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Francesco Imperatore Julien Maurizio Stephanie Vargas Aguilar Clara J Busch Jérémy Favret Elisabeth Kowenz‐Leutz Wilfried Cathou Rebecca Gentek Pierre Perrin Achim Leutz Michael H Sieweke 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(16):2353-2372
Mature differentiated macrophages can self‐maintain by local proliferation in tissues and can be extensively expanded in culture under specific conditions, but the mechanisms of this phenomenon remain only partially defined. Here, we show that SIRT1, an evolutionary conserved regulator of life span, positively affects macrophage self‐renewal ability in vitro and in vivo. Overexpression of SIRT1 during bone marrow‐derived macrophage differentiation increased their proliferative capacity. Conversely, decrease of SIRT1 expression by shRNA inactivation, CRISPR/Cas9 mediated deletion and pharmacological inhibition restricted macrophage self‐renewal in culture. Furthermore, pharmacological SIRT1 inhibition in vivo reduced steady state and cytokine‐induced proliferation of alveolar and peritoneal macrophages. Mechanistically, SIRT1 inhibition negatively regulated G1/S transition, cell cycle progression and a network of self‐renewal genes. This included inhibition of E2F1 and Myc and concomitant activation of FoxO1, SIRT1 targets mediating cell cycle progression and stress response, respectively. Our findings indicate that SIRT1 is a key regulator of macrophage self‐renewal that integrates cell cycle and longevity pathways. This suggests that macrophage self‐renewal might be a relevant parameter of ageing. 相似文献
If Narcissus could have self‐renewed even once on seeing his own reflection, he would have died a happy man. Stem cells, on the other hand, have an enormous capacity for self‐renewal; in other words, the ability to replicate and generate more of the same. In adult organisms, stem cells reside in specialized niches within each tissue. They replenish tissue cells that are lost during normal homeostasis, and on injury they repair damaged tissue. The ability of a stem cell to self‐renew is governed by the dynamic interaction between the intrinsic proteins it expresses and the extrinsic signals that it receives from the niche microenvironment. Understanding the mechanisms governing when to proliferate and when to differentiate is vital, not only to normal stem cell biology, but also to ageing and cancer. This review focuses on elucidating conceptually, experimentally and mechanistically, our understanding of adult stem cell self‐renewal. We use skin as a paradigm for discussing many of the salient points about this process, but also draw on the knowledge gained from these and other adult stem cell systems to delineate shared underlying principles, as well as highlight mechanistic distinctions among adult tissue stem cells. By doing so, we pinpoint important questions that still await answers. 相似文献
Zuping Zhou Takintope Akinbiyi Lili Xu Melissa Ramcharan Daniel J. Leong Stephen J. Ros Alexis C. Colvin Mitchell B. Schaffler Robert J. Majeska Evan L. Flatow Hui B. Sun 《Aging cell》2010,9(5):911-915
Aging is a major risk factor for tendon injury and impaired tendon healing, but the basis for these relationships remains poorly understood. Here we show that rat tendon‐derived stem/progenitor cells (TSPCs) differ in both self‐renewal and differentiation capability with age. The frequency of TSPCs in tendon tissues of aged animals is markedly reduced based on colony formation assays. Proliferation rate is decreased, cell cycle progression is delayed and cell fate patterns are also altered in aged TSPCs. In particular, expression of tendon lineage marker genes is reduced while adipocytic differentiation increased. Cited2, a multi‐stimuli responsive transactivator involved in cell growth and senescence, is also downregulated in aged TSPCs while CD44, a matrix assembling and organizing protein implicated in tendon healing, is upregulated, suggesting that these genes participate in the control of TSPC function. 相似文献
Fam60a defines a variant Sin3a‐Hdac complex in embryonic stem cells required for self‐renewal

