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Schistocephalus -infected sticklebacks ate slightly less but fed more selectively on larger prey than non-infested fish. It follows that, in the short-term, the net energy gain in foraging is larger for infested fish. This matches the expectation that infested sticklebacks compensate energy losses due to Schistocephalus.  相似文献   

Three-spined stickleback fry (mean length 20 mm, mean weight 14 mg) were reared for 14 days alone and in groups of six in a constant per capita water volume. The fish originated from two habitats (rock-pools, sea) of different predation pressure. The fry were fed nauplii of Artemia and commercial aquarium fish food ad libitum. Specific growth rates of solitary and schooling fry differed and were also affected by their origin. The specific growth rates of solitary fry from the sea averaged 1.0% day−1 (length) and 6.0% day−1 (weight) and those of solitary rock-pool fry 1.1 and 6.7%, respectively. For group-reared fish the corresponding values were 1.2% (length) and 6.6% (weight), and 1.3% (length) and 7.6% (weight). The finding that schooling sticklebacks grow faster than solitary ones implies that grouping enhances fitness in stickleback fry under the conditions of our experiments.  相似文献   

Prey selection behaviour of three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., was studied in two experiments. Where possible, the experimental apparatus satisfied the assumptions of the simplest optimal diet model (the basic prey model); prey were presented sequentially, the fish could not search for and handle prey at the same time, and net energy gain, handling time and encounter rate were fixed. Experiment 1 presented fish with a range of Asellus sizes so that pursuit ( p ) and handling ( h ) time could be related to prey size. Published energy values of Asellus together with pursuit and handling times were used to calculate E /( p+h ) for Asellus measuring 3,4,5,6,7 and 9 mm. Pursuit times did not differ with prey size but handling times did. E /( p+h ) was very variable particularly at the larger prey sizes. Experiment 2 presented fish with two sequences of prey differing in the encounter rate with the most profitable prey sizes. Fish did not select the diet predicted by the basic prey model tending to always ignore the largest prey even when net energy gain would have been maximized by including them in the diet. Further analysis showed that the probability of a prey size being taken was a function of prey size, fish stomach fullness and encounter rate. It is concluded that the basic prey model is too simple to capture the behaviour of the fish. One of its main faults is that the changing state of the fish through the feeding bout is ignored.  相似文献   

In order to assess the accuracy and reliability of age estimates from calcified structures in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, we evaluated intra and inter-reader repeatability from three structures: otoliths, gill covers and pelvic spines). Average age estimates were also compared between the structures. The overall intra-reader repeatability of age estimates were highest for otoliths (69%), lowest for gill covers (53%) and intermediate for spine cross-sections (63%). Although four of the seven readers had the highest intra-reader repeatability score for spine cross-sections, the inter-reader variance in this structure was much higher than in others. Otoliths were the easiest in terms of their pre-analysis treatment and exchange of materials (as digital images) between readers. In addition, otoliths are more well-studied compared with the other structures with respect to their development through ontogenesis; hence, age estimates based on otoliths should be the most reliable. Therefore, our recommendation is that whenever possible, analysis of otoliths should be the preferred approach for aging G. aculeatus.  相似文献   

In industrialized and/or agriculturally used landscapes, inhabiting species are exposed to a variety of anthropogenic changes in their environments. Genetic diversity may be reduced if populations encounter founder events, bottlenecks, or isolation. Conversely, genetic diversity may increase if populations adapt to changes in selective regimes in newly created habitats. With the present study, genetic variability of 918 sticklebacks from 43 samplings (21.3 ± 3.8 per sample) at 36 locations from cultivated landscapes in Northwest Germany was analyzed at nine neutral microsatellite loci. To test if differentiation is influenced by habitat alterations, sticklebacks were collected from ancient running waters and adjacent artificial stagnant waters, from brooks with salt water inflow of anthropogenic and natural origin and adjacent freshwater sites. Overall population structure was dominated by isolation by distance (IBD), which was significant across all populations, and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 10.6% of the variation was explained by river catchment area. Populations in anthropogenic modified habitats deviated from the general IBD structure and in the AMOVA, grouping by habitat type running/stagnant water explained 4.9% of variation and 1.4% of the variation was explained by salt-/freshwater habitat. Sticklebacks in salt-polluted water systems seem to exhibit elevated migratory activity between fresh- and saltwater habitats, reducing IBD. In other situations, populations showed distinct signs of genetic isolation, which in some locations was attributed to mechanical migration barriers, but in others to potential anthropogenic induced bottleneck or founder effects. The present study shows that anthropogenic habitat alterations may have diverse effects on the population genetic structure of inhabiting species. Depending on the type of habitat change, increased genetic differentiation, diversification, or isolation are possible consequences.  相似文献   

