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ABSTRACT. In a wind-field experimentally shifted in direction by 35d?, flying male Grapholita molesta (Busck) zigzagging upwind either maintained contact with a pheromone plume and followed it across during the shift or lost it and commenced casting at c. 90d? across the shifting windline to locate it eventually in its new position. Males accomplished both of these results by integrating the previously described systems of optomotor anemotaxis and self-steered counterturning, but with faster reaction-times to pheromone on and off than heretofore calculated for this species. We found no evidence that males following the plume across used chemotaxis as proposed for another species, Rather, the sawtoothed-shaped tracks were a result of the anemotactic and counterturning systems responding rapidly and reiteratively to each loss and gain of pheromone along the plume in the shifting wind. The response to an increase or decrease in pheromone concentration by males was to change their course angle to more upwind or more crosswind, respectively, on the very first reversal (within c. 0.15 s) after the concentration changed. Because males adjusted their airspeeds more slowly to changes in concentration, the groundspeeds along the more upwind-orientated legs were lower than those along cross-wind legs, contributing to the sawtoothed shape of tracks of plume-followers. The self-steered counterturning programme also reacted quickly to concentration changes, the reversal intervals tending to be shorter following each contact with pheromone than after each excursion into cleaner wind. Following casting after losing the plume, males relocating the pheromone plume exhibited an upwind ‘surge’ of narrow zigzagging flight because on the first leg in the plume they steered a course more directly upwind than on the previous leg and increased the frequency of counterturning to its highest value while maintaining the relatively high airspeed acquired while casting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight pattern of mated female navel orangeworm moths, Amyelois transitella (Walker), responding to odour from potential larval hosts is zigzagging upwind flight. However, at times these moths are capable of flying nearly directly upwind towards the odour source (track angles near 0). This response indicates that these females are capable of very accurate anemotactic control of their heading or course angle, since small angular errors in this measure would translate into larger deviations from direct upwind flight. Males of this species exhibit flight patterns similar to those of females, including track angles clustered about 0 when flying upwind to a source of the female-produced pheromone, but under these experimental conditions they flew with a higher average airspeed than the females. When females lose contact with an odour plume they initiate a well-defined programme of cross-wind counterturning or casting, which may normally increase their chances of retrieving contact with that plume when the wind direction shifts. The resultant track angles of females increase significantly by 0.8 s after plume loss, indicating that the female has initiated changes in both her course angle and airspeed. By 1 s after plume loss the females' track angles are no longer unimodally distributed about 0, but are bimodally distributed about -90 and +90. Males responded more rapidly to the loss of a pheromone plume, demonstrating a significant change in track angle 0.4 s after plume loss. Overall, female and male A.transitella exhibited remarkably similar anemotactic flight manoeuvres during upwind flight to odour sources as well as after plume loss.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The zigzagging behaviour of male Plodia interpunctella flying up a plume of sex pheromone was investigated in a horizontal wind tunnel by detailed analysis of the moths' ground tracks, groundspeeds, orientations and airspeeds. The moths ‘homed in’ on the source of the pheromone plume by progressively reducing airspeed and turning more into wind, thereby reducing groundspeed and the distance between track reversals and so narrowing down their zigzags (Fig. 16). Track angles and times between reversals were unaffected. Removing the wind-borne pheromone plume while a moth was flying along it confirmed that zigzagging can be an anemotactic response to losing the scent rather than a chemotactic response to the plume. For the first 1–2 s after the moth entered pheromone-free air the zigzagging was indistinguishable from that shown when the plume remained; thereafter it widened progressively until the moths were flying to and fro at c. 90° to the wind. The after-effect of odour stimulation persisted for many zigs and zags and many seconds (Figs. 4 and 5). Moths flying along pheromone plumes compensated efficiently for differences of wind speed, showing similar distributions of track angles to wind, and of ground-speeds, in winds of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 ms-1 (Figs. 12 and 13). Groundspeed varied with track angle to wind and this relationship was also similar in the three wind speeds (Fig. 14). This constancy of track angles and groundspeeds was due to the moths both increasing their airspeeds and turning more into wind at the higher wind speeds (Fig. 17). Thus the direction of the apparent movement of the ground pattern beneath the moths varied with wind speed. It is inferred that the moths, although unable to sense the wind directly, are able to compensate for changes in wind speed by integrating the wind-dependent optomotor input with information about their own airspeed, or with information about their own turning movements. Maintaining some ‘preferred’ relationship between these inputs by adjustments of orientation and airspeed, would then serve to maintain a given combination of track angle and groundspeed independently of wind speed. The preferred relationship is repeatedly re-set by the changing olfactory input from the pheromone plume, which also controls the switching between left and right of the upwind direction.  相似文献   

