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Many of our motor activities require stabilization against external disturbances. This especially applies to biped stance since it is inherently unstable. Disturbance compensation is mainly reactive, depending on sensory inputs and real-time sensor fusion. In humans, the vestibular system plays a major role. When there is no visual space reference, vestibular-loss clearly impairs stance stability. Most humanoid robots do not use a vestibular system, but stabilize upright body posture by means of center of pressure (COP) control. We here suggest using in addition a vestibular sensor and present a biologically inspired vestibular sensor along with a human-inspired stance control mechanism. We proceed in two steps. First, in an introductory review part, we report on relevant human sensors and their role in stance control, focusing on own models of transmitter fusion in the vestibular sensor and sensor fusion in stance control. In a second, experimental part, the models are used to construct an artificial vestibular system and to embed it into the stance control of a humanoid. The robot’s performance is investigated using tilts of the support surface. The results are compared to those of humans. Functional significance of the vestibular sensor is highlighted by comparing vestibular-able with vestibular-loss states in robot and humans. We show that a kinematic body-space sensory feedback (vestibular) is advantageous over a kinetic one (force cues) for dynamic body-space balancing. Our embodiment of human sensorimotor control principles into a robot is more than just bionics. It inspired our biological work (neurorobotics: ‘learning by building’, proof of principle, and more). We envisage a future clinical use in the form of hardware-in-the-loop simulations of neurological symptoms for improving diagnosis and therapy and designing medical assistive devices.  相似文献   

Current models for physiological components and a posture control experiment conducted with three normal subjects form the basis for a model which seeks to describe quantitatively the control of body sway when only vestibular motion cues are used. Emphasis is placed on delineating the relative functional roles of the linear and the angular acceleration sensors and on modeling the functional interface between these sensors and the initiation of compensatory responses at the ankle joint.The model predicts the form of the postural response to a small sway disturbance; including initial detection of sway, characteristics of the transient correction, and maintenance of stability. The model suggests that postural stability requires a short time constant integration of semicircular canal output. Separation of semicircular canal and utricular otolith function into sway motion detector and static reference sensors respectively is demonstrated.This work was supported by NASA under Grant NGR-22-009-156.  相似文献   

This article presents a biologically-inspired framework for humanoid postural control. It complies with the main features of human postural control that are extracted from recent studies. In this article, the human body is abstracted as a single-inverted pendulum jointed with a foot that rests freely on a supporting surface. In particular, disturbances affecting posture are addressed and accommodated within the proposed framework. Among these are external forces and motion of support surface on which the body stands. The main components of this framework are: 1. A state-feedback mechanism for stabilizing the unstable dynamics of the body. 2. A tracking loop for robustly achieving desired voluntary orientations. 3. A feed-forward control primarily for improving the response to voluntary motions. 4. A stand-alone vestibular sensory fusion algorithm for estimating body orientation. 5. An external-disturbance estimator and a corresponding compensation for minimizing the effect of external disturbances. These components are interconnected in a way that qualifies this framework to modularly address the multi-segment body postural control problem. Although no postural stability measure is explicitly incorporated, experiments run on a special-purpose humanoid demonstrate the stability and the performance merits of the presented framework.  相似文献   

Most types of human and animal motor behaviour are spatially oriented. Studies of the fish gravity orientation system are proving particularly valuable for understanding the functional organization of this system in higher animals. In particular, the development of in vitro central nervous system preparations with gravity sensory organs that exhibit a 'fictive' space orientation behaviour has led to some important new discoveries.  相似文献   

 A phenomenological model of the mechanism of stabilization of the body orientation during locomotion (dorsal side up) in the lamprey is presented. The mathematical modeling is based on experimental results obtained during investigations of postural control in lampreys using a combined in vivo and robotics approach. The dynamics of the model agree qualitatively with the experimental data. It is shown by computer simulations that postural correction commands from reticulospinal neurons provide information sufficient to stabilize body orientation in the lamprey. The model is based on differences between the effects exerted by the vestibular apparatus on the left and the right side. Received: 16 February 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 29 September 2000  相似文献   

In recent years, studies of nervous mechanisms for the control of body posture have been performed on animal models of different complexity - cat, rabbit, lamprey and the mollusc Clione. These studies have greatly expanded our knowledge of how the control system operates, how the system can change the stabilized body orientation and how the postural functions are distributed within different parts of the CNS. For simpler animal models, the postural network has been analyzed in considerable detail and main cell types and their interactions have been identified.  相似文献   

