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The effects of bacteria isolated from ectomycorrhizas on sporocarp production of Laccaria parva were examined in vitro. Three bacterial strains of Bradyrhizobium were selected on the basis of their affinity for L. parva LL02 in previous confrontation tests: a positive or a negative strain that significantly increased or decreased hyphal extension areas, and a neutral strain that did not have significant effects on them. Mycelia of LL02 and a suspension of each bacterial strain were inoculated onto a surface-sterilized pine seedling in a glass bottle and then incubated for 3 mo in an illuminated incubator. Plant biomass did not differ significantly among the treatments, but the level of ectomycorrhizal colonization was low in the treatment inoculated with a negative strain (Neg treatment). The frequency with which mature sporocarps occurred was higher in treatments inoculated with positive (Pos treatment) or neutral strains (Neu treatment) compared with control and Neg treatments. The ratio of biomass accounted for by mature sporocarps was low in control and Neg treatments, and high in Pos and Neu treatments. These results indicate that bacteria colonizing ectomycorrhizas affect the production of sporocarps and that the affinity between fungi and bacteria is likely to underlie this interaction.  相似文献   

Bacterial proliferations have recurrently been observed for the past 15 years in fermentor cultures of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N, suggesting the presence of cryptic bacteria in the collection culture of this fungus. In this study, intracellular bacteria were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy in several collection subcultures of L. bicolor S238N. They were small (0.5 micro m in diameter), rare, and heterogeneously distributed in the mycelium and were identified as Paenibacillus spp. by using a 16S rRNA-directed oligonucleotide probe initially designed for bacteria isolated from a fermentor culture of L. bicolor S238N.  相似文献   

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings in two bare-root forest nurseries were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata, together or not with one of five mycorrhization helper bacteria isolated from L. laccata sporocarps or mycorrhizas and previously selected by in vitro and glasshouse screenings. With the most efficient MHB isolates, when compared to the control with no bacteria, the percent of mycorrhizal short roots was increased from 60 to 90 or from 80 to 100, depending on the nursery, with inoculation doses as low as 106 living cells per m2. A dual inoculum made of calcium alginate beads containing the two microorganisms appears to be a valuable technique for increasing the efficiency of ectomycorrhizal inoculation of planting stocks in forest nurseries.  相似文献   

The effect of 46 bacterial strains isolated from tilled and non-tilled soils collected at 3 localities on the growth of intraradical hyphae of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungusGlomus claroideum was demonstrated. A larger number of stimulatory bacterial isolates was obtained from tilled soils, but the bacteria showing the strongest stimulation of hyphal growth were isolated from a soil that had not been cultivated. Isolates obtained from hyphae of AM fungi showed no substantial stimulatory effects, but produced more uniform effects on hyphal growth than the isolates of bacteria obtained from soil. Bacterial cenoses present in 3 different soils differ significantly in their effects on AM fungi.  相似文献   

A knowledge of behaviour of ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates to substrate pH would help in identifying candidate fungi for plantation programs. Ectomycorrhizal fungus isolates were studied to determine the pH optima for growth, substrate acidification by the culture and the effect of substrate acidification on culture growth. Of the isolates tested, the members of Agaricales (except Laccaria laccata) and Aphyllophorales favored neutral to near neutral pH, while members of the order Sclerodermatales strictly favored acidic pH. The change in substrate pH (ΔpH) was maximum at the optimum growth pH for acidophilic isolates but minimum for neutro/basophilic isolates. The experiments indicate that the substrate pH would not only determine the growth rate of the fungus but also limits further proliferation of the fungus in medium. This gives vital information for determining the subculture frequency and for designing substrate parameters for nursery/plantation programs. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Proteins obtained from seedling shoots and floral meristems ofSorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. NK 1210 induced mycelial growth in the smut fungus,Sporisorium reilianum in vitro. Proteins precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and ammonium sulfate were equally effective as inducers, although there were minor variations in the pattern of mycelial growth. Hydrolysis of the protein fraction with the proteolytic enzyme pronase E resulted in considerable reduction in the proteins' ability to induce mycelial growth. Digestion of the protein fraction with driselase, resulted in a slight enhancement of biological activity. The results suggest that amino sugar moieties in glycoproteins may act as inducers of mycelial growth inSporisorium reilianum.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterize and compare the genetic structure of aboveground and belowground populations of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria amethystina in an unmanaged mixed beech forest. Fruiting bodies and mycorrhizas of L. amethystina were mapped and collected in four plots in the ?wi?tokrzyskie Mountains (Poland). A total of 563 fruiting bodies and 394 mycorrhizas were successfully genotyped using the rDNA IGS1 (intergenic spacer) and seven simple sequence repeat markers. We identified two different genetic clusters of L. amethystina in all of the plots, suggesting that a process of sympatric isolation may be occurring at a local scale. The proportion of individuals belonging to each cluster was similar among plots aboveground while it significantly differed belowground. Predominance of a given cluster could be explained by distinct host preferences or by priority effects and competition among genets. Both aboveground and belowground populations consisted of many intermingling small genets. Consequently, host trees were simultaneously colonized by many L. amethystina genets that may show different ecophysiological abilities. Our data showed that several genets may last for at least 1 year belowground and sustain into the next season. Ectomycorrhizal species reproducing by means of spores can form highly diverse and persistent belowground genets that may provide the host tree with higher resilience in a changing environment and enhance ecosystem performance.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria sp. A is restricted to temperate rainforest of southeast Australia, associated with its host tree Nothofagus cunninghamii. Eight mitochondrial microsatellite markers were used to investigate the population genetic structure of L. sp. A across its distribution in Tasmania and Victoria. The highest allelic diversity was found in Tasmania, which appeared to contain a panmictic population, whereas the more fragmented Victorian populations were characterized by low allelic diversity and differentiation between east and west. There is evidence of glacial refugia in the west and the northeast of Tasmania, and in Victoria in the Otway Ranges and Central Highlands, with postglacial migration into the Strzelecki Ranges. Narrow host-specificity may have contributed to the presence of population structure in this fungus. Allelic diversity patterns in L. sp. A are largely congruent with diversity patterns already established in populations of its host, N. cunninghamii.  相似文献   

