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Plant and Soil - Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been shown to reduce abiotic stress on plants, but these effects have not been quantitatively synthesized. We evaluated the degree...  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal networks may facilitate the establishment and survival of seedlings regenerating under the canopies of tropical forests and are often invoked as a potential contributor to monodominance. We identified ectomycorrhizal fungi in a monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (Fabaceae) rain forest in Cameroon, using sporocarps and ectomycorrhizae of three age categories (seedlings, intermediate trees, and large trees) and tentatively revealed nutrient transfer through ectomycorrhizal networks by measuring spontaneous isotopic (13C and 15N) abundances in seedlings. Sporocarp surveys revealed fewer ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa (59 species from 1030 sporocarps) than molecular barcoding of ectomycorrhizal roots (75 operational taxonomic units from 828 ectomycorrhizae). Our observations suggest that ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity is similar to that in other mixed tropical forests and provide the first report of the TuberHelvella lineage in a tropical forest. Despite some differences, all age categories of G. dewevrei had overlapping ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, with families belonging to Thelephoraceae, Russulaceae, Sebacinaceae, Boletaceae, and Clavulinaceae. Of the 49 operational taxonomic units shared by the three age categories (65.3% of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community), 19 were the most abundant on root tips of all categories (38.7% of the shared taxa), supporting the likelihood of ectomycorrhizal networks. However, we obtained no evidence for nutrient transfer from trees to seedlings. We discuss the composition of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community among the G. dewevrei age categories and the possible role of common ectomycorrhizal networks in this rain forest.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the seeds of bush onion (Afrostyrax lepidophyllus) and tropical garlic tree (Scorodophloeus zenkeri), plants used as spices in the traditional African cuisine, was determined by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. Moreover, in vitro biological properties of the oils, namely, the cytotoxic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities, were investigated by the MTT, the DPPH. and ABTS.+ scavenging, and the agar disc‐diffusion methods, respectively. Both oils were composed mainly by S‐containing compounds, accounting for 91.0–96.1% of the total oil compositions, which provided them the typical garlic‐ and onion‐like odors of spices. The predominant compound in both oils, 2,4,5,7‐tetrathiaoctane ( 1 ; 51.5–52.9%), was isolated by preparative TLC and structurally elucidated by 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR data. The oils exhibited a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of human cancer cells, namely, T98G (human glioblastoma multiforme cell line), MDA‐MB 231 (human breast adenocarcinoma cell line), A375 (human malignant melanoma cell line), and HCT116 (human colon carcinoma cell line) cells, and a good DPPH.‐ and ABTS.+‐scavenging activity, while the antimicrobial effects were negligible. The volatile compositions of A. lepidophyllus and S. zenkeri oils supported their use as odorous spices. The significant inhibition activities detected make these oils worthy of further investigation as promising chemopreventive agents to be exploited in the African pharmaceutical market.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the soil characteristics of Nothofagus‐dominated rain forests in an ultramafic region (i.e. soils having high concentrations of metals including Mg, Fe and Ni), and whether soil characteristics may explain the location of monodominant rain forest in relation to adjacent mixed rain forest and maquis (shrub‐dominated vegetation). Location New Caledonia. Methods Soil characteristics were compared among six Nothofagus‐dominated rain forests from a range of altitudes and topographic positions. At four of these sites, comparisons were made with soils of adjacent mixed rain forest and maquis. Results Soil characteristics varied among the monodominant Nothofagus forests, largely due to differences between ultramafic soils and soils influenced by non‐ultramafic intrusions. The soils of all vegetation types had low concentrations of nutrients, particularly P, K and Ca (both total and extractable/exchangeable), and high total concentrations of Ni, Fe, Cr and Mn. There were significant differences between the rain forests and adjacent maquis in soil concentrations of several elements (N, P, Ca, Mg and Mn), more so in surface soils than at depth, but much of this pattern may be caused by effects of vegetation on the soil, rather than of soil on the vegetation. However, there were no significant differences in soil concentrations of any mineral elements between Nothofagus forest and adjacent mixed rain forest. Main conclusions We found no evidence for soil mediation of boundaries of Nothofagus rain forest with mixed rain forest, and little evidence for the boundaries of either forest type with maquis. We suggest that the local abrupt boundaries of these monodominant Nothofagus forests are directly related to temporal factors, such as time since the last wildfire and frequency of wildfire, and that disturbance is therefore a major causal factor in the occurrence of these forests.  相似文献   

