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We describe two new species of deer truffle, Elaphomyces marmoratus and E. fuscus spp. nov., collected from a secondary forest dominated by Quercus serrata, in Tokyo, Japan. Both species have morphological similarities to E. muricatus and E. granulatus; however, the former has a gleba without a purplish color and the latter has reticulated ascospores more closely resembling E. asperulus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses also support the assignment of these specimens as new species. ITS rDNA homologies with known species were low (<91% and <97%). In addition, phylogenetic trees using neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods showed that the sequences of the two new species each formed a monophyletic group within section Elaphomyces with bootstrap support of 99%. Analyses of ectomycorrhizal roots collected concurrently with the ascomata revealed that E. marmoratus is associated with at least Pinus densiflora, while E. fuscus is associated with at least Q. serrata.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that truffle-like sporocarp forms have evolved many times in the Pezizales, but primarily from epigeous ancestors within ectomycorrhizal clades. There are several ectomycorrhizal clades, however, that contain no known hypogeous species. We collected specimens of an unusual unidentified truffle from mixed oak woodlands in Iowa. Although clearly a member of the Pezizales (Ascomycota), this hypogeous species did not belong to any of the described truffle genera. Based on a combination of ecological, phylogenetic, and morphological evidence we determined that this new truffle is a hypogeous member of the genus Otidea (Pyronemataceae), a lineage with no described truffle species. We describe it here as a new species, Otidea subterranea.  相似文献   

A new species of toxic benthic dinoflagellate is described based on laboratory cultures isolated from two locations from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. The morphology was studied with SEM and LM. Cells are elliptical in right thecal view and flat. They are 37–44 μm long and 29–36 μm wide. The right thecal plate has a V shaped indentation where six platelets can be identified. The thecal surface of both thecal plates is smooth and has round or kidney shaped and uniformly distributed pores except in the central area of the cell, and a line of marginal pores. Some cells present an elongated depression on the central area of the apical part of the right thecal plate. Prorocentrum caipirignum is similar to Prorocentrum lima in its morphology, but can be differentiated by the general cell shape, being elliptical while P. lima is ovoid. In the phylogenetic trees based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences, the P. caipirignum clade appears close to the clades of P. lima and Prorocentrum hoffmannianum. The Brazilian strains of P. caipirignum formed a clade with strains from Cuba, Hainan Island and Malaysia and it is therefore likely that this new species has a broad tropical distribution. Prorocentrum caipirignum is a toxic species that produces okadaic acid and the fast acting toxin prorocentrolide.  相似文献   

As part of a study to examine the phylogenetic history of the taxonomically challenging species Phytophthora cryptogea and P. drechsleri, a distinct monophyletic group of isolates, previously described as P. drechsleri or P. cryptogea, were characterised. Analysis of their rDNA ITS sequences indicated that these isolates were distinct from P. drechsleri, P. cryptogea, and all members of Phytophthora ITS clades 1–8, clustering instead alongside basal groups previously described as clades 9 and 10. This group comprised six isolates all of which were isolated from woody plants, such as pistachio (Pistacia vera, Iran and USA), fig (Ficus carica, Iran), and almond (Prunus dulcis, Greece). Analysis of sequence data from nuclear (β-tubulin and translation elongation factor 1α) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) genes confirmed the ITS-based analysis as these isolates formed a distinct monophyletic group in all NJ trees. The isolates were fast growing with a relatively high optimum growth temperature of 30 °C and, in most cases, rapid colony growth even at 37 °C. The isolates produced complex colony patterns on almost all media, especially corn meal agar (CMA). Phylogenetic analysis and examination of all the other morphological and physiological data lead us to infer that this taxon has not been described previously. As this taxon was first isolated and described from Iran we propose that this taxon be formally designated as Phytophthora parsiana.  相似文献   

