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While the population of endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) has grown from 15 individuals in 1941 to an estimated 304 birds today, the population growth is not sufficient to support a down-listing of the species to threatened status. The degree to which disease may be limiting the population growth of whooping cranes is unknown. One disease of potential concern is caused by two crane-associated Eimeria species: Eimeria gruis and E. reichenowi. Unlike most species of Eimeria, which are localized to the intestinal tract, these crane-associated species may multiply systemically and cause a potentially fatal disease. Using a non-invasive sampling approach, we assessed the prevalence and phenology of Eimeria oocysts in whooping crane fecal samples collected across two winter seasons (November 2012–April 2014) at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge along the Texas Gulf coast. We also compared the ability of microscopy and PCR to detect Eimeria in fecal samples. Across both years, 26.5% (n = 328) of fecal samples were positive for Eimeria based on microscopy. Although the sensitivity of PCR for detecting Eimeria infections seemed to be less than that of microscopy in the first year of the study (8.9% vs. 29.3%, respectively), an improved DNA extraction protocol resulted in increased sensitivity of PCR relative to microscopy in the second year of the study (27.6% and 20.8%, respectively). The proportion of positive samples did not vary significantly between years or among sampling sites. The proportion of Eimeria positive fecal samples varied with date of collection, but there was no consistent pattern of parasite shedding between the two years. We demonstrate that non-invasive fecal collections combined with PCR and DNA sequencing techniques provides a useful tool for monitoring Eimeria infection in cranes. Understanding the epidemiology of coccidiosis is important for management efforts to increase population growth of the endangered whooping crane.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Previous studies of Whooping Crane demography used estimates of fecundity rates based on females in captivity, and breeding success was estimated based on either the number of unbanded pairs nesting or the number arriving in wintering areas with chicks. We analyzed demographic data from 12 cohorts of banded Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) from the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge/Wood Buffalo National Park (ANWR/WBNP) population that had not been compiled previously into a single data base and had not been included in previous population analyses. We estimated age‐specific survival and natality, parameterized an age‐structured density‐dependent model, and projected population sizes assuming two different estimates of wintering ground carrying capacity. Sixty‐seven of 132 birds banded between 1977 and 1988 formed nesting pairs, females first produced hatchlings when 3 to 7 yrs old, and the annual proportion of mature females that reproduced successfully ranged from 0.566 to 0.606. Population projections indicate that the down‐listing criterion of reaching a population size of 1000 individuals might be attained considerably later than the target year (2035) indicated in the Whooping Crane recovery plan. Even assuming that all suitable habitat within a ~100‐km radius of their current winter range could be occupied, projections suggest that population size may be ~700 in 2035, and might not reach 1000 individuals until the mid‐2060s. Based on their territorial behavior on the wintering grounds, long generation time and faithfulness to their migratory route, we suspect that the population growth rate may decrease markedly in the near future and the ANWR/WBNP population may remain below the target down‐listing size of 1000 individuals.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is a key demographic process for evaluating the population rate of change, especially for long‐lived, highly mobile species. This process is largely unknown for reintroduced populations of endangered avian species. We evaluated natal dispersal distances (NDD) for male and female Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) introduced into two locations in central Wisconsin (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, or NNWR, and the Eastern Rectangle, or ER) using a series of demographic, spatial, and life history‐related covariates. Data were analyzed using gamma regression models with a log‐link function and compared using Akaike information criterion corrected for small sample sizes (AICc). Whooping Cranes released in the ER dispersed 261% further than those released into NNWR, dispersal distance increased 4% for each additional nesting pair, decreased about 24% for males as compared to females, increased by 21% for inexperienced pairs, and decreased by 3% for each additional year of age. Natal philopatry, habitat availability or suitability, and competition for breeding territories may be influencing observed patterns of NDD. Whooping Cranes released in the ER may exhibit longer NDD due to fragmented habitat or conspecific attraction to established breeding pairs at NNWR. Additionally, sex‐biased dispersal may be increasing in this population as there are more individuals from different natal sites forming breeding pairs. As the population grows and continues to disperse, the drivers of NDD patterns may change based on individual or population behavior.  相似文献   

