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Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) liver and kidney cytosol were fractionated by gel chromatography, anion-exchange chromatography and electrophoresis. Cadmium was associated largely with low molecular weight proteins, while mercury was associated also with high molecular weight proteins, but apparently not because of saturation of the metallothionein mechanism. Eight different electrophoretic bands, four of which were metalloproteins, were found under the "metallothionein" peak. Anion-exchange chromatography yielded five metal peaks while further fractionation on G-50 gave two peaks, one containing almost pure metallothionein (Mt-1) and the other a metalloprotein having twice the molecular weight of metallothionein. Mt-2 was observed, at a much lower concentration than Mt-1, in liver but not kidney.  相似文献   

The behavioral and environmental context of animal calls provides insights into their functions. Narwhals are a highly vocal species and, like other social cetaceans, rely on acoustic signals to communicate. We characterize and categorize narwhal whistles and pulsed calls, as well as investigate variation in these calls under different contexts (behavior, herd, and year) using recordings made during the month of August 2006–2008, in Koluktoo Bay (72°04′N, 80°32′W). We detected similarities among whistles but not pulsed calls that were produced under a similar behavioral context. Both whistles and pulsed calls recorded within the same herd were more similar than whistles and pulsed calls recorded within different herds. We did not find any type of whistle to be associated with a specific behavior although some acoustical features might be behavior specific. Both whistles and pulsed calls show properties that are consistent with the hypothesis that narwhals produce group‐ or individual‐specific calls.  相似文献   

Michael  Kingsley 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(2):201-208
A simplified population equation for Monodon Pnonoceros shows that current estimates of the values of the life history variables are inconsistent with the hypothesis of a stationary population. Instantaneous adult mortality must be less than 0,10/yr, not the published estimate of 12–13%/yr, for accepted values of the other variables to be consistent with stationarity. For sustainable harvest, permissible exploitation rates are no larger than 3–4%/yr, and instantaneous natural mortality must then be well below 10%/yr. Present uncertainty in the values of survival rates, both of adults and young, contributes twice as much to uncertainty in population growth rate as does uncertainty in reproductive rates.  相似文献   

The inner ear of the narwhal (Monodon monoceros) was investigated on the basis of a complete series of microslides of an early fetus. In this well‐preserved specimen, the cochlea is about twice as large as the vestibular apparatus. The latter exhibits a high degree of specialization. Whereas the utriculus and sacculus are of normal size in comparison with those of other mammals, the semicircular canals are miniaturized but not obliterated, as in the case of some adult toothed whales. In comparison with other mammals, there is relatively little perilymphatic space around the vestibular organ, but the inner radius of the lymphatic ducts comes close to that of the adult human. Although there are some hints that the sensitivity of the vestibular system may be high in this species, detailed analysis of the adult narwhal ear is needed to confirm this inference.  相似文献   

Narwhal and beluga whales are important species to Arctic ecosystems, including subsistence hunting by Inuit, and little is understood about their mating ecology. Reproductive tract metrics vary across species in relation to mating strategy, and have been used to infer mating ecology. Reproductive tracts from beluga and narwhal were collected between 1997 and 2008 from five beluga stocks and two narwhal stocks across the Canadian Arctic. Tract length for males and females, relative testes mass for males, and tusk length for male narwhal were measured. We assessed variation relative to species, body size, stock, maturity, and season. Significant variation was found in testes mass across month and stock for beluga, and no significant difference between stock or date of harvest for narwhal. Beluga had significantly larger testes relative to body size than narwhal, suggesting they were more promiscuous than narwhal. A significant relationship was found between narwhal tusk length and testes mass, indicating the tusk may be important in female mate choice. No significant differences were found between narwhal and beluga reproductive tract length for males or females. The mating systems suggested for narwhal and belugas by our results mean the two species may respond differently to climate change.  相似文献   

