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Polar secretion of von Willebrand factor by endothelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured on a collagen lattice were used to study the polarity of von Willebrand factor (vWF) secretion. Endothelial cells cultured under these conditions allow direct measurements of substances released at both the apical and basolateral surface. The constitutive secretion of vWF was compared to the release of vWF from their storage granules after stimulation (regulated secretion). The basal, constitutive release of vWF occurs into both the apical and subendothelial direction. The rate of accumulation of vWF to the subendothelial direction is about three times higher than the amount of vWF secreted into the lumenal medium per unit of time. However, upon stimulation of confluent endothelial cell monolayers with phorbol myristate acetate, endothelial cells predominantly secrete vWF at the lumenal surface. Under these conditions, vWF does not accumulate in the collagen matrix. Thus, endothelial cells are able to organize themselves into a polarized monolayer, in such a way that vWF secreted by the regulated pathway accumulates at the lumenal site, whereas resting endothelial cells release vWF predominantly at the opposite, basolateral surface.  相似文献   

Human von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene sequences +155 to +247 contain cis-acting elements that contribute toward endothelial specific activation of the VWF promoter. Analyses of this region demonstrated the presence of a GATA-binding site that is necessary for the promoter activation in endothelial cells. We have reported recently the presence of a novel NFY-binding sequence in this region that does not conform to the consensus NFY-binding sequence CCAAT. NFY was shown to function as a repressor of the VWF promoter through interaction with this novel binding site. Here we report that the NFY interacts with histone deacetylases (HDACs) in a cell type-specific manner and recruits them to the VWF promoter to inhibit the promoter activity in non-endothelial cells. Analyses of the acetylation status of histones in the chromatin region containing the VWF promoter sequences demonstrated that these sequences are associated with acetylated histone H4 specifically in endothelial cells. It was also demonstrated that HDACs are specifically recruited to the same chromatin region in non-endothelial cells. We also demonstrated that GATA6 is the GATA family member that interacts with the VWF promoter and that GATA6 is associated with NFY specifically in non-endothelial cells. We propose that NFY recruits HDACs to the VWF promoter, which may result in deacetylation of GATA6 as well as of histones in non-endothelial cells, thus leading to promoter inactivation. In endothelial cells, however, association of HDACs, NFY, and GATA6 is interrupted potentially through endothelial cell-specific signaling/mechanism, thus favoring the balance toward acetylation and activation of the VWF promoter.  相似文献   

Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a common inherited bleeding disorder in humans, and can be divided into a mild (type 1) and severe (type 3) form. Previous linkage studies identified one subject with vWD type 1 who transmitted different alleles of the von Willebrand factor (vWF) gene to his two affected children, one having vWD type 3 and the other having type 1. By screening the promoter and coding sequence (52 exons) of the vWF gene, three missense mutations were detected in this family. The type 1 individual who transmitted different alleles of the gene to his two sick children carries two substitutions, one in exon 5 and the other in exon 18 on the respective alleles. The relationship between the genotype (mutations) and the phenotype in this family is complex. In order further to correlate the relationship in vWD type 1 individuals, fifty-five subjects who carry one null allele of the vWF gene were collected. All these subjects are from vWD type 3 families with known mutations. Biochemical data of these 55 subjects indicate that gene dosage and other factors, such as blood group, age, and environment factors, play a critical role in the development of the phenotype of the disease.  相似文献   

The effect of reduced temperature on the post-translational processing and stimulated release of von Willebrand factor (vWf) from human umbilical vein endothelial cells was studied. Following pulse-labeling, cells were incubated for 4 h at 18 degrees C or 20 degrees C. Post-translational processing was reversibly arrested at the dimer stage, dimers were composed of Endo H-sensitive precursor subunits, and no vWf was detected in the culture medium. This block was reversible, since warming cells to 37 degrees C relieved it and resulted in the appearance of fully processed vWf in the cells and the culture medium. The same results were obtained when cells were incubated with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenol hydrazone or dinitrophenol which inhibit mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, known to block exit of secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This indicated that ER exit is not required for the complete dimerization of vWf. Reduced temperature (18 degrees C and 20 degrees C) also reversibly and nearly completely inhibited the secretagogue-induced release of vWf from Weibel-Palade bodies without affecting the microtubular cytoskeleton. We add reduced temperature to the list of useful tools for the study of the vWf secretory pathway in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis and secretion of von Willebrand factor (VWF, or Factor VIII-related antigen) and fibronectin by cultured endothelial cells from rhesus monkey choroid retina were demonstrated by immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase and single radial immunodiffusion techniques. Both VWF and fibronectin are localized in intracellular granules and extracellular fibrils. The results of double immunofluorescence staining and post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy showed that there was a co-distribution of VWF and fibronectin not only in pericellular fibrils where they co-aligned with each other to be the components of extracellular matrix, but also in intracellular granules, suggesting they were synthesized or translocated in the same compartment.  相似文献   