Gundula Streubel Darren J Fitzpatrick Giorgio Oliviero Andrea Scelfo Bruce Moran Sudipto Das Nayla Munawar Ariane Watson Kieran Wynne Gian Luca Negri Eugene T Dillon SriGanesh Jammula Karsten Hokamp Darran P O'Connor Diego Pasini Adrian P Bracken 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(15):2216-2232
Sin3a is the central scaffold protein of the prototypical Hdac1/2 chromatin repressor complex, crucially required during early embryonic development for the growth of pluripotent cells of the inner cell mass. Here, we compare the composition of the Sin3a‐Hdac complex between pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) and differentiated cells by establishing a method that couples two independent endogenous immunoprecipitations with quantitative mass spectrometry. We define the precise composition of the Sin3a complex in multiple cell types and identify the Fam60a subunit as a key defining feature of a variant Sin3a complex present in ES cells, which also contains Ogt and Tet1. Fam60a binds on H3K4me3‐positive promoters in ES cells, together with Ogt, Tet1 and Sin3a, and is essential to maintain the complex on chromatin. Finally, we show that depletion of Fam60a phenocopies the loss of Sin3a, leading to reduced proliferation, an extended G1‐phase and the deregulation of lineage genes. Taken together, Fam60a is an essential core subunit of a variant Sin3a complex in ES cells that is required to promote rapid proliferation and prevent unscheduled differentiation. 相似文献
骨髓移植是目前治疗恶性白血病以及遗传性血液病最有效的方法之一。但是HLA相匹配的骨髓捐献者严重短缺,骨髓造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)体外培养困难,在体外修复患者骨髓造血干细胞技术不成熟,这些都大大限制了骨髓移植在临床上的应用。多能性胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)具有自我更新能力,在合适的培养条件下分化形成各种血系细胞,是造血干细胞的另一来源。在过去的二十多年里,血发生的研究是干细胞生物学中最为活跃的领域之一。小鼠及人的胚胎干细胞方面的研究最近取得了重大进展。这篇综述总结了近年来从胚胎干细胞获得造血干细胞的成就,以及在安全和技术上的障碍。胚胎干细胞诱导生成可移植性血干细胞的研究能够使我们更好地了解正常和异常造血发生的机制,同时也为造血干细胞的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。 相似文献
胚胎干细胞向造血细胞分化研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
胚胎干(embryonic stem,ES)细胞是来源于囊胚的内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM),具有发育的全能性或多能性,能嵌合到早期胚胎,在体内可以参与各种组织发育甚至包括生殖细胞;在体外分化培养条件下,可以顺序分化出各种组织细胞,与体内完整胚胎发育过程相符合,而且可以通过调节ES细胞某些基因的表达而调节其分化。因此,ES细胞是研究哺乳动物早期胚胎发育、细胞分化及其关键基因鉴定的理想模型。另外,胚胎生殖脊(embryonic germ,EG)细胞系也具有同样的生物学特性,它是由早期胚胎的原始生殖脊(primordial germ,PG)细胞建株而来。最近研究显示:ES细胞在体外不但可以分化为所有造血细胞系,而且还可以分化为具有长期增殖能力的造血干细胞。作者就胚胎干细胞向造血细胞和造血干细胞分化及其诱导因子和调控基因的表达作一综述。 相似文献
Promoting human embryonic stem cell renewal or differentiation by modulating Wnt signal and culture conditions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We previously showed that Wnt3a could stimulate human embryonic stem (hES) cell proliferation and affect cell fate determination. In the absence of feeder cell--derived factors, hES cells cultured under a feeder-free condition survived and proliferated poorly. Adding recombinant Wnt3a in the absence of feeder cell derived-factors stimulated hES cell proliferation but also differentiation. In the present study, we further extended our analysis to other Wnt ligands such as Wntl and Wnt5a. While Wntl displayed a similar effect on hES cells as Wnt3a, Wnt5a had little effect in this system. Wnt3a and Wntl enhanced proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells when feeder-derived self-renewal factors and bFGF are also present. To explore the possibility to promote the proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells by activating the Wnt signaling, we overexpressed Wnt3a or Wntl gene in immortalized human adult fibroblast (HAFi) cells that are superior in supporting long-term growth of undifferentiated hES cells than primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. HAFi cells with or without a Wnt tmnsgene can be propagated indefinitely. Over-expression of the Wnt3a gene significantly enhanced the ability of HAFi feeder cells to support the undifferentiated growth of 3 different hES cell lines we tested. Co-expression of three commonly-used drug selection genes in Wnt3a-overpressing HAFi cells further enabled us to select rare hES clones after stable transfection or transduction. These immortalized engineered feeder cells (W3R) that co-express growth-promoting genes such as Wnt3a and three drug selection genes should empower us to efficiently make genetic modified hES cell lines for basic and translational research. 相似文献
