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For many gene structures it is impossible to resolve intensity data uniquely to establish abundances of splice variants. This was empirically noted by Wang et al. in which it was called a "degeneracy problem". The ambiguity results from an ill-posed problem where additional information is needed in order to obtain an unique answer in splice variant deconvolution.  相似文献   

吴炳礼  杜昆  许丽艳  李恩民 《生物信息学》2005,3(4):178-180,184
在生物信息学的飞速发展中,与之相应的各种类型的数据库不断涌现,选择性剪接数据库(Alternative Splicing Database)便是其中之一。本文详细介绍了ASD数据库的主要内容及其功能,并在其子数据库AltSplice中检索NGAL基因的选择性剪接,由此为例说明了ASD数据库在基因选择性剪接检索中的应用。  相似文献   

PAX3 gene structure, alternative splicing and evolution.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The Gibbs sampling method has been widely used for sequence analysis after it was successfully applied to the problem of identifying regulatory motif sequences upstream of genes. Since then, numerous variants of the original idea have emerged: however, in all cases the application has been to finding short motifs in collections of short sequences (typically less than 100 nucleotides long). In this paper, we introduce a Gibbs sampling approach for identifying genes in multiple large genomic sequences up to hundreds of kilobases long. This approach leverages the evolutionary relationships between the sequences to improve the gene predictions, without explicitly aligning the sequences. We have applied our method to the analysis of genomic sequence from 14 genomic regions, totaling roughly 1.8 Mb of sequence in each organism. We show that our approach compares favorably with existing ab initio approaches to gene finding, including pairwise comparison based gene prediction methods which make explicit use of alignments. Furthermore, excellent performance can be obtained with as little as four organisms, and the method overcomes a number of difficulties of previous comparison based gene finding approaches: it is robust with respect to genomic rearrangements, can work with draft sequence, and is fast (linear in the number and length of the sequences). It can also be seamlessly integrated with Gibbs sampling motif detection methods.  相似文献   

Mouse cDNA sequences encoding α, β, and γ adducins were cloned from a mouse reticulocyte cDNA library. The purified clones contain alternatively spliced exons from all three adducin genes. In the case of α and β, the inclusion of the alternatively spliced exons results in truncated polypeptide isoforms (called α-2 and β-2). The mouse predicted amino acid sequences are compared with published rat and human sequences. For completion of this comparison, cDNA encoding the rat β-1 carboxy terminus was cloned by PCR. The carboxy terminal region containing MARCKS homology, calmodulin-binding region-2, and spectrin-actin-binding site, is conserved among α-1, β-1, and γ-1 isoforms in mouse, rat, and humans. We also report here the localization of the gene encoding γ adducin (Add3) to murine Chr 19, in a region that shows conserved synteny with human Chr 10. Received: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

Alternative splicing (AS) and gene duplication (GD) both are processes that diversify the protein repertoire. Recent examples have shown that sequence changes introduced by AS may be comparable to those introduced by GD. In addition, the two processes are inversely correlated at the genomic scale: large gene families are depleted in splice variants and vice versa. All together, these data strongly suggest that both phenomena result in interchangeability between their effects. Here, we tested the extent to which this applies with respect to various protein characteristics. The amounts of AS and GD per gene are anticorrelated even when accounting for different gene functions or degrees of sequence divergence. In contrast, the two processes appear to be independent in their influence on variation in mRNA expression. Further, we conducted a detailed comparison of the effect of sequence changes in both alternative splice variants and gene duplicates on protein structure, in particular the size, location, and types of sequence substitutions and insertions/deletions. We find that, in general, alternative splicing affects protein sequence and structure in a more drastic way than gene duplication and subsequent divergence. Our results reveal an interesting paradox between the anticorrelation of AS and GD at the genomic level, and their impact at the protein level, which shows little or no equivalence in terms of effects on protein sequence, structure, and function. We discuss possible explanations that relate to the order of appearance of AS and GD in a gene family, and to the selection pressure imposed by the environment.  相似文献   

Su Z  Gu X 《Gene》2012,504(1):102-106
Gene duplications and alternative splicing (AS) isoforms are two widespread types of genetic variations that can facilitate diversification of protein function. A number of studies claimed that after gene duplication, two AS isoforms with differential functions can be 'fixed', respectively, in each of the duplicate copies. This simple 'functional-sharing' hypothesis was recently challenged by Roux and Robinson-Rechavi (2011). Instead, they proposed a more sophisticated hypothesis, invoking that less alternative splicing genes tend to be duplicated more frequently, and single-copy genes are younger than duplicate genes, or the 'duplicability-age' hypothesis for short. In this letter, we show that all these genome-wide analyses of AS isoforms actually did not provide clear-cut evidence to nullify the basic idea of functional-sharing hypothesis. After updating our understanding of genome-wide alternative splicing, duplicability and CNV (copy number variation), we argue that the foundation of the duplicability-age hypothesis remains to be justified carefully. Finally, we suggest that a better approach to resolving this controversy is the correspondence analysis of indels (insertions and deletions) between duplicate genes to the genomic exon-intron structure, which can be used to experimentally test the effect of functional-sharing hypothesis.  相似文献   

Multiple isoforms of tropoelastin, the soluble precursor of elastin, are the products of translation of splice-variant mRNAs derived from the single-copy tropoelastin gene. Previous data had demonstrated DNA sequence heterogeneity in three domains of rat tropoelastin mRNA, indicating alternative splicing of several exons of the rat tropoelastin gene. Rat tropoelastin genomic clones encompassing the sites of alternative splicing were isolated and sequenced. Two sites of alternative splicing identified in rat tropoelastin mRNA sequences corresponded to exons 13-15 and exon 33 of the rat tropoelastin gene. Furthermore, the variable inclusion of an alanine codon in exon 16 resulted from two functional acceptor sites separated by three nucleotides. DNA sequences flanking exons subject to alternative splicing were analyzed. These exons contained splicing signals that differed from consensus sequences and from splicing signals of constitutively spliced exons. Introns immediately 5' of exons 14 and 33, for example, lacked typical polypyrimidine tracts and had weak, overlapping branch point sequences. Further, a region of secondary structure encompassing the acceptor site of exon 13 may influence alternative splicing of this exon. These results demonstrate that multiple cis-acting sequence elements may contribute to alternative splicing of rat tropoelastin pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

In the protein 4.1R gene, alternative first exons splice differentially to alternative 3' splice sites far downstream in exon 2'/2 (E2'/2). We describe a novel intrasplicing mechanism by which exon 1A (E1A) splices exclusively to the distal E2'/2 acceptor via two nested splicing reactions regulated by novel properties of exon 1B (E1B). E1B behaves as an exon in the first step, using its consensus 5' donor to splice to the proximal E2'/2 acceptor. A long region of downstream intron is excised, juxtaposing E1B with E2'/2 to generate a new composite acceptor containing the E1B branchpoint/pyrimidine tract and E2 distal 3' AG-dinucleotide. Next, the upstream E1A splices over E1B to this distal acceptor, excising the remaining intron plus E1B and E2' to form mature E1A/E2 product. We mapped branchpoints for both intrasplicing reactions and demonstrated that mutation of the E1B 5' splice site or branchpoint abrogates intrasplicing. In the 4.1R gene, intrasplicing ultimately determines N-terminal protein structure and function. More generally, intrasplicing represents a new mechanism by which alternative promoters can be coordinated with downstream alternative splicing.  相似文献   

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