Counting growth-layer groups (GLGs) in teeth is one of the most precise and widely accepted methods for aging marine mammals. Male narwhals have a large erupted tusk that can be used for aging, but this tusk is often difficult or expensive to obtain from hunters and most females do not display the tusk; thus, alternative methods for narwhal aging are needed. In this study, we aged narwhals by counting annual GLGs in embedded tusks and by measuring the change in the ratio of D- and L-enantiomers of aspartic acid in the eye lens nucleus that occurs as the animal ages (the aspartic acid racemization [AAR] technique). Absolute age estimates were estimated for seven tusks aged ≤15 yr. Estimated age was a significant predictor of aspartic acid D/L ratios with a racemization rate (Kasp) of 9.72 × 10−4/year ± 2.28 × 10−4 and a (D/L)0 of 3.46 × 10−2 ± 1.78 × 10−3 (r2 = 0.74). Results from our study, which included more younger GLG-aged animals than previously evaluated, confirms AAR can be used to generate age estimates for narwhals.  相似文献   

 The variation at loci with similarity to DRB class II major histocompatibility complex loci was assessed in 313 beluga collected from 13 sampling locations across North America, and 11 narwhal collected in the Canadian high Arctic. Variation was assessed by amplification of exon 2, which codes for the peptide binding region, via the polymerase chain reaction, followed by either cloning and DNA sequencing or single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis. Two DRB loci were identified in beluga: DRB1, a polymorphic locus, and, DRB2, a monomorphic locus. Eight alleles representing five distinct lineages (based on sequence similarity) were found at the beluga DRB1 locus. Although the relative number of alleles is low when compared with terrestrial mammals, the amino acid variation found among the lineages is moderate. At the DRB1 locus, the average number of nonsynonymous substitutions per site is greater than the average number of synonymous substitutions per site (0.0806 : 0.0207, respectively;P<0.01). Most of the 31 amino acid substitutions do not conserve the physiochemical properties of the residue, and 21 of these are located at positions implicated as forming pockets responsible for the selective binding of foreign peptide side chains. Only DRB1 variation was examined in 11 narwhal, revealing a low amount of variation. These data are consistent with an important role for the DRB1 locus in the cellular immune response of beluga. In addition, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions is similar to that among primate alleles, arguing against a reduction in the balancing selection pressure in the marine environment. Two hypotheses may explain the modest amount of Mhc variation when compared with terrestrial mammals: small population sizes at speciation or a reduced neutral substitution rate in cetaceans. Received: 15 July 1997 / Revised: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

Rapid changes in sea ice cover associated with global warming are poised to have marked impacts on polar marine mammals. Here we examine skeletal muscle characteristics supporting swimming and diving in one polar species, the narwhal, and use these attributes to further document this cetacean's vulnerability to unpredictable sea ice conditions and changing ecosystems. We found that extreme morphological and physiological adaptations enabling year‐round Arctic residency by narwhals limit behavioral flexibility for responding to alternations in sea ice. In contrast to the greyhound‐like muscle profile of acrobatic odontocetes, the longissimus dorsi of narwhals is comprised of 86.8%± 7.7% slow twitch oxidative fibers, resembling the endurance morph of human marathoners. Myoglobin content, 7.87 ± 1.72 g/100 g wet muscle, is one of the highest levels measured for marine mammals. Calculated maximum aerobic swimming distance between breathing holes in ice is <1,450 m, which permits routine use of only 2.6%–10.4% of ice‐packed foraging grounds in Baffin Bay. These first measurements of narwhal exercise physiology reveal extreme specialization of skeletal muscles for moving in a challenging ecological niche. This study also demonstrates the power of using basic physiological attributes to predict species vulnerabilities to environmental perturbation before critical population disturbance occurs.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the tissues of the tusk of a narwhal Monodon monoceros , their histological arrangement, and the gross anatomy of the tusk were examined. The histology of the tusk shows various toughening mechanisms. The tusk tissues are of low stiffness, but are very tough, suiting the tusks for loading on impact, but not for longitudinal loading. These mechanical properties suggest the possible functions of the tusk, namely to be long in order to be sexually attractive, while being tough in order to withstand 'testing' blows from other males.  相似文献   

