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The analysis of the global thiol–disulfide redox status in tissues and cells is a challenging task since thiols and disulfides can undergo artificial oxido-reductions during sample manipulation. Because of this, the measured values, in particular for disulfides, can have a significant bias. Whereas this methodological problem has already been addressed in samples of red blood cells and solid tissues, a reliable method to measure thiols and disulfides in cell cultures has not been previously reported.Here, we demonstrate that the major artifact occurring during thiol and disulfide analysis in cultured cells is represented by glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and S-glutathionylated proteins (PSSG) overestimation, due to artificial oxidation of glutathione (GSH) during sample manipulation, and that this methodological problem can be solved by the addition of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) immediately after culture medium removal. Basal levels of GSSG and PSSG in different lines of cultured cells were 3–5 and 10–20 folds higher, respectively, when the cells were processed without NEM. NEM pre-treatment also prevented the artificial reduction of disulfides that occurs during the pre-analytical phase when cells are exposed to an oxidant stimulus. In fact, in the absence of NEM, after medium removal, GSH, GSSG and PSSG levels restored their initial values within 15–30 min, due to the activity of reductases and the lack of the oxidant. The newly developed protocol was used to measure the thiol–disulfide redox status in 16 different line cells routinely used for biomedical research both under basal conditions and after treatment with disulfiram, a thiol-specific oxidant (0–200 μM concentration range).Our data indicate that, in most cell lines, treatment with disulfiram affected the levels of GSH and GSSG only at the highest concentration. On the other hand, PSSG levels increased significantly also at the lower concentrations of the drug, and the rise was remarkable (from 100 to 1000 folds at 200 μM concentration) and dose-dependent for almost all the cell lines. These data support the suitability of the analysis of PSSG in cultured cells as a biomarker of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

细胞培养过程中的支原体污染相当普遍。如何快速、简便地检测支原体,并且采取有效措施去除支原体一直是细胞培养中急待解决的难题。本文就近年来有关支原体检测及去除方面的工作加以综述。  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm-season perennial grass that has received considerable attention as a potential dedicated biofuel and bioproduct feedstock. Genetic improvement of switchgrass is needed for better cellulosic ethanol production, especially to improve cellulose-to-lignin ratios. Cell suspension cultures offer an in vitro system for mutant selection, mass propagation, gene transfer, and cell biology. Toward this end, switchgrass cell suspension cultures were initiated from embryogenic callus obtained from genotype Alamo 2. They have been established and characterized with different cell type morphologies: sandy, fine milky, and ultrafine cultures. Characterization includes histological analysis using scanning electron microscopy, and utility using protoplast isolation. A high protoplast isolation rate of up to 106 protoplasts/1.0 g of cells was achieved for the fine milky culture, whereas only a few protoplasts were isolated for the sandy and ultrafine cultures. These results indicate that switchgrass cell suspension type sizably impacts the efficiency of protoplast isolation, suggesting its significance in other applications. The establishment of different switchgrass suspension culture cell types provides the opportunity to gain insights into the versatility of the system that would further augment switchgrass biology research.  相似文献   

Cell therapy and regenerative medicine are potentially two of the most exciting aspects of the novel therapeutic methods currently under development. However, these treatments present a number of important biosafety issues, like the possible transmission of microorganisms to the recipients. The most common potential form of contamination in these cell products is by bacteria (including Mycoplasma), yeast and fungi. In our study, 32 stem cell lines and feeder cell lines were analysed. There were 19 contaminated cell passages (12%). The main contaminants were gram positive cocci and Mycoplasma species, followed by gram negative rods and gram positive rods. The Mycoplasma contamination rate was 4%. Stem cell banks and other research centres aim to screen all processed stem cell lines for these microorganisms, and to assure that no contaminants are introduced in the banking procedures. It is a standard part of current good practice in stem cell banks to carry out routine microbiological controls of the stem cell lines and to work in a controlled environment to reduce the probability of contamination in the final product.  相似文献   

