态分布、Weibull分布、г-分布、Bata-分布及负指数分布等6个常见的概率分布,分别在3种等级划分条件下,对各景观类型斑块大小分布规律进行研究.结果表明,多数斑块大小服从对数正态分布。少数服从r.分布和Weibull分布,而所有类型的斑块大小均不服从正态分布;对于同一景观类型而言,不同划分等级对其斑块大小的分布规律产生一定的影响,即斑块大小分布存在着等级效应,其中以b等级划分相对比较理想;对不同的景观类型而言,斑块大小分布规律依类型的不同而存在差异,而且就整个景区所有斑块大小分布来说,尚未有一种概率分布能理想地加以刻画;由具有相同分布规律的不同景观类型的斑块构成的整体,其斑块大小分布规律基本保持不变,而由不同分布规律的不同景观类型的斑块构成的整体,其斑块大小分布规律发生变化。  相似文献   

为模拟、预测气候变化对孑遗、濒危植物蒙古扁桃(Amygdalus mongolica)潜在分布的影响, 利用最大熵(MAXENT)模型模拟、预测、对比、分析、揭示蒙古扁桃在最大冰期(CCSM及MIROC模型)、历史气候(1961-1990年)及未来气候(2020年、2050年和2080年, 政府间气候变化专门委员会排放情景特别报告的A2A情景)条件下的适宜分布范围和空间格局的变化。结果表明: (1)蒙古扁桃在历史气候条件下的潜在分布区集中在蒙古的南戈壁省及东戈壁省, 我国内蒙古巴彦淖尔市、阿拉善左旗、鄂尔多斯市、锡林郭勒盟西部, 河西走廊中部及东部, 宁夏北部及陕西北部, 以及河北北部的部分地区; (2)与历史气候条件下的潜在分布相比, 蒙古扁桃在最大冰期CCSM气候情景下的分布经历了明显的、大范围的向南迁移和范围缩小; (3)未来A2A气候情景下, 其潜在分布范围表现出在2020年明显扩大, 在2050年减小, 到2080年又略有增大的趋势。分布格局表现出不断向我国河北及内蒙古东部, 蒙古东部、北部及西部大幅度扩散、迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

气候变化下栓皮栎潜在地理分布格局及其主导气候因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高文强  王小菲  江泽平  刘建锋 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4475-4484
栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)是东亚天然分布最广泛的树种之一。利用最大熵(Maxent)模型对现实气候条件下栓皮栎在东亚地区的潜在分布及其分布的主导气候因子进行分析,同时结合全新世中期(6000年前)和未来气候(2050年)来模拟和预测气候变化背景下栓皮栎潜在分布格局的变化。结果表明:现实气候条件下东亚栓皮栎适生区(适宜生境和低适宜生境)面积占总研究区面积的21.88%,主要集中在东亚南部区域,在我国北起陕西中部、山西和河北南部边缘、山东,西起甘肃东部边缘、四川中东部、云南、西藏东部边缘,一直到东部沿海区域,同时在朝鲜半岛南部和日本中南部也有分布,其中适宜生境面积占研究区总面积的5.69%,主要集中在秦岭山脉、大巴山脉、伏牛山、云南的云贵高原、罗霄山脉、南岭山脉、武夷山和台湾岛;气候变化情景下,栓皮栎的适生区分布面积变化较小,但其适宜生境的分布范围却发生了较大的变化,随着全球气候的波动性变化,适宜生境分布范围逐渐向西部秦岭山脉、大巴山脉、四川、重庆和云贵高原等区域集中,并使该分布中心的适宜生境面积逐渐扩大;影响栓皮栎分布的主要气候因子为最冷月的最低气温(Bio6)、最冷季平均气温(Bio11)和年降水量(Bio12),三者的贡献率分别为48.6%、21.4%和14.2%。  相似文献   

对桃树树冠上、中、下3层及东、西、南、北4个方位桃一点叶蝉及其天敌草间小黑蛛的系统调查分析表明,桃一点叶蝉及其天敌草间小黑蛛种群在7个部位的聚集强度其5个判断指数都大于聚集格局的判断标准,证明桃一点叶蝉及其天敌草间小黑蛛种群7个部位均为聚集格局,Iwao公式m=α+βχ中的α值均大于0,表明个体间互相吸引,其中树冠中层和东面树冠平均拥挤度最高,而树冠下层和南面树冠最低,在时间上平均拥挤度为9月中旬最高。  相似文献   

