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B cells from normal DBA/2 and autoimmune NZB mice were transferred into H-2-compatible xid recipients where they engrafted without irradiation or other manipulation of the host. The properties of these cells and their interaction with the host environment were analyzed at the single cell level with a splenic focus assay. When similar numbers of NZB and DBA/2 anti-DNA-producing B cell precursors were transferred, they expanded at similar rates in xid recipients. The rate of expansion varied with the strain of the recipient: it was fastest in autoimmune-prone NZB . xid and slowest in DBA/2 . xid hosts. Cells producing antibodies reactive with the autoantigen DNA proliferated substantially faster than those reactive with the non-autoantigen trinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. These results suggest that 1) B cells from NZB mice do not behave differently from DBA/2 B cells, 2) the internal milieu of the recipient into which the cells are transferred has an important effect on B cell proliferation, and 3) B cells capable of autoantibody production may have a selective growth and/or differentiation advantage relative to other B cells.  相似文献   

T-cell-mediated suppression of the antibody response of autoimmune NZB/N mice to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSS-III) can readily be induced in situ by priming with a subimmunogenic dose of SSS-III; however, the transfer of either "young" (8 weeks old) or "old" (42 weeks old) SSS-III-primed B cells, which activates suppressor T cells in normal BALB/cByJ mice, fails to induce suppression of the antibody response in recipient NZB/N mice, regardless of the number of cells transferred or the time interval between transfer and immunization. Transfer of 51Cr-labeled B cells demonstrated that syngeneic primed B cells home to the spleens of NZB/N mice in somewhat lower numbers than in BALB/cByJ mice, although the differences observed may not be sufficient to explain the complete absence of activation of suppressor T cells. These findings suggest that B cells from autoimmune NZB/N mice are unable to activate T suppressor cells upon transfer; this disorder in a normal regulatory mechanism may be important in the pathogenesis of disease.  相似文献   

The relationship between pathologic anti-DNA and natural autoantibodies (Auto Ab) remains unclear. In particular, it has not yet been elucidated whether pathologic anti-DNA antibodies originate from and are regulated by the pool of natural Auto Ab. To address this question, a large number of Ig-secreting hybridomas were derived from the unstimulated splenocytes of B/W mice, newborn to 12 mo of age, and their binding activities against a panel of self-Ag (DNA, actin, tubulin, myosin, and myoglobin), isotype, idiotypic determinants, and VH gene utilization were analyzed. A progressive increase in the number of Ig-secreting clones was observed and associated with a constant proportion (approximately 6%) of autoreactive B cell clones. However, dramatic changes in the pool of autoreactive B cell hybridomas were observed as the disease evolved, including the selective maintenance of IgM anti-DNA polyspecific antibodies, reduction in percentage of polyspecific IgM mAb with no DNA-binding activity, and the production of IgG anti-DNA antibodies of the IgG2 class. The kinetics, immunochemical properties, and idiotypic analysis of polyspecific IgM mAb with DNA-binding activity strongly suggest that they belong to natural Auto Ab and constitute the precursors of pathologic IgG anti-DNA antibodies. In addition, and IgM polyspecific antibody was demonstrated to bind IgG anti-DNA mAb through F(ab')2 interactions suggesting a regulatory role of natural antibodies and their participation in the control of pathologic Auto Ab production.  相似文献   

