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The Acanthocephala is a phylum of obligate endoparasitic animals comprising four classes (Archiacanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala, Eoacanthocephala and Polyacanthocephala), although the phylogenetic interrelationships of these classes still remains unresolved. To investigate phylogenetic relationships of major acanthocephalan groups, we characterized the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two palaeacanthocephalan species Centrorhynchus aluconis and Prosthorhynchus transversus (representing two different families of the order Polymorphida), and Polyacanthorhynchus caballeroi (the first mitogenomic representative of the class Polyacanthocephala) and used these new sequences for phylogenetic analyses, along with 32 platyzoan mtDNAs, including 10 additional acanthocephalans. Phylogenetic analyses using concatenated amino acid sequences for 12 protein‐coding genes with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods supported monophyly of Acanthocephala. Within the phylum, Archiacanthocephala was positioned as the sister to the clade containing all three other acanthocephalan classes, with the polyacanthocephalan species P. caballeroi nested within Eoacanthocephala. This result contradicts morphology‐based classification systems that treated polyacanthorhynchids as one of the palaeacanthocephalan families, and instead suggests Polyacanthocephala is a member of Eoacanthocephala. Within the Palaeacanthocephala, Polymorphida monophyly was strongly supported and this is inconsistent with nuclear rDNA‐based molecular hypotheses that suggest non‐monophyly.  相似文献   

Reasonably correct phylogenies are fundamental to the testing of evolutionary hypotheses. Here, we present phylogenetic findings based on analyses of 67 complete mammalian mitochondrial (mt) genomes. The analyses, irrespective of whether they were performed at the amino acid (aa) level or on nucleotides (nt) of first and second codon positions, placed Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and their kin) as the sister group of remaining eutherians. Thus, the analyses separated Erinaceomorpha from other traditional lipotyphlans (e.g., tenrecs, moles, and shrews), making traditional Lipotyphla polyphyletic. Both the aa and nt data sets identified the two order-rich eutherian clades, the Cetferungulata (comprising Pholidota, Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, and Cetacea) and the African clade (Tenrecomorpha, Macroscelidea, Tubulidentata, Hyracoidea, Proboscidea, and Sirenia). The study corroborated recent findings that have identified a sister-group relationship between Anthropoidea and Dermoptera (flying lemurs), thereby making our own order, Primates, a paraphyletic assembly. Molecular estimates using paleontologically well-established calibration points, placed the origin of most eutherian orders in Cretaceous times, 70-100 million years before present (MYBP). The same estimates place all primate divergences much earlier than traditionally believed. For example, the divergence between Homo and Pan is estimated to have taken place approximately 10 MYBP, a dating consistent with recent findings in primate paleontology.  相似文献   

Mitogenomic analyses of caniform relationships   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Extant members of the order Carnivora split into two basal groups, Caniformia (dog-like carnivorans) and Feliformia (cat-like carnivorans). In this study we address phylogenetic relationships within Caniformia applying various methodological approaches to analyses of complete mitochondrial genomes. Pinnipeds are currently well represented with respect to mitogenomic data and here we add seven mt genomes to the non-pinniped caniform collection. The analyses identified a basal caniform divergence between Cynoidea and Arctoidea. Arctoidea split into three primary groups, Ursidae (including the giant panda), Pinnipedia, and a branch, Musteloidea, which encompassed Ailuridae (red panda), Mephitidae (skunks), Procyonidae (raccoons) and Mustelidae (mustelids). The analyses favored a basal arctoid split between Ursidae and a branch containing Pinnipedia and Musteloidea. Within the Musteloidea there was a preference for a basal divergence between Ailuridae and remaining families. Among the latter, the analyses identified a sister group relationship between Mephitidae and a branch that contained Procyonidae and Mustelidae. The mitogenomic distance between the wolf and the dog was shown to be at the same level as that of basal human divergences. The wolf and the dog are commonly considered as separate species in the popular literature. The mitogenomic result is inconsistent with that understanding at the same time as it provides insight into the time of the domestication of the dog relative to basal human mitogenomic divergences.  相似文献   

