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AIM: This study examined the electromyographic (EMG) activity of knee extensor agonists and a knee extensor antagonist muscle during fatiguing isometric extensions across a range of force levels. METHODS: Five female subjects performed isometric knee extensions at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with the knee flexed to 75 degrees. Surface EMG (SEMG) was recorded with bipolar electrodes from the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) and the root-mean-squared (RMS) amplitude and the percentage frequency compression of these recordings were calculated. Commonality and cross talk between recordings were also examined. RESULTS: Cross talk between recordings was deemed negligible despite significant levels of commonality between the agonist and antagonist SEMG, which was attributed to common drive. SEMG RMS amplitude increased significantly for all muscles during the 25%, 50%, 75% MVC knee extensions until task failure, and decreased significantly for 100% MVC. The frequency spectrum of the SEMG compressed significantly for all muscles and % MVC levels. The VM, VL and BF SEMG recordings responded similarly to fatigue. The RF's frequency spectrum compressed to a significantly higher degree. CONCLUSIONS: The VM, VL, RF, and BF fatigue in parallel, with high similarity between VM, VL and BF, giving support to the concept of a shared agonist-antagonist motoneuron pool.  相似文献   

Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylalgia is manifested by pain over the region of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, related to use of the wrist extensor muscles. Extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and brevis (ECRB) have been implicated in the dysfunction associated with Lateral Epicondylalgia. For muscles in the human forearm, particularly those in close proximity, selective recordings are nearly impossible without the use of fine wire, indwelling electrodes. These can be inserted in precise locations and have small recording areas. Standard electromyography texts indicate, however, that the activity of ECRL and ECRB cannot be distinguished, even with intramuscular electrodes. We present a new technique for determining the most appropriate sites at which to insert intramuscular electrodes for selective recordings of ECRB and ECRL. The location of ECRB and ECRL was measured on 10 cadaver specimens, 5 right arms and 5 left arms. The distance from the muscle origin to (1) insertion, (2) largest portion of the muscle belly, (3) most proximal fibres and (4) most distal fibres were measured and expressed relative to forearm length. The mean distance and 95% confidence interval was calculated for each of the four measures. These data indicated a significant separation of the belly of each muscle along the length of the forearm. These relative distances were used to mark electrode insertion points on three volunteers. Fine wire electrodes were used to record the electromyogram in three participants. Each participant was required to perform isometric contractions to produce (1) wrist extension torque, (2) radial deviation torque, (3) elbow flexion torque and (4) finger extension. The electromyographic recordings show clear differentiation of ECRB and ECRL with the relative activation patterns reflecting the underlying anatomical organisation of the two muscles. This technique provides an important objective method that can be used in conjunction with manual muscle testing to provide a means of ensuring accurate intramuscular electromyographic recording from these two muscles.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of inter-electrode spacing on the degree of crosstalk contamination in surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals in the tibialis anterior (target muscle), generated by the triceps surae (crosstalk muscle), using bar and disk electrode arrays. The degree of crosstalk contamination was assessed for voluntary constant-force isometric contractions and for dynamic contractions during walking. Single-differential signals were acquired with inter-electrode spacing ranging from 5 mm to 40 mm. Additionally, double differential signals were acquired at 10 mm spacing using the bar electrode array. Crosstalk contamination at the target muscle was expressed as the ratio of the detected crosstalk signal to that of the target muscle signal. The crosstalk contamination ratio approached a mean of 50% for the 40 mm spacing for triceps surae muscle contractions at 80% MVC and tibialis anterior muscle contractions at 10% MVC. For single differential recordings, the minimum crosstalk contamination was obtained from the 10 mm spacing. The results showed no significant differences between the bar and disk electrode arrays. During walking, the crosstalk contamination on the tibialis anterior muscle reached levels of 23% for a commonly used 22 mm spacing single-differential disk sensor, 17% for a 10 mm spacing single-differential bar sensor, and 8% for a 10 mm double-differential bar sensor. For both studies the effect of electrode spacing on crosstalk contamination was statistically significant. Crosstalk contamination and inter-electrode spacing should therefore be a serious concern in gait studies when the sEMG signal is collected with single differential sensors. The contamination can distort the target muscle signal and mislead the interpretation of its activation timing and force magnitude.  相似文献   

