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Potassium chloride-insoluble myofilaments in vertebrate smooth muscle cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Actomyosin was extracted from avian gizzard smooth muscle. The residue was then homogenized and fractionated by differential centrifugation. Fractions of the residue that sedimented at 1 000 g and 13 000 g were examined in negatively stained and sectioned preparations with the electron microscope. The major components of both fractions were 100 Å diameter filaments and fusiform dense bodies. The filaments and dense bodies closely resembled their counterparts in sectioned preparations of unextracted smooth muscle cells from Taenia coli. The insolubility of the 100 Å diameter filaments at high ionic strength and their detailed structure suggest that they are not composed of actin and myosin. Their general features indicate that they correspond to the so-called thick filaments observed in the early studies of vertebrate smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed, for both vertebrate striated and insect flight muscle, that when the ATP analogue adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) is added to the muscle fiber in rigor, it causes the fiber to lengthen by 0.15%. This has been interpretated (Marston S.B., C.D. Roger, and R.T. Tregear. 1976. J. Mol. Biol. 104:263-267) as suggesting (a) that in rigor the crossbridge is fixed to, i.e., almost never detaches from the actin filament; (b), that the crossbridge remains fixed to the actin filament after AMPPNP addition; and (c) that the ability of AMPPNP to cause apparent lengthening of a muscle fiber is due to its ability to cause a conformational change in the myosin crossbridge that has an axial component of approximately 1.6 nm/half-sarcomere. The present study, done only on chemically-skinned rabbit psoas fibers, confirms that AMPPNP can cause muscle fibers to lengthen by 0.15% but only for a narrow set of experimental conditions. When experimental conditions are varied over a wider range, it becomes apparent that the extent of lengthening of a rigor muscle fiber upon AMPPNP addition depends almost entirely on the strain present in the rigor fiber before AMPPNP addition. Addition of AMPPNP to an unstrained rigor fiber (one supporting zero tension), induces zero length change while addition of AMPPNP to very highly strained rigor fibers induces length changes greater than 0.15%. The data thus do not support the hypotheses that the crossbridges remain fixed to the actin filament after AMPPNP addition and that the size of the apparent length change induced by AMPPNP is related to the size of the axial component of a conformational change.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Radial forces within muscle fibers in rigor   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Considering the widely accepted cross-bridge model of muscle contraction (Huxley. 1969. Science [Wash. D. C.]. 164:1356-1366), one would expect that attachment of angled cross-bridges would give rise to radial as well as longitudinal forces in the muscle fiber. These forces would tend, in most instances, to draw the myofilaments together and to cause the fiber to decrease in width. Using optical techniques, we have observed significant changes in the width of mechanically skinned frog muscle fibers when the fibers are put into rigor by deleting ATP from the bathing medium. Using a high molecular weight polymer polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-40; number average mol. wt. (Mn) = 40,000) in the bathing solution, we were able to estimate the magnitude of the radial forces by shrinking the relaxed fiber to the width observed with rigor induction. With rigor, fiber widths decreased up to approximately 10%, with shrinking being greater at shorter sarcomere spacing and at lower PVP concentrations. At higher PVP concentrations, some fibers actually swelled slightly. Radial pressures seen with rigor in 2 and 4% PVP ranged up to 8.9 x 10(3) N/m2. Upon rigor induction, fibers exerted a longitudinal force of approximately 1 x 10(5) N/m2 that was inhibited by high PVP concentrations (greater than or equal to 13%). In very high PVP concentrations (greater than or equal to 20%), fibers exerted an anomalous force, independent of ATP, which ranged up to 6 x 10(4) N/m2 at 60% PVP. Assuming that all the radial force is the result of cross- bridge attachment, we calculated that rigor cross-bridges exert a radial force of 0.2 x 1.2 x 10(-9) N per thick filament in sarcomeres near rest length. This force is of roughly the same order of magnitude as the longitudinal force per thick filament in rigor contraction or in maximal (calcium-activated) contraction of skinned fibers in ATP- containing solutions. Inasmuch as widths of fibers stretched well beyond overlap of thick and thin filaments decreased with rigor, other radially directed forces may be operating in parallel with cross-bridge forces.  相似文献   

