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The present study evaluates the effect of protein source (dipeptides, free amino acids, and intact protein) on development and growth of Salmonid fish alevin. Specifically, we follow the expression of oligopeptide transporter protein PepT1 in the intestine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were fed exogenously one of four diets: three formulated (lysyl–glycine dipeptide supplemented diet — PP, free lysine and glycine supplemented diet — AA, control diet with no lysine — CON) or commercial starter (Aller Futura — AF). Fish increased mean body weight 8 fold with PP- and AA-supplemented diets resulting in significantly higher weight gain than fish fed CON. Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in relative PepT1 expression of fish fed experimental diets. Immunohistochemical staining with PepT1 antibody showed the presence of the transporter protein in the brush border membrane of the proximal intestinal enterocytes of fish from all experimental groups. Leptin immunoreactivity occurred not only in the gastric glands but also in proximal intestine and pyloric caeca of fish fed PP, AA and AF diets. Leptin immunoreactivity was also observed in hepatocyte cytoplasm and pancreatic acinar cells. Gastrin/CCK immunoreactive cells were present in the proximal intestine and pyloric caeca.  相似文献   

We evaluated five practical diets in which 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (dietary treatments 1-5) of fish meal protein was replaced by solvent-extracted cottonseed meal protein. Adult rainbow trout (initial average weight 247 +/- 8 g) were fed the diets over a period of 131 days during which a general 2-fold body weight increase occurred. The total diet gossypol concentration (free and protein-bound) showed a gradual increase with increased cottonseed meal substitution. Blood samples were collected on Days 0, 64, 112, and 131 for hematological and steroid hormone determination in plasma of males and females. Hemoglobin content was significantly reduced in fish from treatment 5 (7.9 +/- 0.3 g/dl) in comparison to treatments 1-3 (10.3-10.9 g/dl). After 112 and 131 days of feeding, testis weights, concentrations of testosterone, and 11-ketotestosterone were elevated in fish from dietary treatments 2 and 3 in comparison to control and diets 4 and 5. On Day 71, sperm were collected from 6 fish per dietary treatment to assess sperm quality. No significant differences in sperm concentrations (7.2-9.8 x 10(9)/ml), motility (78-89%), and standardized (300 x 10(5) sperm/egg) fertilizing ability (18.9-22.6% hatched embryos) were found. Total gossypol concentrations in blood plasma differed significantly among treatments, and the levels were among the highest ever recorded in animals fed cottonseed-supplemented diets (2.9 +/- 0.2, 11.7 +/- 4.1, 21.7 +/- 1.4, and 29.9 +/- 3.9 microg/ml, for treatments 2-5, respectively). The major portion of gossypol in blood plasma was protein-bound (81-93%). This was in contrast to minute amounts of gossypol present in seminal plasma, mostly in free form (0.02-0.18 microg/ml), which indicates the presence of a barrier between general circulation and the testis with respect to gossypol distribution in lower vertebrates. Thus, the reproductive parameters of male rainbow trout examined in this study were not significantly affected by feeding cottonseed meal for 131 days.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a small protein involved in intracellular proteolysis. It is highly conserved throughout eukaryotic phyla and has been detected in such diverse species as yeast, barley, Drosophila and man. A previous study showed that chromatin of rainbow trout testis contains free ubiquitin with a sequence similar to that of other phyla. In the present study, which focused on rainbow trout but included eleven other species, it is shown that fish ubiquitin genetic organisation and expression are similar to those of other phylogenetic groups through the following set of observations: (a) Multiple loci were detected, (b) These loci encode repeats of ubiquitin, (c) Although the DNA sequences are not conserved, the encoded amino acid sequences are fully conserved, (d) The expression of ubiquitin was influenced by cell culture conditions and viral infection.  相似文献   

In the present study, clonal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) embryos and larvae were assayed for the expression of key molecules involved in specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity using an anti-MHC class I monoclonal Ab and by RT-PCR using specific primers derived from classical MHC class I (class Ia), TCR and CD8. Whereas RT-PCR revealed that MHC class Ia and CD8 were expressed from at least 1 week after fertilisation (p.f.) on, TCR expression was detectable from 2 weeks p.f. Immunohistochemistry indicated an early and distinct expression of MHC class I protein in the thymus. Positive lymphoid, epithelial and endothelial cells were found in the pronephros, in the spleen and in the inner and outer epithelia at later stages. Whereas in older rainbow trout the intestine is counted among the organs of the highest class I expression, during ontogeny it was the last site (39 days after hatching) where such expression was detectable. Knowledge on the appearance of the assayed key molecules during fish development is relevant for the pathogenesis of infections as well as for early vaccine delivery. Besides such information regarding the development of the adaptive immune system, immunohistochemistry revealed that in early larvae MHC class I was expressed in neurons whereas in older rainbow trout this was not observed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence databse and have been assigned to the accession number U27125  相似文献   