The African cyprinid genus Labeobarbus is characterized by a high polymorphism in mouth morphology. The association between four species of this genus (two chiselmouths, one rubberlip with a well-developed fleshy mental lobe on the lower jaw, i.e., a fleshy appendage on the chin, and one usually with a poorly developed one) and 26 environmental variables was investigated in four affluents of the Luhoho River in the Albertine Highlands of the Upper Congo basin. A combination of univariate and multivariate analyses suggested that differences exist in habitat composition at localities where different Labeobarbus species were reported, and within different mouth phenotypes. The association of L. longidorsalis with the presence of cobbles and pebbles and of L. brauni with the presence of boulders suggests that the occurrence of chiselmouths phenotype is associated with stony habitats, whereas phenotypes with a mental lobe, i.e., Labeobarbus longifilis and L. paucisquamatus, mostly occupy habitats without stones. Differences in the distribution between these two species appear to be linked to physico-chemical parameters such as electrical conductivity and water temperature rather than substrate type. The findings of this study are relevant for developing guidelines that aim effective local preservation and conservation of these Labeobarbus species.  相似文献   

Species richness, composition and abundance of the bryophyte diaspore bank of Central European temperate mixed forests were compared with the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage. The impact of environmental variables and anthropogenic disturbances, including tree species composition, stand structure, microclimate, light conditions, soil and litter properties, management history, and landscape properties, potentially influencing bryophyte diaspore bank assemblages were explored. Thirty-four, 70–100 years old mixed stands with differing tree species composition were examined in the ?rség National Park, Western Hungary. The diaspore bank was studied by soil collection and cultivation, and data were analysed by multivariate methods. Contrary to the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage, where substrate availability, tree species composition and stand structure were the most influential environmental variables, the composition and abundance of the diaspore bank was mainly affected by site conditions (microclimate, litter and soil properties). Species richness of the bryophyte diaspore bank was lower than that of the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage. Short-lived mosses (colonists, short-lived shuttles) were dominant in the diaspore bank, as opposed to the forest-floor bryophyte community, where perennial mosses dominated. In the studied forests, the importance of the bryophyte diaspore bank was relatively low in the regeneration and maintenance of the forest-floor bryophyte vegetation.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the relationships between the vegetation of beech and beech-oak forest communities (Hordelymo-Fagetum, Galio-Fagetum, Deschampsio-Fagetum, Betulo-Quercetum) and their soil conditions in the lowlands of northern Germany, based on 84 sample plots. In all plots the vegetation was recorded and soil parameters were analysed (thickness of the O- and the A-horizons, pH, S-value, base saturation, C/N, mean Ellenberg moisture indicator value). The vegetation classification according to the traditional Braun-Blanquet approach was compared with the result of a multivariate cluster analysis. Vegetation-site relationships were analysed by means of an indirect gradient analysis (DCA).Both traditional classification methods and the cluster analysis have produced comparable classification results. So far as the species composition is concerned, a similar grouping of sample plots was found in both approaches. Multivariate cluster analysis thus supports the classification found by the Braun-Blanquet method. The result of the DCA shows that the four forest communities mentioned above represent clearly definable ecological units. The main site factor influencing changes in the species composition is a base gradient, which is best expressed by the S-value. In addition, within the series Hordelymo-Fagetum - Galio-Fagetum - Deschampsio-Fagetum the C/N-ratios and the thickness of the organic layers (O-horizon) increase continuously. By contrast, the floristic differences between oligotrophic forest communities (i.e., Deschampsio-Fagetum and Betulo-Quercetum) cannot be explained by a base gradient and increasing C/N-ratios. It is suggested that a different forest management history in some cases (e.g., promotion of Quercus robur by silvicultural treatments) is responsible for differences in the species composition, but on the other hand the result of the DCA indicates that Fagus sylvatica is replaced by Quercus robur with increasing soil moisture (i.e., with the increasing influence of a high groundwater table). Summarizing these results, it can be concluded that the ecological importance of single site factors affecting the species composition changes within the entire site spectrum covered by the beech and beech-oak forests of northern Germany.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition, soil respiration and soil chemical and biochemical properties were examined at three contrasting sites in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) forest of south-western Australia. The study sites were: a recently clearfelled area (site CF2) which had been subjected to a slash regeneration burn following clearing; a pole-stand regrowth forest about 40 years old which had been regularly burnt by cool, prescribed fires (site RB40); and a pole-stand regrowth forest about 40 years old which had remained unburnt for many years (site UB40). Leaf litter of uniform composition lost 40–54% of its original dry weight after decomposing for 82 weeks on the forest floor. A composite exponential model, with separate decay functions for labile and more resistant litter components, described rate of weight loss better than a simple exponential decay model. Labile components of litter were released at similar rates at the three sites. Decomposition of resistant litter components was slower (half-life = 271 weeks) at the recently clearfelled site than at the two pole-stand sites (half-lives = 119 and 149 weeks). The order in which nutrients were released from decomposing litter, Na > Cl > K > Mg > S > Ca > N > P, was similar at each site. The rate of release of the more mobile elements Na, Cl, K, Mg and S, was also similar at each site. Changes in the amounts of Ca, N and P in decomposing litter differed between the three sites and the differences were related to the amounts of these nutrients in surface soil at each site. Annual soil respiration decreased in the order site CF2 = site UB40 > site RB40. Seasonal variation in respired CO 2 was partly explained by variation in soil moisture and temperature. Soil carbohydrase activity at the recently clearfelled site was significantly lower than at the two well vegetated pole-stand sites. The differences between sites in enzyme activities were related to differences in the amounts of organic C in surface soils of the three sites. The amount of organic C in surface soil (0–15 cm) was 25–36% lower at the recently clearfelled site than at the two well vegetated pole-Stand sites. Site disturbance during clearing, and combustion of soil organic matter by the subsequent slash regeneration burn, probably account for part of this difference. However, reduced inputs of organic matter in litterfall, slower rates of surface litter breakdown and increased rates of microbial mineralization of soil organic matter on recently clearfelled areas may also contribute substantially to depletion of soil organic C.  相似文献   