高盆樱桃与钟花樱桃的地理分布模拟及生态特征比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱淑霞  朱弘  程琳  伊贤贵  王贤荣 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1398-1406
该研究以高盆樱桃(Cerasus cerasoides)及其近缘种钟花樱桃(C. campanulata)为对象,通过收集其实际分布的地理坐标,运用BIOCLIM模型模拟现代适生区范围并预测其未来气候下(CCM3,2100)潜在分布区的变化; 结合主成分分析和相关性分析确定其主导气候因子,并比较两者在气候限制因子方面的差异; 利用受试者工作特征曲线(Receiver operation characteristic, ROC)评估模型预测效果。结果表明:(1)高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃主要分布于我国长江以南大部分省区,两者现代分布中心分布位于云贵高原,武夷山脉和南岭山脉。(2)未来气候变化情境下(CCM3),高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃的适生范围将缩小。二者在中国西南部(高盆樱桃)和东南部(钟花樱桃)的适生范围可能大幅减小,而钟花樱桃在湖南西部的适生区可能增加。(3)主成分(PCA)及相关性分析表明,年降水量(bio12)、最湿季降水量(bio16)、最暖季降水量(bio18)、温度季节变化方差(bio4)是影响高盆樱桃及钟花樱桃当下适生区的主要气候因子,“热量变异幅度”是造成二者分布存在差异的最主要环境因子。(4)钟花樱桃(0.816)和高盆樱桃(0.799)的AUC值均高于随机测试(0.500),说明BIOCLIM模型可以准确预测高盆樱桃及钟花樱桃的分布。这为高盆樱桃和钟花樱桃资源保护、物种鉴定和谱系地理学的研究提供重要指导。  相似文献   

The relationship between phytoplankton cell size and abundance has long been known to follow regular, predictable patterns in near steady-state ecosystems, but its origin has remained elusive. To explore the linkage between the size-scaling of metabolic rate and the size abundance distribution of natural phytoplankton communities, we determined simultaneously phytoplankton carbon fixation rates and cell abundance across a cell volume range of over six orders of magnitude in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. We found an approximately isometric relationship between carbon fixation rate and cell size (mean slope value: 1.16; range: 1.03-1.32), negating the idea that Kleiber's law is applicable to unicellular autotrophic protists. On the basis of the scaling of individual resource use with cell size, we predicted a reciprocal relationship between the size-scalings of phytoplankton metabolic rate and abundance. This prediction was confirmed by the observed slopes of the relationship between phytoplankton abundance and cell size, which have a mean value of -1.15 (range: -1.29 to -0.97), indicating that the size abundance distribution largely results from the size-scaling of metabolic rate. Our results imply that the total energy processed by carbon fixation is constant along the phytoplankton size spectrum in near steady-state marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

基于地形起伏度的中国西南地区人口集疏格局演化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钟静  卢涛 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8849-8860
中国西南地区复杂的地形起伏造就了人口分布的区域差异,研究地形起伏度与区域人口增减以及集疏格局演化的关系,有利于深入理解人口的分布规律和流动趋势,从而为增进对区域人地关系的认识,实现人口、资源、环境可持续利用提供科学依据。以西南地区DEM数据和人口统计数据为基础,采用人口密度、人口集聚度以及人口商度等指标,结合GIS空间分析方法,定量研究了西南地区1995—2010年期间地形起伏度与人口集疏格局演化的关系。结果表明:(1)西南地区县域尺度上的地形起伏度主要以中小起伏为主,其中小起伏(0—200m)占30.34%,中起伏(200—400m)占30.33%,且地形起伏度的空间分布特征与区域地貌类型分布状况基本一致,即小起伏主要出现在四川盆地盆中区域、广西丘陵以及青藏高原高原面,中起伏主要集中分布在云贵高原境内,大起伏和极大起伏主要分布在横断山区、青藏高原东南部边缘以及川西高原地区。(2) 1995—2010年间,西南地区人口"西疏东密"的集疏格局未发生明显变化,地形起伏度的整体格局根本上决定了区域人口格局的形成。人口流动主要发生在中小起伏地区,且流出人口比例逐渐占据主导地位;而地形起伏度较大的高山以及高原边缘地区多为人口稳定区域。(3)地形起伏度差异决定了西南地区高度集聚和极端稀疏两种人口格局并存的现状。平原、丘陵、低山等起伏较小的地区人口增长迅速;而地形起伏度大的高山以及高原边缘地区人口增减变化不显著。  相似文献   

