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Turnover of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The heme aa3 type cytochrome oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans incorporated into vesicles with phospholipid reacts during turnover much as the oxidase from mitochondria does. The spectrophotometric changes observed at various wavelengths are closely similar, and the rate is about one-half of that for beef heart oxidase under the same conditions. The rate of appearance of oxidized cytochrome c on initiation of the reaction is also similar and depends on the previous treatment of the oxidase as described by Antonini, E., Brunori, M., Colosimo, A., Greenwood, C. and Wilson, M. T. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 3128-3132. In terms of their model the resting Paracoccus enzyme is converted to the pulsed form during turnover. The effect is observed with both cytochrome c and hexamine ruthenium as reductants. With the latter a 60-fold increase in rate is observed.  相似文献   

To obtain more information about the composition of the respiratory chain under different growth conditions and about the regulation of electron-transfer to several oxidases and reductases, ubiquinol oxidase complexes were partially purified from membranes of Paracoccus denitrificans cells grown in carbon-source-limited aerobic, nitrate-limited anaerobic and oxygen-limited chemostat cultures. The isolated enzymes consisted of cytochromes bc1, c552 and aa3. In comparison with the aerobic ubiquinol oxidase complex, the oxygen- and nitrate-limited ones contained, respectively, less and far less of the cytochrome aa3 subunits and the anaerobic complex also contained lower amounts of cytochrome c552. In addition, extra haem-containing polypeptides were present with apparent Mr of 14,000, 30,000 and 45,000, the former one only in the anaerobic and the latter two in both the anaerobic and oxygen-limited preparations. This is the first report describing four different membrane-bound c-type cytochromes. The potentiometric and spectral characteristics of the redox components in membrane particles and isolated ubiquinol oxidase fractions were determined by combined potentiometric analysis and spectrum deconvolution. Membranes of nitrate- and oxygen-limited cells contained extra high-potential cytochrome b in comparison with the membranes of aerobically grown cells. No difference was detected between the three isolated ubiquinol oxidase complexes. Aberrances with already published values of redox potentials are discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction of oxygen with cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The reaction of reduced cytochrome c oxidase (EC from Paracoccus denitrificans (American Type Culture Collection 13543) with dioxygen has been followed by laser flash photolysis of the CO derivative. In detergent-stabilized solutions the reaction showed at least two distinct kinetic components, the faster of which was oxygen concentration dependent and had a rate of approximately 60 X 10(6) M-1 s-1. The slower reaction was independent of oxygen concentration and had a rate of 9 X 10(2) s-1. These rates are about 1.5 times greater than comparable rates for ox heart oxidase reported by C. Greenwood and Q. H. Gibson (J. Biol. Chem. (1967) 242, 1782-1787). The kinetic components have markedly different optical spectra which agree precisely in form with those for ox heart enzyme (Greenwood, C., and Gibson, Q. H. (1967) J. Biol. Chem. 242, 1782-1787) but are shifted by 2 nm toward the red. In phospholipid vesicles, the spectral contribution of the faster component was augmented. The dissociation constant for CO at 20 degrees C is 1.6 microM, 6 times greater than for the ox heart enzyme. The bacterial enzyme binds one CO per 2 heme a. The enzyme has an absorption band at 830 nm in the oxidized form similar to that of the ox heart enzyme.  相似文献   

Synthetic oligonucleotide probes were used to clone two loci from the chromosomal DNA of Paracoccus denitrificans that contain the genes for cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3). One locus seems to contain four or five genes probably forming an operon. Two of these code for the oxidase subunits II and III. Three open reading frames are found between the COII and COIII genes. The other locus codes for the subunit I. A short open reading frame is found upstream of this gene. All three subunits of the Paracoccus enzyme show remarkable homology to the corresponding subunits of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase. Possible protein products of the open reading frames have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

