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Nitric oxide causes dilation of the pulmonary circulation and reduction in net lung liquid production in the fetal lamb, two critical perinatal events. Phosphodiesterase inhibition alone causes similar changes and also enhances the effects of nitric oxide. To better define the cyclic guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) pathway in these events, we studied the effects of a specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, E4021, on pulmonary arteries and veins isolated from near-term fetal lambs, as well as in intact, chronically instrumented late-gestation fetal lambs. In the in vitro experiments, both pulmonary arteries and veins relaxed to E4021 in a dose-dependent manner, although pulmonary veins were significantly more sensitive to E4021. Pretreatment with N(G)-nitro-l-arginine (L-NNA) abolished this response in arteries but not in veins. In both arteries and veins, pretreatment with beta-phenyl-1,N2-etheno-8-bromoguanosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothionate blunted relaxations to E4021. In the in vivo experiments, E4021 infusion into either the pulmonary artery or central venous circulation increased pulmonary blood flow and decreased pulmonary vascular resistance, and these responses were blunted by pretreatment with L-NNA. Net lung liquid production, measured by a dye-dilution technique using blue dextran, decreased when E4021 was infused directly into the pulmonary artery and this effect was not altered by L-NNA. There was no effect on lung liquid production when E4021 was infused into the central venous circulation. Taken together, these results suggest that the pulmonary hemodynamic effects of E4021 involve the cyclic GMP pathway and are primarily nitric oxide synthase dependent. In contrast, the effects on E4021 on net lung liquid production appear to be independent of nitric oxide synthase, suggesting that these two critical perinatal events might be modulated independently.  相似文献   

The effect of profound repetitive prenatal asphyxial insults on the cardiopulmonary function of premature ventilated lambs was studied. Twenty-nine fetal lambs (approximately 138 days gestational age) were exteriorized. In 16 of these lambs, the umbilical cord was occluded for 4 min then released for 10 min. This asphyxial episode was repeated until the arterial pH was approximately 7.00, and the mean arterial blood pressure was less than 40 mmHg and falling. The 13 control lambs were simply exteriorized with the umbilical circulation intact. The lambs were then ventilated for 3-4 h. There were no differences between the control vs. asphyxiated lambs in pulmonary compliances (0.57 and 0.58 ml.cmH2O-1.kg-1) wet-to-dry weight ratios (8.18 and 7.55), cardiac outputs (177.8 and 141.8 ml.kg-1.min-1), surfactant-saturated phosphatidylcholine pool sizes, or atrial and/or ductal shunts. Asphyxia did not interfere with the redirection of blood away from atelectatic lung segments created by bronchial obstruction with balloon catheters. Also, although the bidirectional flux of protein into and out of the airways of these preterm lambs was large relative to term lambs, there was no effect of asphyxia on this protein leak. In this animal model, prenatal asphyxia did not impact negatively on the severity of the respiratory failure.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that a recruitment maneuver per se yields and/or intensifies lung mechanical stress. Recruitment maneuver was applied to a model of paraquat-induced acute lung injury (ALI) and to healthy rats with (ATEL) or without (CTRL) previous atelectasis. Recruitment was done by using 40-cmH(2)O continuous positive airway pressure for 40 s. Rats were, then, ventilated for 1 h at zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP) or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP; 5 cmH(2)O). Atelectasis was generated by inflating a sphygmomanometer around the thorax. Additional groups did not undergo recruitment but were ventilated for 1 h under ZEEP. Lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures and static elastance were computed before and immediately after recruitment, and at the end of 1 h of ventilation. Lungs were prepared for histology. Type III procollagen (PCIII) mRNA expression in lung tissue was analyzed by RT-PCR. Lung mechanics improved after recruitment in the CTRL and ALI groups. One hour of ventilation at ZEEP increased alveolar collapse, static elastance, and lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures. Alveolar collapse was similar in ATEL and ALI, and recruitment opened the alveoli in both groups. ALI showed higher PCIII expression than ATEL or CTRL groups. One hour of ventilation at ZEEP did not increase PCIII expression but augmented it significantly in the three groups when applied after recruitment. However, PEEP ventilation after recruitment avoided any increment in PCIII expression in all groups. In conclusion, recruitment followed by ZEEP was more deleterious in ALI than in mechanical ATEL, although ZEEP alone did not elevate PCIII expression. Ventilation with 5-cmH(2)O PEEP prevented derecruitment and aborted the increase in PCIII expression.  相似文献   