研究气候变化下物种适生区的分布格局与变迁,对于物种的保护和资源的可持续利用具有重要的理论和实践意义。选取柴胡(Bupleurum chinense)与狭叶柴胡(Bupleurum scorzonerifolium)在中国地域内的381个有效分布点和36个环境因子,利用MaxEnt模型模拟当前以及未来(2050和2070年)两种气候情景下(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)其适生区的分布格局,并分析了制约其适生区分布的主导环境因子。结果表明:(1)影响柴胡适生区分布的主导环境因子为最湿月份降水量、最干季度平均温度以及海拔。影响狭叶柴胡适生区分布的主导环境因子为最湿月份降水量、温度季节性变化标准差以及海拔;(2)当前气候条件下,柴胡适生区总面积为1.4755×106km2,约占我国国土面积的15.37%,中、高度适生区主要分布在陕西南部、山西东部、甘肃东南部、山东中部、河北中西部等地;狭叶柴胡适生区总面积为1.8034×106km2,约占我国国土面积的18.78%,中、高度适生区主要分布在黑龙江西部和东部、内...  相似文献   

Harpacticoid copepods are known as important grazers on primary producers. The underlying factors for their food selectivity and grazing efficiency are however far from well known. For instance, their patchy distribution in the marine environment is well documented but how meiofaunal organisms cope with the spatial distribution/accessibility of the available food resources is less clear.In the present study a laboratory experiment was conducted to test the grazing efficiency of Paramphiascella fulvofasciata (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) on the epipelic diatom Seminavis robusta applied in recipients of different area and in various concentrations. Diatoms were enriched in the stable isotope 13C in order to trace food uptake and copepods were left to graze for 4 days.We found that the grazing efficiency of P. fulvofasciata was diatom concentration-dependent. A lower diatom uptake at lower diatom densities illustrated this clear functional response. On the contrary, there was no significant effect of the area per se where the copepods could graze upon. The lack of a significant effect of area is mainly due to the high variability in uptake that was recorded in some treatments. Although P. fulvofasciata is a very motile copepod, known as endobenthic and epibenthic species, it was able to concentrate on food uptake at the bottom of the experimental unit as there was no significant difference in uptake between treatments with different water heights in the units. In addition, it was found that a diatom concentration of about 140 000 cells/cm2 favours egg production of P. fulvofasciata.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)有效洞穴密度变化会引发高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸植物群落及其种群分布格局发生变化。采用野外调查法研究了高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度对高山嵩草群落特征及其主要种群分布格局的影响。结果表明:随高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度增加,高山嵩草草甸植物群落的优势种没发生明显变化,部分伴生种发生更替;高度、盖度、多样性指数和均匀度指数呈现降低态势;地上生物量和丰富度指数变化不明显;高山嵩草和矮火绒草(Leontopodium nanum)种群的盖度、密度以及生物量均呈现降低态势,而达乌里秦艽(Gentiana dahurica)和小花草玉梅(Anemone rivularis var.flore-minors)种群的盖度、密度和生物量呈增加趋势。高山嵩草和矮火绒草的种群分布格局从8个/625m2和14个/625m2的聚集分布分别变为34个/625m2时的均匀分布和随机分布,达乌里秦艽和小花草玉梅种群从8个/625m2和14个/625m2的随机分布变为23个/625m2和34个/625m2时的聚集分布,这说明高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度变化改变了高山嵩草群落的特征和主要植物种群的空间分布格局,而对应群落特征和种群分布格局改变的有效洞穴密度为14个/625m2和23个/625m2。  相似文献   

左涛  王俊  时永强 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5189-5197
基于2011年5月至2012年4月(12月和翌年1—2月冰期除外)在渤海莱州湾逐月采集的数据资料,分析莱州湾强壮滨箭虫丰度空间分布和体长的季节变化,估算其生产力和摄食率,以掌握其种群动态特征,为评价该种在莱州湾生态系统结构功能中地位提供参数和依据。结果显示:强壮滨箭虫丰度和生物量年变化曲线为双峰型,最高峰出现于5月,次高峰出现于8—9月;4 mm和15 mm体长的个体分别是丰度和生物量的主要贡献者。生产力估值为0.25 mg C m~(-3)d~(-1),摄食率估值为0.88 mg C m~(-3)d~(-1)。种群月均体长以3—4月最高(10 mm)、5月和11月最低(5 mm);月均体长与月表层水温、盐度呈负相关。春季5月、夏季7—8月和秋季10—11月中,小型个体丰度所占的比例较高,应为种群数量增长期。各月的体长频数分布可分辨出平均体长5mm(Cohort Ⅰ)、介于5—10 mm(Cohort Ⅱ)和10 mm(Cohort Ⅲ)的3个同生群。Cohort Ⅲ和Cohort I高丰度区的表层水温和盐度分别介于15—17℃和29—32。Cohort Ⅲ基本不出现于水温大于24℃的站位,其丰度与水温呈显著负相关。Cohort Ⅰ基本不出现于水温低于11℃的站位,其丰度与水温呈显著正相关。Cohort Ⅱ高丰度区的表层水温和盐度为26—27℃和30—32。由上推测强壮滨箭虫发生明显体型更替的水温阈值应不超过15—17℃。  相似文献   

