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Previous studies evaluated 3D human jaw movements using kinematic analysis systems during mouth opening, but information on the reliability of such measurements is still scarce. The purpose of this study was to analyze within- and between-session reliabilities, inter-rater reliability, standard error of measurement (SEM), minimum detectable change (MDC) and consistency of agreement across raters and sessions of 3D kinematic variables during maximum mouth opening (MMO). Thirty-six asymptomatic subjects from both genders were evaluated on two different days, five to seven days apart. Subjects performed three MMO movements while kinematic data were collected. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), SEM and MDC were calculated for all variables, and Bland-Altman plots were constructed. Jaw radius and width were the most reproducible variables (ICC > 0.81) and demonstrated minor error. Incisor displacement during MMO and angular movements in the sagittal plane presented good reliability (ICC from 0.61 to 0.8) and small errors and, consequently, could be used in future studies with the same methodology and population. The variables with smaller amplitudes (condylar translations during mouth opening and closing and mandibular movements on the frontal and transversal planes) were less reliable (ICC < 0.61) and presented larger SEM and MDC. Although ICC, SEM and MDC showed less between-session reproducibility than within-session and inter-rater, the limits of agreement were larger in inter-rater comparisons. In future studies care must be taken with variables collected on different days and with mandibular movements in the frontal and transversal planes.  相似文献   

While differences in joint kinematics and kinetics between control subjects and patients before and after total hip arthroplasty (THA) has often been studied, inter-joint coordination has not been fully characterized. We hypothesized that in patients undergoing THA, inter-joint coordination (i) is different from control subjects before surgery, (ii) changes from pre-operative to post-operative, and (iii) remains different from control subjects after surgery. Seventy-eight subjects underwent gait analysis before and ∼1 year after primary unilateral THA. 109 control subjects were age, sex, and BMI matched to the THA group. We selected a representative trial at each subjects’ self-selected walking speed from a motion analysis data repository. To assess kinematic coordination, we constructed sagittal plane hip-knee angle cyclograms, and calculated total, stance, and swing phase plot area (deg2). To assess kinetic coordination, we calculated the support moment (MS, %wt 1 ht), the time-integral of support moment (MS impulse, %wt 1 ht 1 t), and the relative contribution of each joint to MS impulse (%Hip, %Knee, %Ankle). We used t-tests to compare groups. Total and swing-phase cyclogram area was smaller preoperatively, but improved to control values after THA. Swing-phase area was smaller than control values after THA. MS impulse was larger in THA subjects than controls both before and after surgery. While, the relative contribution of the hip to MS impulse was not different from control values, the contributions of the knee and ankle were smaller. Inter-joint coordination, as measured by hip-knee angle cyclograms and MS impulse, may be used to distinguish differences in gait mechanics between osteoarthritis and THA. Future work focusing on coordination among joints may be needed to fully restore gait function.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to measure postero-anterior stiffness of thoracolumbar spine from normal asymptomatic subjects at T4, T9, and L2 levels using a standardized device and protocol. Sixteen volunteer subjects (eight males and eight females) meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited for the study. Their T4, T9, and L2 spinous processes were identified and marked. These spinous processes were cyclically loaded with 22.5 N, 45 N, 90 N, and 135 N fixed forces at 0.1 Hz in postero-anterior direction by a computer controlled and operated Therapeutic Spinal Mobilizer (TSM) for five cycles to the level of subject’s acceptance of the load magnitude. The magnitude of the force and displacement experienced at the spinal level were recorded using a load cell and linear variable differential transducer. The stiffness was obtained from the slope of the load/deformation curve. The stiffness values were subjected to analysis of variance to determine the effect of independent variables. The stiffness at different levels was significantly different (p < 0.0001) and it was significantly affected by the testing load (p < 0.0001). The age, sex, height and weight were not significantly associated with the stiffness, neither were the cycles at the same load. The postero-anterior stiffness of the thoracolumbar spine is different at different spinal levels and varies with testing loads.  相似文献   