The effects of lung volume recruitment manouvres on pulmonary blood flow (PBF) during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) in preterm neonates are unknown. Since increased airway pressure adversely affects PBF, we compared the effects of two HFOV recruitment strategies on PBF and oxygenation index (OI). Preterm lambs (128+/-1 day gestation; term approximately 150 days) were anesthetized and ventilated using HFOV (10 Hz, 33% tI) with a mean airway pressure (Pao) of 15 cmH2O. Lung volume was recruited by either increasing Pao to 25 cmH2O for 1 min, repeated five times at 5-min intervals (Sigh group; n=5) or stepwise (5 cmH2O) changes in Pao at 5-min intervals incrementing up to 30 cmH2O then decrementing back to 15 cmH2O (Ramp group; n=6). Controls (n=5) received constant HFOV at 15 cmH2O. PBF progressively decreased (by 45+/-4%) and OI increased (by 15+/-6%, indicating reduced oxygenation) in controls during HFOV, which was similar to the changes observed in the Sigh group of lambs. In the Ramp group, PBF fell (by 54+/-10%) as airway pressure increased (r2=0.99), although the PBF did not increase again as the Pao was subsequently reduced. The OI decreased (by 47+/-9%), reflecting improved oxygenation at high Pao levels during HFOV in the Ramp group. However, high Pao restored retrograde PBF during diastole in four of six lambs, indicating the restoration of right-to-left shunting through the ductus arteriosus. Thus the choice of volume recruitment maneuvre influences the magnitude of change in OI and PBF that occurs during HFOV. Despite significantly improving OI, the ramp recruitment approach causes sustained changes in PBF.  相似文献   

Air hunger is an unpleasant urge to breathe and a distressing respiratory symptom of cardiopulmonary patients. An increase in tidal volume relieves air hunger, possibly by increasing pulmonary stretch receptor cycle amplitude. The purpose of this study was to determine whether increasing end-expiratory volume (EEV) also relieves air hunger. Six healthy volunteers (3 women, 31 +/- 4 yr old) were mechanically ventilated via a mouthpiece (12 breaths/min, constant end-tidal Pco(2)) at high minute ventilation (Ve; 12 +/- 2 l/min, control) and low Ve (6 +/- 1 l/min, air hunger). EEV was raised to approximately 150, 400, 725, and 1,000 ml by increasing positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to 2, 4, 6, and 8 cmH(2)O, respectively, for 1 min during high and low Ve. The protocol was repeated with the subjects in the seated and supine positions to test for the effect of shifting baseline EEV. Air hunger intensity was rated at the end of each breath on a visual analog scale. The increase in EEV was the same in the seated and supine positions; however, air hunger was reduced to a greater extent in the seated position (13, 30, 31, and 44% seated vs. 3, 9, 23, and 27% supine at 2, 4, 6, and 8 cmH(2)O PEEP, respectively, P < 0.05). Removing PEEP produced a slight increase in air hunger that was greater than pre-PEEP levels (P < 0.05). Air hunger is relieved by increases in EEV and tidal volume (presumably via an increase in mean pulmonary stretch receptor activity and cycle amplitude, respectively).  相似文献   