Cyanolichens are an assemblage of fungi and cyanobacteria from diverse, cosmopolitan habitats. Typically composed of a single species of cyanobacterium, with or without another eukaryotic alga, here we present two novel cyanobionts isolated from an undescribed tripartite lichen. This endolithic lichen was isolated from a granite cemetery tombstone from Jacksonville, FL, and contains two potentially nitrogen‐fixing cyanobionts. Employing a total evidence approach, we characterized the cyanobionts using molecular (the 16S rDNA and ITS gene region), morphological, and ecological data. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two novel taxa: Brasilonema lichenoides and Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides, both of which fell within well‐supported clades. To our knowledge, this represents the first instance of a tripartite lichen with two cyanobacterial and no eukaryotic members. These types of lichens may well represent an unexplored reservoir of cyanobacterial diversity. The specific epithets are proposed under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.  相似文献   

During an investigation of submerged leaves and twigs sampled from tropical peat swamp forests located in Peninsular Malaysia, an anamorphic fungus not attributable to a described genus was detected and isolated in pure culture. Conidial ontogeny was thoroughly studied and illustrated using both light and SEM, which revealed a unique conidial morphology. Analysis of partial nuLSU rDNA and ITS data revealed a phylogenetic position within the Xylariales (Ascomycota), but family affiliation remained unclear.  相似文献   

A significant heterogeneity of the species Zygowilliopsis californica was revealed using RFLP-analysis of the PCR-amplified rDNA fragment spanning the 5.8S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of ITS1 and ITS2 rDNA differentiated three varieties: Z. californica var. californica, Z. californica var. dimennae, and Z. californica var. fukushimae. The most variable was the ITS2 region, where 7–26 nucleotide substitutions were revealed. The varieties formed semisterile hybrids with meiotic segregation of control markers. The limits of the phylogenetic species concept are discussed.  相似文献   

Three strains of Eubacterium-like isolates from human feces were characterized by biochemical tests and 16S rDNA analysis. The phenotypic characteristics of the three strains resembled those of the genus Collinsella transferred from the genus Eubacterium recently. However, Eubacterium-like strains were phylogenetically members of the Clostridium subphylum of gram-positive bacteria, and these showed a specific phylogenetic association with Clostridium ramosum and C. spiroforme. C. ramosum and C. spiroforme are gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria that belong to the genus Clostridium, and the G + C contents are 26.0 and 27.4 mol%, respectively. However, the three Eubacterium-like strains had G + C contents of 32.1 to 33.1 mol% and were non-spore-forming rods. Based on phenotypic characteristics, we can differentiate these species, and furthermore, a 16S rDNA sequence divergence of greater than 9% with a new related genus, Coprobacillus, is proposed for the three strains, with one species, Coprobacillus catenaformis. The type strain of C. catenaformis is JCM 10604T.  相似文献   

Aureomyces gen. nov. with the type speciesAureomyces mirabilis sp. nov. isolated from a pine-timber,Pinus silvestris, in Finland is described and illustrated.
Zusammenfassung Aureomyces gen. nov. wurde mit dem ArttypeAureomyces mirabilis sp. nov. vom Kiefernholz,Pinus sylvestris, in Finnland isoliert. Der Pilz ist beschrieben und illustriert.

Labyrinthulomycetes are mostly fungus‐like heterotrophic protists that absorb nutrients in an osmotrophic or phagotrophic manner. Members of order Labyrinthulida produce unique membrane‐bound ectoplasmic networks for movement and feeding. Among the various types of labyrinthulids’ food substrates, diatoms play an important role due to their ubiquitous distribution and abundant biomass. We isolated and cultivated new diatom consuming Labyrinthulida strains from shallow coastal marine sediments. We described Labyrinthula diatomea n. sp. that differs from all known labyrinthulids in both molecular and morphological features. We provided strain delimitation within the genus Labyrinthula based on ITS sequences via haplotype network construction and compared it with previous phylogenetic surveys.  相似文献   

A new species of strictly anaerobic fungus was isolated from the cow rumen. It is characterized by a polycentric thallus, a polynuclear rhizomycelium, mucronate zoosporangia and uniflagellated zoospores. It is also singular in that the sporocysts do not react to the specific lectins of L-fucose, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and diacetyl chitobiose. These characteristics justify the creation of a new genus.  相似文献   

