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Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):159-164
Two Nevada species are described here for the first time: Penstemon tiehmii N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to Mount Lewis of the Shoshone Range in Lander County; and Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to the central Schell Creek Range in White Pine County. They both belong to section Saccanthera and are closely related to P. kingii S. Watson, a Great Basin endemic of valley sagebrush habitats. Both new species are talus plants of higher elevations and differ from P. kingii principally in their rhizomatous habit, petiolate leaves, and pubescence of shorter hairs.  相似文献   

Mazus japonicus is predominantly self-pollinated,M. miquelii mostly cross-pollinated, with a low degree of self-incompatibility. Correlated differences effect structure, development and seismonasty of the stigma, spatial relationships of stigma and anthers, and pollinator visits.M. japonicus produces numerous and light,M. miquelii fewer and heavier seeds. Growth experiments under different temperature regimes demonstrate thatM. japonicus dies after flowering and fruiting, and behaves as an annual, whileM. miquelii has additional asexual propagation and is clearly perennial.M. japonicus grows in somewhat drier and more disturbed habitats thanM. miquelii.  相似文献   

The floral biology ofTricyrtis latifolia was investigated at four sites: Nigorigo, Kurumijima and Hikagedaira-san, Gifu Prefecture, and Jöge, Miyagi Prefecture. The flowers open fully by 3 a.m., and anthesis begins at about 8 a.m. Most pollen is taken away by bumblebees by 10 a.m. The distal parts of the trifid style-branches (each branch is further bifid) and the immature stigmata are above the anthers in the first day flowers. The distal parts of the style-branches with their extension curve downward and are positioned under the anthers on the morning of the second day and the stigmata are fully matured. The flowers wilt by the third day. The primary pollinators ofT. latifolia wereBombus diversus andB. honshuensis in three sites; only the former was a primary pollinator at the Jōge site. Bees forage the first and second day flowers, and their backs contact the anthers and stigmata of the second day flowers while the bees are sucking nectar. Breeding experiments showed thatT. latifolia was fairly self-compatible. The avoidance of autogamy and the possibility of geitonogamy are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The coastal plain of Israel hosts the last few remaining populations of the endemic Iris atropurpurea (Iridaceae), a Red List species of high conservation priority. The flowers offer no nectar reward. Here the role of night-sheltering male solitary bees, honey-bees and female solitary bees as pollinators of I. atropurpurea is documented.


Breeding system, floral longevity, stigma receptivity, visitation rates, pollen loads, pollen deposition and removal and fruit- and seed-set were investigated.

Key Results

The main wild pollinators of this plant are male eucerine bees, and to a lesser extent, but with the potential to transfer pollen, female solitary bees. Honey-bees were found to be frequent diurnal visitors; they removed large quantities of pollen and were as effective as male sheltering bees at pollinating this species. The low density of pollen carried by male solitary bees was attributed to grooming activities, pollen displacement when bees aggregated together in flowers and pollen depletion by honey-bees. In the population free of honey-bee hives, male bees carried significantly more pollen grains on their bodies. Results from pollen analysis and pollen deposited on stigmas suggest that inadequate pollination may be an important factor limiting fruit-set. In the presence of honey-bees, eucerine bees were low removal–low deposition pollinators, whereas honey-bees were high removal–low deposition pollinators, because they removed large amounts into corbiculae and deposited relatively little onto receptive stigmas.


Even though overall, both bee taxa were equally effective pollinators, we suggest that honey-bees have the potential to reduce the amount of pollen available for plant reproduction, and to reduce the amount of resources available to solitary bee communities. The results of this study have potential implications for the conservation of this highly endangered plant species if hives are permitted inside reserves, where the bulk of Oncocyclus iris species are protected.  相似文献   

Opuntia brunneogemmia andO. viridirubra occur sympatrically in the Serra do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their flowers have 450–600 thigmonastic stamens and provide large amounts of pollen and nectar for bees. Bees of 41 species were registered at the flowers ofO. brunneogemmia and 30 at the flowers ofO. viridirubra. Females of three oligolectic species are the only effective pollinators:Ptilothrix fructifera (Anthophoridae),Lithurgus rufiventris (Megachilidae), andCephalocolletes rugata (Colletidae). During their visits inOpuntia-flowers, bees touch the filaments and stimulate the movement of the stamens to the centre of the flower. At the end of this movement, the anthers are densely packed around the style. As a consequence the pollen is presented in an easily accessible upper layer of anthers and various, nearly inaccessible lower layers. The lower layers contain about 80% of the pollen reward. Only females of the three oligolectic pollinators exploit the pollen from the lower layers and reach the nectar furrow. Therefore, through their stamen movements,Opuntia flowers hide most of their pollen from flower visitors but favour effectively pollinating, oligolectic bees.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the genusBaldellia was studied under cultivation and in nature.B. ranunculoides subsp.repens is self-incompatible whereasB. ranunculoides subsp.ranunculoides andB. alpestris are self-compatible. Bud-pollination occurs in theB. alpestris. Self-incompatibility correlates with the production of fewer, larger, more showy flowers, higher pollen production (but reduced pollen grain size), fewer carpels and smaller seeds. Resource allocation to sexual reproduction is inversely correlated with the degree of vegetative growth.B. ranunculoides subsp.repens produces more ramets than subsp.ranunculoides, which reproduces mainly by seeds.B. alpestris is intermediate between the two since it is self-compatible, produces fewer, larger seed than subsp.ranunculoides and is also able to propagate by vegetative means.  相似文献   