The 1:1 complex between horse heart cytochrome c and bovine cytochrome c oxidase, and between yeast cytochrome c and Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase have been studied by a combination of second derivative absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The second derivative absorption and CD spectra reveal changes in the electronic transitions of cytochrome a upon complex formation. These results could reflect changes in ground state heme structure or changes in the protein environment surrounding the chromophore that affect either the ground or excited electronic states. The resonance Raman spectrum, on the other hand, reflects the heme structure in the ground electronic state only and shows no significant difference between cytochrome a vibrations in the complex or free enzyme. The only major difference between the Raman spectra of the free enzyme and complex is a broadening of the cytochrome a3 formyl band of the complex that is relieved upon complex dissociation at high ionic strength. These data suggest that the differences observed in the second derivative and CD spectra are the result of changes in the protein environment around cytochrome a that affect the electronic excited state. By analogy to other protein-chromophore systems, we suggest that the energy of the Soret pi* state of cytochrome a may be affected by (1) changes in the local dielectric, possibly brought about by movement of a charged amino acid side chain in proximity to the heme group, or (2) pi-pi interactions between the heme and aromatic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Electrons were discretely injected into oxidized cytochrome c oxidase in liposomes by laser flash excitation of bound ruthenium [II] bispyridyl, and the membrane potential was recorded by time-resolved electrometry. Membrane potential is generated in a fast phase when an electron is transferred from the excited dye, via the CuA center, to heme a at a relative dielectric depth d inside the membrane [Zaslavsky, D., Kaulen, A. D., Smirnova, I. A., Vygodina, T., and Konstantinov, A. A. (1993) FEBS Lett. 336, 389-393]. Subsequently, membrane potential may develop further in a slower event, which is due to proton transfer into the enzyme from the opposite side of the membrane [Ruitenberg, M., Kannt, A., Bamberg, E., Ludwig, B., Michel, H., and Fendler, K. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 4632-4636]. Here, we confirm that injection of the first electron into the fully oxidized cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans is associated with a fast electrogenic 11 micros phase, but there is no further electrogenic phase up to 100 milliseconds when special care is taken to ensure that only fully oxidized enzyme is present initially. A slower electrogenic 135 micros phase only becomes apparent and grows in amplitude upon increasing the number of light flashes. This occurs in parallel with a decrease in amplitude of the 11 micros phase and correlates with the number of enzyme molecules that are already reduced by one electron before the flash. The electrogenic 135 micros phase does not appear with increasing flash number in the K354M mutant enzyme, where electron and proton transfer into the binuclear center is delayed. We conclude that the 135 micros phase, and its associated proton uptake, take place on electron injection into enzyme molecules where the binuclear heme a3-CuB site is already reduced by one electron, and that it is accompanied by oxidation of heme a with a similar time constant. Reduction of heme a is not associated with electrogenic proton uptake into the enzyme, neither in the fully oxidized nor in the one-electron-reduced enzyme. The extent of the electrogenic 135 micrcos phase also rules out the possibility that reduction of the binuclear center by the second electron would be coupled to proton translocation in addition to the electrogenic uptake of a proton.  相似文献   

M Finel 《FEBS letters》1988,236(2):415-419
Paracoccus oxidase containing only two subunits was subjected to proteolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Both subunits of the purified enzyme were cleaved at only a few sites and enzymatic activity was not inhibited. The cleavage sites were identified by protein sequencing. Subunit I was cleaved near the amino-terminus and subunit II in the loop connecting the two predicted trans-membrane helices. In native membrane fragments, but not in intact spheroplasts, this loop was accessible to both proteases. These results provide experimental evidence for the folding of subunit II in the membrane.  相似文献   

We have used microcalorimetry and analytical ultracentrifugation to test the model proposed in Pettigrew et al. [(1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 11383-11389] for the binding of small cytochromes to the cytochrome c peroxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans. Both methods reveal complexity in behavior due to the presence of a monomer/dimer equilibrium in the peroxidase. In the presence of either Ca(2+), or higher ionic strength, this equilibrium is shifted to the dimer. Experiments to study complex formation with redox partners were performed in the presence of Ca(2+) in order to simplify the equilibria that had to be considered. The results of isothermal titration calorimetry reveal that the enzyme can bind two molecules of horse cytochrome c with K(d) values of 0.8 microM and 2.5 microM (at 25 degrees C, pH 6.0, I = 0.026) but only one molecule of Paracoccus cytochrome c-550 with a K(d) of 2.8 microM, molar binding ratios confirmed by ultracentrifugation. For both horse cytochrome c and Paracoccus cytochrome c-550, the binding is endothermic and driven by a large entropy change, a pattern consistent with the expulsion of water molecules from the interface. For horse cytochrome c, the binding is weakened 3-fold at I = 0.046 M due to a smaller entropy change, and this is associated with an increase in enzyme turnover. In contrast, neither the binding of cytochrome c-550 nor its oxidation rate is affected by raising the ionic strength in this range. We propose that, at low ionic strength, horse cytochrome c is trapped in a nonproductive orientation on a broad capture surface of the peroxidase.  相似文献   

