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Adult fish may affect the growth and survival of conspecific larvae through a variety of pathways, including negative interactions via competition for shared limiting resources or via predation (i.e., cannibalism), and positive interactions due to the consumption of larval predators and via resource enhancement (i.e., presence of adults increases availability of larval prey). To examine the overall effect of adult bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) on larval bluegill, we conducted a field experiment in which we manipulated adult densities and quantified larval growth and survival, prey abundance, invertebrate predator abundance, and cannibalism. The presence of adult bluegill had a negative effect on final larval mass. This response was consistent with competition for zooplankton prey. Adult bluegill reduced the abundance of large zooplankton (e.g., Chaoborus and Daphnia), which were the dominant prey of bluegill larvae in the absence of adults. Larvae in the no-adult treatment also had significantly more prey in their stomachs compared to larvae in the presence of adults. Larval survival was maximized at intermediate adult densities and the overall production of larvae peaked at intermediate adult densities. The higher larval survival at intermediate adult densities is attributed to a reduction in invertebrate predators in treatments with adult bluegill; invertebrate predators experienced an 80% reduction in the presence of adult fish. Decreased larval survival at the highest adult density was not due to resource limitation and may be due to cannibalism, which was not directly observed in our study, but has been observed in other studies.  相似文献   

Nephrin, an important structural and signal molecule of podocyte slit-diaphragm (SD), has been suggested to contribute to the angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced podocyte injury. Caveolin-1 has been demonstrated to play a crucial role in signaling transduction. In the present study, we evaluated the role of caveolin-1 in Ang II-induced nephrin phosphorylation in podocytes. Wistar rats-receiving either Ang II (400 ng/kg/min) or normal saline (via subcutaneous osmotic mini-pumps, control) were administered either vehicle or telmisartan (3 mg/kg/min) for 14 or 28 days. Blood pressure, 24-hour urinary albumin and serum biochemical profile were measured at the end of the experimental period. Renal histomorphology was evaluated through light and electron microscopy. In vitro, cultured murine podocytes were exposed to Ang II (10−6 M) pretreated with or without losartan (10−5 M) for variable time periods. Nephrin and caveolin-1 expression and their phosphorylation were analyzed by Western-blotting and immunofluorescence. Caveolar membrane fractions were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and then the distribution and interactions between Ang II type 1 receptor (AT1), nephrin, C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and caveolin-1 were evaluated using Western-blotting and co-immunoprecipitation. Podocyte apoptosis was evaluated by cell nucleus staining with Hoechst-33342.Ang II-receiving rats displayed diminished phosphorylation of nephrin but enhanced glomerular/podocyte injury and proteinuria when compared to control rats. Under control conditions, podocyte displayed expression of caveolin-1 in abundance but only a low level of phospho moiety. Nonetheless, Ang II stimulated caveolin-1 phosphorylation without any change in total protein expression. Nephrin and caveolin-1 were co-localized in caveolae fractions. AT1 receptors and Csk were moved to caveolae fractions and had an interaction with caveolin-1 after the stimulation with Ang II. Transfection of caveolin-1 plasmid (pEGFPC3-cav-1) significantly increased Ang II-induced nephrin dephosphorylation and podocyte apoptosis. Furthermore, knockdown of caveolin-1 expression (using siRNA) inhibited nephrin dephosphorylation and prevented Ang II-induced podocyte apoptosis. These findings indicate that Ang II induces nephrin dephosphorylation and podocyte injury through a caveolin-1-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