Testis transplantation in male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the present study was to establish a procedure for the transplantation of an intact testis from one male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to another individual and evaluate the reproductive function of the transplanted testis at sexual maturity. Isogenic (cloned) male rainbow trout were produced by crossing a completely homozygous male (YY) with a homozygous female (XX) to eliminate any problem of tissue rejection. Transplantation was performed on four pairs of sexually immature animals (n = 8); each served both as a donor and recipient. The left testis was removed by making a ventral midline incision to expose the body cavity and gonads. The left testis was disconnected at the anterior and posterior points of attachment and transferred to the recipient fish where it was placed in position adjacent to the pyloric cecae. The right testis was left intact. After 4 wk, the fish were injected (i.p.) twice weekly for 8 or 9 wk with salmon pituitary extract (1.5 mg/kg) to induce precocious sexual maturation. A similar number of untreated fish were maintained as controls. Following this treatment, all the fish were killed, and the right (intact) and left (transplanted) testes were removed, weighed, and sampled for sperm. Although the mean weights of the left, transplanted testes were significantly (P: < 0.05) smaller than the intact testes (transplants = 1.2 g; intact = 3.9 g), transplanted testes were present in all animals, had increased in mass, and were sexually mature containing sperm. The mean fertility, as measured by the proportion of eggs completing first cleavage, of sperm derived from transplanted testes (92%) was no different from the sperm obtained from intact testes (84%). Similarly, there was no difference in the number of embryos attaining the eyed stage of development, after 18 days of incubation, that were derived from transplanted (84%) or intact testes (85%).  相似文献   

The existence of a layer of mucus covering the gill lamellae of healthy rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated. Using cryo-scanning electron microscopy, a smooth, undulating, thin layer was observed which completely covered gill filaments and lamellae, thereby obscuring epithelial microridges. After processing cryopreserved gill arches in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy, the layer was no longer present and epithelial microridges were clearly visible. The identity of this layer was investigated using cryopreserved gills which were treated in one of two ways. First, gills were incubated with a rabbit antiserum to gill mucus, with normal rabbit serum, or with phosphate-buffered saline. Following fixation in glutaraldehyde and processing, only the gill tissue incubated with the mucus-specific antiserum was still covered with the smooth layer. The layer was also retained on the gills of fish anesthetized in a solution containing mucusspecific antiserum and then processes in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy. The tenacious nature of the mucous layer was demonstrated by its stability following exposure to formalin and a cationic detergent. Second, the presence of this layer was confirmed on gill tissue which was cryopreserved, followed by freeze-substitution and vapor fixation, and then examined by transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) occurs in a wide range of tissues throughout the body of the rainbow trout. Results reported here indicate that the main peripheral sources of serotonin are the intestinal tract and the gill epithelium (levels above 1500 ng/g). The high intestinal serotonin concentration is mostly due to serotoninergic nerve fibres, which are present at high density in the intestinal wall. Only about 2% of serotonin is associated with mucosal enterochromaffin cells. In the remaining tissues studied serotonin concentration was below 160 ng/g: the highest concentrations were seen in the anterior and posterior kidneys, followed by the liver, heart, and spleen. 5-Hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels, except in plasma, were generally lower than serotonin levels, and were below our detection limits in heart, spleen and posterior kidney. Acute d-fenfluramine treatment (5 or 15 mg/kg i.p.) significantly increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio in the anterior intestine, pyloric caeca and plasma. Serotonin released from intestinal serotoninergic fibres in response to d-fenfluramine treatment is metabolized locally, and only a small part reaches the blood, from where it can be taken up and metabolized by other peripheral tissues, such as the liver and gill epithelium. The non-metabolized serotonin pool in the blood appears to be located extracellularly, not intracellularly as in mammals. In view of these findings, we present an overview of peripheral serotonin dynamics in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The time course of plasma amino acid concentrations was studied in adult rainbow trout (300 g mean body weight). After a starvation period of 2 days fish were force-fed either with fish protein concentrate or a mixture of acidic casein and Na-caseinate at a rate of 0.32% CP (N' 6.25) of body weight. Peak levels occurred for feeding fish protein concentrate 6–12 h and for the casein mix 18 h post-feeding. The increase of the essential amino acids was closely correlated to the amino acid profile of the test proteins, whereas the concentration differences of the non-essential amino acids were at no time correlated to the amino acid pattern of fish protein concentrate or even negatively correlated in case of casein. The limiting amino acids in the test proteins were determined by ranking the average concentration increases (decreases) of the individual essential amino acids. Accordingly, arginine and histidine were most deficient in casein; in fish protein concentrate tryptophan seems to be the first limiting amino acid, followed by isoleucine.  相似文献   

