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Wang L  Xu YY  Ma QB  Li D  Xu ZH  Chong K 《Cell research》2006,16(12):916-922

A recombinant protein with a cDNA that encodes the putative subunit of a rice heterotrimeric G protein was synthesized in Escherichia coli and purified. The recombinant protein (rGrice ) with an apparent molecular mass of 45 kDa was bound with guanosine 5-(3-O-thio)triphosphate with an apparent association constant (kapp) of 0.36. The protein also hydrolyzed GTP and its Kcat was 0.44. rGrice was ADP-ribosylated by activated cholera toxin.Monoclonal antibodies raised against rGrice reacted with a 45 kDa polypeptide localized in the plasma membrane of rice seedlings. The peptide map of this polypeptide after digestion with V8 protease was identical to that of rGrice . A 45 kDa polypeptide in the plasma membrane, as well as rGrice , was ADP-ribosylated by activated cholera toxin. The GTPase activity of the plasma membrane was stimulated 2.5-fold by mastoparan 7 but not mastoparan 17. These properties were similar to those of the subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins in animals, suggesting that the putative subunit is truly the subunit itself.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the activity of the rice Gα promoter using a β-Glucuronidase (GUS) reporter construct indicated that Gα expression was highest in developing organs and changed in a developmental stage-dependent manner. In this paper, GUS activity derived from the rice Gα promoter was analyzed in seeds and developing leaves. In seeds, GUS activity was detected in the aleurone layer, embryo, endosperm and scutellar epithelium. In developing leaves, the activity was detected in the mesophyll tissues, phloem and xylem of the leaf sheath and in the mesophyll tissue of the leaf blade. The activity in the aleurone layer and scutellar epithelium suggests that the Gα subunit may be involved in gibberellin signaling. The activity in the mesophyll tissues of the leaf blade suggests that the Gα subunit may be related to the intensity of disease resistance. The pattern of the activity in the developing leaf also indicates that the expression of Gα follows a developmental profile at the tissue level.Key words: expression pattern, Gα subunit, GUS staining pattern, heterotrimeric G protein, riceThe rice mutant d1 is deficient in the heterotrimeric G protein α subunit (Gα). Recently it was found that the dwarfism phenotype of d1 is due to a reduction in cell numbers.1 This discovery has led to new questions regarding how rice Gα regulates cell number, and which other signaling molecules are involved in this process in various tissues and at different development stages. Studies of d1 suggest that rice Gα participates in both gibberellin signaling24 and brassinosteroid signaling.58 Promoter studies using the β-Glucuronidase (GUS) reporter indicate that Gα expression is highest in developing organs.1 In this paper, we report on the expression pattern of a Gα promoter::GUS construct in seeds and developing leaves of rice.  相似文献   

Like those in mammals, heterotrimeric G protein complexes have been implicated in signal transduction pathways in plants; however, the subunits themselves have not been isolated. In this study, the rice heterotrimeric G protein subunits α (Gα) and β (Gβ) were purified by affinity chromatography using anti-Gα and -Gβ antibodies and SDS-PAGE. Six and seven peptides, respectively, were identified by mass spectrometry and identified as the translation products of the Gα gene RGA1 and Gβ gene RGB1. During purification, the subunits dissociated easily from the G protein complex.  相似文献   

Summary Rooted phylogenetic trees for a total of 34 genes encoding the stimulatory (s), inhibitory (i), transducin (t), Gx (x), Gz (z), G11 (11), G12 (12), G13 (13), G16 (16), Gq (q), and other (o) G protein a subunits have been constructed. The analysis shows that the G12 (12 and 13), Gq (11, 16, and q), and Gs (s genes) groups form one cluster, and the Gx (x and z genes), Gi (i genes), Gt (t1 and t2), and Go (o genes) groups form another cluster. During mammalian evolution, the rates of synonymous substitutions for these genes were estimated to be between 1.77 × 10–9/site/year and 5.63 × 10–9/site/year, whereas those of nonsynonymous substitutions were between 0.008 × 10–9/site/year and 0.067 × 10–9/site/year. These evolutionary rates are similar to those for histone genes, suggesting equally important biological functions of the G protein a subunits. Offprint requests to: S. Yokoyama  相似文献   