The authors tested the hypothesis that, after denervation and reinnervation of skeletal muscle, observed deficits in specific force can be completely attributed to the presence of denervated muscle fibers. The peroneal nerve innervating the extensor digitorum longus muscle in rats was sectioned and the distal stump was coapted to the proximal stump, allowing either a large number of motor axons (nonreduced, n = 12) or a drastically reduced number of axons access to the distal nerve stump (drastically reduced, n = 18). A control group of rats underwent exposure of the peroneal nerve, without transection, followed by wound closure (control, n = 9). Four months after the operation, the maximum tetanic isometric force (Fo) of the extensor digitorum longus muscle was measured in situ and the specific force (sFo) was calculated. Cross-sections of the muscles were labeled for neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) protein to distinguish between innervated and denervated muscle fibers. Compared with extensor digitorum longus muscles from rats in the control (295 +/- 11 kN/m2) and nonreduced (276 +/- 12 kN/m2) groups, sFo of the extensor digitorum longus muscles from animals in the drastically reduced group was decreased (227 +/- 15 kN/m2, p < 0.05). The percentage of denervated muscle fibers in the extensor digitorum longus muscles from animals in the drastically reduced group (18 +/- 3 percent) was significantly higher than in the control (3 +/- 1 percent) group, but not compared with the nonreduced (9 +/- 2 percent) group. After exclusion of the denervated fibers, sFo did not differ between extensor digitorum longus muscles from animals in the drastically reduced (270 +/- 20 kN/m2), nonreduced (301 +/- 13 kN/m2), or control (303 +/- 10 kN/m2) groups. The authors conclude that, under circumstances of denervation and rapid reinnervation, the decrease in sFo of muscle can be attributed to the presence of denervated muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) crosstalk was systematically analyzed to evaluate the magnitude of common signal present between electrode pairs around the forearm. Surface EMG was recorded and analyzed from seven electrode pairs placed circumferentially around the proximal forearm in six healthy individuals. The cross-correlation function was used to determine the amount of common signal, which was found to decrease as the distance between electrode pairs increased, but was not significantly altered by forearm posture (pronation, neutral, supination). Overall, approximately 40% common signal was detected between adjacent electrode pairs (3 cm apart), dropping to about 10% at 6 cm spacing and 2.5% at 9 cm. The magnitude of common signal approached 50% between adjacent electrode pairs over the extensor muscles, while over 60% was observed between neighbouring sites on the flexor aspect of the forearm. Although flexor and extensor EMG amplitude was similar, less than 2% common signal was present between flexor and extensor electrode pairs during both pinch and grasp tasks. Maximum grip force production was not affected by forearm rotation for pinch, but reduced 18% from neutral (mid-prone) to pronation during grasp (p=0.01). In spite of differences in grip force, mean muscle activity did not vary between the three forearm postures during maximum pinch or grasp trials. While this study improved our knowledge of crosstalk and electrode spacing issues, further examination of forearm EMG is required to improve understanding of muscle loading, EMG properties and motor control during gripping tasks.  相似文献   

To elucidate neural mechanisms underlying walking and jumping in insects, motor neurons supplying femoral muscles have been identified mainly in locusts and katydids, but not in crickets. In this study, the motor innervation patterns of the metathoracic flexor and extensor tibiae muscles in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus were investigated by differential back-fills and nerve recordings. Whereas the extensor tibiae muscle has an innervation pattern similar to that of other orthopterans, the flexor has an innervation unique to this species. The main body of the flexor muscle is divided into the proximal, middle and distal regions, which receive morphologically unique terminations from almost non-overlapping sets of motor neurons. The proximal region is innervated by about 12 moderate-sized excitatory motor neurons and two inhibitory neurons while the middle and distal regions are innervated by three and four large excitatory motor neurons, respectively. The most-distally located accessory flexor muscle, inserting on a common flexor apodeme with the main muscle, is innervated by at least four small excitatory (slow-type) and two common inhibitory motor neurons. The two excitatory and two inhibitory motor neurons that innervate the accessory flexor muscle also innervate the proximal bundles of the main flexor muscle. This suggests that the most proximal and distal parts of the flexor muscle participate synergistically in fine motor control while the rest participates in powerful drive of tibial flexion movement.  相似文献   