The effects of the applied stretch and MgADP binding on the structure of the actomyosin cross-bridges in rabbit and/or frog skeletal muscle fibers in the rigor state have been investigated with improved resolution by x-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation. The results showed a remarkable structural similarity between cross-bridge states induced by stretch and MgADP binding. The intensities of the 14.4- and 7.2-nm meridional reflections increased by approximately 23 and 47%, respectively, when 1 mM MgADP was added to the rigor rabbit muscle fibers in the presence of ATP-depletion backup system and an inhibitor for muscle adenylate kinase or by approximately 33 and 17%, respectively, when rigor frog muscle was stretched by approximately 4.5% of the initial muscle length. In addition, both MgADP binding and stretch induced a small but genuine intensity decrease in the region close to the meridian of the 5.9-nm layer line while retaining the intensity profile of its outer portion. No appreciable influence was observed in the intensities of the higher order meridional reflections of the 14.4-nm repeat and the other actin-based reflections as well as the equatorial reflections, indicating a lack of detachment of cross-bridges in both cases. The changes in the axial spacings of the actin-based and the 14.4-nm-based reflections were observed and associated with the tension change. These results indicate that stretch and ADP binding mediate similar structural changes, being in the correct direction to those expected for that the conformational changes are induced in the outer portion distant from the catalytic domain of attached cross-bridges. Modeling of conformational changes of the attached myosin head suggested a small but significant movement (about 10-20 degrees) in the light chain-binding domain of the head toward the M-line of the sarcomere. Both chemical (ADP binding) and mechanical (stretch) intervensions can reverse the contractile cycle by causing a backward movement of this domain of attached myosin heads in the rigor state.  相似文献   

Thermoelastic properties of cross-bridges were measured by application of small sinusoidal length perfurbations and submillisecond Joulean temperature jump to chemically skinned muscle fibre removed from rigor solution. The thermal expansion coefficient of fibres was 4.2 +/- 1.0 X 10(-5) K-1. We have observed neither rubber-like stiffness increase, nor tension increase and stiffness decrease (which are expected if alpha-coil melting occurs) after temperature jump.  相似文献   

Previous work with tetanized and relaxed muscle has shown a correlation between active tension and the structure of the Z-band. This suggests that there is a correlation between the cross-bridge binding in the A-band and the structure of the Z-band. Using electron microscopy and optical diffraction we have examined this correlation in glycerinated muscle in rigor and in unstimulated intact muscle. We have found that the Z-bands of muscles in rigor always show the basketweave form, while those of the unstimulated muscles always show the small square form. The basketweave form found in rigor muscles is similar in form and dimension to that found in tetanized muscle. Thus it appears that the small square form of the Z-band is found in physiological states with little cross-bridge binding and the basketweave form is found in states with a high degree of cross-bridge binding.  相似文献   

Sepsis is associated with a pronounced catabolic response in skeletal muscle, mainly reflecting degradation of the myofibrillar proteins actin and myosin. Recent studies suggest that sepsis-induced muscle proteolysis may reflect ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent protein breakdown. An apparently conflicting observation is that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway does not degrade intact myofibrils. Thus, it is possible that actin and myosin need to be released from the myofibrils before they can be ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. We tested the hypothesis that sepsis results in disruption of Z-bands, increased expression of calpains, and calcium-dependent release of myofilaments in skeletal muscle. Sepsis induced in rats by cecal ligation and puncture resulted in increased gene expression of micro-calpain, m-calpain, and p94 and in Z-band disintegration in the extensor digitorum longus muscle. The release of myofilaments from myofibrillar proteins was increased in septic muscle. This response to sepsis was blocked by treating the rats with dantrolene, a substance that inhibits the release of calcium from intracellular stores to the cytoplasm. The present results provide evidence that sepsis is associated with Z-band disintegration and a calcium-dependent release of myofilaments in skeletal muscle. Release of myofilaments may be an initial and perhaps rate-limiting component of sepsis-induced muscle breakdown.  相似文献   

