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We present a study of habitat use, oviposition plant choice, and food plant suitability for the checkerspot butterfly Melitaea athalia Rottemburg (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Åland, Finland. We found that in Åland, unlike in the mainland of Finland and many parts of its range, M. athalia flies mainly in open meadows. When offered an array of plants in a large (32 × 26 m) field cage, they predominately oviposited upon Veronica chamaedrys L., V. spicata L. and Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), which grow in open meadows. The relative abundance of the butterfly in Åland, and its habitat and host plant use there, may reflect local adaptation to land use practices and geology that maintain clusters of small open meadows with little successional change. At the scale of a plant patch, preferred species were used as frequently in mixed species patches as in mono-specific patches, and more oviposition occurred in open than in grassy patches. All of the host plants used by M. athalia are defended by iridoid glycosides (IGs). However, oviposition choice among species and among individual plants within species was largely independent of IG concentration. This contrast with the more discerning congener, M. cinxia, supports the idea that host discrimination decreases with increasing host range. Finally, although the adult butterflies chose specific plant species for oviposition, as larvae they performed well on twelve out of thirteen species of plants, including both known hosts and related novel plants that occur in Åland, indicating a much wider range of larval food plant species than adult oviposition species.  相似文献   

Synchronization between the appearance of herbivorous insects and their host-plant phenology is a critical event, especially for short-lived insects such as gall midges. We studied a natural population of Pseudasphondylia neolitseae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces leaf galls on Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) to evaluate the effect of synchronization on gall density in the subsequent generation. To do so, we combined quantitative data on host resources with time lag between emergence and host-available seasons. The gamma distribution model was applied to the emergence curve of P. neolitseae and the normal distribution model to the daily changes in the number of host buds suitable for oviposition; the latter model was transformed into an available-resource curve based on the mean number of host buds required for a single female to realize her eggs. By superimposing the emergence curve on the available-resource curve and calculating overlapped area, the degree of synchronization was evaluated more accurately than previous studies, which had treated only the time lag. The number of females that synchronized with host buds affected gall density in the next generation.  相似文献   

The Plant Vigor Hypothesis (PVH) proposes that natural selection on female oviposition choice results from higher fitness of larvae on more vigorous and larger plant modules. For six consecutive years we tested the PVH predictions by investigating the effect of shoot size of Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae) on the oviposition preference and offspring survival of the gall-midge Schizomyia macrocapillata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Additionally, we analyzed the effects of bottom-up and top-down mortality forces on the system. The hypersensitive reaction (bottom-up effect) accounted for more than 90% larval mortality of S. macrocapillata, making available few galls to be found and killed by natural enemies (top-down effect). Smaller shoots were always more abundant while longer shoots were rare. Nevertheless, the percent number of galls induced by S. macrocapillata was up to 10-fold greater on the largest shoots, corroborating the preference prediction of the PVH. Schizomyia macrocapillata should use over-exploit larger shoots to maximize the preference for, and consequently increase the performance on these shoots. Our results partially support the performance prediction of the PVH: (1) the observed survival was higher than expected on longer shoots, and (2) the ratio of survival per shoot was positively related with shoot length only in 2 years. Thus, we found a link between female preference and larval performance on large-sized shoots, at least in some years. The gall-midge attack pattern in this study might be an evolved response to maximize the female preference and increased larval performance on longer shoots of the host plant.  相似文献   