The composition of nests, built under standardized, static laboratory conditions by male three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus from two rivers and two lakes in mid-Wales (U.K.) was quantified. After transfer to nesting tanks, fish from the rivers began building nests more quickly than fish from the lakes. The number of threads used in nest construction and the mass of substrate deposited co-varied, but there were no consistent population- or habitat-related differences in the aspects of nest composition.  相似文献   

Experiments have shown thai infection by low intensities of the eye fluke affects the vision of three-spined stickleback when selecting prey, and also shortens the reactive distance to the prey. The results have consequences for the fitness of the individual, and also for the study of prey selection.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, female three-spined sticklebacks(Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) show a mating preference for intenselyred-colored males. We verified this female choice in the fieldby observing a freshwater stickleback population in its naturalhabitat. During the egg collection phase, individual courtingmales were localized with the aid of a dummy of a ripe female,caught and photographed under standardized conditions, and released.After males had stopped collecting eggs, we counted the numberof eggs in the nests. The more intense a male's red breedingcoloration, the more eggs he received. Simultaneous female choiceexperiments in the laboratory suggested that ripe females ofthis population preferred redder males. Breeding activitiesof the males in the field were clustered and seem to be synchronizedwithin clusters. At one of the breeding sites, more intensered males were in better physical condition, but this was notthe case at another site. Although several synchronized breedingcycles were observed, the majority of males seem to completeonly one breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation of 13 presumptive enzymatic loci was studied in sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) at 6 marine (Baltic) and 13 freshwater sites from Poland. Marine samples are significantly more variable (proportion of polymorphic loci, p # 0.38) than freshwater Samles (p # 0.12). Also the mean number of alleles per locus is significantly higher in the marine samples (n # 1.54) than in freshwater samples (n # 1.14). There is however no significant difference in values of mean heterozygosity between marine and freshwater sticklebacks. Some alleles are found in Baltic sticklebacks only, but all these occur in very low frequencies. Genetic distance between samples is low ranging from D = 0.000053 to 0.031410. However D is significant smaller between marine samples than between freshwater Samles. We suggest than this probaily is the result of larger genetic subdivision of freshwater populations. The low genetic divergence of marine and freshwater populations of the stickleback from poland might be expfained by the recent postglacial colonization of this area from a common refugium.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between own and foreign eggs was investigated in brood-caring male three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus . Males totally cannibalized clutches that contained both foreign and their own eggs significantly more often than sham-manipulated control clutches that only contained their own eggs. These results show that caring males are able to recognize the presence of foreign eggs by egg cues alone.  相似文献   

Niko Tinbergen chose the three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus for his classic behavioural studies because they are small, robust, common and easy to house in the laboratory under reasonably natural conditions and also because their behaviour, while sufficiently simple to be tractable, is still sufficiently complex to be interesting. An analysis of citation records shows that this was an inspired choice. Research on these small fish has addressed all four of Tinbergen's famous questions (causation, development, functions and evolution) and has contributed to the understanding of many different behavioural systems. The G. aculeatus literature is used here to explore several themes in fundamental behavioural biology (diet choice, shoaling, behavioural syndromes and sexual signalling) and the extent to which research using G. aculeatus has informed both fundamental and applied behavioural biology, the latter in the context of aquaculture research.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that sexually selected traits may signal sperm quality and hence male fertilisation ability. There is also evidence that the expression of male sexual ornamentation and associated sperm characteristics depend on an indi- vidual's ability to cope with oxidative stress. Carotenoids are known for their antioxidant properties and carotenoid-based orna- ments might represent honest signals as these pigments can be traded offbetween the investment in sexual ornamentation, sperm function as well as immune response. In this study, we examined the relationship between sexual ornamentation (breeding colo- ration) and sperm characteristics (e.g., velocity and morphology) in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aeuleatus, an ex- ternally fertilising fish species, in which sperm competition commonly occurs. During the breeding season males are sperm limi- ted and develop a conspicuous carotenoid-based coloration, which is under strong pre-copulatory sexual selection due to female mate choice and male-male competition. The results of the present study show that the expression of stickleback male breeding coloration is significantly positively associated with the linearity of sperm movement, whereas sperm morphology (head length to tail length ratio) is significantly negatively related to the trajectory of sperm movement. Moreover, there is some support for the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis as the intensity of male red breeding coloration is significantly positively correlated with sperm velocity, which is supposed to be an important determinant of fertilisation success in external fertilisers, indicating the honesty of the sexually selected nuptial red coloration.  相似文献   

Although typically life history and morphology are studied separately, they may evolve most often in concert. Therefore, a full understanding of the evolution of fish life-history patterns may require exploration of the evolutionary interplay between components of life history and other aspects of phenotype. One of the most promising approaches to understanding phenotypic integration is population comparison. This approach is particularly effective when ancestralderived relationships are understood and when multiple populations can be inferred to have evolved derived character states independently. Here we provide an example of this approach using five allopatric populations of freshwater three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculcatus L.) that have diverged in response to differences in selection regimes among the lakes they inhabit. We demonstrate a relationship between one aspect of reproductive life history, clutch volume and relative body shape. The differences are consistent with those predicted on the basis of differences in trophic habit and overall body form. Finally, we discuss the value of particular groups of fish for use in comparative studies and explore the kinds of evolutionary issues that can be addressed through population comparison.  相似文献   

