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Diphtheria toxin has the capacity to block protein synthesis in cultured mammalian cells, and thus causing cell death. This capacity of diphtheria toxin was utilized for in-vitro neutralization test to determine antibody titer, using Vero cells, which have been found to be susceptible to diphtheria toxin. In the present study, a Vero cell assay was standardized and validated for potency estimation of diphtheria antitoxin serum (DATS). The results obtained by Vero cell assay were compared with in-vivo biological assay. High degree of correlation (+0.98) was found between in-vivo biological assay and in-vitro Vero cell assay. The assay has also been found to be effective in determining the rising antibody titer in the equines inducted in DATS production. The present study indicated that although biological assays hold the key for final potency estimations till date but in the future scenario in-vitro Vero cell assay may be a good alternative to in-vivo biological assay.  相似文献   

The occurrence of boar taint and the European Commission recommendation to discontinue the surgical castration of pigs by the year 2018 creates an urgent need for new analytical methods that are simple, affordable, and suitable for field testing. We describe the generation and engineering of a skatole-specific antibody derived from a synthetic antibody library and the development of ELISA for its detection. The immunoassay is capable of detecting skatole with IC50 of 222 μg L−1, which is within the analytical threshold level suggested for skatole, and with low cross-reactivity interference from other indolic compounds.  相似文献   

A microtissue culture method for the assay of low concentrations of diphtheria antitoxin in human sera has been developed, using a monkey kidney cell (VERO) culture technique. Results obtained with sera from nonvaccinated children and with immune sera from children vaccinated with three and four injections of diphtheria pertussis tetanus vaccine were in agreement with antitoxin levels considered necessary to denote immunity to diphtheria. The use of microplates and organic buffer for culturing the animal cells improved the stability of the tissue culture system. The described method is sensitive, economical, and applicable for the titration of antitoxin in human sera particularly from infants and children from whom a minimum amount of serum is available.  相似文献   

绿脓杆菌抗毒素精制方法与效价测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用胃酶消化──硫酸铵盐析法对绿脓杆菌外毒素A(PEA)免疫马血浆进行了试制提纯,对该法酶处理及热变性中影响精制效果的几个主要因素进行了比较试验,同时对文中采用的4种效价测定方法进行了筛选。结果表明,胃酶消化法可用于PEA免疫马血浆的精制;效价测定以生物学方法(细胞毒性中和试验、小鼠致死毒性中和试验)为佳。综合比较试验的结果,本文拟订了PEA免疫马血浆精制的“修订法”并与“常规法”进行了精制比较。初步结果表明,修订法的精制效果优于常规法。  相似文献   

In this study, the coding region of type O FMDV capsid protein VP1 and a series of codon optimized DNA sequences coding for VP1 amino acid residues 141–160 (epitope1), tandem repeat 200–213 (epitope2 (+2)) and the combination of two epitopes (epitope1–2) was genetically cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pPROExHTb and pGEX4T-1, respectively. VP1 and the fused epitopes GST-E1, GST-E2 (+2) and GST-E1-2 were successfully solubly expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli and Western blot analysis demonstrated they retained antigenicity. Indirect VP1-ELISA and epitope ELISAs were subsequently developed to screen a panel of 80 field pig sera using LPB-ELISA as a standard test. For VP1-ELISA and all the epitope ELISAs, there were clear distinctions between the FMDV-positive and the FMDV-negative samples. Cross-reactions with pig sera positive to the viruses of swine vesicular disease virus that produce clinically indistinguishable syndromes in pigs or guinea pig antisera to FMDV strains of type A, C and Asia1 did not occur. The relative sensitivity and specificity for the GST-E1 ELISA, GST-E2 (+2), GST-E1-2 ELISA and VP1-ELISA in comparison with LPB-ELISA were 93.3% and 85.0%, 95.0% and 90%, 100% and 81.8%, 96.6% and 80.9% respectively. This study shows the potential use of the aforementioned epitopes as alternatives to the complex antigens used in current detection for antibody to FMDV structural proteins.  相似文献   

