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The relationships between somatic growth and otolith dimensions, otolith size to estimated age and growth parameters of the tigertooth croaker (Otolithes ruber) were investigated in 100 specimens (size range: 19.1–52.0 cm, total length) from the Oman Sea area, September 2014. All 100 otoliths were sectioned and determined by age. The oldest specimen was a 4.5‐year‐old female with a total length of 40.6 cm; the youngest specimen was also a female estimated at 1 year of age with a total length of 19.1 cm. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was estimated as Lt = 54.70 (1 ? exp (?0.37 (t + 0.21))). Concluded was that there is a significant relationship between body size, otolith dimensions and estimated age of Otolithes ruber.  相似文献   

The following 3 new species of the Philometridae (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) are described from freshwater centrarchid fishes (Centrarchidae: Perciformes) from eastern North America on the basis of museum and newly collected specimens: Philometra orbitalensis n. sp. and Philometroides aphanonaris n. sp. from the oculo-orbits and subcutaneous tissues of the head, respectively, of the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, and Philometroides wellborni n. sp. from the oculo-orbits of the bluegill Lepomis macrochirus (type host) and the redbreast sunfish Lepomis auritus. Whereas P. wellborni is described from both males and gravid females, the males of P. aphanonaris and P. orbitalensis remain unknown. The type locality of all 3 species is the West Point Reservoir, Alabama-Georgia; P. aphanonaris and P. wellborni have also been recorded from the Santee River in South Carolina. In contrast to other Philometra spp. parasitizing North American freshwater fishes, the gravid females of P. orbitalensis are characterized by large cephalic papillae of the external circle, yellowish body color, location (oculo-orbits) in the host, and by the host type (Centrarchidae). Philometroides aphanonaris and P. wellborni differ from North American congeners from freshwater fishes in the absence of esophageal teeth or a different embossment of the caudal end in gravid females; P. wellborni differs from P. aphanonaris in the absence of cuticular bosses from the caudal end of gravid females and in some other features (extent of embossment, body color, location, and host type).  相似文献   

Based on light and electron microscopical studies, two new gonad-infecting species of Philometra Costa, 1845 (Nematoda: Philometridae) are described from the ovary of marine perciform fishes off the northern coast of Australia (near Darwin): Philometra carangis n. sp. from the bluespotted trevally Caranx bucculentus Alleyne & Macleay (Carangidae) and P. carponotati n. sp. from the Spanish flag snapper Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson) (Lutjanidae). Philometra carangis is mainly characterised by the length of the spicules (153–189 µm), the presence of a distinct dorsal protuberance consisting of two dorsolateral lamellar parts separated from each other by a smooth median field, a V-shaped mound on the male caudal extremity, a pair of large post-cloacal papillae and the body length of the males (3.22–4.15 mm). Philometra carponotati is distinguished from other congeneric species parasitising lutjanids by the length of the spicules and gubernaculum (225–252 and 99–117 µm, respectively), the absence of a dorsal protuberance on the distal lamellar part of the gubernaculum, the presence of a U-shaped mound on the male caudal extremity, a pair of large post-cloacal papillae and the body length of the male (3.74–4.31 mm). Besides the recently established Philometra zabidii Moravec & Diggles, 2014 (based on a single female), these two newly described nematodes are the only nominal gonad-infecting species of Philometra known to parasitise marine fishes in Australian waters.  相似文献   

Based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies, two new gonad-infecting species of Philometra Costa, 1845 (Nematoda: Philometridae) are described from marine perciform fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: P. hyporthodi n. sp. from the ovary of the yellowedge grouper Hyporthodus flavolimbatus (Poey) (Serranidae) and P. lopholatili n. sp. from the ovary of the great northern tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode & Bean (Malacanthidae). Philometra hyporthodi is mainly characterised by the body length of both the males (3.62–4.07 mm) and gravid female (105 mm), the length of the spicules (135–138 μm) and the presence of dorsal transverse lamella-like structures on the distal portion of the gubernaculum. Philometra lopholatili is distinguished by the presence of a distinct dorsal protuberance consisting of two dorsolateral lamellated parts separated from each other by a smooth median field, an uninterrupted mound on the male caudal extremity, the length of the spicules (165–189 μm) and the body length of the males (2.19–2.34 mm) and gravid female (280 mm). Philometra lopholatili is the first representative of the genus and the second philometrid species reported from fishes of the family Malacanthidae.  相似文献   