The initiation of ventilation in preterm, surfactant-deficient sheep without positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) causes airway injury and lung inflammation. We hypothesized that PEEP and surfactant treatment would decrease the lung injury from initiation of ventilation with high tidal volumes. Fetal sheep at 128-day gestational age were randomized to ventilation with: 1) no PEEP, no surfactant; 2) 8-cmH(2)O PEEP, no surfactant; 3) no PEEP + surfactant; 4) 8-cmH(2)O PEEP + surfactant; or 5) control (2-cmH(2)O continuous positive airway pressure) (n = 6-7/group). After maternal anesthesia and hysterotomy, the head and chest were exteriorized, and the fetus was intubated. While maintaining placental circulation, the fetus was ventilated for 15 min with a tidal volume escalating to 15 ml/kg using heated, humidified, 100% nitrogen. The fetus then was returned to the uterus, and tissue was collected after 30 min for evaluation of early markers of lung injury. Lambs receiving both surfactant and PEEP had increased dynamic compliance, increased static lung volumes, and decreased total protein and heat shock proteins 70 and 60 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared with other groups. Ventilation, independent of PEEP or surfactant, increased mRNA expression of acute phase response genes and proinflammatory cytokine mRNA in the lung tissue compared with controls. PEEP decreased mRNA for cytokines (2-fold) compared with groups receiving no PEEP. Surfactant administration further decreased some cytokine mRNAs and changed the distribution of early growth response protein-1 expression. The use of PEEP during initiation of ventilation at birth decreased early mediators of lung injury. Surfactant administration changed the distribution of injury and had a moderate additive protective effect.  相似文献   

In the pulmonary vasculature, cGMP levels are regulated by soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5). We previously reported that lambs with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) demonstrate increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and altered sGC and PDE5 activity, with resultant decreased cGMP. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydrocortisone on pulmonary vascular function, ROS, and cGMP in the ovine ductal ligation model of PPHN. PPHN lambs were ventilated with 100% O(2) for 24 h. Six lambs received 5 mg/kg hydrocortisone every 8 h times three doses (PPHN-hiHC), five lambs received 3 mg/kg hydrocortisone followed by 1 mg·kg(-1)·dose(-1) times two doses (PPHN-loHC), and six lambs were ventilated with O(2) alone (PPHN). All groups were compared with healthy 1-day spontaneously breathing lambs (1DSB). O(2) ventilation of PPHN lambs decreased sGC activity, increased PDE5 activity, and increased ROS vs. 1DSB lambs. Both hydrocortisone doses significantly improved arterial-to-alveolar ratios relative to PPHN lambs, decreased PDE5 activity, and increased cGMP relative to PPHN lambs. High-dose hydrocortisone also increased sGC activity, decreased PDE5 expression, decreased ROS, and increased total vascular SOD activity vs. PPHN lambs. These data suggest that hydrocortisone treatment in clinically relevant doses improves oxygenation and decreases hyperoxia-induced changes in sGC and PDE5 activity, increasing cGMP levels. Hydrocortisone reduces ROS levels in part by increasing SOD activity in PPHN lambs ventilated with 100% O(2.) We speculate that hydrocortisone increases cGMP by direct effects on sGC and PDE5 expression and by attenuating abnormalities induced by oxidant stress.  相似文献   

Effects of differential ventilation with general vs. selective right (R) and left (L) positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on left (LV) and right ventricular (RV) end-diastolic dimensions were compared in seven pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs. All three modes of PEEP reduced LV cross-sectional area: general PEEP more than RPEEP and RPEEP more than LPEEP. General PEEP and, to a lesser degree, RPEEP decreased both the LV anteroposterior diameter and LV septum-free wall diameter, whereas LPEEP reduced the LV septum-free wall diameter only. Cardiac output was unaffected by LPEEP, whereas general PEEP (20 cmH2O) reduced cardiac output by 48%, and RPEEP (20 cmH2O) reduced it by 23%. RV septum-free wall diameter was not changed by any mode of PEEP. In conclusion, cardiac output was better maintained with selective PEEP than with general PEEP because LV filling was less impeded with selective PEEP. During LPEEP LV assumed a different configuration than during RPEEP and general PEEP, probably reflecting a different pattern of heart-lung interaction.  相似文献   

