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In this study, we performed the first high‐throughput and comprehensive proteomic profiling of the rat hippocampal proteome. Using a combination of 2‐D LC‐MS and data analysis with the Rosetta Elucidator® system, we identified 1340 unique proteins. Functional classification showed that most of these were associated with synaptic function and comprised a high proportion of phosphorylated proteins and analytically challenging classes of membrane proteins such as ion channel receptor subunits.  相似文献   

European community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) clone remains a striking pathogenic clone spreading in European and Mediterranean countries. Since analysis of the secretome produced from this clone by proteomics could provide a comprehensive picture of both core exoproteins as well as virulence factors, we applied two proteomic approaches, pre-fractionation of proteins on SDS-PAGE followed by in-gel trypsin digestion, and in-solution trypsin-digestion followed by off-line SCX fractionation, both of which were coupled with LC-MS/MS analyses. A total of 174 distinct proteins were identified with a high-confidence. Functional classification of these identified proteins resulted in16.09% of protein synthesis, 13.79% of virulence, 6.89% of toxin, and 17.24% of unknown function. Prediction of their cellular localizations revealed 18.39% in extracellular space, 36.20% in cytoplasm, 5.17% in cytoplasmic membranes, 6.89% in cell wall, 1.14% in multiple localizations, and 32.18% in unknown localization. Among them, 52% proteins were predicted to be secreted through signal peptide-independent pathways. Most notably, the expression of some proteins such as enterotoxins U and B were identified for the first time in this clone.  相似文献   

Exploring the lipids of bacteria presents a predicament that may not be broadly recognized in a field dominated by the biology and biochemistry of eukaryotic — and especially, mammalian — lipids. Bacteria make multifarious metabolites that contain fatty acyl chains of unusual length and unsaturation attached to assorted headgroups, including sugars and fatty alcohols. Lipid profiling approaches developed for eukaryotic lipids often fail to detect, resolve, or identify bacterial lipids due to their wide range of polarities (including very hydrophobic species) and diverse positional and stereochemical variations. Global lipid profiling, or lipidomics, of bacteria has thus developed as a separate mission with methodological and scientific considerations tailored to the biology of these organisms. In this review, we summarize findings primarily from the last three years that exemplify recent advances and continuing challenges to learning about bacterial lipids.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a high-resolution separation technique that has been widely used for trace analysis in biological samples. On-line capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry (CE-MS) was developed for the analysis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) glycoforms from the gram-negative bacteria, Haemophilus influenzae. In this paper, we report on the application of CE-MS to characterize structural differences in O-deacylated LPS samples from H. influenzae strains Rd 11.7 and 375.1. The resolution capability of on-line CE-MS was first demonstrated by analysis of a complex LPS mixture from H. influenzae strain Rd 11.7. This strain contains a mixture of isomeric glycoforms differing in the number and positions of hexose moieties. Sialic acid containing glycoforms were also determined. Structural features of LPS from a lic1 mutant of H. influenzae strain 375 (375.1) were studied using on-line CE-MS/MS. With the separation provided by CE, two isomeric glycoforms differing in the location of phosphoethanolamine substituents were characterized by tandem mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors belong to the GPCR superfamily and are associated with a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes. Both receptors, with several lead compounds at different phases of development, are potentially useful targets for drug discovery. For this reason, fully elucidating the structural features of these membrane-associated proteins would be extremely valuable in designing more selective, novel therapeutic drug molecules. As a first step toward obtaining information on the structural features of the drug-receptor complex, we describe the full mass spectrometric (MS) analysis of the recombinant human cannabinoid CB2 receptor. This first complete proteomic characterization of a GPCR protein beyond rhodopsin was accomplished by a combination of several LC/MS approaches involving nanocapillary liquid chromatography, coupled with either a quadrupole-linear ion trap or linear ion trap-FTICR mass spectrometer. The CB2 receptor, with incorporated N-terminal FLAG and C-terminal HIS6 epitope tags, was functionally expressed in baculovirus cells and purified using a single step of anti-FLAG M2 affinity chromatography. To overcome the difficulties involved with in-gel digestion, due to the highly hydrophobic nature of this membrane-associated protein, we conducted in-solution trypsin and chymotrypsin digestions of purified and desalted samples in the presence of a low concentration of CYMAL5. This was followed by nanoLC peptide separation and analysis using a nanospray ESI source operated in the positive mode. The results can be reported confidently, based on the overlapping sequence data obtained using the highly mass accurate LTQ-FT and the 4000 Q-Trap mass spectrometers. Both instruments gave very similar patterns of identified peptides, with full coverage of all transmembrane helices, resulting in the complete characterization of the cannabinoid CB2 receptor. Mass spectrometric identification of all amino acid residues in the cannabinoid CB2 receptor is a key step toward the "Ligand Based Structural Biology" approach developed in our laboratory for characterizing ligand binding sites in GPCRs using a variety of covalent cannabinergic ligands.  相似文献   

