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The Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific insertion sequence IS6110/986 has been widely used as a probe because of the multiple polymorphism observed among different strains. To investigate transposition of IS6110, a series of artificially constructed composite transposons containing IS6110 and a kanamycin resistance marker were constructed. The composite transposons were inserted into a conditionally replicating, thermosensitive, Escherichia coli-mycobacterial shuttle vector and introduced into M. smegmatis mc2155. Lawns of transformants were grown at the permissive temperature on kanamycin-supplemented agar and subsequently prevented from further growth by shifting to the non-permissive temperature. Under normal atmospheric conditions, kanamycin-resistant papillae appeared after only about 5-6 weeks of incubation. However, these events were not associated with transposon mobilization. In contrast, lawns that were exposed to a 48 h microaerobic shock generated kanamycin-resistant papillae after only 6-14 days. These events were generated by conservative transposition of the IS6110 composite transposon into the M. smegmatis chromosome, with loss of the shuttle vector. In common with other IS3 family elements, transposition of IS6110 is thought to be controlled by translational frameshifting. However, we were unable to detect any significant frameshifting within the putative frameshifting site of IS6110, and the level of frameshifting was not affected by microaerobic incubation. The finding that transposition of IS6110 is stimulated by incubation at reduced oxygen tensions may be relevant to transposition of IS6110 in M. tuberculosis harboured within TB lesions.  相似文献   

Abstract IS 6100 is an insertion sequence of the IS3 family and it is present in multiple copies in the chromosome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Four to 15 copies are present in various strains of M. tuberculosis . In this study, the value of IS 6110 as an epidemiological marker of tuberculosis was examined. Unrelated clinical strains from Greek patients presented, in restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, a high degree of polymorphism, whereas patterns of related clinical strains from familial outbreaks were identical. Since RFLP analysis with acetylaminofluorene labeled IS 6110 as the probe gave satisfactory results, it is suggested that this non-radioactive probe can be used in hospitals and health centres for the epidemiological survey of M. tuberculosis infections.  相似文献   

The standardized method to study the polymorphism of IS 6110 was used to characterize 53 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtained during 1991-1992 from 14 regions in Colombia. In Valle region cluster rate was 25% (4/16). The mean number of IS6110 band was 10 +/- 3. Similarity between strains was of 60% in 81% of strains and this tended to be correlated with geographic origin. For the first time M. tuberculosis without IS6110 bands in restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was found in Colombia. Additional studies are necessaries in order to best characterize the situation in relation to human immunodeficiency virus epidemic and recent changes in tuberculosis control program.  相似文献   

Several characteristics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (e.g., conserved genome and low growth rate) have severely restricted the study of the microorganism. The discovery of IS6110 raised hopes of overcoming these obstacles. However, our knowledge of this IS element is relatively limited; even its two basic characteristics (transposition mechanism and target site selection) are far from well understood. In this study, IS6110 insertions in ipl loci (iplA and iplB) in two collections of clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis from different geographic locations, one from Scotland and the other from Thailand, were investigated. Five different IS6110 insertions in the loci were identified: ipl-4::IS6110, ipl-5::IS6110, ipl-11::IS6110, ipl-12::IS6110, and ipl-13::IS6110. An attempt to establish the phylogenetic relationship of the isolates containing these insertions was unsuccessful, suggesting that some of these insertions may have arisen from more than one event. This possibility is further supported by the observation that IS6110 copies existed in the same site but with different orientations in different isolates, and the insertion site of ipl-1::IS6110 harbored IS6110 copies in both iplA and iplB in different strains. All these suggest the independent occurrence of IS6110 insertions at the same sites of the genome of M. tuberculosis in different clinical isolates. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the phenomenon of IS6110-mediated deletion polymorphism in the direct repeat (DR) region of the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Clinical isolates and their putative predecessors were compared using a combination of DR region restriction fragment length polymorphism, IS6110 DNA fingerprinting, spoligotyping, and DNA sequencing, which allowed the mapping of chromosome structure and deletion junctions. The data suggest that adjacently situated IS6110 elements mediate genome deletion. However, in contrast to previous reports, deletions appear to be mediated by inversely oriented IS6110 elements. This suggests that these events may occur via mechanisms other than RecA-mediated homologous recombination. The results underscore the important role of IS6110-associated deletion hypervariability in driving M. tuberculosis genome evolution.  相似文献   