Molecular analyses of the relationships of placental mammals have shown a progressive congruence between mitogenomic and nuclear phylogenies. Some inconsistencies have nevertheless persisted, notably with respect to basal divergences. The current study has aimed to extend the representation of groups, whose position in the placental tree has been difficult to establish in mitogenomic studies. Both ML (maximum likelihood) and Bayesian analyses identified four basal monophyletic groups, Afroplacentalia (=Afrotheria: Hyracoidea, Proboscidea, Sirenia, Tenrecidea, Tubulidentata, Macroscelidea, Chrysochloridea), Xenarthra, Archontoglires (Primates, Dermoptera, Scandentia, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) and Laurasiaplacentalia (Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Pholidota, Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, Cetacea). All analyses joined Archontoglires and Laurasiaplacentalia on a common branch (Boreoplacentalia), but the relationship between Afroplacentalia, Xenarthra and Boreoplacentalia was not conclusively resolved. The phylogenomic hypothesis with a sister group relationship between Notoplacentalia (Afroplacentalia/Xenarthra) and Boreoplacentalia served as the basis for estimating the times of placental divergences using paleontologically well-supported mammalian calibration points. These estimates placed the basal placental divergence between Boreoplacentalia and Notoplacentalia at approximately 102 MYA (million years ago). The current estimates of ordinal placental divergences are congruent with recent estimates based on nuclear data, but inconsistent with paleontological notions that have placed the origin of essentially all placental orders within an interval of 5-10 MY in the early Tertiary. Among less deep divergences the estimates placed the split between Gorilla and Pan/Homo at approximately 11.5 MYA and that between Pan and Homo at approximately 8 MYA. As a consequence of these estimates, which are in accord with recent progress in primate paleontology, the earliest divergences among recent humans become placed approximately 270,000 years ago, i.e. approximately 100,000 years earlier than the traditional age of "Mitochondrial Eve". Comparison between the two new mt genomes of Hylomys suillus (short-tailed gymnure) patently demonstrates the inconsistency that may exist between taxonomic designations and molecular difference, as the distance between these two supposedly conspecific genomes exceeds that of the three elephantid genera Elephas, Mammuthus and Loxodonta. In accordance with the progressive use of the term Placentalia for extant orders and extinct taxa falling within this group we forward new proposals for the names of some superordinal clades of placental mammals.  相似文献   

Zhang P  Zhou H  Chen YQ  Liu YF  Qu LH 《Systematic biology》2005,54(3):391-400
Establishing the relationships among modern amphibians (lissamphibians) and their ancient relatives is necessary for our understanding of early tetrapod evolution. However, the phylogeny is still intractable because of the highly specialized anatomy and poor fossil record of lissamphibians. Paleobiologists are still not sure whether lissamphibians are monophyletic or polyphyletic, and which ancient group (temnospondyls or lepospondyls) is most closely related to them. In an attempt to address these problems, eight mitochondrial genomes of living amphibians were determined and compared with previously published amphibian sequences. A comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences yields a highly resolved tree congruent with the traditional hypotheses (Batrachia). By using a molecular clock-independent approach for inferring dating information from molecular phylogenies, we present here the first molecular timescale for lissamphibian evolution, which suggests that lissamphibians first emerged about 330 million years ago. By observing the fit between molecular and fossil times, we suggest that the temnospondyl-origin hypothesis for lissamphibians is more credible than other hypotheses. Moreover, under this timescale, the potential geographic origins of the main living amphibian groups are discussed: (i) advanced frogs (neobatrachians) may possess an Africa-India origin; (ii) salamanders may have originated in east Asia; (iii) the tropic forest of the Triassic Pangaea may be the place of origin for the ancient caecilians. An accurate phylogeny with divergence times can be also helpful to direct the search for "missing" fossils, and can benefit comparative studies of amphibian evolution.  相似文献   