2005年1—3月,在云南丽江拉市海就群体规模对越冬灰鹤(Grusgrus)警戒行为的影响进行了研究。用扫描取样记录群体的规模和警戒个体的数量、用焦点取样记录群体中个体警戒行为的频次和持续时间,结果显示灰鹤群体和个体的警戒力均随群体规模增加而降低,但集群个体数超过30只后,群体警戒力便不会再下降(P>0.05)、成体的警戒持续时间也会增加(P<0.01);当群体规模超过50只后,成体的警戒频次也会上升(P<0.05)。推测亚成体维持低警戒的群体规模上限值要高于成体,单从警戒行为分析,20—30只个体的集群可能代表越冬灰鹤的最适群体大小。  相似文献   

The enteric flora of captive whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) has not been well described, despite its potential importance in the understanding of both the normal condition of the intestinal physiology of these animals and the altered colonization within disease states in these birds. Nineteen whooping cranes and 23 sandhill cranes housed currently at the Calgary Zoo or its affiliated Devonian Wildlife Conservation Centre (DWCC) in Calgary, Alberta were sampled from October 2004–February 2005 by collecting aerobic and anaerobic cloacal swabs from each bird. There were seven major groupings of bacteria isolated from both species of crane. Gram‐positive cocci, coliforms, and gram‐negative bacilli were the most prevalent types of bacteria isolated for both crane species, with Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus Group D, not Enterococcus the bacterial species isolated most commonly. There was a significant difference in the average number of isolates per individual between the two crane species but no differences between age or gender categories within crane species. Campylobacter sp. were isolated from five whooping cranes. The potential zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from one whooping crane and C. upsaliensis was isolated from a second. Three other isolates were unspeciated members of the Campylobacter genus and likely belong to a species undescribed previously. The evaluation of the enteric cloacal flora of whooping cranes and sandhill cranes illustrates that differences exist between these two closely related crane species, and highlights the potential implications these differences may have for current practices involving captive wildlife. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Predictive models of habitat suitability for the Common Crane Grus grus in a wintering area of southern Portugal were derived using logistic multiple regression and Geographic Information Systems. The study area was characterized by landscape variables and surveyed uniformly for the presence of cranes. The most important variables were distance to roosts, to open Holm Oak woods and to villages, and the occurrence of unpaved roads, shrubby vegetation, slope and orchards. Two models were built, the second having one variable fewer than the first. The selection of the best model was based on statistical and biological criteria. Crane distribution was negatively related to: distance to open Holm Oak Quercus rotundifolia woods and roosts. Additionally, unsuitable vegetation and orchard areas are avoided. In these areas movement is difficult, food availability is reduced and the risk of predation increased. We also found that villages and roads were avoided; disturbance is a significant factor for this species. Some management guidelines are proposed for the area: (1) maintenance of open Holm Oak woodlands, (2) incentives to avoid the abandonment of traditional agriculture and pastoral use of the area, which would lead to an increase of shrubby vegetation areas, (3) preservation of suitable roosting places and (4) management of new patches of forest and orchards.  相似文献   

Instantaneous scan sampling for mean distance and synchronous action patterns and all-occurrence sampling for unison call, dance, strut, and hoover-up behaviors were conducted for five potential whooping crane pairs at Patuxent Environmental Science Center, Laurel, Maryland. Dance, strut, and hoover-up differed among pairs, as did total frequency of social behaviors. It was unclear whether or not total frequency of social behaviors during pair formation can be used as an index for potential breeding success. The relative importance of different action patterns should be used as indices of pair compatibility in captive whooping cranes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

云贵高原黑颈鹤的种群数量和分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
云贵高原有黑颈鹤的两个越冬区:(1)云南西部;(2)云南东北部和贵州西北部。这两个地区的黑颈鹤数量占全球种群的1/4至1/3。国际鹤类基金会与云南省林业厅于2001/2002年冬季在云贵高原联合对黑颈鹤进行了一次同步计数,本次调查覆盖了17个已知或潜在的黑颈鹤越冬地点,其中15个地点有黑颈鹤分布。在2002年1月18日和19日,分别记录到3261和3182只黑颈鹤。本调查还统计了灰鹤、斑头雁和赤麻鸭,数量分别为:灰鹤804和1158只;斑头雁1759和2978只;赤麻鸭3442和5444只。与1991/1992年冬季进行的调查结果相比,黑颈鹤在这一地区的数量增加了90%以上。  相似文献   