Abstract Addition of 100 μM choline chloride to the medium increased (by approx. 36%) both the length of the hyphal growth unit ( G a measure of mycelial branching) and the mean hyphal extension rate ( E ) of Fusarium graminearum but did not increase the maximum rate of extension of the hyphae ( E max). The paramorphogen, edifenphos (Hinosan) reduced G and E without affecting specific growth rate (μ). However, when mycelia were treated with edifenphos plus choline, μ was reduced, G was increased by approx. 35%, but E and E max were not affected. The results suggest that the primary effect of edifenphos is inhibition of hyphal extension, whilst the primary effect of choline is inhibition of branch initiation.  相似文献   

The survival, development and mycorrhizal efficiency of a selected strain of Laccaria bicolor along with naturally occurring ectomycorrhizal fungi in a young plantation of Douglas fir was examined. Symbionts were identified and their respective colonization abilities were determined. Eight species of symbiotic fungi, which may have originated in adjacent coniferous forests, were observed on the root systems. Mycorrhizal diversity differed between inoculated (5 taxa) and control (8 taxa) seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal fungi which occurred naturally in the nursery on control seedlings (Thelephora terrestris and Suillus sp.) did not survive after outplanting. Both inoculated and naturally occurring Laccaria species, as well as Cenococcum geophilum, survived on the old roots and colonized the newly formed roots, limiting the colonization by other naturally occurring fungi. Other fungi, such as Paxillus involutus, Scleroderma citrinum and Hebeloma sp. preferentially colonized the old roots near the seedling's collar. Russulaceae were found mainly in the middle section of the root system. Mycorrhizal colonization by Laccaria species on inoculated seedlings (54%) was significantly greater than on controls (13%) which were consequently dominated by the native fungi. Significant differences (up to 239%) were found in the growth of inoculated seedlings, especially in root and shoot weight, which developed mainly during the second year after outplanting. Seedling growth varied with the species of mycorrhizae and with the degree of root colonization. Competitiveness and effectiveness of the introduced strain on improving growth performances of seedlings are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of three different nitrogen sources on the growth of external ectomycorrhizal mycelium was studied in Perspex micorocosms. Nonsterile peat was used as substrate. Five different fungal isolates growing in symbiosis with pine seedlings were investigated: two isolates of Paxillus involutus, one of Suillus bovinus and two unidentified ectomycorrhizal fungi isolated from ectomycorrhizal root tips. Three different nitrogen sources were used: ammonium as (NH4)2SO4, nitrate as NaNO3 and a complete nutrient solution (Ingestad 1979), and three different nitrogen concentrations, 1, 2 or 4 mg N/g dry wt. of peat. The mycelial growth of all fungi was found to be negatively affected by the nitrogen amendments, although the sensitivity to nitrogen varied between the isolates. One of the unidentified isolates was extremely sensitive and growth was completely inhibited by all nitrogen treatments. In contrast, the growth of one of the P. involutus isolates was only slightly reduced by the nitrogen amendments. The different nitrogen sources all reduced growth, and since no significant difference was found between the nitrogen sources or between the different nitrogen concentrations the results were pooled to give one value that summarized the effect of nitrogen on mycelial growth. Thus, the mycelial growth of one of the two P. involutus isolates was reduced to approximately 80% of the growth in the control, the other P. involutus and one of the unidentified fungi, vgk 2 89.10, were reduced to 40–50% of the control growth, S. bovinus to 30% of the control and the most sensitive fungus, the unidentified isolate vg 1 87.10, was reduced to 3% of the growth in the control treatment. In all experiments, the shoot to root ratio generally increased, mainly as a result of increased shoot growth.  相似文献   