TGF-beta signaling: positive and negative effects on tumorigenesis.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
TGF-beta binding to the cell surface triggers activation of multiple signal transduction pathways that are connected in intricate ways with each other, and with other response networks involved in sensing cellular information input. Recent data indicate that changes in signal intensity and connectivity of these pathways may underlie the complex transition of the TGF-beta pathway from tumor suppressor to oncogene during tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Geddes P  Trexler JC 《Oecologia》2003,136(4):585-595
The riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus) and eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) consume periphyton and small invertebrates, potentially affecting periphyton through negative effects (i.e., consumption) and/or positive effects such as nutrient regeneration, physical stimulation, and trophic cascades. We performed field experiments in the Everglades in which omnivores and periphyton were maintained in cages, with a fraction of the periphyton held in omnivore-exclusion bags that allowed passage of nutrients but prevented its consumption or physical disturbance. In some instances, periphyton growth rate increased with increasing omnivore biomass. Omnivores probably stimulated periphyton growth through nutrient regeneration, possibly subsidizing periphyton with nutrients derived from ingested animal prey. The net balance of omnivore-mediated negative and positive effects varied among experiments because of seasonal and spatial differences in periphyton characteristics. Consumption of periphyton mats might have been reduced by the arrangement of palatable algae (green algae and diatoms) within a matrix of unpalatable ones (CaCO(3)-encrusting filamentous cyanobacteria). In a laboratory feeding experiment, mosquitofish consumed more green algae and diatoms in treatments with disrupted mat structure than in those with intact mats. No difference in diet was observed for shrimp. Our study underscores the complexity of consumer-periphyton interactions in which periphyton edibility affects herbivory and consumers influence periphyton through multiple routes that cannot be fully appreciated in experiments that only investigate net effects.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated an age-related decline in gonadotropins and a decrease in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, indicating that aging influences the neuroendocrine components of the female reproductive axis independently of changes in ovarian function. To determine whether aging might also affect the luteinizing hormone (LH) negative and positive feedback responses to gonadal steroids, we administered a controlled, graded sex steroid infusion to 11 younger (45-56 yr) and nine older (70-80 yr) postmenopausal women (PMW) in whom endogenous ovarian steroids and peptides are uniformly low. The doses of estradiol (E(2)) and progesterone (P) were chosen to mimic levels across the normal follicular phase and have been shown previously to induce negative followed by positive feedback on LH. Similar E(2) and P levels were achieved in younger and older PMW (P = 0.4 and 0.3, respectively) and produced a biphasic LH response in all subjects. The early decline in LH to 53% of baseline was not different in older vs. younger PMW. However, the positive feedback effect was attenuated in older compared with younger PMW (peak LH 144.4 ± 19.5 vs. 226.8 ± 22.3 IU/l, respectively, P = 0.01). In conclusion, these studies in PMW demonstrate preservation of short-term steroid negative and positive feedback in response to exogenous E(2) and P with aging. Attenuation of positive feedback in older compared with younger PMW is consistent with previous reports of declining GnRH responsiveness with aging.  相似文献   

In tropical Australian rainforests, predators and scavengers aggregate beneath emergent trees that house large colonies of metallic starlings (Aplonis metallica), feeding in the nutrient‐rich open areas below. Analysis of camera‐trap records shows that the presence of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) is associated with an absence of birds (cockatoos and brush turkeys), presumably reflecting behavioural avoidance (pigs pose a direct danger to birds). However, bird numbers increase as soon as pigs depart, then fall if pigs are absent for long periods. Feral pigs thus displace native birds from these resource hotspots; but by turning over the soil and enhancing the birds' access to food, the pigs also have a positive impact on food availability for the avifauna. Thus, although invasive species have caused irreparable environmental damages worldwide, they may also provide positive benefits for certain species. The net benefit of such interspecific interactions will depend on the outcome of both positive and negative effects.  相似文献   