<i>Aims</i>Our objective was to explore changes in soil respiration of three temperate forests in Mt. Dongling, Beijing over the last 20 years from the year of 1994-1995 to 2012-2015.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统最主要的碳释放过程。为了探讨温带森林土壤呼吸在长时间尺度的变化, 利用北京东灵山地区的白桦(Betula platyphylla)林、辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)林和油松(Pinus tabuliformis)林3种温带森林永久样地, 于2012-2015年对其土壤呼吸进行测定, 并与1994-1995年的测定结果进行了比较。结果显示: 2012-2015年, 白桦林的平均年土壤呼吸量为(574 ± 21) g C·m-2·a-1, 显著高于辽东栎林(455 ± 31) g C·m-2·a-1和油松林(414 ± 35) g C·m-2·a-1, 比20年前(1994-1995年)的估测值分别增加了85%、17%和73%。这些结果表明, 近20年来这3种生态系统的碳周转速率明显加快。  相似文献   

Kurka  Anne-Marie  Starr  Michael 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):167-179
Adjacent plots (1 m2) with and without communities of dwarf bamboo (Sasa), i.e. Sasa- and ref-plots, were selected in mountainous areas, which were relatively low in soil buffer capacity. The following parameters were studied: chemical properties of surface (0-30 cm) soil (at 6 sites), elemental abundances in the soil-Sasa ecosystem (at 6 sites), effect of artificial acid rain on the above two parameters (at 1 site), and chemical properties of throughfall and stemflow of Sasa (at 2 sites including one on a plain). Average values of pH(H2O), base saturation and the ratio of exchangeable (K+Mg+Ca)/exchangeable Al in surface soil were 4.35±0. 53, 25.2±14.3% and 0.41±0.28, respectively, in Sasa-plots and 4.26±0.63, 20.0±9.6%, and 0.28±0.13, respectively, in ref-plots. Though not significant, all soil parameters had higher values in Sasa-plots, i.e. x = ca. 0.1 unit, 5% and 0.13, respectively. When the abundance of elements (exchangeable cations in soil of 30 cm depth plus elements in litter and Sasa biomass) in the ecosystem was compared between the two plots, K (and often other basic cations) was higher in Sasa-plots than in ref-plots, whereas Al was lower. Artificial acid rain (1.5 L of 0.05 M H2SO4 applied monthly for 10 months) induced a reduction of Na, K, Mg and Ca in a ref-plot, but in a Sasa-plot only Na and K were reduced whereas Mg and Ca were completely retained. The composite samples of throughfall and stemflow of Sasa were ca. 0.5 higher in pH and richer in K, Mg and Ca than the ambient precipitation. The amounts (equivalents) of elements released by Sasa were in the order K > Ca > Mg. It was determined that about 87% and 98% of K, 76% and 87% of Ca, and 39% and 93% of Mg were of Sasa origin in the composite samples at a mountainous site (cambisol soil type) and a plain site (andosol soil type), respectively. Sasa communities may have a significant role in retention of basic cations in surface soil and prevention of soil acidification because of recycling elements in the soil-Sasa ecosystem.  相似文献   