The C-terminus of the G protein α subunit has a well-known role in determining the selective coupling with the cognate G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). In fact, rhodopsin, a prototypical GPCR, exhibits active state [metarhodopsin II (MII)] stabilization by interacting with G protein [extra formation of MII (eMII)], and the extent of stabilization is affected by the C-terminal sequence of Gα. Here we examine the relationship between the amount of eMII and the activation efficiency of Gi mutants whose Giα forms have different lengths of the C-terminal sequence of Goα. The results show that both the activation efficiencies of Gi and the amounts of eMII were affected by mutations; however, there was no correlation between them. This finding suggested that the C-terminal region of Gα not only stabilizes MII (active state) but also affects the nucleotide-binding site of Gα. Therefore, we measured the activation efficiency of these mutants by MII at several concentrations of GDP and GTP and calculated the rate constants of GDP release, GDP uptake, and GTP uptake. These rate constants of the Gi mutants were substantially different from those of the wild type, indicating that the replacement of the amino acid residues in the C-terminus alters the affinity of nucleotides. The rate constants of GDP uptake and GTP uptake showed a strong correlation, suggesting that the C-terminus of Giα controls the accessibility of the nucleotide-binding site. Therefore, our results strongly suggest that there is a long-range interlink between the C-terminus of Giα and its nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   

Zhu  Hanyu  Liu  Dongmei  Zheng  Liesheng  Chen  Liguo  Ma  Aimin 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2021,114(11):1949-1960
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - Tremella fuciformis is a dimorphic fungus which can undertake the reversible transition between yeast and pseudohypha forms. G protein α subunit (Gα) carries...  相似文献   

G protein plays an important role in signal pathways and involved in various signal transduction systems in plant. A full-length cDNA encoding a putative G protein α subunit (Gα), designated as BnGA1, was isolated from Brassica napus. The expression of BnGA1 in different B. napus tissues and developmental stags was analyzed using real-time PCR. The results showed that BnGA1 expressed was high in root, cotyledon and shoot apex. Stage expression pattern analysis revealed that BnGA1 expressed strongly at the 7th day, the bolting stage and fruiting stage. In addition, the expression of BnGA1 was analyzed under different concentrations of four plant hormones. The expression of BnGA1 was significantly induced by the high concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and brassinosteroid (BR). The expression of BnGA1 was also induced by low gibberellins acid 3 (GA3) concentrations and higher GA3 concentrations inhibit the expression of BnGA1. However, the expression of BnGA1 did not significantly regulated by exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Moreover, the expression of BnGA1 under different abiotic stresses was analyzed at different time points. The BnGA1 was up-regulated in salt and drought stress and down-regulated in heat and cold stress. These expression results suggested that BnGA1 play an important role in plant hormones signal pathways and BnGA1 may be involved in plant defense system against environmental stresses in B. napus.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, RGA1, was isolated by using a GPA1 cDNA clone of Arabidopsis thaliana G protein subunit as a probe from a rice (Oryza sativa L. IR-36) seedling cDNA library prepared from roots and leaves. Sequence analysis of genomic clone reveals that the RGA1 gene has 14 exons and 13 introns, and encodes a polypeptide of 380 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 44.5 kDa. The encoded protein exhibits a considerable degree of amino acid sequence similarity to all the other known G protein subunits. A putative TATA sequence (ATATGA), a potential CAAT box sequence (AGCAATAC), and a cis-acting element, CCACGTGG (ABRE), known to be involved in ABA induction are found in the promoter region. The RGA1 protein contains all the consensus regions of G protein subunits except the cysteine residue near the C-terminus for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. The RGA1 polypeptide expressed in Escherichia coli was, however, ADP-ribosylated by 10 M [adenylate-32P] NAD and activated cholera toxin. Southern analysis indicates that there are no other genes similar to the RGA1 gene in the rice genome. Northern analysis reveals that the RGA1 mRNA is 1.85 kb long and expressed in vegetative tissues, including leaves and roots, and that its expression is regulated by light.  相似文献   



Sporothrix schenckii is a pathogenic dimorphic fungus, the etiological agent of sporotrichosis, a lymphocutaneous disease that can remain localized or can disseminate, involving joints, lungs, and the central nervous system. Pathogenic fungi use signal transduction pathways to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions and S. schenckii is no exception. S. schenckii yeast cells, either proliferate (yeast cell cycle) or engage in a developmental program that includes proliferation accompanied by morphogenesis (yeast to mycelium transition) depending on the environmental conditions. The principal intracellular receptors of environmental signals are the heterotrimeric G proteins, suggesting their involvement in fungal dimorphism and pathogenicity. Identifying these G proteins in fungi and their involvement in protein-protein interactions will help determine their role in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