The electromyographic activity of the diaphragm (EMGdi) and scalene muscle (EMGsc) was studied in the supine and upright positions, respectively, during hyperoxic progressive hypercapnic rebreathing (HCVR) in five healthy males. End-expiratory esophageal pressure (EEPes) was quantified on a breath-to-breath basis as a reflection of altered end-expiratory lung volume. There was no significant difference in the slopes of EMGdi, expressed as a percentage of maximum at total lung capacity vs. minute volume of ventilation (VI), between the supine and upright positions [0.79 +/- 0.05 (SE) vs. 0.92 +/- 0.17, respectively]. In contrast, the slope of the regression line relating EMGsc to VI was steeper in the upright than in the supine position (0.69 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.35 +/- 0.04, respectively; P less than 0.005). Positive EEPes at comparable VI at the ends of HCVRs were of greater magnitude upright than supine (3.27 +/- 0.68 vs. 4.35 +/- 0.60 cmH2O, respectively, P less than 0.001). We conclude that altering posture has a greater effect on scalene and expiratory muscle activity than on diaphragmatic activity during hypercapnic stimulation.  相似文献   

Laboratory demonstrations of synergistic mixture interactions in human odor perception have been rare. The current study examined perithreshold mixture interactions between maple lactone (ML) and selected carboxylic acids. An air-dilution olfactometer allowed precise stimulus control. Experimenters measured stimulus concentrations in vapor phase using a combination of solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A probability of detection versus concentration, or a psychometric, functions was measured for pure ML. Psychometric functions were also measured for ML with the addition of fixed, subthreshold concentrations of carboxylic acids. Relative to statistical independence in detection, clear synergy occurred over a range of ML concentrations. To the best of our knowledge, the current results constitute the first clear demonstration of synergy in odor detection by humans from an experiment that combined precise stimulus control, vapor-phase calibration of stimuli, and a clear statistical definition of synergy.  相似文献   

According to the mirror neurons data there exist areas in the premotor cortex that are activated both during action perception and action execution. It was hypothesized that posture maintenance would be impaired by simultaneous action perception in concordance with cognitive dissonance theory. A test was conducted during which 23 neurologically normal humans were to maintain their posture erect on the forceplate and to listen to the action-related sentences. Tests of differences and Friedman analysis of variance proved that listening to sentences that describe different actions and movements in the first and the third person impairs postural control in comparison with listening to sentences that describe objects of nature and everyday life.  相似文献   

The postural system maintains a specific body orientation and equilibrium during standing and during locomotion in the presence of many destabilizing factors (external and internal). Numerous studies in humans have revealed essential features of the functional organization of this system. Recent studies on different animal models have significantly supplemented human studies. They have greatly expanded our knowledge of how the control system operates, how the postural functions are distributed within different parts of CNS, and how these parts interact with each other to produce postural corrections and adjustments. This review outlines recent advances in the studies of postural control in quadrupeds, with special attention given the neuronal postural mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study aimed to provide data on lateral preferences among older subjects, to analyze age differences, and to determine interrelations between lateral preferences. Four functional preferences (handedness, footedness, eyedness, earedness) and three postural lateral preferences (hand-clasping, arm-folding, leg-crossing) were assessed in 628 Germans (252 men, 376 women) aged between 19 and 90 years. Sex differences, age differences, and associations between lateralities were analyzed applying chi-square tests. Logistic regression analyses considering age, sex, and interactions between variables were applied to analyze combined effects on laterality measures. Right-sided preference for handedness, footedness, eyedness, earedness, and leg-crossing characterized 86.8%, 77.1%, 70.9%, 67.8%, and 56.6%, respectively, of subjects, while a left-sided preference for hand-clasping and arm-folding characterized 56.4% and 60.2%, respectively, of all participants. Results are within the range of other populations. Only footedness differed between the sexes: there were more left-footed men. Older cohorts showed a rightward shift in handedness, eyedness, earedness, and leg-crossing, the opposite for arm-folding. No age-related differences exist in footedness or hand-clasping. Logistic regression models indicate no interaction between age and sex for each laterality measure. The four functional lateralities are significantly interrelated. All also are positively associated with leg-crossing. Conversely, the postural lateralities generally are not correlated, although leg-crossing and arm-folding are, inversely. The observed relationships among lateralities support the hypothesis that handedness, footedness, leg-crossing, and earedness might be aspects of a larger phenotype that is independent of hand-clasping and arm-folding.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to identify the effect of diminished plantar cutaneous sensation on time-to-boundary (TTB) measures of postural control during double and single limb quiet standing. Thirty-two healthy young adults underwent 10 min of ice immersion of the plantar aspect of the feet prior to balance testing. On a different day, the subjects did not receive this intervention prior to testing. A 2 x 2 vision (eyes open, eyes closed) by sensation (control, hypoesthesia) repeated measures design was used to analyze the TTB measures. In double limb stance, there were significant interactions between sensation and vision for the absolute TTB minimum and the mean of TTB minima in the anteroposterior (AP) direction. There was a significant increase in both measures after sensation was diminished with eyes closed compared to the control, but not with eyes open. In single limb stance, the TTB absolute minimum, the mean of TTB minima in the AP direction, and the standard deviation of TTB minima significantly increased with hypoesthesia regardless of vision. No significant differences were found in the medial-lateral (ML) direction for any of the TTB measures in double or single limb stance. Sensory information from the plantar cutaneous receptors appears to be most important in the maintenance of AP postural control.  相似文献   