IS6110 is an insertion element found exclusively within the members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), and because of this exclusivity, it has become an important diagnostic tool in the identification of MTBC species. The restriction of IS6110 to the MTBC is hypothesized to arise from the inability of these bacteria to exchange DNA. We have identified an IS6110-related element in a strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis. The presence of IS6110 indicates that lateral gene transfer has occurred among mycobacterial species, suggesting that the mycobacterial gene pool is larger than previously suspected.  相似文献   

A repetitive element (IS986), previously isolated from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and shown to detect multiple restriction fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs), has been sequenced. It consists of a potential insertion sequence of 1358bp, with 30-bp inverted repeat ends. IS986 has four potentially significant open reading frames (ORFs): ORFa1, ORFa2 and ORFb on one strand and ORFc on the complementary strand. The sequences of the potential translated products identify IS986 as a member of the IS3 family, with an apparent frameshift between ORFa1 and ORFa2. IS986 has potential as a highly specific probe for detection and typing of M. tuberculosis, as well as for transposon mutagenesis of mycobacteria. The sequence of IS986 is virtually identical to that of another recently described element, IS6110 (Thierry et al., 1990).  相似文献   

The IS6110 belongs to the family of insertion sequences (IS) of the IS3 category. This insertion sequence was reported to be specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and hence is extensively exploited for laboratory detection of the agent of tuberculosis and for epidemiological investigations based on polymerase chain reaction. IS6110 is 1361-bp long and within this sequence different regions have been utilized as targets in the identification of M. tuberculosis by PCR. However, the results are not always consistent, specific and sensitive. In recent years, a few clinical investigations raised concerns over IS6110 specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of tuberculosis due to false-positive (homology with other target DNA besides M. tuberculosis) or false negative (due to absence of copies of IS6110) results with IS6110 specific primers. To unravel the variations in IS6110 sequences, an insilico analysis of IS6110 sequence of different strains of M. tuberculosis was carried out. Our results of comparative analysis of IS6110 insertion sequences of M. tuberculosis complex suggests that, IS6110 insertion sequences harbored variations in its sequence, which is evident from the phylogenetic analysis. Importantly, IS6110 sequence has divergence within the copies of same strain and formed different clusters. A list of IS6110 specific primers used in various clinical investigation of tuberculosis was obtained from the literature and their performance scrutinized. Our study emphasizes the need to develop PCR assays (multiplex format) targeting more than one region of the genome of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis has become a global threat to tuberculosis (TB) prevention and control efforts. This study aimed to determine the drug resistance profiles and DNA fingerprints of M. tuberculosis strains isolated from patients with relapsed or retreatment pulmonary TB in Chiang Rai province in northern Thailand. Significant differences in multidrug resistance (MDR) (P = 0.025) and resistance to isoniazid (P = 0.025) and rifampin (P = 0.046) between first and second registrations of patients with retreatment TB were found. However, there were no significant differences in resistance to any drugs in patients with relapsed TB. The rate of MDR‐TB strains was 12.2% among new patients at first registration, 22.5% among patients with recurrence who had previously undergone treatment at second registration and 12.5% at third registration. Two retreatment patients whose initial treatment had failed had developed MDR‐TB with resistance to all TB drugs tested, including rifampin, isoniazid, streptomycin and ethambutol. IS6110‐RFLP analysis revealed that 66.7% (10/15 isolates) of MDR‐TB belonged to the Beijing family. In most cases, IS6110‐RFLP patterns of isolates from the same patients were identical in relapse and retreatment groups. However, some pairs of isolates from retreatment patients after treatment failure had non‐identical IS6110‐RFLP patterns. These results suggest that, after failure and default treatment, patients with retreatment tuberculosis have a significantly greater risk of MDR‐TB, isoniazid and rifampin resistance than do other patients.  相似文献   