In this study, non-specific immune effects of tetra (Cotinus coggyria) on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by dietary intake were investigated. Fish were fed daily ad libitum with diets containing 0.5% and 1.0% tetra for 3 weeks. After this period, fish were switched back to the basal diet for additional 6 weeks. Extracellular and intracellular respiratory burst activities, phagocytosis in blood leukocytes, lysozyme activities, and total plasma protein levels were evaluated at the end of the tetra feeding period and every 3 weeks during the basal diet period. Extracellular and intracellular respiratory burst activities, phagocytic activity, lysozyme activity and total protein level parameters of the groups containing 0.5% and 1.0% tetra were higher than the control group at the end of the 3rd, 6th and 9th weeks, respectively (P < 0.05). The highest values of the non-specific immune parameters were observed in the group fed with 1.0% tetra. Tetra groups did not show any significant difference (P > 0.05) in terms of specific growth rate and average weight of the fish.  相似文献   

In order to obtain more information about the physiological role(s) of flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs) in euryhaline teleost fishes, two experimental series were performed using adult and juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Cannulated adult trout were exposed to freshwater or 21% seawater for 48 h, whereas juvenile trout were acclimated to one of four different salinities: freshwater, 7%, 14%, or 21% during a 2-week period. FMO expression and activity were determined in red blood cells (RBC), liver, gill, kidney, gut, heart and brain. Furthermore, the content of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO; an FMO metabolite and an osmolyte) as well as urea were determined in various tissues. FMO expression and activity increased significantly and in a salinity dependent manner in osmoregulatory organs (gills, kidney and gut) in both juveniles and adult trout and, furthermore, in RBC in adults. No significant changes were observed in liver or heart. Urea content increased significantly and in a salinity dependent manner in all tissues, whereas TMAO was accumulated primarily in muscle tissue. Salinity dependent adjustment of FMO expression and activity primarily in osmoregulatory organs as well as regulation of TMAO content in muscle is consistent with previous studies showing an association of FMO with osmoregulation in euryhaline teleosts. However, the lack of a parallel increase of TMAO with urea in other tissues of fish at high salinity indicates other mechanisms of protection from intracellular urea may exist in non-muscular tissues.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to lymphocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to lymphocytes of rainbow trout have been developed by immunisation with synthetic peptides, prepared from selected parts of the alpha- and beta-gene sequences of the T-cell receptor (TCR). Mab 1C2 (TCR beta immunisation) identified lymphocytes in blood (11%), spleen (18%) and in thymus (9%) in flow cytometry analysis (FCM). Immune complexes of lymphocytes coupled to Mab 1C2 was used for further immunisations resulting in numerous supernatants reactive with lymphocytes in FCM, of which Mabs 7A5 and 8H4 were selected for further characterisation. Mab 7A5 identified 31% of lymphocytes in blood and 9% in the spleen. Mab 8H4 labelled 61% and 85% of lymphocytes in the same organs. Mab 8H4 reacted with the majority of the lymphocytes in the thymus (98%). Mabs 1C2, 7A5 and 8H4 recognised surface markers on both Ig(-) and Ig(+) lymphocytes in peripheral blood and in spleen in double staining experiments. An increased proportion of Ig(-) lymphocytes were identified when Ig(+) lymphocytes were eliminated by immunomagnetic separation. No cross-reactivity of Mabs 1C2, 7A5 or 8H4 to anti-thrombocyte Mabs was detected. Mab 1C2 captured molecules of about 40 and also of 55-60kDa, in an immunoprecipitation assay. Mab 7A5 recognised an antigen of approximately 75-80kDa and Mab 8H4 identified proteins of about 70, 100 and 150kDa. Immunohistochemical staining by Mab 8H4 of fixed thymus, revealed a strong labelling of lymphoid cells in the outer zones of thymus. The 8H4 positive lymphoid cells surrounds circular structures, which were not labelled by Mab 8H4. These distinctly appearing structures have a similar shape as nurse cells described in mammals.  相似文献   

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