The aim of our research was to study the influence of hydrogen peroxide on the exocytosis of von Willebrand factor (vWF) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). We have found that H2O2 at a non-toxic concentration (100 μM) increases the amount of vWF secreted by HUVEC by 43 ± 14% over control (p < 0.03) and elevates total exposition of vWF on cell surface by 89 ± 5% (p < 0.01). Analysis of immunofluorescent images of HUVEC with CellProfiler program revealed that the average number of antigen positive structures on the single cell surface increases from 11.4 ± 0.16 in control up to 17.5 ± 0.21 after incubation with H2O2 (p < 0.01). vWF is exposed on the cell surface as dots with the average sizes around 1–3 μm. H2O2 causes an increase in the number of these dots and the appearence of the strings of vWF which are absent in control HUVEC. It is suggested that H2O2 may serve as a messenger which stimulates vWF exocytosis.  相似文献   



Point mutations resulting in reduced factor VIII (FVIII) binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF) are an important cause of mild/moderate hemophilia A. Treatment includes desmopressin infusion, which concomitantly increases VWF and FVIII plasma levels, apparently from storage pools containing both proteins. The source of these VWF/FVIII co-storage pools and the mechanism of granule biogenesis are not fully understood.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied intracellular trafficking of FVIII variants implicated in mild/moderate hemophilia A together with VWF in HEK293 cells and primary endothelial cells. The role of VWF binding was addressed using FVIII variants displaying reduced VWF interaction. Binding studies using purified FVIII proteins revealed moderate (Arg2150His, Del2201, Pro2300Ser) to severe (Tyr1680Phe, Ser2119Tyr) VWF binding defects. Expression studies in HEK293 cells and primary endothelial cells revealed that all FVIII variants were present within VWF-containing organelles. Quantitative studies showed that the relative amount of FVIII storage was independent of various mutations. Substantial amounts of FVIII variants are co-stored in VWF-containing storage organelles, presumably by virtue of their ability to interact with VWF at low pH.


Our data suggest that the potential of FVIII co-storage with VWF is not affected in mild/moderate hemophilia A caused by reduced FVIII/VWF interaction in the circulation. These data support the hypothesis that Weibel-Palade bodies comprise the desmopressin-releasable FVIII storage pool in vivo.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWf) is secreted from endothelial cells by one of two pathways-a constitutive pathway and a regulated pathway originating from the Weibel-Palade bodies. The molecular form of vWf from each of these pathways differs, with the most biologically potent molecules being released from Weibel-Palade bodies (Loesberg, C., M. D. Gonsalves, J. Zandbergen, C. Willems, W. G. Van Aken, H. V. Stel, J. A. Van Mourik, and P. G. DeGroot. 1983. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 763:160-168; Sporn, L. A., V. J. Marder, and D. D. Wagner. 1987. Cell. 46:185-190). We investigated the polarity of the two secretory pathways using human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured on polycarbonate membrane filters which allowed sampling of media from both the apical and basolateral compartments. After metabolic labeling of cells, vWf (constitutively secreted during a 10-min period or released during a 10-min treatment with a secretagogue) was purified from the apical and basolateral chambers and subjected to gel analysis. Approximately equal amounts of vWf were constitutively secreted into both chambers, and therefore this secretory pathway appeared to be nonpolarized. On the contrary, an average of 90% of vWf released from Weibel-Palade bodies after treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187 or PMA appeared in the basolateral chamber, indicating that the regulated pathway of secretion is highly polarized. Thrombin, a secretagogue which promotes disruption of the endothelial monolayer, led to release of vWf from cells with no apparent polarity. The presence of microtubule-depolymerizing agents nocodazol and colchicine inhibited the polarized release of vWf. Ammonium chloride treatment did not disrupt the polarity of the regulated secretory pathway, indicating that maintenance of low pH in intracellular compartments was not required for the polarized delivery of preformed Weibel-Palade bodies to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Structure of the gene for human von Willebrand factor   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
von Willebrand factor is a large multimeric plasma protein composed of identical subunits which contain four types of repeated domains. von Willebrand factor is essential for normal hemostasis, and deficiency of von Willebrand factor is the most common inherited bleeding disorder of man. Four human genomic DNA cosmid libraries and one bacteriophage lambda library were screened with von Willebrand factor cDNA probes. Twenty positive overlapping clones were characterized that span the entire von Willebrand factor gene. A high-resolution restriction map was constructed for approximately 75% of the locus and a total of approximately 33.8 kilobases was sequenced on both strands including all intron-exon boundaries. The gene is approximately 178 kilobases in length and contains 52 exons. The exons vary from 40 to 1379 base pairs in length, and the introns vary from 97 base pairs to approximately 19.9 kilobases in length. The signal peptide and propeptide (von Willebrand antigen II) of von Willebrand factor are encoded by 17 exons in approximately 80 kilobases of DNA while the mature subunit of von Willebrand factor and 3' noncoding region are encoded by 35 exons in the remaining approximately 100 kilobases of the gene. A number of repetitive sequences were identified including 14 Alu repeats and a approximately 670-base pair TCTA simple repeat in intron 40 that is polymorphic. Regions of the gene that encode homologous domains have similar structures, supporting a model for their origin by gene segment duplication.  相似文献   