Summary Reaggregate cultures were obtained from single-cell suspensions of fetal and early postnatal cerebellum, and fetal telencephalon and mesencephalon from C57BL/6J and NMRI mice and maintained in suspension under constant rotation as described previously (Seeds 1971). The percentage of dead cells in the aggregates as measured by the uptake of the fluorescent dye propidium iodide was always less than 5% of all cells. During the initial phase of reaggregation up to 20 h in vitro (hiv) several immunocytochemically defined cell types had a random distribution within the aggregate. Astrocytes were identified by indirect immunofluorescence by the use of the markers glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), C1 and M1 antigens; neurons by NS-4 antigen and tetanus-toxin receptors; fibroblasts or fibroblast-like cells by fibronectin and laminin; and oligodendrocytes by myelin basic protein (MBP). Choleratoxin receptors and M 2 antigen served to distinguish the more mature from the less mature neurons. In reaggregates of early postnatal cerebellar cells neurons had started to redistribute after 40 hiv, forming an outer region containing more immature neurons and a core with more mature neurons. After 5 days in vitro (div) immature neurons were no longer detectable. From 3–8 div M1-and GFAP-positive astrocytic processes in the outer region showed a tendency for radial orientation. At later stages the processes appeared more randomly distributed and formed a dense glial network. Few oligodendrocytes and fibronectin-positive cells were present in the reaggregates. When reaggregates were prepared from 15 day-old embryonic cerebella, formation of radially oriented astrocytic processes and redistribution of neurons proceeded more slowly, but in a similar pattern as described for early postnatal cerebellum. GFAP was detectable at earlier ages than in situ. In reaggregates of 15 to 17 day old embryonic telencephalic anlage or midbrain, radially oriented astrocytic processes were not detectable. Similar to cerebellar reaggregates, accumulation of neurons in the inner region was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Tomato callus clones selected for the ability to grow at paraquat concentrations lethal to wild-type cells were found at an approximate frequency of 5×10–8 per viable cell. Diploid plants were regenerated from nine of the nineteen paraquat-tolerant callus clones isolated. Although some of these plants appeared normal, others had altered morphology and reduced vigor and fertility. New callus cultures initiated from these regenerated plants typically had at least a 30-fold increase over the wild type in tolerance to paraquat. Tests on callus from sexual progeny showed that the paraquat-tolerant phenotypes of clones PQT4, PQT6, and probably also PQT13 resulted from dominant nuclear mutations, but the number of loci involved is not yet known. Paraquat spray experiments indicated that slight paraquat-tolerance was expressed at the plant level in PQT13, but not in any of the other clones tested.  相似文献   

Treatment of Silybum marianum cell cultures with methyl jasmonate elicits the production of the antihepatotoxic drug silymarin and its release into the culture medium. In this work, we investigated the involvement of peroxidases (EC; donor hydrogen peroxidase oxido-reductase) in silymarin turnover in cell cultures as well as the influence of elicitation on the activity towards several substrates. Peroxidases from cell extracts and, to a higher degree from the spent medium, used the silymarin precursors taxifolin and coniferyl alcohol as substrates. Silymarin compounds were also degraded by suspension culture peroxidases; however, the oxidation efficiency was not modified by elicitation. S. marianum peroxidases were able to catalyse the oxidative coupling of taxifolin and coniferyl alcohol to silybinins. The synthetic activity was mainly associated with the extracellular compartment and as before, methyl jasmonate did not modify oxidative coupling activity. Changes in the isoenzyme profiles were not observed in elicited cultures.  相似文献   

This paper describes the artificial induction of secondary metabolite production in transgenic plant cell cultures using a recombinant, inducible plant promoter. The bacterial gene ubiC from Escherichia coli encodes the enzyme chorismate pyruvate lyase (CPL) which catalyses the conversion of chorismate to 4-hydroxybenzoate (4HB). This gene was fused to the tetracycline-inducible plant promoter Triple-Op. After transformation into Nicotiana tabacum W38 TET, transgenic cell cultures were established. Addition of chlorotetracycline to the medium led to specific induction of CPL activity. The optimal chlorotetracycline concentration was approximately 2 mg/l medium. Three to 5 h after induction, the ubiC mRNA concentration reached a maximum, while highest specific CPL activity was detected after 8 days. The artificial secondary metabolite 4HB was converted to glucosides, and their accumulation reached maximum levels after 5 weeks of subculture. The induction was reversible. Received: 31 May 1997 / Revision received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

