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A combined HPLC-UV/PAD and HPLC-ESI/MS method allowing the fast detection and identification/structural characterisation of lignans of different structural subclasses is described. Twenty-four lignans of different skeletal types were analysed and the combined information derived from their UV and ESI/MS spectra led to the identification of group characteristics that can be used to establish the structure of unknown lignans in plant samples. This method was successfully applied to the identification of lignans in crude extracts of Linum usitatissimum L. and L. bienne Mill.  相似文献   

Podophyllotoxin is an aryltetralin lignan synthesized in several plant species, which is used in chemotherapies for cancers and tumor treatment. More potent semisynthetic derivatives of podophyllotoxin such as etoposide and teniposide are being developed and evaluated for their efficacy. To meet the ever increasing pharmaceutical needs, species having podophyllotoxin are uprooted extensively leading to the endangered status of selective species mainly Sinopodophyllum hexandrum. This has necessitated bioprospection of podophyllotoxin from different plant species to escalate the strain on this endangered species. The conventional and non-conventional mode of propagation and bioprospection with the integration of biotechnological interventions could contribute to sustainable supply of podophyllotoxin from the available plant resources. This review article is focused on the understanding of different means of propagation, development of genomic information, and its implications for elucidating podophyllotoxin biosynthesis and metabolic engineering of pathways. In addition, various strategies for sustainable production of this valuable metabolite are also discussed, besides a critical evaluation of future challenges and opportunities for the commercialization of podophyllotoxin.  相似文献   

Stem cells embody the tremendous potential of the human body to develop, grow, and repair throughout life. Understanding the biologic mechanisms that underlie stem cell-mediated tissue regeneration is key to harnessing this potential. Recent advances in molecular biology, genetic engineering, and material science have broadened our understanding of stem cells and helped bring them closer to widespread clinical application. Specifically, innovative approaches to optimize how stem cells are identified, isolated, grown, and utilized will help translate these advances into effective clinical therapies. Although there is growing interest in stem cells worldwide, this enthusiasm must be tempered by the fact that these treatments remain for the most part clinically unproven. Future challenges include refining the therapeutic manipulation of stem cells, validating these technologies in randomized clinical trials, and regulating the global expansion of regenerative stem cell therapies.  相似文献   

Microbiomes exist in all ecosystems and are composed of diverse microbial communities. Perturbation to microbiomes brings about undesirable phenotypes in the hosts, resulting in diseases and disorders, and disturbs the balance of the associated ecosystems. Engineering of microbiomes can be used to modify structures of the microbiota and restore ecological balance. Consequently, microbiome engineering has been employed for improving human health and agricultural productivity. The importance and current applications of microbiome engineering, particularly in humans, animals, plants and soil is reviewed. Furthermore, we explore the challenges in engineering microbiome and the future of this field, thus providing perspectives and outlook of microbiome engineering.  相似文献   

Hirudin is a potent thrombin inhibitor originally derived from the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Owing to its high affinity and specificity for thrombin, hirudin has been intensively investigated for research and therapeutic purposes. The investigation of hirudin has contributed greatly to the understanding of the mode of action of thrombin and the clotting system. Hirudin and several hirudin analogues have also been demonstrated to have several advantages as a highly specific anticoagulant over the most widely used drug, heparin. Due to the great demand for hirudin in physicochemical and clinical studies, various recombinant systems have been developed, using bacteria, yeasts, and higher eukaryotes, to obtain the biologically active hirudin in significant quantities. After 10 years of clinical applications, two recombinant hirudins and a hirudin analogue have gained marketing approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration, for several applications. Clinical trials are currently ongoing for other treatments for thrombotic disease. As a consequence, it is conceivable that hirudin may expand its therapeutic utility over heparin in the near future.  相似文献   

