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Evolutionary theory posits that adaptation can result when populations harbour heritable phenotypic variation for traits that increase tolerance to local conditions. However, the actual mechanisms that underlie heritable phenotypic variation are not completely understood (Keller 2014 ). Recently, the potential role of epigenetic mechanisms in the process of adaptive evolution has been the subject of much debate (Pigliucci & Finkelman 2014 ). Studies of variation in DNA methylation in particular have shown that natural populations harbour high amounts of epigenetic variation, which can be inherited across generations and can cause heritable trait variation independently of genetic variation (Kilvitis et al. 2014 ). While we have made some progress addressing the importance of epigenetics in ecology and evolution using methylation‐sensitive AFLP (MS‐AFLP), this approach provides relatively few anonymous and dominant markers per individual. MS‐AFLP are difficult to link to functional genomic elements or phenotype and are difficult to compare directly to genetic variation, which has limited the insights drawn from studies of epigenetic variation in natural nonmodel populations (Schrey et al. 2013 ). In this issue, Platt et al. provide an example of a promising approach to address this problem by applying a reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) approach based on next‐generation sequencing methods in an ecological context.  相似文献   

Cichlid fishes (family Cichlidae) are models for evolutionary and ecological research. Massively parallel sequencing approaches have been successfully applied to study relatively recent diversification in groups of African and Neotropical cichlids, but such technologies have yet to be used for addressing larger‐scale phylogenetic questions of cichlid evolution. Here, we describe a process for identifying putative single‐copy exons from five African cichlid genomes and sequence the targeted exons for a range of divergent (>tens of millions of years) taxa with probes designed from a single reference species (Oreochromis niloticus, Nile tilapia). Targeted sequencing of 923 exons across 10 cichlid species that represent the family's major lineages and geographic distribution resulted in a complete taxon matrix of 564 exons (649 549 bp), representing 559 genes. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses in both species tree and concatenation frameworks yielded the same fully resolved and highly supported topology, which matched the expected backbone phylogeny of the major cichlid lineages. This work adds to the body of evidence that it is possible to use a relatively divergent reference genome for exon target design and successful capture across a broad phylogenetic range of species. Furthermore, our results show that the use of a third‐party laboratory coupled with accessible bioinformatics tools makes such phylogenomics projects feasible for research groups that lack direct access to genomic facilities. We expect that these resources will be used in further cichlid evolution studies and hope the protocols and identified targets will also be useful for phylogenetic studies of a wider range of organisms.  相似文献   

Natural history museum collections provide unique resources for understanding how species respond to environmental change, including the abrupt, anthropogenic climate change of the past century. Ideally, researchers would conduct genome‐scale screening of museum specimens to explore the evolutionary consequences of environmental changes, but to date such analyses have been severely limited by the numerous challenges of working with the highly degraded DNA typical of historic samples. Here, we circumvent these challenges by using custom, multiplexed, exon capture to enrich and sequence ~11 000 exons (~4 Mb) from early 20th‐century museum skins. We used this approach to test for changes in genomic diversity accompanying a climate‐related range retraction in the alpine chipmunks (Tamias alpinus) in the high Sierra Nevada area of California, USA. We developed robust bioinformatic pipelines that rigorously detect and filter out base misincorporations in DNA derived from skins, most of which likely resulted from postmortem damage. Furthermore, to accommodate genotyping uncertainties associated with low‐medium coverage data, we applied a recently developed probabilistic method to call single‐nucleotide polymorphisms and estimate allele frequencies and the joint site frequency spectrum. Our results show increased genetic subdivision following range retraction, but no change in overall genetic diversity at either nonsynonymous or synonymous sites. This case study showcases the advantages of integrating emerging genomic and statistical tools in museum collection‐based population genomic applications. Such technical advances greatly enhance the value of museum collections, even where a pre‐existing reference is lacking and points to a broad range of potential applications in evolutionary and conservation biology.  相似文献   

Type specimens have high scientific importance because they provide the only certain connection between the application of a Linnean name and a physical specimen. Many other individuals may have been identified as a particular species, but their linkage to the taxon concept is inferential. Because type specimens are often more than a century old and have experienced conditions unfavourable for DNA preservation, success in sequence recovery has been uncertain. This study addresses this challenge by employing next‐generation sequencing (NGS) to recover sequences for the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene from small amounts of template DNA. DNA quality was first screened in more than 1800 century‐old type specimens of Lepidoptera by attempting to recover 164‐bp and 94‐bp reads via Sanger sequencing. This analysis permitted the assignment of each specimen to one of three DNA quality categories – high (164‐bp sequence), medium (94‐bp sequence) or low (no sequence). Ten specimens from each category were subsequently analysed via a PCR‐based NGS protocol requiring very little template DNA. It recovered sequence information from all specimens with average read lengths ranging from 458 bp to 610 bp for the three DNA categories. By sequencing ten specimens in each NGS run, costs were similar to Sanger analysis. Future increases in the number of specimens processed in each run promise substantial reductions in cost, making it possible to anticipate a future where barcode sequences are available from most type specimens.  相似文献   