Competition for food is generally thought to exert a strong evolutionary pressure, driving trophic niche separation, either by specialization and/or by widening the choice of potential food resources. Harpacticoid copepods are common inhabitants of phytal assemblages, where several closely related species of the so-called phytal dwelling families often co-occur. However, direct competition among phytal harpacticoids has been thought to be unlikely, due to the abundant and continuously available food supplies. We conducted a series of field and laboratory studies to assess the role of competition in the abundance distribution of two closely related harpacticoid species, Mesochra rapiens and M. aestuari. We found that the abundance of both species co-varied on several seaweed species in the northern Baltic Sea, during a 3-month period. Stable isotope ratios in the green alga Cladophora glomerata field samples indicated different resource utilization of the two species, both in fresh and deteriorated C. glomerata, and in drifting algae. We tested in the laboratory if resource utilization was different between the species in sympatry and allopatry. We used enriched stable carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to trace the uptake in both species. Results from these experiments showed a much higher assimilation by M. aestuari in sympatry with M. rapiens, while the latter species showed a higher assimilation in allopatry. Our results show that while there is no apparent competition for resources between these two species in the field, there seems to be an asymmetric reaction when in sympatry and provided one single resource in the laboratory. We suggest that M. rapiens may facilitate assimilation by M. aestuari and discuss the mechanisms by which this may take place.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is one of the key protein kinases that regulate the growth and proliferation in cardiac fibroblasts (CFs). As an energy sensor of cellular metabolism, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is found recently to be involved in myocardial remodeling. In this study, we investigated the crosstalk between ERK and AMPK in the growth and proliferation of CFs. In neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts (NRCFs), we found that serum significantly inhibited basal AMPK phosphorylation between 10 min and 24 h and also partially inhibited AMPK phosphorylation by AMPK activator, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-ribonucleoside (AICAR). Furthermore, ERK inhibitor could greatly reverse the inhibition of AMPK by serum. Conversely, activation of AMPK by AICAR also showed a significant inhibition of basal and serum-induced ERK phosphorylation but it showed a delayed and steadfast inhibition which appeared after 60 min and lasted until 12 h. Moreover, inhibition of ERK could repress the activation of p70S6K, an important kinase in cardiac proliferation, and AICAR could also inhibit p70S6K phosphorylation. In addition, under both serum and serum-free medium, AICAR significantly inhibited the DNA synthesis and cell numbers, and reduced cells at S phase. In conclusion, AMPK activation with AICAR inhibited growth and proliferation in cardiac fibroblasts, which involved inhibitory interactions between ERK and AMPK. This is the first report that AMPK could be a target of ERK in growth factors-induced proliferation, which may give a new mechanism that growth factors utilize in their promotion of proliferation in cardiac fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Expression of RAS proteins can have either positive or negative effects on cell growth, differentiation and death. New technologies are being developed for the generation of animal models to address the questions of where, when and how much Ras is expressed during tumorigenesis, and how these disparate signals are integrated during multistage carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The genus Carnobacterium contains nine species, but only C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum are frequently isolated from natural environments and foods. They are tolerant to freezing/thawing and high pressure and able to grow at low temperatures, anaerobically and with increased CO(2) concentrations. They metabolize arginine and various carbohydrates, including chitin, and this may improve their survival in the environment. Carnobacterium divergens and C. maltaromaticum have been extensively studied as protective cultures in order to inhibit growth of Listeria monocytogenes in fish and meat products. Several carnobacterial bacteriocins are known, and parameters that affect their production have been described. Currently, however, no isolates are commercially applied as protective cultures. Carnobacteria can spoil chilled foods, but spoilage activity shows intraspecies and interspecies variation. The responsible spoilage metabolites are not well characterized, but branched alcohols and aldehydes play a partial role. Their production of tyramine in foods is critical for susceptible individuals, but carnobacteria are not otherwise human pathogens. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum can be a fish pathogen, although carnobacteria are also suggested as probiotic cultures for use in aquaculture. Representative genome sequences are not yet available, but would be valuable to answer questions associated with fundamental and applied aspects of this important genus.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a conceptual model of integrated plant-soil interactions which illustrates the importance of identifying the primary belowground feedbacks, both positive and negative, which can simultaneously affect plant growth responses to elevated CO2. The primary negative feedbacks share the common feature of reducing the amount of nutrients available to plants. These negative feedbacks include increased litter C/N ratios, and therefore reduced mineralization rates, increased immobilization of available nutrients by a larger soil microbial pool, and increased storage of nutrients in plant biomass and detritus due to increases in net primary productivity (NPP). Most of the primary positive feedbacks share the common feature of being plant mediated feedbacks, the only exception being Zak et al.'s hypothesis that increased microbial biomass will be accompanied by increased mineralization rates. Plant nutrient uptake may be increased through alterations in root architecture, physiology, or mycorrhizal symbioses. Further, the increased C/N ratios of plant tissue mean that a given level of NPP can be achieved with a smaller supply of nitrogen.Identification of the net plant-soil feedbacks to enhanced productivity with elevated CO2 are a critical first step for any ecosystem. It is necessary, however, that we first identify how universally applicable the results are from one study of one ecosystem before ecosystem models incorporate this information. The effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth (including NPP, tissue quality, root architecture, mycorrhizal symbioses) can vary greatly for different species and environmental conditions. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that different ecosystems will show different patterns of interacting positive and negative feedbacks within the plant-soil system. This inter-ecosystem variability in the potential for long-term growth responses to rising CO2 levels implies that we need to parameterize mechanistic models of the impact of elevated CO2 on ecosystem productivity using a detailed understanding of each ecosystem of interest.  相似文献   

Our understanding of positive and negative plant interactions is primarily based on vascular plants, as is the prediction that facilitative effects dominate in harsh environments. It remains unclear whether this understanding is also applicable to moss–vascular plant interactions, which are likely to be influential in low-temperature environments with extensive moss ground cover such as boreal forest and arctic tundra. In a field experiment in high-arctic tundra, we investigated positive and negative impacts of the moss layer on vascular plants. Ramets of the shrub Salix polaris, herb Bistorta vivipara, grass Alopecurus borealis and rush Luzula confusa were transplanted into plots manipulated to contain bare soil, shallow moss (3 cm) and deep moss (6 cm) and harvested after three growing seasons. The moss layer had both positive and negative impacts upon vascular plant growth, the relative extent of which varied among vascular plant species. Deep moss cover reduced soil temperature and nitrogen availability, and this was reflected in reduced graminoid productivity. Shrub and herb biomass were greatest in shallow moss, where soil moisture also appeared to be highest. The relative importance of the mechanisms by which moss may influence vascular plants, through effects on soil temperature, moisture and nitrogen availability, was investigated in a phytotron growth experiment. Soil temperature, and not nutrient availability, determined Alopecurus growth, whereas Salix only responded to increased temperature if soil nitrogen was also increased. We propose a conceptual model showing the relative importance of positive and negative influences of the moss mat on vascular plants along a gradient of moss depth and illustrate species-specific outcomes. Our findings suggest that, through their strong influence on the soil environment, mat-forming mosses structure the composition of vascular plant communities. Thus, for plant interaction theory to be widely applicable to extreme environments such as the Arctic, growth forms other than vascular plants should be considered.  相似文献   

Data on both positive (protective) and negative effect of wine on cardiovascular, neurologic and immune system are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

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