In order to make renewable fuels and chemicals from microbes, new methods are required to engineer microbes more intelligently. Computational approaches, to engineer strains for enhanced chemical production typically rely on detailed mechanistic models (e.g., kinetic/stoichiometric models of metabolism)—requiring many experimental datasets for their parameterization—while experimental methods may require screening large mutant libraries to explore the design space for the few mutants with desired behaviors. To address these limitations, we developed an active and machine learning approach (ActiveOpt) to intelligently guide experiments to arrive at an optimal phenotype with minimal measured datasets. ActiveOpt was applied to two separate case studies to evaluate its potential to increase valine yields and neurosporene productivity in Escherichia coli. In both the cases, ActiveOpt identified the best performing strain in fewer experiments than the case studies used. This work demonstrates that machine and active learning approaches have the potential to greatly facilitate metabolic engineering efforts to rapidly achieve its objectives.  相似文献   

Dysregulated Notch signaling has been implicated in numerous human diseases, including a broad spectrum of cancers. Mutations in Notch1 are prevalent in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and abnormal expression of different human Notch receptors contributes to B-cell tumors as well as cancers of the breast, lung, pancreas, skin, prostate, colon, brain and other tissues. Several γ-secretase inhibitors, small chemical compounds that were initially developed to inhibit the activity of the γ-secretase aspartyl protease in Alzheimer's disease, are now being explored for their potential chemotherapeutic applications in Notch-associated cancers. An alternative approach involves the development of antibodies to inhibit specific Notch receptors, their activating ligands, or other components of the Notch pathway in tumors. Here we review recent progress and current challenges in the use of these strategies to modulate Notch signaling for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Biological sources of nutrients are gaining importance over the chemical and organic sources from the standpoint of environmental safety and quality, and sustainable agriculture. The nutrient input for a growing rice crop can largely be met by promoting the activities of physiologically diverse microorganisms in the aerobic, anaerobic and interface zones in the ecologically important flooded soils. Associative bacteria contribute from 10 to 80 kg N per hectare per cropping season depending upon the ecosystem, cultural practices and rice variety grown. In addition to N contribution, these bacterial associations can improve the nutrient transformations and contribute to plant growth-promoting effects. Current improved agronomic and crop production management systems greatly affect the contributions of biological sources to the overall soil nutrient status. Azospirillum and other associative bacterial systems have been intensively researched using various evaluation techniques to understand the diazotrophic rhizocoenosis. Researches clearly indicate that these associations are governed by several soil, water, nutrient, agrochemical, plant genotype and other biological factors. Considerable efforts have been made so far in selecting efficient bacterial strains as inoculants and identifying host genotypes which support maximum nitrogenase activity in addition to other beneficial traits of effective associative relationships. Knowledge gained so far on how the N2-fixing system in rice functions suggests the need for providing optimum management practices to ensure greater contribution from the plant-microbe associations. Holistic approaches integrating technological developments and achievements in biological sciences could lead to crop improvement. Research on extending nitrogen-fixing symbiosis to rice using molecular and genetic approaches is underway, albeit at a slow pace. The need for further fine-tuning and developing management practices, innovative approaches to improve rice-bacterial systems and the strategies to sustain the benefits from associative diazotrophy are discussed.  相似文献   

Propionic acid (PA) is an important building block chemical and finds a variety of applications in organic synthesis, food, feeding stuffs, perfume, paint and pharmaceutical industries. Presently, PA is mainly produced by petrochemical route. With the continuous increase in oil prices, public concern about environmental pollution, and the consumers’ desire for bio-based natural and green ingredients in foods and pharmaceuticals, PA production from propionibacteria has attracted considerable attention, and substantial progresses have been made on microbial PA production. However, production of PA by propionibacteria is facing challenges such as severe inhibition of end-products during cell growth and the formation of by-products (acetic acid and succinic acid). The integration of reverse metabolic engineering and systematic metabolic engineering provides an opportunity to significantly improve the acid tolerance of propionibacteria and reduce the formation of by-products, and makes it feasible to strengthen the commercial competition of biotechnological PA production from propionibacteria to be comparable to the petrochemical route.  相似文献   