Abstract. The behaviour of Heliothis virescens males flying upwind in the field in a sex pheromone plume was videorecorded and analysed. Males flew faster and straighter, with less counterturning, and heading more directly into the wind when they were 9-11m away from the odour source than when they were 1–3 m away. Regardless of their distance from the source or the windspeed, they maintained an average groundspeed of c. 200 cm s_1, except when they arrived within 1 m of the source, when their groundspeed slowed significantly. Two or more males flying in the plume at the same instant often exhibited either extremely straight and directly upwind tracks or else zigzagging tracks with significant counterturning (as did males flying through the field of view of the cameras at slighdy different times). The males' position, either in the centre of the plume's axis or along one side, might explain these differences in track straightness, which previous studies with H.virescens have shown to be caused by higher frequencies of contact with plume filaments. When a significant shift in wind direction occurred, males tended to make an initial movement in the direction of the shift, perhaps due to latencies of response in both the olfactory and visual systems associated with flying into clean air. The males' behaviour in the field overall was similar to that observed in the wind tunnel, except that their airspeeds and groundspeeds were significantly higher than those observed in the laboratory. The fact that they flew faster in the field can be explained both by the significandy higher windspeeds that males need to compensate for in the field to attain a preferred velocity of image motion, as well as by a higher height of flight over the ground in die field causing a slower apparent motion of images at a given groundspeed compared with the laboratory.  相似文献   

Male moths locate conspecific females by pheromone‐induced upwind flight maintained by detecting a visual flow, termed optomotor anemotaxis. Their behavioural pattern is characterized by an upwind surge in response to a pheromone stimulus and crosswind casting after odour loss, which is considered to be reset and restarted on receipt of another pheromone pulse. However, pheromone‐stimulated males of the potato tuberworm moth Phthorimaea operculella exhibit a series of short and straight intermittent flights, or hops, when moving upwind. It is unclear whether they navigate by employing the same behavioural pattern and wind detection mechanism as that used by flying moths. To analyze odour‐modulated anemotaxis in male potato tuberworm moths, a flat wind tunnel is constructed to give regular odour stimuli to an insect regardless of its location. Moths are subjected to pheromone pulses of different frequencies to test whether they show a behavioural pattern that is reset and restarted by a pheromone pulse. Moths on the ground are also subjected to crosswind shear to examine their detection of wind direction. Path analyses reveal that males surge upwind when they receive a pheromone pulse and exhibit casting by successive hops when they lose odour. This behavioural pattern appears to be similar to that of flying moths. When the direction of the airflow is switched orthogonally, males adjust their course angle accordingly when they are on the ground. It is suggested that, instead of optomotor anemotaxis, this ‘aim‐then‐shoot’ system aids the detection of wind direction, possibly by mechanosensory means.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mature female Brachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) were conditioned to fly towards vanilla odour in a wind tunnel. We analysed the tracks of wasps flying along turbulent plumes of either host odour (pupae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar) or vanilla odour, along either a ribbon plume or a turbulent plume of vanilla odour, and before and after plume removal. Wasps flew in similar shallow zigzagging tracks along the turbulent plume of host and vanilla odours. When the plume was removed while wasps were flying upwind along a turbulent plume of vanilla odour, wasps either maintained an upwind course or drifted sideways, alternating upwind and downwind courses before turning around and flying downwind. No wasp casted upon loss of the plume.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the field over short grass, pheromone-stimulated oriental fruit moth males, Grapholita molesta (Busck), flying under high windspeeds tended to steer courses more into the wind and to increase their airspeeds compared with those flying in low windspeeds.Thus, optomotor anemotaxis enabled the males to steer relatively consistent upwind track angles and to maintain an upwind progress of between c. 50–100 cm/s despite variable wind velocities.Zigzagging flight tracks were observed at both 10 m and 3 m from the source, as were tracks with no apparent zigzags.Transitions from casting to upwind flight or vice-versa were observed.The durations of the intervals between reversals during both upwind zigzagging flight and casting were consistent with those observed in previous wind-tunnel experiments.The control of altitude was more precise during upwind zigzagging flight than during casting.In general, the side-to-side deviations in the tracks were greater than the up-and-down deviations, with both the side-to-side and vertical distances and their ratios being consistent with previous wind-tunnel studies of pheromone-mediated flight.One difference between the field and laboratory flight tracks was that males in the field exhibited much higher airspeeds than in the wind tunnel.Males occasionally were observed to progress downwind faster than the wind itself, and further analysis showed that they were steering a downwind course in pheromone-free air following exposure to pheromone, which is the first time this has been recorded in moths.We propose that such downwind flight may aid in the relocation of a pheromone plume that has been lost due to a wind-shift, by enabling the moth to catch up to the pheromone as it recedes straight downwind away from the source.  相似文献   