The perception of emotions is often suggested to be multimodal in nature, and bimodal as compared to unimodal (auditory or visual) presentation of emotional stimuli can lead to superior emotion recognition. In previous studies, contrastive aftereffects in emotion perception caused by perceptual adaptation have been shown for faces and for auditory affective vocalization, when adaptors were of the same modality. By contrast, crossmodal aftereffects in the perception of emotional vocalizations have not been demonstrated yet. In three experiments we investigated the influence of emotional voice as well as dynamic facial video adaptors on the perception of emotion-ambiguous voices morphed on an angry-to-happy continuum. Contrastive aftereffects were found for unimodal (voice) adaptation conditions, in that test voices were perceived as happier after adaptation to angry voices, and vice versa. Bimodal (voice + dynamic face) adaptors tended to elicit larger contrastive aftereffects. Importantly, crossmodal (dynamic face) adaptors also elicited substantial aftereffects in male, but not in female participants. Our results (1) support the idea of contrastive processing of emotions (2), show for the first time crossmodal adaptation effects under certain conditions, consistent with the idea that emotion processing is multimodal in nature, and (3) suggest gender differences in the sensory integration of facial and vocal emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

Due to loss and degradation of natural wetlands, waterbirds increasingly rely on surrounding human-dominated habitats to obtain food. Quantifying vigilance patterns, investigating the trade-off among various activities, and examining the underlying mechanisms will help us understand how waterbirds adapt to human-caused disturbances. During two successive winters (November-February of 2012–13 and 2013–14), we studied the hooded crane, Grus monacha, in the Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve (NNR), China, to investigate how the species responds to human disturbances through vigilance and activity time-budget adjustments. Our results showed striking differences in the behavior of the cranes when foraging in the highly disturbed rice paddy fields found in the buffer zone compared with the degraded natural wetlands in the core area of the NNR. Time spent vigilant decreased with flock size and cranes spent more time vigilant in the human-dominated buffer zone. In the rice paddy fields, the birds were more vigilant but also fed more at the expense of locomotion and maintenance activities. Adult cranes spent more time vigilant and foraged less than juveniles. We recommend habitat recovery in natural wetlands and community co-management in the surrounding human-dominated landscape for conservation of the hooded crane and, generally, for the vast numbers of migratory waterbirds wintering in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River floodplain.  相似文献   

The source-filter theory describes vocal production as a two-stage process involving the generation of a sound source, with its own spectral structure, which is then filtered by the resonant properties of the vocal tract. This theory has been successfully applied to the study of animal vocal signals since the 1990s. As an extension, models reproducing vocal tract resonance can be used to reproduce formant patterns and to understand the role of vocal tract filtering in nonhuman vocalizations. We studied three congeneric lemur species —Eulemur fulvus, E. macaco, E. rubriventer— using morphological measurements to build computational models of the vocal tract to estimate formants, and acoustic analysis to measure formants from natural calls. We focused on call types emitted through the nose, without apparent articulation. On the basis of anatomical measurements, we modeled the vocal tract of each species as a series of concatenated tubes, with a cross-sectional area that changed along the tract to approximate the morphology of the larynx, the nasopharyngeal cavity, the nasal chambers, and the nostrils. For each species, we calculated the resonance frequencies in 2500 randomly generated vocal tracts, in which we simulated intraspecific length and size variation. Formant location and spacing showed significant species-specific differences determined by the length of the vocal tract. We then measured formants of a set of nasal vocalizations (“grunts”) recorded from captive lemurs of the same species. We found species-specific differences in the natural calls. This is the first evidence that morphology of the vocal tract is relevant in generating filter-related acoustic cues that potentially provide receivers with information about the species of the emitter.  相似文献   

Endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) have been produced in captivity for reintroduction programs since the 1980s, using techniques such as artificial insemination, multiple clutching, and captive-rearing to speed recovery efforts. Chicks are often hand-reared (HR) by caretakers in crane costumes, socialized into groups and released together, unlike parent-reared (PR) cranes that are raised individually by a male/female crane pair and released singly. HR cranes historically exhibit greater morbidity rates during development than PR cranes, involving musculoskeletal and respiratory system disease, among others. We hypothesized that HR crane chicks exhibit a higher baseline fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) concentrations during the development compared with PR chicks. Fecal samples were collected between 15 and 70 days of age from HR (n = 15) and PR (n = 8) chicks to test for differences in FGM concentrations using a radioimmunoassay technique following ethanol extraction for steroids. Linear mixed model analysis suggests increasing age of the chick was associated with an increase in FGM (p < .001). Analysis also supported the interaction between rearing strategy and sex of the crane chick (p < .01). Female PR chicks had greater FGM concentrations than all other groups (PR male, p < .01; HR female, p < .001; and HR male, p < .001). This result suggests that there may be an effect of rearing strategy on stress physiology of whooping crane chicks, especially among females. Further research is needed to investigate whether the FGM concentrations are reflective of true differences in stress physiology of young cranes and whether this may impact health and conservation success.  相似文献   

