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Studies on ESR spectra of chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Absorbance-difference spectra and kinetics of absorbance changes were measured of chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum by means of picosecond-absorption spectroscopy. A 35 ps excitation pulse at 532 nm produced absorbance changes due to the formation and decay of excited states of antenna pigments (Nuijs, A.M., Van Grondelle, R., Joppe, H.L.P., Van Bochove, A.C. and Duysens, L.N.M. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 810, 94–105), and, when open reaction centers were present, also those due to charge separation and primary electron transport. At low excitation energy density the lifetime of singlet-excited antenna bacteriochlorophyll was 80 ± 10 ps when the reaction centers were initially open and 200–400 ps when the primary electron donor was oxidized. Under the former conditions photooxidation of the primary donor occurred with a time constant of 70 ± 10 ps. Reduction of an electron-acceptor complex in the reaction center, probably involving both bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin, was observed. Reoxidation of this acceptor occurred with a time constant of 200–300 ps. When the ubiquinone acceptor was reduced chemically, the primary radical pair decayed by recombination with a time constant of about 4 ns at high flash-energy densities, and of about 10 ns at lower energy densities. This dependence of the lifetime of the radical pair on the flash intensity was explained in terms of quenching processes by carotenoid triplet states in the antenna, and indicated a standard free-energy difference between the radical pair and the singlet-excited state of antenna bacteriochlorophyll of about 160 meV.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of chlorophyllase from greened rye seedlings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Chlorophyllase [EC] was extracted from the acetone-dried powder of the chloroplasts of greened rye seedlings with 1% cholate, and purified 870-fold with a yield of about 30%. The purification procedure was composed of fractionations with acetone and ammonium sulfate, and hydrophobic chromatography on a phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B column. 2. The purified enzyme was pure as analyzed by molecular-sieve chromatography and isoelectric electrophoresis. It had an isoelectric point of 4.5 and a molecular weight of 39,000. 3. The purified enzyme was stable at pH 6-9 and 4 degrees C. At pH 7.5, it was stable in the presence and absence of 30% acetone. However, at 30 degrees C, it was not stable above a 10% concentration of acetone. 4. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed chlorophylls a and b from spinach into chlorophyllides a and b and phytols, respectively; and bacteriochlorophyll a from Rhodospirillum rubrum into bacteriochlorophyllide a and a derivative of phytol, possibly all-trans-geranylgeraniol. The hydrolysis rates were stimulated to their maxima in the presence of 30% acetone; maximum stimulation was about 50% with bacteriochlorophyll a and about 400% with chlorophyll a. 5. At pH 7.5 and 30 degrees C in the presence of 30% acetone, the Km values and specific activities were 12 microM and 480 nmol . min-1 . mg-1 for chlorophylls a, and 4 microM and 170 nmol . min-1 . mg-1 for R. rubrum bacteriochlorophyll a, respectively.  相似文献   

Structural features of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a that are required for binding to the light-harvesting proteins of Rhodospirillum rubrum were determined by testing for reconstitution of the B873 or B820 (structural subunit of B873) light-harvesting complexes with BChl a analogues. The results indicate that the binding site is very specific; of the analogues tested, only derivatives of BChl a with ethyl, phytyl, and geranylgeranyl esterifying alcohols and BChl b (phytyl) successfully reconstituted to form B820- and B873-type complexes. BChl analogues lacking magnesium, the C-3 acetyl group, or the C-13(2) carbomethoxy group did not reconstitute to form B820 or B873. Also unreactive were 13(2)-hydroxyBChl a and 3-acetylchlorophyll a. Competition experiments showed that several of these nonreconstituting analogues significantly slowed BChl a binding to form B820 and blocked BChl a-B873 formation, indicating that the analogues may competitively bind to the protein even though they do not form red-shifted complexes. With the R. rubrum polypeptides, BChl b formed complexes that were further red-shifted than those of BChl a; however, the energies of the red shifts, binding behavior, and circular dichroism (CD) spectra were similar. B873 complexes reconstituted with the geranylgeranyl BChl a derivative, which contains the native esterifying alcohol for R. rubrum, showed in-vivo-like CD features, but the phytyl and ethyl B873 complexes showed inverted CD features in the near infrared. The B820 complex with the ethyl derivative was about 30-fold less stable than the two longer esterifying alcohol derivatives, but all formed stable B873 complexes.  相似文献   