The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR) can be detected in older NZB mice after treatment of the responding cell population with monoclonal anti-I-Ad and complement and supplementation of the culture medium with T-cell growth factor (TCGF) from young animals. The addition of TCGF to cultures containing responding cells alone that had not been pretreated with anti-I-A plus complement resulted in high levels of background proliferation. This is indicative of a high number of preexisting I-A-positive, activated, TCGF-responsive T cells in these mice. These activated cells could also be removed by treatment with anti-I-A antibody and panning on anti-mouse Ig plates, or by BUdR and light killing of those cells proliferating in the presence of TCGF or purified IL-2. Prior treatment of the responding cells with anti-Lyt 2 and complement did not effect the AMLR. An NZB AMLR responding cell line was established using these methods. This line retained haplotype specificity in a proliferation assay. Limiting dilution analysis of the precursor frequency of AMLR responding cells in the nonautoimmune C58 and BALB/C strains in culture medium with TCGF gave a frequency of between 1 in 35,000 and 1 in 88,000. In young, AMLR-positive, NZB mice, supplementation with TCGF yielded precursor frequencies within the normal range. In older NZB mice, the addition of TCGF resulted in increased background proliferation of preactivated, IA+ T cells. After removal of these cells with anti-I-A plus complement, AMLR responding cells were found at normal frequency levels when stimulated in the presence of TCGF. In the oldest animals tested (greater than 18–20 weeks), normal precursor frequencies could not be demonstrated even after this treatment, representing a true decline in the AMLR responding cell number. AMLR deficiency in NZB mice appears therefore to be the result of the combined effects of decreased lymphokine production, excessive T-cell activation, and finally decreased numbers of AMLR responding cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) in the spleen or thymus of individual adult (8 to 10 wk) or aged (greater than 20 mo) DBA/2J mice have been activated by irradiated H-2Kb antigens under limiting dilution conditions such that cytotoxic cells in responder wells result from stimulation of a single CTLp. After division into several equal samples and expansion in the presence of IL 2 and more irradiated H-2Kb stimulators, the contents of replicate individual wells were tested for their ability to lyse a panel of selected H-2Kb mutant targets. The heterogeneity within a given age group, and the similarity of CTLp repertoires between different age groups were then compared for splenic and thymic CTLp repertoires. Our data indicate a far greater mouse-to-mouse variation for the splenic CTLp repertoire of aged mice compared with young mice, despite the greater heterogeneity of the repertoire in the latter case. Less difference was seen for the thymic CTLp repertoire. When we studied the correlation between the repertoires present in the thymus and spleen within a given age group, it seemed that the most striking difference in aged mice was a loss of systematic expansion of the early appearing thymic CTLp repertoire. These findings are discussed in terms of a two-stage model of T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the mechanism of spontaneous B cell activation in lupus mice by using anticlass-II antibody in vitro. The in vitro culture of B cells from old NZB mice markedly produced Ig without any stimulation, while B cells from NZW mice did not. The addition of anticlass-II antibody (anti-Iad antibody) to the culture inhibited Ig production of NZB B cells in a concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, the addition of anticlass-I antibody (anti-H-2Dd antibody) and anticlass-II antibody with different specificity (anti-Iak) gave no effect on the Ig production of NZB B cells. When mitomycin C-treated B cells were added to in vitro culture of responder B cells as a stimulator, Ig production of responder B cells was enhanced in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the enhancing effect of the stimulator B cells was abrogated by the pretreatment with anticlass-II antibody. The stimulator B-cell activity to NZB B cells was marked in NZB B cells, moderate in NZB/W F1 B cells, and weak in NZW B cells. Furthermore, the stimulator B-cell activity with regard to NZB B cells was marked in old female NZB B cells, moderate in old male NZB B cells, and weak in young NZB B cells. The expression of class II antigens on the surface of old female NZB B cells was significantly higher than that of old male NZB and young NZB B cells. These results suggest that in lupus mice the spontaneous B-cell activation is induced by an abnormal B-B cell interaction mediated by class II antigens.  相似文献   