W. Hüsemann  A. Plohr  W. Barz 《Protoplasma》1979,100(1):101-112
Summary Cell suspension cultures ofChenopodium rubrum have been grown for more than 2 years photoautotrophically with CO2 as sole carbon source. Average increase in fresh weight is appr. 600% within 14 days. The chlorophyll content of photoautotrophic cells (200 g/g fresh weight) is much higher than of photomixotrophic cells (50 g/g fresh weight). The photosynthetic activity of the cells (190 moles CO2×mg–1 chlorophyllXh–1) is comparable to the values found with intact leaves. As shown by short-term14CO2 photosynthesis, both, the photomixotrophic and the photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures assimilate CO2 predominantly via the Calvin pathway.Major differences were found with cells from either exponential or stationary phase of growth with regard to differential labelling of 3-phosphoglyceric acid, malate, sucrose and glucose/fructose.In vitro measurements of carboxylation reactions only partially corroborate our findings with14CO2 incorporation. The ratio of ribulosebisphosphate to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity is 4.7 for leaves of C.rubrum, 1.2 for photoautotrophic cells during stationary growth and 0.5 for cells during exponential growth phase, however, 0.18 was found for photomixotrophic cells. Though the14CO2 incorporation into 3-phosphoglyceric acid is clearly higher than into malate, thein vitro activity of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase is 2–6 fold higher than that of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase. We postulate that anaplerotic reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle are involved in the regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase.Abbreviations 2,4-D didilorophenoxyacetic acid - EDTA ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid - fr. w. fresh weight - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP nbulosebisphosphate  相似文献   

Catabolism of flavonol glucosides was investigated in plant cell suspension cultures using kaempferol 3-O-β-d-glucoside and kaempferol 7-O-β-d-glucoside labelled with 14C either in the glucose or in the flavonol moiety. Catabolic rates of glucosides were compared with those of free glucose and kaempferol. All substrates were degraded efficiently by cell cultures of mungbean, soybean, garbanzo bean and parsley. Based on 14CO2-formation, glucose from position 3 of kaempferol is 3–5 times more rapidly metabolized than that from position 7. The flavonol nucleus from both isomers is, however, oxidized to the same extent with a considerable portion of the flavonol being incorporated into insoluble polymeric cell material.  相似文献   

Lethal Yellowing (LY) disease of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) in Cuba has been reported since the end of the 19th century. In order to ascertain the presence of phytoplasmas associated with this disease, leaf samples were taken from plants showing typical disease symptoms and assayed for the LY agent by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using LY‐specific primers. Selected PCR amplification products were cloned, sequenced and compared to that of a Mexican LY isolate from the Yucatán region. The results obtained confirm the presence of LY phytoplasma in Cuba. Cuban and Mexican isolates show an overall high degree of sequence similarity with occasional point mutations and small deletions or insertions. Based on these identified genetic differences, LY isolates from the Havana and the Yucatán region cluster together and apart from isolates originating at Maisí in eastern Cuba.  相似文献   

Aims: Microbial contamination of cell culture production processes is a current concern for biopharmaceutical industries. Traditional testing methods require several days to detect contamination and may advantageously be replaced by a rapid detection method. We developed a new method combining membrane filtration to microcolonies fluorescence staining method (MFSM) and compared it to epifluorescence microscopy. Methods and Results: Both methods were used to detect bacteria in CHO cells cultures. The epifluorescence microscopy showed to be limited by filterability, media interference and nonrobustness issues, whereas MFSM enabled consistent detection of Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes after, respectively, 8, 9 and 48 h of incubation. Thanks to the nondestructive feature of the MFSM, stained membranes could be reincubated on culture media to yield visible colonies used for identification. Conclusions: The new method described in this study showed its ability to detect microbial contaminants in cell culture samples with time‐to‐results from 2–5 times shorter than the traditional testing method. Significance and Impact of the Study: The MFSM can be used as monitoring tool for cell cultures to significantly shorten detection times of microbial contamination, while preserving the ability to identify the contaminants and their viability.  相似文献   

The ability to detect viable contaminants in cultures propagated from the original host-expression system ensures that the integrity and purity of seed banks, fermentation broths, and ultimately the final product are continually controlled and maintained. The method developed to detect such agents must be selective for a broad spectrum of microbes, which may be present at very low levels, while discriminating from the host organisms. Although Pichia pastoris strains are frequently used as cell lines for the expression of heterologous proteins, a method that is specific for monitoring culture purity has yet to be reported for this type of organism. An assay that is capable of recovering contaminating bacteria, fungi, and closely related yeast from cultures of P. pastoris at parts per million detection limits is described here.  相似文献   

The accumulation of anthocyanin by clones and subclones from a cell suspension culture of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) has been measured under standard conditions. Clones which accumulate low amounts of anthocyanin were shown, by recloning after maintenance by serial passage, to have become heterogenous and to contain cells with increased accumulation of anthocyanin. There appears to be a maximum amount of anthocyanin that clones can accumulate. Clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin were shown by recloning after maintenance by serial passaging, to have become heterogenous and to contain many cells which accumulate less than the maximum possible amount of anthocyanin. When clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin are maintained by serial passage, the decline in anthocyanin accumulation is different in different media. The results indicate that the changes in the ability of cells to accumulate anthocyanin involve no qualitative change in the genetic information of the cells, i.e., the changes are not the consequence of mutations.  相似文献   