The catalytic mechanism, electron transfer coupled to proton pumping, of heme-copper oxidases is not yet fully understood. Microsecond freeze-hyperquenching single turnover experiments were carried out with fully reduced cytochrome aa(3) reacting with O(2) between 83 micros and 6 ms. Trapped intermediates were analyzed by low temperature UV-visible, X-band, and Q-band EPR spectroscopy, enabling determination of the oxidation-reduction kinetics of Cu(A), heme a, heme a(3), and of a recently detected tryptophan radical (Wiertz, F. G. M., Richter, O. M. H., Cherepanov, A. V., MacMillan, F., Ludwig, B., and de Vries, S. (2004) FEBS Lett. 575, 127-130). Cu(B) and heme a(3) were EPR silent during all stages of the reaction. Cu(A) and heme a are in electronic equilibrium acting as a redox pair. The reduction potential of Cu(A) is 4.5 mV lower than that of heme a. Both redox groups are oxidized in two phases with apparent half-lives of 57 micros and 1.2 ms together donating a single electron to the binuclear center in each phase. The formation of the heme a(3) oxoferryl species P(R) (maxima at 430 nm and 606 nm) was completed in approximately 130 micros, similar to the first oxidation phase of Cu(A) and heme a. The intermediate F (absorbance maximum at 571 nm) is formed from P(R) and decays to a hitherto undetected intermediate named F(W)(*). F(W)(*) harbors a tryptophan radical, identified by Q-band EPR spectroscopy as the tryptophan neutral radical of the strictly conserved Trp-272 (Trp-272(*)). The Trp-272(*) populates to 4-5% due to its relatively low rate of formation (t((1/2)) = 1.2 ms) and rapid rate of breakdown (t((1/2)) = 60 micros), which represents electron transfer from Cu(A)/heme a to Trp-272(*). The formation of the Trp-272(*) constitutes the major rate-determining step of the catalytic cycle. Our findings show that Trp-272 is a redox-active residue and is in this respect on an equal par to the metallocenters of the cytochrome c oxidase. Trp-272 is the direct reductant either to the heme a(3) oxoferryl species or to Cu (2+)(B). The potential role of Trp-272 in proton pumping is discussed.  相似文献   

Proton pump coupled to cytochrome c oxidase in Paracoccus denitrificans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The proton translocating properties of cytochrome c oxidase in whole cells of Paracoccus denitrificans have been studied with the oxidant pulse method. leads to H+/2e- quotients have been measured with endogenous substrates, added methanol and added ascorbate (+TMPD) as reductants, and oxygen and ferricyanide as oxidants. It was found that both the observed leads to H+/O with ascorbate (+TMPD) as reductant, and the differences in proton ejection between oxygen-and ferricyanide pulses, with endogenous substrates or added methanol as a substrate, indicate that the P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase translocates protons with a stoichiometry of 2H+/2e-. The results presented in this and previous papers are in good agreement with recent findings concerning the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and suggest unequal charge separation by different coupling segments of the respiratory chain of P. denitrificans.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of electron and proton re-equilibration upon CO photolysis from two-electron-reduced aa3 oxidase was followed by time-resolved electrometry and optical spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy on soluble Paracoccus denitrificans enzyme at alkaline pH revealed a slow (1 ms) component of electron re-equilibration coupled to the release of protons from the catalytic site. In the work [Br?ndén, M., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 13178-13184], it was proposed that this proton is released from a water molecule in the catalytic site, located deep in the membrane dielectric. Movement of charged particles such as protons across the dielectric should create an electric potential. However, recording of the time course of the potential generation did not show any potential development in the millisecond time domain, but instead, potential generation was found with an apparent time constant of 50-100 micros. This potential was generated upon proton release from the level of the binuclear catalytic site through the K-channel, because mutation in this channel abolishes the potential generation altogether. The apparent inconsistency between results from optical spectroscopy and electrometry was solved by optical experiments on the membrane-incorporated enzyme. Reconstituting the enzyme into proteoliposomes speeds up the slow electron redistribution process by a factor of 10 and shows the same time constant as potential generation. The possible mechanism of such dramatic change in the rate of proton transfer is discussed.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies have been obtained against a synthetic dodecapeptide identical to the aminoacid sequence 120-131 DSPIKDGVWPPE (inferred from its DNA sequence) of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase subunit III. The antibodies had a titer higher than 1:10000 when tested against the antigen. These antibodies have been used to produce immunological evidence that, despite the fact that subunit III is not isolated with cytochrome c oxidase, it exists in Paracoccus denitrificans lysates. The antibodies did not show reactivity with bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase either by ELISA or immunoblotting. It was also shown that the antibodies react with a single polypeptide present in Paracoccus denitrificans cell lysates, having an apparent molecular weight close to that of subunit III of bovine heart oxidase.  相似文献   