T15i knockin (KI) mice express a H chain that is encoded by a rearranged T15 VDJ transgene which has been inserted into the J(H) region of chromosome 12. This T15H chain combines with a kappa22-33 L chain to produce a T15-Id+ Ab having specificity for phosphocholine (PC). Inasmuch as T15-Id+ Abs dominate the primary immune response to PC in normal mice, it was surprising to find that 80% of the PC-dextran-binding B cells in unimmunized homozygous T15i KI mice were T15-Id-. Analysis of L chains expressed in these T15-Id-, PC-specific B cells revealed that two L chains, kappa8-28 and kappa19-15, were expressed in this population. The V(kappa) region of these L chains was recombined to J(kappa)5, which is typical of L chains present in PC-specific Abs. When T15i KI mice were immunized with PC Ag, T15-Id+ B cells expanded 6-fold and differentiated into Ab-secreting cells. There was no indication that the T15-Id- B cells either proliferated or differentiated into Ab-secreting cells following immunization. Thus, T15-Id- B cells dominate the PC-binding population, but they fail to compete with T15-Id+ B cells during a functional immune response. Structural analysis of T15H:kappa8-28L and T15H:kappa19-15L Abs revealed L chain differences from the kappa22-33 L chain which could account for the lower affinity and/or avidity of these Abs for PC or PC carrier compared with the T15-Id+ T15H:kappa22-33L Ab.  相似文献   

The unit gravity sedimentation technique was used to separate spleen cells from sevveral strains of mice. Settling patterns (plot of cell number against settling rate) were similar for BALB/c, DBA/2, C3H/He, and NZB/W mice of different ages. In particular, no subpopulation was found by this technique to be missing from the spleens of old NZB/W mice.A number of functional studies performed with the separated cells proved more informative than the settling patterns themselves. Fractions of cells which sedimented at a rate of between about 6 mm/hr and 10 mm/hr were enriched in responsiveness to PHA, Con A, and allogeneic cells. These fractions obtained from old NZB/W mice lacked such activities. However, the active fractions from young NZB/W spleens, which were enriched in θ-bearing cells, could restore the responsiveness of old NZB/W mice to primary immunization with sheep erythrocytes. These studies indicate that functional separation of spleen cells from NZB/W mice is possible and that activities lacking in whole spleens from old NZB/W mice are also lacking in the separate fractions. The ability to restore helper T cell function in old NZB/W mice with active fractions from young NZB/W mice has implications for further study and treatment of their autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Development of the autoimmune B cell repertoire in MRL-lpr/lpr mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The processes responsible for the production of autoantibodies have been shown to include both Ag-specific and generalized (polyclonal) forms of B cell activation. The relative contribution and temporal association of these processes to the genesis of systemic autoimmunity are incompletely understood. To study this relationship, the B cell repertoires of MRL-lpr/lpr mice were analyzed by ELISA spot assay over an 8-mo period. Between 6 and 12 wk of age, the number of splenic lymphocytes producing antibodies reactive with both autoantigens and conventional Ag increased proportionately. The repertoires of MRL-lpr/lpr mice under 12 wk were dominated by IgM-secreting B cells that showed no bias toward the production of specific autoantibodies. From 12 to 38 wk of age, an increasing proportion of animals developed repertoires dominated by IgG-secreting B cells that were skewed toward reactivity against one or very few (auto)antigens. Although there was no single Ag against which all mice developed skewed reactivity, 55% of MRL-lpr/lpr adults had increased numbers of B cells producing antibodies to the Sm Ag and 13 to 16% developed increased reactivity toward DNA, myosin, histone, thyroglobulin, or T cells. These data indicate that generalized (polyclonal) B cell activation dominates early repertoire development whereas (auto)-antigen-specific responses become increasingly important during the latter stages of disease in these autoimmune-prone mice.  相似文献   