An ELISA method for the detection and quantification of human heparanase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Heparanase is a mammalian endo-beta-D-glucuronidase that cleaves heparan sulfate side chains at a limited number of sites. Heparanase enzymatic activity is thought to participate in degradation and remodeling of the extracellular matrix and to facilitate cell invasion associated with tumor metastasis, angiogenesis, and inflammation. Traditionally, heparanase activity was well correlated with the metastatic potential of a large number of tumor-derived cell types. More recently, heparanase upregulation was detected in an increasing number of primary human tumors, correlating, in some cases, with poor postoperative survival and increased tumor vascularity. The present study was undertaken to develop a highly sensitive ELISA suitable for the determination and quantification of human heparanase in tissue extracts and body fluids. The assay preferentially detects the 8+50 kDa active heparanase heterodimer vs. the latent 65 kDa proenzyme and correlates with immunoblot analysis of heparanase containing samples. It detects heparanase at concentrations as low as 200 pg/ml and is suitable for quantification of heparanase in tissue extracts and urine.  相似文献   

In this study,the coding region of type O FMDV capsid protein VP1 and a series of codon optimized DNA sequences coding for VP1 amino acid residues 141-160(epitope1),tandem repeat 200-213(epitope2(+2)) and the combination of two epitopes(epitope1-2)was genetically cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pPROExHTb and pGEX4T-1,respectively.VP1 and the fused epitopes GST-E1,GST-E2(+2)and GST-E1-2 were successfully solubly expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli and Western blot analysis demonstrat...  相似文献   

Antibody phage display libraries (Griffin and Tomlinson I) displaying antibody genes and maintained and amplified in Escherichia coli were used to isolate antibodies to the hapten target microcystin LR (1000 Da) conjugated to either bovine serum albumin or keyhole limpet haemocyanin. In competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, bacterially expressed antibodies selected via the Griffin library showed at least 300 times greater sensitivity than those isolated from the Tomlinson library, for free microcystin. Bacterially expressed phage antibody libraries provide a rapid and relatively easy route for the selection of monoclonal antibodies specific for even the most difficult of antigenic targets such as free haptens.  相似文献   

The pneumococcal epsilon zeta antitoxin toxin (PezAT) system is a chromosomally encoded, class II toxin antitoxin system from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumnoniae. Neutralization of the bacteriotoxic protein PezT is carried out by complex formation with its cognate antitoxin PezA. Here we study the stability of the inhibitory complex in vivo and in vitro. We found that toxin release is impeded in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis due to the proteolytic resistance of PezA once bound to PezT. These findings are supported by in vitro experiments demonstrating a strong thermodynamic stabilization of both proteins upon binding. A detailed kinetic analysis of PezAT assembly revealed that these particular features of PezAT are based on a strong, electrostatically guided binding mechanism leading to a stable toxin antitoxin complex with femtomolar affinity. Our data show that PezAT complex formation is distinct to all other conventional toxin antitoxin modules and a controlled mode of toxin release is required for activation.  相似文献   

应用ELISA定量结合试验和ELISA定量抑制试验,测定出三株鼠抗人B血型物质单克隆抗体3-3-D9(IgGl),3-5-D12(IgGl)和6-1-G11(IgA)结合部位的结构和特异性。研究发现三株抗B血型单克隆抗体仅结合B血型物质,而不结合A,H和L_e~a血型物质,表现出对B血型的高度特异性。同时这些单抗对B血型物质TijⅡ phenol-insoluble有较高亲和力,与另一B血型物质Beach phenol-insoluble亲和力较低,尽管Beach phenol-insoluble是6-1-G11免疫用抗原。3-3-D9和3-5-D12结合部位互补于含有双分子岩藻糖残基的。这一发现在世界上尚属首次。6-1-G11结合部位互补于含有单分子岩藻糖残基的02E.Glα1。这些单克隆抗体结合部位结构和特异性的揭示,为在临床血液分型试验中广泛应用这些抗B血型单克隆抗体,取代沿用已久的人多克隆抗血清奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A new technology from Quanterix called SiMoA (single molecule array) which employs a fully automated system capable of ultrasensitive sandwich based ELISA detection was explored. Our studies focused upon the inhibition of the autophagy initiating kinase ULK1 by measuring the both total Atg13 and the phosphorylation of Atg13(pSer318) from control and following compound treatment in either overexpressing or wild type tissue culture samples. The results show linear protein concentration dependence over two orders of magnitude and provide an assay window of 8- to 100-fold signal to background for inhibition of phosphorylation for both wild type and overexpressed samples, respectively. Moreover, overexpressed samples displayed 17-fold pSer318-Atg13 above wild type levels of with no apparent differences in compound potency. Lastly, the inhibition of ULK1 from mouse derived wild type xenografts also demonstrated loss of pSer318-Atg13 upon ULK1 inhibitor treatment that compared favorably to Western blot. These results show that the SiMoA technology can detect quantitatively low levels of endogenous biomarkers with the ability to detect the loss of pSer318-Atg13 upon ULK1 inhibition.  相似文献   