To examine whether habituation confounds the study of whiplash injury using human subjects, we quantified changes in the magnitude and temporal development of the neck muscle electromyogram and peak linear and angular head/torso kinematics of subjects exposed to sequential whiplash-like perturbations. Forty-four seated subjects (23F, 21M) underwent 11 consecutive forward horizontal perturbations (peak sled acceleration=1.5 g). Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and cervical paraspinal (PARA) muscles with surface electrodes, and head and torso kinematics were measured using linear and angular accelerometers and a 3D motion analysis system. EMG onset occurred at reflex latencies (67-75 ms in SCM) and did not vary with repeated perturbations. EMG amplitude was significantly attenuated by the second perturbation in PARA muscles and by the third perturbation in SCM muscles. The mean decrement in EMG amplitude between the first trial and the mean of the last five trials was between 41% and 64%. Related kinematic changes ranged from a 21% increase in head extension angle to a 29% decrease in forward acceleration at the forehead, and were also significantly different by the second exposure in some variables. Although a wider range of perturbation intensities and inter-perturbation intervals need to be studied, the significant changes observed in both muscle and kinematic variables by the second perturbation indicated that habituation was a potential confounder of whiplash injury studies using repeated perturbations of human subjects.  相似文献   

Scapular kinematics alterations have been found following muscle fatigue. Considering the importance of the lower trapezius in coordinated scapular movement, this study aimed to investigate the effects of elastic taping (Kinesio taping, KT) for muscle facilitation on scapular kinematics of healthy overhead athletes following muscle fatigue. Twenty-eight athletes were evaluated in a crossover, single-blind, randomized design, in three sessions: control (no taping), KT (KT with tension) and sham (KT without tension). Scapular tridimensional kinematics and EMG of clavicular and acromial portions of upper trapezius, lower trapezius and serratus anterior were evaluated during arm elevation and lowering, before and after a fatigue protocol involving repetitive throwing. Median power frequency decline of serratus anterior was significantly lower in KT session compared to sham, possibly indicating lower muscle fatigue. However, the effects of muscle fatigue on scapular kinematics were not altered by taping conditions. Although significant changes were found in scapular kinematics following muscle fatigue, they were small and not considered relevant. It was concluded that healthy overhead athletes seem to present an adaptive mechanism that avoids the disruption of scapular movement pattern following muscle fatigue. Therefore, these athletes do not benefit from the use of KT to assist scapular movement under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study aimed to investigate the effect of elastic taping on kinematics, muscle activity and strength of the scapular region in baseball players with shoulder impingement.ScopeSeventeen baseball players with shoulder impingement were recruited from three amateur baseball teams. All subjects received both the elastic taping (Kinesio TexTM) and the placebo taping (3 M Micropore tape) over the lower trapezius muscle. We measured the 3-dimensional scapular motion, electromyographic (EMG) activities of the upper and lower trapezius, and the serratus anterior muscles during arm elevation. Strength of the lower trapezius was tested prior to and after each taping application. The results of the analyses of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures showed that the elastic taping significantly increased the scapular posterior tilt at 30° and 60° during arm raising and increased the lower trapezius muscle activity in the 60–30° arm lowering phase (p < 0.05) in comparison to the placebo taping.ConclusionsThe elastic taping resulted in positive changes in scapular motion and muscle performance. The results supported its use as a treatment aid in managing shoulder impingement problems.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) neuromuscular training programs have demonstrated beneficial effects in reducing ACL injuries, yet further evaluation of their effects on biomechanical measures across a sports team season is required to elucidate the specific factors that are modifiable. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 10-week off-season neuromuscular training program on lower extremity kinematics. Twelve Division I female soccer players (age: 19.2 ± 0.8 years, height: 1.67 ± 0.1 m, weight: 60.2 ± 6.5 kg) performed unanticipated dynamic trials of a running stop-jump task pretraining and posttraining. Data collection was performed using an 8-camera Vicon system (Los Angeles, CA, USA) and 2 Bertec (Columbus, OH, USA) force plates. The 10-week training program consisted of resistance training 2 times per week and field training, consisting of plyometric, agility, and speed drills, 2 times per week. Repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to assess the differences between pretraining and posttraining kinetics and kinematics of the hip, knee, and ankle at initial contact (IC), peak knee flexion (PKF), and peak stance. Repeated measures ANOVAs were also used to assess isometric strength differences pretraining and posttraining. The alpha level was set at 0.05 a priori. The training program demonstrated significant increases in left hip extension, left and right hip flexion, and right hip adduction isometric strength. At IC, knee abduction angle moved from an abducted to an adducted position (-1.48 ± 3.65° to 1.46 ± 3.86°, p = 0.007), and hip abduction angle increased (-6.05 ± 4.63° to -10.34 ± 6.83°, p = 0.007). Hip abduction angle at PKF increased (-2.23 ± 3.40° to 6.01 ± 3.82°, p = 0.002). The maximum knee extension moment achieved at peak stance increased from pretraining to posttraining (2.02 ± 0.32 to 2.38 ± 0.75 N·m·kg?1, p = 0.027). The neuromuscular training program demonstrated a potential positive effect in altering mechanics that influence the risk of incurring an ACL injury.  相似文献   