We have analyzed gastrointestinal immune function in both DBA/2 and spontaneously autoimmune New Zealand Black (NZB) mice. We have studied both in vitro proliferation and differentiation of Peyer's patch cells and have measured immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion by cultured jejunal segments. Peyer's patch B cells and T cells from both DBA/2 and NZB mice showed similar proliferative responses to Con A and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), respectively. Unlike NZB splenic B cells, isolated Peyer's patch B cells from NZB mice did not spontaneously secrete Ig of any isotype. Seven-day cultures of equal numbers of Peyer's patch T cells and B cells resulted in similar patterns of secretion of IgA, IgG, and IgM in both strains. The addition of Con A to cultures of DBA/2 Peyer's patch cells consistently resulted in a onefold to threefold increase in IgA secretion after 7 days. Con A stimulation of NZB Peyer's patch cells did not produce any increment in IgA secretion. LPS stimulation of Peyer's patch cells from either strain resulted in a similar increase in IgG secretion with little effect on IgA secretion. The in vivo correlate of this finding was seen in the IgA to IgG ratio of Ig secreted by cultured jejunal fragments. In DBA/2 mice the rates of IgA/IgG varied from 2.36 to 4.85, whereas in NZB mice the ratio never exceeded 0.5. These experiments show that defects on the T cell compartment of NZB mice encompass gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The possible relationship of these findings and previously observed defects in oral tolerance is discussed.  相似文献   

Collagen II (CII)-induced arthritis in DBA/1j mice is mediated by both CII-reactive T cells and anti-CII Ab-producing B cells. To determine the relative role of these processes in the development of arthritis, we specifically eliminated CII-reactive T cells by treating the mice with CII-pulsed syngeneic macrophages that had been transfected with a binary adenovirus system. These macrophages express murine Fas ligand in a doxycycline-inducible manner with autocrine suicide inhibited by concomitant expression of p35. The mice were treated i.v. with four doses of CII-APC-AdFasLp35Tet or a single dose of AdCMVsTACI (5 x 10(9) PFU), or both simultaneously, beginning 2 wk after priming with CII in CFA. Treatment with CII-APC-AdFasLp35Tet alone or in combination with a single dose of AdCMVsTACI prevented the development of CII-induced arthritis and T cell infiltration in the joint. The elimination of T cells was specific in that a normal T cell response was observed on stimulation with OVA after treatment with CII-APC-AdFasLp35Tet. Treatment with AdCMVsTACI alone prevented production of detectable levels of circulating anti-CII autoantibodies and reduced the severity of arthritis but did not prevent its development. These results indicate that the CII-reactive T cells play a crucial role in the development of CII-induced arthritis and that the anti-CII Abs act to enhance the development of CII-induced arthritis.  相似文献   

Lethally irradiated (1000 R whole body) DBA/2J mice of 10 wk or 20 mo of age were repopulated with anti-Thy-1.2-treated DBA/2J bone marrow cells of 10-wk- or 20-mo-old donors. Sixty days post-transplant, limiting dilution cultures of the spleen and thymus cell population of individual mice (for each group) were examined to assess the within-group and between-group diversity in the anti-H-2Kb allo-recognition repertoire. Our data are consistent with a significant expansion of the CTLp repertoire taking place in the periphery, beyond the early appearing specificities present in the thymus. Moreover, comparison of the repertoires in young recipients of young or aged marrow, or in aged recipients of young or aged marrow, support the notion that there is a defect in the peripheral environment of aged mice that results in altered expansion of the thymic CTLp repertoire. In addition, there is an intrinsic difference in bone marrow precursor cells of CTLp in aged mice that is revealed only in an aged environment.  相似文献   

Ecotropic C-type retroviruses isolated from both normal and dimethylbenzanthracene-treated DBA/2 mice could be classified into three major groups, Ea, Eb, and Ec, that differed in structure and biology. Weanling DBA/2 mice were generally free of viruses, but a fraction of adult individuals became virus positive and were apparently selectively associated with a high expression of the Eb viruses. Some of the ecotropic viruses from DBA/2 mice acted as exogenous pathogens. They caused viremia and a moderate incidence of leukemia when injected into C3H and ST/a mice. In addition, they caused an appreciable number of early deaths without signs of malignancy. To evaluate the natural role of the viruses, we studied the survival of spontaneously viremic and nonviremic DBA/2 mice. The viremic animals as a group were characterized by a significantly reduced life-span that was not related to neoplasia. These observations indicated that endogenous C-type retroviruses can be pathogenic without preselection of the host for disease. They also emphasize that endogenous viruses, like their exogenous counterparts, can have a broader pathogenic spectrum than normally appreciated.  相似文献   