Crop wild relatives (CWR) provide an important source of allelic diversity for any given crop plant species for counteracting the erosion of genetic diversity caused by domestication and elite breeding bottlenecks. Hordeum bulbosum L. is representing the secondary gene pool of the genus Hordeum. It has been used as a source of genetic introgressions for improving elite barley germplasm (Hordeum vulgare L.). However, genetic introgressions from Hbulbosum have yet not been broadly applied, due to a lack of suitable molecular tools for locating, characterizing, and decreasing by recombination and marker‐assisted backcrossing the size of introgressed segments. We applied next‐generation sequencing (NGS) based strategies for unlocking genetic diversity of three diploid introgression lines of cultivated barley containing chromosomal segments of its close relative H. bulbosum. Firstly, exome capture‐based (re)‐sequencing revealed large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) enabling the precise allocation of H. bulbosum introgressions. This SNP resource was further exploited by designing a custom multiplex SNP genotyping assay. Secondly, two‐enzyme‐based genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) was employed to allocate the introgressed H. bulbosum segments and to genotype a mapping population. Both methods provided fast and reliable detection and mapping of the introgressed segments and enabled the identification of recombinant plants. Thus, the utilization of H. bulbosum as a resource of natural genetic diversity in barley crop improvement will be greatly facilitated by these tools in the future.  相似文献   

Using next‐generation sequencing, we developed the first whole‐genome resources for two hybridizing Nothofagus species of the Patagonian forests that crucially lack genomic data, despite their ecological and industrial value. A de novo assembly strategy combining base quality control and optimization of the putative chloroplast gene map yielded ~32 000 contigs from 43% of the reads produced. With 12.5% of assembled reads, we covered ~96% of the chloroplast genome and ~70% of the mitochondrial gene content, providing functional and structural annotations for 112 and 52 genes, respectively. Functional annotation was possible on 15% of the contigs, with ~1750 potentially novel nuclear genes identified for Nothofagus species. We estimated that the new resources (13.41 Mb in total) included ~4000 gene regions representing ~6.5% of the expected genic partition of the genome, the remaining contigs potentially being nongenic DNA. A high‐quality single nucleotide polymorphisms resource was developed by comparing various filtering methods, and preliminary results indicate a strong conservation of cpDNA genomes in contrast to numerous exclusive nuclear polymorphisms in both species. Finally, we characterized 2274 potential simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, designed primers for 769 of them and validated nine of 29 loci in 42 individuals per species. Nothofagus obliqua had more alleles (4.89) on average than N. nervosa (2.89), 8 SSRs were efficient to discriminate species, and three were successfully transferred in three other Nothofagus species. These resources will greatly help for future inferences of demographic, adaptive and hybridizing events in Nothofagus species, and for conserving and managing natural populations.  相似文献   

Invertebrate biodiversity measured at mostly family level is widely used in biological monitoring programmes to assess anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems. However, next‐generation sequencing (NGS) could allow development of new more sensitive biomonitoring tools by allowing rapid species identification. This could be accelerated if archived invertebrate collections and environmental information from past programmes are used to understand species distributions and their environmental responses. In this study, we take archived macroinvertebrate samples from two sites collected on multiple occasions and test whether NGS can successfully detect species. Samples had been stored in 70% ethanol at room temperature for up to 12 years. Three amplicons ranging from 197 to 274 bps within the DNA barcode region were amplified from samples and compared to DNA barcoding libraries to identify species. We were able to amplify partial DNA barcodes from most samples, and species were often detected with multiple amplicons. However, some singletons and taxa poorly covered by DNA barcoding were missed. This suggests additional DNA barcodes will be required to fill ‘gaps’ in current DNA barcode libraries for aquatic macroinvertebrates and/or that it may not be possible to detect all taxa in a sample. Furthermore, older samples often detected fewer taxa and were less reliable for amplification, suggesting NGS is best used on samples within 8 years of collection. Nevertheless, many common taxa with existing DNA barcodes were reliably identified with NGS and were often present at sites across multiple years, showing the potential of NGS for detecting common and abundant species in archived material.  相似文献   

