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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are ubiquitous human pathogens. They share with other herpesviruses the ability to establish lifelong latent infection of the host. Periodic reactivation from latency is responsible for most of the clinical disease burden of HSV infection. This review focuses on what we have learned from molecular studies in model systems of HSV latency, and the implications these findings have for treating recurrent HSV disease.  相似文献   

Y Shiina 《Acta cytologica》1985,29(5):683-691
A total of 872 cells in 183 Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears morphologically suspected of harboring chlamydial infections were cytologically investigated in an attempt to differentiate the morphologic features of chlamydial infection from those of mucus vacuoles or bacterial infection. The observed inclusions were classified according to their morphologic appearance and their staining by a Chlamydia-specific peroxidase-antiperoxidase stain and by the periodic acid-Schiff technique. Immunoperoxidase-positive inclusions were detected in 201 cells from 13 cases; 200 (99.5%) of these cells contained "nebular" inclusions while 1 cell (0.5%) contained multiple inclusions with homogeneous central target formation. These findings suggest that nebular-type inclusions may be the key morphologic finding for the identification of chlamydial infection and that the application of an immunoperoxidase staining technique on the destained Papanicolaou preparation may be useful for the diagnosis of equivocal inclusions.  相似文献   

We showed that the expression of a single protein, glycoprotein D (gD-1), specified by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) renders cells resistant to infection by HSV but not to infection by other viruses. Mouse (LMtk-) and human (HEp-2) cell lines containing the gene for gD-1 under control of the human metallothionein promoter II expressed various levels of gD-1 constitutively and could be induced to express higher levels with heavy metal ions. Radiolabeled viruses bound equally well to gD-1-expressing and control cell lines. Adsorbed viruses were unable to penetrate cells expressing sufficient levels of gD-1, based on lack of any cytopathic effects of the challenge virus and on failure to detect either the induction of viral protein synthesis or the shutoff of host protein synthesis normally mediated by a virion-associated factor. The resistance to HSV infection conferred by gD-1 expression was not absolute and depended on several variables, including the amount of gD-1 expressed, the dosage of the challenge virus, the serotype of the challenge virus, and the properties of the cells themselves. The interference activity of gD-1 is discussed in relation to the role of gD-1 in virion infectivity and its possible role in permitting escape of progeny HSV from infected cells.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus virion host shutoff function.   总被引:9,自引:33,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Kawaguchi Y 《Uirusu》2010,60(2):187-196
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), the prototype of the herpesvirus family, causes a variety of diseases in human. In this review, I focus on the molecular mechanism of HSV infection including recent advance on this research field.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism in Herpes simplex virus infected HeLa cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of Rolly No. 11 strain herpes simplex virus infection of HeLa cells in culture on deoxynucleotide metabolism and the level of various enzymes concerned with the biosynthesis of DNA has been investigated. Of 18 enzyme activities studied, thymidine kinase, DNA polymerase and deoxyribonuclease were markedly augmented, a finding in agreement with previous reports. Deoxycytidine kinase, ribonucleotide reductase, thymidylate kinase and deoxycytidylate deaminase activities, in contrast with previous reports, did not increase; the activities of the other enzymes studied, also did not increase. Whereas most of the radioactivity derived from [14-C] thymidine in the acid-soluble fraction of the uninfected cells was present as deoxythymidine triphosphate, that present in the infected cells was primarily in the form of deoxythymidine monophosphate. Thus, in the infected cell deoxythymidylate kinase is a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of deoxythymidine triphosphate. A marked increase in the pools of the four naturally occurring deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dTTP, dCTP, dATP, dGTP) was found. The rate of formation of the virus-induced enzymes was determined, as were the various nucleoside triphosphate pools and the other phosphorylated derivatives of thymidine; a maximum was reached for all these csmponents between 6 to 8 h post infection. Although an apparent greater synthesis of DNA occurred in the uninefected cells, when the specific activity of the radioactive deoxythymidine triphosphate was taken into account, there was actually a greater rate of DNA synthesis in the infected cells, with the peak at 8 h post infection.