Abstract Flow cytometry was used to study the lag, exponential, stationary and death phases of non-fixed cultures of Escherichia coli . Fluctuations in the forward angle scatter signal (FALS) were compared with cell size as measured by scanning electron microscopy at low temperature and image analysis. A correlation between FALS and cell size was not observed, although a correlation (r = −0.8) was obtained between FALS and the age of the culture for the first eleven days of incubation. Marked increases in FALS were observed during the lag phase, which were attributed both to changes in size and changes in structure or chemical composition. The distribution of FALS for all culture phases was asymmetric, and was associated with the cell size distribution.  相似文献   

The uptake of mineral nutrients from two media with different mineral composition, a classical MSA medium and a modified MH2 medium, by Saponaria officinalis (soapwort) cells was studied over a growth cycle of 14 days, by continuous measurement of mineral consumption without opening the culture flasks. The mineral composition of the MH2 medium was found to be better suited to S. officinalis cells. Culture on MSA medium showed that copper is probably a factor limiting growth, that phosphate is rapidly exhausted from this medium, that its strong ammonium concentration is antagonistic to the absorption of potassium and, lastly, that sodium and chlorine may be considered as non-essential elements. Received: 13 March 1998 / Revision received: 9 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1998  相似文献   

The five viruses which classically cause hepatitis in man represent diverse families of viruses and share in common only a striking hepatotropism and substantial restrictions to replication in conventional cell cultures. Hepatitis A virus is unique among these viruses in that it is amenable to propagation in cell culture, but replication of this virus is much slower and less efficient than replication of other picornaviruses. This probably reflects less efficient cap-independent viral translation, as well as restrictions at other points in the replication cycle. We speculate that the significantly restricted replication of hepatitis viruses in cell culture reflects evolutionary forces controlling their transmission and propagation through human populations.  相似文献   

Neurons in primary cell cultures provide important experimental possibilities complementing or substituting those in the nervous system. However, Drosophila primary cell cultures have unfortunate limitations: they lack either a range of naturally occurring cell types, or of mature physiological properties. Here, we demonstrate a strategy which supports both aspects integrated in one culture: Initial culturing in conventional serum-supplemented Schneider's medium (SM(20K)) guarantees acquisition of all properties known from 30 years of work on cell type-specific differentiation in this medium. Through subsequent shift to newly developed active Schneider's medium (SM(active)), neurons adopt additional mature properties like the ability to carry out plastic morphological changes, neurotransmitter expression and electrical activity. We introduce long-term FM-dye measurements as a tool for Drosophila primary cell cultures demonstrating the presence of increased, action potential-dependent synaptic activity in SM(active). This is confirmed by patch-clamp recordings, which in addition show that SM(active)-cultured neurons display different spiking patterns. Furthermore, we demonstrate that transmission can be evoked in SM(active) cultures, revealing the existence of synaptic plasticity. Thus, these culture conditions support developmental, structural and physiological properties known or expected from the nervous system, enhancing possibilities for future experiments complementing or substituting those in nervous systems of Drosophila.  相似文献   

James R. Wong  Ian M. Sussex 《Planta》1980,148(2):103-107
Variant clones were isolated from Nicotiana silvestris Speg. et Comes cell cultures at low frequencies following severe abscisic-acid (ABA) or mannitol-induced water-stress treatments of plated cells. N. tabacum L. variants were not recovered. Variants from the ABA selection experiments exhibited a 10-fold increase in resistance to the hormone. This trait was stable in non-selective conditions for as long as was tested (200 days), but did not alter the response of the cells to water stress. Cell lines from the waterstress selection were not more resistant to mannitol than the parent line, and had a wide range of response to ABA.  相似文献   

14-Deacetoxyl sinenxan A [2,5,10β-triacetoxy-4(20),11-taxadiene, 1] was converted to two new products, 10β-hydroxy-2,5-diacetoxy-4(20),11-taxadiene (2) and 10β-butyloxy-2,5-diacetoxy-4(20),11-taxadiene (3) both about in 20% yields by Ginkgo cell suspension cultures. Their structures were identified on the basis of their chemical and spectroscopic data. The three compounds (1–3) were preliminarily evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxic activities against two solid tumor cell lines and their drug-resistant counterparts (KB and KB/V, MCF-7 and MCF-7/ADR), and the decreased activities were observed in the case of the two products. The results suggested that biotransformation might be a valuable approach to diversifying natural products and provide some useful information on the study on the structure–activity relationships of the type of compounds.  相似文献   

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