The two-subunit cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains two heme a groups and two copper atoms. However, when the enzyme is isolated from cells grown on a commonly employed medium, its electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum reveals not only a Cu(II) powder pattern, but also a hyperfine pattern from tightly bound Mn(II). The pure Mn(II) spectrum is observed at -40 degrees C; the pure Cu(II) spectrum can be seen with cytochrome c oxidase from P. denitrificans cells that had been grown in a Mn(II)-depleted medium. This Cu(II) spectrum is very similar to that of cytochrome c oxidase from yeast or bovine heart. Manganese is apparently not an essential component of P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase since it is present in substoichometric amounts relative to copper or heme a and since the manganese-free enzyme retains essentially full activity in oxidizing ferrocytochrome c. However, the manganese is not removed by EDTA and its EPR spectrum responds to the oxidation state of the oxidase. In contrast, manganese added to the yeast oxidase or to the manganese-free P. denitrificans enzyme can be removed by EDTA and does not respond to the oxidation state of the enzyme. This suggests that the manganese normally associated with P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase is incorporated into one or more internal sites during the biogenesis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

According to the model proposed in previous papers [Pettigrew, G. W., Prazeres, S., Costa, C., Palma, N., Krippahl, L., and Moura, J. J. (1999) The structure of an electron-transfer complex containing a cytochrome c and a peroxidase, J. Biol. Chem. 274, 11383-11389; Pettigrew, G. W., Goodhew, C. F., Cooper, A., Nutley, M., Jumel, K., and Harding, S. E. (2003) Electron transfer complexes of cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans, Biochemistry 42, 2046-2055], cytochrome c peroxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans can accommodate horse cytochrome c and Paracoccus cytochrome c(550) at different sites on its molecular surface. Here we use (1)H NMR spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, molecular docking simulation, and microcalorimetry to investigate whether these small cytochromes can be accommodated simultaneously in the formation of a ternary complex. The pattern of perturbation of heme methyl and methionine methyl resonances in binary and ternary solutions shows that a ternary complex can be formed, and this is confirmed by the increase in the sedimentation coefficient upon addition of horse cytochrome c to a solution in which cytochrome c(550) fully occupies its binding site on cytochrome c peroxidase. Docking experiments in which favored binary solutions of cytochrome c(550) bound to cytochrome c peroxidase act as targets for horse cytochrome c and the reciprocal experiments in which favored binary solutions of horse cytochrome c bound to cytochrome c peroxidase act as targets for cytochrome c(550) show that the enzyme can accommodate both cytochromes at the same time on adjacent sites. Microcalorimetric titrations are difficult to interpret but are consistent with a weakened binding of horse cytochrome c to a binary complex of cytochrome c peroxidase and cytochrome c(550) and binding of cytochrome c(550) to the cytochrome c peroxidase that is affected little by the presence of horse cytochrome c in the other site. The presence of a substantial capture surface for small cytochromes on the cytochrome c peroxidase has implications for rate enhancement mechanisms which ensure that the two electrons required for re-reduction of the enzyme after reaction with hydrogen peroxide are delivered efficiently.  相似文献   

Heme-copper terminal oxidases use the free energy of oxygen reduction to establish a transmembrane proton gradient. While the molecular mechanism of coupling electron transfer to proton pumping is still under debate, recent structure determinations and mutagenesis studies have provided evidence for two pathways for protons within subunit I of this class of enzymes. Here, we probe the D-pathway by mutagenesis of the cytochrome c oxidase of the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans; amino acid replacements were selected with the rationale of interfering with the hydrophilic lining of the pathway, in particular its assumed chain of water molecules. Proton pumping was assayed in the reconstituted vesicle system by a stopped-flow spectroscopic approach, allowing a reliable assessment of proton translocation efficiency even at low turnover rates. Several mutations at positions above the cytoplasmic pathway entrance (Asn 131, Asn 199) and at the periplasmic exit region (Asp 399) led to complete inhibition of proton pumping; one of these mutants, N131D, exhibited an ideal decoupled phenotype, with a turnover comparable to that of the wild-type enzyme. Since sets of mutations in other positions along the presumed course of the pathway showed normal proton translocation stoichiometries, we conclude that the D-pathway is too wide in most areas above positions 131/199 to be disturbed by single amino acid replacements.  相似文献   