Characterization of scapular kinematics under demanding load conditions might aid to distinguish between physiological and clinically relevant alterations. Previous investigations focused only on submaximal external load situations. How scapular movement changes with maximal load remains unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate 3D scapular kinematics during unloaded and maximal loaded shoulder flexion and extension. Twelve asymptomatic individuals performed shoulder flexion and extension movements under unloaded and maximal concentric and eccentric loaded isokinetic conditions. 3D scapular kinematics assessed with a motion capture system was analyzed for 20° intervals of humeral positions from 20° to 120° flexion. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to evaluate kinematic differences between load conditions for scapular position angles, scapulohumeral rhythm and scapular motion extent. Increased scapular upward rotation was seen during shoulder flexion and extension as well as decreased posterior tilt and external rotation during eccentric and concentric arm descents of maximal loaded compared to unloaded conditions. Load effects were further seen for the scapulohumeral rhythm with greater scapular involvement at lower humeral positions and increased scapular motion extent under maximal loaded shoulder movements. With maximal load applied to the arm physiological scapular movement pattern are induced that may imply both impingement sparing and causing mechanisms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the prevalence of silent myocardial ischaemia associated with coronary artery disease in diabetic subjects with that in controls of similar age and sex. DESIGN--A controlled study in which subjects with positive findings on exercise electrocardiography, 24 hour electrocardiographic recording, or dynamic thallium scintigraphy (diabetics only) underwent coronary angiography. SETTING--Academic medical centre; referral based cardiology clinic. SUBJECTS--136 Diabetic subjects, of whom 72 (33 women, 39 men (mean age 46.0] were insulin dependent and 64 (19 women, 45 men (mean age 49.3] non-insulin dependent. 80 Controls matched for age and sex; all were clients of the Occupational Health Service of Oulu University Central Hospital or the State Occupational Health Service Station in Oulu in whom diabetes had been excluded by a glucose tolerance test. INTERVENTIONS--Any subject showing signs of myocardial ischaemia was referred for cardiac catheterization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Exercise electrocardiography and 24 hour electrocardiographic recording were regarded as positive if there were ST depressions of greater than or equal to 1 mm that were planar or downsloping and persisted for 0.08 seconds after the J point. Thallium tomographic imaging. With cardiac catheterisation, coronary artery lesions were classified as significant in half or more of the vessel lumen was narrowed, or insignificant if such narrowing was less than half. RESULTS--40 (29%) diabetes and four (5%) controls had positive results in one or more of the non-invasive tests. Coronary angiography was performed on 34 of the diabetics (six refused); 12 had significant coronary artery narrowing; seven had unimportant atherosclerosis; 15 had patent coronary arteries. Among the controls only one had unimportant atherosclerosis; the other three had patent arteries. CONCLUSIONS--These results confirm the high prevalence of asymptomatic myocardial ischaemia in diabetics. Non-invasive screening of diabetic subjects, however, does not seem justified because of the low preset probability of the presence of the disease and the inaccuracy of the available test methods.  相似文献   

Nutritional adequacy and physical activity are two aspects of a health-promoting lifestyle. Not much is known about antioxidant nutrient requirements for exercising elderly (EE) subjects. The question of whether exercise training alters the status of antioxidant vitamins as well as trace elements in elderly subjects and fails to balance the age-related increase in oxidative stress is addressed in this study. There were 18 EE (68.1+/-3.1 years), 7 sedentary elderly (SE; 70.4+/-5.0 years), 17 exercising young (EY; 31.2+/-7.1 years) and 8 sedentary young (SY; 27.1+/-5.8 years) subjects who completed 7-day food and activity records. Each subject's blood was sampled on Day 8. A similar selenium (Se) status but a higher erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity were found in EE subjects as compared with EY and SE subjects. Blood oxidized glutathione was higher and plasma total thiol was lower in EE subjects as compared with EY subjects. Mean vitamin C (167 vs. 106 mg/day), vitamin E (11.7 vs. 8.3 mg/day) and beta-carotene (4 vs. 2.4 mg/day) intakes were higher in EE subjects as compared with EY subjects. However, EE subjects exhibited the lowest plasma carotenoid concentrations, especially in beta-carotene, which was not related to intakes. Despite high intakes of antioxidant micronutrients, no adaptive mechanism able to counteract the increased oxidative stress in aging was found in EE subjects. Results on GSH-Px activity illustrate that the nature of the regulation of this biomarker of Se status is different in response to training and aging. These data also strongly suggest specific antioxidant requirements for athletes with advancing age, with a special attention to carotenoids.  相似文献   