Modern phenotypic and genetic methods (with the exception of multilocus sequence typing) do not provide a reliable differentiation of α-hemolytic streptococci of the Mitis group. In this study, we obtained MALDI mass spectra for 28 clinical isolates that were initially identified by standard methods as Streptococcus pheumoniae. The isolate distribution that was obtained in the course of clustering correlated well with the data on multilocus typing. These studied isolates were attributed by this typing to two closely related species: S. pneumoniae and S. mitis. A classification model that differentiated α-hemolytic streptococci with 100% sensitivity and 94.6% specificity was developed on the basis of a genetic algorithm. Two peaks that were different for the S. mitis and S. pneumoniae isolates were revealed by the analysis of statistical diagrams of peak areas.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cytochemistry using en face preparations of rat vascular endothelial cells (ECs) revealed the localization of actin, fibronectin (FN) and fibronectin receptor (FNR) along not only central stress fibers (SFs) but also the cell margins. Electron microscopy showed very close proximity between the topographical distribution of intracellular microfilament bundles and that of subendothelial FN in the EC margins. Therefore, these basal and marginal actin cables may be comparable to the well-established central SFs present in ECs. Formation of the central SFs was induced in ECs or mesothelial cells in response to tension, by which their cellular integrity seems to be effectively maintained. However, even when central SF formation was inhibited by cytochalasin D, the ECs with marginal SFs showed high resistance to mechanical tension, whereas mesenteric mesothelial cells having no such fibers easily lost their integrity. Thus, together with central SFs, the marginal SFs characteristic of rat vascular ECs may play an essential role in strengthening cell-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   



Evolutionary conservation of RNA secondary structure is a typical feature of many functional non-coding RNAs. Since almost all of the available methods used for prediction and annotation of non-coding RNA genes rely on this evolutionary signature, accurate measures for structural conservation are essential.


We systematically assessed the ability of various measures to detect conserved RNA structures in multiple sequence alignments. We tested three existing and eight novel strategies that are based on metrics of folding energies, metrics of single optimal structure predictions, and metrics of structure ensembles. We find that the folding energy based SCI score used in the RNAz program and a simple base-pair distance metric are by far the most accurate. The use of more complex metrics like for example tree editing does not improve performance. A variant of the SCI performed particularly well on highly conserved alignments and is thus a viable alternative when only little evolutionary information is available. Surprisingly, ensemble based methods that, in principle, could benefit from the additional information contained in sub-optimal structures, perform particularly poorly. As a general trend, we observed that methods that include a consensus structure prediction outperformed equivalent methods that only consider pairwise comparisons.


Structural conservation can be measured accurately with relatively simple and intuitive metrics. They have the potential to form the basis of future RNA gene finders, that face new challenges like finding lineage specific structures or detecting mis-aligned sequences.  相似文献   

Secreted proteins are important sources for early detection and diagnosis of disease, and as such have received considerable attention. The extraction of low concentration proteins from large volumes of culture media, which are rich in salts and other compounds that interfere with most proteomics techniques, presents a problem for secretome studies. Ultrafiltration, precipitation, and dialysis are three major extraction methods that can be used to overcome this problem. The present study for the first time, compared the merits and shortcomings of these three methods, without bias. Centrifugal ultrafiltration provided the best extraction efficiency, and precipitation provided the highest number of identifiable proteins. The three methods yielded closely related, but different, information on the secretome; thus, they should be considered complementary or, at least, supplementary methods. Three hundred and sixty unique proteins were identified, including 211 potential secreted proteins. Compared with previous studies, this study also identified 42 new secreted proteins. The present study not only offers a reference for the selection of secretome extraction methods, but also expands the secretome database for the investigation of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