The interaction between Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and Solanum was examined cytologically using a diverse set of wild Solanum species and potato (S. tuberosum L.) cultivars with various levels of resistance to late blight. In wild Solanum species, in potato cultivars carrying known resistance (R) genes and in nonhosts the major defense reaction appeared to be the hypersensitive response (HR). In fully resistant Solanum species and nonhosts, the HR was fast and occurred within 22 h. This resulted in the death of one to three cells. In partially resistant clones, the HR was induced between 16 and 46 h, and resulted in HR lesions consisting of five or more dead cells, from which hyphae were occasionally able to escape to establish a biotrophic interaction. These results demonstrate the quantitative nature of the resistance to P. infestans. The effectiveness of the HR in restricting growth of the pathogen differed considerably between clones and correlated with resistance levels. Other responses associated with the defense reaction were deposition of callose and extracellular globules containing phenolic compounds. These globules were deposited near cells showing the HR, and may function in cell wall strengthening. Received: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Ehlers K  Kollmann R 《Planta》2000,210(2):269-278
In protoplast-derived Solanum nigrum microcalluses, plasmodesmal connectivity and cell division behaviour of the sister cells were examined by repeated pressure-injection experiments with the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow (LYCH; Mr 457) and concomitant light-microscopical long-term live observations. The studies revealed that the plasmodesmal permeability of the cultured cells differs in the distinct stages of microcallus development. There was a correlation between the symplasmic connectivity of the cells and the synchronousness of their mitotic activity. Sister cells which were symplasmically interconnected by functional plasmodesmata, permitting the diffusion of LYCH, were always found to divide synchronously. However, asynchronous mitotic divisions were exclusively observed in those sister cells whose plasmodesmata were closed to LYCH. The temporary symplasmic isolation is presumably performed by reversible gating of plasmodesmata. Repeated dye-coupling experiments on the same microcalluses showed that symplasmically interconnected sister cells may become uncoupled and vice versa, according to their division behaviour. These findings on cultured cells indicate that modulation of the symplasmic connectivity determines the synchronization of mitotic activity. Yet it remains to be proven whether this is true in planta as well. The results are discussed with respect to the possible role of plasmodesmata in exerting “supracellular control” over mitotic activity by trafficking mitosis-regulating signals. Received: 6 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

Population dynamics of two-host species under direct transmission of an infectious disease or a pathogen is studied based on the Holt–Pickering mathematical model, which accounts for the influence of the pathogen on the population of the two-host species. Through rigorous analysis and a numerical scheme of study, circumstances are specified under which the shared pathogen leads to the coexistence of the two-host species in either a persistent or periodic form. This study shows the importance of intrinsic growth rates or the differences between birth rates and death rates of the two host susceptibles in controlling these circumstances. It is also demonstrated that the periodicity may arise when the positive intrinsic growth rates are very small, but the periodicity is very weak which may not be observed in an empirical investigation.   相似文献   

Conclusion Although there have been reports, based on light microscope observations, of damage to mesophyll tissue as a result of stylet penetration, we saw no evidence of this in our wax sections. However, the use of the electron microscope revealed that such damage does occur, and has also shown that both inter- and intracellular penetration routes exist, often within the same track, whereas we had formerly believed the stylet pathways of these aphids to be almost entirely intercellular. The intramural-extracellular route of penetration, characterised by the presence of stylets and or saliva between the cell wall and plasmalemma, requires the greater resolution of electron microscopy and cannot be distinguished in light microscope preparations.Our results suggest that an accurate indication of the stylet pathway cannot be obtained from the use of light microscopy alone, and raise serious doubts about the value of previous studies describing the route of stylet penetration. Light microscopy shows the track only at the tissue level and not at the cellular level. We advocate that all future studies of aphid stylet penetration should utilise both light and electron microscope studies because only the higher resolution of the latter technique will indicate the true stylet pathway and the end points of the tracks. Only then can the feeding site be determined with any precision.  相似文献   

Neolithic settlements in the Kujawy region of central Poland are represented by seven archaeological sites which have botanical material archaeologically dated to the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) (ca. 5400-5000 cal. B.C.) and the Lengyel culture (ca. 4400-4000 cal. B.C.). The composition of plant remains suggests that Stipa pennata s.l. played a certain role in the economy of the Neolithic settlers. The presence of this xerothermic grass is best explained by local gathering rather than distant transport or coming into the sediment by chance. The finding of Hierochlo? cf. australis grains represents the first identification of this plant in archaeobotanical material from Poland. This, now rare, plant contains coumarin and for this reason could have been useful in prehistory. Other plants such as Bromus spp., Chenopodium album type, Fallopia convolvulus and Galium spp. were found in large quantities, and although common weeds now, they could also have been collected by the Neolithic settlers. Plants such as Corylus avellana and Vaccinium vitis-idaea that are typically considered to be collected as foods are present in the studied material but in very small quantities. Received September 17, 2001 / Accepted March 13, 2002  相似文献   