Time-domain representations of the fetal aortopulmonary circulation were carried out in lamb fetuses to study hemodynamic consequences of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and the effects of endothelin-receptor antagonist tezosentan (3 mg/45 min). From the isthmic aortic and left pulmonary artery (PA) flows (Q) and isthmic aortic, PA, and left auricle pressures (P) on day 135 in 10 controls and 7 CDH fetuses (28 ewes), discrete-triggered P and Q waveforms were modelized as Pt and Qt functions to obtain basic hemodynamic profiles, pulsatile waves [P, Q, and entry impedance (Ze)], and P and Q hysteresis loops. In the controls, blood propelling energy was accounted for by biventricular ejection flow waves (kinetic energy) with low Ze and by flow-driven pressure waves (potential energy) with low Ze. Weak fetal pulmonary perfusion was ensured by reflux (reverse flows) from PA branches to the ductus anteriosus and aortic isthmus as reverse flows. Endothelin-receptor antagonist blockade using tezosentan slightly increased the forward flow but largely increased diastolic backward flow with a diminished left auricle pre- and postloading. In CHD fetuses, the static component overrode phasic flows that were detrimental to reverse flows and the direction of the diastolic isthmic flow changed to forward during the diastole period. Decreased cardiac output, flattened pressure waves, and increased forward Ze promoted backward flow to the detriment of forward flow (especially during diastole). Additionally, the intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunting was ineffective. The slowing of cardiac output, the dampening of energetic pressure waves and pulsatility, and the heightening of phasic impedances contributed to the lowering of aortopulmonary blood flows. We speculate that reverse pulmonary flow is a physiological requirement to protect the fetal pulmonary circulation from the prominent right ventricular stream and to enhance blood flow to the fetal heart and brain.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that acetylcholine-induced relaxation of the renal artery decreases with postnatal age, we measured parameters of renal hemodynamics before and for 35 s after aortic suprarenal injection of acetylcholine in conscious, chronically instrumented lambs aged approximately 1 wk (n = 5) and approximately 6 wk (n = 5). Acetylcholine was administered in one of five doses ranging from 0 to 10 mg/kg body wt; doses were administered randomly, in the same volume. There were significant age- and dose-dependent changes in renal vascular resistance after acetylcholine administration, such that the response was greater in 1-wk-old lambs. After the highest dose tested, renal vascular resistance decreased by 13.6 +/- 7.3 (SD) mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt in 1-wk-old lambs and by 9.1 +/- 3.2 mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt in 6-wk-old lambs at 35 s. We also observed a transient renal vasoconstriction before the renal vasodilatation in 6-wk-old lambs but not in 1-wk-old animals. These data provide the first age- and dose-dependent effects of exogenous administration of acetylcholine on renal hemodynamics during maturation in conscious animals.  相似文献   

To the present lung liquid dynamics in the immediate neonatal period have been measured mainly by gravimetric techniques. This paper explores lung aeration and lung water dynamics in seven fetal lambs between 139 and 142 days of gestation delivered by caesarean section and ventilated on a constant-volume respirator. After caesarean section and instrumentation, fetal lambs were quickly transferred to a warm X-ray table and connected to a volume-cycled respirator. X-ray fluoroscopic images of the chest commenced before the first breath and were recorded on video tape. After 1 h of ventilation, measurements were made of pulmonary blood volume, and lung samples were taken for wet weight and dry weight analysis. Fluoroscopic image brightness was calibrated by comparison with images obtained from a water wedge, which extended across the X-ray field. Thus image brightness was related to "equivalent water path length" through the thorax. Within a defined lung field, image brightness increases as the amount of lung water in the path of the X-ray beam is reduced. This occurs rapidly at first and then more slowly over the remaining hour. There was considerable variation between the reduction of liquid in the lung fields examined within the one animal, as well as the absolute amount of fluid that had been cleared during the 1st h.  相似文献   

