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A sample of healthy unrelated individuals was typed for properdin factor B (Bf) polymorphism in four Sardinian villages. Two villages, Desulo and Tonara, are located in the highlands; the other two, Orosei and Galtellì, are located in the lowlands. No heterogeneity was found between the highland and the lowland villages, whereas a significant difference was found between the Sardinian villages and continental Italy. The allele Bf-F1 shows the highest gene frequency so far observed. Typically Sardinian is the gametic association (haplotype) HLA-A30, Cw5, B18, BfF1, DR3.  相似文献   

The authors have studied the genetic polymorphism of the properdin factor B (Bf) by the isoelectrofocusing technique. The SS phenotypes, all similar on agarose gel electrophoresis, were shown to be heterogeneous after isoelectrofocusing; this heterogeneity corresponds to the expression of two new suballeles SA and SB, inherited in a codominant manner. Gene frequencies for 121 individuals with SS phenotype are 0.57 for SA, and 0.43 for SB.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism of alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein (A2HS) was studied in continental Italy (Rome and L'Aquila) and in Sardinia (Cagliari). The two continental populations did not differ significantly in the A2HS gene distribution, whereas the Sardinian population showed an A2HS*1 frequency significantly higher than in continental Italy.  相似文献   

The distribution of Properdin factor B (Bf) phenotypes and their gene frequencies were investigated in four Asian populations (Chinese, Filipino, Thai and Japanese). The frequency of the BfS phenotype in Filipinos (0.717) was significantly lower than that in Chinese (0.900) and Thai (0.889) (p less than 0.01), but not different from the Japanese (0.840). One variant, BfF 0.65 S, was identified in a Japanese subject. Thus, in the Asian populations studied, Bfs frequencies were high and the frequency of variants other than F and S were low.  相似文献   

The phenotype frequencies of properdin factor B (Bf) were studied in patients with (n = 47) and without (n = 66) a family history of schizophrenia and in controls. In patients with a family history of schizophrenia, a significant decrease of the FS type was found. No significant difference was found between patients without a family history of schizophrenia and controls.  相似文献   

The distribution of properdin factor B (Bf) phenotypes and the gene frequencies were investigated in 918 Saudi Arabs. A high frequency of the 'rare' allele BFS0.7 was observed BfS0.7 = 0.1514). The frequencies of the common Bf alleles (BfS = 0.5174, BfF = 0.3213) are outside the corresponding ranges of BfS, BfF gene frequencies found in European Caucasoids.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase polymorphism in Sardinia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In order to better understand the epidemiology of ovine toxoplasmosis in Sardinia, a serological survey was carried out on 22 flocks with no fertility problems. In total 1043 sera (9% of the 11,382 sheep raised in the flocks) were examined by means of a commercial ELISA kit. To verify the performance of ELISA test, 160 selected sera were tested again with a gold standard test (IFAT). Performance of the commercial ELISA kit was summarised in terms of Sensitivity (SE), Specificity (SP), positive and negative Likelihood Ratios (LR+; LR-). The overall seroprevalence with ELISA test was recorded as 51.3%. It was generally increasing according to age and was significantly lower in animals younger than one year (with the exception of < 1 month old lambs). This survey provided data on the current Toxoplasma gondii sheep seroprevalence in Sardinia, confirmed a still high parasite pressure and pointed out that consumption of raw or undercooked ovine meat can be considered a potential risk factor for humans.  相似文献   

The present study reports an analysis of the distribution of Hp polymorphism in Sardinia carried out on a sample of 871 individuals. The samples are examined according to the division by provinces and by historical-geographical regions. In both cases the phenotype Hp 2-1 has high frequency and a North-South trend. The Hp*1 is the most common gene in every part of Sardinia. In general the distribution of Hp in Sardinia is not significantly heterogeneous in our sample, although presenting a discreet variability. The synthesis of our data and of the data available in literature shows some historical-geographicalareas, especially in the central north of the island, with particularly high Hp*1 frequency (Baronie Siniscola and Orosei, Barbagie Ollorai and Belvì and Planargia; Sarrabus in the South). Similar high values of Hp*1 have been highlighted in some groups of population in the Mediterranean basin, characterized by a certain geographical and/or cultural isolation.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic behavior of Bf was investigated by the immunofixation procedure, using a locally produced goat antimouse Bf reagent. A single phenotype was found in the serum of mice of 16 inbred strains. Sera from noninbred Swiss-Webster mice, however, were typed as belonging to one of three phenotypes-Bf F, Bf FS, and BF S-almost identical to those found in human sera.  相似文献   



Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a severe, chronic inflammatory disease strongly associated with HLA-B27. The presence of additional HLA risk factors has been suggested by several studies. The aim of the current study is to assess the occurrence of an additional HLA susceptibility locus in the region between HLA-E and HLA-C in the Sardinian population.  相似文献   

Over the last ten years the population of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia has been object of numerous studies in the fields of anthropology and population genetics. Its insularity, central position in the Mediterranean area and rich historical past have made the island a veritable laboratory for the study and understanding of those interacting evolutionary mechanisms which determine a population's genetic structure. Indeed, from work performed at different levels on genetic structure analysis there emerges an extremely complex picture of the relationships between Sardinian and other Italian and Mediterranean populations, but also of relationships within the Sardinian population itself The diversification from Mediterranean and Italian populations can be explained by Sardinia's historical and demographic past. Internal heterogeneity can be attributed, in part, to strict isolation and the accompanying high levels of endogamy and inbreeding, and in part to the endemic presence of malaria which exerted a strong selective pressure on some characteristics; determining, for example, the differentiation between the plains and the mountain areas. Finally, an influence on Sardinia's biological history not to be neglected could be attributed to the demographic events, which triggered off phenomena of genetic drift and to cultural factors.  相似文献   

In June 2009 we organized a botanical student excursion to the eastern part of Sardinia, Italy. On this occasion we were able to collect and identify over 80 species of microfungi growing on higher plants. The collecting sites were spread over a large area, among them were La Caletta, Capo Comino, Monte Albo, Cala Gonone, Monte Maccione, San Teodoro, Capo Testa. The collected microfungi were parasitic or saprophytic; Basidiomycotina (Uredinales), Ascomycotina and Deuteromycotina (Hyphomycetes, Coelomycetes) were predominant. Examples are Pezicula corticola (J?rg.) NANNF. (new for Sardinia), on Pyrus communis. Puccinia chamaecyparissi TROTT. (new for Sardinia), on Santolina insularis. Sphaceloma oleae CICC. and GRANITI (new for Sardinia) and Phlyctema vagabunda DESM. (new for Sardinia), on Olea europaea and Arbutus unedo. Puccinia pseudosphaeria MONT. (new for Sardinia), on Sonchus oleraceus. Discula umbrinella (BERK. and BR.) SUTTON (new for Sardinia)(D. quercina WEST. and BARK), on Quercus coccifera. Zaghouania phillyreae PAT. (new for Sardinia), on Phillyrea angustifolia. Phymatotrichum omnivorum (DUGGAR) HENNEBERT, new on Verbascum thapsus for Sardinia. Guignardia punctoidea (COOKE) SCHROTER (new for Sardinia), on Quercus ilex. Many of the collected species are rare or unknown for the area of investigation until now. All specimens are located in the Herbarium ESS, Mycotheca Parva collection G.B. Feige and N. Ale-Agha.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphism of the C2 and factor B genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Factor B and the second component of complement (C2) in man are encoded within the major histocompatibility complex by single loci that are less than 1 kb apart. A 2.3 kb factor B-specific cDNA probe has been used to examine, by Southern blot analysis, the genomic DNA of individuals typed for C2 and factor B by protein electrophoresis. We have identified a restriction fragment length polymorphism using the endonuclease Taq I, which subdivides haplotypes carrying both the common variant of C2 (C2C) and the fast (F) variant of factor B. This DNA polymorphism has been mapped to lie in the C2 gene and represents a new genetic marker not defined by protein electrophoresis. This polymorphism may serve as a useful marker in the genetic analysis of diseases that are related to the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