The fraction of crosstalk was examined from the surface EMG signals collected from digit- and wrist-dedicated flexors with a blind signal separation (BSS) algorithm. Six participants performed static power grip tasks in a neutral posture at four different exertion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% MVC. The signals were collected from the flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris using a bipolar electrode configuration. The percentage of root mean square (RMS) was used as an amplitude-based index of crosstalk by normalizing the signals including crosstalk to those excluding crosstalk by the BSS algorithm for each %MVC exertion. The peak R2 value of a cross-correlation function was also calculated as a correlation-based index of crosstalk for a group of forearm flexors by force level and algorithm application. The fraction of crosstalk ranged from 32% to 50% in the wrist-dedicated flexors and from 11% to 25% in the digit-dedicated flexors. Since surface EMG signals had such high levels of crosstalk, reduction methods like the BSS algorithm should be employed, as the BSS significantly reduced crosstalk in the forearm flexors 33% over all muscles and exertion levels. Thus, it is recommended that BSS be utilized to reduce crosstalk for the digit- and wrist-dedicated flexors during gripping tasks.  相似文献   

Surface electromyogram (SEMG) is a useful tool to depict involuntary movements, but evaluation of the intensity of such movements with SEMG over multiple recording instances requires awareness of factors influencing quantified SEMG signals. We investigated the differences in the amplitude of SEMGs due to electrode displacement in isometric voluntary contraction in the upper arm, forearm and lower leg in 8 healthy men. The SEMGs of gross muscle activity simultaneously recorded with 4 electrode pairs from the agonist and antagonist sides in 3 displacement conditions with respect to parallel position, interelectrode distance, and rotation were compared. The amount of EMG integration (equivalent to the average SEMG amplitude) of each electrode pair was compared to the reference electrode pair with interelectrode distance of 40 mm placed on the center of the tested muscles. The average EMG difference ratios ranged 1.1-2.2%/mm in parallel shift, 1.0-1.9%/mm in distance shift, and 0.3-0.6%/degree in rotation shift. Displacement error of electrodes in separate recording instances should be reduced using anatomical landmarks, when SEMG is applied as a quantitative method to evaluate change in the states of involuntary movements.  相似文献   

The task-dependence of the presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle primary afferents in human forearm muscles was studied, focusing in particular on the modulation associated with the co-contraction of antagonist muscles and the activation of cutaneous afferents. The changes known to affect the motoneuron proprioceptive assistance during antagonist muscle co-activation in human leg and arm muscles were compared. The evidence available so far that these changes might reflect changes in the presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle afferent is briefly reviewed. The possible reasons for changes in presynaptic inhibition during the antagonist muscle co-contraction are discussed. Some new experiments on the wrist extensor muscles are briefly described. The results showed that the changes in the Ia presynaptic inhibition occurring during the co-contraction of the wrist flexor and extensor muscles while the hand cutaneous receptors were being activated (the subject's hand was clenched around a manipulandum) could be mimicked by contracting the wrist extensor muscles alone while applying extraneous stimulation to the hand cutaneous receptors. It is concluded that besides the possible contribution of inputs generated by the co-contraction of antagonist muscles and by supraspinal pathways, cutaneous inputs may play a major role in modulating the proprioceptive assistance during manipulatory movements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine compartmentalization in human lumbar spine extensors. Structure and innervation of these muscles would suggest the possibility of more segmentally specific biomechanical functions than have been found in previous studies examining muscle activation patterns during simple spine bending and twisting tasks. We selected specialized tasks to more effectively investigate the degree of independent control possible within lumbar spine extensors. We recorded surface electromyograms (SEMG) from the right posterior lumbar region during performance of two segmentally specific bellydance skills by seven novice and five trained subjects. These movements were performed at two frequencies (0.5 and 1Hz). Cross-correlations were performed between pairs of rectified, low-pass filtered (6Hz) SEMG signals to determine temporal lags between rhythmic bursts. Results showed a difference in the timing of muscle activation above and below the third lumbar vertebra. Temporal asynchrony was independent of either skill level or tempo, suggesting a hard-wired capacity for independent control of adjacent muscle compartments. The results have implications for understanding trunk control in the context of postural stability and postural adaptation during locomotion, as well as for lower back functional assessment and rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Variations in surface electromyography (SEMG) amplitude have been shown to be dependent on the dislocation of recording electrodes. Yet no literature is available about the effect of electrode dislocation on SEMG amplitude of the lower back muscles. In this project, the aim was to determine this effect by investigating changes in the SEMG root mean square (RMS), induced by a well-defined dislocation of the recording electrodes. Bipolar SEMG of the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles was measured in 16 healthy subjects undertaking five functional tasks (standing, forward flexion, re-extension, unsupported sitting and arm/leg lifting), and for eight of those subjects the experiment was repeated within two weeks. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to show the reliability of the RMS in relation to electrode dislocation, the repeatability of the tasks, and the test–retest reliability. Results showed that: (1) lateral dislocation causes a significant decrease (18%, p < 0.001) in RMS; (2) longitudinal dislocation does not change the RMS; and (3) the variability caused by electrode dislocation is comparable to the variability caused by repetitions of tasks or by electrode repositioning. Our conclusion is that positioning in the mediolateral direction should be exact to minimize changes in SEMG amplitude due to dislocation. However, precise longitudinal electrode positioning seems to be less critical in experimental setups which measure the SEMG of the lower back muscles.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether trunk extensor fatigue occurs during low-level activity and whether this is associated with a drop in muscle tissue oxygenation. Electromyography (EMG) feedback was used to impose constant activity in a part of the trunk extensor muscles. We hypothesized that electromyographic manifestations of fatigue and decreased oxygenation would be observed at the feedback site and that EMG activity at other sites would be more variable without fatigue manifestations. Twelve volunteers performed 30-min contractions at 2% and 5% of the maximum EMG amplitude (EMGmax) at the feedback site. EMG was recorded from six sites over the lumbar extensor muscles and near-infrared spectroscopy was used to measure changes in oxygenation at the feedback site (left L3 level, 3 cm paravertebral). In both conditions, mean EMG activity was not significantly different between electrode sites, whereas the coefficient of variation was lower at the feedback site compared to other recording sites. The EMG mean power frequency (MPF) decreased consistently at the feedback site only. At 5% EMGmax, the decrease in MPF was significant at the group level at all sites ipsilateral to the feedback site. These results suggest that the limited variability of muscle activity at the EMG feedback site and at ipsilateral locations enhances fatigue development. No decreases in tissue oxygenation were detected. In conclusion, even at mean activity levels as low as 2% EMGmax, fatigue manifestations were found in the trunk extensors. These occured in absence of changes in oxygenation of the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