Nassariids (Family Nassariidae) are a group of marine snails that are distributed worldwide, with their maximum species diversity in tropical regions, particularly the Indo‐Pacific. However, the traditional taxonomy of Nassariidae defined by shell or radula characters is usually inconsistent with little phylogenetic signal. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of nine Nassarius species were sequenced and compared with other eight nassariid species previously reported. All nassariid mt genomes showed the same gene order as in most caenogastropods and shared a very similar pattern with respect to genome size, nucleotide composition and AT contents. A deletion of three nucleotides in nad6 gene was detected in Nassarius jacksonianus and Nassarius acuticostus, and this feature also provided implications for nassariid phylogeny. The genetic distance analysis and reconstructed phylogeny revealed a distant relationship between N. jacksonianus or N. acuticostus and other members in Nassarius. The mitogenomic phylogeny recovered the evolutionary relationships within Nassarius with high statistical support. In addition, a chronogram was reconstructed under an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock, which dated the divergence among main lineages of Nassarius during ~31 MYA.  相似文献   

Regulation of life-long neurogenesis in the decapod crustacean brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides an overview of our understanding of life-long neurogenesis in the decapod crustacean brain, where the proliferation of sensory and interneurons is controlled by many of the same factors as is neurogenesis in the mammalian brain. The relative simplicity, spatial organization and accessibility of the crustacean brain provide opportunities to examine specific neuronal pathways that regulate neurogenesis and the sequence of gene expression that leads to neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) of neuropeptides in crustacean neuronal tissues was performed on a MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument. Sample preparation protocols were developed for the sensitive detection of these highly complex endogenous signaling molecules. The neuromodulatory complements of the pericardial organ (PO) and brain of the Jonah crab, Cancer borealis, were mapped. Distributions of peptide isoforms belonging to 10 neuropeptide families were investigated using the IMS technique. Often, neuropeptides of high sequence homology were similarly located. However, two RFamide-family peptides and a truncated orcokinin peptide were mapped to locations distinct from other members of their respective families. Over 30 previously sequenced neuropeptides were identified based on mass measurement. For increased confidence of identification, select peptides were fragmented by post-source decay (PSD) and collisional-induced dissociation (CID). Collectively, this organ-level IMS study elucidates the spatial relationships between multiple neuropeptide isoforms of the same family as well as the relative distributions of neuropeptide families.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among all of the major decapod infraorders have never been estimated using molecular data, while morphological studies produce conflicting results. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships among the decapod basal suborder Dendrobranchiata and all of the currently recognized decapod infraorders within the suborder Pleocyemata (Caridea, Stenopodidea, Achelata, Astacidea, Thalassinidea, Anomala, and Brachyura) were inferred using 16S mtDNA, 18S and 28S rRNA, and the histone H3 gene. Phylogenies were reconstructed using the model-based methods of maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods coupled with Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference. The phylogenies revealed that the seven infraorders are monophyletic, with high clade support values (bp>70; pP>0.95) under both methods. The two suborders also were recovered as monophyletic, but with weaker support (bp=70; pP=0.74). Although the nodal support values for infraordinal relationships were low (bp<50; pP<0.77) the Anomala and Brachyura were basal to the rest of the 'Reptantia' in both reconstructions and using Bayesian tree topology tests alternate morphology-based hypotheses were rejected (P<0.01). Newly developed multi-locus Bayesian and likelihood heuristic rate-smoothing methods to estimate divergence times were compared using eight fossil and geological calibrations. Estimated times revealed that the Decapoda originated earlier than 437MYA and that the radiation within the group occurred rapidly, with all of the major lineages present by 325MYA. Node time estimation under both approaches is severely affected by the number and phylogenetic distribution of the fossil calibrations chosen. For analyses incorporating fossils as fixed ages, more consistent results were obtained by using both shallow and deep or clade-related calibration points. Divergence time estimation using fossils as lower and upper limits performed well with as few as one upper limit and a single deep fossil lower limit calibration.  相似文献   



Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are an important model species in biomedical research and reliable knowledge about their evolutionary history is essential for biomedical inferences. Ten subspecies have been recognized, of which most are restricted to small islands of Southeast Asia. In contrast, the common long-tailed macaque (M. f. fascicularis) is distributed over large parts of the Southeast Asian mainland and the Sundaland region. To shed more light on the phylogeny of M. f. fascicularis, we sequenced complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) genomes of 40 individuals from all over the taxon’s range, either by classical PCR-amplification and Sanger sequencing or by DNA-capture and high-throughput sequencing.