In recent years, various polymorphic loci and multicopy insertion elements have been discovered in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome, such as the direct repeat (DR) locus, the major polymorphic tandem repeats, the polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence, IS6110, and IS1081. These, especially IS6110 and the DR locus, have been widely used as genetic markers to differentiate M. tuberculosis isolates and will continue to be so used, due to the conserved nature of the genome of M. tuberculosis. However, little is known about the processes involved in generating these or of their relative rates of change. Without an understanding of the biological characteristics of these genetic markers, it is difficult to use them to their full extent for understanding the population genetics and epidemiology of M. tuberculosis. To address these points, we identified a cluster of 7 isolates in a collection of 101 clinical isolates and investigated them with various polymorphic genetic markers, which indicated that they were highly related to each other. This cluster provided a model system for the study of IS6110 transposition, evolution at the DR locus, and the effects of these on the determination of evolutionary relationships among M. tuberculosis strains. Our results suggest that IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns are useful in grouping closely related isolates together; however, they can be misleading if used for making inferences about the evolutionary relationships between closely related isolates. DNA sequence analysis of the DR loci of these isolates revealed an evolutionary scenario, which, complemented with the information from IS6110, allowed a reconstruction of the evolutionary steps and relationships among these closely related isolates. Loss of the IS6110 copy in the DR locus was noted, and the mechanisms of this loss are discussed.  相似文献   

In infectious disease epidemiology, it is useful to know how quickly genetic markers of pathogenic agents evolve while inside hosts. We propose a modular framework with which these genotype change rates can be estimated. The estimation scheme requires a model of the underlying process of genetic change, a detection scheme that filters this process into observable quantities, and a monitoring scheme that describes the timing of observations. We study a linear "birth-shift-death" model for change in transposable element genotypes, obtaining maximum-likelihood estimators for various detection and monitoring schemes. The method is applied to serial genotypes of the transposon IS6110 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The estimated birth rate of 0.0161 (events per copy of the transposon per year) and death rate of 0.0108 are both significantly larger than the estimated shift rate of 0.0018. The sum of these estimates, which corresponds to a "half-life" of 2.4 years for a typical strain that has 10 copies of the element, substantially exceeds a previous estimate of 0.0135 total changes per copy per year. We consider experimental design issues that enable the precision of estimates to be improved. We also discuss extensions to other markers and implications for molecular epidemiology.  相似文献   

Different Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains operate different immune evasion strategies for their survival in the host. This mainly depends on the virulence of the strain and the host immune responses. The most virulent strains are actively involved in the transmission, widely spread in the community and induce differential immune responses. We evaluated the immune response of a sonicate antigen prepared from one predominant strain (S7) from M. tuberculosis harbouring a single copy of IS6110. Significant lymphoproliferative response against purified protein derivative from tubercle bacillus (PPD) and H37Rv antigens was observed in PPD positive normal individuals and tuberculosis patients. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) levels against these antigens were significantly increased in normal individuals but not in tuberculosis patients. The antigen S7 showed marginal T-cell proliferation but did not induce IFN-gamma secretion in both groups. Conversely, it induced significantly high levels of cytokine interleukin 4 (IL-4) in normal individuals. The macrophage cytokines, IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), did not show S7 antigen specific stimulation. The intracellular cytokine further confirmed an increase in IL-4(+)/CD4+ T-cells and a decrease in IFN-gamma(+)/CD4+ T-cells upon stimulation. The antibody response showed an increase in IgG and IgA levels against this antigen in normal individuals. These observations suggest that antigen S7 modulates the immune response towards T helper cell type 2 by suppressing T helper cell type 1 protective immune response in PPD positive normal individuals. We speculate that some components of this sonicate antigen are associated with immunosuppressive response.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to rapidly identify and differentiate two main pathogens of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis by a modified loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay. The reaction results could be evaluated by naked eye with two optimized closed tube detection methods as follows: adding the modified fluorescence dye in advance into the reaction mix so as to observe the color changes or putting a tinfoil in the tube and adding the SYBR Green I dye on it, then making the dye drop into the bottom of the tube by centrifuge after reaction. The results showed that the two groups of primers used jointly in this assay could successfully identify and differentiate Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis. Sensitivity test displayed that the modified LAMP assay with the closed tube system could determine the minimal template concentration of 1 copy/μl, which was more sensitive than that of routine PCR. The advantages of this LAMP method for detection of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex included high specificity, high sensitivity, simplicity, and superiority in avoidance of aerosol contamination. The modified LAMP assay would provide a potential for clinical diagnosis and therapy of tuberculosis in the developing countries and the resource-limited areas.  相似文献   