In 47 dissected right and left hands of adults of both sexes, kept in a moist condition, significant practical-clinical investigations of the transitional zone between forearm and hand were undertaken. In particular it was sought to determine the characteristic sizes of the extensor retinaculum, the osteofibrous tunnels, the insertion tendons of the hand and finger extensor muscles, and their tendon sheaths. Together with the palmar carpal ligament, the 2 to 3 cm wide extensor retinaculum annularly surrounds the whole circumference of the carpus. It extends obliquely from radial-proximal to ulnar-distal and conducts the extensor tendons over the carpal articulations. According to recent studies, it is divided into a superficial and a deep fibrous layer. From the undermost surface, vertical and oblique septa run to the plane of the forearm and carpal bones. They separate the fibrous portion of the 6 tendinous compartments of the dorsum manus. In 8.5% of cases, an accessory and completely independent tunnel of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle exists in the material investigated, and in 2.2% of cases, there is an additional tunnel for the extensor carpi radialis muscle. Hence, one occasionally finds 8 separate osteofibrous gliding compartments for the extensor muscles in the dorsal hand region. The longest tunnel belongs, as a rule, to the extensor digiti minimi muscle, whilst the widest pertains to the extensor digitorum muscle. Within the tunnel and also proximal and distal to it, the extensor tendons are surrounded by synovial sheaths. Because of its wide encroachment on the dorsum of the hand, the insertion tendon of the extensor digiti minimi muscle possesses the longest tendon sheath, measuring 68.8 mm. The next longest sheath, that of the extensor pollicis longus muscle, which measures 56.2 mm, begins further proximal to the gap of the radiocarpal articulation. In 12.8% of cases, there are divided sheaths of the abductor pollicis longus and of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle. The tendon sheath of both extensor carpi radiales muscles is frequently divided into 2 compartments which, in 2/3 of cases, communicate. The compartment of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, in 91.5% of cases, shares a window-like opening with the roof of the synovial vagina of the extensor pollicis longus muscle. The tendon sheath of the long extensor muscles of the fingers originates 5 mm proximal to the forearm border of the extensor retinaculum and has a communal recess. The IVth tendon sheath opens distally and splays out in a glove-like manner to some distal recesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Numerous investigations over the past 15 years have demonstrated that sensory feedback plays a critical role in establishing the timing and magnitude of muscle activity during walking. Here we review recent studies reporting that sensory feedback makes a substantial contribution to the activation of extensor motoneurons during the stance phase. Quantitative analysis of the effects of loading and unloading ankle extensor muscles during walking on a horizontal surface has shown that sensory feedback can increase the activity of ankle extensor muscles by up to 60%. There is currently some uncertainty about which sensory receptors are responsible for this enhancement of extensor activity, but likely candidates are the secondary spindle endings in the ankle extensors of humans and the Golgi tendon organs in the ankle extensors of humans and cats. Two important issues arise from the finding that sensory feedback from the leg regulates the magnitude of extensor activity. The first is the extent to which differences in the magnitude of activity in extensor muscles during different locomotor tasks can be directly attributed to changes in the magnitude of sensory signals, and the second is whether the enhancement of extensor activity is determined primarily by feedback from a specific group of receptors or from numerous groups of receptors distributed throughout the leg. Limitations of current experimental strategies prevent a straightforward empirical resolution of these issues. A potentially fruitful approach in the immediate future is to develop models of the known and hypothesized neuronal networks controlling motoneuronal activity, and use these simulations to control forward dynamic models of the musculo-skeletal system. These simulations would help understand how sensory signals are modified with a change in locomotor task and, in conjunction with physiological experiments, establish the extent to which these modifications can account for changes in the magnitude of motoneuronal activity.  相似文献   