The dissimilatory nitrite reductase of the cytochrome cd1 type was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans (ATCC 13543) by a novel procedure that avoided conventional ion-exchange techniques. The characterization of this enzyme was extended to include amino acid composition, extinction coefficients, and kinetic properties not previously reported. Cytochromes cd1 from Alicaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were also isolated and assayed with electron donor proteins. The enzymes from all three sources were shown to obey the same integrated rate law. Cross-reactivities were measured in which a reduced donor protein from one strain was assayed with cytochrome cd1 from another strain using nitrite as ultimate acceptor. Donors included c-type cytochromes and azurins. In general, the enzymes showed specificity for a donor from the same strain; interspecies cross-reactions were typically slower on the order of 10-fold than corresponding native rates. Notable exceptions were Paracoccus cytochrome cd1, which alone reacted with eukaryotic horse cytochrome c at appreciable rates, and the Pseudomonas cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction, which was 4-fold faster than the native Alcaligenes cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction. For all three enzymes, competitive kinetics were measured in which the alternative substrates, nitrite and oxygen, competed for enzyme in the same assay. It was found that the competitive kinetics were dominated by nonenzymatic reactions involving an enzyme product, nitric oxide.  相似文献   

The mechanism of electron coupled proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is still poorly understood. The P(M)-intermediate of the catalytic cycle is an oxoferryl state whose generation requires one additional electron, which cannot be provided by the two metal centres. The missing electron has been suggested to be donated to this binuclear site by a tyrosine residue. A tyrosine radical species has been detected in the P(M) and F* intermediates (formed by addition of H2O2) of the Paraccocus denitrificans CcO using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. From the study of conserved variants its origin was determined to be Y167 which is surprising as this residue is not part of the active site. Upon inspection of the active site it becomes evident that W272 could be the actual donor of the missing electron, which can then be replenished from Y167 or from the Y280-H276 cross link in the natural cycle. To address the question, whether such a direct electron transfer pathway to the binuclear centre exists two tryptophan 272 variants in subunit I have been generated. These variants are characterised by their turnover rates as well as using EPR and optical spectroscopy. From these experiments it is concluded, that W272 is an important intermediate in the formation of the radical species appearing in P(M) and F* intermediates produced with hydrogen peroxide. The significance of this finding for the catalytic function of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanism responsible for half-of-the-sites activity in the dimeric cytochrome bc(1) complex from Paracoccus denitrificans by characterizing the kinetics of inhibitor binding to the ubiquinol oxidation site at center P. Both myxothiazol and stigmatellin induced a 2-3 nm shift of the visible absorbance spectrum of the b(L) heme. The shift generated by myxothiazol was symmetric, with monophasic kinetics that indicate equal binding of this inhibitor to both center P sites. In contrast, stigmatellin generated an asymmetric shift in the b(L) spectrum, with biphasic kinetics in which each phase contributed approximately half of the total magnitude of the spectral change. The faster binding phase corresponded to a more symmetrical shift of the b(L) spectrum relative to the slower binding phase, indicating that approximately half of the center P sites bound stigmatellin more slowly and in a different position relative to the b(L) heme, generating a different effect on its electronic environment. Significantly, the slow stigmatellin binding phase was lost as the inhibitor concentration was increased. This implies that a conformational change is transmitted from one center P site in the dimer to the other upon stigmatellin binding to one monomer, rendering the second site less accessible to the inhibitor. Because the position that stigmatellin occupies at center P is considered to be analogous to that of the quinol substrate at the moment of electron transfer, these results indicate that the productive enzyme-substrate configuration is prevented from occurring in both monomers simultaneously.  相似文献   

M Müller  B Schlapfer  A Azzi 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7546-7551
Cytochrome c oxidase was isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans as a two-subunit enzyme. Chymotrypsin-catalyzed proteolysis reduced the molecular weight of each subunit by about 8000. The spectral properties of this preparation, as well as its Km for cytochrome c(1.7 muM), remained unchanged with respect to the native enzyme. Vmax was reduced by about 55% when assayed in Triton X-100 or in Triton X-100 supplemented with asolectin. Following further proteolysis by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, subunit I remained unchanged as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas subunit II was split into small peptides. These were removed by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. The one-subunit enzyme had an apparent molecular weight of 43,000. The reduction of molecular weight was also confirmed by the diminution of the ultraviolet/Soret absorption ratio. This value was 1.8-2.1 for the native enzyme and 1.3-1.5 for the one-subunit enzyme. The spectral properties (including the spectrum CO reduced minus reduced) were not modified by the proteolytic treatment, indicating that cytochromes a and a3 were present in equal amounts. The lack of spectral alteration and the known close association of the copper B atom with cytochrome a3 suggest that copper B is also contained within the one-subunit enzyme. The Km of the one-subunit oxidase was similar to that of the two-subunit enzyme; Vmax was decreased by about 50%. The activity of the one-subunit oxidase had a salt-dependent maximum at 30 mM KCl, almost identical with that of the undigested enzyme, and was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of KCN.  相似文献   

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