贵州草海越冬黑颈鹤飞出飞回夜栖地行为节律初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野生动物行为节律常常是其对环境变化的一种行为适应。黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)越冬期会利用固定夜栖地,形成每天早晨飞出觅食,傍晚飞回夜栖的固定行为模式。为探索这一固定行为模式在越冬不同时期的变化及其影响因素,利用瞬时扫描法对草海湿地全部7个固定夜栖地的黑颈鹤飞出和飞回夜栖地准确时间及飞出之前和飞回之后在夜栖地的行为节律进行了观察。并且保证越冬前期(11月9日至12月31日)、中期(1月1日至2月21)和后期(2月22日至3月31日)3个阶段的调查时间分别不低于15 d。结果表明,越冬不同时期黑颈鹤飞出夜栖地时间差异极显著(F=23.38,P0.01),飞回夜栖地时间存在显著性差异(F=3.51,P0.05)。整个越冬期,黑颈鹤飞出夜栖地时间在中期延后,而到后期则更为提前,越冬前期、中期和后期飞出夜栖地的平均时间分别为7:34时、7:40时和7:13时;而飞回夜栖地时间逐渐延后,平均时间由前期的17:12时,至中期的17:40时和后期的18:15时。黑颈鹤飞出夜栖地之前的行为在越冬前期、中期和后期差异极显著(F=1 768.25,df=12,P0.01),飞回夜栖地之后的行为在前期、中期和后期差异亦极显著(F=793.98,df=12,P0.01)。越冬前期、中期和后期,黑颈鹤飞出夜栖地之前的行为与飞回夜栖地之后的行为均差异极显著(前期F=2 723.16,df=6,P0.01;中期F=1 979.48,df=6,P0.01;后期F=5 098.18,df=6,P0.01)。黑颈鹤在飞出夜栖地前的80 min内,其行为以保养(34.32%)和休息(32.38%)为主;而飞回夜栖地后的90 min内,以觅食(43.04%)和休息(23.68%)为主。飞出时刻与日出时刻呈显著强相关(r=0.832,n=48,P0.01),飞回时刻与日落时刻呈弱相关(r=0.353,n=47,P0.01)。日出时间与黑颈鹤飞出夜栖地的时间的差值(Y1)受飞离时的空气湿度(W)影响,二者成反比,Y1=0.469﹣0.625W,P0.05。黑颈鹤飞回夜栖地时刻与日落时刻的差值(Y2)受当天平均温度(T)的影响较为显著,Y2=1.231﹣0.107T,P0.05,当天平均温度越高黑颈鹤飞回夜栖地时间越早,温度越低,黑颈鹤飞回夜栖地的时间越晚。研究结果对于进一步探讨黑颈鹤完整夜栖行为及其对干扰的适应性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2014年11月至2015年3月,以及2015年11月至2016年3月,利用卫星跟踪技术对6只越冬于鄱阳湖的白枕鹤(Grus vipio)活动区面积进行了研究,利用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)分析了水位、气温、年份、年龄及个体差异对活动区面积的影响,利用Pearson相关分析将对活动区面积影响较大的因子与活动区面积进行了相关性分析。结果发现,两个越冬期内白枕鹤平均周活动区面积,2014至2015越冬期为(57.85±94.67)km~2,2015至2016越冬期为(12.01±17.74)km~2。在两个越冬期内,活动区面积均呈显著下降趋势(2014~2015年,t=﹣2.831,P0.01;2015~2016年,t=﹣3.422,P0.01);气温对活动区面积的影响不显著(P0.05),而水位对活动区面积具有极显著影响(P0.01);2014~2015年水位高度(14.92±0.65)m,2015~2016年水位高度(15.39±0.70)m,周活动区面积与同期水位高度显著正相关(2014~2015年,r=0.370,P0.01;2015~2016年,r=0.380,P0.01)。推测水位的变化影响越冬白枕鹤主要食物的生长及可获得性,进而导致越冬期白枕鹤活动区面积的相应变化。  相似文献   