Both laboratory approaches yielded complete mtDNA genomes from M. f. fascicularis with high accuracy and/or coverage. According to our phylogenetic reconstructions, M. f. fascicularis initially diverged into two clades 1.70 million years ago (Ma), with one including haplotypes from mainland Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula and North Sumatra (Clade A) and the other, haplotypes from the islands of Bangka, Java, Borneo, Timor, and the Philippines (Clade B). The three geographical populations of Clade A appear as paraphyletic groups, while local populations of Clade B form monophyletic clades with the exception of a Philippine individual which is nested within the Borneo clade. Further, in Clade B the branching pattern among main clades/lineages remains largely unresolved, most likely due to their relatively rapid diversification 0.93-0.84 Ma.


Both laboratory methods have proven to be powerful to generate complete mtDNA genome data with similarly high accuracy, with the DNA-capture and high-throughput sequencing approach as the most promising and only practical option to obtain such data from highly degraded DNA, in time and with relatively low costs. The application of complete mtDNA genomes yields new insights into the evolutionary history of M. f. fascicularis by providing a more robust phylogeny and more reliable divergence age estimations than earlier studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1437-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Myofibrillar proteins in muscles of the claws and abdomen of lobster, Homarus americanus, and the claws of fiddler crab, Uca pugnax, and land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, have been analyzed with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fibers contained numerous isoforms of structural and regulatory proteins in assemblages correlated with fiber type. One fast (F) and two slow (S1 and S2) fibers were identified. All F fibers possessed two isoforms of paramyosin (P1 and P2), while all slow fibers, with the exception of Uca major claw, contained only the P2 variant. S1 and S2 fibers were distinguished by the distribution of a large isoform of troponin-T (T1; Mr = 55,000); S2 fibers in all three species contained T1 in addition to one or two smaller-molecular-weight variants usually associated with S1 fibers. In order to determine whether the slow fibers differed in histochemical properties, land crab claw closer muscle was cryosectioned and stained for myofibrillar ATPase and NADH diaphorase activities. Most S2 fibers had lower ATPase and higher NADH diaphorase activities than S1 fibers, which indicated that S2 fibers had a lower rate of contraction and were more fatigue-resistant than S1 fibers. It is proposed that the S1 and S2 fibers defined by biochemical and histochemical criteria are identical to the slow-twitch and tonic fibers, respectively characterized physiologically.  相似文献   


There is a latitudinal gradient in the species richness of Decapoda with pelagic larvae. For example, only two species of Brachyura are found around Svalbard, 54 species are known from the English Channel and ~100 from the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula. The distributions of many species are limited by effects of temperature. Intermoult times of larvae are inversely related to temperature. In the field the size of larvae is inversely related to temperature, the relationship tending to increase in significance in successive larval stages. The timing of the seasonal occurrence of larvae of decapod species in the plankton is also related to temperature, to a greater extent than are seasonal cycles of the holoplankton. These effects of temperature on larval development influence the biomass and production of the larvae in the plankton. Some potential effects of climate change on the distributions and dynamics of planktonic larvae of decapods and consequent changes in their diversity, biomass and production can be predicted insofar as temperature is a limiting factor.  相似文献   