A central event in humoral responses is the Ag-mediated interaction of Th cells and B cells. This interaction leads to the activation of both cell types and results in cytokine secretion by the T cells and proliferation and secretion of Ig by the B cells. The proliferative and differentiative responses of B cells are dependent on contact-mediated signals and cytokines provided by the activated Th cells. Although the role of cytokines in B cell activation and differentiation is understood, the nature of the signals delivered by the activated Th cells and the molecules involved in this process are not known. In this study we have examined Ag-mediated "cognate" T-B cell interactions as well as B cell activation induced by contact with preactivated and fixed Th lymphocytes. Our results indicate that both the T cell surface molecules lymphocyte function associated Ag-1 and CD2 are important in the activation of T cells by Ag presented by B lymphocytes. This indicates that B cells have similar characteristics as other APC. However, once the T cells are activated, contact-mediated stimulation of resting B lymphocytes (the noncognate phase) is dependent on CD2 but not lymphocyte function associated Ag-1. Two lines of evidence indicate this; first, it is inhibited by blocking of CD2 on the T cells and, second, such stimulation is not efficiently mediated by a CD2- Th cell line. Thus, CD2 plays an obligatory role at several discrete stages of T cell-mediated activation of resting B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Kidneys of prostaglandin H synthase-2 (PGHS-2) null mice fail to develop normally, leading to renal insufficiency. We have found that in a mixed DBA/B6 background, the lack of a functional PGHS-2 gene causes less severe renal pathology than was reported previously for PGHS-2 null mice in a B6 genetic background. The increase in blood urea nitrogen in the DBA/B6 strain of PGHS-2 null mice was significantly lower than reported for B6 PGHS-2 null mice (200% versus 270%). Cystic changes in DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null mice were also less severe. The DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null adult mice did not die from renal failure, unlike their B6/PGHS-2 counterparts that showed excessive neonatal and adult deaths. Therefore, DBA/B6 PGHS-2 null may be highly suitable to study the functional consequences of the lack of PGHS-2 in the kidney due to their less severe pathology and greater survival.  相似文献   

Using a variety of double and triple labeling techniques, we have reevaluated the death of retinal neurons in a mouse model of hereditary glaucoma. Cell-specific markers and total neuron counts revealed no cell loss in any retinal neurons other than the ganglion cells. Within the limits of our ability to define cell types, no group of ganglion cells was especially vulnerable or resistant to degeneration. Retrograde labeling and neurofilament staining showed that axonal atrophy, dendritic remodeling, and somal shrinkage (at least of the largest cell types) precedes ganglion cell death in this glaucoma model. Regions of cell death or survival radiated from the optic nerve head in fan-shaped sectors. Collectively, the data suggest axon damage at the optic nerve head as an early lesion, and damage to axon bundles would cause this pattern of degeneration. However, the architecture of the mouse eye seems to preclude a commonly postulated source of mechanical damage within the nerve head.  相似文献   

Aging is accompanied by greatly reduced B cell production in the bone marrow, yet peripheral B cell numbers do not decline. We hypothesize that this may reflect filling of the peripheral pool with B cells that are long-lived as a consequence of specificity for, and chronic stimulation by, environmental Ags. To begin to explore this possibility, we analyzed the effects of aging on B cell population dynamics in the anti-H2(k/b) 3-83 mu-delta Ig-transgenic mouse. We predicted that, because they presumably do not bind environmental Ags, B cells bearing the transgenic receptor may be lost in aged animals. As seen in nontransgenic animals, total splenic B cell numbers remained constant with age in the Ig-transgenic animals despite reduced B cell production. Importantly, although the few newly produced B cells in the bone marrow of aged mice are 3-83 positive, the peripheral compartment of these mice is dominated by B cells that express endogenous Ig genes rather than the transgenes. This population includes large numbers of marginal zone-like and CD21(low/-)CD23(low/-)IgM(low) B cells, as well as elevated numbers of CD5+ B cells. Many of these cells express only non-B220 CD45 isoforms, suggesting that they may be memory cells. A significant proportion of aged transgenic animals produce autoantibodies that are reactive with ssDNA, dsDNA, or histones. Results support the hypothesis that, in the face of severely reduced production with age, B cells are selected based on reactivity to environmental Ags, accumulate, and display activated phenotypes. Cells bearing 3-83-transgenic receptors are excluded from this population due to their specificity. Beyond their importance in aging, these findings define a novel form of receptor revision in which B cells are selected rather than deleted based on Ag reactivity.  相似文献   