DNA quantity can be a hindrance in ecological and evolutionary research programmes due to a range of factors including endangered status of target organisms, available tissue type, and the impact of field conditions on preservation methods. A potential solution to low‐quantity DNA lies in whole genome amplification (WGA) techniques that can substantially increase DNA yield. To date, few studies have rigorously examined sequence bias that might result from WGA and next‐generation sequencing of nonmodel taxa. To address this knowledge deficit, we use multiple displacement amplification (MDA) and double‐digest RAD sequencing on the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to quantify bias in genome coverage and SNP calls when compared to raw genomic DNA (gDNA). We focus our efforts in providing baseline estimates of potential bias by following manufacturer's recommendations for starting DNA quantities (>100 ng). Our results are strongly suggestive that MDA enrichment does not introduce systematic bias to genome characterization. SNP calling between samples when genotyping both de‐novo and with a reference genome are highly congruent (>98%) when specifying a minimum threshold of 20X stack depth to call genotypes. Relative genome coverage is also similar between MDA and gDNA, and allelic dropout is not observed. SNP concordance varies based on coverage threshold, with 95% concordance reached at ~12X coverage genotyping de‐novo and ~7X coverage genotyping with the reference genome. These results suggest that MDA may be a suitable solution for next‐generation molecular ecological studies when DNA quantity would otherwise be a limiting factor.  相似文献   

The identification of pollen plays an important role in ecology, palaeo‐climatology, honey quality control and other areas. Currently, expert knowledge and reference collections are essential to identify pollen origin through light microscopy. Pollen identification through molecular sequencing and DNA barcoding has been proposed as an alternative approach, but the assessment of mixed pollen samples originating from multiple plant species is still a tedious and error‐prone task. Next‐generation sequencing has been proposed to avoid this hindrance. In this study we assessed mixed pollen probes through next‐generation sequencing of amplicons from the highly variable, species‐specific internal transcribed spacer 2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Further, we developed a bioinformatic workflow to analyse these high‐throughput data with a newly created reference database. To evaluate the feasibility, we compared results from classical identification based on light microscopy from the same samples with our sequencing results. We assessed in total 16 mixed pollen samples, 14 originated from honeybee colonies and two from solitary bee nests. The sequencing technique resulted in higher taxon richness (deeper assignments and more identified taxa) compared to light microscopy. Abundance estimations from sequencing data were significantly correlated with counted abundances through light microscopy. Simulation analyses of taxon specificity and sensitivity indicate that 96% of taxa present in the database are correctly identifiable at the genus level and 70% at the species level. Next‐generation sequencing thus presents a useful and efficient workflow to identify pollen at the genus and species level without requiring specialised palynological expert knowledge.  相似文献   

To enable rapid selection of traits in marker‐assisted breeding, markers must be technically simple, low‐cost, high‐throughput and randomly distributed in a genome. We developed such a technology, designated as Multiplex Restriction Amplicon Sequencing (MRASeq), which reduces genome complexity by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of amplicons flanked by restriction sites. The first PCR primers contain restriction site sequences at 3’‐ends, preceded by 6‐10 bases of specific or degenerate nucleotide sequences and then by a unique M13‐tail sequence which serves as a binding site for a second PCR that adds sequencing primers and barcodes to allow sample multiplexing for sequencing. The sequences of restriction sites and adjacent nucleotides can be altered to suit different species. Physical mapping of MRASeq SNPs from a biparental population of allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) showed a random distribution of SNPs across the genome. MRASeq generated thousands of SNPs from a wheat biparental population and natural populations of wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). This novel, next‐generation sequencing‐based genotyping platform can be used for linkage mapping to screen quantitative trait loci (QTL), background selection in breeding and many other genetics and breeding applications of various species.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are revolutionizing the fields of biology and medicine as powerful tools for amplicon sequencing (AS). Using combinations of primers and barcodes, it is possible to sequence targeted genomic regions with deep coverage for hundreds, even thousands, of individuals in a single experiment. This is extremely valuable for the genotyping of gene families in which locus‐specific primers are often difficult to design, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The utility of AS is, however, limited by the high intrinsic sequencing error rates of NGS technologies and other sources of error such as polymerase amplification or chimera formation. Correcting these errors requires extensive bioinformatic post‐processing of NGS data. Amplicon Sequence Assignment (amplisas ) is a tool that performs analysis of AS results in a simple and efficient way, while offering customization options for advanced users. amplisas is designed as a three‐step pipeline consisting of (i) read demultiplexing, (ii) unique sequence clustering and (iii) erroneous sequence filtering. Allele sequences and frequencies are retrieved in excel spreadsheet format, making them easy to interpret. amplisas performance has been successfully benchmarked against previously published genotyped MHC data sets obtained with various NGS technologies.  相似文献   

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