The authors examine the genetic structure of the Sardinian population based on the gene frequencies of the ABO blood group system and the Rh factor. The sample, composed of 13,972 individuals, is subdivided on the basis of altitude zones (mountain, internal hills, coastal hills and plains) and by historical-geographic zones. Also examined are the frequencies of a group of communities of different altitude and historical-geographic zones. The results point to genetic heterogeneity within both altitude and historical-geographic zones as well as within the single communities. A distribution gradient is seen for the IA and I0 alleles of the ABO system, namely: mountains, internal hills, coastal hills, plains.  相似文献   

Summary Miocene syn-rift carbonate production areas are exposed in south-eastern Sardinia (Italy) along the eastern side of the Plio-Pleistocene Campidano Graben. Here the downfaulted margins of the Oligo-Miocene Sardinia rift-basin crop out with a complex alignment of smaller subbasins. Carbonate factories developed during the Aquitanian times in these tectonically controlled small depositional subbasins, where terrigenous input might be high due to the erosion of the uplifted pre-Neogene substrata. Terrigenous deposits generally acted as passive substratum for pioneer communities of rhodalgal-type (red algae, ostreids, bryozoans) and locally evolved into coral-dominated assemblages. Carbonate production areas occur on tilted, uplifted blocks as well as along basement margins. These have varying organic communities and facies characteristics strongly dependent on different environmental conditions. In footwall areas, devoid of (or with a very reduced) terrigenous supply, open foramol carbonate factories occur with aggradational-progradational stratigraphic geometries. The resulting pure calcareous successions are organized in sequences, bounded by tectonically driven discontinuity surfaces. In sectors close to the hinterland area, with a higher freshwater input and a consequent significant clastic input, coral-dominated assemblages grew during long periods of quiescence between flash floods. Repeated coral-rich communities developed on thick wedges of terrigenous debris. Carbonate facies composition and distribution were mainly controlled by local syn-sedimentary tectonics and eustasy as well as by climate. However, although the inception of the carbonate factories was presumably not synchronous, their growth represented the response to a relative regional sea level rise subsequent to episodes of significant clastic supply: the expression of an early syn-rift stage. During the Burdigalian (N6 zone) a hemipelagic cover uniformly sealed the neritic successions. This basin wide drowning event appears to correspond to the transgressive system tract of the TB2.1 cycle ofHaq et al. (1987) but it can also be interpreted as the expression of an evolved syn-rift stage passing to late syn-rift and quiescence stages. Beneath the hemipelagic cover in some areas, ?late Aquitanian-early Burdigalian deep erosive surfaces, terrigenous clastics and paleosoils have been recognized. These suggest a relative sea level fall and may relate to the global sea level drop at the TB1-TB2 boundary (seeHaq et al., 1987) or to diacronous uplift of different fault blocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents archaeobotanical results from Sardinia, an island in the western Mediterranean. The starting point is the material excavated at Duos Nuraghes near Borore, but remains provided by other sites are taken into account as well. Naked wheat, presumably a tetraploid wheat such as Triticum durum Desf. (macaroni wheat), and Hordeum vulgare L. (barley) are the most common finds from the Neolithic up to the Medieval period. Triticum dicoccum Schübl. (emmer), Lens culinaris Medik. (lentil), Pisum sativum L. (pea) and Vicia faba L. var. minor (horse bean) have been grown as well. A medieval context revealed Beta vulgaris L. (beet). The most common find in the category of fruits is Vitis vinifera L. (grape). The overall picture is one of continuity in agricultural practices. Nevertheless this picture may be false. In the early Bronze Age the cultivation of barley may have shifted from the naked variety towards the hulled variety. The Phoenicians may have introduced new cultivars of grapevine, although the native grapevine was not replaced by these. The weed taxa suggest some change in agriculture from Punic or Roman times onwards. Received August 10, 2001 / Accepted January 15, 2002  相似文献   

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