A new genus of sciaenid fish Caucasisciaena is erected to accommodate the Early Miocene eastern Paratethys species Perca ignota Smirnov, 1936, which, subsequently, was variously attributed to the modern genera, either Larimus or Otolithoides. The materials examined include 32 specimens from four Caucasian and Crimean localities of Sakaraulian age (Lower Burdigalian). The new genus is based on a unique combination of features, including: parasphenoid with a dorsal rounded bony flange; basisphenoid present; premaxilla with short ascending process forming obtuse angle with alveolar process and ascending/alveolar process ratio about 0.17; anterior premaxillary teeth enlarged; posttemporal with few robust spines along its posterior margin; presence of 25 vertebrae; presence of three tiny supraneurals; dorsal fin with 11 spines plus 22–24 soft rays; anal fin with two spines and 7–8 soft rays; second anal-fin spine long and massive; pectoral fin elongate; scales ctenoid on body and cycloid on head (except for one or two rows of ctenoid scales on the cheek). Paleoecological considerations suggest that Caucasisciaena probably was a predatory fish that inhabited the coastal waters of the eastern sector of the Paratethyan basin.  相似文献   

Summary The form of the head disc and its taxonomic significance in the genus Discocriconemella De Grisse & Loof, 1965 is discussed. A new genus, Acrozostron, is proposed for the former macramphidia group of Discocriconemella species distinguished primarily by the distinctive cephalic region. The following new combinations are made: A. caudaventer, A. hensungicum, A. macramphidia, A. pannosum and A. retroversum. Discocriconemella sensu stricto is rediagnosed D. sphaerocephaloides is transferred to Macroposthonia. The type species of Madinema Khan, Chawla & Saha, 1976 is synonymized with Macroposthonia citricola and the other species of this genus reassigned or synonymized.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Philometra diplectri n. sp. (Philometridae), is described from male and female specimens found in unidentified tissues of head and anterior trunk (males) and subcutaneously in the mouth and under the operculum (females) of sand perch, Diplectrum formosum (Linnaeus) (Serranidae, Perciformes), from the northern Gulf of Mexico off Florida (Florida Middle Grounds). Based on light and scanning electron microscopy examination, the new species differs from other congeners parasitizing the subcutaneous tissues, fins, tissues of the buccal cavity, and gill covers or gill arches of marine and brackish-water fishes, mainly in having 8 conspicuously large cephalic papillae of the external circle, the absence of caudal projections, and the shape and small size of the anterior inflation of the esophagus in gravid females, and in possessing 5 pairs of caudal papillae and spicules 66-78 μm long in males. Philometra diplectri is the first known species of this genus whose gravid females are parasitic in the head tissues of serranid fishes.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of myxozoan parasite,Renispora simae, is described from the gall-bladder of the nototheniid fishPatagonotothen sima (Richardson). Four of 12 fish caught in Stanley harbour in the Falkland Islands in May, 1993 were infected. The new genus is placed in the family Alatosporidae and differs from other genera in this family by the shape of the spore body and the shape and site of adhesion of the membranous extensions to the spore valves. To accommodate the new genus, we propose an amendment to the definition of the family Alatosporidae to include forms with reniform spores.Myxidium baueri Kovaleva & Gaevskaya, 1982 is reported fromP. sima for the first time. It was found in the gall-bladder of one of the same 12 fish caught in Stanley harbour.  相似文献   