Revived interest in molluscan phylogeny has resulted in a torrent of molecular sequence data from phylogenetic, mitogenomic, and phylogenomic studies. Despite recent progress, basal relationships of the class Bivalvia remain contentious, owing to conflicting morphological and molecular hypotheses. Marked incongruity of phylogenetic signal in datasets heavily represented by nuclear ribosomal genes versus mitochondrial genes has also impeded consensus on the type of molecular data best suited for investigating bivalve relationships. To arbitrate conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses, we evaluated the utility of four nuclear protein-encoding genes-ATP synthase β, elongation factor-1α, myosin heavy chain type II, and RNA polymerase II-for resolving the basal relationships of Bivalvia. We sampled all five major lineages of bivalves (Archiheterodonta, Euheterodonta [including Anomalodesmata], Palaeoheterodonta, Protobranchia, and Pteriomorphia) and inferred relationships using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. To investigate the robustness of the phylogenetic signal embedded in the data, we implemented additional datasets wherein length variability and/or third codon positions were eliminated. Results obtained include (a) the clade (Nuculanida+Opponobranchia), i.e., the traditionally defined Protobranchia; (b) the monophyly of Pteriomorphia; (c) the clade (Archiheterodonta+Palaeoheterodonta); (d) the monophyly of the traditionally defined Euheterodonta (including Anomalodesmata); and (e) the monophyly of Heteroconchia, i.e., (Palaeoheterodonta+Archiheterodonta+Euheterodonta). The stability of the basal tree topology to dataset manipulation is indicative of signal robustness in these four genes. The inferred tree topology corresponds closely to those obtained by datasets dominated by nuclear ribosomal genes (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA), controverting recent taxonomic actions based solely upon mitochondrial gene phylogenies.  相似文献   

Summary Chloramphenicol and actinomycin D produced opposite effects on the in vivo protein synthesis by the hepatopancreas of the crustacean Upogebia littoralis. Inhibition of protein synthesis was noted within 6 hours after administration of chloramphenicol; maximum inhibition occurred 8 hours after treatment. No inhibition was noted after administration of actinomycin D; on the contrary, this antibiotic appeared to slightly stimulate protein synthesis as measured by rate of C14-leucine incorporation, within 6 to 8 hours after treatment.  相似文献   

J P Riehm  K R Rao 《Peptides》1982,3(4):643-647
This study evaluated the effects of N-terminal sequence deletion and of chemical modifications on the melanophore pigment dispersing activity of a crustacean neuropeptide (DRPH: Asn-Ser-Gly-Met-Ile-Asn-Ser-Ile-Leu-Gly-Ile-Pro-Arg-Val-Met-Thr-Glu-Ala-NH2). Sustained biological activity was not demonstrated by peptides smaller than the tridecapeptide DRPH (6-18). N-terminal extension of this peptide led to a steady increase in activity, with the DRPH (1-18) showing the maximum activity. Carboxyl group modification had no effect, but acetylation, oxidation, cyanogen bromide, and trypsin caused a decrease in activity. Phenylglyoxal modification of Arg-13 in DRPH led to a 14-fold increase in activity. It is concluded that the N-terminus and the methionine residues are important for full activity and that the phenylglyoxal-induced potentiation is due to protection of the peptide from proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   

Delineation of the fish family Percichthyidae (Percomorphaceae) has a long and convoluted history, with recent morphological-based studies restricting species members to South American and Australian freshwater and catadromous temperate perches. Four recent nuclear gene-based phylogenetic studies, however, found that the Percichthyidae was not monophyletic and was nested within a newly discovered inter-familial clade of Percomorphaceae, the Centrarchiformes, which comprises the Centrarchidae and 12 other families. Here, we reexamined the systematics of the Percichthyidae and Centrarchiformes based on new mitogenomic information. Our mitogenomic results are globally congruent with the recent nuclear gene-based studies although the overall amount of phylogenetic signal of the mitogenome is lower. They do not support the monophyly of the Percichthyidae, because the catadromous genus Percalates is not exclusively related to the freshwater percichthyids. The Percichthyidae (minus Percalates) and Percalates belong to a larger clade, equivalent to the Centrarchiformes, but their respective sister groups are unresolved. Because all recent analyses recover a monophyletic Centrarchiformes but with substantially different intra-relationships, we performed a simultaneous analysis for a character set combining the mitogenome and 19 nuclear genes previously published, for 22 centrarchiform taxa. This analysis furthermore indicates that the Centrarchiformes are divided into three lineages and the superfamily Cirrhitoidea is monophyletic as well as the temperate and freshwater centrarchiform perch-like fishes. It also clarifies some of the relationships within the freshwater Percichthyidae.  相似文献   