Immunoassays are increasingly used to investigate the production, properties and fates of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxic microcystins in vitro and in vivo. Responses of an ELISA immunoassay to microcystins have been determined using the authentic toxin antigen, microcystin-LR, and conjugation products between the toxin and glutathione, cysteine-glycine and cysteine. The antibodies against microcystin-LR crossreacted with the toxin conjugation products with similar affinities (96-112%) to that of microcystin-LR, when assayed at a concentration of 1 microg l(-1). Toxicity assessment of the conjugates, in comparison to microcystin-LR, indicated a reduction according to mouse bioassay. In vitro protein phosphatase inhibition assay indicated that the conjugates possessed approximately 3-9-fold lower toxicity than microcystin-LR.  相似文献   

分别以牛血清白蛋白和人血清白蛋白作为封闭液的主要成分测定7份血清中抗b型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖的抗体含量,结果显示,两组数据之间没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。分别用HRP标记的羊抗人IgG和HRP标记的鼠抗人IgG测定该7份血清,结果显示两组结果无显著性差异(P>0.05)。同时,将血清反应的温度和时间由37℃1.5h改为4℃16h(过夜),结果显示两者无显著性差异(P>0.05)。从而优化了该方法。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum and Neospora caninum are common parasites in domesticated cattle worldwide, including in Japan. We carried out a serological survey to detect C. parvum and N. caninum infection among cattle in the southern Kyushu region of Japan—including the small islands—by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on recombinant antigens. We found that total seropositivity in 570 Japanese black cattle was 96.3% for C. parvum and 18.4% for N. caninum. Although seroprevalence was correlated with cattle age, differences in the seroprevalence of C. parvum among age groups were not statistically significant. On the other hand, N. caninum seroprevalence increased with age, suggesting horizontal transmission through ingestion of food or water contaminated with oocysts. These findings underscore the importance of monitoring C. parvum and N. caninum in cattle and implementing measures to prevent the spread of infection to other livestock and to humans.  相似文献   

鸡痘是危害养鸡业发展的一种传染病,不分日龄大小均可发病,肉鸡和蛋鸡均可感染,发病期1—2周,雏鸡死亡率较高,可达5%~30%不等,近年来发病率和死亡率有上升趋势,并且免疫失败的病例时有发生。为了建立接种疫苗后抗体监测手段和研究感染鸡痘病毒后抗体产生规律,我们建立了间接  相似文献   

鸡痘是危害养鸡业发展的一种传染病,不分日龄大小均可发病,肉鸡和蛋鸡均可感染,发病期1-2周,雏鸡死亡率较高,可达5%~30%不等[1],近年来发病率和死亡率有上升趋势,并且免疫失败的病例时有发生[2].为了建立接种疫苗后抗体监测手段和研究感染鸡痘病毒后抗体产生规律,我们建立了间接ELISA检测鸡痘病毒抗体的方法,进一步做了中和试验和用阳性血清治疗鸡痘的试验,报告如下.  相似文献   