Cousinia perspolitanus and C. khansaricus are described and illustrated. They are assigned to section Cynaroideae because of the appendiculate bracts and decurrent leaves. SEM of achene and pollen are presented.  相似文献   

The cystidicolid nematode Cystidicoloides fischeri (Travassos, Artigas and Pereira, 1928) is redescribed from specimens collected from the stomach of the San Francisco piranha, Pygocentrus piraya (Cuvier), and the white piranha, Serrasalmus brandtii (Lütken) (both Characidae, Characiformes) (new host records), from the Três Marias Reservoir, Upper S?o Francisco River, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The morphology of this type species of Cystidicoloides Skinker, 1931, studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy, is characterized by some taxonomically important, previously unreported features, such as the presence of a cephalic cuticular collarette, subdorsal and subventral cephalic spikes, cuticular tooth-like elevations inside the prostom, deirids, area rugosa, and details in the structure of the cephalic end. Heliconema izecksohni Fabio, 1982 is transferred to Cystidicoloides as C. izecksohni (Fabio, 1982) n. comb. Cystidicoloides uniseriata Valovaya and Valter, 1988 is considered a species inquirenda with uncertain generic appurtenance. The presence of subdorsal and subventral cephalic spikes and the collarette are characteristic of Cystidicoloides, comprising only species parasitizing Neotropical fishes. The species from salmonids in the Holarctic, hitherto reported mostly as Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum (Linstow, 1872), belongs to a different, newly erected genus, for which the name Salmonema n. gen. (type species S. ephemeridarum) is now proposed. Cystidicoloides prevosti (Choquette, 1951) is transferred to Salmonema as S. prevosti (Choquette, 1951) n. comb. Sterliadochona ssavini Skryabin, 1948 and Sterliadochona Skryabin, 1948 are considered as species inquirenda and a genus inquirendum, respectively. A key to species of Cystidicoloides is provided.  相似文献   

Three species of Plectus Bastian, 1865 viz., P. aquatilis and P. pusillus from Kerman province and P. velox from Alborz province, Iran are described and illustrated. Partial sequences of 18S region of ribosomal DNA gene were amplified for P. aquatilis and P. pusillus. The Blast results of population of P. aquatilis from Iran showed 8–10 nucleotides differences with populations of the same species (AF036602; GQ892827; AY284700) reported from the UK, Belgium and The Netherlands, respectively. Whereas Iranian population of P. pusillus showed 14–16 nucleotides differences with P. cf. pusillus (AY284705; AY284704) reported from The Netherlands. Molecular analysis revealed close relationship of the Iranian plectids with P. cf. parvus (AY284699) reported from The Netherlands. Phylogenetic relationships with other related species in the genus Plectus and closely related genera that are available in the GenBank are given.  相似文献   

Two new species of Philaenus from Iran are described. Philaenus elbursianus sp. n. belongs to the Ph. signatus species group from the nominotypical subgenus. Philaenus iranicus sp. n. differs considerably from all the known representatives of the genus and was separated in a new subgenus Gyrurus subgen. n. The occurrence of this highly peculiar species in Iran may indicate that the center of origin of the genus Philaenus lies in this territory and not in the Mediterranean region as it was considered before.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Beaninema nayaritense n. gen., n. sp. and Rhabdochona xiphophori n. sp., are described on the basis of the specimens recovered from the gall bladder and intestine of 2 fishes, Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) (Cichlidae, Perciformes) and Xiphophorus sp. (Poeciliidae, Cyprinodontiformes), respectively, from Mexico. The monotypic genus Beaninema differs from other rhabdochonid genera mainly in the presence of large conical teeth in the middle of the prostom. Rhabdochona xiphophori is characterized mainly by a unique structure of the prostom (presence of 6 anterior teeth; dorsal and ventral teeth unusually broad, with 2 lateral horns) and the shape of the deirids (bifurcated, with markedly long base).  相似文献   

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