The resource concentration hypothesis (Root 1973) predicts that specialist herbivorous insects should be more abundant in large patches of host plants, because the insects are more likely to find and stay longer in those patches. Between August 1989 and January 1990 we experimentally tested Root's hypothesis by analyzing the numerical response of four species of herbivorous insects associated with patches of 4, 16, 64 and 225 cabbage plants, Brassica oleracea var. capitata. In addition, we studied the colonization of patches by adults of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and the migration of their larvae in patches of different sizes. No herbivorous insect densities differed significantly with patch size. Adults of P. xylostella colonized all kind of patches equally. Larvae did not migrate between patches, and their disappearance rate did not differ between patches. The resource concentration hypothesis is organism-dependent, being a function of the adult and juvenile herbivore dispersal behavior in relation to the spatial scale of patchiness.  相似文献   

Climatically driven Moran effects have often been invoked as the most likely cause of regionally synchronized outbreaks of insect herbivores without identifying the exact mechanism. However, the degree of match between host plant and larval phenology is crucial for the growth and survival of many spring-feeding pest insects, suggesting that a phenological match/mismatch-driven Moran effect may act as a synchronizing agent.We analyse the phase-dependent spatial dynamics of defoliation caused by cyclically outbreaking geometrid moths in northern boreal birch forest in Fennoscandia through the most recent massive outbreak (2000–2008). We use satellite-derived time series of the prevalence of moth defoliation and the onset of the growing season for the entire region to investigate the link between the patterns of defoliation and outbreak spread. In addition, we examine whether a phase-dependent coherence in the pattern of spatial synchrony exists between defoliation and onset of the growing season, in order to evaluate if the degree of matching phenology between the moth and their host plant could be the mechanism behind a Moran effect.The strength of regional spatial synchrony in defoliation and the pattern of defoliation spread were both highly phase-dependent. The incipient phase of the outbreak was characterized by high regional synchrony in defoliation and long spread distances, compared with the epidemic and crash phase. Defoliation spread was best described using a two-scale stratified spread model, suggesting that defoliation spread is governed by two processes operating at different spatial scale. The pattern of phase-dependent spatial synchrony was coherent in both defoliation and onset of the growing season. This suggests that the timing of spring phenology plays a role in the large-scale synchronization of birch forest moth outbreaks.  相似文献   

Growth, ageing and death of a photoautotrophic plant cell culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peters W  Ritter J  Tiller H  Valdes O  Renner U  Fountain M  Beck E 《Planta》2000,210(3):478-487
 Batch cultures of photoautotrophic cell suspensions of Chenopodiumrubrum L., growing in an inorganic medium on CO2 under a daily balanced light–dark regime of 16 : 8 h could be maintained for approximately 100 d without subcultivation. The long-lived cultures showed an initial cell division phase of 4 weeks, followed by a stationary phase of another 4 weeks, after which ageing and progressive cell death reduced the number of living cells and the cultures usually expired after another 3–4 weeks. These developmental phases of the cell culture were characterised with respect to photosynthetic performance, dark respiration, content of phytohormones and capacity of cell division. Cell division of the majority of the cells finished in the G1- or G0-phase of the cell cycle, caused by a pronounced decline in the endogenous levels of auxin and cytokinins. Supply of these growth factors to resting cells resulted in resumption of cytokinesis, at least by some of the cells. However, responsiveness to the phytohomones declined during the stationary phase, and subcultivation was no longer possible beyond day 60 when the phases of ageing and death commenced. Ageing was characterised by a further decline in the photosynthetic capacity of the cells, by a climacteric enhancement of dark respiration, but also by a slight increase in the level of IAA and cytokinins concomitant with a decrease in ethylene. Similarities and differences between the development of batch-cultured photoautotrophic cells of C. rubrum and that of a leaf are discussed with respect to using the cell culture as a model for a leaf. Received: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 21 August 1999  相似文献   