Many migratory species take detours when migrating from their breeding to wintering grounds rather than following the shortest route available. To test whether the distribution of potentially suitable habitats might be a factor causing the use of less direct detours during migration, we analysed the migratory routes of five White-naped Cranes Grus vipio satellite-tracked from central–east Russia, and compared the total area of wetlands and grasslands along the migratory routes travelled by the Cranes with that along the shortest possible routes to the Cranes' wintering grounds. All five Cranes made an easterly detour, and the distance ratio of the routes used by Cranes to the shortest possible route was 1.13 ± 0.03 sd. Based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite images, we demonstrate that the area of wetlands and grasslands along the migration routes travelled by Cranes was greater than along the shortest possible routes.  相似文献   

IntroductionDynamic MRI analysis of phonation has gathered interest in voice and speech physiology. However, there are limited data addressing the extent to which articulation is dependent on loudness.ResultsThe data show articulatory differences with respect to changes of both pitch and loudness. Here, lip opening and pharynx width were increased. While the vertical larynx position was rising with pitch it was lower for greater loudness. Especially, the lip opening and pharynx width were more strongly correlated with the sound pressure level than with pitch.ConclusionFor the vowel /a/ loudness has an effect on articulation during singing which should be considered when articulatory vocal tract data are interpreted.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs) in insect chemical communication, direct proof that they are detected and recognized by insects by contact or by olfactory receptors are rare. In Periplaneta americana, CHs induce aggregation. The aim of our study was to investigate how CHs are detected by P. americana antennae. Using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography, the three main CHs of the species profile were identified in the volatiles emitted by these insects. Gas chromatography coupled to electroantennography recordings demonstrated that the antennae responded to these three CHs. Furthermore, CHs had an attraction effect in Y-olfactometer bioassays when presented at high concentrations. As CHs can be perceived by P. americana, at least from a short distance, they could play a role in attracting conspecifics during aggregation processes, in addition to inducing aggregation when direct contact is possible.  相似文献   

Pb and Cd concentrations in the habitat and preys of the red-crowned crane (i.e., reed rhizomes and three typical aquatic animal families (Perccottus glehni Dybowski, Carassius auratus Linnaeus, and Viviparidae)) were analyzed to examine the impact of these hazards on red-crowned cranes in northeastern China. Results indicated that Pb and Cd concentrations in the preys of the red-crowned cranes were elevated via food chain. Most of the detected Pb and Cd contents in the sediments were above the natural background level, ranging from 9.85 to 129.72 ppm and 1.23 to 10.63 ppm (dry weight), respectively. Cd geo-accumulation index at all sites were larger than 3, even reached 5.22, suggesting serious pollution in this region. Three common water animal families were detected to contain heavy metals, following the order of increasing concentrations: primary consumers (i.e., Viviparidae and Carassius auratus Linnaeus)?<?secondary consumers (i.e., Perccottus glehni Dybowski). Pb and Cd concentrations in the buffer zone are significantly higher than in the core area and being elevated in the food chain. The molten feathers of the red-crowned cranes showed the highest toxic metal concentrations of Pb (2.09 to 5.81 ppm) and Cd (1.42 to 3.06 ppm) compared with the feces produced by cranes and residual eggshell left by water fowls. Exceptionally high Pb and Cd concentrations in the cranes and their preys were thought to be associated with their habitat.  相似文献   

A complete neurobiological understanding of speech motor control requires determination of the relationship between simultaneously recorded neural activity and the kinematics of the lips, jaw, tongue, and larynx. Many speech articulators are internal to the vocal tract, and therefore simultaneously tracking the kinematics of all articulators is nontrivial—especially in the context of human electrophysiology recordings. Here, we describe a noninvasive, multi-modal imaging system to monitor vocal tract kinematics, demonstrate this system in six speakers during production of nine American English vowels, and provide new analysis of such data. Classification and regression analysis revealed considerable variability in the articulator-to-acoustic relationship across speakers. Non-negative matrix factorization extracted basis sets capturing vocal tract shapes allowing for higher vowel classification accuracy than traditional methods. Statistical speech synthesis generated speech from vocal tract measurements, and we demonstrate perceptual identification. We demonstrate the capacity to predict lip kinematics from ventral sensorimotor cortical activity. These results demonstrate a multi-modal system to non-invasively monitor articulator kinematics during speech production, describe novel analytic methods for relating kinematic data to speech acoustics, and provide the first decoding of speech kinematics from electrocorticography. These advances will be critical for understanding the cortical basis of speech production and the creation of vocal prosthetics.  相似文献   

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