During a vertical drop jump (VDJ), the human neuromuscular system absorbs and reuses external loads applied to the lower extremity by coordinating the musculoskeletal system. This study aims to investigate the influence of the eccentric strength of the knee extensor muscles on the biomechanical factors of a VDJ. Participants were divided into two groups based on the eccentric strength of their knee extension muscles: low eccentric (LECC) and high eccentric (HECC) strength groups. The VDJ joint kinematics and kinetics of the lower extremity, the fascicle behavior of the vastus lateralis, and the muscle activation of the knee extensor muscles were simultaneously recorded during maximum-effort VDJ. Compared with the LECC group, the HECC group showed a higher jump, greater knee and ankle joint stiffness, and smaller fascicle length change. These findings suggest that the eccentric strength capacity of the knee extensor muscles accounts for the different biomechanical strategies (bouncing-type for HECC and absorbing-type for LECC) observed between the groups. Consequently, the eccentric strength of the knee extensor muscle may be an essential factor in determining the biomechanical strategy for VDJ and should be considered in the jumping performance enhancement training paradigm.  相似文献   

Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in back extensor muscle endurance before and after kinesiology tape application to all back stabilizer muscles and to the erector spinae alone.Methods:We assessed 32 adults (16 men and 16 women), randomly divided into two groups. In the erector spinae taping (EST) group, kinesiology tape was applied only to the erector spinae, and in the total muscle taping (TMT) group, kinesiology tape was applied to the erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius, internal oblique abdominis, and external oblique abdominis.Results:Both groups showed significant difference in terms of back extensor muscle endurance after kinesiology tape application (p<0.05). Between-group comparison revealed that the TMT group had more back extensor muscle endurance than the EST group (p<0.05) after kinesiology tape application.Conclusions:These findings indicate that, to improve back extensor muscle endurance, kinesiology tape should be applied to all back stabilizer muscles, rather than to the erector spinae muscles alone.  相似文献   

The role of the intrinsic finger flexor muscles was investigated during finger flexion tasks. A suspension system was used to measure isometric finger forces when the point of force application varied along fingers in a distal-proximal direction. Two biomechanical models, with consideration of extensor mechanism Extensor Mechanism Model (EMM) and without consideration of extensor mechanism Flexor Model (FM), were used to calculate forces of extrinsic and intrinsic finger flexors. When the point of force application was at the distal phalanx, the extrinsic flexor muscles flexor digitorum profundus, FDP, and flexor digitorum superficialis, FDS, accounted for over 80% of the summed force of all flexors, and therefore were the major contributors to the joint flexion at the distal interphalangeal (DIP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. When the point of force application was at the DIP joint, the FDS accounted for more than 70% of the total force of all flexors, and was the major contributor to the PIP and MCP joint flexion. When the force of application was at the PIP joint, the intrinsic muscle group was the major contributor for MCP flexion, accounting for more than 70% of the combined force of all flexors. The results suggest that the effects of the extensor mechanism on the flexors are relatively small when the location of force application is distal to the PIP joint. When the external force is applied proximally to the PIP joint, the extensor mechanism has large influence on force production of all flexors. The current study provides an experimental protocol and biomechanical models that allow estimation of the effects of extensor mechanism on both the extrinsic and intrinsic flexors in various loading conditions, as well as differentiating the contribution of the intrinsic and extrinsic finger flexors during isometric flexion.  相似文献   