41 archaeobotanical samples were analysed, which had been collected from the seabed at uvula Verige (Verige bay) on the island of Veli Brijun, Croatia, the site of a Roman villa which was settled from the 1st to the 5th century A. D. From the analysis of plant macrofos-sils it is evident that the eu-Mediterranean evergreen woodland, today described as Quercion ilicis in the phyto-sociological system, already existed in the Roman period. During this period it became degraded as a result of human activities to other vegetation types such as maquis and garrigue scrub, and grassland. The remains of Vitis vinifera (grapevine), Olea europaea (olive), Ficus carica (fig), and Pinus pinea (stone pine) were most frequently recorded; they all derive from very important and characteristic Mediterranean foods. Prunus avium (sweet cherry) and P. persica (peach), some vegetables and spices were probably cultivated, too, as well as some cereals, most probably Panicum miliaceum (millet). Juglans regia (walnut), Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), and Corylus avellana (hazel) were possibly cultivated on the island or imported from neighbouring Istia. The records of some fresh water plants show that there was fresh water in uvala Verige and its surroundings in Roman times, much more than today. Received February 29, 2000 / Accepted January 31, 2001  相似文献   

Summary. Our observations on the growth stimulatory nature of mimosine, (β-(3-hydroxy-4-pyridon-1-yl)-L-alanine), the toxic non-protein plant amino acid, in some model experimental systems, warranted sensitive and selective routine estimations. For the determination of both mimosine and DHP, an indirect spectrophotometric method was developed based on their individual reaction with known excess of DZSAM and by estimating the remaining DZSAM with N-(1-naphthyl)ethylene-diamine (NEDA). The resultant decrease in the secondary coupled product was measured at 540 nm. On equimolar basis, DHP had 40% of the reactivity of mimosine while interference from other relevant compounds was 15–35%. The determination of mimosine and DHP in tissue samples under different physiological conditions was effected after paper chromatographic separation of mimosine and DHP with distinctly differing Rf, from other compounds. The indirect method is superior in terms of absolute selectivity, sensitivity and ease of applicability with linear decreases in absorbance, proportional to increasing concentrations of mimosine from 0.1 to 0.75 μM or DHP from 0.2 to 1.5 μM and with recoveries of 99.2 to 100.5%.  相似文献   

The genus Bruggmanniella Tavares is newly discovered from Taiwan and Bruggmanniella brevipes sp. n. is described as new to science. This is the southernmost species of Bruggmanniella found in the Old World. Furthermore, the gall midge induces bud galls on Neolitsea parvigemma (Hayata) Kaneh (Lauraceae), an endemic species in Taiwan, and the plant genus Neolitsea is the third host genus of Lauraceae-associated Bruggmanniella in East Asia. The knowledge of its distribution and host information provide us to shed the light on evolutionary and biogeography issue of East Asian Bruggmanniella.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:820320EC-17BC-4E00-A401-2DBDA3EEE9C4  相似文献   

 Hydroponically cultivated barley plants were exposed to nitrogen (N)-deficiency followed by N-resupply. Metabolic and genetic regulation of fructan accumulation in the leaves were investigated. Fructan accumulated in barley leaves under N-deficiency was mobilized during N-resupply. The enhanced total activity of fructan-synthesizing enzymes, sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (EC and sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase (6-SFT; EC caused by N-deficiency decreased with the mobilization of fructan during N-resupply. The activity of the barley fructan-degrading enzyme, fructan exohydrolyase (EC was less affected by the N status. The low level of foliar soluble acid invertase activity under N-deficiency conditions was maintained during the commencement of N-resupply but increased subsequently. Further analyses by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, western blot and northern blot demonstrated that the fructan accumulation and the total activity of fructan-synthesizing enzymes correlated with the 6-SFT mRNA level. We suggest that the changes in fructan levels under N stress are intimately connected with the regulation of fructan synthetic rate which is mostly controlled by 6-SFT. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