The bioconversion of the lignan desoxypodophyllotoxin by cell suspensions of Linum flavum and of Podophyllum hexandrum was investigated. The apolar substrate could be easily dissolved in the culture medium at a concentration of 2 mM by complexation with dimethyl--cyclodextrin. Growth parameters of the cell suspensions were not affected by either the addition of cyclodextrin itself, or when cyclodextrin-complexed desoxypodophyllotoxin was present in the medium. The complexed lignan disappeared from the medium within 7 days for both cell cultures. Cellularly only small amounts of desoxypodophyllotoxin were found. After feeding of desoxypodophyllotoxin, the cell culture of L. flavum accumulated 5-methoxypodophyllotoxin and 5-methoxypodophyllotoxin--D-glucoside. After 7 days a total maximal content of 2.38% on a dry weight basis of 5-methoxypodophyllotoxin was formed, corresponding with 249 mg l-1 suspension. The highest bioconversion percentage of 52.3% was found at day 14. The desoxypodophyllotoxin-fed culture of P. hexandrum accumulated podophyllotoxin and its -D-glucoside with a maximal content of 2.87% on a dry weight basis after 9 days, corresponding with 192 mg 1-1 suspension. The highest bioconversion percentage of 33.2% was also found at day 9.  相似文献   

Polyphenols produced in a wide variety of flowering and fruit-bearing plants have the potential to be valuable fine chemicals for the treatment of an assortment of human maladies. One of the major constituents within this chemical class are flavonoids, among which flavanones, as the precursor to all flavonoid structures, are the most prevalent. We review the current status of flavanone production technology using microorganisms, with focus on heterologous protein expression. Such processes appear as attractive production alternatives for commercial synthesis of these high-value chemicals as traditional chemical, and plant cell cultures have significant drawbacks. Other issues of importance, including fermentation configurations and economics, are also considered.  相似文献   

Gu Y  Jiang Y  Wu H  Liu X  Li Z  Li J  Xiao H  Shen Z  Dong H  Yang Y  Li Y  Jiang W  Yang S 《Biotechnology journal》2011,6(11):1348-1357
Butanol is an important solvent and transport fuel additive, and can be produced by microbial fermentation. Attempts to generate a superior microbial producer of butanol have been made through different metabolic engineering strategies. However, to date, butanol bio-production is still not economically competitive compared to petrochemical-derived production because of its major drawbacks, such as, high cost of the feedstocks, low butanol concentration in the fermentation broth and the co-production of low-value by-products acetone and ethanol. Here we analyze the main bottlenecks in microbial butanol production and summarize relevant advances from recently reported studies. Further needs and directions for developing real industrially applicable strains in butanol production are also discussed.  相似文献   

Taxol is a complex diterpene alkaloid scarcely produced in nature and with a high anticancer activity. Biotechnological systems for taxol production based on cell cultures of Taxus spp. have been developed, but the growing commercial demand for taxol and its precursors requires the optimization of these procedures. In order to increase the biotechnological production of taxol and related taxanes in Taxus spp. cell cultures, it is necessary not only to take an empirical approach that strives to optimize in-put factors (cell line selection, culture conditions, elicitation, up-scaling, etc.) and out-put factors (growth, production, yields, etc.), but also to carry out molecular biological studies. The latter can provide valuable insight into how the enhancement of taxane biosynthesis and accumulation affects metabolic profiles and gene expression in Taxus spp. cell cultures.  相似文献   

Silymarin extracted from milk thistle seeds, is used for treating hepatic diseases. Silybin and isosilybin are its main components, and synthesized from coupling of taxifolin and coniferyl alcohol. Here, the biosynthetic pathways of taxifolin and coniferyl alcohol were reconstructed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the first time. To alleviate substantial burden caused by a great deal of genetic manipulation, expression of the enzymes (e.g. ZWF1, TYR1 and ARO8) playing multiple roles in the relevant biosynthetic pathways was selectively optimized. The strain YT1035 overexpressing seven heterologous enzymes and five native enzymes and the strain YC1053 overexpressing seven heterologous enzymes and four native enzymes, respectively produce 336.8 mg/L taxifolin and 201.1 mg/L coniferyl alcohol. Silybin and isosilybin are synthesized from taxifolin and coniferyl alcohol under catalysis of APX1t (the truncated milk thistle peroxidase), with a yield of 62.5%. This study demonstrates an approach for producing silybin and isosilybin from glucose for the first time.  相似文献   