Different interactions between soil fungi competing in the rhizosphere with each other are necessary to understand their influence on plant growth and health. The interactions between the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Laccaria laccata and soil saprotrophic fungi (T. harzianum, T. virens) were studied by transmission electron microscopy, and by gold cytochemistry to assess the potential role of cell wall lytic enzymes in mycoparasitism. Anti-β-1,3-glucan antibody, WGA/ovomucoid-gold complex and PATAg test were used to localize β-1,3-glucan, chitin and polysaccharides. Cytoplasm disorganisation of the saprotrophic fungi occurred concurrently with dissolution of β-1,3-glucan in walls of hyphae and conidia of the saprotrophic fungi. Then digestion of polysaccharides and chitin of colonised fungal structures occurred. The studies suggest sequential contribution of cell wall lytic enzymes and importance of disturbing the host's cell integrity during mycoparasitism. We conclude that the ECM fungus can parasitise on the saprotrophic fungi not only in dual culture on artificial medium but also in the rhizosphere of Scots pine.  相似文献   

Topographical sensing (thigmotropism) is an essential component of efficient fungal growth. It is an important element in the complex pathway of sensory and mechanical elements that drive and control the growing hyphal tip, a fuller understanding of which will bring the mycological community a step closer to complete comprehension of the hyphal growth mode. Previous work has led us to hypothesize that the stress induced by nutrient deficiency causes structural changes in the hyphal tip that induces a thigmotropic response in Aspergillus niger, a soil fungus that does not display thigmotropism under normal conditions. In this study, we have sought to identify some of the factors that influence this induction of thigmotropism using a novel combination of microengineered substrates and imaging and analysis techniques to quantify thigmotropic behavior in complex hyphal systems. We have shown that the sensitivity of fungal contour sensing appears to be directly linked to nutrient availability and hypothesize that this may be caused by a stress-induced flattening of the tip and increased immaturity of the hyphal apex. Parts of this paper were presented at the Mycological Society of Japan (MSJ)/British Mycological Society (BMS) Joint Symposium, “The new generation of mycologists in Japan and the UK” held in Chiba, Japan, on June 3, 2006.  相似文献   

Entomophthora thripidum is an obligate biotrophic insect pathogenic fungus that grows as protoplasts within the hemocoel of thrips. Prior to penetration through the insect cuticle and spore formation at the insect surface the protoplasts switch to hyphal growth. In vitro, the differentiation to hyphal growth was a prerequisite for the subsequent formation of infectious spores and was detected 10-20 days after inoculation. E. thripidum secreted a factor that autoinduced the differentiation to hyphal growth. The discovery of this activity inducing hyphal growth made possible the reliable production of spores, the infection of host insects and the consecutive re-isolation of the fungus from the infected insects.  相似文献   

Homocaryotic mycelia obtained from spores of Laccaria bicolor S238 have been compared in vitro for their efficiency in solubilizing poorly soluble phosphates. This could lead to genetic selection according to such criteria. However, there is very little room for improvement as the wild strain was shown to be one of the most efficient solubilizers among the strains tested. Twenty dicaryotic strains obtained by crossing the compatible homocaryons have also been compared and no clear heritability of this character has been found. The four phosphate salts used are most probably solubilized by the same mechanism which is polygenetically controlled  相似文献   

Vierheilig  H.  Alt-Hug  M.  Engel-Streitwolf  R.  Mäder  P.  Wiemken  A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,203(1):137-144
The effects of tomato and bean rhizospheres on hyphal spreading of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae were studied using a soil compartment system in combination with hydrophobic polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) membranes. Both the nylon screen and the PTFE membrane were freely permeable to hyphae but not to roots. Furthermore, the hydrophobic PTFE membrane seemed to be a barrier to the flux of soil solutions containing root exudates. The results show that water soluble exudates of tomato and bean roots greatly stimulate hyphal growth in the soil compartment system used. Moreover, water soluble root exudates of bean exert a clear attractional effect on AM hyphal growth.  相似文献   

The total number of collembolans collected from the hyphal mat of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Sarcodon scabrosus was less than half of that collected from the adjacent non-mat soil. The same was true of all families of collembolans except one, although not all differences were significant. The exception was the Hypogastruridae, with more individuals in the hyphal mat on the sampling day in the fruiting season; these were also the most abundant collembolans on the fruiting bodies. These results indicate that most collembolans avoid the hyphal mat of S. scabrosus in a Japanese red pine forest.  相似文献   

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