Scapular position affects shoulder mobility, which plays an important role in the upper limb adaptations in primates. However, currently available data on scapular position are unsatisfactory because of the failure to simultaneously consider the relative dimensions of all the three skeletal elements of the shoulder girdle, i.e. the clavicle, the scapula and the thorax. In the present study, the clavicular length and the scapular spine length were measured on preserved cadavers, and the dorsoventral thoracic diameter was measured on scaled radiographs of a wide range of primates, permitting a quantitative comparison of scapular position among primates. It was found that arboreal monkeys have a more dorsally situated scapula than terrestrial ones, but the same difference was not found between terrestrial and arboreal prosimians. Hominoids were found to have the most dorsally situated scapula. Contrary to the slow climbing theory of hominoid evolution, which tries to explain most postcranial specializations of hominoids as adaptations for slow climbing, the scapulae of slow-climbing lorines and Alouatta are much less dorsal than those of the hominoids.  相似文献   

Athletes with rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy demonstrate an aberrant pattern of scapular motion which might relate to deficits in the scapular muscles. This study aimed to determine whether alteration in scapular kinematics is associated with deficits in the activity onset of scapular muscles. Forty-three male volleyball players (17 asymptomatic and 26 with RC tendinopathy) joined the study. Three-dimensional scapular kinematics was quantified using an acromial marker cluster method. The activity onset of the upper (UT), middle (MT), and lower trapezius (LT), and serratus anterior (SA) during arm abduction was assessed with electromyography. Athletes with RC tendinopathy demonstrated less scapular upward rotation (6.6 ± 2.3 vs. 8.2 ± 1.1°, p = 0.021) in the early phase of shoulder abduction from 0° to 30° when compared to asymptomatic athletes. The tendinopathy group had delayed activity onset of LT (14.1 ± 31.4 ms vs. 74.4 ± 45.1 ms, p < 0.001) and SA (−44.9 ± 26.0 ms vs. 23.0 ± 25.2 ms, p < 0.001) relative to UT when compared to the asymptomatic group. In asymptomatic athletes, earlier activity onset of MT and LT relative to UT was associated with more scapular upward rotation during 0–30° of abduction (r = 0.665, p = 0.021) and 30–60° of abduction (r = 0.680, p = 0.015), respectively. Our findings showed the control of the scapular upward rotation is related to the activity onset of the scapular muscles in athletes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the range of mandibular movements and to analyze the difference in range of mouth opening, right and left lateral movements, and protrusive movement between patients with clinical diagnoses of temporomandibular disorders and asymptomatic subjects (control group) in a young male population. A total of 240 subjects, aged 19-28, were included in the study. The TMD sample comprised 180 patients (60 patients with muscle disorders; 60 patients with disc displacement with reduction; and 60 patients with muscle disorders and disc displacement with reduction) and was compared with 60 healthy control subjects. All participants were evaluated by the attending dentists at baseline by means of a physical examination of the masticatory system and a history questionnaire which included the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis I measures. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the post hoc Bonferroni criteria showed significant difference in ranges of mandibular movements between and within the groups of asymptomatic subjects and TMD patients for active mouth opening (p = 0.001), right lateral movement (p = 0.002), left lateral movement (p = 0.006), and protrusive movement (p = 0.05). It has been found that there are statistically significant differences in the range of mandibular movements that separate asymptomatic subjects and patients with muscle disorders and disc displacements with reduction in this young male population. However, we cannot conclude that measurements of active mandibular movements can discriminate one group (TMD patients) from the other (asymptomatic subjects), because the mean ranges of these active movements between the groups were measured in clinically "normal" values.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the application of postural taping on the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex, electromyographic (EMG) activity of back extensor muscles, and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in the low back during patient transfer. In total, 19 male physical therapists with chronic low back pain performed patient transfers with and without the application of postural taping on the low back. The kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex and EMG activity of the erector spinae were recorded using a synchronized 3-D motion capture system and surface EMG. RPE was measured using Borg’s CR-10 scale. Differences in kinematic data, EMG activity, and RPE between the two conditions were analyzed using a paired t-test. Peak angle and range of motion (ROM) of lumbar flexion, EMG activity of the erector spinae, and RPE decreased significantly, while peak angle and ROM of pelvic anterior tilt and hip flexion increased significantly during patient transfer under the postural taping condition versus no taping (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that postural taping can change back extensor muscle activity and RPE as well as the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex in physical therapists with chronic low back pain during patient transfer.  相似文献   

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