Abstract. To test the hypothesis that tsetse flies use visual input from the apparent movement of the ground to assess wind direction while in flight, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood females were video- recorded in a wind-tunnel as they entered, in cross-wind flight, a broad plume of simulated host odour (C02 at c. 0.05%). The tunnel (2.3 times 1.2 m wide) generated winds up to 0.25 m s-1 and had a strongly patterned floor that could be moved upwind or downwind to increase or decrease the visual input due to wind drift. Flight tracks were analysed for speed, direction relative to the wind, and angle of turn. Mean groundspeeds were c. 1.8 m s-1. In control measurements in still air (with or without odour) flies turned 50:50 'upwind': 'downwind'. With a 0.25 m s-1 odour-perme- ated wind, 79% turned upwind, and c. 70% left view flying upwind. When the floor was moved at 0.25 m s-1 upwind (to mimic the visual input from the ground due to a 0.5 m s_-1 wind), the strength of this response increased. If instead the floor was moved downwind, faster than the wind speed (to mimic the visual input due to a wind from the opposite direction), 59% turned downwind and c. 70% left view flying downwind, and thus away from the source (though progressing 'upwind' in terms of the visual input from apparent ground pattern movement). Upwind turns were on average significantly larger than downwind turns. It is concluded that tsetse navigate up host odour plumes in flight by responding to the visual flow fields due to their movement over the ground (optomotor anemotaxis), even in weak winds blowing at a fraction of their groundspeed.  相似文献   

Optomotor anemotaxis polarizes self-steered zigzagging in flying moths   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Experiments with oriental fruit moth males, Grapholita molesta (Buck), provide evidence that a pheromone plume in zero wind elicits an endogenous, self-steered programme of counterturning (zigzagging) flight, and that wind experienced in flight establishes the polarity of the counterturns; they become aligned so that displacement occurs toward the source, even after the wind is stopped. In zero wind, males located a pheromone source more frequently when they had experienced a wind after having already taken flight before the wind was stopped (46%) compared with those that took flight later and therefore only experienced wind while they were in contact with the ground (14%). Furthermore, males placed in a stationary pheromone plume in zero wind located the source, eventually, on 21% of occasions. The flight tracks of these males, as well as those having experienced a wind only while on the ground, often exhibited repetitive counterturns (zigzags) of c. 180–200. However, the counterturns meandered around the flight tunnel, the inter-reversal track angles having no consistent direction. Sometimes the males displaced down-tunnel in the stationary plume, sometimes up, eventually locating the source and performing a courtship display. The inter-reversal track angles of males counterturning in wind, on the other hand, displayed a consistent orientation of c. 60 to either side of the wind line, resulting in consistent upwind displacement toward the source. With no pheromone present, with or without wind, counterturns were not observed.  相似文献   