An insertion sequence has been identified in the genome of Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis DSM 20451T as segment of 1351 nucleotides containing 37-bp imperfect terminal inverted repeats. The sequence of this element encodes two out of phase, overlapping open reading frames, orfA and orfB, from which three putative proteins are produced. OrfAB is a transframe protein produced by -1 translational frame shifting between orf A and orf B that is presumed to be the transposase. The large orfAB of this element encodes a 342 amino acid protein that displays similarities with transposases encoded by bacterial insertion sequences belonging to the IS3 family. In L. sanfranciscensis type strain DSM 20451T multiple truncated IS elements were identified. Inverse PCR was used to analyze target sites of four of these elements, but except of their highly AT rich character not any sequence specificity was identified so far. Moreover, no flanking direct repeats were identified. Multiple copies of IS153 were detected by hybridization in other strains of L. sanfranciscensis. Resulting hybridization patterns were shown to differentiate between organisms at strain level rather than a probe targeted against the 16S rDNA. With a PCR based approach IS153 or highly similar sequences were detected in L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. malefermentans, L. plantarum, L. hilgardii, L. collinoides L. farciminis L. sakei and L. salivarius, L. reuteri as well as in Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici and P. pentosaceus.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) has proven to be a satisfactory DNA-sensor platform for applications in enzyme-free signal amplification, fluorescence-based amplification, and nanoparticle-based platforms because of its excellent electrical, thermal, and optical properties. In this study, we designed a novel platform for the fluorescence detection of biomolecules, using a fluorescent dye-labeled primer and GO. We applied this system for the detection of the IS6110 insertion sequence of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTB) and evaluated its feasibility for use in molecular diagnostics. Fifty-four sputum specimens were collected at our institution from October 2010 to March 2012. To detect MTB in the samples, we performed PCR amplification of the IS6110 DNA sequence using FAM-labeled primers, after which the PCR amplicon was incubated with GO and the fluorescence was measured. The results were compared with those obtained by conventional real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR). The fluorescence intensity observed increased in a concentration-dependent manner with the FAM-labeled IS6110 amplicon. The results of the PCR-GO system for detecting IS6110 DNA were in good agreement with those obtained with conventional RQ-PCR (kappa statistic = 0.925). The PCR-GO system detected MTB DNA in 23 of 25 RQ-PCR-positive sputum samples (92.0%; 95% CI, 75.0–98.0%), but not in 29 of 29 RQ-PCR-negative sputum samples (100%; 95% CI, 88.1–100.0%). These results indicate the utility of the PCR-GO system in molecular diagnostics.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of carbohydrate uptake systems of the soil bacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis and the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our results show that M. smegmatis has 28 putative carbohydrate transporters. The majority of sugar transport systems (19/28) in M. smegmatis belong to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family. In contrast to previous reports, we identified genes encoding all components of the phosphotransferase system (PTS), including permeases for fructose, glucose, and dihydroxyacetone, in M. smegmatis. It is anticipated that the PTS of M. smegmatis plays an important role in the global control of carbon metabolism similar to those of other bacteria. M. smegmatis further possesses one putative glycerol facilitator of the major intrinsic protein family, four sugar permeases of the major facilitator superfamily, one of which was assigned as a glucose transporter, and one galactose permease of the sodium solute superfamily. Our predictions were validated by gene expression, growth, and sugar transport analyses. Strikingly, we detected only five sugar permeases in the slow-growing species M. tuberculosis, two of which occur in M. smegmatis. Genes for a PTS are missing in M. tuberculosis. Our analysis thus brings the diversity of carbohydrate uptake systems of fast- and a slow-growing mycobacteria to light, which reflects the lifestyles of M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis in their natural habitats, the soil and the human body, respectively.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based procedure for the isolation of genes in transposon or T-DNA tagging approaches has been developed. The method can be generally applied and allows the rapid isolation of putative gene sequences even in the presence of high numbers of insertion sequences. The technique has been used successfully for the isolation of the maize Bx1 gene tagged by a Mutator element.  相似文献   

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