Methodologies for evaluating electromyographic field data in ergonomics.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Surface electromyography (SEMG) is an important tool for work load assessment in ergonomics. Several different approaches using amplitude as well as frequency parameters give fruitful information depending on question at issue in the laboratory as well as in field studies. One basic factor determining the choice of analysis method is whether the SEMG is interpreted as an indicator of forces/torques or pure muscular activation. Two methods for occupational SEMG data reduction representing two different approaches to SEMG applications in ergonomics, Exposure Variation Analysis (EVA), and Joint Analysis of EMG Spectrum and Amplitude (JASA), applied on the same SEMG recording from three muscles during urology surgeon work, have been compared. The EVA method categorised the three muscle recordings as too static with no EMG gaps while the JASA method identifies fatigue in two of the three recordings. The practical relevance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Force transmission in rat anterior crural compartment, containing tibialis anterior (TA), extensor hallucis longus (EHL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles, was investigated. These muscles together with the muscles of the peroneal compartment were excited maximally. Force was measured at both proximal and distal tendons of EDL muscle as well as at the tied distal tendons of TA and EHL muscles (the TA + EHL complex). Effects of TA + EHL complex length and force on proximally and distally measured forces of EDL muscle kept at constant muscle-tendon complex length were assessed. Length changes of EDL muscle were imposed by movement of the proximal force transducer to different positions.Proximal EDL force was unequal to distal EDL force (active as well as passive) over a wide range of EDL muscle-tendon complex lengths. This is an indication that force is also transmitted out of EDL muscle via pathways other than the tendons (i.e. inter- and/or extramuscular myofascial force transmission). At constant low EDL length, distal lengthening of the TA + EHL complex increased proximal EDL force and decreased distal EDL force. At optimum EDL length, TA+EHL active force was linearly related to the difference between proximal and distal EDL active force. These results indicate intermuscular myofascial force transmission between EDL muscle and the TA + EHL complex. The most likely pathway for this transmission is via connections of the intact intermuscular connective tissue network. The length effects of the TA + EHL complex can be understood on the basis of changes in the configuration, and consequently the stiffness, of these connections. Damage to connective tissue of the compartment decreased the proximo-distal EDL force difference, which indicates the importance of an intact connective tissue network for force transmission from muscle fibers to bone.  相似文献   

The objectives were to examine knee angle-, and gender-specific knee extensor torque output and quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle recruitment during maximal effort, voluntary contractions. Fourteen young adult men and 15 young adult women performed three isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), in a random order, with the knee at 0 degrees (terminal extension), 10 degrees, 30 degrees, 50 degrees, 70 degrees, and 90 degrees flexion. Knee extensor peak torque (PT), and average torque (AT) were expressed in absolute (N m), relative (N m kg(-1)) and allometric-modeled (N m kg(-n)) units. Vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF) muscle EMG signals were full-wave rectified and integrated over the middle 3 s of each contraction, averaged over the three trials at each knee angle, and normalized to the activity recorded at 0 degrees. Muscle recruitment efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the normalized EMG of each muscle to the allometric-modeled average torque (normalized to the values at 0 degrees flexion), and expressed as a percent. Men generated significantly greater knee extensor PT and AT than women in absolute, relative and allometric-modeled units. Absolute and relative PT and AT were significantly highest at 70 degrees, while allometric-modeled values were observed to increase significantly across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees. VM EMG was significantly greater than the VL and RF muscles across all angles, and followed a similar pattern to absolute knee extensor torque. Recruitment efficiency improved across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees and was highest for the VL muscle. VM recruitment efficiency improved more than the VL and RF muscles across 70-90 degrees flexion. The findings demonstrate angle-, and gender-specific responses of knee extensor torque to maximal-effort contractions, while superficial QF muscle recruitment was most efficient at 90 degrees, and less dependent on gender.  相似文献   

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