Endothelin receptor blockade is an emerging therapy for pulmonary hypertension. However, hemodynamic and structural effects and potential changes in endogenous nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP and endothelin-1 signaling of chronic endothelin A receptor blockade in pulmonary hypertension secondary to congenital heart disease are unknown. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine hemodynamic and structural effects and potential changes in endogenous NO-cGMP and endothelin-1 signaling of chronic endothelin A receptor blockade in a lamb model of increased pulmonary blood flow following in utero placement of an aortopulmonary shunt. Immediately after spontaneous birth, shunt lambs were treated lifelong with either an endothelin A receptor antagonist (PD-156707) or placebo. At 4 wk of age, PD-156707-treated shunt lambs (n = 6) had lower pulmonary vascular resistance and right atrial pressure than placebo-treated shunt lambs (n = 8, P < 0.05). Smooth muscle thickness or arterial number per unit area was not different between the two groups. However, the number of alveolar profiles per unit area was increased in the PD-156707-treated shunt lambs (190.7 +/- 5.6 vs. 132.9 +/- 10.0, P < 0.05). Plasma endothelin-1 and cGMP levels and lung NOS activity, cGMP, eNOS, preproendothelin-1, endothelin-converting enzyme-1, endothelin A, and endothelin B receptor protein levels were similar in both groups. We conclude that chronic endothelin A receptor blockade attenuates the progression of pulmonary hypertension and augments alveolar growth in lambs with increased pulmonary blood flow.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a regulating factor in respiration. The question was whether NO synthase (NOS) blockade would affect posthypoxic ventilatory behavior similarly in two rat strains with known differences in steady-state hypoxic and hypercapnic responses and in posthypoxic ventilatory behavior. Ventilatory behavior [respiratory frequency (f) and minute ventilation (VE)] was measured by body plethysmography on unanesthetized, unrestrained adult male Sprague-Dawley (SD; n = 8) and Brown Norway rats (BN; n = 8) at baseline and 1 min after rapid transition to 100% O(2) after 5 min of isocapnic hypoxia (10% O(2)-3% CO(2)-balance N(2)). Testing was performed 30 min after intraperitoneal injection of either saline (vehicle) or 100 mg/kg of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Resting f and VE increased after L-NAME in both strains, more markedly in SD compared with BN (77 vs. 47% for f, and 42 vs. 16% for VE, respectively; P < 0.05). With vehicle, posthypoxic f and VE decline (Dejours phenomenon) was present only in BN and was absent in SD. With L-NAME, the Dejours phenomena were still present in BN but also were apparent in SD (f: 95.3 vs. 134.4 beats/min at baseline; VE: 66.3 vs. 88.8 ml/min at baseline; P < 0.05). Thus NOS blockade results in a strain-specific alteration in resting ventilation and uncovers the Dejours phenomenon in the SD strain.  相似文献   

We investigated the dose-response effect of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and increased lung volume on the pulmonary clearance rate of aerosolized technetium-99m-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA). Clearance of lung radioactivity was expressed as percent decrease per minute. Base-line clearance was measured while anesthetized sheep (n = 20) were ventilated with 0 cmH2O end-expiratory pressure. Clearance was remeasured during ventilation at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, or 20 cmH2O PEEP. Further studies showed stepwise increases in functional residual capacity (FRC) (P less than 0.05) measured at 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 cmH2O PEEP. At 2.5 cmH2O PEEP, the clearance rate was not different from that at base line (P less than 0.05), although FRC was increased from base line. Clearance rate increased progressively with increasing PEEP at 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O (P less than 0.05). Between 15 and 20 cmH2O PEEP, clearance rate was again unchanged, despite an increase in FRC. The pulmonary clearance of aerosolized 99mTc-DTPA shows a sigmoidal response to increasing FRC and PEEP, having both threshold and maximal effects. This relationship is most consistent with the hypothesis that alveolar epithelial permeability is increased by lung inflation.  相似文献   

The distribution of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) with respect to compliance was determined using vascular occlusion in isolated lungs from lambs at five ages, from 2 wk before birth to 1 mo of age. The major change in PVR occurred in the pressure gradient across the middle compliant region (delta Pm), which dropped sharply at birth, remained low for 2 wk, and increased at 1 mo. Pulmonary vasoreactivity also varied with ages. Lungs at 0-4 days did not respond to hypoxia and responded poorly to prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha). In contrast, lungs at 13-33 days had significant increases in delta Pm and the gradient across relatively indistensible arterial vessels during hypoxia and increases in all gradients with PGF2 alpha. Ventilation of fetal lungs reduced PVR, mainly because of a 50% reduction in delta Pm. Our results demonstrate that the magnitude and distribution of PVR relative to compliance varied as a function of perinatal age and that pulmonary vasoreactivity depended on postnatal age. The major effect of ventilating fetal lungs was on the middle region.  相似文献   

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