During postural responses to perturbations, horizontal plane forces generated by the cat hindlimb are stereotypically directed either towards or away from the animal's center of mass, independent of perturbation direction. We used a static, three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the hindlimb to investigate possible biomechanical determinants of this "force constraint strategy." We hypothesized that directions in which the hindlimb can produce large forces are preferentially used in postural control. We computed feasible force sets (FFSs) based on hindlimb configurations of three cats during postural equilibrium tasks and compared them to horizontal plane postural force directions. The grand mean FFS was bimodal, with maxima near the posterior-anterior axis (-86+/-8 degrees and 71+/-4 degrees ), and minima near the medial-lateral axis (177+/-8 degrees and 8+/-8 degrees ). Experimental postural force directions clustered near both maxima; there were no medial postural forces near the absolute minimum. However, the medians of the anterior and posterior postural force direction histograms in the right hindlimb were rotated counter-clockwise from the FFS maxima (p<0.05; Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Because the posterior-anterior alignment of the FFS is consistent with a hindlimb structure optimized for locomotion, we conclude that the biomechanical capabilities of the hindlimb strongly influence, but do not uniquely determine the force directions observed in the force constraint strategy. Forces used in postural control may reflect a balance between a neural preference for using forces in the directions of large feasible forces and other criteria, such as the stabilization of the center of mass, and muscular coordination strategies.  相似文献   

Research that evaluated both static and dynamic stability was performed, to clarify the impact of excessive body weight on postural control. The spontaneous center of foot pressure (CP) motion during quiet stance and a range of forward voluntary CP displacements were studied in 100 obese, and 33 lean women. Characteristics of postural sway were acquired while the subjects were standing quiet on a force plate with eyes open (EO) and with eyes closed (EC). Their anterior range of CP voluntary displacements was assessed upon a range of maximal whole body leanings which were directed forward. A substantial reduction of postural sway was observed in all patients which had increased body weight. Main postural sway parameters i.e., the total path length as well as its directional components were negatively correlated with the body mass and body mass index (BMI). The range of a whole body voluntary forward leaning, did not exhibit any significant change in patients with an obesity grade of I and II. Such a deficit was, however, found in subjects with a body mass index above 40. In conclusion, the increased body weight imposed new biomechanical constraints, that resulted in functional adaptation of the control of the erect posture. This functional adaptation was characterized by a reduced postural sway associated with a substantial reduction of the dynamic stability range in subjects with BMI>40.  相似文献   

In previous work, we studied the behaviour of a model of part of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. The model displayed oscillations that varied both in number, amplitude and frequency when its parameters were varied. Sensitivity analysis showed that just nine of the 64 reaction parameters were mainly responsible for the control of the oscillations when these parameters were varied individually. However, the control of the properties of any complex system is distributed, and, as many of these reactions are highly non-linear, we expect that their interactions will be too. Pairwise modulation of these nine parameters gives a search space some 50 times smaller (81 against 4096) than that required for the pairwise modulation of all 64 reactions, and this permitted their study (which would otherwise have been effectively intractable). Strikingly synergistic effects were observed, in which the effect of one of the parameters was strongly (and even qualitatively) dependent on the values of another parameter. Regions of parameter space could be found in which the amplitude, but not the frequency (timing), of oscillations varied, and vice versa. Such modelling will permit the design and performance of experiments aimed at disentangling the role of the dynamics of oscillations, rather than simply their amplitude, in determining cell fate. Overall, the analyses reveal a level of complexity in these dynamic models that is not apparent from study of their individual parameters alone and point to the value of manipulating multiple elements of complex networks to achieve desired physiological effects.  相似文献   

The genetic control of transferrins in humans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

Computational models can provide useful guidance in the design of behavioral and neurophysiological experiments and in the interpretation of complex, high dimensional biological data. Because many problems faced by the primate brain in the control of movement have parallels in robotic motor control, models and algorithms from robotics research provide useful inspiration, baseline performance, and sometimes direct analogs for neuroscience.  相似文献   

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