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus resistance and sensitivity to phosphonoacetic acid.   总被引:29,自引:19,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) inhibited the synthesis of herpes simplex virus DNA in infected cells and the activity of the virus-specific DNA polymerase in vitro. In the presence of concentrations of PAA sufficient to prevent virus growth and virus DNA synthesis, normal amounts of early virus proteins (alpha- and beta-groups) were made, but late virus proteins (gamma-group) were reduced to less than 15% of amounts made in untreated infected cells. This residual PAA-insensitive synthesis of gamma-polypeptides occurred early in the virus growth cycle when rates were identical in PAA-treated and untreated infected cells. Passage of virus in the presence of PAA resulted in selection of mutants resistant to the drug. Stable clones of mutant viruses with a range of drug sensitivities were isolated and the emergence of variants resistant to high concentrations of PAA involved the sequential selection of mutants progressively better adapted to growth in the presence of the drug. Increased drug resistance of virus yield or plaque formation was correlated with increased resistance of virus DNA synthesis, gamma-protein synthesis, and resistance of the virus DNA polymerase reaction in vitro to the inhibitory effects of the drug. PAA-resistant strains of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) complemented the growth of sensitive strains of homologous and heterologous types in mixed infections in the presence of the drug. Complementation was markedly dependent upon the proportions of the resistant and sensitive partners participating in the mixed infection. Intratypic (HSV-1A X HSV-1B) recombination of the PAA resistance marker(s), Pr, occurred at high frequency relative to plaque morphology (syn) and bromodeoxyuridine resistance (Br, thymidine kinase-negative phenotype) markers, with the most likely order being syn-Br-Pr. Recombinant viruses were as resistant or sensitive to PAA as the parental viruses, and viruses recombinant for their PAA resistance phenotype were also recombinant for the PAA resistance character of the virus DNA polymerase. The results provide additional evidence that the herpesvirus DNA polymerase is the site of action of PAA and illustrate the potential usefulness of PAA-resistant mutants in genetic studies of herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein K (gK) is thought to be intimately involved in the process by which infected cells fuse because HSV syncytial mutations frequently alter the gK (UL53) gene. Previously, we characterized gK produced in cells infected with wild-type HSV or syncytial HSV mutants and found that the glycoprotein was localized to nuclear and endoplasmic reticulum membranes and did not reach the cell surface (L. Hutchinson, C. Roop, and D. C. Johnson, J. Virol. 69:4556-4563, 1995). In this study, we have characterized a mutant HSV type 1, denoted F-gK beta, in which a lacZ gene cassette was inserted into the gK coding sequences. Since gK was found to be essential for virus replication, F-gK beta was propagated on complementing cells which can express gK. F-gK beta produced normal plaques bounded by nonfused cells when plated on complementing cells, although syncytia were observed when the cells produced smaller amounts of gK. In contrast, F-gK beta produced only microscopic plaques on Vero cells and normal human fibroblasts (which do not express gK) and these plaques were reduced by 10(2) to 10(6) in number. Further, large numbers of nonenveloped capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm of F-gK beta-infected Vero cells, virus particles did not reach the cell surface, and the few enveloped particles that were produced exhibited a reduced capacity to enter cells and initiate an infection of complementing cells. Overexpression of gK in HSV-infected cells also caused defects in virus egress, although particles accumulated in the perinuclear space and large multilamellar membranous structures juxtaposed with the nuclear envelope were observed. Together, these results demonstrate that gK regulates or facilitates egress of HSV from cells. How this property is connected to cell fusion is not clear. In this regard, gK may alter cell surface transport of viral particles or other viral components directly involved in the fusion process.  相似文献   