Male moths respond to sex pheromone sources with up-wind flight behaviour. Localization of the odour source requires not only detection of the olfactory stimulus, but also other sensory input regarding, e.g. visual and mechanical stimuli. Thus, integration of different types of sensory input is necessary. It is, however, not known where in the central nervous system the integration of information regarding different sensory modalities takes place. Using intracellular recording and staining techniques, we investigated neurons in the antennal lobe of Spodoptera littoralis, during stimulation with a mechanical stimulus and a sex pheromone. Fifteen percent of all the neurons investigated responded to the mechanical stimulus and the majority of these neurons showed altered responses if the olfactory stimulus was added. A receptor neuron responding only to the wind stimulus was found to arborise in the antennal lobe. Most projection neurons responded with an enhanced action potential frequency to the combined stimulus. In local interneurons, enhancement, depression, or no change of the responses to the wind stimulus was found when the olfactory stimulus was added. The results suggest that neurons present in the antennal lobe integrate mechanosensory and olfactory input, possibly assisting the moths to orient during up-wind flight towards an odour source.  相似文献   

Odor source localization is an important animal behavior. Male moths locate mates by tracking sex pheromone emitted by conspecific females. During this type of behavior, males exhibit a combination of upwind surge and zigzagging flight. Similarly, the male walking moth Bombyx mori responds to transient pheromone exposure with a surge in movement, followed by sustained zigzagging walking. The initial surge direction is known to be influenced by the pheromone input pattern. Here, we identified the sensory input patterns that determine the initial walking direction of males. We first quantified the stimulus by measuring electroantennogram values, which were used as a reference for subsequent tests. We used a brief stimulus pulse to examine the relationship between sensory stimulus patterns and the turning direction of initial surge. We found that the difference in input timing and intensity between left and right antennae affected the walking direction, indicating that B. mori integrate bilateral pheromone information during orientation behavior. When we tested pheromone stimulation for longer periods, turning behavior was suppressed, which was induced by stimulus cessation. This study contributes toward understanding efficient strategies for odor-source localization that is utilized by walking insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. Walking alate virginoparae of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and Aphis fabae Scopoli were presented with odours of steam-distilled extracts of the non-host plants summer savoury ( Satureja hortensis L.) and tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare L.) in an olfactometer. No effects of the extracts were observed on B. brassicae. However, A.fabae were repelled by summer savoury and tansy odour; both extracts also masked an attractant response to bean (host plant) odour. In a flight chamber, air permeated with odour from host or non-host plants was blown over flying alates of both species, with a green, plant-mimicking target presented once a minute. The incidence of targeted (host-responsive) flight of B.brassicae was not affected by odour from a growing host plant ( Brassica oleoracea ) or a non-host plant tansy. Host plant ( Vicia faba ) odour did not affect the initial rate of climb or the incidence of targeted flight of A.fabae , but when the bean odour was alternated with odour from non-host tansy plants a greater number of targeted flights occurred in the host plant odour. The volatile extracts of tansy and summer savoury were also presented to flying A.fabae. Aphids flying in air permeated with tansy odour at 450g plant equivalents initiated fewer targeted flights than when flying in clean air. However, no differences in flight behaviour were observed with summer savoury extract. In a horizontal wind tunnel the tansy extract at 90 g plant equivalents blown across the surface of yellow targets reduced the numbers of alate A.fabae landing. The results indicate that plant odours can affect flight and landing of aphids.  相似文献   

While walking upwind to a pheromone source, male oriental fruit moths, Grapholita molesta (Busck) exhibit none of the temporally regular course reversals (counterturns) and resultant zigzag tracks which characterise the tracks of males flying upwind to pheromone. Rather, males walk in a nearly straight line, steering directly upwind, in contrast to flying males, which steer a course alternating back and forth about 15–20° to either side of the windline. These results support the idea that counterturning in males flying to pheromone sources is a mechanism which enhances their visual perception of wind-induced drift. Counterturning would be unnecessary in walking males, which can perceive wind velocity and direction via mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