Chrysosporium undulatum sp. nov., showing intermediate characteristics between Chrysosporium and Malbranchea, is described and illustrated. This taxon is characterised by long and curved to loosely coiled hyphal appendages, deflected to wavy fertile hyphae forming dense tufts and small, subglobose, frequently intercalary, verrucose conidia. Restriction enzyme analysis and comparison of sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 ribosomal DNA region of the most similar species strongly support this proposal.  相似文献   

Coltriciella minuscula sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a specimen collected on Pinus merkusii from Bogor, Indonesia. This species is characterized by the size of its basidiocarp up to 4 mm in diam, with long hair on the stipe and with ornamented spores. Both morphological distinctiveness and phylogenetic separation based upon analyses of nrDNA ITS sequences support the establishment of this new species. Morphological dissimilarities between C. minuscula and closely related species are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty arthroconidial yeasts were isolated from the digestive tract of basidiome-feeding beetles and lepidopteran larvae. All of the yeasts reproduced only asexually by arthroconidia and some by endo- or blastoconidia as well. Based on the comparisons of sequences in ribosomal RNA genes and other taxonomic characteristics, the yeasts were identified as three unknown Geotrichum species. The three new species are described as Geotrichum carabidarum (NRRL Y-27727T), G. histeridarum (NRRL Y-27729T), and G. cucujoidarum (NRRL Y-27731T). Phylogenetic analyses from ribosomal DNA sequences showed that members of the genus Geotrichum and related arthroconidial yeast taxa were divided into two major clades: (1) Dipodascus and Galactomyces with Geotrichum anamorphs including all the new species; and (2) Magnusiomyces with Saprochaete anamorphs. G. cucujoidarum formed a subclade with G. fermentans and Geotrichum sp. Y-5419, while the two closely related species, G. carabidarum and G. histeridarum, represent a new basal subclade in the clade of Geotrichum and its teleomorphs.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Rhodotorula was isolated from a tubeworm (Lamellibrachia sp.) collected at a depth of 1156 m in Sagami Bay, Japan. Strain SY-89 had physiological properties quite similar to R. aurantiaca. Two phylogenetic trees, one based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 5.8S rDNA sequences and the other based on the D1/D2 region of the large subunit (26S) rDNA sequences, united strain SY-89 to the type strain of Sakaguchia dacryoides through a considerable evolutionary distance. Strain SY-89 was differentiated from S. dacryoides by the G+C content of the nuclear DNA and differences in the ability to utilize specific carbon and nitrogen compounds. The low complementarity of strain SY-89 DNA to that of the type strain of S. dacryoides confirmed that this strain was genetically unrelated to previously known species. The tubeworm isolates are described as R. lamellibrachii sp. nov. The type strain of R. lamellibrachii is strain SY-89 (= JCM 10907). R. lamellibrachii formed a cluster with Erythrobasidium hasegawianum, R. lactosa, S. dacryoides and Sporobolomyces elongatus on the ITS and 5.8S rDNA phylogenetic tree. These five species shared a signature sequence in 26S rDNA, although this relationship was not supported by phylogeny based on the D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA.  相似文献   

The new species Cladosiphon umezakii Ajisaka (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) is described from Japan based on morphology and DNA sequences. The species resembles Cladosiphon okamuranus Tokida in its gross morphology; somewhat slimy, cylindrical, multiaxial and sympodial erect thallus, arising from a small disc‐shaped holdfast, and branching once to twice. However, C. umezakii has considerably longer assimilatory filaments (up to 840 μm long, composed of up to 90 cells) than any known taxa of the genus. The species is a winter to spring annual, growing on lower intertidal to subtidal rocks of more or less exposed sites on the north‐eastern coast of Kyushu and on both the Pacific and the Sea of Japan coasts of Honshu. Specimens from the Sea of Japan coast had both unilocular and plurilocular zoidangia, whereas those from Kyushu and from the Pacific had only unilocular zoidangia. Unilocular zoidangia were formed on the basal part of assimilatory filaments, and plurilocular ones were transformed from the distal part of assimilatory filaments. DNA sequences of the Rubisco‐spacer (rbc‐spacer) region and the nuclear rDNA ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) supported the distinctness of the species.  相似文献   

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