The contractile systems of vertebrate smooth and striated muscles are compared. Smooth muscles contain relatively large amounts of actin and tropomyosin organized into thin filaments, and smaller amounts of myosin in the form of thick filaments. The protein contents are consistent with observed thin:thick filament ratios of about 15-18:1 in smooth compared to 2:1 in striated muscle. The basic characteristics of both types of contractile proteins are similar; but there are a variety of quantitative differences in protein structures, enzymatic activities and filament stabilities. Biochemical and X-ray diffraction data generally support recent ultrastructural evidence concerning the organization of the myofilaments in smooth muscle, although a basic contractile unit comparable to the sarcomere in striated muscle has not been discerned. Myofilament interactions and contraction in smooth muscle are controlled by changes in the Ca2+ concentration. Recent evidence suggests the Ca2+-binding regulatory site is associated with the myosin in vertebrate smooth muscle (as in a variety of invertebrate muscles), rather than with troponin which is the regulatory protein associated with the thin filament in vertebrate striated muscle.  相似文献   

Two rigor states in skinned crayfish single muscle fibers   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We studied the tension and stiffness of crayfish skinned single muscle fibers during and after the induction of rigor by removal of MgATP (substrate). We found that the rigor state is not unique but depends on the condition of the muscle before rigor. Fibers induced into rigor with a minimum of activation (low rigor) develop a small tension and moderate stiffness, while those entering rigor during maximum activation (high rigor) maintain near peak tension (80%) and develop a high stiffness. These rigor states are insensitive to Ca addition or deletion but they are partially interconvertible by length change. Stiffness changes when the rigor muscle length is varied, a condition in which the number of attached cross-rigor muscle length is varied, a condition in which the number of attached cross-bridges cannot change, and high-rigor muscle becomes less stiff than low-rigor muscle when the former is brought to the same tension by length release. The sensitivity of low, high, or length-released high-rigor muscles to trace substrate concentration (less than muM) differs, and rigor at lower strain is more suscepitible to substrate.  相似文献   

S Xu  L C Yu    M Schoenberg 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(3):1110-1114
Using x-ray diffraction and mechanical stiffness, the response of N-phenylmaleimide (NPM)-reacted cross-bridges to solutions containing different amounts of ATP and Mg2+ has been studied. In relaxing solution containing greater than millimolar amounts of ATP and Mg2+, NPM-treated muscle fibers give x-ray diffraction patterns and stiffness records, which are nearly indistinguishable from those of untreated relaxed fibers. In a solution devoid of added ATP, but with Mg2+ (rigor(+Mg) solution), the muscle fibers still give x-ray diffraction patterns and mechanical responses characteristic of relaxed muscle. The new finding reported here is that in a solution devoid of both ATP and Mg2+ (rigor(-Mg) solution containing EDTA with no added ATP), NPM-reacted cross-bridges do give rigor-like behavior. This is the first report that NPM-reacted cross-bridges, at least in the presence of EDTA, are capable of going into a strongly binding conformation.  相似文献   

Defining the organization of endocytic pathway in multinucleated skeletal myofibers is crucial to understand the routing of membrane proteins, such as receptors and glucose transporters, through this system. Here we analyzed the organization of the endocytic trafficking pathways in isolated rat myofibers. We found that sarcolemmal-coated pits and transferrin receptors were concentrated in the I band areas. Fluid phase markers were taken up into vesicles in the same areas along the whole length of the fibers and were then delivered into structures around and between the nuclei. These markers also accumulated beneath the neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions. The recycling compartment, labeled with transferrin, appeared as perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that partially colocalized with the GLUT4 compartment. Low-density lipoprotein, a marker of the lysosome-directed pathway, was transported into sparsely distributed perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that contacted microtubules. A majority of these dots did not colocalize with internalized transferrin, indicating that the recycling and the lysosome-directed pathways were distinct. In conclusion, the I band areas were active in endocytosis along the whole length of the multinucleated myofibers. The sorting endosomes distributed in a cross-striated fashion while the recycling and late endosomal compartments showed perinuclear and interfibrillar localizations and followed the course of microtubules.  相似文献   