Taber D. Allison 《Oecologia》1990,83(4):523-529
Summary Canada yew (Taxus canadensis) populations currently browsed by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) or browsed by deer in the past had significantly lower production of male strobili, female strobili, and seeds than unbrowsed yew populations. Exclosure studies showed that protected yews produced significantly more male and female strobili than unprotected yews, but only after several years of protection. Seed production did not respond as readily to protection from deer perhaps because of reduced pollination levels in browsed yew populations. Previously unbrowsed yews were clipped at different levels of removal of available browse (control (no removal), 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% removal) to simulate deer browsing. Reduction in male strobilus production was linearly related to clipping intensity in three years of observation. Female strobilus production was significantly reduced only at the 100% level of removal. Intermediate levels of clipping may have even stimulated production of female strobili. Analysis of covariance, with previous year's branch production as the covariate, showed no significant effect of clipping on male strobilus production except in the 100% removal group. Female strobilus production showed no such covariance with branch production. Effects of clipping on seed production could not be reliably assessed in 1984 and 1985 due to low seed production. Seed production in 1986 was significantly reduced only in the 100% removal group. Field observations of deer browsing of Canada yew indicate that 100% levels of removal are typical of natural levels of browsing.  相似文献   

M. W. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1988,76(1):119-124
Summary The effectiveness of nectarivorous birds, introduced honey bees and staphylined beetles as pollinators of Banksia menziesii was assessed. Staphylinids removed substantial amounts of pollen but did not deposit any onto stigmata. Abundance of beetles on inflorescences was related to the mean number of florets opening per day. Honey bees collecting pollen were more likely to effect pollination than those collecting nectar which only contacted stigmata when arriving or leaving an inflorescence. Nectar-foraging birds probed between florets 10.2±0.8 (±SE) times, contacting 8–16 stigmata during each probe. Bees visited inflorescences ten times more frequently than birds although they deposited only 25% of the pollen that birds did on stigmata. Fruit set was ten times greater on inflorescences visited by birds than on inflorescences visited by bees. Bees were capable of removing as much pollen as birds but, because of direct pollen transfer to birds when florets opened during foraging, actual removal was probably much less. Selection for floret opening during nectar foraging by birds may have resulted from pollen removal by non-pollinating animals, such as staphylinids.  相似文献   

Between March 1993 and May 1995 the floral biology and the phenology ofClusia nemorosa G. Mey. (Clusiaceae) were studied in two dioecious populations in Pernambuco State, and some observations were made in gynodioecious populations, that were encountered only in Bahia State. The species flowers from June to January/February. The flowers are bowl shaped, and last only one day. The floral reward is resin which is produced by staminodia in all types of flowers. The sex ratio was 1:1 for the studied populations. The pollen viability was approximately 98%. Apomixis was not observed. The rate of fruit set, in hermaphrodite individuals, under natural conditions and the sex ratio of the gynodioecious populations studied suggest that the hermaphrodite individuals may behave as males.Clusia nemorosa is melittophilous and was visited by 16 species of bees. The main pollinators wereEuplusia mussitans, E. iopyhrra, Eulaema cingulata, E. nigrita, Euglossa cordata andEuglossa sp.  相似文献   

Collinsia verna, blue-eyed Mary, has floral attributes of an outcrossing species, yet most flowers readily self-pollinate under greenhouse conditions. Here we describe the mechanism of self-pollination in C. verna via changes in relative positions of the stigma and anthers and late timing of receptivity, resulting in delayed selfing. Each flower contains four anthers that dehisce sequentially over ∼1 wk. Pollen that is not collected by pollinators accumulates in the keel petal and retains high viability (>80% pollen germination) up to the time of corolla abscission. The stigmatic surface does not become receptive until after the third anther dehisces. This overlap in the sexual phases is concurrent with a change in herkogamy during floral development. In most flowers (70%), the stigma has moved to the front of the keel and is positioned near the anthers when the third anther dehisces. Under field conditions, fruiting success of plants within pollinator exclosures was ∼75% of the fruiting success in open-pollinated plants (33% fruiting success via autogamy vs. 44% fruiting success, respectively). Collinsia verna plants in pollinator exclosures exhibit variation in autogamy rates within natural populations (range 0–80%). In addition, only half of naturally pollinated, receptive flowers examined had pollen tubes growing in their styles. In contrast, shortly after corolla abscission, nearly all flowers examined (96%) had pollen tubes in their styles. Thus we find that in C. verna, autogamy occurs late in floral development, which has the potential to provide substantial reproductive assurance, and that individuals vary in their ability to set fruit through this mechanism. We suggest that delayed selfing mechanisms may be overlooked in other species and that variable pollinator availability may play a significant role in the maintenance of mixed mating in species with delayed selfing, such as C. verna.  相似文献   