Odor-modulated upwind flight of the sphinx moth,Manduca sexta L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Male and female Manduca sexta flew upwind in response to the odor of female sex-pheromone gland extract or fresh tobacco leaf respectively, and generated very similar zigzagging tracks along the odor plume. 2. After loss of odor during flight, males and females alike: (1) first flew slower and steered their flight more across the wind, then (2) stopped moving upwind, and finally (3) regressed downwind. 3. Males flying upwind in a pheromone plume in wind of different velocities maintained their ground speed near a relatively constant 'preferred' value by increasing their air speed as the velocity of the wind increased, and also maintained the average angle of their resultant flight tracks with respect to the wind at a preferred value by steering a course more precisely due upwind. 4. The inter-turn duration and turn rate, two measures of the temporal aspects of the flight track, were maintained, on average, with remarkable consistency across all wind velocities and in both sexes. The inter-turn durations also decreased significantly as moths approached the odor source, suggesting modulation of the temporal pattern of turning by some feature of the odor plume. This temporal regularity of turning appears to be one of the most stereotyped features of odor-modulated flight in M. sexta.  相似文献   

Cotesia rubecula Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a specialist larval parasitoid of the butterfly Pieris rapae L. which itself feeds almost exclusively upon cruciferous plants. Female wasps are attracted to the odour of host-infested plant (plant-host complex: PHC) and the probability of flights in a wind tunnel depends on females' prior oviposition experience with the PHC and on the concentration of the PHC odour. This study considers the effect of both factors on characteristics of oriented flight upwind towards the PHC. The flight track parameters that we measured and calculated were not significantly affected by these factors. C. rubecula females exhibited high average flight velocity and relatively straight flight tracks. There was a considerable variability between individuals, however, in their odour-modulated upwind flight tracks. Some females generated a zigzagging upwind flight track similar to those commonly observed from male moths responding to female sex pheromone. Other females flew along a straight track directly upwind. The flight tracks of most female wasps were intermediate between these extremes. The full range of these flight performances was observed to all experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The arrival of individually marked Glossina pallidipes Austen at a host odour source after their video-timed release from 30–75 m downwind was measured in the field in Zimbabwe. In the absence of odour, the proportion recaptured was <2% (= - random expectation); when synthetic ox odour was released, the probability of recapture at the source increased with proximity of release, from 6% at 75 m to 21% at 30 m (about twice this number arrived within ∼2 m of the source). There were two distinct distributions of recaptures: a 'fast' cohort which found the source within 40 s, and a 'slow' cohort which took from one to >20 min, with ∼50% of the flies in each cohort. The fastest flies probably reached the source in a single, mainly straight flight from take-off, at an overall average (straight line) displacement speed of 2.8-4.5 ms-1 (i.e. close to the preferred flight speed of ∼5 m s-1). The flies apparently maintained their ground speed largely independent of the wind speed they headed into. The 'slow' cohort had a constant probability of arrival at the source, presumably after losing and re-contacting the plume, and after having stopped at least once on the way. There were no marked correlations with wind parameters, although the probability of recapture increased slightly with the directness of the wind from the source, and the probability of 'slow' flight increased slightly with wind speed. It is inferred that a repeated sequence of anemotactic 'aim-then-shoot' orientation at take-off plus optomotor-steered in-flight correction of direction is used as a form of biassed random walk to bring the flies close to the odour source, rather than the use of moth-type anemotactic zigzagging.  相似文献   