A recently discovered interaction of rod transducin α subunit (Gαt1) with UNC119a is thought to be important for transducin trafficking in photoreceptors. In this study, we analyzed the subcellular distribution of UNC119a under different conditions of illumination in vivo. Analyses by immunofluorescence and Western blotting of retina serial tangential sections demonstrated that UNC119a resides predominantly in the rod inner segment, with a small fraction of UNC119a also appearing to infiltrate the rod outer segment. Such a distribution is consistent with the proposed role of UNC119a in facilitating transducin transport from the rod inner segment to the outer segment in the dark. In addition, UNC119a was present in smaller amounts in the cell body and synaptic region of rods. The profile of UNC119a subcellular distribution remained largely unchanged under all tested conditions of illumination, and correlated with the profile of Gαt1 following its light-dependent translocation. Quantification by Western blotting suggested that mouse retina contains ~ 17 pmol of UNC119a, giving a ~ 1 to 4 molar ratio of UNC119a to Gαt1. Hence, light-translocated Gαt1 can serve as a major partner of UNC119a. Supporting this role, the levels of UNC119a were downregulated by about 2-fold in mouse retina lacking Gαt1. As a dominant partner, Gαt1 may potentially modulate the function of other known UNC119a-interacting proteins involved in photoreceptor ciliary trafficking and synaptic regulation, in a light-dependent manner.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the function of the heterotrimeric G protein β-subunit (Gβ) gene (RGB1) in rice. RGB1 knock-down lines were generated in the wild type and d1-5, a mutant deficient for the heterotrimeric G protein α-subunit (Gα) gene (RGA1). Both transgenic lines showed browning of the lamina joint regions and nodes that could be attributed to a reduction of RGB1 function, as the abnormality was not observed in d1-5. The RGB1 knock-down lines generated in d1-5 were shorter, suggesting RGB1 to be a positive regulator of cellular proliferation, in addition to RGA1. The number of sterile seeds also increased in both RGB1 knock-down lines. These results suggest that Gβγ and Gα cooperatively function in cellular proliferation and seed fertility. We discuss the potential predominant role of RGB1 in G protein signaling in rice.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT) is a virulence factor responsible for the pathogenesis of some Pasteurellosis. PMT exerts its toxic effects through the activation of heterotrimeric GTPase (G(q), G(12/13) and G(i))-dependent pathways, by deamidating a glutamine residue in the α subunit of these GTPases. However, the enzymatic characteristics of PMT are yet to be analyzed in detail because the deamidation has only been observed in cell-based assays. In the present study, we developed rat monoclonal antibodies, specifically recognizing the deamidated Gα(q), to detect the actions of PMT by immunological techniques such as western blotting. Using the monoclonal antibodies, we found that the toxin deamidated Gα(q) only under reducing conditions. The C-terminal region of PMT, C-PMT, was more active than the full-length PMT. The C3 domain possessing the enzyme core catalyzed the deamidation in vitro without any other domains. These results not only support previous observations on toxicity, but also provide insights into the enzymatic nature of PMT. In addition, we present several lines of evidence that Gα(11), as well as Gα(q), could be a substrate for PMT.  相似文献   

Kan SC  Yu LK  Chen JH  Hu HY  Hsu WH 《Current microbiology》2011,62(4):1282-1286
A CP1201 RIR1 intein is found in the ribonucleotide reductase alpha subunit (RNR α subunit) protein of lytic bacteriophage P1201 from Corynebacterium glutamicum NCHU 87078. This intein can be over-expressed and spliced in Escherichia coli NovaBlue cells. Mutations of C539, the N-terminal residue of the C-extein in the CP1201 RIR1 protein, led to the changes of pattern and level of protein-splicing activities. A G392S variant was found to be a temperature-sensitive protein with complete splicing activity at 17 and 28°C but not at 37°C or higher. We also found that the cleavage at the CP1201 RIR1 intein C-terminus of the double mutant G392S/C539G was blocked, but other cleavage activities could be efficiently performed at 17°C. G392S/C539G variant possessed the properties of low-temperature-induced cleavage at the intein N-terminus.  相似文献   