We examined the reproductive biology of Melocactus curvispinus Pfeiffer (Cereeae, Cactoideae) in xeric areas of northern Venezuela. Floral traits correspond to a classic hummingbird-pollination syndrome; however, pollination is shared between hummingbirds, Leucippus fallax (Bourcier 1843), and anthophorid bees, Ceratina sp. Reproduction occurs during most of the year. Anthesis and nectar secretion occur between noon and sunset. Average daily nectar production per flower was 163.1 l, nectar sugar concentration between 29.1 and 30.2% (w/w). Hummingbirds promoted inter-plant pollen movement and were relatively more reliable floral visitors than anthophorid bees, but these insects had a higher frequency of floral visits (28.75/day) than hummingbirds (4.96/day). M. curvispinus is self-compatible and autogamous. By combining extended reproductive activity, frequent animal-mediated pollination, and selfing capabilities, this cactus possesses a mating strategy that guarantees reproduction under variable environmental conditions. We argue that based on its reproductive biology, M. curvispinus should be considered an example of evolutionary transition towards selfing within tribe Cereeae.  相似文献   

Morphological field studies of 27 populations of theA. meridionalis complex were conducted in Ecuador. It is possible to distinguish four different form series by the position of the stamens in relation to the style. This trait was congruent with the overall morphometric variation, shown by the results of a canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). The taxonomy of the species complex is discussed based upon the results of the CDA. The degree of outcrossing varied in different form series, from a comparatively high degree of selfing to predominantly outcrossing, as indicated by the variation within relative to among populations. This is probably due to the varying potentials for self-deposition owing to differences in the degree of herkogamy.  相似文献   

The reproductive interactions of a specialized plant/pollinator system involving Asplundia uncinata Harling (Cyclanthaceae) and a derelomine flower weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Derelomini) were studied at La Selva, Costa Rica. The inflorescences of A. uncinata exhibit a suite of cantharophilous characters including a precisely synchronized anthesis, protogyny, thermogenesis, olfactory attraction of visitors via modified staminodes, and narrow interfloral entrances. The weevil pollinators use the inflorescences for feeding, mating, and oviposition. The larvae are detritivorous and develop either in the detaching staminate flowers or, at a more favorable rate, in the rotting infructescences. The rate of infructescence abortion was high and caused by low levels of pollination. Manual pollination treatments yielded significantly higher seed counts than obtained under natural conditions, and furthermore demonstrated the inflorescences' ability to reproduce via geitonogamy. In the longer term, the reproductive benefits of maintaining low levels of pollination may shift away from the weevils and towards the plants via an increase in the size of the pollinator population.  相似文献   

The Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis; VIM) is one of North America's most endangered species with fewer than 150 individuals remaining in the wild. A captive breeding program was established across four facilities in Canada as an insurance population and source of animals for reintroduction to the wild. The purpose of this study was to gather information about the basic reproductive biology and behavior of this species, which is essential to improve captive breeding programs. Regular fecal samples were obtained from adult female (n = 14) and male (n = 10) marmots, 2 years of age and older, over 1-3 breeding seasons (2-3 months duration posthibernation) for steroid hormone analysis. Enzyme immunoassays were validated for quantifying fecal testosterone metabolite concentrations for males, and fecal estrogen and progesterone metabolite concentrations for females. Results indicated that fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations can be used to monitor ovulation and pregnancy. Behavioral monitoring through infrared video surveillance was conducted in four breeding pairs over a 2-year period (n = 7 behavioral profiles). Breeding behaviors correlated strongly with changes in reproductive endocrine profiles. A high frequency of play behavior or "wrestling" was observed in conjunction with breeding activity before an elevation in progesterone metabolite concentrations. Impending parturition was associated with increased aggression and exclusion of the male from the maternal nestbox as well as an increase in nesting activity. Observational data combined with hormonal analysis suggest that female VIMs are induced ovulators and that multiple breeding attempts may be required for ovulation and conception. Gestation appears to be approximately 34 days from peak breeding activity (32 days from estimated ovulation). Fecal testosterone concentrations suggest that testicular activity is seasonal with the reproductive activity occurring immediately posthibernation. Monitoring breeding behavior is a useful means of indicating estrus, conception and pregnancy, which can also be supported by the hormonal analysis of daily fecal samples of individual animals.  相似文献   