The assimilation of trace metals from food can be the main route of metal uptake into aquatic invertebrates. The assimilation efficiencies of zinc and cadmium from muscle tissue of a cephalopod mollusc (40% to 70% Zn, 64% to 83% Cd) and from a macrophytic alga (50% to 69% Zn, 39% to 50% Cd) were measured in juvenile penaeid prawns Penaeus indicus. Assimilated Zn and Cd were retained mostly in the hepatopancreas of the prawns, some metal being excreted (Zn ke 0.10 and 0.11 and Cd ke 0.004 and 0.009, from cephalopod muscle and alga, respectively). There were no significant differences between kes (efflux rate constants) of one metal from either diet. Given the high trace metal assimilation efficiencies measured here, it is highly probable that metal assimilation from food plays an important role in Zn and Cd accumulation in the body of P. indicus, particularly in estuarine stages of the life cycle, for estuaries are particularly prone to metal pollution and are likely to offer the prawns abundant metal-rich diets such as detrital material derived from local macrophytes.  相似文献   

The subfamily Typhlocybinae is a ubiquitous, highly diverse group of mostly tiny, delicate leafhoppers. The tribal classification has long been controversial and phylogenetic methods have only recently begun to test the phylogenetic status and relationships of tribes. To shed light on the evolution of Typhlocybinae, we performed phylogenetic analyses based on 28 newly sequenced and 19 previously sequenced mitochondrial genomes representing all currently recognized tribes. The results support the monophyly of the subfamily and its sister‐group relationship to Mileewinae. The tribe Zyginellini is polyphyletic with some included genera derived independently within Typhlocybini. Ancestral character state reconstruction suggests that some morphological characters traditionally considered important for diagnosing tribes (presence/absence of ocelli, development of hind wing submarginal vein) are homoplastic. Divergence time estimates indicate that the subfamily arose during the Middle Cretaceous and that the extant tribes arose during the Late Cretaceous. Phylogenetic results support establishment of a new genus, Subtilissimia Yan & Yang gen. nov., with two new species, Subtilissimia fulva Yan & Yang sp. nov. and Subtilissimia pellicula Yan & Yang sp. nov.; but indicate that two previously recognized species of Farynala distinguished only by the direction of curvature of the processes of the aedeagus are synonyms, that is, Farynala dextra Yan & Yang, 2017 equals Farynala sinistra Yan & Yang, 2017 syn. nov. A key to tribes of Typhlocybinae is provided.  相似文献   

The Naticidae is a species-rich family of predatory marine gastropods with substantial interspecific morphological diversity. The classification of the Naticidae has been traditionally based on morphology data, but the phylogenetic relationships within the family are debated due to conflicting molecular results, especially regarding the monophyly of subfamilies Polinicinae and Naticinae. To further resolve the phylogenetic controversies within the Naticidae, we undertake a phylogenetic approach using 14 newly sequenced complete or nearly complete (only lacking a control region) mitochondrial genomes. Both the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses supported monophyly of the Polinicinae, but paraphyly of the Naticinae due to the placement of the enigmatic genus Notocochlis. The ancestral character reconstruction suggests that the operculum, a character that currently defines the two subfamilies, evolved from an ancestor with a calcareous operculum in the evolutionary history of naticids. In addition, the chronogram estimates that naticids was originated in late Triassic (about 227 million years ago), consistent with previous hypotheses. Our study highlights the importance of using complete mitochondrial genomes while reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the Naticidae. The evolution scenario of the naticid operculum contributes new insights into the classification of Naticidae.  相似文献   

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