Structurally composed of the glucose homopolymers amylose and amylopectin, starch is the main storage carbohydrate in vascular plants, and is synthesized in the plastids of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic cells. Its abundance as a naturally occurring organic compound is surpassed only by cellulose, and represents both a cornerstone for human and animal nutrition and a feedstock for many non-food industrial applications including production of adhesives, biodegradable materials, and first-generation bioethanol. This review provides an update on the different proposed pathways of starch biosynthesis occurring in both autotrophic and heterotrophic organs, and provides emerging information about the networks regulating them and their interactions with the environment. Special emphasis is given to recent findings showing that volatile compounds emitted by microorganisms promote both growth and the accumulation of exceptionally high levels of starch in mono- and dicotyledonous plants. We also review how plant biotechnologists have attempted to use basic knowledge on starch metabolism for the rational design of genetic engineering traits aimed at increasing starch in annual crop species. Finally we present some potential biotechnological strategies for enhancing starch content.  相似文献   

The potential of engineering microorganisms with non-native pathways for the synthesis of long-chain alcohols has been identified as a promising route to biofuels. We describe computationally derived predictions for assembling pathways for the production of biofuel candidate molecules and subsequent metabolic engineering modifications that optimize product yield. A graph-based algorithm illustrates that, by culling information from BRENDA and KEGG databases, all possible pathways that link the target product with metabolites present in the production host are identified. Subsequently, we apply our recent OptForce procedure to pinpoint reaction modifications that force the imposed product yield in Escherichia coli. We demonstrate this procedure by suggesting new pathways and genetic interventions for the overproduction of 1-butanol using the metabolic model for Escherichia coli. The graph-based search method recapitulates all recent discoveries based on the 2-ketovaline intermediate and hydroxybutyryl-CoA but also pinpointes one novel pathway through thiobutanoate intermediate that to the best of our knowledge has not been explored before.  相似文献   

Psilocybin is a tryptamine-derived psychoactive alkaloid found mainly in the fungal genus Psilocybe, among others, and is the active ingredient in so-called “magic mushrooms”. Although its notoriety originates from its psychotropic properties and popular use as a recreational drug, clinical trials have recently recognized psilocybin as a promising candidate for the treatment of various psychological and neurological afflictions. In this work, we demonstrate the de novo biosynthetic production of psilocybin and related tryptamine derivatives in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression of a heterologous biosynthesis pathway sourced from Psilocybe cubensis. Additionally, we achieve improved product titers by supplementing the pathway with a novel cytochrome P450 reductase from P. cubensis. Further rational engineering resulted in a final production strain producing 627 ± 140 mg/L of psilocybin and 580 ± 276 mg/L of the dephosphorylated degradation product psilocin in triplicate controlled fed-batch fermentations in minimal synthetic media. Pathway intermediates baeocystin, nor norbaeocystin as well the dephosphorylated baeocystin degradation product norpsilocin were also detected in strains engineered for psilocybin production. We also demonstrate the biosynthetic production of natural tryptamine derivative aeruginascin as well as the production of a new-to-nature tryptamine derivative N-acetyl-4-hydroxytryptamine. These results lay the foundation for the biotechnological production of psilocybin in a controlled environment for pharmaceutical applications, and provide a starting point for the biosynthetic production of other tryptamine derivatives of therapeutic relevance.  相似文献   

Insect-borne diseases cause significant human morbidity and mortality. Current control and preventive methods against vector-borne diseases rely mainly on insecticides. The emergence of insecticide resistance in many disease vectors highlights the necessity to develop new strategies to control these insects. Vector transgenesis and paratransgenesis are novel strategies that aim at reducing insect vectorial capacity, or seek to eliminate transmission of pathogens such as Plasmodium sp., Trypanosoma sp., and Dengue virus currently being developed. Vector transgenesis relies on direct genetic manipulation of disease vectors making them incapable of functioning as vectors of a given pathogen. Paratransgenesis focuses on utilizing genetically modified insect symbionts to express molecules within the vector that are deleterious to pathogens they transmit. Despite the many successes achieved in developing such techniques in the last several years, many significant barriers remain and need to be overcome prior to any of these approaches become a reality. Here, we highlight the current status of these strategies, pointing out advantages and constraints, and also explore issues that need to be resolved before the establishment of transgenesis and paratransgenesis as tools to prevent vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

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