The secreted proteome of Pichia pastoris X-33 was investigated in methanol-induced cultures with a goal to enhance the secretion and purification of recombinant proteins. In a fed-batch fermentation at 30 °C, more host proteins were found in greater concentrations compared to cultures grown at 25 °C. Protein samples collected directly from the culture media at 25 °C, as well as separated by two-dimensional (2D) gel, were subjected to ESI-MS/MS analysis. A total of 75 proteins were identified in the media from different conditions including pre- and post-methanol induction and in a strain overexpressing a recombinant schistosomiasis vaccine, Sm14-C62V. The identified proteins include native secreted proteins and some intracellular proteins, most of which have low isoelectric points (pI < 6). 2D gel analyses further revealed important characteristics, such as abundance, degradation, and glycosylation of these identified proteins in this proteome. Cell wall-associated proteins involved in cell wall biogenesis, structure, and modification comprised the majority of the secreted proteins which have been identified. Intracellular proteins such as alcohol oxidase and superoxide dismutase were also found in the proteome, suggesting some degree of cell lysis. However, both protocols show that their concentrations are significantly lower than the native secreted proteins. This study identifies proteins secreted or released into the culture media in the methanol-induced fermentation cultures of P. pastoris X-33 and suggests potential biotechnology applications based on the discovery of this proteome.  相似文献   

We have constructed an in vitro arterial wall model by coculturing bovine arterial endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs). When ECs were seeded directly over SMCs and cocultured in an ordinary culture medium, ECs grew sparsely and did not form a confluent monolayer. Addition of ascorbic acid to the culture medium at concentrations greater than 50 μg/ml increased the production of type IV collagen by the SMCs, and ECs formed a confluent monolayer covering the entire surface of SMCs. Histological studies showed that the thickness of the cell layer composed of ECs and SMCs increased with increasing duration of coculture. This arterial wall model, prepared by our method, may serve as a simple and good in vitro model to study the effects of factors such as biological chemicals and shear stress on cell proliferation and other physiological functions of arterial walls.  相似文献   

原代培养大鼠血管内皮细胞,将培养箱内通入5%CO2-95%N2混合气体(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)并培养大鼠血管内皮细胞12、24h,使用MTT法、LDH活力测定及细胞骨架染色对低氧细胞模型鉴定,研究大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型的建立条件及其形态学特点。在低氧12h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,但细胞骨架保持完整;在低氧24h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,细胞骨架破碎。结果表明在低氧(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)24h条件下,可以建立大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型。  相似文献   

In cancer clinical proteomics, MALDI and SELDI profiling are used to search for biomarkers of potentially curable early-stage disease. A given number of samples must be analysed in order to detect clinically relevant differences between cancers and controls, with adequate statistical power. From clinical proteomic profiling studies, expression data for each peak (protein or peptide) from two or more clinically defined groups of subjects are typically available. Typically, both exposure and confounder information on each subject are also available, and usually the samples are not from randomized subjects. Moreover, the data is usually available in replicate. At the design stage, however, covariates are not typically available and are often ignored in sample size calculations. This leads to the use of insufficient numbers of samples and reduced power when there are imbalances in the numbers of subjects between different phenotypic groups. A method is proposed for accommodating information on covariates, data imbalances and design-characteristics, such as the technical replication and the observational nature of these studies, in sample size calculations. It assumes knowledge of a joint distribution for the protein expression values and the covariates. When discretized covariates are considered, the effect of the covariates enters the calculations as a function of the proportions of subjects with specific attributes. This makes it relatively straightforward (even when pilot data on subject covariates is unavailable) to specify and to adjust for the effect of the expected heterogeneities. The new method suggests certain experimental designs which lead to the use of a smaller number of samples when planning a study. Analysis of data from the proteomic profiling of colorectal cancer reveals that fewer samples are needed when a study is balanced than when it is unbalanced, and when the IMAC30 chip-type is used. The method is implemented in the clippda package and is available in R at: http://www.bioconductor.org/help/bioc-views/release/bioc/html/clippda.html.  相似文献   

Kanda Y  Watanabe Y 《Life sciences》2007,80(15):1409-1414
Cigarette smoke has been firmly established as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. The proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) induced by growth factors have been proposed to play an important role in the progression of atherosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of nicotine, which is one of the important constituents of cigarette smoke, on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release, in rat VSMC. The stimulation of cells with nicotine resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent release of VEGF. Hexamethonium, an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), inhibited nicotine-induced VEGF release. We next investigated the mechanisms by which nicotine induces VEGF release in the cells. The nicotine-induced VEGF release was inhibited by treatment with U0126, a selective inhibitor of MEK, which attenuated the nicotine-induced ERK phosphorylation. Nicotine induced a transient phosphorylation of ERK. Furthermore, AG1478, a selective inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase, inhibited nicotine-induced ERK phosphorylation and VEGF release. These data suggest that nicotine releases VEGF through nAChR in VSMC. Moreover, VEGF release induced by nicotine is mediated by an EGFR-ERK pathway in VSMC. VEGF may contribute to the risk of cardiovascular diseases in cigarette smokers.  相似文献   