Abstract A field portable, steady-state gas-exchange system which measures both CO2 and water vapour exchange of single intact leaves during fumigations with SO2 is described. Within the leaf cuvette temperature, light, humidity and both CO2 and SO2 concentrations are controlled to preset levels. Gas flow and concentrations are controlled by mass flow controllers. Photosynthetic uptake of CO2 can be determined either by differential depletion or null balance measurement. Water vapour exchange is measured differentially and transpiration and conductance to water vapour determined. Sulphur dioxide is measured directly within the cuvette exhaust gas line by UV-pulse fluorescence. The performance of this system under field conditions is described and the physiological measurements compared with those obtained with other systems.  相似文献   

中国弧隔鼠尾草亚属(唇形科)的分布格局   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王琦  魏宇昆  黄艳波 《生态学报》2015,35(5):1470-1479
弧隔鼠尾草亚属(Subg.Salvia Benth.)是中国原产鼠尾草属最大的属下类群,有44种13变种,大多含有与丹参(S.miltiorrhiza)类似的活性化合物成分和药用功效,是具有较高利用前景的野生药用植物资源。从形态学分析,该亚属具备原始类群的主要特征,物种分化明显,是研究鼠尾草属起源和演化的关键材料;从地理分布格局看,该亚属集中分布于青藏高原以及横断山脉的高海拔地区,较少扩散至低海拔的华中与华东,易受环境和全球气候变化的影响,生境人为干扰强烈,资源保护压力较大。据此,对弧隔鼠尾草亚属物种分布区进行了全面调查,结合标本记录,获得该类群具经纬度的物种分布记录2689条,海拔高度记录1007条,分布点涵盖286个县级地区。进一步对亚属内各组、系的水平与垂直分布格局深入分析。结果表明,亚属以横断山为核心区,主要分布于西藏东南至川西一带,零星扩散迁移至河北北部、湖北东部,其狭域分布的特有种比例非常高,占总物种数的45%。在物种海拔分布格局上,亚属内6个系具有替代分布现象,从高海拔的窄域分布物种逐渐过渡到低海拔的宽域分布物种。基于最大熵模型预测的亚属出现概率与物种实际分布范围基本吻合,从单一环境因子与出现概率的关系看,12月降水量、9月降水量、年温度变化范围、海拔、3月最高气温和温度季节性变化系数是影响物种分布的主导环境因子。鼠尾草雄蕊的分化是物种形成和多样性产生的关键因素,亚属内不同类群的分布格局与雄蕊花丝药隔比例的相关性表明,环境因子和传粉者选择可能共同作用形成现有弧隔鼠尾草亚属的分布格局。  相似文献   

【目的】白纹伊蚊入侵力极强,也是广东省登革热传播的主要媒介,预测其在广东省的适生区可为制定防疫策略提供科学依据。【方法】针对传统方法没有考虑环境因子权重的问题,本研究构建了4种适生区预测组合模型。首先采用4种因子权重模型对相关性分析筛选出的环境因子进行权重划分,然后分别与相似离度值公式结合,最后基于GIS技术对白纹伊蚊在广东省的适生区进行预测。【结果】精度验证和适生区预测分布表明,地理探测器与相似离度模型组合的模型预测精度最高,AUC平均值为0.944,标准差为0.008,预测的白纹伊蚊入侵低风险地区处于广东省北部,占广东省总面积的4.05%,绝大部分地区处于中风险地区和中高风险地区,占广东省总面积的85%以上,而广东省中部的广州、佛山和东莞等地处于高风险地区,占广东省总面积的8.77%。【结论】与不考虑因子权重的相似离度模型相比,考虑因子权重的组合模型能有效提高适生区预测精度,其中地理探测器模型通过探究空间异质性划分因子权重,比传统统计学模型效果好,其组合模型适生区预测精度最高。  相似文献   

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