AMPKα1‐LDH pathway regulates muscle stem cell self‐renewal by controlling metabolic homeostasis

Marine Theret Gaëtan Juban Sabrina Ben Larbi Michèle Weiss‐Gayet Laurent Bultot Marc Foretz Dominique Desplanches Pascual Sanz Zizhao Zang Lin Yang Guillaume Vial Benoit Viollet Kei Sakamoto Anne Brunet Bénédicte Chazaud Rémi Mounier 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(13):1946-1962
Control of stem cell fate to either enter terminal differentiation versus returning to quiescence (self‐renewal) is crucial for tissue repair. Here, we showed that AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK), the master metabolic regulator of the cell, controls muscle stem cell (MuSC) self‐renewal. AMPKα1?/? MuSCs displayed a high self‐renewal rate, which impairs muscle regeneration. AMPKα1?/? MuSCs showed a Warburg‐like switch of their metabolism to higher glycolysis. We identified lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a new functional target of AMPKα1. LDH, which is a non‐limiting enzyme of glycolysis in differentiated cells, was tightly regulated in stem cells. In functional experiments, LDH overexpression phenocopied AMPKα1?/? phenotype, that is shifted MuSC metabolism toward glycolysis triggering their return to quiescence, while inhibition of LDH activity rescued AMPKα1?/? MuSC self‐renewal. Finally, providing specific nutrients (galactose/glucose) to MuSCs directly controlled their fate through the AMPKα1/LDH pathway, emphasizing the importance of metabolism in stem cell fate. 相似文献
The protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1), known to be a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) E3 ligase, was found to interact with the human cytomegalovirus IE2 protein. We found that the sumoylation of IE2 was markedly enhanced by wild-type PIAS1 but not by a mutant containing a Cys to Ser substitution at position 351 (C351S) within the RING finger-like domain. In target reporter gene assays, wild-type PIAS1, but not the C351S mutant, enhanced the IE2-mediated transactivations of viral polymerase promoter and cellular cyclin E promoter and this augmentation required the intact sumoylation sites of IE2. Our results suggest that PIAS1 acts as a SUMO E3 ligase toward IE2 and that it may regulate the transactivation function of IE2. To our knowledge, IE2 is the first viral target found to be regulated by a SUMO E3 ligase. 相似文献
We utilized a unique culture system to analyze the expression patterns of gene, protein, and cell surface antigen, and the biological process of the related genes in erythroid and myeloid differentiation and switching of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in response to cytokine alterations. Gene-specific fragments (266) identified from five populations of cytokine-stimulated HSCs were categorized into three groups: (1) expressed specifically in a single cell population; (2) expressed in two cell populations, and (3) expressed in three or more populations. Of 145 defined cDNAs, three (2%) were novel genes. Protein two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry analyses showed overlapped and distinguished protein expression profiles in the cell populations studied. Biological process mapping of mRNAs expressed in erythroid and myeloid lineages indicated that mRNAs shared by both lineages attended 'core processes,' whereas genes specifically expressed in either lineage alone were related to specific processes or cellular maturation. Data from this study support the hypothesis that committed HSCs (El4 or G14) cells can still be redirected to develop into myeloid or erythroid cells when erythropoietin (EPO) is replaced with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) under erythroid-cultured condition or G-CSF with EPO in myeloid-cultured environment, respectively. Our results suggest that genes or proteins co-expressed in erythroid and myeloid lineages may be essential for the lineage maintenance and switching in hematopoiesis. 相似文献