Single-photon counting techniques were used to measure the fluorescence decay from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores after excitation with a 25-ps, 600-nm laser pulse. Electron transfer was blocked beyond the initial radical-pair state (PF) by chemical reduction of the quinone that serves as the next electron acceptor. Under these conditions, the fluorescence decays with multiphasic kinetics and at least three exponential decay components are required to describe the delayed fluorescence. Weak magnetic fields cause a small increase in the decay time of the longest component. The components of the delayed fluorescence are similar to those found previously with isolated reaction centers. We interpret the multi-exponential decay in terms of two small (0.01-0.02 eV) relaxations in the free energy of PF, as suggested previously for reaction centers. From the initial amplitudes of the delayed fluorescence, it is possible to calculate the standard free-energy difference between the earliest resolved form of PF and the excited singlet state of the antenna complexes in R. rubrum strains S1 and G9. The free-energy gap is found to be about 0.10 eV. It also is possible to calculate the standard free-energy difference between PF and the excited singlet state of the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P). Values of 0.17 to 0.19 eV were found in both R. rubrum strains and also in Rps. sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. This free-energy gap agrees well with the standard free-energy difference between PF and P determined previously for reaction centers isolated from Rps. sphaeroides strain R26. The temperature dependence of the delayed fluorescence amplitudes between 180 K and 295 K is qualitatively different in isolated reaction centers and chromatophores. However, the temperature dependence of the calculated standard free-energy difference between P* and PF is similar in reaction centers and chromatophores of Rps. sphaeroides. The different temperature dependence of the fluorescence amplitudes in reaction centers and chromatophores arises because the free-energy difference between P* and the excited antenna is dominated by the entropy change associated with delocalization of the excitation in the antenna. We conclude that the state PF is similar in isolated reaction centers and in the intact photosynthetic membrane. Chromatophores from Rps. sphaeroides strain R-26 exhibit an anomalous fluorescence component that could reflect heterogeneity in their antenna.  相似文献   

Morphology and photophosphorylation of chromatophores from t Rhodospirillum rubrum have been investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and in situ 31P-NMR measurement. Two components, designated as light and heavy fractions, with different average sizes and size distributions were detected by the DLS and can be separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The light fraction has an average size of about 140 nm in diameter with a narrow distribution and shows a high activity of photophosphorylation. About 70 of ADP were found to be converted to ATP purely by the photophosphorylative reaction. In contrast, the heavy fraction has a broad size distribution centered around 350 nm and a low activity of photophosphorylation. Only about 50 of ADP was converted into ATP and AMP with a ratio of 7:3, indicating that most membrane-bound adenylate kinase are attached on the particles of the heavy fraction. Effect of physical disruption on the structural integrity of chromatophores has been examined by using sonication with various oscillating strengths. The result shows that the morphology of chromatophores for both light and heavy fractions is relatively stable to the disruption, while the photophosphorylative activity of the light fraction is very sensitive to the disrupting strength, suggesting that the internal structure of the purified chromatophores could be partially damaged by the disruption.  相似文献   

The redox potential dependency of the light-induced absorption changes of bacteriochlorophyll in the chromatophores and subchromatophore particles from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been studied. The highest values of the absorption changes due to the bleaching of P870 and the blue shift of P800 are observed within the redox potential range of 360--410. At the potential values below 300 mV the 880 nm band of bacteriochlorophyll shifts to shorter wavelengths in the subchromatophore particles and to longer wavelengths in the chromatophores. Redox titration revealed that the red and blue shifts of 880 nm bacteriochlorophyll band are caused by the functioning of a non-identified component (X) which has an oxidation -- reduction midpoint potential close to 340 mV (n = 1) within the pH range of 6,0--7,6. The Em for this component decreases by 60 mV/pH unit within the pH range of 7.6--9,2. The results obtained suggest that the red shift is due to the transmembrane, while the blue shift -- to the local intramembrane electric field. The generation of both the transmembrane and local intramembrane electric fields apparently depends on redox transitions of the component X.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum was reversibly dissociated into its component parts: bacteriochlorophyll and two 6-kilodalton polypeptides. The dissociation of the complex by n-octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside was accompanied by a shift of the absorbance maximum from 873 to 820 nm (a stable intermediate form) and finally to 777 nm. In the latter state, bacteriochlorophyll was shown to be free from the protein. Complexes absorbing at 820 and 873 nm could be re-formed from the fully dissociated state with over 80% yield by dilution of the detergent. Absorbance and circular dichroism properties of the re-formed B820 complex were essentially identical with those of B820 formed from chromatophores. Phospholipids and higher concentrations of complex were required to obtain the in vivo circular dichroism spectrum for reassociated B873. Reconstitution of the light-harvesting complexes from separately isolated alpha- and beta-polypeptides and bacteriochlorophyll was also demonstrated. Absorbance and circular dichroism spectra of these complexes were identical with those of complexes formed by the reassociation of the dissociated complex. Bacteriochlorophyll and the beta-polypeptide alone formed a complex that had an absorbance at 820 nm, but an 873-nm complex could not be formed without addition of the alpha-polypeptide. The alpha-polypeptide alone with bacteriochlorophyll did not form any red-shifted complex. In preliminary structure-function studies, some analogues of bacteriochlorophyll were also tested for reconstitution.  相似文献   

Equilibrium dialysis has been used to determine the binding of phosphate to chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Assuming a complete exchange of the added 32Pi with endogenous phosphate, the saturation with phosphate retained in any form by chromatophores was reached at about 20 nmoles Pi per mg of bacteriochlorophyll. The retention of phosphate had a pH optimum at pH 6.5 to 6.8. At pH 8.0 only chromatophores which have not been liberated from DNA and RNA show a considerable retention of phosphate. However, illumination of chromatophores prior to dialysis in the presence of ADP leads to a retention of phosphate at pH 8.0 which persists during dark dialysis in the absence of added magnesium.  相似文献   

Summary With the purpose of large scale production of chromatophores, the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillum rubrum was cultivated in a 50 l illuminated fermenter. The influence of light intensity on the production of cell mass and the production of intracellular membrane, from which the chromatophores can be prepared, were studied. A high constant specific rate of intracellular membrane production could be obtained by successively increasing the light intensity i.e., by light fed batch cultivation.  相似文献   

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