Castilleja chambersii is described from several collections made in the Coast Range of southwestern Clatsop County, Oregon. The new species is a member of subgenusCastilleja and is most closely related toC. parviflora andC. rupicola. This rare species is known from only three small and geographically restricted populations. Two new meiotic chromosome counts ofn=12 are reported for the new species.  相似文献   

濒危植物丰都车前的繁育系统与传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万海霞  邓洪平  何平  蒋庆庆  刘钦 《生态学报》2018,38(11):4018-4026
丰都车前为三峡库区特有珍稀濒危植物,目前仅在重庆市江津支坪镇涂家村附近大中坝上有一小种群分布。以野生种群和移栽种群为对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验对丰都车前传粉生物学及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:(1)丰都车前单花花期约4 d,花序花期约8 d,种群花期约3个月;单花开花进程可分为6个时期:花蕾期、雌蕊伸长期、雄蕊初露期、花瓣展开期、花瓣反折期、枯萎凋谢期。(2)花瓣展开前,柱头先伸出花冠,达最高可受性,之后花瓣展开雄蕊才露出,而此时大部分柱头已枯萎失活丧失可受性,只有少部分具可受性。表现出雌雄异熟的特征,一定程度避免了自交的发生。(3)花粉活力始于雄蕊初露期,花瓣展开、花药开裂时花粉活力最高,至枯萎凋谢前均具有活力。花粉活力最高期避开了柱头可受性最佳期,仅有少部分重叠。(4)繁育系统检测显示,花粉/胚珠比为15373.29,杂交指数为3。结合套袋实验表明,丰都车前可能同时具有风媒和虫媒传粉机制,传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂、食蚜蝇,但数量偏少,不存在无融合生殖,异交为主,部分自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。(5)开花时期避开了其分布地洪水淹没期,能够顺利完成开花授粉及座果。综上所述,丰都车前的花部特征、开花物候和繁育系统为适应分布地夏季洪水水淹胁迫提供了一定的生殖保障,促进了该种群的续存。  相似文献   

The pedunculated cirripedePollicipes pollicipes is of considerable economic importance in Portugal, particularly along the southwest coast. Current knowledge of its biology is poor, as evidenced by the paucity of available literature. This paper reports on the reproduction of twoP. pollicipes populations, Castelejo and Zavial, on the southwest coast of the Algarve. Differences in reproductive patterns between the two sites were minor and not statistically significant, despite differences in environmental conditions between the two sites. Adult animals carried fertilised eggs from April throughout September, and the percentage of individuals with egg masses correlated positively with air but not with sea water temperature. Brooding success was greater with average air temperature in excess of 14°C during months of strong upwelling and presumed food availability. Functional ovaries and testes are available in the population all year round but fertilisation does not appear to occur during the winter months. Reproduction ofP. pollicipes on the southwest coast of the Algarve appears closely linked to the upwelling phenomenon with the rate of deposition of gonadal tissue probably being determined by environmental temperature. The cues which determine the cessation of fertilisation remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis was used to compare variation in hordein polypeptide patterns and isozymes in five marginal populations ofHordeum secalinum (four Swedish and one Danish population) and four populations along the Atlantic coast from Denmark to Spain. Hordein patterns were uniform within and among Swedish and Danish populations whereas the materials from France and Spain were divergent. The banding patterns for nine isozymes (AAT, IDH, MDH, PGD, GPI, ME, ACP, EST, and PRX) agreed with those reported for otherHordeum species. All putative loci were monomorphic with the exception of PRX, which showed three different phenotypes. The five marginal populations varied in seed set and cultivated plants differed in phenological traits.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The effects of time of the day and frequency of application and of purity of artificially deposited pollen loads on fruiting and seed set were studied in Rhinanthus angustifolius (diurnally visited by bumblebees) and Viscaria vulgaris (diurnally visited by bumblebees, nocturnally by sphingid moths).Time of the day did not influence pollination success in either species. Increase of pollination frequency increased fruiting and seed set in Rhinanthus but had no affect on Viscaria. Five successive artificial pollinations were needed to achieve seed set equal to that observed naturally in Rhinanthus while a single artificial pollination was sufficient in Viscaria. Mixing Lupinus and Viscaria pollen did not reduce fruiting and seed set in Viscaria. The results are discussed in relation to observed seed sets in early and late flowers, and small and large patches of Viscaria vulgaris and among Rhinanthus flowers in populations of different densities.  相似文献   

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