目的对兰州生物制品研究所有限责任公司研制的鼠疫菌F1抗体酶联免疫诊断试剂盒和鼠疫菌F1抗原酶联免疫诊断试剂盒进行临床应用评价。方法采用双抗原/抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)、间接血球凝集试验(IHA)、胶体金免疫层析试验(GICA)3种方法的诊断试剂对比检测云南省地方病防治所中心实验室保藏的和现场采集的血清样品和脏器样品,对血清样品做鼠疫菌F1抗体检测,对脏器样品做鼠疫菌F1抗原检测。结果在358份血清样品中,ELISA试剂检出F1抗体阳性52份(14.52%),IHA试剂检出阳性37份(10.34%),GICA试剂检出阳性45份(12.57%)。ELISA与IHA试剂的符合率为95.23%,与GICA试剂的符合率为96.92%。经统计学χ2检验,ELISA试剂检出F1抗体阳性率高于IHA试剂(χ2=11.53,P=0.000 7),与GICA试剂检出的差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.27,P=0.070 4)。进一步分析滴度差值频数,ELISA试剂检测人血清的敏感性高于IHA试剂的样品占87.5%。在117份脏器样品中,3种试剂均检出F1抗原阳性15份(12.82%),符合率100%。滴度差值频数比较,ELISA试剂检测敏感性高于反向间接血球凝集试验(RIHA)试剂的样品为78.57%。结论兰州生物制品研究所有限责任公司研制的鼠疫菌F1抗体酶联免疫诊断试剂盒和鼠疫菌F1抗原酶联免疫诊断试剂盒性质特异,其敏感性优于IHA试剂盒和GICA试剂条,值得在鼠疫的监测和快速诊断中推广应用。  相似文献   

A schizont antigen for the indirect fluorescent antibody test was prepared from an in vitro culture suspension of lymphoid cells infected with Theileria annulata macroschizonts. Two cattle recovered from T. annulata infection showed marked rises in antibody titer to this schizont antigen, with peak titers of 1:40,960 and 1:2560. Using sera from these recovered cattle, T. annulata cell culture schizont antigen was shown to cross-react markedly with Theileria parva and Theileria lawrencei cell culture schizonts and with Theileria mutans piroplasms in the indirect fluorescent antibody test. In contrast, using high-titer antisera to T. parva, T. lawrencei, and T. mutans, serological cross-reactions with T. annulata schizonts were only detected with T. parva and T. lawrencei antisera, and in both instances these were minimal. The value of the indirect fluorescent antibody test in the differential diagnosis of Theileria species pathogenic for cattle is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) setup to improve the sensitivity of commercial or homemade ELISAs. In the new ELISA setup, an IMAPlate 5RC96, a disposable multi-utility lab device developed by NCL New Concept Lab is used as a self-uptaking microcuvette array to read out the result of the ELISA that is performed in the normal 96-well plate with reduced substrate solution and stop solution. A commercial interleukin-6 (IL-6) ELISA reagent kit was used for the evaluation. Compared with the conventional ELISA setup, the new ELISA setup could easily increase the absorbance values by up to more than 10-fold. Therefore, the sensitivity (change in absorbance/change in concentration [ΔAbs/ΔConc]) is increased accordingly. In addition, methods to extend the upper detection limit of plate readers for the IMAPlate 5RC96 are described. This new ELISA setup may be more notable for the approach employed than for the specific analyte. It should generally be applicable to any conventional ELISA and should serve as an example of a simple solution that increases the detection sensitivity and/or detection range of other assays as well. We expect the approach to have a substantial practical impact on analytical methods and to accelerate discovery, research, and application of analytes at low concentration in life sciences and diagnostics.  相似文献   

The rat NMDAR1 (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor) was expressed transiently in human embryonic kidney cells. Transfected cell homogenates showed saturable [3H]MK-801 binding activity that was best fit by a single high-affinity site with a KD of 9 nM and a Bmax of 113 fmol of binding sites/mg of protein. Antibodies raised against the peptide sequence NMDAR1 (929-938) coupled to keyhole limpet haemocyanin specifically recognised a single band with M(r) 117,000 in immunoblots from adult rat brain. In the transfected cells, the antibody recognised two bands: one with M(r) 117,000, which was coincident with that from brain membranes, and one with M(r) 97,000, which was identified as nonglycosylated NMDAR1 subunit. These results identify the NMDAR1 of rat brain and further show that the homooligomer binds MK-801, albeit at low efficiency.  相似文献   

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