The detection of food odour by the freshwater eels, Anguilla australis and Anguilla dieffenbachii released a behavioural response to flow that resulted in direct upstream movement toward the odour source. Changes in various orientation parameters were observed as eels neared the source. Eels had substantially lower swimming velocities and considerably more variable heading and course angles close to the odour source (≤0·9 m) than further away (>0·9 m). Observed changes in orientation parameters were primarily due to changes in the behaviour of a searcher following odour loss. Cross-stream movements were initiated when the eel moved beyond the lateral margins of the odour plume. The behavioural switch from odour-conditioned rheotaxis to cross-stream casting following odour loss occurred more frequently close to the odour source where the plume was most narrow. Odour-conditioned rheotaxis enables the searcher to move quickly and efficiently toward the odour source without the need to extract directional information from a highly intermittent and complex chemical signal.  相似文献   

We recorded the responses of individual intertidal crabs, Heterozius rotundifrons, to stimuli presented singly and in combinations in the laboratory. Undisturbed crabs did not respond to the introduction of odour from a crushed conspecific but did respond strongly to food odour. Undisturbed crabs responded equally to food odour alone and a combination of food and odour from a crushed conspecific. When tactile stimulation was applied, as when the crab is grasped by a predator, individual H. rotunidfrons assumed a rigid, appendage-extended posture for several minutes. Tests with predatory fish showed that this catatonic posture is a very effective predator-defence mechanism. The duration of the catatonic state was decreased by the addition of food odour but increased by the addition of alarm odour (crushed conspecific) or the combination of alarm and food odours. Thus, which chemical stimulus was dominant was reversed by tactile input (i.e. dominance was contingent upon context). The effect of alarm odour on food odour responses lasted 4 h. Visual input in the form of a shadow passing over the crabs, either before or after tactile induction of the catatonic state, also increased the duration of that state. However, the duration of the catatonic state following exposure to both cues associated with danger (shadow+alarm odour) was similar to that of the control level. The crabs appeared to switch strategies when three cues associated with danger (tactile grasping, alarm odour and shadows) were detected, either simultaneously or over a 4-h period. The results illustrate the highly contingent nature of the behaviour of these crabs. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Two commonly used sampling devices (a wind tunnel and the US EPA dynamic emission chamber), were used to collect paired samples of odorous air from a number of agricultural odour sources. The odour samples were assessed using triangular, forced-choice dynamic olfactometry. The odour concentration data was combined with the flushing rate data to calculate odour emission rates for both devices on all sources. Odour concentrations were consistently higher in samples collected with a flux chamber (ratio ranging from 10:7 to 5:1, relative to wind tunnel samples), whereas odour emission rates were consistently larger when derived from wind tunnels (ratio ranging from 60:1 to 240:1, relative to flux chamber values). A complex relationship existed between emission rate estimates derived from each device, apparently influenced by the nature of the emitting surface. These results have great significance for users of odour dispersion models, for which an odour emission rate is a key input parameter.  相似文献   

Argulus coregoni is an ectoparasite primarily infesting freshwater salmonids. Sexually reproducing parasites such as A. coregoni are confronted with a dilemma between finding a mate and the costs involved in doing so; if mating partners are unavailable on a host, by leaving to search for a mate on a new host, the parasite is exposed to risks such as predation and energy loss. The utilization of chemical cues could enhance the probability of finding a host and/or a suitable mating partner and thus decrease the level of costs associated with detachment from the host. In this study we constructed a Y-maze arena to determine if adult A. coregoni respond to mate- and host-related chemical cues. We also tested the directional response towards light, since it has been suggested that photic cues are the most important cues for juvenile A. coregoni locating a host. Our results showed that both sexes were attracted to light and fish odour. Free-swimming A. coregoni males responded to chemical cues produced by adult females but not vice versa. The hierarchy of these stimuli was analyzed by pitting the cues against one another in the Y-maze, showing that light was the most salient stimulus for both male and female parasites. Moreover, male parasites were more strongly attracted towards light and fish odour than female odour. In another experiment in a semi-natural environment, we examined whether the ability of A. coregoni males to detect female odour influences their host choice. Free-swimming males did not preferentially infest fish infected with female parasites over parasite-free fish. We suggest that a hierarchy of stimulus responses exists, whereby free-swimming parasites first respond to host-related signals and most dominantly to visual cues. However, cues connected to mate finding may become a priority for late adult stages and/or once the parasite has attached to the host.  相似文献   

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