1. The abundance of insect herbivores is mediated by interactions with higher and lower trophic levels. This research asks (i) how phenological change across trophic levels affects host plant quality and selection for aphids, and (ii) what higher trophic level mechanisms drive aphid abundance. 2. Ligusticum porteri is a perennial host for the sap-feeding aphid Aphis asclepiadis and intraguild mirid predators (chiefly Lygus hesperus) in Colorado. We used long-term observational data to discover that aphids and mirids respond differently to phenological cues. These unique responses can impact aphid abundance through changes to host plant selection and quality. 3. We used behavioural choice assays to assess how advanced mirid phenology influences aphid host plant selection. More alates landed and reproduced on mirid-free control plants relative to host plants with prior mirid feeding. However, this preference did not correlate with aphid performance when we compared aphid relative growth rates between treatments. This suggests that advanced mirid phenology would impact aphid populations more through host plant choice, rather than reductions in host quality. The addition of mirids to experimental aphid colonies also demonstrated reduced aphid colony growth via predation. 4. We measured plant cues involved in host selection and found differences in volatile composition between plants with prior mirid feeding compared to control plants, providing the potential for aphids to detect enemy-free space using volatile cues.  相似文献   

Chia DW  Yoder TJ  Reiter WD  Gibson SI 《Planta》2000,211(5):743-751
Photoassimilates are used by plants for production of energy, as carbon skeletons and in transport of fixed carbon between different plant organs. Many studies have been devoted to characterizing the factors that regulate photoassimilate concentrations in different plant species. Most studies examining photoassimilate concentrations in C3 plants have focused on analyzing starch and soluble sugars. However, work presented here demonstrates that a number of C3 plants, including the popular model organism Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., and agriculturally important plants, such as soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., contain significant quantities of fumaric acid. In fact, fumaric acid can accumulate to levels of several milligrams per gram fresh weight in Arabidopsis leaves, often exceeding those of starch and soluble sugars. Fumaric acid is a component of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and, like starch and soluble sugars, can be metabolized to yield energy and carbon skeletons for production of other compounds. Fumaric acid concentrations increase with plant age and light intensity in Arabidopsis leaves. Moreover, Arabidopsis phloem exudates contain significant quantities of fumaric acid, raising the possibility that fumaric acid may function in carbon transport. Received: 11 February 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Correlation between plant size and reproductive output may be modified by herbivory in accordance with host plant density and the presence of nonhost plants. To elucidate the effects of nonhost plant density and host plant density on the intensity of herbivory and reproductive output of the host plant in relation to plant size under natural conditions, we investigated the abundance of three lepidopteran insects, Plutella maculipennis, Anthocharis scolymus, and Pieris rapae the intensity of herbivory, and fruit set of their host plant, Turritis glabra (Cruciferae). To elucidate the effects of nonhost and host plant density, we selected four categories of plots under natural conditions: low density of nonhost and high density of host plants; low density of both nonhost and host plants; high density of both nonhost and host plants; and high density of nonhost and low density of host plants. The plant size indicated by stem diameter was a good predictor of the abundance of all herbivorous species. The effects of density of nonhost and host plants on the abundance of insects varied among species and stages of insects. As the abundance of insects affected the intensity of herbivory, herbivory was more apparent on larger host plants in plots with low density of both nonhost and host plants. Consequently, the correlation between plant size and the number of fruits disappeared in low plots with density of both nonhost and host plants. In this T. glabra– herbivorous insect system, the density of nonhost plants and host plants plays an important role in modifying the relationship between plants and herbivores under natural conditions. Received: July 19, 1999 / Accepted: June 15, 2000  相似文献   

Estimating the relative suitability of different host plant species for herbivores is usually based on survival and growth parameters, neglecting other parameters such as resistance traits. Adding further complexity, host plant suitability may depend on environmental temperature. We here use the oligophagous pierid butterfly Pieris napi to investigate effects of temperature (during both the larval and the adult stage) and larval host plant species (Alliaria petiolata, Cardamine pratensis and Sinapis alba) on life history and adult stress resistance traits (resistance to desiccation and starvation). Environmental temperature affected all developmental traits: at the lower temperature development time and body mass increased. Temperature also affected adult stress resistance: desiccation and starvation resistance were higher at the lower adult temperature. When the same temperatures were used during larval development, effects on adult stress resistance traits were in the opposite direction. Host plants affected life history (larger body mass and faster development in larvae fed S. alba) and stress resistance traits (best performance in larvae fed A. petiolata) differently. Thus, the relative suitability of a host plant depended on the trait of the herbivore that is focused on and may be subject to local selection pressures. Although interactions with temperature were present for all traits, effect sizes were generally small.  相似文献   

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