The role and intensity of positive selection maintaining the polymorphism of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was investigated. The highly polymorphic set of MHC class I genes found was organized in a single linkage group. Between 5 and 14 sequence variants per individual were identified by single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Segregation analysis studied in 10 three-spined stickleback families followed the expected pattern of Mendelian inheritance. The gamete fusion in three-spined stickleback thus seems to be random with respect to the MHC class I genes. The DNA sequence analyses showed that the expressed MHC class I loci are under strong selection pressure, possibly mediated by parasites. Codons that were revealed to be under positive selection are potentially important in antigen binding. MHC class I sequences did not form significant supported clusters within a phylogenetic tree. Analogous to MHC class II genes, it was not possible to assign the class I sequences to a specific locus, suggesting that the class I genes may have been generated by recent gene duplication.  相似文献   

The distribution of three main lateral plate morphs of the three–spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus , in the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea and inland waters is surveyed. Most sites are characterized by predominance of the completely plated morph, although it is only in the Vistula River drainage basin where monomorphic complete populations prevail. Polymorphic populations with a high proportion of the non–complete morphs are found in Puck Bay (the Baltic) and in south–west Poland, Possible causes of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, were exposed to 0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.5 and 10 μg bis(tributyltin)oxide (TBTO) 1−1 for up to 7.5 months in a flow-through system of sea water. As early as 4 weeks after the start of the experiment, fish from the 10 μg TBTO 1−1 group showed diminishing appetite, increasing lethargy and opaque eyes. The mortality in this group after 2 months of exposure was 80%. No significant differences between the control and the exposed groups were noted concerning fecundity, hatched fry and frequencies of malformed fry. The gonad somatic index (GSI) was determined before and during the spawning period. GSI in control fish increased significantly, while that in the exposed groups remained unchanged between the two sampling occasions. Structural examination of the gills from fish exposed for 2 months to 10 μg TBTO I−1 revealed fusion between secondary lamellae and gradual cell degeneration. The chloride cells were characterized by degenerating mitochondria. Hepatocytes in fish exposed to 2.5 and 10 μg TBTO I−1 contained an increased number of lipid-containing vacuoles and the nucleoli were disorganized and fragmented.  相似文献   

To assess the population genetic structure of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, variability at 18 microsatellite loci was examined in 1724 individuals from 74 locations covering most of the species distribution range in Europe. The results revealed high overall degree of differentiation (F(ST) = 0.21) but contrasting level of divergence and genetic variability between habitat types. Marine populations were genetically relatively uniform even across great geographical distances as compared to substantial differentiation among freshwater populations. Analysis of molecular variance indicated low but significant (2.7%) variation in allele frequencies between geographical regions, but a negligible effect of habitat type (0.2%). The phylogenetic pattern was not explained by habitat type, but a weak signal of populations clustering according to geographical or water system origin was found. The results support the view that three-spined stickleback marine ancestors colonized northern European fresh waters during the postglacial marine submergence c. 10,000 years ago, whereas in the Mediterranean region colonization probably dates back to the Pleistocene. The independent origins of river and lake populations indicate that they originate from multiple colonizations rather than sharing common ancestry. In the continuous marine environment, the low degree of differentiation among populations can be explained by gene flow among subpopulations and large effective population size buffering divergence in neutral markers. In contrast, among postglacially established freshwater populations differentiation appears to be driven by genetic drift and isolation. The stepwise mutations appear to have contributed to the population differentiation in the southern part of the three-spined stickleback distribution range.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences were detected between uninfected sticklebacks and those infected with Schistocephalus solidus in their stomach fullness and diet composition.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to study how gut fullness and encounter with 5-mm Asellus aquaticus influenced acceptance or rejection of less profitable 8-mm Asellus . 45-mm sticklebacks were found to always accept 5-mm prey whereas 8-mm prey were accepted with an initial probability of about 0.9. This probability decreased as the gut filled. Fish of differing sizes and sex had similar daily energy intakes per unit body size, however the acceptance of 8-mm prey was related to fish size. Whenever a fish orientated to a prey it was followed by pursuit and manipulation independently of prey size. The decision to accept or reject prey occurred after one manipulation, a criterion that was more variable for the larger prey. For one feeding session per day the total energy intake was almost constant despite the changing combination of prey sizes eaten. The fish ate prey with long handling times if the energetic contents of the stomach had not reached 450 J. Calculations were made of how many of each millimetre prey size group would satisfy the 450 J demand and how long the estimated number would take to handle. This showed that the best option is to consume 5-mm prey if given the choice.  相似文献   

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