Sequences of a 0.9-kb DNA segment spanning intron 11 of the von Willebrand Factor gene (vWF) were determined for 21 individuals of 19 primate species. The results of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of these vWF sequences are congruent with previous molecular findings from other nonlinked nuclear genomic loci which divide the platyrrhine superfamily Ceboidea into three monophyletic families: Cebidae, Atelidae, and Pitheciidae. The vWF results strongly support the taxon Callitrichinae as a monophyletic subfamily within Cebidae. The four extant callitrichine genera constitute tribe Callitrichini, and the basal branchings within this tribe first separate out Saguinus (tamarins), next Leontopithecus (lion tamarins), and last the sister genera Callimico (Goeldi's monkeys) and Callithrix (marmosets). Callithrix divides into three subclades, with pygmy marmosets (C. pygmaea) as sister of the C. argentata species group and with the C. jacchus species group as their sister. Fossil and DNA evidence place the emergence of the callitrichine clade in the basal cebid radiation at about 20 Ma (million years ago) and the three basal branchings in the callitrichin radiation at about 13 to 11 Ma. In turn, the branchings separating the three subclades of Callithrix are placed at about 5 to 4 Ma.  相似文献   

RsaI RFLP in the human von Willebrand factor gene.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

SacI RFLP in the human von Willebrand factor gene.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The vasopressin analogue 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) causes an immediate, transient rise in plasma levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) after its administration. Although it is recognized that vascular endothelial cells play an essential role in this process, the molecular basis of the response is not understood. We have investigated the phenomenon using human umbilical vein endothelial cells as an in vitro model. When normal individuals were stimulated with DDAVP, plasma from blood samples collected subsequently caused the release of vWF from cultured endothelial cells over a 24 h period (22-46% increase over baseline), compared to control plasma (5-17%). DDAVP added directly to the endothelial cells produced no increase in vWF release. When whole blood was treated in vitro with DDAVP, and the plasma subsequently added to endothelial cells, a significant increase in vWF secretion was found. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were then tested. In the presence of DDAVP, an increased response occurred. Further fractionation of these cells showed that monocytes were largely responsible, causing an increased vWF release of 162% at 2 h. These observations were reinforced by finding that the supernatants of monocytes incubated with DDAVP were also effective in causing increased vWF release (118% compared to 58% for the control sample). Our studies suggest that DDAVP plays an indirect role in causing the release of vWF from endothelial cells, and that peripheral blood monocytes may act as intermediary target cells, which then produce factor(s) acting directly on endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells and fibroblasts were grown in tissue culture (with and without added endothelial cell growth supplement) to confluence. von Willebrand factor antigen was measured in supernatants every 24 hours. Cells grown in medium with growth supplement reached confluence before those grown without the supplement. von Willebrand factor antigen release was greatest under both sets of conditions when cells were in their most active growth phase, and rate of release slowed when cells were confluent. Fibroblasts grew more rapidly, showed a small response to the growth supplement, but supernatant von Willebrand factor antigen could not be detected. The implications of these findings for atherogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The A1 domain of von Willebrand factor (vWF) mediates platelet adhesion to sites of vascular injury by binding to the platelet receptor glycoprotein Ib (GpIb), an interaction that is regulated by hydrodynamic shear forces. The GpIb binding surface of A1 is distinct from a regulatory region, suggesting that ligand binding is controlled allosterically. Here we report the crystal structures of the "gain-of-function" mutant A1 domain (I546V) and its complex with the exogenous activator botrocetin. We show that botrocetin switches the mutant A1 back toward the wild-type conformation, suggesting that affinity is enhanced by augmenting the GpIb binding surface rather than through allosteric control. Functional studies of platelet adhesion under flow further suggest that the activation mechanism is distinct from that of the gain-of-function mutation.  相似文献   

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