肝激酶B1(liver kinase B1,LKB1),又名丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶11(STK11),是一种蛋白激酶,可磷酸化AMP激活的蛋白激酶和12种其他AMPK相关激酶。LKB1还是一种肿瘤抑制蛋白,生殖细胞LKB1基因突变可引发家族性黑斑息肉综合征,而体细胞突变可造成多种肿瘤发生。小鼠Lkb1的失活可导致造血干细胞(HSC)静息的丧失、快速的HSC消耗、严重的全血细胞减少和最终的致死。Lkb1缺陷的HSC细胞显示出线粒体缺陷、膜电位减少和细胞ATP耗竭。这些结果说明LKB1是一种HSC内稳态和造血过程中的新调节因子。 相似文献
Hair follicle stem cell cultures reveal self‐organizing plasticity of stem cells and their progeny

Carlos Andrés Chacón‐Martínez Markus Klose Catherin Niemann Ingmar Glauche Sara A Wickström 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(2):151-164
Understanding how complex tissues are formed, maintained, and regenerated through local growth, differentiation, and remodeling requires knowledge on how single‐cell behaviors are coordinated on the population level. The self‐renewing hair follicle, maintained by a distinct stem cell population, represents an excellent paradigm to address this question. A major obstacle in mechanistic understanding of hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) regulation has been the lack of a culture system that recapitulates HFSC behavior while allowing their precise monitoring and manipulation. Here, we establish an in vitro culture system based on a 3D extracellular matrix environment and defined soluble factors, which for the first time allows expansion and long‐term maintenance of murine multipotent HFSCs in the absence of heterologous cell types. Strikingly, this scheme promotes de novo generation of HFSCs from non‐HFSCs and vice versa in a dynamic self‐organizing process. This bidirectional interconversion of HFSCs and their progeny drives the system into a population equilibrium state. Our study uncovers regulatory dynamics by which phenotypic plasticity of cells drives population‐level homeostasis within a niche, and provides a discovery tool for studies on adult stem cell fate. 相似文献
Weiwei Yi Yuying Zhang Bo Liu Yuanyuan Zhou Dandan Liao Xinhua Qiao Dan Gao Ting Xie Qin Yao Yao Zhang Yugang Qiu Gang Huang Zhiyang Chen Chang Chen Zhenyu Ju 《Cell reports》2021,34(13):108922
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《Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)》2013,12(17):3180-3188
Genetic fate-mapping approaches provide a unique opportunity to assess differentiation pathways under physiological conditions. We have recently employed a lineage tracing approach to define hematopoietic differentiation pathways in relation to expression of the tyrosine kinase receptor Flk2.1 Based on our examination of reporter activity across all stem, progenitor and mature populations in our Flk2-Cre lineage model, we concluded that all mature blood lineages are derived through a Flk2+ intermediate, both at steady-state and under stress conditions. Here, we re-examine in depth our initial conclusions and perform additional experiments to test alternative options of lineage specification. Our data unequivocally support the conclusion that onset of Flk2 expression results in loss of self-renewal but preservation of multilineage differentiation potential. We discuss the implications of these data for defining stem cell identity and lineage potential among hematopoietic populations. 相似文献
Scott W. Boyer Anna E. Beaudin E. Camilla Forsberg 《Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)》2012,11(17):3180-3188
Genetic fate-mapping approaches provide a unique opportunity to assess differentiation pathways under physiological conditions. We have recently employed a lineage tracing approach to define hematopoietic differentiation pathways in relation to expression of the tyrosine kinase receptor Flk2.1 Based on our examination of reporter activity across all stem, progenitor and mature populations in our Flk2-Cre lineage model, we concluded that all mature blood lineages are derived through a Flk2+ intermediate, both at steady-state and under stress conditions. Here, we re-examine in depth our initial conclusions and perform additional experiments to test alternative options of lineage specification. Our data unequivocally support the conclusion that onset of Flk2 expression results in loss of self-renewal but preservation of multilineage differentiation potential. We discuss the implications of these data for defining stem cell identity and lineage potential among hematopoietic populations. 相似文献