Recordings of narwhal (Monodon monoceros) echolocation signals were made using a linear 16 hydrophone array in the pack ice of Baffin Bay, West Greenland in 2013 at eleven sites. An average -3 dB beam width of 5.0° makes the narwhal click the most directional biosonar signal reported for any species to date. The beam shows a dorsal-ventral asymmetry with a narrower beam above the beam axis. This may be an evolutionary advantage for toothed whales to reduce echoes from the water surface or sea ice surface. Source level measurements show narwhal click intensities of up to 222 dB pp re 1 μPa, with a mean apparent source level of 215 dB pp re 1 μPa. During ascents and descents the narwhals perform scanning in the vertical plane with their sonar beam. This study provides valuable information for reference sonar parameters of narwhals and for the use of acoustic monitoring in the Arctic.  相似文献   

We analyzed variation in nine non-metric and eight metric variables in the skulls of 132 narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from five localities in Greenland (Inglefield Bredning, Melville Bay, Uummannaq, Disko Bay, and Scoresby Sound) and one in the eastern Canadian Arctic (Eclipse Sound). Metric variables were used to compare the combined Disko Bay and Uummannaq samples with the samples from Inglefield Bredning and Scoresby Sound using three different multivariate techniques for each sex. None of the results were significant. Seven of the non-metric variables were independent of age and sex and were used in comparing samples from the six localities. No differences were found among the four localities in West Greenland, but differences were found in two of the non-metric variables between the combined West Greenland sample and the one from Scoresby Sound. A major shortcoming of the analysis based on metric data was the small sample size from several of the areas, which resulted in low statistical power. Genetic as well as environmental factors could explain the differences detected here between narwhals living along the west and the east coasts of Greenland.  相似文献   

Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) are sentinel species in the Arctic and to investigate marine food web changes from 1982–2011 we examined diet using fatty acids, δ15N, and δ13C, in narwhals from Baffin Bay (BB) and northern Hudson Bay (NHB). We predicted temporal changes would be greater in NHB due to a significant reduction in summer ice cover. In NHB, δ15N significantly increased, δ13C displayed a parabolic trend, and fatty acids gradually shifted, albeit not significantly, over time. δ15N was stable, δ13C decreased, and fatty acids significantly changed over time in BB. Stable isotope mixing models indicated a dietary reduction in capelin and increase in Greenland halibut from 1994–2000 to 2006–2011 in BB, while capelin was an important dietary component for narwhals in NHB in recent years (2006–2011). These dietary changes may be attributed to changes in sea ice and narwhal migration. Seasonal dietary changes, as evidenced by changes in blubber fatty acids and skin and muscle stable isotopes, were not as apparent in the NHB population, which may be indicative of a reduced migratory distance. Long‐term monitoring of narwhal diet and migratory patterns associated with reduced sea ice provides invaluable information about how the marine ecosystem will redistribute with global warming.  相似文献   

Defining subpopulations using genetics has traditionally used data from microsatellite markers to investigate population structure; however, single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have emerged as a tool for detection of fine‐scale structure. In Hudson Bay, Canada, three polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulations (Foxe Basin (FB), Southern Hudson Bay (SH), and Western Hudson Bay (WH)) have been delineated based on mark–recapture studies, radiotelemetry and satellite telemetry, return of marked animals in the subsistence harvest, and population genetics using microsatellites. We used SNPs to detect fine‐scale population structure in polar bears from the Hudson Bay region and compared our results to the current designations using 414 individuals genotyped at 2,603 SNPs. Analyses based on discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and STRUCTURE support the presence of four genetic clusters: (i) Western—including individuals sampled in WH, SH (excluding Akimiski Island in James Bay), and southern FB (south of Southampton Island); (ii) Northern—individuals sampled in northern FB (Baffin Island) and Davis Strait (DS) (Labrador coast); (iii) Southeast—individuals from SH (Akimiski Island in James Bay); and (iv) Northeast—individuals from DS (Baffin Island). Population structure differed from microsatellite studies and current management designations demonstrating the value of using SNPs for fine‐scale population delineation in polar bears.  相似文献   

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