Kurka  Anne-Marie  Starr  Michael 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(2):273-281
The relationship between the decomposition of cellulose placed on and buried in the forest floor and various tree stand characteristics was studied at sites with minimal anthropogenic influence. The 22 study sites, including both forested upland and peatland plots, were clustered in 4 catchments between 61°–69° N in Finland. The stands were 60 to 320 years old and composed of varying proportions of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and deciduous species (mainly t Betula spp.). Cellulose strips (softwood pulp) were placed on the forest floor surface and buried at four depths down to 5 cm for two 1-year periods and the weight loss measured. Decomposition did not significantly correlate with stand age, but was strongly and positively correlated with stand basal area, mean tree height and stem volume. This was valid at all depths, and even after differences due to climate between catchments had been taken into account. The stem volume of Scots pine dominated plots had the highest correlation. Our results showed that decomposition of organic matter on and in the forest floor is related to the stand characteristics. This relationship should be considered when comparing soil processes different stands, even when comparing stands of the same tree species composition.  相似文献   

The heat generated by both batch and continuous cultures of the yeast K. fragilis was studied using a modified Bench Scale Calorimeter. Batch cultures were used to measure the heat dissipation rates and the heat yields during fully aerobic and completely anaerobic growth, whereas continuous cultures enabled, in addition, a quantitative study of heat dissipation rates during growth on mixed metabolism. In this case, the extent of fermentation versus respiration could be specified and controlled by varying the degree of oxygen limitation. The heat dissipated per unit biomass formed was highest for fully respirative catabolism and fell continuously to a much lower value typical of anaerobic cultures as the catabolism was shifted increasingly to the fermentative mode. The heat generated per mole of oxygen taken up stayed quite close to the fully aerobic value of 506 kJ mol(-1) even when a sizable fraction of the substrate available to catabolism was fermented. If the fraction of respiration in the metabolism is lowered beyond a certain threshold, the ratio of the heat generation to oxygen consumption starts to increase dramatically and finally tends to infinity for fully anaerobic growth. All experimental results were quantitatively analyzed and explained on the basis of a simple model which formally describes the cultures in terms of two parallel "chemical" reactions. In simple cases such as the one presented here, the model enables calculation of the whole stoichiometry of the culture from a single measured heat yield.  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal variation of soil respiration (SR) and their driving environmental factors were studied in a maize ecosystem during the growing season 2005. The diurnal variation of SR showed asymmetric patterns, with the minimum occurring around early morning and the maximum around 13:00 h. SR fluctuated greatly during the growing season. The mean SR rate was 3.16 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, with a maximum of 4.87 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 on July 28 and a minimum of 1.32 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 on May 4. During the diurnal variation of SR, there was a significant exponential relationship between SR and soil temperature (T) at 10 cm depth: . At a seasonal scale, the coefficient α and β fluctuated because the biomass (B) increased α, and the net primary productivity (NPP) of maize markedly increased β of the exponential equation. Based on this, we developed the equation to estimate the magnitude of SR and to simulate its temporal variation during the growth season of maize. Most of the temporal variability (93%) in SR could be explained by the variations in soil temperature, biomass and NPP of maize. This model clearly demonstrated that soil temperature, biomass and NPP of maize combined to drive the seasonal variation of SR during the growing season. However, only taking into account the influence of soil temperature on SR, an exponential equation over- or underestimated the magnitude of SR and resulted in an erroneous representation of the seasonal variation in SR. Our results highlighted the importance of biotic factors for the estimation of SR during the growing season. It is suggested that the models of SR on agricultural sites should not only take into account the influence of soil temperature, but also incorporate biotic factors as they affect SR during the growing season.  相似文献   

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