Adult ICR/Slc or BALB/c mice developed hydrocephalus when attenuated herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) (strain Ska) was injected intracerebrally 2 to 4 weeks earlier and then after mice were challenged with the same virus or virulent HSV-1. Initial inoculation of the Ska strain elicited acute meningitis and ependymitis with transient mild hydrocephalus. Viral antigen was seen in the meninges and subependymal areas, and the virus was titrated during the acute phase of infection. After the second virus inoculation, more prominent inflammation was evoked in the same area, and the animals developed hydrocephalus, although viral antigen and infectious virus were hardly detected. When the mice were immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide, they ceased to develop hydrocephalus. BALB/c nude mice did not show the same pathology, even though they were treated in the same way. When irradiated mice, which had been infected with the Ska strain intracerebrally 2 weeks earlier, received syngeneic immune spleen cells, they developed hydrocephalus. The T-cell nature of the effector cells was confirmed by the elimination of the pathology after treatment of the donor cells with anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement. No hydrocephalic mice were observed after treatment of the donor cells with anti-Lyt-1.2 plus complement, which gave further evidence of the T-cell nature of the effector cells as the Lyt-1+.2+ antigen-bearing subsets. Intervals between priming and challenge virus inoculation could be more than 18 months. The presence of purified HSV-1 envelope protein was feasible for the development of the hydrocephalic animals.  相似文献   

A study of three Herpes Simplex strains with different frequencies of recurrent disease was done using the New Zealand white rabbit eye model. Each of the three strains, the McKrae strain (high frequency), the E-43 strain (low, frequency), and the CGA-3 (no recurrence) grew well in the rabbit corneal epithelium and produced overt recognizable disease for up to 5 days post-infection, thus minimizing differences in virus reactivation due to a lack of or insufficient ganglionic colonization. Asymptomatic shedding and spontaneous recurrences, as well as iontophoretically induced recurrences, were seen in the E-43 and McKrae strains, but not in the CGA-3-infected animals. The virus strain's optimum temperature was an important aspect of its reactivation process, as shown by the failure of the nonrecurrent CGA-3 to replicate at the host's core temperature (39 degrees C). The fact that these explants yielded infectious virus at 33 degrees C and not at 39 degrees C confirmed that the CGA-3 had colonized the ganglia, and its lack of recurrences or shedding suggests a temperature-dependency relationship. Our observations were further supported by the preferential growth at 39 degrees C of fresh clinical isolates obtained from HSV encephalitis and herpes labialis. Isolates from animals infected with the heterogeneous McKrae were classified as shedders (isolated in the absence of disease) and recurrent (isolated from a recurrent lesion). Both shedders and recurrent isolates were of a homologous nature and retained their phenotype when tested. From this study, we theorize that reactivation and disease may have different regulatory mechanisms. The type of recurrent disease (lesions, asymptomatic shedding, or none) is virus-dependent and frequency of disease may be regulated by host functions.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus mRNA species mapping in EcoRI fragment I.   总被引:40,自引:31,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We described the detailed characterization and high-resolution mapping of nine herpes simplex virus type 1 mRNAs encoded in EcoRI fragment I. Four of these mRNAs are partially colinear and encode the same sized polypeptide in vitro. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the DNA around the 5' ends of these mRNAs suggested that the larger may encode a small (ca. 100-dalton) polypeptide not resolvable by in vitro translation.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus envelopment and maturation were investigated by thin-section fracture label. The distribution of glycoproteins B and D was analyzed by labeling with antibodies; the precursor and mature forms of the glycoproteins were differentiated by labeling with the lectins concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), respectively. We report that the two glycoproteins were readily detected in the intracellular virion, whether located between the inner and outer nuclear membranes or within cytoplasmic membrane-bound vesicles and in the inner and outer nuclear membranes themselves. The enveloped virion between the inner and outer nuclear membranes labeled with ConA but not with WGA. During the transit to the extracellular space the reactivity of the virion membranes with ConA decreased and that with WGA ensued. The results document that herpes simplex viruses acquire at the inner nuclear membrane an envelope carrying the immature forms of the glycoproteins and that during the transit to the extracellular space the envelope glycoproteins become of the fully processed type.  相似文献   

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