Plastic-adherent cells enriched for dendritic cells (AC) were found to be among the most potent stimulator cells for the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL 2) and a constant second set of allogeneic stimulator cells. Concanavalin A-activated nylon wool-nonadherent spleen cells ( CNWT ), concanavalin A-activated unfractionated spleen cells ( Cspl ), and some variants of the ESb T lymphoma line were equally effective as stimulator cells, however, and provoked a substantial cytotoxic response at concentrations of 10(4) cells per culture or less. In contrast, nonactivated nylon wool-nonadherent spleen cells ( NWT ) or unfractionated spleen cells (Spl) and cells of the P815 mastocytoma, the Meth A fibrosarcoma, and the T cell lymphomas Ly 5178 Eb and ESb did not stimulate cytotoxic responses at these cell concentrations. The strong stimulatory potential of the Cspl preparation was reduced by treatment with anti-Thy-1 antibody plus complement, whereas the stimulatory activity of the AC preparation was resistant to this treatment. All cell types tested expressed class I major histocompatibility antigens. Nonactivated NWT cells, in contrast to the CNWT preparation, showed no detectable staining with anti-I-E or anti-I-A antibodies and also a slightly weaker staining with class I antisera. Experiments with the tumor cell lines revealed, however, that there was no strict correlation between stimulatory potential and density of class I alloantigens or the expression of I-E determinants. Experiments on primary cytotoxic responses in vivo gave similar results. Experiments in cultures with a single set of stimulator cells and I region-compatible responder cells indicated that AC and Cspl or CNWT also have a markedly stronger capacity than NWT to induce IL 2-dependent DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Little is known about the pathogenic role of B cell dysfunction in T cell-mediated autoimmune disease. We previously reported that B cell hyper-responsiveness, resistance to apoptosis, and accumulation in islets occur during the onset of insulitis, but not in type 1 diabetes (T1D), in NOD mice. In this study we extended these studies to further determine how islet-infiltrated B cells contribute to this inflammatory insulitis. We demonstrate the presence of an increased percentage of B7-1(+) and a decreased percentage of B7-2(+) B cells in the spleen of autoimmune disease-prone NOD and nonobese diabetes-resistant mice compared with the spleen of nonautoimmune disease-prone C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. An age-dependent differential expression of B7-1 and B7-2 was associated with the development of insulitis and CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell deficiency in autoimmune disease-prone mice. Whereas BCR and LPS stimulation increased B7-2 expression on B cells from autoimmune disease-prone and nonautoimmune disease-prone mice, LPS-induced B7-1 expression was higher on NOD than C57BL/6 B cells. Interestingly, increased expression of B7-1 and B7-2 was found on islet-infiltrated B cells, and this increase was associated with enhanced T cell costimulation. Islet-infiltrated B cells were shown to be a source of TNF-alpha production in islets. B7 blockade of BCR-stimulated NOD B cells by anti-B7-1 and anti-B7-2 mAbs during coadoptive transfer with diabetogenic T cells into NOD.scid mice protected these recipients from T1D. These results suggest that increased B7-1 and B7-2 expression on islet-infiltrated NOD B cells is associated with increased T cell costimulation and the development of inflammatory insulitis in NOD mice.  相似文献   

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