A selection system based on a mutant rice gene for a feedback-insensitive subunit of anthranilate synthase (OASA1D) was developed for the transformation of rice and potato. Expression of OASA1D conferred resistance to the tryptophan analog 5-methyltryptophan (5MT) in transformed cells of rice and potato. The selection system based on OASA1D and 5MT was associated with a high transformation efficiency, a short time frame for the generation of transgenic plants, simple culture procedures, and it was as effective as hygromycin B selection in rice (monocotyledon) and kanamycin selection in potato (dicotyledon). Transgenic rice and potato plants established by 5MT selection had normal morphology and accumulated tryptophan when OASA1D was expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter. These results demonstrate the efficacy of OASA1D as a selectable marker and they suggest that the 5MT selection system based on this gene will prove applicable to a wide range of plant species and culture procedures.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins are the immediate downstream effectors of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Endogenous protein guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) like AGS3/4 and RGS12/14 function through GPR/Goloco GDI domains. Extensive characterization of GPR domain peptides indicate they function as selective GDIs for Gαi by competing for the GPCR and Gβγ and preventing GDP release. We modified a GPR consensus peptide by testing FGF and TAT leader sequences to make the peptide cell permeable. FGF modification inhibited GDI activity while TAT preserved GDI activity. TAT-GPR suppresses G-protein coupling to the receptor and completely blocked α2-adrenoceptor (α2AR) mediated decreases in cAMP in HEK293 cells at 100 nM. We then sought to discover selective small molecule inhibitors for Gαi. Molecular docking was used to identify potential molecules that bind to and stabilize the Gαi–GDP complex by directly interacting with both Gαi and GDP. Gαi–GTP and Gαq–GDP were used as a computational counter screen and Gαq–GDP was used as a biological counter screen. Thirty-seven molecules were tested using nucleotide exchange. STD NMR assays with compound 0990, a quinazoline derivative, showed direct interaction with Gαi. Several compounds showed Gαi specific inhibition and were able to block α2AR mediated regulation of cAMP. In addition to being a pharmacologic tool, GDI inhibition of Gα subunits has the advantage of circumventing the upstream component of GPCR-related signaling in cases of overstimulation by agonists, mutations, polymorphisms, and expression-related defects often seen in disease.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins comprised of Gα, Gβ and Gγ proteins are important signal transducers in all eukaryotes. The Gγ protein of the G-protein heterotrimer is crucial for its proper targeting at the plasma membrane and correct functioning. Gγ proteins are significantly smaller and more diverse than the Gα and Gβ proteins. In model plants Arabidopsis and rice that have a single Gα and Gβ protein, the presence of two canonical Gγ proteins provide some diversity to the possible heterotrimeric combinations. Our recent analysis of the latest version of the soybean genome has identified ten Gγ proteins which belong to three distinct families based on their C-termini. We amplified the full length cDNAs, analyzed their detailed expression profile by quantitative PCR, assessed their localization and performed yeast-based interaction analysis to evaluate interaction specificity with different Gβ proteins. Our results show that ten Gγ genes are retained in the soybean genome and have interesting expression profiles across different developmental stages. Six of the newly identified proteins belong to two plant-specific Gγ protein families. Yeast-based interaction analyses predict some degree of interaction specificity between different Gβ and Gγ proteins. This research thus identifies a highly diverse G-protein network from a plant species. Homologs of these novel proteins have been previously identified as QTLs for grain size and yield in rice.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a process wherein proliferating cells undergo permanent cell cycle arrest while remaining viable. Senescence results in enhanced secretion of proteins that promote cancer and inflammation. We report here that the structure of the Golgi complex which regulates secretion is altered in senescent cells. In cells where senescence is achieved by replicative exhaustion or in cells wherein senescence has been induced with BrdU treatment dependent stress, the Golgi complex is dispersed. The expression of a G protein γ subunit, γ11, capable of translocation from the plasma membrane to the Golgi complex on receptor activation increases with senescence. Knockdown of γ11 or overexpression of a dominant negative γ3 subunit inhibits Golgi dispersal induced by senescence. Overall these results suggest that in cellular senescence an upregulated G protein gamma subunit mediates alterations in the structure of the Golgi.  相似文献   

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