With the ever-increasing demand for biopolymer mass spectrometry, specialized software is needed to both predict and process mass spectrometric data. With massXpert, we present a proteomics-oriented program mainly concerned with protein physico-chemistry and protein/peptide mass spectra simulations. AVAILABILITY: The massXpert program is free for academic and commercial use at http://frl.lptc.u-bordeaux.fr. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The http://frl.lptc.u-bordeaux.frsite contains a tutorial for online perusal or download.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a methodology to improve the survival, vascular differentiation and regenerative potential of umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived hematopoietic stem cells (CD34(+) cells), by co-culturing the stem cells in a 3D fibrin gel with CD34(+)-derived endothelial cells (ECs). ECs differentiated from CD34(+) cells appear to have superior angiogenic properties to fully differentiated ECs, such as human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Our results indicate that the pro-survival effect of CD34(+)-derived ECs on CD34(+) cells is mediated, at least in part, by bioactive factors released from ECs. This effect likely involves the secretion of novel cytokines, including interleukin-17 (IL-17) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), and the activation of the ERK 1/2 pathway in CD34(+) cells. We also show that the endothelial differentiation of CD34(+) cells in co-culture with CD34(+)-derived ECs is mediated by a combination of soluble and insoluble factors. The regenerative potential of this co-culture system was demonstrated in a chronic wound diabetic animal model. The co-transplantation of CD34(+) cells with CD34(+)-derived ECs improved the wound healing relatively to controls, by decreasing the inflammatory reaction and increasing the neovascularization of the wound.  相似文献   

In the post-genome era, technologies are becoming availablethat allow the profiling of tissues and cell populations atmultiple levels including genomic (DNA and RNA), proteomic (proteinsand peptides) and post-proteomic (eg metabolomic). Operomicsrefers to the molecular analysis of tissues and cells at thethree levels that are connected through the coding process —namely, DNA, RNA and protein. The premise is that no one levelor type of analysis fully captures gene expression and thatfunctional changes at the proteome level cannot be simply predictedfrom analyses at the DNA or RNA levels. An important determinantthat weakens a direct link between RNA and protein levels istranslational control that differentially regulates mRNA translation.In this paper, the approaches for genomic and proteomic profilingand the contribution of translational control are reviewed.   相似文献   

Introduction: Cancer represents one of the major causes of human deaths. Identification of proteins as biomarkers for early detection of cancer and therapeutic targets for cancer treatment are important issues in precision medicine. Secretome of cancer cells represents the collection of proteins secreted or shed from cancer cells. Proteomic profiling of the cancer cell secretome has been proven to be a convenient and efficient way to discover cancer biomarker and/or therapeutic targets.

Areas covered: There have been numerous reviews describing the history and application of secretome analysis in cancer biomarker/therapeutic target research. The present review focuses on the technological advancement for profiling low-molecular-mass proteins in secretome, the latest information regarding the new candidate biomarkers and molecular mechanisms discovered on the basis of cancer cell secretome analysis, as well as the previously discovered candidate biomarkers that enter into clinical trials.

Expert commentary: Current technologies for protein sample preparation/separation and MS-based protein identification have allowed in-depth analysis of cancer cell secretome. Future efforts should focus on the comprehensiveness of cancer cell secretome, meta-analysis of different secretome datasets and integrated analysis via combining other omics datasets, as well as the incorporation of MS-based biomarker verification pipeline into both preclinical studies and clinical trials.  相似文献   

The analysis of various steroid classes by thermospray HPLC-MS using solvent systems containing 0.1 M ammonium acetate has been described. For simple unconjugated 3-oxo-4-ene steroids the positive ion spectra are dominated by a parent ion M + H+ and with increasing numbers of hydroxyl group intense ions formed by sequential losses of water (M + H- n18)+ become important. Steroids with dihydroxyacetone side-chains readily lose these side-chains and the resulting (M + H-60)+ fragment is the base peak in their spectra. The (M + H-60)+ ion is not important for most steroids with glycerol-type side-chains. Although competition between thermal degradation and vaporization was observed at lower concentrations, the effect was minimized after optimizing conditions and the protonated molecular ion was easily detected when as little as 1-10 pmol of material were injected on-column. Steroid glucuronides when analyzed in the negative ion mode give simple spectra with base peak and parent ion (M-H)-. Lack of fragmentation permits facile and sensitive measurement of individual glucoronides by selected-ion-monitoring. Extensive fragmentation is seen in the positive ion mode with sequential losses of H2O from the molecular ions (M + NH4)+ and from the aglycone fragment ion. For simple unconjugated steroids the sensitivity of HPLC-MS in selected-ion-monitoring mode can be excellent. When the protonated molecular ion of testosterone was monitored the signal/noise ratio for 30 pg testosterone was about 10.  相似文献   

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