We applied fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to map the microenvironment of the myosin essential light chain (ELC) in permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. Four ELC mutants containing a single cysteine residue at different positions in the C-terminal half of the protein (ELC-127, ELC-142, ELC-160, and ELC-180) were generated by site-directed mutagenesis, labeled with 7-diethylamino-3-((((2-iodoacetamido)ethyl)amino)carbonyl)coumarin, and introduced into permeabilized rabbit psoas fibers. Binding to the myosin heavy chain was associated with a large conformational change in the ELC. When the fibers were moved from relaxation to rigor, the fluorescence lifetime increased for all label positions. However, when 1% stretch was applied to the rigor fibers, the lifetime decreased for ELC-127 and ELC-180 but did not change for ELC-142 and ELC-160. The differential change of fluorescence lifetime demonstrates the shift in position of the C-terminal domain of ELC with respect to the heavy chain and reveals specific locations in the lever arm region sensitive to the mechanical strain propagating from the actin-binding site to the lever arm.  相似文献   

Confocal imaging of impermeant fluorescent dyes trapped in the tubular (t-) system of skeletal muscle fibres of rat and cane toad was used to examine changes in the morphology of the t-system upon mechanical skinning, the time course of dye loss from the sealed t-system in mechanically skinned fibres and the influence of rapid application and removal of glycerol on the morphology of the sealed t-system. In contrast to intact fibres, which have a t-system open to the outside, the sealed t-system of toad mechanically skinned fibres consistently displayed local swellings (vesicles). The occurrence of vesicles in the sealed t-system of rat-skinned fibres was infrequent. Application and removal of 200-400 mM glycerol to the sealed t-system did not produce any obvious changes in its morphology. The dyes fluo-3, fura-2 and Oregon green 488 were lost from the sealed t-system of toad fibres at different rates suggesting that the mechanism of organic anion transport across the tubular wall was not by indiscriminate bulk transport. The rate of fluo-3 and fura-2 loss from the sealed t-system of rat fibres was greater in rat than in toad fibres and could be explained by differences in surface area: volume ratio of the t-system in the two fibre types. Based on the results presented here and on other results from this laboratory, an explanation is given for the formation of numerous vesicles in toad-skinned fibres and lack of vesicle formation in rat-skinned fibres. This explanation can also help with better understanding the mechanism responsible for vacuole formation in intact fibres.  相似文献   

Na channel distribution in vertebrate skeletal muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The loose patch voltage clamp has been used to map Na current density along the length of snake and rat skeletal muscle fibers. Na currents have been recorded from (a) endplate membrane exposed by removal of the nerve terminal, (b) membrane near the endplate, (c) extrajunctional membrane far from both the endplate and the tendon, and (d) membrane near the tendon. Na current densities recorded directly on the endplate were extremely high, exceeding 400 mA/cm2 in some patches. The membrane adjacent to the endplate has a current density about fivefold lower than that of the endplate, but about fivefold higher than the membrane 100-200 micron from the endplate. Small local variations in Na current density are recorded in extrajunctional membrane. A sharp decrease in Na current density occurs over the last few hundred micrometers from the tendon. We tested the ability of tetrodotoxin to block Na current in regions close to and far from the endplate and found no evidence for toxin-resistant channels in either region. There was also no obvious difference in the kinetics of Na current in the two regions. On the basis of the Na current densities measured with the loose patch clamp, we conclude that Na channels are abundant in the endplate and near-endplate membrane and are sparse close to the tendon. The current density at the endplate is two to three orders of magnitude higher than at the tendon.  相似文献   

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